
    28. Anxiety. What’s going on in the brain?

    enFebruary 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Anxiety: Disorders vs. FeelingsAnxiety disorders require professional help and treatment, while feeling anxious is natural. Seek professional help if you have anxiety disorders, and remember this podcast is not a diagnosis or a substitute for professional advice.

      Anxiety is a complex issue that can range from normal feelings of apprehension to debilitating disorders. In the podcast, the speaker plans to discuss both anxiety disorders and feelings of anxiety, making a distinction between the two. Anxiety disorders are conditions that require professional help and treatment, often involving a combination of cognitive behavior therapy and medication. Feeling anxious is a natural response, but excessive anxiety can lead to an anxiety disorder. The speaker encourages listeners to seek professional help if they identify with any of the discussed anxiety disorders, emphasizing that this podcast is not a diagnosis or a substitute for professional advice. The speaker also shares that they have recently finished writing a book and have submitted it for publication.

    • Excited for the Future and Collaborating with Rachel DillonThe speaker is an accomplished writer with a new book on the way, looking forward to new projects, and passionate about collaborating with Rachel Dillon on her fitness challenge.

      The speaker is an accomplished writer with a new book on the way, excited for the future, and passionate about collaborating with others. They are wrapping up their university studies and looking forward to working on new projects, including a mindset training role in Rachel Dillon's fitness challenge. The speaker also mentioned their upcoming book, which they aim to release by April next year, and shared their enthusiasm for working with Rachel, whom they admire for her healthy and balanced approach. Additionally, they mentioned their plans to cover various anxiety disorders in their book, including generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, and social anxiety.

    • Understanding Anxiety Disorders: Beyond Acute ScenariosAnxiety disorders, like GAD and OCD, cause chronic stress and excessive worry, leading to intrusive thoughts, compulsions, and fear of potential dangers. PTSD, caused by trauma, can result in unpredictable anxiety and fear, impacting daily life and relationships.

      Anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), can significantly impact daily life by causing excessive worry, stress, and exhaustion. While acute anxiety is necessary for survival, anxiety disorders extend beyond acute scenarios, leading to chronic stress and anxiety. People with these disorders may experience intrusive thoughts, compulsions, or fear of potential dangers, making it difficult to concentrate and perform routine tasks. They may also struggle with recognizing the irrationality of their thoughts and behaviors, leading to a vicious cycle of anxiety and relief. PTSD, caused by trauma, can also result in unpredictable anxiety and fear, making it challenging to build relationships and trust. It's essential to understand that these disorders are complex and can manifest differently from person to person. If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety or trauma, seeking professional help is crucial.

    • Understanding Anxiety Disorders: PTSD, Social Anxiety, and Panic DisorderAnxiety disorders like PTSD, social anxiety, and panic disorder can significantly impact a person's life, often going unnoticed. Social anxiety involves irrational fear of judgment, creating a cycle of avoidance. Panic disorder causes sudden terror attacks. CBT and exposure therapy are effective treatments, while medication can manage physical symptoms.

      Anxiety disorders, including PTSD, social anxiety, and panic disorder, can have a significant impact on a person's life, often going unnoticed for long periods. Social anxiety, in particular, can create a vicious cycle of avoidance, leading to increased fear and avoidance. It's important to understand that shyness and social anxiety disorder are not the same, with the latter being characterized by irrational fear of judgment and humiliation. Panic disorder involves sudden, repeated terror attacks, which can be mistaken for a heart attack. Cognitive behavior therapy and exposure therapy are effective treatments for anxiety disorders, while medication like beta blockers can help manage physical symptoms. By understanding these disorders and their treatments, we can better support those who are struggling.

    • Beta blockers treat anxiety physical symptomsBeta blockers help manage anxiety symptoms by blocking receptors, reducing fight-or-flight response. Ideally, address both physical and psychological symptoms with professional help.

      Beta blockers are a type of medication used to treat the physical symptoms of anxiety disorders by blocking the receptors where chemical messengers normally bind, preventing the activation of the receptor and the resulting fight-or-flight response. This can be particularly helpful for people experiencing a vicious cycle of anxiety and physical symptoms. However, it's important to note that beta blockers only treat the physical symptoms and ideally, both physical and psychological symptoms should be addressed. Beta blockers also have applications in treating certain heart conditions due to their ability to calm down the heart rate by blocking the adrenaline site. If you're experiencing anxiety or think you may have an anxiety disorder, it's crucial to consult a professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, there are common experiences of anxiety that don't necessarily equate to a disorder, such as feeling anxious the day after a night out due to physical and emotional factors, including guilt, self-judgment, and chemical imbalances caused by substance use.

    • Drugs interfere with brain cell communication using neurotransmittersDrugs disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain by either blocking their reuptake or increasing their release, leading to an imbalance and potential crash or chemical imbalance the next day.

      When you take drugs like cocaine or antidepressants, they interfere with the normal communication between brain cells using neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Normally, cells release neurotransmitters into the gap between cells (synapse), and the second cell absorbs the neurotransmitter and communicates with the first cell. However, there are transporters that pump the neurotransmitter back into the original cell to prevent excess buildup. When you take drugs, they either block the transporters (cocaine) or increase the amount of neurotransmitter released (antidepressants), leading to an imbalance. The brain then tries to self-regulate by reducing the production of neurotransmitters, leading to a "crash" or chemical imbalance the next day. Understanding this process can help ease anxiety about feeling terrible after drug use, and it's essential to consider the potential consequences before deciding to use drugs.

    • Understanding the Differences Between Fear and AnxietyIdentify physical symptoms and pause to address anxiety. Avoid stimulants, practice calming techniques, and identify triggers to break the cycle.

      Fear and anxiety, while related, have distinct differences. Fear is a specific response to a known threat, while anxiety is a more generalized feeling of unease or doom. Anxiety can be more challenging to identify and address due to its lack of a clear cause. When feeling anxious, it's crucial to pause and check in with your physical symptoms, such as heart rate and breathing, and avoid stimulants like caffeine. Practicing breathing techniques and meditation can help calm the body and mind, but it's essential to identify triggers and address the root cause to break the cycle of anxiety.

    • Recognizing anxiety triggersIdentifying triggers of anxiety can help manage emotions and improve well-being. Triggers may not always be the root cause but can serve as reminders of past experiences. Addressing triggers can alleviate anxiety.

      Identifying the trigger of your anxiety is crucial in managing and understanding your emotions. Anxiety can be triggered by various things, even the most seemingly insignificant events or memories. For instance, seeing an ex on social media or someone wearing an outfit similar to an ex's can trigger feelings of anxiety. It's essential to recognize these triggers and understand that they may not necessarily be the root cause of your anxiety but rather a reminder of past experiences. Once identified, addressing the trigger, such as apologizing for any unintended rudeness or misunderstandings, can help alleviate anxiety and improve overall well-being. Remember, your body often sends signals when you're anxious, so pay attention and take action when you notice something is off.

    • Identifying the root cause of anxietyPinpointing specific triggers can help manage anxiety by addressing the underlying issues and reducing emotional impact

      Identifying and addressing the root cause of anxiety is crucial for managing and reducing its impact on our daily lives. Anxiety can manifest as a chronic feeling of unease, and identifying specific triggers can help us focus on resolving the underlying issues instead of feeling overwhelmed by vague feelings of anxiety throughout the day. For instance, if a past experience is the trigger, pinpointing the exact moments of severe anxiety can help us relive and process those experiences in a safer environment, reducing the emotional impact and allowing us to move forward with greater calm and clarity.

    • Recalling anxiety triggers in a calm environmentIdentifying and recalling anxiety triggers in a controlled setting can help reduce anxiety's power and transform it into less debilitating emotions.

      Identifying the specific moment that triggers your anxiety and recalling it in a calm and controlled environment can help reduce its power over you. By acknowledging the trigger and recalling the memory, you can gain a sense of closure and control, even if you cannot change the situation itself. Remember to pay attention to your physical symptoms and breathe deeply while retelling the story to a neutral and calm listener. This process can help transform anxiety into sadness or nostalgia, which may be less debilitating in the long run. It's important to note that this advice is for managing general feelings of anxiety and not for treating anxiety disorders, which require professional help. Additionally, trying to control every aspect of your life can increase the likelihood of anxiety, so allowing for flexibility and letting go of rigid expectations can also be helpful.

    • Recognizing the need for control and its impact on anxietyIdentifying patterns and behaviors that stem from a desire for control can help reduce anxiety by providing opportunities for growth and understanding the root causes.

      Trying to control every aspect of your life can lead to heightened levels of anxiety. It's important to recognize if you're someone who feels the need to be in control of outcomes, other people's opinions, or the way your life should be. This desire for control can stem from deeper issues and can manifest in various areas of your life, including relationships and career. Identifying these patterns and behaviors can help you understand where your anxiety comes from and provide opportunities for growth. Remember, it's impossible to learn from experiences unless you acknowledge and address them. So, take some time to reflect on your own behaviors and thought patterns, and consider how they may be contributing to your anxiety. By recognizing and addressing these issues, you can begin to reduce the anxiety in your life.

    • Podcast's success fueled by listener engagementListeners' ratings, reviews, and shares on social media contribute significantly to the podcast's growth and success. Engage with the community through the Facebook group for more content and connection.

      The growth and success of the podcast are largely due to the support and engagement of its community, specifically through rating, reviewing, and sharing on social media. The speaker expresses deep gratitude towards the listeners and invites them to continue engaging with the content and community, especially through the Facebook group. Additionally, an upcoming episode featuring Luke is teased as being particularly entertaining and possibly containing mature content. The speaker encourages kindness towards oneself and others, and urges listeners not to let negativity bring them down. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of community and engagement in the success of the podcast and encourages listeners to stay involved.

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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
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    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
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    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    2. I’ve cheated on my husband with someone I had a huge connection with. We’ve ended it now as we are both married and decided we didn’t want to leave our partners for each other. Now that it is fully ended I don’t feel like I need to tell my husband as our relationship has really improved. I would just be unburdening my conscience to ruin lives, when I’ve already shut down that cheating relationship and am moving forward with my life. How do I alleviate the feelings of guilt that are clouding my moving forward.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor:  Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer:  Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Hypnotize Me is the podcast about hypnosis, transformation, and healing. Certified hypnotherapist and Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Dr. Elizabeth Bonet, discusses the research behind hypnosis, interviews the professionals doing it, and talks to individuals who have had hypnosis to see what happened afterwards. Free hypnoses are also given from time to time. If you're interested in learning more about the magic of hypnosis, psychotherapy and mindfulness, this is the perfect place to feed your fascination!

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    Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.

    Over the course of your life, if you experience mental health problems, your thinking, mood, and behavior could be affected. Many factors contribute to mental health problems, including:

    • Biological factors, such as genes or brain chemistry
    • Life experiences, such as trauma or abuse
    • Family history of mental health problems

    Mental health problems are common but help is available. People with mental health problems can get better and many recover completely.

    Early Warning Signs

    Not sure if you or someone you know is living with mental health problems? Experiencing one or more of the following feelings or behaviors can be an early warning sign of a problem:

    • Eating or sleeping too much or too little
    • Pulling away from people and usual activities
    • Having low or no energy
    • Feeling numb or like nothing matters
    • Having unexplained aches and pains
    • Feeling helpless or hopeless
    • Smoking, drinking, or using drugs more than usual
    • Feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared
    • Yelling or fighting with family and friends
    • Experiencing severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships
    • Having persistent thoughts and memories you can't get out of your head
    • Hearing voices or believing things that are not true
    • Thinking of harming yourself or others
    • Inability to perform daily tasks like taking care of your kids or getting to work or school

    Learn more about specific mental health problems and where to find help.

    Mental Health and Wellness

    Positive mental health allows people to:

    • Realize their full potential
    • Cope with the stresses of life
    • Work productively
    • Make meaningful contributions to their communities

    Ways to maintain positive mental health include:

    • Getting professional help if you need it
    • Connecting with others
    • Staying positive
    • Getting physically active
    • Helping others
    • Getting enough sleep
    • Developing coping skills

    Learn more about the importance of prevention and wellness.