
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring unconventional topics in podcastsPodcasters like Brian Rose and Joe Rogan discuss intriguing ideas, including altered states and psychedelics, often facing skepticism but offering valuable insights and perspectives

      There's a growing community of individuals producing podcasts that explore unconventional topics and perspectives, which are often overlooked in mainstream media. These podcasts, such as London Real and The Joe Rogan Experience, tackle subjects like altered states of consciousness, psychedelics, and other intriguing ideas, sometimes facing skepticism and derision. The podcast hosts, including Brian Rose and Joe Rogan, share a passion for discussing these topics and challenging societal norms. They believe that these discussions are essential, as they offer valuable insights and perspectives that can enrich our understanding of the world. Despite the challenges and criticisms, these podcasters remain committed to exploring these topics and fostering open, intelligent conversations.

    • Perception of corrupt systems and media filtering informationPeople demand change from corrupt political and corporate systems prioritizing profits over people and the environment, with media favoring the status quo.

      Our current political and corporate systems are perceived as corrupt and contrary to the wishes of the people, with a media that filters information and favors the status quo. Business practices are criticized for prioritizing profits over people and the environment, leading to long-term damage and potential disasters. Instances of corporate influence on politics, such as lobbying and bribing, are seen as detrimental to the public good. The call to action is for people to wake up and demand change, as the current state of affairs is unsustainable and potentially disastrous for future generations.

    • Misallocation of resources towards destructive pursuitsNeil deGrasse Tyson urged for funding scientific advancement instead of war and emphasized the importance of love, understanding, and peaceful conflict resolution.

      While we have the capability to explore the mysteries of the universe, our resources are often misallocated towards destructive pursuits, such as war and conflict. Neil deGrasse Tyson expressed concern over the vast amounts of money spent on war, highlighting the potential for these funds to be used for scientific advancement instead. He also emphasized the importance of regulating corporations and promoting love and understanding over fear and conflict. The Middle Eastern conflict between Israel and Palestine was used as an example of the destructive nature of fear-based decision making. Ultimately, Tyson called for a shift towards open dialogue and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

    • Corporations and governments share a diffusion of responsibilityThe speaker argues that large organizations and governments can act questionably with minimal impact on the population due to a shared responsibility for decision making, and that true change requires a major overhaul, but acknowledges the existence of conspiracies and government deceit.

      The speaker believes that corporations and governments have a diffusion of responsibility, leading to questionable actions with minimal impact on the population. They acknowledge that change requires a major overhaul but also acknowledge the existence of conspiracies and government deceit, citing historical examples like the Gulf of Tonkin incident. The speaker questions the need for government secrecy and expresses skepticism towards certain conspiracy theories. They argue that empires and large organizations are not necessary and that a fair distribution of natural resources is the key to avoiding conflict. Ultimately, they express a belief that a truly just and fair society is desirable but may be difficult to achieve due to human nature.

    • Capitalism's Flaws in the Stock Market and DerivativesWhile capitalism drives progress, it also leads to manipulation and gambling in financial markets. Separate hype from reality and focus on what truly works.

      While capitalism can be a strong motivator, it also has its flaws, particularly in areas like the stock market and derivatives which can lead to manipulation and gambling. The speaker, who has a background in engineering and finance, believes that humans are inherently lazy and that a socialist system might not motivate people enough. However, he also thinks that being rewarded for one's efforts is important. He shares his experience working in the credit derivative industry and expresses frustration with the way some people practice martial arts, drawing a parallel between the two, suggesting that not everyone who claims to be an expert actually is. Ultimately, he believes that it's important to separate hype from reality and to focus on what truly works.

    • Jiu Jitsu: Authentic Growth and RespectJiu Jitsu values authentic growth and respect, contrasting some martial arts that focus on formalities and performative displays. Genuine ability and camaraderie are valued over mystical powers and stagnation.

      While some martial arts focus on putting on a show and maintaining formalities, Jiu Jitsu emphasizes authenticity and progression. The speaker shares his experience of encountering a stagnant grandmaster in Jiu Jitsu who relied on mystical powers and formalities for respect, but lacked actual skill and improvement. In contrast, he praises the friendliness and respect in the Jiu Jitsu community, where everyone trains and respects each other based on genuine ability and camaraderie. The speaker also shares an amusing anecdote about testing a Ninjutsu instructor, who instead of engaging in a sparring match, chose to have students attack him while blindfolded. Despite the unusual encounter, the speaker appreciates the instructor's integrity and pride in his skills. Ultimately, the speaker values martial arts that prioritize authentic growth and respect over performative displays.

    • Delusions of Ability and the Protective EgoDespite our delusions and protective egos, continuous training and self-evaluation can help us evolve and let go of the need for validation.

      People, including those practicing martial arts, can be delusional about their abilities and cling to their egos. The speaker shares his experiences with critics in the New York kung fu community, who were upset about his critique of their "fake kung fu" practices. He reflects that we all have areas of delusion in our lives, and the ego serves as a protective mechanism. However, through rigorous training and constant self-evaluation, one can evolve and let go of the need for ego validation. The speaker shares his personal growth through Jiu Jitsu training and the intense relationships formed in the martial arts community. Despite the challenges and criticism, he encourages continued practice and growth.

    • Observing character through Jiu JitsuJiu Jitsu reveals a person's determination, pride, and ability to handle pressure. It fosters humility, groundedness, and camaraderie, promoting physical fitness, mental clarity, and character development.

      Engaging in a physical activity like Jiu Jitsu provides valuable insights into a person's character that cannot be gained through simple conversation. During a Jiu Jitsu match, you can observe a person's determination, pride, and ability to handle pressure. Some individuals tap easily, while others put up a fierce resistance, showcasing their grit and resilience. Jiu Jitsu practitioners are often humble and grounded, as the sport requires a great deal of self-control and the ability to check one's ego. The camaraderie among Jiu Jitsu practitioners comes from the shared experience of pushing themselves to their limits and learning valuable life lessons both on and off the mat. Jiu Jitsu is an excellent part of daily life for men, as it promotes physical fitness, mental clarity, and the development of essential character traits.

    • Learning from teaching BJJTeaching BJJ activates neurons for mental overlay and muscle memory, improving performance and reaction time. Observing and correcting students also helps learn new techniques and patterns faster.

      Teaching BJJ can significantly improve one's own performance on the mat. The process of observing and correcting students' techniques activates a specific neuron in the brain, enhancing mental overlay and muscle memory. This mental and physical connection can lead to improved reaction time, bypassing the need for conscious thought. Witnessing and being involved in the process can also help one learn new techniques and patterns faster. High-level black belts have reported feeling like their partners' moves were being read, demonstrating the power of this learning method. By focusing on guard oriented styles and practicing with skilled individuals, one can continually progress and develop their BJJ skills.

    • The importance of hard work and dedication in jiu-jitsu and lifeHard work and dedication are essential for success in jiu-jitsu and life. Earning your position and taking care of your body leads to a sense of accomplishment and relaxation, while activities like watching TV or playing pool can help manage stress and maintain focus when earned through hard work.

      The journey to success, whether in jiu-jitsu or other aspects of life, requires hard work and dedication. Nick shares his experience of learning this lesson the hard way, as he injured his back and set himself back significantly by trying to avoid putting in full effort. He emphasizes the importance of earning one's position and taking care of one's body, as well as the sense of accomplishment and relaxation that comes from putting forth serious effort. Nick also reflects on the value of activities like watching TV or playing pool, but only after one has earned the right to enjoy them through hard work and dedication. Ultimately, Nick sees these activities as a way to manage stress and maintain focus, rather than a waste of time. He values the control and concentration required in activities like jiu-jitsu and pool, and sees them as essential skills for navigating life's challenges.

    • The joy of acquiring a skillAcquiring skills brings more joy and pleasure than material objects. Full-body activities enhance functional strength and overall well-being.

      Finding joy and pleasure comes from the process of acquiring a skill rather than from material objects. This was highlighted during the discussion about Jiu Jitsu, where the speaker mentioned how becoming a black belt brought him the most enjoyment because he had acquired the skill and could now just enjoy it. Additionally, physical activities that challenge the body and require full-body movement, like Jiu Jitsu and kettlebell workouts, are more effective for functional strength and overall well-being compared to isolated exercises. The speaker also expressed an openness to trying experiences like ayahuasca, but only if they served a therapeutic purpose, as he doesn't have substance abuse issues. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of personal growth and mastery in bringing happiness and fulfillment.

    • The Corrupting Influence of DrugsOpioids can lead to addiction and exploitation, while some find healing through psychedelic drugs. Societal attitudes and regulations need to change.

      The use of certain drugs, particularly opioids, can lead to addiction and corruption, as seen in the ease of prescription and the exploitation of vulnerable individuals. The discussion also touched upon the power dynamics involved in such situations, particularly when an older, attractive woman manipulates a younger man. Additionally, the use of psychedelic drugs like ayahuasca was debated, with some expressing negative experiences while others shared transformative stories of healing. The conversation also touched upon societal hypocrisy and the need for change in regulations and attitudes towards prescription drugs and addiction.

    • The importance of performing live for comediansLive comedy thrives on the connection between artist and audience, requiring focus, energy, and interaction for a memorable experience.

      Creating stand-up comedy is a unique art form that requires both the solitary process of writing and the interactive energy of a live audience. The speaker emphasized the importance of performing in front of people to bring the material to life and discover new paths for the jokes. He also highlighted the excitement and focus needed on stage to entertain the audience and create a connection. The speaker's upcoming independent studio project is an extension of this passion, where he can have more control over the environment and bring together talented comedians for a memorable experience. The discussion also touched upon the similarities between selling sex dolls and human beings in the sex industry, but the focus remained on the importance of live comedy and the interplay between the artist and the audience.

    • Learning from comedy classes and performing in front of audiencesComedy classes offer opportunities to perform, learn from mistakes, and determine passion for comedy. Regular stage time refines skills.

      Stand-up comedy is a unique art form built on a connection between the performer and the audience. This connection is felt by both parties, with performers sensing the audience's engagement and feedback, while audiences become locked into the comedian's bit. Comedy courses can serve as valuable stepping stones for aspiring comedians, providing them with the opportunity to perform and learn from their mistakes. While not all courses are created equal, they can help individuals determine if comedy is truly their passion. The process of taking a comedy class and performing in front of an audience, even if it's a bad one, can be an educational experience, teaching comedians what not to do and refining their skills. Ultimately, the more time spent on stage, the better a comedian becomes, as evidenced by Joey Diaz's dedication to performing multiple sets per week.

    • Connection between personality and comedic abilityGenuine, open, engaging people excel on stage. Handling feedback and adapting to conversations are crucial. Different forms of marijuana use can lead to unique experiences, requiring caution.

      There's a significant connection between a person's personality and their comedic ability. Those who are genuine, open, and engaging off stage tend to shine on stage as well. Conversely, those who are awkward or clunky off stage may struggle to connect with audiences. Additionally, the way a comedian handles feedback and adapts to a conversation is crucial to their success. The always-on one-liner comedian can be exhausting, as they fail to understand how they're being perceived. It's essential to know what's funny and what's not, and to contribute relevantly to conversations. Consuming marijuana in edible form versus smoking it can lead to vastly different experiences. Edibles can be uncomfortable and introspective, forcing users to confront their fears and unconscious thoughts. It's important to be aware of these differences and approach each experience with caution.

    • Balancing Technology and Regulation in FinanceTechnology and derivatives bring advantages but also risks. Society should prevent manipulation and instability through fair regulation, considering alternatives like resource-based economy or democratic internet-driven government.

      While technology and financial derivatives can offer advantages, they also come with risks and potential instability. The speaker argues that a fair and sensible society should not allow for manipulation or unregulated elements in money and finance. The old-school concept of a resource-based economy was suggested as an alternative, but the speaker acknowledges that transitioning to such a system may require significant change and could be challenging. The internet was proposed as a potential solution for a more democratic and information-driven future government. In essence, the conversation highlights the need for balance and regulation in the financial sector to prevent excessive volatility and instability.

    • Concerns over government control and manipulation of informationThe speaker expresses worry about cyber-terrorism bills, infringement of civil liberties, and a corrupt campaign finance system, emphasizing the need for a government that prioritizes people over profits and serves the public interest in the digital age.

      The current political and information systems are facing significant challenges, with increasing government control and manipulation of information, and a corrupt campaign finance system. The speaker expresses concern over the passing of cyber-terrorism bills and legislation that infringes on civil liberties, such as the National Defense Authorization Act. He believes that the system is rigged and that politicians and corporations prioritize profits over humanity. The speaker also highlights the ease of access to information in the digital age and the need for a government that serves the people rather than the interests of corporations or the military. He suggests that the current political landscape is outdated and that change is necessary.

    • Finding Inspiration and Building a Successful Podcast through Generosity and PositivityRobbie and Brian grew their podcast by bringing on unique guests and emphasizing positivity, inspiring others to do the same and expand their reach globally.

      The hosts of the "London Real" podcast, Robbie and Brian, started their show as a result of being inspired by another podcast, "Live from the Compound," and have since grown to believe in the power of helping others and spreading positivity. They've built a successful podcast by bringing on the funniest and most interesting guests, rather than seeing them as competition. They've also started a project called "Global Real" to help set up podcasts in major cities around the world. The hosts emphasize the importance of generosity and positivity, and believe that there's enough audience for everyone in the vast world of English-speaking listeners. They've found that by sending out positive energy, their own experiences and successes have grown. The hosts, including Ari, Duncan, and Joey Diaz, all share this mentality and support each other's work.

    • Exploring new ideas through human connectionStarting a podcast and interviewing diverse guests led to personal growth and transformation by challenging beliefs and expanding perspectives. Authenticity and identifying disingenuous individuals are crucial for building meaningful connections.

      The power of human connection and the exchange of ideas can lead to personal growth and transformation. The speaker shares how starting a podcast and interviewing interesting people led him to expand his perspective and challenge his previous beliefs. He emphasizes the importance of authenticity and the ability to identify disingenuous individuals. While the majority of listeners consume podcasts through audio, the speaker values the visual aspect for building a connection with the guests and assessing their character. The speaker's journey from a successful but unfulfilling career to starting a podcast demonstrates the potential for personal growth and the importance of seeking out new experiences and ideas.

    • Memories of Pride Fighting ChampionshipsSpeakers share stories of Pride's unconventional fights, impressive tattoos, and camaraderie among fighters, but acknowledge potential long-term damage to fighters' minds.

      The speakers in this discussion are reminiscing about their experiences with Pride Fighting Championships, an MMA organization known for its unique and often unconventional fights. They share stories of memorable fights, impressive tattoos, and the camaraderie among fighters. However, they also acknowledge the potential long-term damage to fighters' minds in MMA, which is not as present in Jiu Jitsu. Despite this, they express a deep appreciation for the sport and the individuals involved. The speakers also mention notable figures in MMA history, such as Minotoro, Bob Sapp, Ensign Inui, and James Thompson. Overall, their conversation reflects a sense of nostalgia and admiration for the world of MMA and its unique culture.

    • The importance of safety and proper training in combat sportsProper training minimizes injury risk and prepares fighters for competition, while neglecting safety can lead to devastating consequences, including brain damage and long-term health issues.

      The impact of a well-delivered punch or kick in combat sports can be significant and potentially life-altering. Technical training from skilled coaches is crucial to minimize the risk of serious injury and ensure fighters are well-prepared for competition. The consequences of brain damage from repeated blows or a single devastating knockout can be devastating and long-lasting, affecting not only physical abilities but also speech patterns and overall well-being. It's essential to prioritize safety and proper training to protect the health and longevity of fighters in combat sports.

    • Understanding the risks and consequences of combat sportsFighters must be smart about their careers, retire before significant damage occurs, and have something outside of fighting that excites them to minimize risk. Referees play a crucial role in balancing fighter safety and competition.

      Combat sports, including UFC, carry an inherent risk of injury and irreparable damage, even with safety measures in place. Retired fighters like Melchik Taylor serve as reminders of the long-term consequences of continued participation. To minimize risk, fighters must be smart about their careers, retire before significant damage occurs, and have something outside of fighting that excites them. However, it's not easy to determine when it's time to retire, as some fighters can take punishment better than others, and the line between continuing to compete and suffering long-term damage is thin. Ultimately, referees must consider each fighter's unique abilities and styles when making decisions about stopping fights, balancing the desire to let fighters compete with the importance of protecting their health.

    • Understanding UFC commentary: Goldberg's perspectiveGoldberg highlights McGregor's tenacity, shares disbelief over his job, and stresses importance of knowing martial arts styles and techniques for effective commentary.

      Being a UFC commentator requires a deep understanding of martial arts and the ability to explain complex techniques and strategies to viewers. Mike Goldberg, one of the most renowned UFC commentators, shares how Conor McGregor's tenacity and endurance in fights are impressive, as he can keep going even when his opponents are nearly out of ammunition. Goldberg also highlights the surreal nature of his job, expressing disbelief that he's paid to ask questions and explain fights to audiences. He emphasizes the importance of knowing various martial arts styles and techniques, especially in ground fighting, where there are countless variables. Goldberg's commentary is crucial for viewers to understand the intricacies of the fights and appreciate the skill and strategy involved.

    • Learning Martial Arts Techniques Through CommunitiesEffective martial arts techniques, like chokes, spread through communities. While exciting to watch, mastering them requires a strong foundation in defense and proper technique. The Gee strategy is practical for dealing with opponents in coats, and continuous learning and adaptation are key to success.

      Martial arts techniques, such as chokes using the collar or the Darce choke, can be effectively learned and spread through communities like a meme. For someone without a martial arts background, watching these techniques can be exciting and understandable. However, mastering these techniques requires a strong foundation in defense and the use of proper technique. The Gee, a defensive strategy, is particularly valuable in dealing with opponents wearing coats or jackets, making it a practical and effective technique. The spread of new techniques through Jiu Jitsu schools and online resources can lead to the emergence of new and high percentage moves, such as the Japanese necktie. Ultimately, the key to success in martial arts is a strong foundation in technique and defense, as well as a willingness to continuously learn and adapt to new techniques.

    • Embracing the value of focused effortFocus on one thing at a time to give it your best, don't let other areas suffer, and strive to be someone worth admiring.

      While the speaker may not be a high-level black belt in jiu-jitsu due to time constraints and other commitments, he values the skills he has acquired and the impact he has on his audience through his comedy and podcast. He understands the importance of focusing on one thing at a time to give it his full effort and not letting other aspects of his life suffer. The speaker also shared his perspective on a hypothetical fight between a gorilla and a tiger, believing that the gorilla, despite its strength, would have an advantage due to its size and natural habitat. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of being someone worth admiring and getting things done, rather than slacking off and letting opportunities pass by.

    • Animal behavior influences male testicle sizeChimpanzees, living in promiscuous societies, have larger testicles than gorillas due to sexual selection

      Animal behavior, such as the promiscuity of females in certain species, can influence physical characteristics, like the size of testicles, in males. For instance, chimpanzees, who live in promiscuous societies, have larger testicles than gorillas, who live in more monogamous societies. However, the discussion also touched upon the dangers of visiting Africa due to the presence of dangerous animals and the debunking of ancient alien theories. The speaker expressed fear towards various animals and praised a YouTube channel called "verse by verse BT" for providing evidence and insights into how ancient structures were built, such as the pyramids and obelisks, using internal ramps.

    • Ancient civilizations were more advanced than previously believedDiscoveries of advanced structures and artifacts suggest a highly advanced culture existed before the ice age, possibly due to knowledge transfer from meteor impacts or a forgotten civilization

      Graham Hancock posits that ancient civilizations, such as those in Egypt and the discovery of Gobekli Tepe, were more advanced than previously believed, possibly even predating the ice age around 10,000 BC. This theory is supported by the discovery of glass impact glass from meteor showers found in the same layer of dirt all over the world, suggesting a period of intense destruction and knowledge transfer. Hancock argues that this sophisticated knowledge was not due to extraterrestrial intervention but rather the existence of a highly advanced culture that has since been largely forgotten. The ongoing discoveries of ancient structures and artifacts continue to support Hancock's theories, making him a trailblazer in rewriting history. His openness about his personal use of psychedelics and honesty about his work make him a compelling and respected figure in the field.

    • Knowledge and Mass Destruction CoexistThe disconnect between advanced knowledge and its application can lead to devastating consequences, making it crucial to recognize and address this disconnect to prevent misuse of power.

      Throughout history, advanced knowledge and the capacity for mass destruction have often coexisted. The Mayans, for instance, were known for their sophisticated understanding of astronomy, yet they engaged in human sacrifices on a massive scale. Similarly, the scientists behind the atomic bomb had a deep understanding of the destructive power they were unleashing, but those who ultimately used it lacked such understanding. This disconnect between knowledge and its application can lead to devastating consequences. The possession of great power, whether it's nuclear or otherwise, can make individuals feel invincible and disconnected from the consequences of their actions. It's crucial to recognize and address this disconnect to prevent the misuse of such power.

    • Power through experience vs unearned powerExperience and understanding consequences of power crucial, earned power builds trust, unearned power, like nuclear weapons, can lead to dangerous conflicts, communication and access to information essential for positive change.

      Power and earning it through experience and understanding the consequences of its use is crucial. The discussion highlights the contrast between the earned power, like building a bow and arrow and hunting, and the unearned power, like dropping a nuclear bomb and pulling out fish. The best leaders and generals are those who have experienced combat and understand the direct consequences of their actions. The lack of personal experience can lead to mission creep and unnecessary use of military force. The geopolitical situation with Iran is a complex issue, and it's important to communicate and access information to influence young people and change the world for the better. The only way to change the world is to promote transparency, understanding, and empathy. The power of communication and access to information is essential in today's world, where it's more challenging to manipulate people. The discussion also touches upon the potential dangers of countries developing nuclear weapons and the importance of avoiding unnecessary conflicts.

    • The Internet: A Game-Changer in Communication and Information AccessThe internet connects people globally, exposes corruption, and holds power accountable, but also requires critical thinking and fact-checking to navigate its complexities and challenges.

      The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information, making it easier and more accessible than ever before. This is a game-changer that has never existed in human history, allowing people from all over the world to connect and engage in discussions, listen to podcasts, or even watch videos, regardless of their physical locations. However, this newfound freedom also comes with challenges, such as the need for governments to rethink their roles and become more transparent and accountable. The internet, originally a Defense Department project, has become a powerful tool for information dissemination and holds the potential to expose corruption and incompetence. Instances like Wikileaks, which released the collateral murder video, demonstrate the importance of transparency and the role of the internet in holding those in power accountable. Yet, the ease of access to information also brings risks, such as the potential for misinformation and the need for critical thinking and fact-checking. Ultimately, the internet has the power to bring us closer together as a global community, but it also requires us to navigate its complexities and challenges responsibly.

    • Unity after 9-11 attacks, but human tendency to fragment prevailsThe 9-11 attacks brought unity, but our inherent tendency to compete for resources may hinder us from learning valuable lessons and creating a more equitable society. Considering a resource-based economy could help address wealth inequality and environmental degradation.

      The aftermath of the 9-11 attacks brought about a sense of unity and solidarity among Americans, as seen in the widespread display of American flags and increased respect for law enforcement and first responders. However, this unity did not last long, and humanity's inherent tendency to fragment and compete for resources may prevent us from learning valuable lessons and creating a more equitable society. The speaker questions the concept of ownership of natural resources and suggests a resource-based economy where resources are distributed to all people rather than being controlled by a select few for profit. This idea, though seemingly radical, could potentially address issues of wealth inequality and environmental degradation. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the importance of reevaluating our societal structures and values in response to global challenges.

    • Rebuilding Society: Finance, Work, and Mental HealthTo build a better society, we must restructure finance, reconsider work and pay, prioritize mental health, and shift values to promote overall happiness and fulfillment.

      Our current financial system is corrupt and unsustainable, leading to economic instability and individual hardship. To create a well-designed society, we must restructure finance, reconsider the value of work and pay, and strive for a world where people can live comfortably without being burdened by debt. The 60s saw significant cultural change through music and psychedelic experiences, and we can similarly impact society by changing people's perspectives and values. The ultimate goal is to create a world where no one desires to be the "big cunt in charge," leading to overall happiness and fulfillment. Additionally, our approach to mental health and well-being needs reevaluation, focusing on addressing the root causes rather than masking symptoms with medication.

    • Pursue interests, form relationships, and create to find joy and happinessInstead of relying solely on medication, focus on personal growth, relationships, and creation to find true happiness. Positive interactions and spreading happiness can lead to collective consciousness raising.

      While some people may find relief from depression through medication, many people's unhappiness stems from living a non-harmonious life. To find true joy and happiness, it's essential to pursue one's interests, form meaningful relationships, and create things. Interacting positively with others and spreading happiness can create a ripple effect, leading to collective consciousness raising. The internet's free access to information and content is leading to exponential changes in human history. Instead of focusing on negativity, we can choose to make a positive impact on those around us and embrace the power of the internet to bring about significant change.

    • Finding Opportunities Beyond SurveillanceDespite initial challenges, two immigrants found success in London's community and built a popular show, while smaller towns offer alternative lifestyles. Seek new experiences and overlook preconceived notions.

      While the NSA spends vast resources on surveillance, there are valuable experiences and opportunities to be found in unexpected places. London Real, started by two foreigners, is an example of this. Brian Rose moved to England to train in Jiu Jitsu under Roger Gracie, while Maajid Nawaz came for finance. Despite initial reservations about the food and weather, they found a thriving community and built a successful show. Meanwhile, in the US, there's a culture of competition and arrogance that can be exhausting. Contrastingly, smaller towns like Asheville offer a more walkable and communal lifestyle. Ultimately, it's important to seek out new experiences and not be deterred by preconceived notions. And, yes, the NSA is watching, but perhaps we should focus on making the most of the opportunities that come our way.

    • The historical need for politeness in dense cities and the influence of early American settlersLondon's dense population and unique cultural experiences foster politeness, while early American settlers' boldness continues to influence the US. Cities vary in technology adoption, and authenticity is subjective in podcasting.

      The dense population and unique cultural experiences in cities like London foster a strong sense of politeness and good intentions among its residents. This is due in part to the historical necessity for people to live in close quarters and be considerate of one another. Additionally, the individuals who first settled in America were bold and adventurous, and this spirit continues to influence the country today. Another key point from the discussion is the difference in technology adoption between cities. London, for instance, is still behind the curve when it comes to podcasting, but this is likely to change as more people become familiar with the medium. The speakers also touched on the authenticity of live versus pre-recorded content, with differing opinions on the matter. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and finding what works best for the individual creator. London Real, the podcast mentioned in the conversation, has a large global audience, with millions of views on their Ustream page and thousands tuning in at a time. They encourage anyone interested in starting a podcast to reach out for advice and support. Finally, the speakers discussed their personal projects, including LondonReal.tv, Twitter (@LondonRealTV), YouTube (LondonRealTV), and JiujitsuBrotherhood.com. They welcomed listeners to check out their content and offered assistance to those looking to start their own podcasts.

    • Appreciating the impact of meaningful conversations and positivityEngaging in deep conversations and spreading positivity can create a ripple effect and make a positive impact on the world. London Real is an example of this, and their live performances can be found on their tour dates.

      Having meaningful conversations and positively influencing others can create a ripple effect that changes the world. The speaker admires the work of London Real and appreciates the impact it has on people. He believes that life is enjoyable, whether it's a one-time experience or a cycle of reincarnation. Engaging in deep conversations and spreading positivity are ways to make the most of life, and the universe seems to support those who do so. London Real can be found on Twitter, and the speakers, Rob, Brian, and Joe, will be performing live in Columbus, Ohio on November 10th. Information about their tour dates can also be found on Vicki Pezza's desquat news website.

    • Joe Rogan's New Podcast Studio and Upcoming GuestsJoe Rogan is opening a new podcast studio and continues podcasting at the Ice House. Notable upcoming guests include Joey Diaz, Duncan Trussell, Amber Lyon, and Ari Shafir. Support Bronze Podcast Network by purchasing merchandise and using a discount code for Alpha Brain supplements.

      Joe Rogan is expanding his podcasting operations, both at his new studio and continuing his weekly shows at the Ice House. Notable guests for the upcoming week include Joey Diaz, Duncan Trussell, Amber Lyon, and Ari Shafir. The new podcast studio is set to go live online within a week. Rogan encourages listeners to support Bronze Podcast Network by purchasing Desquat TV shirts and using the code "Rogan" on onit.com for a discount on Alpha Brain supplements. Despite the new studio, Rogan emphasizes that the Ice House remains their home and a significant part of their podcasting endeavors.

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    Joe sits down with David “Tank” Abbott, a retired professional mixed martial artist, former pro wrestler, and pioneer in the world of combat sports. www.ufc.com/athlete/tank-abbott Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2161 - Tony Hinchcliffe

    #2161 - Tony Hinchcliffe
    Tony Hinchcliffe is a stand-up comedian, writer, and actor. He's also the co-host, along with Brian Redban, of the podcast and live YouTube show "Kill Tony." https://tonyhinchcliffe.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/barely_q
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    Instagram: instagram.com/barelyqualified

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    Thank Richard for his bravery by messaging us on instagram.