
    Podcast Summary

    • Identifying and addressing problemsRecognizing and tackling issues head-on, through innovative solutions or unconventional advice, can lead to significant improvements and positive change.

      Overcoming problems requires identifying and addressing them. 3rd love addressed the problem of finding a comfortable and properly fitting bra by introducing half cup sizes and a virtual fitting room. Pampers solved the problem of keeping babies' skin healthy with their Swaddlers diapers and gentle wipes. Sometimes, the worst advice can lead to the best outcomes, as Glennon Doyle discovered when her therapist suggested she give more blowjobs, which ultimately motivated her to leave an unfulfilling situation. In summary, recognizing and tackling issues head-on, whether through innovative solutions or unconventional advice, can lead to significant improvements and positive change.

    • Question the advice you receiveBe cautious of advice, especially from those in power, and trust your instinctual voice to guide you

      It's crucial to question the advice we receive, especially when it comes to matters of intimacy and personal growth. Bad advice can sometimes be disguised as survival mechanisms, numbing us to our true desires and experiences. It's essential to sift advice through our personal moral compass and values. Not all advice is created equal, and some may have hidden agendas that don't prioritize our well-being. Be cautious of advice given by those in positions of power, as they may have conflicting goals. Remember, your instinctual voice is the ultimate guide to what's best for you.

    • The Challenges of Personal Growth from Loved OnesTrust your instincts, follow inner desires, and seek quiet support from loved ones for personal growth

      The most challenging obstacles to personal growth and happiness can come from the well-intentioned advice and concerns of loved ones. This can lead to a stifling of one's inner desires and aspirations, keeping individuals in a "safe" but ultimately unfulfilling place. It's important to trust your instincts and follow what resonates with your soul, even if it goes against conventional wisdom or the expectations of others. Amy's story is a powerful reminder of the courage it takes to make unconventional choices and the importance of listening to one's inner voice, even when it goes against the advice of loved ones. Ultimately, the most effective parenting style may be one of quiet support and encouragement, allowing children to make their own mistakes and learn from them.

    • Mom's influence on daughter's decisionsMoms' support and advice can inspire daughters to prioritize personal goals and make independent choices, challenging societal expectations.

      The support and advice from mothers can significantly influence their daughters' decisions and future paths. Amy's experiences with her mom showcased the importance of having the freedom to pursue personal goals and not being tied down by societal expectations. Her mom's words and actions during critical moments in Amy's life encouraged her to continue her education, not get married out of obligation, and maintain financial independence. This intergenerational theme highlights the importance of empowering women to make their own choices and prioritize their personal growth.

    • Exploring Home Shopping and Identity with DaughtersFathers can support daughters in exploring their identities and utilizing reliable resources like Homes.com for informed home shopping. The importance of self-sufficiency, communication, and seeking support from loved ones are key in navigating life's challenges.

      There are valuable resources available to make home shopping easier and more informed, such as Homes.com, and it's important for fathers to support their daughters in exploring their identities without the need for justification. Amy shared her experience of the overwhelming process of buying a new home and how Homes.com simplifies the experience with comprehensive neighborhood guides, detailed school reports, and agent directories. Cali shared a heartwarming story about her father's acceptance and encouragement of her personal growth and exploration of her identity. In both cases, the takeaway is the importance of having access to reliable information and the support of loved ones in navigating life's challenges. The best advice Cali received was from her father, who reminded her to explore life without the need for justification. Similarly, Amy's discovery of Homes.com provides a valuable resource for those in the home shopping market, making the process more efficient and informed. Emma's advice to look for something in three places before asking someone where it is is a reminder of the importance of self-sufficiency and independence, but it also highlights the value of communication and asking for help when necessary. Overall, the takeaway is the importance of utilizing available resources and seeking support from loved ones in various aspects of life.

    • The Dangers of Being a 'Googler' in RelationshipsBeing overly reliant on others for information can be perceived as insincere or lazy. Taking initiative, being authentic, and embracing opportunities for growth are essential for building strong relationships.

      Relying too much on others to provide information we can easily find ourselves can come across as insincere or even lazy. In the discussion, the speaker shares her experience of being the "Googler" in her professional and personal relationships. She admits to feeling valued for her ability to quickly find information and how others tease her about it. However, she also acknowledges the potential downside of this dynamic, which is that it can be seen as an avoidance of taking responsibility or exerting effort. The speaker's mother shares a piece of advice about offering gum to make new acquaintances, which leads to a humorous discussion about gum and Tic Tacs. Russell shares a powerful story about taking risks and challenging uncomfortable situations, which leads to positive outcomes. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of taking initiative, being authentic, and embracing opportunities for growth.

    • Discover what's beneath the blanketEmbrace challenges, allow multiple adults to positively impact children's lives, and self-growth are essential for navigating life's complexities

      It's important to face challenges head-on instead of avoiding them. This was a common theme in the conversation between Russell and Sarah. Russell shared that sometimes we need to move the blanket and discover what's hiding beneath it, even if it's uncomfortable. Sarah agreed and shared advice she received from her mom about the importance of having multiple people who love and care for children. This not only benefits the children but also helps them navigate the complexities of life. Sarah shared how she initially felt territorial when her partner brought a new love into their family, but she was able to overcome her fears and welcome her in. The conversation highlighted the importance of self-growth, embracing change, and allowing multiple adults to positively influence children's lives.

    • Appreciating unique parenting rolesRecognizing and respecting each parent's unique strengths can lead to a healthier family dynamic, even when roles differ significantly.

      Having confidence in one's abilities as a parent and recognizing the importance of each parent's role can lead to a healthier family dynamic. It's natural to feel insecure or compare ourselves to others, but having the confidence to appreciate our unique contributions can help us overcome these feelings. Additionally, recognizing and respecting the strengths of each parent can lead to a more harmonious family life. As the speaker mentioned, sometimes one parent may be more detail-oriented and calm, while the other may be more fun and relaxed. Instead of competing or feeling threatened by these differences, it's important to acknowledge and value each other's roles. This can lead to a stronger, more supportive family unit. The quote "you never know what worst luck your bad luck saved you from" can also be applied to parenting. It's important to remember that even when things seem challenging or difficult, there may be hidden benefits or opportunities for growth. By focusing on the positive and appreciating our unique strengths and contributions, we can build a stronger, more resilient family.

    • Life's challenges serve a purposeEmbrace challenges as opportunities for growth and remember that external validation doesn't define our worth

      Life's challenges and setbacks, whether it's a mechanical issue delaying a flight or a child's mistake, can be frustrating, but they also serve a purpose. Just like how a mechanical problem ensures the safety of a plane, rejections and mistakes in life can protect us from potential harm. It's essential to remember that we're not responsible for the greatest achievements or mistakes of our children or ourselves. We can't control everything, and trying to do so can lead to unnecessary stress and pressure. Instead, we should focus on detaching ourselves from the outcome and recognizing that our worth isn't defined by external validation. This can be a challenging learning curve, especially when it comes to our identity and how we're perceived by others. However, embracing this mindset can lead to a more liberating and fulfilling life.

    • Navigating the complexities of parentingParenting is about supporting children's growth, not about parents' social standing or ego.

      Parenting is a complex and ongoing journey for both parents and children. It involves bearing witness to each other's growth, holding space for each other's struggles, and reflecting each other's strengths and weaknesses. However, it can be challenging for parents to separate their own identity from their role as a parent, leading to discomfort and unnecessary pressure on their children to perform or meet certain expectations. It's essential to remember that parenting is not about the parent's social standing or ego, but rather about helping children navigate their own paths and grow into their best selves. Parents should focus on the substance of the situation and provide support and guidance, rather than getting caught up in their own reactions and discomfort. Ultimately, parenting is a long-term commitment that requires patience, self-awareness, and a willingness to let go of personal biases and expectations.

    • Expressing pride vs. joy in children's achievementsFocus on expressing joy and happiness for children's accomplishments, rather than using the word 'proud' to avoid creating pressure and expectations.

      While it's natural for parents to be proud of their children's achievements, it's important to remember that pride should be an internal feeling for the child, rather than an external validation. The use of the word "proud" can sometimes create an expectation or pressure for the child to continually perform in order to maintain that feeling. Instead, parents should focus on expressing joy and happiness for their child's accomplishments, while also recognizing and celebrating their unique qualities and strengths, regardless of their academic or athletic performance. Furthermore, the speaker emphasized the importance of valuing and celebrating all aspects of a child, not just their achievements. Parents should be conscious of the language they use and the messages they send, as children may interpret pride as a joint achievement or an expectation to continue performing at a high level. Additionally, the speaker shared a personal experience of her daughter's act of kindness during camping and how it was celebrated not as a source of pride, but as a source of joy and happiness. Lastly, the speaker also mentioned the importance of learning a new language as a way to make the most of international experiences, and recommended Rosetta Stone as a trusted language learning program due to its intuitive, research-based, and dynamic immersion approach.

    • Invest in expanding your language skills with Rosetta Stone's lifetime membership offerUnconventional advice from childhood emphasizes self-acceptance and open communication, leading to personal growth

      Expanding your language skills is a valuable investment, and now is the perfect time to start with Rosetta Stone's lifetime membership offer. Erica shared some unconventional but powerful advice from her mother during her childhood, emphasizing the importance of self-acceptance and open communication. This episode serves as a reminder that seeking knowledge and self-improvement, in any form, can lead to significant personal growth. To support the podcast, follow or subscribe, give a five-star rating and review, and share an episode you loved with a friend.

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    The One Who Taught Glennon Friendship: Alex Hedison
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    Expert Advice on Genetic Testing, Cancer Prevention & Care Disparities with Dr. Rachel Brem
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    Early Detection, Mammograms & Breast Cancer Care with Dr. Rachel Brem
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    Breaking Generational Cycles: Embodiment & Healing Trauma with Prentis Hemphill
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    Abby On Healing From Religious Trauma
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    What Amanda’s Learned About Life, Love & Community (Post Surgery Pt 2)
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    Amanda Returns Post Surgery: Here’s What She Wants You To Know

    Amanda Returns Post Surgery: Here’s What She Wants You To Know
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    We Can Do Hard Things
    enJune 04, 2024

    Grief: How to Move Through Losing a Friend with Sloane Crosley

    Grief: How to Move Through Losing a Friend with Sloane Crosley
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    We Can Do Hard Things
    enMay 30, 2024

    Jealousy: Glennon & Abby Share It All

    Jealousy: Glennon & Abby Share It All
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    “My therapist called him a drug” 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@kastmedia.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

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    But what about when the texting on their end is . . . kind of slow and intermittent . . . where there are big gaps in your text exchanges that leave you feeling unsure as to where, exactly, you stand with that person?

    Feeling this way might even lead you to start analyzing their relationship with their phone the next time you’re with them, looking for clues as to whether their sporadic phone usage is consistent in their life or reserved just for you.

    At some point, they might’ve even shared a generic line with you like, “I’m so rubbish with my phone,” or “I’m really bad at replying to people!” But is this really true?

    In this week’s video, I not only answer these questions, but I dig into a really common mistake people make in this area.


    Let's Create Magic in Your Life, Together. Join Me In-Person for the Return of The Matthew Hussey Retreat (May 30th - June 5th) → http://www.MHRetreat.com


    FREE download: “9 Texts No Man Can Resist” http://www.9texts.com

    FREE download: “5 Compliments to Get Him Addicted to You” http://www.SayThisToHim.com


    Email us! You can get in touch with the show and give your feedback/thoughts at podcast@matthewhussey.com