
    Podcast Summary

    • A Fascinating Conversation with Dan CarlinDan Carlin, the creator of Hardcore History, shares his insights on history and storytelling, inspiring millions with his engaging podcasts. The hosts reflect on the importance of long-lasting relationships and the evolution of friendships.

      Learning from this episode of The Way I Heard It is the fascinating conversation between the hosts and Dan Carlin, the creator of Hardcore History. Dan is widely regarded as a history expert and a pioneer in the podcast industry, known for making history accessible and engaging for millions of listeners. The conversation spans over 2.5 hours, showcasing Dan's knowledge, passion, and storytelling abilities. The hosts express their admiration for Dan and the impact he has had on the industry. They also reflect on the significance of long-lasting relationships and the evolution of friendships over time. The episode provides a unique insight into history and the power of storytelling, making it one of the best conversations the hosts have had on their podcast.

    • Making history engaging for allUnique perspective, passion, and dedication can lead to long-term success in making historical content engaging for a broad audience.

      Having a unique perspective and making historical content engaging for a broad audience can lead to long-term success. Mike Rowe, the host of Dirty Jobs, shares how he was challenged to make history interesting for those who don't care about it, and he found inspiration in Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast. Carlin's ability to bring history to life as a fan, not an expert, resonated with Rowe and helped him find his own voice in the nonfiction space. This lesson can be applied to anyone feeling uncertain about their path, as the key to success often lies in staying the course and finding your unique perspective. Additionally, the importance of timing and luck in achieving success should not be underestimated. Ultimately, Rowe's success with Dirty Jobs and his appreciation for Carlin's work show that passion and dedication can lead to a thriving career.

    • A fresh perspective can unlock new opportunitiesBelieving in your unique perspective and adapting to new roles can lead to unexpected successes

      The qualifications we hold or believe we need to pursue our passions may not always be the limiting factors we think they are. Dan Carlin, a radio host with a simple BA in history, shares how his mother-in-law's suggestion to start a history podcast led him to redefine his role and approach. He went from seeing himself as an arbiter of truth to a storyteller, which opened up new creative possibilities. This shift in perspective, along with the invention of "audio footnotes" to provide credibility and multiple perspectives, allowed him to create a successful history podcast despite not having a background in historiography or being an expert in the field. The lesson here is that sometimes, all it takes is a fresh perspective and a willingness to adapt to unlock new opportunities.

    • Turning a hobby into a successful podcastEmbrace podcasting as a creative outlet, stay committed to research, and use unexpected twists as opportunities for growth.

      The interviewee saw an opportunity in podcasting as a creative escape from the constraints of traditional media and turned his hobby into a successful vocation. He was inspired by the potential for everyone to create content with the emerging tools of the time, despite initial skepticism from investors. The interviewee's deep commitment to his research and curiosity, whether it's for personal enjoyment or to enrich his audience, sets him apart in the podcasting world. He encourages embracing the unexpected twists and turns in life and using them as opportunities for growth.

    • The pressure to exceed past achievements and the value of deep engagement with a niche audienceContent creators face pressure to constantly improve and reach deeper connections with their niche audiences, transforming the meaning of 'broadcasting' from reaching a large but shallow audience to a meaningful and engaged one.

      The speaker, who is a content creator, recognizes the unique position he holds in the current cultural landscape and the pressure to constantly exceed his past achievements. He feels this pressure is a common artistic problem and comes from the desire to avoid negative feelings and improve. Broadcasting, which used to mean reaching a large but shallow audience, has become viable again due to the potential for a passionate and engaged global audience for niche content. The speaker feels he is communicating deeply with his audience through his podcast, unlike the broad and surface-level nature of much of modern podcasting. The term "broadcasting" originated from the farming technique of scattering seeds widely and is a metaphor for reaching a large but not necessarily deep audience. The speaker values the ability to go deep with his audience and appreciates the engagement and enthusiasm that comes from this connection.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Adapting Podcasts to Traditional MediaDespite the potential benefits of merging podcasting and traditional media, creative compromises and committee decisions can hinder the preservation of podcasts' unique qualities, making it crucial to navigate obstacles like advertising, time constraints, and product integrations.

      The world of podcasting and traditional media are converging, but translating the freedom and intimacy of podcasts into standard media formats comes with challenges. The speaker shares an experience of attempting to adapt a podcast into a television show, which resulted in creative compromises and the dominance of committee decisions. The speaker, who values creative control, found this unacceptable. The speaker expresses excitement about the potential fusion of podcasting and broadcasting, but also acknowledges the obstacles, such as advertising, time constraints, and product integrations, that need to be navigated. The speaker reflects on the unique qualities of podcasts and the importance of preserving their essence in any adaptation to other media.

    • Navigating the Intersection of History and Modern Technology in StorytellingDespite the challenges of offenses, competition, sponsors, and new distribution systems, staying innovative and true to the original vision is crucial in storytelling, especially when blending history and modern technology.

      The intersection of history and modern technology presents unique challenges when it comes to storytelling. The speaker shares an example from their experience in creating a historical show with a modern twist, only to face resistance due to potential offense and competition from high-budget productions. They also mention the importance of finding sponsors and adapting to new distribution systems, like streaming services, to bridge the gap. The speaker acknowledges the difficulty of creating compelling content in an age where ideas are constantly being borrowed and reimagined, but also emphasizes the importance of staying innovative and true to the original vision. In essence, the key takeaway is that while the landscape of media may change, the art of storytelling remains a constant challenge and opportunity.

    • The power of long-form content in a short-form worldLong-form content, like podcasts or plays, can offer unique experiences, but their success depends on the listener's engagement and imagination. With the rise of short-form content, there might be a resurgence of interest in long-form content due to its novelty, authenticity, and discovery potential.

      The merger of two media giants could bring about significant changes, but sometimes, the simplicity of an experience, like a theatrical play or a long-form podcast, can't be improved upon. The "theater of the mind" concept, where listeners imagine the story being told, is risky as it assumes the experience provided will be more interesting than their own imagination. However, with the rise of short-form content, there might be an appreciation for long-form content due to its novelty. Authenticity and discovery are essential, and the absence of heavy promotion can lead to a more serendipitous discovery of content. Ultimately, a mix of old and new techniques and discoveries will continue to shape media and push it forward.

    • Staying true to your creative visionAuthenticity leads to success, even if it means turning down opportunities that could compromise artistic integrity. Persist in creating unique content and focus on the long game for growth and success.

      Authenticity and staying true to your creative vision can lead to success, even if it means turning down opportunities that may seem attractive but could compromise your artistic integrity. Dan Carlin shares his experience of trying to get his podcast on the radio and how he eventually came to value the freedom that comes with having a large audience and the ability to create content on his own terms. He emphasizes that the people approaching him with offers to turn his podcast into a TV show need him more than he needs them, and that it's important to prioritize your time and energy wisely. Carlin also touches on the importance of being persistent and continuing to create content in a unique and engaging way, even when it feels like you're not making progress. He encourages creators to focus on the long game and to remember that growth and success often come gradually over time.

    • Embrace every experience, it's valuableEvery experience, no matter how unrelated, offers skills and knowledge that can benefit future goals. Keep an open mind to new opportunities.

      Every experience, no matter how seemingly unrelated to your current path, can provide valuable skills and knowledge that will benefit you in unexpected ways. The speaker shares how his diverse background in theater, military history, and radio broadcasting has all come together in his current job in podcasting. He encourages his kids to embrace their experiences, even if they don't seem directly related to their future goals, because they will find a way to use them. The speaker also shares his experience with virtual reality technology and how it has the potential to revolutionize storytelling and education. He was introduced to this technology through a chance encounter with a music producer and was inspired by the possibilities it presented for filmmaking and beyond. Overall, the speaker's message is to appreciate the value of every experience and to keep an open mind to new opportunities.

    • Creating an immersive WW1 VR experience: Balancing historical accuracy and emotional impactBalancing historical accuracy and emotional impact is crucial when creating an immersive VR experience about a negative human experience like WW1. Collaboration with experts and careful planning are essential.

      Creating an immersive and historically accurate virtual reality experience, especially one centered around a negative human experience like the horrors of war, requires careful consideration and collaboration between creative minds, experts, and historical authenticity. The team behind this project, which aimed to bring users to the worst place in the world on any given day during World War 1, faced numerous challenges, including the need to create a horrific enough experience while respecting the historical realities and the potential emotional impact on users. They brought in experts from Skywalker Labs and even considered adding interactive elements like buttons to control the intensity of the experience, but ultimately, they had to find a balance between entertainment and historical accuracy. The project, currently on display at the World War 1 Museum in Kansas City, serves as an example of the potential of technology to bring creative ideas to life, but also highlights the importance of careful planning and collaboration.

    • The complex relationship between creators, audiences, and production processesAs technology advances and new mediums emerge, creators must balance authenticity and production value to maintain audience trust and engagement.

      The evolution of storytelling and content creation, particularly in the digital age, has led to a shift in the relationship between creators, audiences, and the production process. As technology advances and new mediums emerge, such as podcasting and virtual reality, opportunities for monetization and creative freedom have arisen, often blurring the lines between performance and authenticity. For instance, in radio and early podcasting, the lack of editing tools and the pressure to perform live led to a more raw, unfiltered experience for listeners. However, as podcasts grew longer and more complex, the need for editing became necessary, leading to a balance between authenticity and production value. Similarly, in virtual reality and other immersive mediums, the potential for product placements and in-game advertising has raised questions about the ethics and impact on the viewer experience. While some argue that these intrusions detract from the immersion, others see them as a necessary part of the business model. Ultimately, the relationship between creators, audiences, and production processes is a complex one that continues to evolve as technology and mediums change. Whether it's radio, podcasting, virtual reality, or something yet to be invented, the challenge for creators will be to strike a balance between authenticity and production value, all while maintaining the trust and engagement of their audiences.

    • Creating a Unique Production: Balancing Performance and StorytellingCreative process involves balancing various elements, looking back, and deciding on project parameters to create valuable work for future audiences.

      The creative process involves balancing various elements, including performance, storytelling, and the pressure of deadlines. The speaker shares his experience of creating a show, which was initially an homage to Paul Harvey but evolved into a unique production. He acknowledges the importance of looking back and living with the final product, even if it means discarding previous work. The speaker also draws a parallel between their creative process and the documentary "6 Days to Air" about South Park, emphasizing the importance of coming up with ideas under tight deadlines. He reflects on the impact of deciding on the parameters of one's work and the importance of creating something valuable for future audiences. Ultimately, the speaker identifies himself as a "Cezanne" type creative, someone who never truly finishes a project and is always refining it.

    • Adapting style while staying authenticStay true to yourself, but adjust your style to fit different contexts. Receive constructive feedback to grow and find your unique voice.

      Performing authentically in different contexts may require adjusting your style while staying true to yourself. The speaker shared an experience where his conversational style sounded out of place during a talk, but when telling a story, his voice and intensity increased naturally. He described this as "fake real," comparing it to a grandpa telling a story at a Thanksgiving dinner or an oral storyteller in traditional societies. The speaker acknowledged that his past experiences with direction and criticism have shaped his career, from adapting to industry trends to finding unique opportunities in perceived limitations. He emphasized the value of receiving constructive feedback, even if it's delivered bluntly, as it pushes individuals to grow and find their own voice.

    • Finding your unique voice and audienceStay true to yourself, turn weaknesses into strengths, and engage directly with your audience to captivate and educate them in unique ways.

      Finding your unique voice and audience is crucial for success, rather than trying to imitate others. The speaker shares her experience of transitioning from radio to podcasting, where she could self-select her audience and focus on discussing what she's passionate about. She emphasizes the importance of staying true to yourself and turning perceived weaknesses into strengths. Additionally, the speaker discusses the evolution of entertainment and how what was once considered innovative can become stale over time. Ultimately, she believes that engaging directly with the audience and sharing knowledge in an enthusiastic and accessible way can captivate and educate people in unique and meaningful ways.

    • Understanding Different Learning Styles in Content CreationRecognizing and catering to various learning styles can help creators reach a broader audience and make their content more relatable and meaningful.

      While Mike Rowe sells access and raw experience through his show "Dirty Jobs," Tom stands out by offering enlightenment and historical context. Mike's audience doesn't mind imperfections or behind-the-scenes moments, as they add authenticity to the show. Tom, on the other hand, believes in the power of guiding people through historical narratives, helping those who might not naturally connect with history to understand it better. This analogy can be extended to various ways of perceiving the world, such as math or meditation. By recognizing and catering to different learning styles, creators can reach a broader audience and make their content more relatable and meaningful.

    • Exploring history through engaging storytellingPeople can be inspired to learn about history through captivating narratives, fact-checking is crucial, and being open to different perspectives enriches our understanding.

      The way we consume and understand information, especially history, has significantly changed due to the abundance of sources available to us. Mike Duncan, the host of "The History of Rome" podcast, shares his experience of how people's natural inclination towards history can be sparked through engaging storytelling, even if they didn't initially show interest. He also emphasizes the importance of fact-checking and being aware of potential misconceptions, as even long-held beliefs can be incorrect. In today's world, with the ease of access to various sources, it's crucial to remain curious and open to new discoveries, while also being mindful of potential inaccuracies. Duncan also highlights the importance of understanding different perspectives, such as those from other countries, when studying history. Ultimately, it's essential to approach knowledge with a humble and curious mindset, acknowledging that we may not have all the answers and that there is always room for improvement.

    • Navigating the complexities of truth in a rapidly changing worldIn a world of abundant and manipulable information, it's crucial to adapt and develop new tools to navigate and find truth, while understanding the nuance and complexity of issues.

      Certainty can be both a friend and a barrier when it comes to understanding the past and navigating the complexities of the present. The pace of change in our world is outstripping our ability to adapt, making it increasingly difficult to discern truth from misinformation. The abundance of information, much of it false, has created a crisis of confidence in our ability to make informed decisions and participate effectively in democratic processes. The sheer volume of information, combined with the ease with which it can be manipulated, makes it challenging for individuals to navigate and find the truth. As we move further into an era of virtual and augmented reality, the challenges will only grow more complex. It's essential that we find ways to adapt and develop new tools and strategies to help us navigate this rapidly changing information landscape. Ultimately, it's not just about finding the facts, but about understanding the nuance and complexity of the issues at hand.

    • The importance of historical understanding in navigating contemporary issuesUnderstanding history helps us navigate complexities of the present and find common ground, rather than eliminating symbols or changing values without context.

      Understanding the past is crucial for addressing the present and shaping the future. In the discussion, Kat from Ritual expressed her concern about the current state of the world, where it's hard for people to reconcile the facts with their present experiences. She shared her personal experience of creating a trustworthy prenatal vitamin brand due to her inability to find one she could trust. Dan Blitz was praised for his ability to bring history to life through his podcast, which delves deep into the complexities of the past. The conversation touched upon the Atlantic slave trade and the controversy surrounding the removal of statues representing controversial historical figures. Kat argued that pulling down statues or eliminating slurs is not an effective solution to addressing the root causes of systemic issues. Instead, she emphasized the importance of understanding history to navigate the complexities of the present and find common ground. The conversation also touched upon the long history of destroying statues and changing values over time. In essence, the discussion highlighted the importance of historical understanding and empathy in addressing contemporary issues.

    • Recognizing historical complexityUnderstanding historical figures' complexities and contributions, despite their flaws, is crucial for progress.

      It's important to recognize the complexity and nuance of historical figures and their contributions to society, despite their flaws. Thomas Jefferson, for example, is remembered for his influential ideas on freedom and equality, even though he owned slaves. This cognitive dissonance is a reminder that none of us are perfect, and our descendants may judge us harshly for actions or beliefs that seem unacceptable in the future. It's crucial to maintain a sense of discernment and nuance, and not to throw out valuable ideas or progress just because of the imperfections of those who advanced them. Ultimately, the speaker argues that we should strive to understand the context and complexities of the past, rather than reducing historical figures to simplistic, 2-dimensional caricatures.

    • Amplified divide in opinions due to easy access to informationThe ease of access to information and the power to spread it through social media has led to a greater divide in opinions, a lack of consensus on facts, and an inability to engage in productive debates.

      While people may have always struggled with nuance and understanding complex issues, the ease of access to information and the power to spread it through social media has amplified this issue, leading to a greater divide in opinions and a lack of productive debate. The gatekeepers of information have been removed, allowing for a flood of perspectives, some informed and some not, leading to a lack of consensus on facts and an inability to engage in meaningful discussions. This has resulted in a culture of division and dishonesty, with some using this to their advantage for financial gain. The challenge lies in navigating this complex information landscape and finding ways to engage in productive debates based on facts and merits.

    • Media manipulating public opinion for profitMedia fuels anger and hatred for ratings and ads, leading to societal instability and the resurfacing of ancient hatreds

      There is a financial interest in widening the divide among Americans, fueling anger and hatred towards each other for ratings and advertisement revenue. This manipulation of public opinion is not new, but it has become more prevalent and dangerous. The consequences of this can be seen in history, where economic instability and demagoguery have led to the resurfacing of ancient hatreds and the breakdown of societies. It is important to recognize that not all debates are honest, and when they are not, it becomes challenging to find a societal force to counteract the divisiveness and create equilibrium. The speaker suggests that the future might hold a shift towards virtual communities based on shared interests, allowing individuals to move between them as their views change. However, for now, we must learn to live with each other and be aware of those who profit from our divisions.

    • Potential for catastrophic events due to political tensionsPolitical tensions could lead to unintended consequences like world wars or civil wars, highlighting the need to consider potential catastrophic outcomes

      The current political and global tensions could potentially lead to catastrophic events, such as a world war or a civil war, especially when considering the presence of nuclear weapons. The potential for unintended consequences from alliances and friendships cannot be ignored, as seen in historical examples like the First World War. The speaker expresses concern about the current situation in Europe and the potential for it to escalate into something much worse. The alliance system, while intended to prevent war, can also contribute to it when tensions run high. It's important to remember that the outcome of current events may not be known to us, but the potential for catastrophic consequences should always be at the forefront of our thinking.

    • Debate over NATO expansion towards Russia's bordersDuring the post-Cold War era, Pat Buchanan proposed an alternative to NATO expansion, suggesting a regional alliance to deter Russian aggression and avoid antagonization. This approach aimed to provide better defense and garner more support in case of an invasion.

      During the post-Cold War era, there was a debate about expanding NATO towards Russia's borders. Pat Buchanan argued against expansion, suggesting instead a regional alliance between countries with a shared interest in deterring Russian aggression. This approach aimed to avoid antagonizing Russia, given its historical PTSD from invasions and communism. Buchanan believed that such an alliance would provide better defense for vulnerable countries and garner more support in case of an invasion, as the allies would have a greater stake in the outcome. The idea was not to deny these countries a way to deter Russian aggression but to explore alternative, potentially more effective, methods. Ultimately, the nuclear age necessitated caution and mutual understanding, as everyone was armed with tactical nukes. The current crisis in Ukraine serves as a painful reminder of the potential consequences of tensions between Russia and its neighbors.

    • Relying on individual leaders for peace is risky, especially those with nuclear capabilitiesThe potential consequences of a nuclear war are too devastating to risk, even for the most benevolent leaders. Oversight and accountability are crucial to prevent and address mistakes.

      Relying on a single individual, especially one with control over nuclear stockpiles, to ensure peace and prevent catastrophic events is a risky proposition. The potential consequences of a nuclear war are so devastating that it's not worth the risk, even for the most benevolent and wise leaders. The danger of having individuals in control of countries, particularly those with nuclear capabilities, is an important conversation to have, especially as our own country has been evolving in that direction since the end of World War II. Additionally, the lack of oversight and accountability, both politically and morally, can lead to dangerous situations. It's crucial that we hold ourselves and our leaders to the same standards and ensure that corrective measures are in place to prevent and address mistakes. The entertainment industry, with its focus on producing mass content, often fails to deliver quality and depth, reflecting the importance of oversight and accountability in all aspects of life.

    • Understanding Leadership Styles and Historical ContextExploring leadership styles and historical context can provide valuable insights into complex events. Start with 'The Art of War' and 'The Prince', then delve into historical works and lighthearted fiction.

      Committees or groups of people in charge can lead to indecisiveness and unintended consequences, much like a camel instead of a racehorse. However, a single authoritarian leader, like Putin, may also make mistakes that could harm their country's interests, making it difficult to determine which leadership style is better. From a historical and geopolitical perspective, leaders' interests may not always align with what's best for their country, and understanding their motivations can be complex. In terms of understanding complex historical and current events, looking at them through the lens of power and resources can provide valuable insights. As for engaging with my body of work, starting with the book "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu and "The Prince" by Niccolò Machiavelli would provide a solid foundation. Additionally, exploring the works of historians like Gibbon and Tacitus can offer valuable context. For a more lighthearted and entertaining approach, I would recommend the Flashman Chronicles by George MacDonald Fraser.

    • A unique perspective on Victorian history through Flashman's unreliable narrationGeorge MacDonald Frasier's 'Flashman Chronicles' humanize historical figures by telling history through the unreliable narration of a cowardly and dishonest man, making it an engaging and entertaining read for history enthusiasts.

      George MacDonald Frasier's "Flashman Chronicles" offer a unique perspective on Victorian history through the unreliable narration of a fictional character, Harry Flashman. Frasier, a real historian, created this fictitious character to make history accessible and engaging for readers. Flashman, a cowardly and dishonest man, becomes the reliable narrator as he is often mistaken for a hero and is promoted through the ranks. The believable construct of the series was so effective that the first book was initially reviewed as a work of nonfiction. Frasier's approach to history, which humanizes historical figures, has made the "Flashman Chronicles" a favorite among history enthusiasts. With a captivating narrative and a relatable protagonist, the series provides a fresh and entertaining perspective on historical events.

    • Exploring new worlds through nonfiction storytellingNonfiction storytelling transports us to new worlds, challenges perspectives, and broadens horizons through in-depth discussions and anecdotes.

      Nonfiction storytelling, especially in the form of podcasts or documentaries, provides a unique perspective and expands our understanding of the world. The storyteller, in this case Dan, acts as a guide, taking us on a journey to experiences we may not have had otherwise. This approach, though seemingly simple, is novel and effective in keeping forgotten stories alive and relevant. The value of nonfiction storytelling lies in its ability to transport us to new worlds, challenge our perspectives, and broaden our horizons. The lengthy, in-depth discussions and anecdotes shared during these stories may seem indulgent, but they ultimately add depth and richness to our understanding of the subject matter. So, the next time you listen to a nonfiction podcast or watch a documentary, remember that you're not just gaining knowledge, but also experiencing a journey that can leave you feeling enlightened and inspired.

    Recent Episodes from The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

    393: The War on Warriors with Pete Hegseth

    393: The War on Warriors with Pete Hegseth

    In honor of Independence Day, TWIHI welcomes Army veteran and NYT bestselling author Pete Hegseth, who talks about why civic rituals like parades are so important to convey what we value as a society, how to acknowledge America’s faults while still appreciating her greatness, and how our armed forces are destroying themselves from the inside. Pete’s new book is The War on Warriors.

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    ZipRecruiter.com/Rowe to try ZipRecruiter for FREE.

    Groundworks.com to schedule a FREE inspection.

    American Battlefield Trust—Visit Battlefields.org/Mike to get your FREE copy of their award-winning history magazine, Hallowed Ground.

    BONUS COFFEE 392: Keep an Eye on Your Son's Stool with Peggy Rowe

    BONUS COFFEE 392: Keep an Eye on Your Son's Stool with Peggy Rowe

    Peggy Rowe is a three-time New York Times bestselling author, the matriarch of the Rowe family, and, of course, Mike’s mom. The coffee klatch conversation deals with handling disappointment, the difference between encouragement and enabling, and how bowls and bowls of mashed potatoes can help you find your Tiddlywinks pieces. Peggy’s new book is available for presale at MikeRowe.com/MomsBook

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    American Battlefield Trust—Visit Battlefields.org/Mike to get your FREE copy of their award-winning history magazine, Hallowed Ground.

    Something To Stand For—Visit SomethingToStandFor.Movie/Mike for showtimes and tickets

    390: Pulling the Pin with Steven Pressfield

    390: Pulling the Pin with Steven Pressfield

    Steven Pressfield, the two-time New York Times Bestselling author of The War of Art, Gates of Fire, and The Legend of Bagger Vance, discusses how to listen to your muse while ignoring your Resistance, why he carries a Smith Corona typewriter but doesn’t actually use it, and what he learned from driving a truck, picking fruit, and writing advertising copy. His newest book is a memoir titled Govt Cheese.

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    Groundworks.com to schedule a FREE inspection.

    U.S. Money Reserve—Visit WorkHardSaveSmart.com to view a FREE video series on precious metals.

    389: You Can Learn a Lot in a Smoke-Filled Airplane with Gavin de Becker

    389: You Can Learn a Lot in a Smoke-Filled Airplane with Gavin de Becker

    The nation’s leading expert on de-escalation and public figure protection unpacks the importance of intuition, the difference between true fear and unwarranted fear, and the epidemic of sudden, unexpected deaths among seemingly healthy people beginning in 2021.

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    U.S. Money Reserve—Visit WorkHardSaveSmart.com to view a FREE video series on precious metals.

    The Jordan Harbinger Show—Visit JordanHarbinger.com/start to start listening.

    388: Swimming Against the Current with Riley Gaines

    388: Swimming Against the Current with Riley Gaines

    The 12-time NCAA All-American, 5-time SEC Champion, and 2-time Olympic qualifier who went from being one of the fastest collegiate swimmers in the world to a controversial women's rights advocate talks about what it takes to train in a pool six hours per day, why she’s not going to be training to be an endodontist, and recounts the harrowing experience of being held captive on the campus of San Francisco State University. Her new book is Swimming Against the Current: Fighting For Common Sense in a World That’s Lost Its Mind.

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    FieldOfGreens.com Use code: MIKE for 15% off and FREE shipping

    Groundworks.com to schedule a free inspection.

    387: Make Me a Firefighter with Candice McDonald and Jonathan Dayton

    387: Make Me a Firefighter with Candice McDonald and Jonathan Dayton

    In a double-header of do-goodery, TWIHI welcomes not one but two very distinguished volunteer firefighters to discuss why they have been called to such a dangerous philanthropic endeavor, what it takes to become a volunteer firefighter, and how Americans of any age can get involved at MakeMeAFirefighter.org

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    NetSuite.com/Mike the number one cloud financial system.

    PureTalk.com/Rowe Save 50% off your first month!

    LifeVac.net Use code MIKE to get 20% off your full purchase

    385: I Don't Want to Manage People Like Me with Karey Kirkpatrick

    385: I Don't Want to Manage People Like Me with Karey Kirkpatrick

    The film writer, director, and producer known for Over the Hedge, Chicken Run, and James and the Giant Peach talks about his work ethic and creative process, why animated films are modern-day Aesop’s fables, and that time he almost got to run DreamWorks.

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    ZipRecruiter.com/Rowe to try ZipRecruiter for FREE.

    PureTalk.com/Rowe Save 50% off your first month!

    Groundworks.com to schedule a FREE inspection.

    384: Freedom Food and Funny Cars with Matt Hagan and Chloe Hudson

    384: Freedom Food and Funny Cars with Matt Hagan and Chloe Hudson

    Matt is a four-time NHRA Funny Car world champion and first-generation cattle and CBD farmer. Chloe is a mikeroweWORKS work ethic scholarship recipient, an AWS Certified Weld Inspector, and a social media influencer. She also runs social media for Matt Hagan and Tony Stewart. This conversation does not stay in its lane as it veers from the high stakes involved in going 330 mph in four seconds to the tasty steaks that the Hagan Cattle Company produces in Virginia to the political stakes of not keeping your food supply chain in America. 

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    It's Not a Tumor: The Multitalented Grace Wethor

    It's Not a Tumor: The Multitalented Grace Wethor

    Today on the show, I welcome an extraordinary young woman —> Grace Wethor is a living unicorn of talent and intelligence. Guitarist. Pianist, Trapeze Artist, Figure Skater, Model, Author, TED Speaker — and 6-year survivor of an inoperable brain stem glioma that she was diagnosed with at 13 years old in 2015. Grace is the author of "You're So Lucky" and a new docu-series called "You're So Lucky: The Next Chapter." She joins me to talk about what it's like to have your whole life interrupted at such a young age, and we compare notes against her experiences in the 2010s vs. my eerily similar experiences in the 1990s. Spoiler Alert: We've come pretty far, but we've got a ways to go. Enjoy the show.

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    Carly Flumer Takes No Prisoners

    Carly Flumer Takes No Prisoners

    Today I talk to Carly Flumer, two-time thyroid cancer survivor, Director of Medical Engagement at MMG, and Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer torch bearer. Carly was diagnosed with stage I, metastatic papillary thyroid cancer in January 2017 at the age of 27. She went through treatment, got her masters degree in health communication, and has been blowing up the twitterverse and blogosphere with her story and advice on how to manage a cancer diagnosis. 

    For information on us, visit https://OffScrip.com and follow @MatthewZachary, @VaxOnPod, and @OffScripHealth on Twitter. 

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