
    232. Feeling like you have plateaued? Try this to level up!

    enJuly 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Recognizing and Overcoming a Plateau in Life and Protecting Your HearingIdentify causes of plateauing, shift perspective, make changes to grow. Protect hearing from loud noises to prevent damage and maintain optimal health. Attend free Sydney event on online branding and community building.

      Identifying and addressing a plateau in life involves recognizing when you've stopped growing and taking action to change. Plateauing can occur in various areas of life, and it's important to understand that it's not a permanent state. By identifying the causes and taking steps to shift your perspective and make necessary changes, you can move past feeling stuck and regain a sense of progress and growth. Additionally, it's important to take care of your health, including your hearing. Repeated exposure to loud noises can lead to sound-induced hearing loss, which is a form of damage to the hair cells in the inner ear. These cells are responsible for detecting sound and are crucial for maintaining healthy hearing. By being mindful of your exposure to loud noises and taking steps to protect your hearing, you can help prevent age-related hearing loss and maintain optimal hearing health. Lastly, for those in Sydney, there's an exciting opportunity to attend a free event focused on creating an online brand and building a community. The event, hosted by Squarespace and Startup Creative, will feature a panel discussion with experts and a Q&A session. Register for tickets to learn more and potentially meet the speaker in person.

    • Exposure to loud sounds can permanently damage ear's hair cellsRepeated exposure to loud sounds can permanently damage ear's hair cells, leading to hearing loss, muffled sounds, or tinnitus, and once damaged, they cannot be repaired or regenerated.

      Repeated exposure to loud sounds can permanently damage the hair cells in your ears, which are essential for converting sound waves into signals that the brain can understand. These hair cells cannot be repaired or regenerated, so once they're damaged, they're gone for good. This damage can result in hearing loss, muffled sounds, or a ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus. The hair cells in the inner ear come in two types: inner hair cells, which collect sound and send it to the brain, and outer hair cells, which amplify sound and help us differentiate between sounds. When exposed to excessively loud sounds, these hair cells can bend too much or shear off completely, leading to permanent damage. The formation of these hair cells is also crucial for their proper functioning, making it a challenge to regenerate them even if a way were found. It's essential to protect your ears from prolonged exposure to loud sounds to maintain good hearing health.

    • Protecting Hair Cells for Optimal HearingExcessive loud sound exposure damages hair cells in the ear, disrupting communication with the auditory nerve and leading to hearing loss. Minimize exposure and seek new experiences to maintain optimal hearing and avoid plateauing.

      Excessive exposure to loud sounds can damage the hair cells in our ears, leading to hearing loss. This damage disrupts the communication between the hair cells and the auditory nerve, resulting in hearing difficulties. It's essential to protect these hair cells to preserve hearing for as long as possible. Plateauing, on the other hand, refers to the feeling of something becoming unfulfilling or repetitive. It can occur in various aspects of life, including relationships, jobs, hobbies, and living environments. To maintain optimal hearing and enjoyment in life, it's crucial to minimize exposure to loud sounds and seek new experiences to avoid plateauing.

    • Feeling stuck? Consider growth instead of a change.Instead of jumping ship when feeling unfulfilled, consider growing within your current situation or seeking a new challenge to meet your needs for security and growth.

      Feeling plateaued or unfulfilled in an experience doesn't necessarily mean it's time for a drastic change. Instead, it could signify a need for growth or a new challenge within the current situation. It's essential to distinguish this feeling from the "grass is greener on the other side" mentality, which stems from an inability to enjoy the present moment. Balance is crucial; we need both stability and spontaneity to meet our needs for security and growth. When these elements are in harmony, we experience happiness and fulfillment. Plateauing can be a sign of outgrowing a situation, but it doesn't always require a complete change. Instead, it might call for personal growth or a new perspective within the existing context.

    • Finding Balance in Personal Growth and RelationshipsIdentify areas of stagnation, balance routine and freedom, and strive for growth and exploration to maintain personal fulfillment.

      Balance is key in various aspects of life, including personal growth and relationships. Having too much uncertainty or monotony can hinder focus and growth, leading to anxiety and a desire for adventure or instability. Conversely, having too much instability can make one crave routine and stability. It's essential to identify areas of stagnation in your life and consider whether you've outgrown certain things. Balancing routine and freedom allows for growth and exploration in other areas. Confidence and mastery in one area can serve as a sign that it's time to move on to the next challenge. Ultimately, striking a balance between stability and adventure is crucial for personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Identifying genuine growth and happiness from withinFocus on internal growth and progress, not just external achievements, to find genuine happiness and fulfillment. Engage in activities that foster connection, purpose, and growth daily.

      Genuine growth and happiness come from within, not just from external signs of success. It's essential to identify where we are genuinely growing and evolving, whether it's in our relationships, career, or personal interests. Growth is not just about external achievements, but about the internal feeling of progress and the desire to learn and improve. We as humans have a deep-rooted desire for success and mastery, but we also want to have earned it. The journey to get there is often more fulfilling than the destination itself. It's important to remember that even when we've reached a plateau, it's a sign that we need to level up and take something to the next level. The three pillars of happiness are connection, purpose, and growth. Touching on all three of these areas every day can lead to a more fulfilling and happy life.

    • Building connections, finding purpose, and growingFocus on relationships, identify meaningful activities, and push past comfort zones for overall happiness and fulfillment

      Prioritizing connection, purpose, and growth in our lives is essential for overall happiness and fulfillment. Connection refers to building strong relationships with ourselves and others, including nature and pets. Purpose involves identifying and pursuing activities that bring meaning and satisfaction. Growth requires pushing ourselves out of comfort zones and embracing discomfort for long-term gain. By focusing on these three areas, we can avoid stagnation and continue to evolve and thrive. Remember, it's okay if we don't have everything all the time, but we should strive to tap into each of these elements as often as possible. Additionally, growth can be achieved by making small changes in our lives, not just by drastic overhauls. The key is to prefer short-term pain for long-term gain and embrace the discomfort that comes with growth.

    • Continuous learning and acquiring knowledge can improve personal growthGradually approach new challenges, focus on one big change at a time, and fully commit to projects for personal growth and satisfaction

      Continuous learning and acquiring knowledge can significantly improve personal growth and bring satisfaction and excitement to one's life. Introducing new challenges or adventures through studying or mastering a new skill can help individuals feel progress and regain motivation. However, it's essential to approach change gradually and focus on one big change or new thing at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed or making unnecessary adjustments. Striking a balance between adventure and stability is crucial to overall happiness. Remember, the goal is to feel uncomfortable, not painful, as you learn and grow. Embarking on a project and fully committing to it can lead to significant benefits.

    • Forgiveness and family relationships are distinctFocus on forgiveness for personal peace, while acknowledging effort needed for a healthy family relationship.

      Forgiveness and having a good relationship with family are two separate things. Forgiveness is a personal decision and something that only the individual can control. Having a good relationship with family, however, requires effort from both parties. If you're struggling to forgive a family member, consider focusing on forgiveness for your own peace of mind, while also recognizing that having a healthy relationship may take time and effort from both sides. In the listener's situation, they may need to forgive their father for their own mental health, but also acknowledge that mending the relationship may be a longer process. It's important to remember that forgiveness is a personal journey and can be a complex process, especially when dealing with a difficult family dynamic. If you're struggling with forgiveness, consider seeking professional help, such as counseling, to work through your feelings and find ways to let go of resentment.

    • Unhealthy relationships hinder personal growthUnwilling partners to acknowledge mistakes and work towards making things right? Distance yourself and set boundaries. Forgiveness releases emotional burden, not condoning past actions.

      Maintaining an unhealthy relationship, no matter how much you may want to forgive, can be detrimental to your personal growth. If the other person is unwilling to acknowledge their mistakes and work towards making things right, it may be necessary to distance yourself from the relationship. Forgiveness and mending a relationship are two separate things. You have the power to teach people how to treat you and set boundaries. Remember, your kindness does not equate to weakness, and it's essential to learn how to draw a line when necessary. Ultimately, forgiveness does not mean condoning past actions, but rather releasing the emotional burden and focusing on personal growth.

    • Forgiveness is a personal journey for healingForgiveness is a choice for personal growth, not an obligation for reconciliation. Set healthy boundaries for all relationships.

      Acknowledging past wrongdoings and choosing to forgive is a powerful way to move on and grow, but it doesn't mean condoning the behavior or requiring a reconciliation. Forgiveness is primarily for the forgiver's benefit, allowing them to release hate and pain, and ultimately, trust and vulnerability in relationships come from within. However, continuing to engage with people who don't respect boundaries and treat you poorly can hinder your ability to trust others. Setting clear standards and boundaries across all relationships is essential for fostering healthy and open connections.

    • Holding Everyone Accountable to the Same StandardsRegardless of position or relationship, everyone should be held accountable for disrespectful behavior. Consider consequences before making decisions, explore trust and forgiveness, and prioritize mental health.

      Everyone should be held accountable to the same standards, regardless of their position or relationship with us. It's important to remember that we have the power to decide who we engage with and who we allow to disrespect us. However, this decision should not be made lightly, and it's crucial to consider the consequences. This discussion touched on trust and forgiveness, which are complex issues that require deeper exploration. For more insights on these topics, be sure to check out the trust and forgiveness podcasts. Above all, remember to be kind to yourself and set boundaries to protect your mental health. Don't let anyone, including yourself, bring you down.

    Recent Episodes from Do You F*cking Mind?

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    335. 5 Questions to ask yourself before a big life decision

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    If you're struggling to make a decision that you feel is right for you, this episode will help you get the confidence to make those tough choices. They might even help determine whether it goes well for you or not!



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    334. How to REALLY stop caring about what people think of you

    334. How to REALLY stop caring about what people think of you

    How do you stop caring about what people think of you? How can you let go of the things that keep you from living the life you want? This question is so crippling for so many of us, but there IS a simple solution. In this episode we’ll learn how to deal with these feelings in a way that don't consume you and stop you from going on with your life.

    Plus I'll give you my 7 steps to overcome falling into the trap of caring what people think about you!


    Central Sensitization and chronic pain: the phenomena when there is an enhancement in the function of the neurons and the circuits that are involved in nociceptive pathways causing an echo or remembered pain. It happens because of an increase in membrane excitability and synaptic efficacy. It’s a great example for how neuroplasticity works in a negative way and has been linked to chronic pain.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Do You F*cking Mind?
    enMay 15, 2024

    333. Big Announcement: My new audiobook HOW TO CHASE CHANGE!

    333. Big Announcement: My new audiobook HOW TO CHASE CHANGE!

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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    332. How to be Intentional and Not Passive with Your Life and Your Happiness

    332. How to be Intentional and Not Passive with Your Life and Your Happiness

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    HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training, cortisol and over-training syndrome.

    Read about Overtraining Syndrome here https://bit.ly/overtraining-syndrome .



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    331. ENCORE: Discipline, Freedom, And Living Your Best Life

    331. ENCORE: Discipline, Freedom, And Living Your Best Life

    Beans I'm taking a much-needed long weekend so I thought it was a perfect time to bring up one of my most listened to episodes. It's a perfect place to start if you're new to the pod and a great reset if you're a long-time bean. I'm diving into discipline, and how reframing how you view it could be the ticket to a more free and enjoyable life.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    330. HEAD NOISE: The Ick List, Blind or Blindsided and Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    330. HEAD NOISE: The Ick List, Blind or Blindsided and Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    First up I’m going through your ICKS – you loved when I did it in episode 322 so thought I’d pick more of your hilarious icks to read out.

    And then I get into Head Noise where I answer your questions – this week it’s all about heartbreak in long term relationships.

    1. How do you handle a relationship when your mind is telling you to run but your heart says otherwise? Me and my boyfriend are in our 20s and have been dating for a few years long distance.  Early on there was some lying and deception and we broke up, but I gave him a second chance as I thought he needed time to adjust from his single life to being coupled. I thought we were in a loving truthful relationship since then. But I have recently found out he has been texting 2 women. I feel it’s disrespectful, and my lack of trust from the previous lying has come back. He also follows Twitter pages with sexually explicit content. I’m a very trusting and open-minded person but I feel this relationship has made me insecure and untrusting particularly because we are long distance.
    2. Blind or Blindsided: Last night my bf of 3 years came home from work and said we needed to talk and that this wasn’t working and he didn’t love me anymore. I didn’t see this coming at all. We recently opened a business together. We regularly have sex, said I love you, planned for the future, and last week got back from a holiday together. He said he hasn’t felt a connection for some time due to my negativity and that he said he wanted kids (I’m 41 and have had ovarian failure. We’ve gone through a round of IVF together). How was he able to completely blindside me without me realising anything was up – he has gone to a new place to live so he’s clearly had time to plan this without my picking up on it.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    329. What to do when Your Ex Moves on First

    329. What to do when Your Ex Moves on First

    So you’ve been dumped, or maybe you dumped someone. You’re scrolling through social media, or maybe a well meaning friend mentions, that your ex has moved on. Cue the SPIRAL. “How Could They?!”Already?!!!” “Did our time together mean NOTHING?”

    I’m giving you ten steps to keep yourself in check when your ex moves on before you including how to not let it derail you, keep your perspective, and quit the feeling that they “owe” you something.

    First up however, we’re diving into a SCIENCE FACT:
    GHB – the pharmacology of the date rape drug explained.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    328. HEAD NOISE: Exes Lies Part 2, Forever Single and Thriving But Upset with Men, and Daddy Issues,

    328. HEAD NOISE: Exes Lies Part 2, Forever Single and Thriving But Upset with Men, and Daddy Issues,

    In the last Head Noise episode you guys LOVED the lies exes told so I’m bringing I back for an even more cooked part 2!

    And then I get into Head Noise where I answer your questions.

    1. I'm 24, forever single, thriving and upset with men. ‘ve been single my whole life and honestly thrive. But I’m curious about what its’ like in a partnership and am open to a boyfriend but very rarely do I get genuinely excited by a guy. When I do I REALLY do. But every guy I’ve ever like has had another girl in their lives they choose over me. I feel like a second choice or someone’s back up. One guy literally said that I was his second choice once a few year ago lol. Am I doing something wrong? And How can I make it hurt less when I don’t feel chosen?
    2. My dad and I have a good relationship when he’s in a good space, but when he’s in a bad place he can be a real arsehole Recently he and I got in a fight over text, and at the next family hang out I went to say hello to him and he gave me the most awkward side hug and barely talked to me. What do I do – I want a relationship with my dad but his behaviour is really childish and hurtful.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    327. Matthew Hussey on How to Raise Your Standards, Find Your Person and Live Happily (No Matter What)

    327. Matthew Hussey on How to Raise Your Standards, Find Your Person and Live Happily (No Matter What)

    New York Times best-selling author and international life and dating coach megastar Matthew Hussey joins the podcast!

    We're diving deep into his advice on dating, owning who you are, being comfortable with what you want, and his brand new book Love Life: How to Raise Your Standards, Find Your Person and Live Happily (No Matter What). I DARE you to leave this episode not feeling like a changed bean!



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Guest: Matthew Hussey .
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    326. HEAD NOISE: The MANY Lies Exes Tell, Growing Apart, I Cheated on my Husband

    326. HEAD NOISE: The MANY Lies Exes Tell, Growing Apart, I Cheated on my Husband

    First I have a life update about something TRULY shocking that happened to me over the weekend, and I go through your stories of things men have lied to you about!

    Then I get into Head Noise where I answer your questions. In today’s episode we’ve got two really opposite topics!

    1. My husband and I are in out mid 20s and have been together since our late 20s. His family are very close with him. I have recently realised that I have always put his needs above mine – his personality has become my personality. I want to do so much more, experience the world and step outside my comfort zone. I want to put off having kids for a while and he doesn’t accept or understand it. I want change and he is so happy and content without change. We’re growing apart and I don’t know what to do.
    2. I’ve cheated on my husband with someone I had a huge connection with. We’ve ended it now as we are both married and decided we didn’t want to leave our partners for each other. Now that it is fully ended I don’t feel like I need to tell my husband as our relationship has really improved. I would just be unburdening my conscience to ruin lives, when I’ve already shut down that cheating relationship and am moving forward with my life. How do I alleviate the feelings of guilt that are clouding my moving forward.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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    3124 Adapt with Grace

    3124 Adapt with Grace

    Life has a way of throwing unexpected hurdles your way, challenging your plans, and pushing you out of your comfort zones. It is during these moments that you adapt with grace.

    It is easy to be hard on yourself when you face failure. You often focus on your mistakes, criticizing yourself for not meeting your own expectations. But, you must remember that failure is not a reflection of your worth or ability. It is simply a detour on your path to success.

    Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. https://createyournow.mn.co 

    As human beings, we constantly evolve and grow. We are not meant to stay stagnant; instead, we are on a continuous journey toward becoming the best version of ourselves. And this journey requires adaptation. We need to be open to change, embrace challenges, and learn to adapt with grace.

    Adaptation is not about changing who you are at your core; it is about being flexible and adjusting your approach when faced with obstacles. Just like a tree sways in the wind, you must learn to bend without breaking. By adapting with grace, you allow yourself the space to learn and grow, nurturing the seeds of resilience within you.

    So in times of failure, it is essential to practice self-compassion. Instead of engaging in negative self-talk, you need to remind yourself that everyone faces setbacks. It is part of the human experience whether we like it or not. By being gentle and kind to yourself, you can learn from your mistakes and use them as stepping stones toward success.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Adapt with grace!

    Also, during times of adaptation, you may discover hidden strengths and talents you never knew you possessed. It is in these moments that you tap into your resilience, finding the courage to rewrite your narratives and forge a new path forward. When you embrace change and adapt with grace, you create opportunities for growth and transformation.

    As you navigate the unpredictable waters of life, let's remember the words of the wise: "Adapt with grace." These words remind us to approach challenges and failures with resilience and compassion. You are not defined by your setbacks but rather by how you rise above them.

    Just as a butterfly emerges from its cocoon, you too can transform and soar to new heights. Embrace the detours, trust the process, and have faith in your ability to adapt with grace. Remember, it is in the challenges that you find your true strength and discover the limitless possibilities that await us.

    So, embrace the journey, adapt with grace, and let your light shine as you become who you were created to be.

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


    #Inspiration #CreateYourNow #DailyMotivation

    🔔 Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. https://createyournow.mn.co

    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will discuss your specific situation while gaining tools and strategies to move you forward. (https://form.jotform.com/62988215824163)

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    🎧 Create Your Now on Spotify, Pandora, and Audible.

    🎶  Create Your Now on iHeart Radio (http://www.iheart.com/show/263-Create-Your-Now-Your-Best/)

    ✍️  YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com 





    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Photo by Canva.com


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

    The Pain of Unmet Expectations: How to Navigate & Overcome

    The Pain of Unmet Expectations: How to Navigate & Overcome
    Struggling in my relationships and feeling resentful, I had no idea that my unrealistic expectations were the culprit. Little did I know, understanding expectations took me on a journey of self-discovery, learning to accept and love myself, and developing healthier relationships. What I've gained from this experience is nothing short of life-changing - and I'm still learning. In this episode, you will be able to: Enhance your communication skills in relationships to convey expectations clearly. Spot unreasonable expectations and tackle them for healthier bonds. Appreciate the importance of diverse values or priorities among individuals. Find solace in adopting acceptance as a means to alleviate disappointment. Foster stronger connections by consciously managing expectations. More info: https://brendareisscoaching.com/