
    262. Beyond Order: Montreal Lecture | Jonathan Pageau

    enJune 16, 2022
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    Podcast Summary

    • The transformative power of connecting with ideas that resonateDiscovering ideas that resonate with us can lead to meaningful connections and a deeper understanding of complex concepts. Seeking out these ideas and engaging in conversations with like-minded individuals can be a transformative experience.

      The power of connection and the impact of hearing ideas that resonate with our own thoughts. Michaela shares her personal experience of discovering Jordan Peterson's work in 2015, and how his lectures helped her understand complex ideas and religious patterns in a new light. She was so moved by his insights that she reached out to him, leading to an ongoing conversation between them. Tonight, they continue their conversation in Montreal, exploring the nature of reality, complexity, and the role of religion. Peterson's ability to articulate complex ideas in a way that resonates with people has made him a beloved and influential figure for many. This episode underscores the importance of seeking out ideas that resonate with us and the transformative power of meaningful connections.

    • The world is not self-evident, meaning is inferredOur brains don't just see objects, but also infer meaning, challenging the modern view of a material world

      The problem of perception and the limitations of human understanding led to the realization that the world is not self-evident and that meaning is not an overlay on top of reality, but rather, we see meaning and infer objects. This was a revelation in understanding how our brains process the complex and infinite potential landscape of perceptions and reduce it to the self-evident. This problem was a challenge for cognitive scientists, AI engineers, and literary critics alike, who discovered that there are an indefinite number of interpretations for even the simplest texts and visual scenes. The solution to this problem is that we don't just see objects, but we see meaning, and this is a fundamental aspect of how our brains process the world around us. This perspective challenges the modern view of a dead, material world and opens up new ways of understanding reality and our place in it.

    • Our perception goes beyond objective patterns and rational analysis, it's influenced by meaning, value, and human experiencesPerception is shaped by a hierarchy of value, we see objects through a lens of purpose and meaning, and experiences like religious ones are deeply tied to perception in a primal way.

      Our perception of the world is not just a matter of objective patterns or rational analysis, but is deeply intertwined with meaning, value, and our embodied human experiences. The example of a baby's reaction to a visual cliff demonstrates that our primary perception is not based on objective patterns, but on meaning and the avoidance of harm. This perspective challenges traditional empirical and rationalist notions of how we interact with the world and raises epistemological and ontological questions. Our perception is shaped by a hierarchy of value, and we see objects through this lens. Even seemingly mundane objects, like an apple, are perceived through the lens of their purpose and value to us. This ethic of aim is fundamental to our perception and is deeply rooted biologically, with religious experiences being a prime example. These experiences are tied to perception in a deep and primal way, as we orient ourselves towards the things that evoke awe and inspire us to imitate and follow. This perspective challenges the notion that the objective world is clearly objective and offers a new way of understanding the relationship between perception, value, and our place in the world.

    • Celebrating the Highest: Our Instinct to Elevate and ImitateOur innate instincts compel us to celebrate the pinnacles of human achievement and the divine, inspiring awe, humility, and a desire to imitate.

      Our perception and understanding of the world around us are shaped by a hierarchical ethic that orients us towards the highest, inspiring awe, humility, and a desire to imitate. This pyramidal structure, rooted in our innate instincts, compels us to celebrate the pinnacles of human achievement and the divine. Worship, with its celebratory aspect, is an expression of this instinct to elevate and imitate. Whether it's gazing at the stars, admiring a sports hero, or celebrating our loved ones, we are drawn to what is at the highest, ensuring a sense of meaning and coherence in our lives.

    • The importance of sacrifice in fully appreciating the worldSacrificing idiosyncrasies for higher focus allows us to truly see and experience the world

      Human life involves constant sacrifice in order to fully attend to and appreciate the world around us. This idea, which can be traced back to religious thinking, requires us to let go of idiosyncrasies and focus on the highest form of the object of our attention. The concept of sacrifice is present in various forms throughout history, such as the story of Cain and Abel in the Bible, which illustrates the importance of genuine and honest sacrifices. The consequences of making subpar sacrifices can be severe, leading to feelings of bitterness and arrogance. Ultimately, the idea of sacrifice is necessary for truly seeing and experiencing the world, just as a basketball player must sacrifice many things to focus on the game.

    • The significance of sacrifice in achieving excellence and maturitySacrifice is the foundation of personal and societal development, demonstrated through focusing on one goal, delaying gratification, and striving for ethical and spiritual growth.

      The concept of sacrifice plays a significant role in achieving excellence and maturity. This can be seen in various aspects of life, from focusing on one goal despite idiosyncrasies to delaying gratification and working towards a future goal. Sacrifice is also tied to the human ability to perceive the future and our awareness of mortality. It's the definition of work and maturity, and it's present in even the most basic actions, such as moving your fingers to type an essay. The ultimate goal is to strive for ethical and spiritual growth, as represented by the ancient Egyptian gods Osiris (the spirit of tradition) and Horus (the spirit of living attention). In essence, sacrifice is the foundation of personal and societal development.

    • The concept of a unified internal structure in sacred architecture symbolizes ethical hierarchy and unityUnderstanding the concept of a unified internal structure in sacred architecture is crucial for individuals and societies, representing the need for ethical clarity and unity

      The concept of a unified internal structure, symbolized by the gold cap on top of pyramids or the holiest of holy places in sacred architecture, represents the ethical hierarchy and unity that societies and individuals grapple with. This concept is essential for societal harmony and the resolution of ethical issues, whether one is religious or not. The mountain, as a symbol, represents the source of revelation and unity, with the summit offering a clear perspective on ethical issues. The hierarchy within sacred spaces reflects the need for intimacy and exclusivity, with only a select few allowed to access the holiest of places. Ultimately, understanding this concept and striving for unity and ethical clarity is crucial for individuals and societies.

    • The role of perception and cognition in shaping our understanding of realityPerception and cognition are active processes that impose meaning and structure on raw data, shaping our understanding of reality. This sacred architecture of thought influences our daily lives and scientific discoveries.

      Every perception we make, every act of seeing or exploring the world around us, is an active process that involves imposing meaning and structure on the raw data we receive. This means that we are not passive recipients of information, but rather, we inhabit a sacred architecture of cognitive and perceptual categories that shapes our understanding of reality. This structure is not just a theoretical concept, but a practical one with real-world consequences. For example, if we fail to focus on the right thing while driving, we risk our lives. Similarly, scientists must make thousands of ethical decisions when analyzing data, prioritizing truth over career advancement. This recognition of the precondition for reality itself can be traced back to religious and philosophical traditions, such as the Christian idea of the Logos or the Greek concept of the gods as the embodiment of reason. Ultimately, understanding this sacred architecture of perception and cognition can be both frightening and liberating, as it underscores the profound role we play in shaping our own understanding of the world.

    • The consequences of falsifying data or seeking total certainty can be disastrousStrive for accuracy and ethical conduct in all areas of research and decision-making to avoid falsified data and dangerous consequences.

      The pursuit of career advancement and adherence to truth in statistical decision-making and social science can sometimes lead to falsified data and dangerous consequences for society. The quote "the wages of sin is hell" can be applied to this concept, as not aiming properly can lead to disastrous results. During a conversation with Sam Harris, it was discovered that Harris equates totalitarian certainty with religion and seeks to ground ethics in objective fact, but this approach is problematic due to the infinite number of objective facts and the potential for misuse or misinterpretation. Ultimately, it's crucial to strive for accuracy and ethical conduct in all areas of research and decision-making.

    • The importance of mutual reciprocity and building strong relationships in social organizationMutual reciprocity and building strong relationships are crucial for successful social organization, as observed in various species including primates, and emphasized in moral and abstract terms.

      The idea of power and dominance being solely based on brute force and exploitation, as suggested by some biologists and neo-Marxist views, is not supported by evidence from animal behavior, particularly in primates like chimpanzees. Instead, mutual reciprocity and building strong relationships seem to be essential for successful social organization. This natural ethic, which can be observed in various species and even in human societies, emphasizes treating others with respect and recognizing their intrinsic worth. This concept is not only learned through observation and experience but also conceptualized abstractly and valued morally. Ultimately, the question of what we should place at the highest place in our social hierarchy is a complex one, and the biblical corpus, among other sources, offers narrative insights into this question.

    • The Absence of Intrinsic Worth Can Lead to Destructive ConsequencesThe belief that power is the only value can lead to disastrous actions and a disregard for compassion. Compassion is necessary but should be balanced with the recognition of the ideal.

      The absence of a belief in intrinsic worth can lead to destructive consequences, as seen in Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment." This perspective, which suggests that power is the only value, can result in catastrophic actions and a disregard for compassion. Compassion, in fact, is not an unlimited moral virtue, but rather a necessary response to the imperfections and limitations of the world. Human beings, born prematurely and helpless, require a balance of compassion and the recognition of the ideal, rather than an unchecked compassion that can hinder progress and growth.

    • Balancing Compassion and JusticeRecognizing the importance of both compassion and justice is crucial for personal and societal growth, requiring a balance between mercy and discrimination.

      While unconditional compassion is essential for infants, it can hinder development as children grow older. Instead, a balance between compassion and justice, or mercy and discrimination, is necessary for healthy growth and development. This balance allows for the recognition of both perfection and error, encouraging further development and growth. It's essential to strike this balance in our relationships with ourselves and others, constantly adjudicating between the two principles. Ultimately, recognizing the importance of both compassion and justice is crucial for personal and societal growth.

    • Fear of values collapse in absence of transcendent beliefsPhilosophers like Nietzsche and Dostoevsky feared loss of values and rise of nihilism or idolatry without transcendent beliefs. Incarnational principle may offer a way to reconcile this issue.

      The rejection of transcendent beliefs, such as God and the objective material world, can lead to a loss of moral and intellectual foundations. The speaker argues that this was a concern for philosophers like Nietzsche and Dostoevsky, who feared the collapse of values and the rise of nihilism or idolatry. However, the speaker also suggests that there may be a way to reconcile this issue by recognizing the "incarnational principle," which holds that objects and reality have a deeper, embedded meaning or truth. Jung, who studied under Nietzsche, attempted to address this issue by exploring the idea of creating our own values, but ultimately concluded that this was not possible due to the autonomy of our desires and impulses. The speaker believes we are currently experiencing a cultural shift where objective reality and values are being questioned, and suggests that recognizing the incarnational principle may provide a way forward.

    • Values shaped by relationships and negotiationIndividuals can't create values alone, they're shaped by relationships and negotiation. Balance and reciprocity in relationships leads to true sanity.

      Individuals cannot create their values autonomously in the complex world we live in. Values are not solely generated by an individual based on their emotions and motivations, but are shaped by relationships and negotiation with others. The inability to negotiate and the egotistical worldview of some individuals, often influenced by modern technology and societal factors, can lead to a lack of sanity and harmony in personal and communal relationships. True sanity lies in the balance and reciprocity of relationships within a larger communal hierarchy. The religious domain, with its emphasis on community and celebration, can help individuals understand the importance of this interconnectedness.

    • The Value of Religious Rituals and TraditionsAppreciating religious rituals and traditions enriches our lives, provides meaning, and prevents chaos. Engaging with religious communities adds context and significance.

      The speaker has come to appreciate the value of religious rituals and traditions, even if they contain perceived inadequacies or contradictions. He argues that abandoning these traditions can lead to a loss of meaning and a descent into chaos, and that the mysterious and transcendent aspects of religion should not be discarded without considering what might replace them. The speaker also criticizes the solipsistic nature of holding onto beliefs solely for their own sake and argues that engagement with religious communities and traditions can provide necessary context and meaning in an increasingly complex world.

    • Biological differences between gendersBiological differences in interests exist between genders and are maximized in egalitarian societies, despite societal pressure to erase gender distinctions.

      While there may be no distinction between a man or woman's place in certain aspects of society, such as the Supreme Court, there are biologically significant differences between genders, as evidenced in animals like chimpanzees. These differences can be observed in interests, with males being more reliably interested in things and females in people. These inherent differences, rather than being diminished in egalitarian societies, actually maximize as individuals are free to pursue their interests. However, acknowledging these differences can be a challenge in a society that insists on the erasure of gender distinctions, creating a complex and often contradictory narrative.

    • Respecting Children's Intrinsic NatureAllow children to explore their interests, respect their unique nature, and provide opportunities for healthy expression.

      Every child, regardless of gender, has an intrinsic nature that should be fostered and directed. Parents should allow their children to explore their interests, even if they don't align with the parents' ideologies or expectations. For instance, a mother may try to discourage her son's interest in guns, but if he continues to be drawn to them, it's important for her to respect his nature and find ways to channel that energy in a positive way. Similarly, girls will likely have a preference for female toys and activities, and parents should encourage and support that as well. The key is to recognize and respect the temperamental variations between boys and girls and provide opportunities for them to express themselves in healthy ways. Additionally, the speaker shared his personal regret of not learning French when he had the opportunity to do so while living in Montreal, emphasizing the importance of seizing opportunities and following through on personal goals.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Postmodernism and MarxismFrench intellectuals of the 1960s and 1970s identified with Marxism despite skepticism towards grand narratives as postmodernists, raising questions about power, critique of capitalism, and bringing the margins into the center.

      The relationship between postmodernism and Marxism, two seemingly contradictory ideologies, can be complex and nuanced. French intellectuals of the 1960s and 1970s, despite their skepticism of grand narratives as postmodernists, often identified with Marxism. This apparent contradiction may be explained by various factors, including a desire for power, a critique of capitalism, or an attempt to bring the margins into the center. However, the compatibility of these two ideologies remains debatable, and their coexistence raises questions about the nature of intellectual discourse and the role of contradiction in intellectual thought. Ultimately, the relationship between postmodernism and Marxism highlights the complexities and nuances of intellectual history and the ongoing debates within academic circles.

    • Canada's Conservative Party: A History of Weak Leaders?The Conservative Party's pattern of electing leaders who avoid controversy and lack a strong spine could continue with Pierre Polievre, but his conversational skills, genuine care for working-class people, and potential to adapt to modern policies may bring change.

      The Conservative Party in Canada has a pattern of electing leaders who avoid controversy and don't have a strong spine, leading to a lack of effective leadership and constant criticism from opposition parties and radicals. This pattern may continue, but the current leader, Pierre Polievre, who recently appeared on a YouTube channel without preparation and answered all questions honestly, could potentially break this trend. Polievre has shown signs of being a good conversationalist, genuine care for working-class people, and the potential to learn and adapt to modern economic and data ownership policies. However, his economic policy is currently seen as unsophisticated, and it's unclear if he has the sophistication to develop policies for the digital age. Additionally, there is a need to repair relationships with the United States and possibly make intelligent decisions on the energy front. Polievre's willingness to potentially defund the CBC and his ability to stand up to criticism from legacy media could be positive traits. Overall, Polievre's leadership could bring about change and potentially address some of the outdated policies and issues in Canada.

    Recent Episodes from The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

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    477. Stopping the Socialist Trainwreck in British Columbia | John Rustad

    Foundations of the West is out now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3ABnIgR


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    John Rustad is the Conservative MLA for Nechako Lakes - a riding he has held since 2005. John was born and raised in Prince George, married Kim in 1995, and has spent his entire life living in northern British Columbia. In the early 2000s, John was faced with a difficult task. Frustrated with the direction the province was headed, John had to decide between leaving for greener pastures or sticking around. Thankfully, he decided to stick around and, in so doing, decided to fight for BC. For more than 20 years, John has fought for the people of British Columbia. First being elected as a school board trustee to SD-57 and then as an MLA in 2005 to the riding of Prince George–Omineca. Later being re-elected in the riding of Nechako Lakes, after riding redistribution and has served there ever since. John has been a champion of resource development and economic reconciliation, as well as the champion of the common man his entire time in office.


    This episode was recorded on August 15th, 2024


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    For John Rustad:


    Conservative Party of BC website www.conservativebc.ca


    John Rustad on X https://twitter.com/JohnRustad4BC


    Conservative Party of BC Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ConservativeBC


    John Rustad on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/johnrustadbc


    Conservative Party of BC on Instagram


    The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    476. Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson

    476. Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with British journalist and activist Tommy Robinson. They discuss how peaceful demonstrations have been relentlessly tarred as extremist events, how the captured media and U.K. government have colluded to oppress and silence the majority population, how multiculturalism has not failed but activist communities have, the slew of controversies levied against Tommy — and why he keeps fighting for the truth.


    Tommy Robinson is a British journalist and activist who first became an establishment target after reporting on the grooming gangs in Luton. From then on, he and his family have been smeared and punished for attempting to out those who are enabling Islamic extremism.


    This episode was recorded on August 16th, 2024



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    For Tommy Robinson:


    On X https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor 

    475. Threat From South America | Axel Kaiser

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    Axel Kaiser Barents von Hohenhagen is a Chilean-German lawyer, Master in Investments, Commerce, and Arbitration, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Heidelberg (Germany). He is the co-founder and president of the Foundation for Progress in Chile, one of the most influential free-market think tanks in Latin America. He is an international lecturer and a best-selling author of several works that include his Tolkienian fantasy novel “The Book of Asgalard” (available only in Spanish). His book "The Street Economist" became the most sold economics book in the Spanish-speaking world in the last 20 years, playing an important role in Argentina’s current free-market movement.


    This episode was recorded on August 12th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Axel Kaiser:


    On X https://x.com/AXELKAISER?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    “The Street Economist: 15 Economic Lessons Everyone Should Know” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Street-Economist-Economics-Lessons-Everyone/dp/1645720810

    “The Book of Asgalard” (Book)(Spanish only) https://www.amazon.com/El-libro-Asgalard-Axel-Kaiser/dp/8445016393 

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    Coleman Hughes is an author, podcaster, and opinion columnist who specializes in issues related to race, public policy, and applied ethics. Coleman’s writing has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, National Review, Quillette, City Journal, the Spectator, and the Washington Examiner. He appeared on Forbes 30 Under 30 list in 2021. In 2019, Hughes testified before the U.S. House Judiciary subcommittee at a hearing on reparations for slavery. In 2024, Hughes released his first book, “The End of Race Politics: Arguments for a Colorblind America.” He has appeared on prominent TV shows and podcasts including “The View,” “Real Time with Bill Maher,” “The Joe Rogan Experience,” and “Making Sense with Sam Harris.” Hughes is a columnist at the Free Press and a contributor at CNN.


    This episode was recorded on August 8th, 2024



    - Links -


    Foundations of the West, out now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3ABnIgR


    For Coleman Hughes:


    Buy tickets to see Coleman Hughes in conversation with Josh Szeps on August 25th in Sydney and August 28th in Melbourne.


    Sydney link: https://festivalofdangerousideas.com/program/a-colourblind-society-uncomfortable-conversations/#tickets


    Melbourne link: https://www.ticketmaster.com.au/uncomfortable-conversations-live-with-coleman-hughes-and-josh-szeps-melbourne-28-08-2024/event/130060E1D02C314C


    On X https://x.com/coldxman?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    On youtube https://www.youtube.com/@ColemanHughesOfficial 

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    Logan Lancing is an author, speaker, and the founder of ItsNotinSchools dot com. He is best known for his public lectures on critical race theory, culturally relevant pedagogy, and queer theory. Lancing’s website explains what these “woke” theories are, identifies where they come from, and exposes how they show up in children’s classrooms nationwide.


    This episode was recorded on July 30th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Logan Lancing:


    On X https://x.com/LoganLancing/highlights


    On YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@loganlancing


    Know what you children are being taught https://www.itsnotinschools.com/


    “The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Queering-American-Child-Religious-Poisons/dp/B0CSP4L1T9/ref=pd_lpo_sccl_1/138-3764402-1287437?pd_rd_w=J1eG0&content-id=amzn1.sym.4c8c52db-06f8-4e42-8e56-912796f2ea6c&pf_rd_p=4c8c52db-06f8-4e42-8e56-912796f2ea6c&pf_rd_r=FF9ME2FMJZ7DHXP3T72Z&pd_rd_wg=7dgdC&pd_rd_r=592af638-8ca4-4007-9820-2d0249e0e34c&pd_rd_i=B0CSP4L1T9&psc=1


    “THE WOKE WARPATH: How Marxists Use Race and Gender to Break America” (Book)


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    Douglas Murray is a journalist and bestselling author of seven books. His latest publication is the international bestseller, “The War On The West.” His previous book, “The Madness of Crowds,” was a bestseller and “book of the year” for The Times and The Sunday Times. “The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam,” published in 2017, spent almost 20 weeks on The Sunday Times bestseller list and was a number 1 bestseller in non-fiction. Mr. Murray has been a contributor to The Spectator since 2000 and has been associate editor at the magazine since 2012. He is a columnist for The New York Post, The Free Press, The Sun, The Telegraph, and contributes regularly to National Review and numerous other outlets.


    This episode was recorded on August 7th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Douglas Murray:


    Purchase tickets for Douglas Murray’s speaking tour through Live Nation



    Douglas’s latest book, “The War on the West”



    “The Strange Death of Europe” https://www.amazon.com/Strange-Death-Europe-Immigration-Identity/dp/1472958055


    On X https://x.com/DouglasKMurray?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/douglaskmurray/?hl=en


    On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DouglasKMurrayOfficial/


    On YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@douglasmurray

    Exposing Satanism: Fear, Manipulation, & Suffering | Zeena Schreck

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    Zeena Schreck is a Berlin-based interdisciplinary artist, musician, and writer. Prior to her solo music career, she was musical co-director and graphic art designer for the experimental musical project Radio Werewolf during its most prolific European phase. She is also an ordained Tibetan Buddhist yogini and leading Western teacher of Buddhist meditation, spiritual awakening, and the nature of mind. She brings to her creative work a lifetime's experience and expertise in both ancient magical traditions as well as still-living, unbroken Tibetan Buddhist traditions. She expatriated from the U.S. in 1990, living first in Vienna, Austria, and since 1999 in Berlin, Germany.



    - Links -


    For Zeena Schreck:


    Website and blog https://www.zeenaschreck.com/blog


    FAQ https://www.zeenaschreck.com/general-info.html


    Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeena_Schreck


    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/zeenaschreck_art/


    Bandcamp https://zeenaschreck.bandcamp.com/


    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/ZeenaSchreckOfficial


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ZEENA.Official.ZeenaSchreck


    Etsy https://www.etsy.com/de/shop/KCHforZeenaSchreck

    Prophecy, Revelation, & the Spiritual Battle | John Rich

    Prophecy, Revelation, & the Spiritual Battle | John Rich

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with country music artist John Rich. They discuss his new independent song release “Revelation,” the balance of artistic and commercial merit, recognizing constraints that detract from your proper orientation, discerning the spirits from the shadows, and what terrifies Jordan about the biblical Christ.


    John Rich is a multi-platinum hit generator and music industry leader whose creative talents are matched only by his business savvy. He is also a proud father of two sons and recently celebrated his 13th wedding anniversary. Whether through a raucous party anthem or a sober reflection on hard times in the heartland, Rich’s ability to capture the American zeitgeist in song has made him one of the most successful and prolific entertainers in the music business today. In 2011, Rich impressed Donald Trump and American TV audiences with his business acumen and leadership skills, becoming the winner of Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice and raising $1.5 million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Now, Rich is applying his talents to his latest venture, a lifestyle brand called Redneck Riviera that launched in 2014 with an apparel line geared to what he dubs the “work hard play hard” crowd.


    This episode was recorded on July 26th, 2024



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    For John Rich:


    On X https://x.com/johnrich?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    On Insta https://www.instagram.com/johnrichofficial/?hl=en


    “Revelation” on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/2d4WSrynmAtScmsuVvzffn


    “Revelation” on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk6YPFCUaqA 

    469. Finding Signal Against the Noise | Piers Morgan

    469. Finding Signal Against the Noise | Piers Morgan

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with journalist and broadcaster Piers Morgan. They discuss the rapid success of “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” the utility in the mindset of a true journalist, false versus substantive activism, why proper and open debate resonates so strongly today, Donald Trump, and the pressing need for everyone to speak their minds.


    Piers Morgan is an English broadcaster, journalist, writer, and television personality who has become one of the most preeminent and influential figures in global media. His meteoric ascendency in the industry began at The Sun newspaper, and he later became the youngest ever editor of The News of The World before taking over as Editor of the Daily Mirror. After leaving the Daily Mirror, Piers pivoted into a career in television gaining prominence as a judge on the reality television show, “Britain's Got Talent,” and its American counterpart, “America's Got Talent.” Piers now hosts “Piers Morgan Uncensored” on YouTube, amassing over 3 million subscribers in two and a half years, making it the fastest growing YouTube channel in broadcasting.


    This episode was recorded on July 9th, 2024


    - Links -


    For Piers Morgan:


    On X https://x.com/piersmorgan


    Piers Morgan Uncensored on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@PiersMorganUncensored


    Wake Up (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Wake-Up-World-Gone-Nuts/dp/0008392609  

    468. Canada Can’t Defend Itself | J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, Barbara Maisonneuve, and Mark Norman

    468. Canada Can’t Defend Itself | J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, Barbara Maisonneuve, and Mark Norman

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, Barbara Anne Maisonneuve, and Mark Norman. They discuss the implementation of DEI policy in the Canadian Armed Forces, the move away from meritocracy, the overreaction to sexual misconduct — while acknowledging the existing problems — and the country's loss of credibility on the world stage.


    Lieutenant-General J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, CMM, MSC, CD is a former Canadian Army officer who has served as the Assistant Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff of Canada and Chief of Staff of NATO's Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk. He is also the 30th recipient of the Vimy Award.


    Barbara joined the Canadian Armed Forces at 18, first as a Military Policeman, then graduated from the Royal Military College with a Bachelor’s degree into the Logistics branch. She proudly served 21 years sporting the light blue Royal Canadian Air Force uniform. After her service, Barbara chaired the Première Gala that raised funds and celebrated the reopening of the historic Westdale Theatre in Hamilton, and she has helped raise millions for our veterans and serving soldiers.


    Mark Norman retired from the Royal Canadian Navy in the rank of Vice-Admiral in August of 2019 after over 39 years of service. Since retirement, Norman has applied his energy to a variety of pursuits including as Champion for the Royal Canadian Benevolent Fund, Senior Defense Strategist at Samuel Associates, Director at Genoa Designs, he also contributes frequently to the important debate about security and defense issues in Canada as both a fellow with the Global Affairs Institute and as a member of the Conference of Defence Associations Board.


    This episode was recorded on July 8th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Michel Maisonneuve:


    In Defense of Canada: Reflections of a Patriot (book) https://www.amazon.com/Defence-Canada-Reflections-Patriot/dp/1990823955


    RMC and RMC Saint-Jean programs and explanations:


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    The Obergefell v. Hodges case: https://www.britannica.com/event/Obergefell-v-Hodges

    Instagram: @jimobergefell
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimobergefellforohio/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jim-obergefell-4600209/
    Twitter: @JimObergefell
    Jim’s book, “Love Wins: The Lovers and Lawyers Who Fought the Landmark Case for Marriage Equality”: https://www.amazon.com/Love-Wins-Landmark-Marriage-Equality/dp/0062456105/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3HK3QQ04W0SGX&keywords=love+wins+jim+obergefell&qid=1673318659&sprefix=love+wins+jim+obergefel%2Caps%2C144&sr=8-1
    Jim’s Website: www.obergefell.com
    Jim’s Winery: https://equalityvines.com/

    Jim Obergefell, the named plaintiff from the landmark marriage equality case Obergefell v. Hodges, is a speaker on LGBTQ+ equality and civil rights represented by Keppler Speakers.

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