
    28. Grounding & Divine Guidance | A Ziva Guided Meditation by Emily Fletcher

    enJanuary 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Visualize two inverted pyramids for grounding and opennessImagine two inverted pyramids, breathe deeply, and visualize energy flowing between them for increased connectedness and energy.

      Practicing grounding and openness through visualization can lead to a greater sense of connectedness and energy. To do this, imagine two inverted pyramids with their apexes at your heart, creating a funnel of energy from above and roots deep into the earth below. Begin by finding a comfortable position, taking deep breaths, and acknowledging your commitment to self-care. Perform three circular breaths, expanding your belly on the inhale and letting it fall on the exhale. Then, visualize the pyramids and allow yourself to feel the energy flowing between them and through you. By taking a few minutes for yourself, you'll emerge more connected, energized, and ready to share your gifts with the world.

    • Visualize golden cords connecting to earth and cosmosImagine golden cords extending from heart to earth and cosmos for deep connection, grounding, and energy.

      Through the practice of visualization, we can create powerful connections with the earth and the universe. By imagining golden cords extending from our hearts, we can ground ourselves deeply into the earth, feeling rooted, energized, and passionate. At the same time, we can extend our energetic field upwards, creating a cosmic crown with antennas reaching towards the cosmos, connecting us to our higher selves and creative intelligence. With each breath, we can draw up earthy energy and release what no longer serves us, creating a vibrant and shimmering connection between our hearts and the core of the planet. This practice allows us to feel deeply connected, grounded, and energized, both to the earth and the universe.

    • Connecting with the Universe through Visualization and IntentionVisualize a pyramid of white light from your heart to the universe, ask for divine guidance, and remember the universe cannot help without your consent.

      You have the power to connect with the universe and invite divine guidance into your life through visualization and intention. Imagine a pyramid of white light extending from your heart up into the universe, acting as a funnel or antenna. By asking for help from your guides, higher self, or other sources of divine wisdom, you give them consent to assist you. This practice of opening up to the divine and asking for guidance can be done through a simple question or prayer from the heart. Remember, the universe cannot help you without your consent, so take an active role in inviting in the wisdom and support that is available to you.

    • Connecting with the earth and cosmos through meditation and visualizationThrough meditation and visualization, we can create a sense of groundedness and expansion by connecting deeply with the earth and cosmos. By holding two pyramids of light in our awareness, we can open ourselves up to divine guidance and trust the universe to provide answers in unexpected ways.

      Through meditation and visualization, we can connect deeply with the earth and the cosmos, creating a sense of groundedness and expansion. By holding two pyramids of light in our awareness – one extending from our heart up into the cosmos, and the other from our heart down into the earth – we can feel both deeply rooted and infinitely connected. This practice allows us to open ourselves up to divine guidance, trusting that the answers to our questions may come in unexpected ways and through various means. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to do this – only setting the intention and surrendering to the process. So take a moment to breathe, visualize, and trust in the power of the universe to guide you.

    • Join a supportive meditation community for reduced stress and inner blissPracticing meditation with a community can help reduce stress and activate inner bliss. Join Emily Fletcher's monthly 'bliss activations' for free at zivameditation.com/activate to connect with like-minded individuals and develop a daily practice.

      Practicing meditation regularly with a supportive community can help reduce stress and activate inner bliss. The speaker, Emily Fletcher, invites listeners to join her monthly "bliss activations" at zivameditation.com/activate, where they can meditate, ask questions, and connect with like-minded individuals from around the world. Believing that bliss is our birthright, Emily encourages listeners to enroll in her online courses at zivameditation.com to develop a daily practice and discover their most authentic selves. The upcoming bonus episode featuring Bylana Marcus will also be shared soon. These practices aim to eradicate stress and bring people together to amplify individual and collective bliss. This opportunity is free of charge, making it an accessible gift to all.

    Recent Episodes from Why Isn't Everyone Doing This? with Emily Fletcher

    Emily's Masterclass: Ancient Wisdom to Attract Abundance

    Emily's Masterclass: Ancient Wisdom to Attract Abundance
    In this very special episode of Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This, we are sharing Ancient Wisdom to Attract Abundance - Emily’s free class where you will discover how to apply Vedic philosophy to your relationship with money. This was a live event, but it was so astounding we had to share it with the pod community.  We could actually feel how the participant's capacity for abundance was being rewired in real time. And the crazy thing is, even though it feels like magic…. It’s not magic. It is about applying the unchanging laws of Nature to help you get what you truly desire. Here’s what you can expect in the episode: Learn an easy and actionable step that will allow money to flow effortlessly How creating a conscious outflow can attract more inflow Experience a live activation where she will help you rewire any subconscious beliefs that are keeping you from attracting abundance. Learn about the ancient Vedic goddess archetypes and how they apply to your finances Receive a special invitation to join Ziva’s most advanced course.  === Enrollment for this year’s class of Moving into Mastery is now OPEN! Go to https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ to claim your spot and save $1,600 on enrollment. The ancient philosophy that is shared in this course upleveled Emily's relationship with her body, with time, with money and most importantly with herself. She was able to understand both viscerally and intellectually that there really is only ONE thing and we are ALL it. As the world moves faster and faster and our technology continues to become more advanced, it is imperative that we have these core philosophies to ground us in the unchanging laws of Nature. And to make sure everyone who moves through Mastery has everything they need to succeed, Emily called in elite thought leaders like Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Andrew Huberman, Kate Northrup and other amazing experts in their field. What these Mastery experts teach in this course will complement Emily’s conceptual teachings from the Vedas with data and experience-backed tools that will uplevel your daily life and move you closer to your goals. This is the first and last time we are going to offer Moving into Mastery at an amazing 40% off. Go to https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ to claim your spot TODAY!

    50. Studying The Vedas with Emily Fletcher

    50. Studying The Vedas with Emily Fletcher
    "There is only one thing and we are all it. And that one thing is consciousness". You’ve likely heard podcast host Emily Fletcher talk about The Vedas. When she began studying them, she was still performing on Broadway and would spend hundreds of hours diving deeper into these universal truths that ultimately shaped who she is and how she interacts with the world. They are why she became a meditation teacher. They are why she started Ziva. They are the foundation of everything we teach. Many years later, Emily has combined all of her Vedic knowledge into our most advanced course, Moving into Mastery. Enrollment officially opens on June 26, so we wanted to share some of the most powerful, foundational concepts of The Vedas in today’s podcast episode. You will be listening to clips from the actual course, in which we not only answer the question “what ARE the Vedas?” but also show you how you can use this ancient philosophy into your everyday life. Please enjoy this very special episode of Why Isn’t Everyone Studying The Vedas? with the one and only Emily Fletcher === Join Emily for a FREE, live masterclass to learn concepts from Moving into Mastery. Discover how to apply Vedic philosophy to your relationship with money. Get your ticket here: https://zivameditation.com/event June 26 at 2p ET: Ancient Wisdom to Attract Abundance === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel

    How To Share What Lights You Up (in the best way possible) | Student Spotlight: Lindsey

    How To Share What Lights You Up (in the best way possible) | Student Spotlight: Lindsey
    Have you ever been excited to share about your meditation practice, a plant medicine journey, or new coaching modality, and you're not exactly sure on how to talk to friends and family about it? If so, then this episode is for you. On today’s bonus episode, Emily has dear friend and longtime Ziva Meditator Lindsey on the show, and together they dive into the importance of a Vedic concept called worthy inquiry. Every time we find something that lights us up, we should be practicing worthy inquiry, and in this episode will not only discuss WHY that is important, but also give you the tools on how to create more of it. Please enjoy this episode with Lindsey, and make sure to subscribe to our podcast, so you never miss an episode. === We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel

    49. In Expansive Sacred Union with Adam Schlender

    49. In Expansive Sacred Union with Adam Schlender
    "Relationships are here to teach us some of our most important lessons". In today’s episode, Emily is joined by her partner & cosmic love, Adam Schlender, to talk about Why Isn’t Everyone In An Expansive Sacred Union? Together, they share the cosmic story of when they first met - and how they were so heart exploding in love before they even spoke words to each other. Emily and Adam also dive into the depths and heights of ecstasy and romantic love, and the pain that can come with it.  By sharing their personal and deeply vulnerable story they hope that it will give you keys and codes as they relate to your life and relationships.   Please enjoy this intimate episode of Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This? with Adam Schlender, and make sure to subscribe to our podcast, so you never miss an episode.  Check out the Opus SoundBed here: https://feelopus.com/ === We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel ===

    Calling In A Romantic Partner | Mastery Student Spotlight: Heather Bohanan

    Calling In A Romantic Partner | Mastery Student Spotlight: Heather Bohanan
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    48. Claiming Your Creative Genius with James McCrae

    48. Claiming Your Creative Genius with James McCrae
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    Manifesting Your Dream Relationship | Mastery Student Spotlight
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    47. Optimizing Your Brain with Dr. Austin Perlmutter

    47. Optimizing Your Brain with Dr. Austin Perlmutter
    If our brains are in charge of printing every cell in our bodies and controlling every decision we make, why are we all not consciously optimizing our brains? Today's guest is Dr. Austin Perlmutter and we’ll be talking about Why Isn’t Everyone Optimizing Their Brain? Dr. Perlmutter is a board-certified internal medicine physician, New York Times bestselling author, published researcher, health investor and international educator. His mission is to help people improve their health by targeting the biological basis of “stuckness” in our brains and bodies. In this episode, we get to dive deep into how to optimize your brain and for those of you who love science, you’re going to be in heaven. Dr. Austin shares how our modern society and its consumerism do everything to keep our brains happy. But, as he shares on the show: our brains are not designed to keep us happy, they are designed to keep us alive.  Emily and Austin dive into the external forces that affect our brains for the worse, and he gives us tips and exercises on how to optimize our brain health starting today. Yes, food and sleep are important but he also shares how psychedelics are some of the safest pharmaceuticals that we have for mental health conditions.  I promise you will love every second of this episode. Enjoy this episode of Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This? with Dr. Austin Perlmutter, and make sure to subscribe to our podcast, so you never miss an episode.  === We are about to open up enrollment for our course Moving into Mastery, which is a digital course designed to teach you ancient philosophy and weave it into the 8 key areas of your life: relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, performance, creativity and time. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when we open enrollment: https://zivameditation.com/joinmastery/ === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE - get 15% off with promo code WHYTHIS: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel === Dr. Austin Perlmutter is a board-certified internal medicine physician, New York Times bestselling author, published researcher, health investor and international educator. His mission is help people improve their health by targeting the biological basis of “stuckness” in our brains and bodies. His writing, presentations, podcasts, and online educational programs explore how environmental factors influence our cognitive and mental state and have reached millions. Dr. Perlmutter currently serves as the executive director and research lead at Big Bold Health, a food-as-medicine company focused on helping people rejuvenate health through better immune function, where he is running a first-of-its kind study exploring the effects of plant nutrients on human aging through epigenetics. https://www.austinperlmutter.com/ https://www.instagram.com/draustinperlmutter/

    46. Creating Effortless Success By Healing Your Inner Child with Garrain Jones

    46. Creating Effortless Success By Healing Your Inner Child with Garrain Jones
    Today’s episode features Emily’s dear friend and colleague, Garrain Jones. Garrain and Emily met at a workshop in Austin designed to teach men how to honor the divine feminine by learning about female pleasure. This posed a huge challenge for him because he battled with being unfaithful in all of his relationships in the past and was finally in a committed relationship, so he didn't want to look at someone else's pussy. This workshop became a catalyst for him as he healed his relationship to female anatomy, realizing that he can honor women while being committed to his partner. Garrain is a manifestation coach, speaker and author and his life today is a testament to his success, coaching artists and creatives to manifest their dreams. But together they discuss how his journey has been anything but effortless. Garrain shares bravely about immense challenges he has faced, including losing his father to murder at twelve, dealing drugs, going to prison, and struggling with an addictive relationship with sex. In this episode, Garrain shares the exact tools he used to transform his mindset and life. Emily and Garrain discuss why creating effortless success and healing your inner child are deeply interconnected. They explore how diving into this work can change your world and reality, just as it has for Emily. One of the keys to his success was consistent consumption of mindset shifting content, which helped him to change the lens through which he viewed his life. He read books until they became his identity, including The Power of Positive Thinking which he read 285 times.  Towards the end, you’ll witness a unique, live coaching session where Garrain guides Emily through an exercise called Heaven’s Breath - unearthing intense childhood memories, resulting in a wild, transformational healing through song. Love the episode? Be sure to follow and rate the podcast so more people can unlock the keys and codes to free their souls. === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel === Garrain Jones is a Transformation Coach & Author of the #1 Best Seller “Change Your Mindset Change Your Life” whose mission is to create a safe space for people to discover the gifts that already live inside of them, so they can use those gifts to produce extraordinary results in their lives. He does retreats, workshops, and 1:1 coaching. https://garrainjones.com/ https://www.instagram.com/garrain.jones

    45. Falling In Love With Meditation with Light Watkins

    45. Falling In Love With Meditation with Light Watkins
    TODAY ONLY: In honor of World Meditation Day, take 21% off our core meditation training zivaONLINE with code SURPRISE: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday  === What if you could turn into a happiness billionaire AND share it with the world? Today’s episode is with Emily’s dear friend and colleague, Light Watkins. As members of the same spiritual family, they’ve known each other for well over 15 years and were brought up in a similar meditation teacher training. Light has written over 4 bestselling books and is a world-renowned meditation teacher. He’s also what he calls a “one-bagger” - living nomadically out of a carry on since 2018. In this episode, they discuss why so many people don’t have a meditation practice they can commit to, how to fall in love with your practice and make the mundane more meditative. They also explore why you don’t need to “clear your mind” in order to meditate and how meditation practices for busy people differ from more monastic techniques. Light also shares this concept of the fake inner voice versus the real inner voice: do you often listen to the voice of stress or the voice of your heart? Towards the end, they explain what it takes to become a meditation teacher in this type of lineage and the dedication that is required to teach these tools. Love the episode? Be sure to follow and rate the podcast so more people can unlock the keys and codes to free their souls. === TODAY ONLY: In honor of World Meditation Day, take 21% off our core meditation training zivaONLINE with code SURPRISE: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday  Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel === Light Watkins is a long-time meditation teacher and thought leader who has spoken and consulted at Fortune 500 companies around the world on the topics of wellness, purpose, and enlightened leadership. He is the author of three best-sellers: The Inner Gym, Bliss More, and Knowing Where to Look, as well as the newly released Travel Light: Spiritual Minimalism to Live a More Fulfilled Life. Light has written a daily dose of inspirational email to his tens of thousands of subscribers. He is the host of The Light Watkins Show, which is a podcast that features the backstory of luminaries who’ve created platforms for social good. And in his online community, The Happiness Insiders, Light has created masterclasses and challenges to help spiritual practitioners around the globe embody the principles of “inner” work. Light is a “one-bagger” who has been living nomadically since 2018. https://www.instagram.com/lightwatkins/

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