
    Podcast Summary

    • Help secure college funds with FAFSA formCompleting the FAFSA form simplifies access to scholarships and financial aid for high school seniors, with just 36 questions to answer.

      Filling out the FAFSA form can help high school seniors secure thousands of dollars in scholarships and financial aid for college, regardless of their academic or athletic achievements. The process is simpler than many people think, with only 36 questions to answer. Creating federal student aid accounts and obtaining FSA IDs for both parent and student is the first step. The importance of completing this form should not be overlooked, as it could significantly impact a student's future. Additionally, history enthusiasts might be intrigued by the ongoing debate regarding the true originator of basketball. While James Naismith is commonly credited with inventing the game, there is another narrative gaining attention. Correcting this historical misconception may seem insignificant, but it demonstrates the potential for even a podcast conversation to contribute to changing the narrative in various industries.

    • A mission to change how we count time from a small industrial hubScott Flansberg, from Herkimer, is challenging the way we measure time, gaining attention from major sports figures and the national press, despite controversy.

      Scott Flansberg, today's guest, is on a mission to change the way we count and keep track of time, and he has a fascinating backstory. He hails from the small village of Herkimer, which has less than 10,000 residents and has seen minimal population growth for decades. Despite its size, Herkimer was once an industrial hub. Recently, Flansberg's work has gained attention, with major sports figures and the national press taking notice. He has partnered with Ukrainian authors to write a book called "Naismyth," which spells out the whole story. The conversation between the hosts and Flansberg is a fun and enlightening one, touching on topics like the origins of our ancestors and the importance of persevering in quixotic endeavors. The hosts acknowledge the controversy surrounding Flansberg's work but remain optimistic that the truth will ultimately prevail. Overall, this episode offers a unique perspective on time, history, and the human experience.

    • Birthplace of Innovations: Herkimer, New YorkHerkimer, NY, was a hub of industrial activity and birthplace of inventions like the zephilippod and arc lighting system, as well as the contested origins of basketball.

      The history of inventions and innovations, even in seemingly insignificant places like Herkimer, New York, can have far-reaching impacts. The village, located on the Erie Canal and once a hub of industrial activity, was the birthplace of inventions like the zephilippod and the arc lighting system. The origins of basketball are also rooted in Herkimer, although its authenticity has been contested. The story of two brothers who dared to challenge the established narrative about basketball's origins and were met with resistance serves as a reminder of the importance of questioning and reexamining history. The interconnectedness of events, from the eruption of a volcano in Indonesia to the development of inventions in Herkimer, highlights the complexity and richness of history.

    • Reexamining the invention of basketball and its creatorsNew evidence challenged long-held beliefs about basketball's origin, highlighting the importance of factual accuracy and the challenges of correcting historical mistakes

      Historical narratives, even those that have been widely accepted as truth, can be reexamined and challenged with new evidence. This was the case with the invention of basketball and the role of James Naismith and his boss, Herkimer, in its creation. For 18 months, researchers uncovered evidence that contradicted the popular narrative, including rules that had been altered and a document that served as a cover-up. This discovery raises questions about the importance of factual accuracy in historical accounts and the potential consequences of allowing myths to persist. Additionally, the discussion highlights the significance of being open to reevaluating the past and the challenges that come with correcting historical mistakes once they have taken root. The debate also touches on the broader societal context, where people are actively rewriting history to reflect a preferred version of the past. Despite these challenges, it's crucial to strive for accuracy and truth in historical narratives to ensure an accurate understanding of the past.

    • Careers in the submarine industry and preserving basketball historyOver 100,000 stable, high-paying jobs expected in submarine industry. Careers offer constant opportunities for advancement. Basketball history needs proper recognition and preservation.

      The submarine industry presents an abundance of stable, high-paying career opportunities for skilled workers, with over 100,000 jobs expected to be created in the next decade. These aren't just jobs, but careers, and they offer constant opportunities for advancement. Buildsubmarines.com is a valuable resource for candidates, providing access to thousands of opportunities and detailed information about the industry and in-demand trades. Additionally, the importance of acknowledging and preserving basketball history was highlighted in the discussion, as the Lambert Will family's experience with the Springfield Basketball Hall of Fame demonstrated. Despite their excitement about having their family's heirlooms displayed, the exhibit was removed without explanation, leaving the family feeling disrespected and unacknowledged. This incident underscores the significance of properly recognizing and honoring the contributions of basketball pioneers and preserving the history of the sport. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of recognizing the value of stable, well-paying careers in the submarine industry and the significance of acknowledging and preserving basketball history.

    • Discovering the true origins of basketballNew research reveals that Herkimer, New York, was the birthplace of basketball, not Springfield, Massachusetts, as previously believed. This discovery highlights the importance of accuracy and acknowledging lesser-known contributions to history.

      The history of basketball's origins has been a subject of controversy for decades, with Springfield, Massachusetts, claiming credit for the sport's invention, while Herkimer, New York, where the first game was actually played, has been largely overlooked. The latest research, however, suggests that a deliberate attempt has been made to rewrite history and defraud Herkimer's legacy. The key evidence includes a 1940 article commemorating the 50-year reunion of the players from Herkimer and Little Falls, who had their first official game in February 1891, but believed they had invented basketball in the fall of 1890. This explains why no evidence was found during the last two years of forensic research focusing on the 1891 date. The implications of this discovery go beyond basketball history, as it highlights the importance of setting the record straight and acknowledging the contributions of lesser-known places and people in shaping our collective history. It's a reminder that accuracy and truth matter, even in seemingly trivial matters, and that the passage of time should not diminish the significance of historical discoveries.

    • The power and importance of uncovering the truthDiscovering the truth, even in seemingly insignificant areas, can inspire and remind us of the value of authentic storytelling and the power of passion and dedication to uncover it.

      The pursuit of truth, no matter the subject or personal interest, is valuable and important. The speaker, who is not a basketball enthusiast but rather a hockey fan, was moved by the passion and dedication of the person sharing the history of basketball and the importance of preserving it. The speaker was reminded of the power and longevity of truth, even when it may be hidden or ignored, and was inspired by the determination to uncover it. The discussion also touched on the importance of authentic storytelling and the potential impact of narratives, especially in the face of misinformation and fake news. The speaker's personal experience of discovering a long-lost piece of basketball history served as a reminder of the excitement and significance of uncovering the truth.

    • The origins of basketball's rulebook and Lambert Will's roleLambert Will's involvement in creating basketball's rulebook is a complex issue, with evidence suggesting both ownership and potential borrowing from existing ideas. His dedication to preserving the truth about basketball's history serves as a reminder of the importance of fact-finding and its potential impact on communities.

      The origins of basketball's rulebook are shrouded in controversy, with Lambert Will claiming ownership despite evidence suggesting he may have borrowed or built upon existing ideas. The debate surrounding Will's role is further complicated by the involvement of Chuck Golic and Frank J. Baslow. Initially, it was believed that the rules were developed in response to a request for a winter game in Springfield. However, further research uncovered an affidavit signed by Lambert Will detailing the rules and their usage, which was used to fight for the Hall of Fame in 1952. This discovery established Lambert Will as a straightforward and dedicated figure in basketball's history. Additionally, the speaker's own passion for uncovering the truth, sparked by a sense of responsibility to his village, serves as a reminder of the importance of fact-finding and the potential impact of historical discoveries on communities. If the basketball rulebook's authenticity is proven, it could bring significant recognition and revitalization to Herkimer, New York.

    • Discovering Unique Abilities in SchoolGrowing up in a historic place, the speaker discovered his unique mathematical abilities in school and was encouraged to share it with his class, igniting a lifelong passion for finding simple solutions to complex problems. Opportunities for career growth and advancement exist, especially in industries like submarine manufacturing.

      The speaker grew up in a place rich in history, where significant events like the invention of basketball and his own discovery of his unique mathematical abilities took place. He attended a school on Main Street in Herkimer, where he first realized his brain functioned differently than others. During a math lesson, he found an efficient way to add numbers without using traditional methods, and his teacher encouraged him to share his discovery with the class. This experience sparked a lifelong passion for finding the simplest solutions to complex problems. The speaker also emphasized the importance of seizing opportunities and the vitality of industries like the submarine industrial base, which is expected to hire over 100,000 skilled workers in the coming decade. He encouraged listeners to explore websites like buildsubmarines.com for career opportunities and to build a better future for themselves. Despite the common belief that the American dream is dead, the speaker believes that there are numerous opportunities for career growth and advancement, especially in industries like submarine manufacturing. He encourages individuals to stay curious, discover their unique abilities, and seize opportunities to build a successful future.

    • Challenges in Promoting a Book About a Historic Basketball GameDespite having strong evidence, the team behind a book about a historic basketball game faces challenges in gaining media attention and revitalizing the village where the game took place due to financial limitations and a long-standing cover-up.

      The release of a book about a historic basketball game in Herkimer, New York, has faced challenges due to its hardcover format and long shipping times. The team behind the book has sent it to VIPs for review and is seeking the help of historians to evaluate the evidence. Despite having more evidence for their game than the opposing team, they've struggled to gain attention from major media outlets like ESPN and newspapers. The team has reached out to a major newspaper for coverage and to a writer named Selena Zito, who they believe would be interested in the story. The book is dedicated to Dallas Cooper, who came up with the term "originals" and was instrumental in the discovery of the pattern of the number 9. The team's goal is to revitalize the village where the game took place through the Herkimer 9 Foundation. The challenges they've faced include financial limitations and the long-standing cover-up of the story by the Springfield YMCA and the Naysmith family. Despite these challenges, they remain determined to celebrate the three men involved and bring attention to the historic game.

    • Springfield's basketball hall of fame and the controversy over its originsThe basketball community may face resistance to acknowledging Lambert Will as the true inventor of basketball due to the hall of fame's biased narrative and unique inclusion of a surname in its name. A potential solution is to establish a new hall of fame or museum in Herkimer for Lambert Will and remove James Naismith's name from the existing one.

      The basketball community, specifically in Springfield, may face resistance to acknowledging the error in attributing the invention of basketball to James Naismith instead of Lambert Will. The hall of fame's unique inclusion of a surname in its name and the ongoing dispute over the first date of the sport's creation have raised suspicions of a biased narrative. A suggested solution is to remove Naismith's name from the basketball hall of fame and consider establishing a new hall of fame or museum in Herkimer for Lambert Will. Additionally, Greg Forbes' innovative 13-month calendar project aligns with his involvement in the basketball dispute, as the number 13 holds significance for him. The calendar, which simplifies the organization of time, is set to be released in 2023, coinciding with the resolution of the basketball controversy.

    • Using 9 as a checkpoint in mathUsing the sum of digits of a number and subtracting it from the original number can help identify errors and strengthen number sense and math skills, especially for children.

      There is a simple pattern in mathematics that can help individuals, particularly children, develop a stronger foundation in number sense and math skills. By adding the digits of a number together and subtracting that total from the original number, one can easily check if they have made a mistake in basic arithmetic. This method, which involves the number 9 as a logical checkpoint, can be used to teach and reinforce basic math facts in a more meaningful and memorable way. This pattern not only helps in identifying errors but also encourages critical thinking and logical reasoning. Additionally, the use of a 13-month calendar, contrary to popular belief, can actually benefit consumers by reducing the amount of interest paid over time.

    • A new perspective on organizing time with the human calculator calendarThe human calculator calendar, with its 0-based system and 13 months, offers a clear and convenient way to align recurring events and bring order to various aspects of life.

      The "human calculator calendar" offers a simple and meaningful solution to the ambiguity of traditional calendar systems by introducing a 0-based calendar with 13 months, allowing for the inclusion of a 0 day and aligning various recurring events. This calendar, which is the first of its kind, has the potential to bring clarity and convenience to various aspects of life, from paydays to annual events. The creator of the calendar, inspired by his passion for numbers and a basketball story, has dedicated himself to promoting this innovative system and using it to inspire math education. Despite the challenges and unexpected twists in his journey, he remains committed to the belief that this calendar holds a valuable truth and has the potential to make a significant impact. The calendar's creators, George and Daryl Fosty and Brian Carroll, have spent countless hours delving into the details and putting the pieces together, driven by the belief that they were onto something truly groundbreaking. This calendar, which has already gained attention during March Madness week, the biggest basketball tournament in the world, is poised to bring a new perspective to the way we understand and organize our time.

    • Acknowledging historical truths and prioritizing accuracyPersistence and innovation can lead to significant change, even when faced with challenges like acknowledging historical inaccuracies and promoting accurate numbering systems.

      Despite the challenges and seemingly insurmountable obstacles, persistence and innovation can lead to significant change. Scott and Chuck discussed the importance of acknowledging historical truths, such as the true origin of basketball and the need to address the issue of starting numbering from zero instead of one. While they may not live to see these changes come to fruition, they are hopeful that their efforts, including the creation of the National Counting Bee and the Human Calculator Calendar, will contribute to a world where truth and accuracy are prioritized. The idea that everyone can choose their own calendar may be exhausting, but at some point, attention must be paid to the truth. The truth will out, and if we are lucky enough to be around to witness it, we will celebrate. The impact of their podcast conversations over the past six months has been profound for both Scott and Chuck, and they look forward to continuing the conversation and potentially passing the baton to each other.

    • Reflecting on the value of meaningful conversationsSharing ideas with trusted individuals can lead to new perspectives and clarity. Be mindful of the potential consequences of setting the record straight in public narratives.

      Meaningful conversations with trusted individuals can lead to new perspectives and clarity. The speaker in this discussion reflects on how sharing his ideas with Mike and Chuck helped him gain clarity on a project and see its potential impact on his community. He also shares a personal story about an encounter in Hollywood where he chose not to correct a false narrative about the origins of his show, Dirty Jobs. This experience, along with the recent conversation, made him realize how quickly narratives can change and how important it is to consider the potential consequences of setting the record straight. The speaker expresses his gratitude to Mike and Chuck for their support and encourages listeners to get involved with Herkimer9.org to help bring a STEAM Learning Center to Herkimer, New York.

    • Uncovering the true origins of basketballA group of individuals unearthed the history of basketball, challenging traditional narratives and emphasizing the importance of perseverance and questioning established beliefs.

      The history of basketball has been unearthed through the efforts of a group of dedicated individuals, including George and Darryl Fosse, Brian Carroll, and the speaker himself. This history, which challenges traditional narratives about the origins of the sport, was shared in the podcast "Basketball's Stolen Legacy." The speaker emphasized that this discovery was a result of perseverance and a willingness to challenge established beliefs, drawing an analogy to the myth of Sisyphean tasks. The book documenting this history, titled "Naysmith: Myth," is available for purchase on Amazon and at the Herkimer Diamond Mine, with a hardcover and Kindle versions also planned. The speaker expressed gratitude for the support of friends, sponsors, and listeners in bringing this story to light. He also mentioned the involvement of Alice Cooper, a longtime friend and collaborator, in the project. The speaker expressed optimism that this discovery would gain wider recognition and appreciation.

    • Meeting Alice Cooper at a Golf TournamentImpressed by Alice Cooper's energy and accomplishments at 74, emphasized importance of living life to the fullest, and appreciated the opportunity to learn from him. Also, highlighted the significance of good nutrition in protecting against lead exposure.

      The speaker had an amazing experience meeting Alice Cooper at a golf tournament for the Solid Rock Foundation. He was impressed by Cooper's energy and accomplishments despite being 74 years old and touring extensively. The speaker was grateful for the opportunity to be part of the event and expressed his admiration for Cooper's biography. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of good nutrition in protecting against lead exposure, as highlighted in a message from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Overall, the conversation underscored the significance of living life to the fullest and appreciating the accomplishments of others.

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