
    Podcast Summary

    • Sir Roger Penrose: A Pioneer in Physics and CosmologySir Roger Penrose is a renowned physicist known for his contributions to general relativity, singularity theorems, Penrose diagrams, and understanding infinity in space time. His ideas have influenced many areas of physics and continue to inspire new discoveries.

      Sir Roger Penrose is a renowned physicist and writer, best known for his contributions to general relativity, particularly in the field of singularity theorems and the discovery of the Penrose diagrams. He has also made significant impacts in understanding the nature of infinity in space time, black hole mechanics, and quantum mechanics. Penrose's ideas, though not always agreed upon, have influenced many areas of physics and continue to inspire new discoveries. His fearless approach to scientific inquiry and his deep, creative ideas have led to numerous groundbreaking theories and concepts. Despite disagreements, Penrose's work remains an essential part of the scientific conversation on topics such as black holes, cosmology, and the nature of consciousness. Listen to the podcast for a more in-depth exploration of Penrose's ideas and his thoughts on consciousness, quantum mechanics, and the implications of Godel's theorem for artificial intelligence.

    • The discovery of black holes from studying gravitational collapse and the Oppenheimer-Snyder modelBlack holes were discovered through the study of gravitational collapse, with the Oppenheimer-Snyder model providing a picture of a collapsing object leading to a singularity. The discovery of quasars and their rapid variability helped resolve skepticism about the existence of black holes, as the model suggested they should have small sizes.

      The discovery of black holes emerged from the study of gravitational collapse, built upon the work of Chandrasekhar and his limit. Early theories suggested that very massive objects could collapse, but it wasn't until the advent of general relativity that an exact model of a collapsing dust cloud, the Oppenheimer-Snyder model, provided a picture of a black hole. However, the spherical symmetry and lack of pressure in the model led to skepticism, with some arguing that irregularities could prevent the formation of a singularity. The discovery of quasars, with their rapid variability and immense energy output, posed a significant puzzle, as the Oppenheimer-Snyder model suggested that energy would be released at the horizon. This argument from weak time scales, that rapid variations imply small sizes, helped resolve the puzzle, and the discovery of black holes became a widely accepted concept in astrophysics.

    • Understanding Black Holes through Schwarzschild Solution and Hawking's WorkThe Schwarzschild solution described gravity around a massive, non-rotating object, leading to the discovery of black holes through the Oppenheimer-Snyder model and Hawking's work. Black holes have extreme densities and small sizes, and were once considered unrealistic, but Hawking proved their existence with a more rigorous mathematical understanding.

      The discovery of quasars and the theoretical understanding of the Schwarzschild solution led scientists to consider the existence of black holes. The Schwarzschild solution, discovered by Schwarzschild soon after Einstein's theory of General Relativity, described the behavior of gravity around a massive, non-rotating object. However, it wasn't until the Oppenheimer-Snyder model that scientists began to understand the implications of the Schwarzschild solution for objects that collapse in on themselves. The existence of black holes, with their extreme densities and small sizes, was once thought to be unrealistic. However, Hawking's work in the 1960s showed that singularities do occur and that black holes do exist. This marked a shift in approach from finding exact solutions to making general statements based on the intuitive powers of the theory. Hawking's work provided a more rigorous mathematical understanding of black holes and helped solidify their place in physics.

    • Gravity behaves like an astigmatic lens, leading to phenomena like spaghettification and singularities.Gravity can cause empty space to curve, focusing light and matter in one direction while expanding it in another, leading to singularities, but the existence of these singularities is not yet proven through direct observation.

      The behavior of gravity, particularly on light rays, can be compared to an astigmatic lens. This means that empty space curvature focuses light in one direction and expands it in the other, leading to phenomena like spaghettification near black holes. However, when multiple gravitational sources are present, their combined effect can be net focusing, leading to gravitational energy focusing. This focusing property can be irreversible, leading to singularities. While this argument suggests the existence of a singularity, it does not directly prove the existence of a black hole. This requires the assumption of cosmic censorship, which states that singularities cannot be observed. While there is evidence supporting this hypothesis, it is not yet proven. Overall, the discussion highlights the intricate relationship between gravity, curvature, and singularities.

    • Black holes not completely black due to Hawking radiationHawking's discovery of black holes radiating energy challenged scientists' understanding, opened new research areas, and led to acceptance of black holes as essential cosmic entities.

      The discovery of black holes being not completely black due to Hawking radiation was a groundbreaking development in physics. Initially met with skepticism, the idea gained traction through the combined efforts of astronomers and theoretical physicists. Hawking's work built upon earlier theories that suggested energy could be extracted from black holes, but his discovery that they radiated energy naturally was a significant leap forward. This revelation not only changed the way scientists understood black holes but also opened up new areas of research in quantum mechanics and thermodynamics. The indirect evidence of black holes, such as stars orbiting unseen masses, was further solidified by the detection of supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies. Hawking's discovery, which was initially met with some resistance, eventually led to a widespread acceptance of black holes as an essential part of the universe.

    • Discovering the Entropy of Black HolesBlack holes were once thought to have zero entropy, but the discovery of Hawking radiation led to the realization that they have entropy, challenging our understanding of thermodynamics and opening up possibilities for energy extraction.

      Our understanding of black holes underwent a significant shift when it was discovered that they emit radiation, now known as Hawking radiation. This discovery led to the realization that black holes have entropy, challenging the previous assumption that they had zero entropy. This revelation was a result of the work of several physicists, including Hawking, Bekenstein, and Carter, who explored the analogy between thermodynamics and black holes. The idea that civilizations could extract energy from black holes was also proposed, leading to the concept of harnessing black holes as an energy source. This discovery not only expanded our knowledge of black holes but also influenced Hawking's later work on the entropy of the early universe. Entropy, a measure of the randomness or disorder of a system, played a crucial role in this new understanding.

    • The cosmic microwave background radiation's maximum entropy contradicts the second law of thermodynamicsThe discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation's maximum entropy challenges our understanding of the second law of thermodynamics, as the early universe should have had lower entropy.

      The discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation and its perfect fit to the Planck spectrum has presented a profound challenge to our understanding of the second law of thermodynamics. The early universe should have had lower entropy, but we observe maximum entropy in the form of this radiation. This contradiction has puzzled scientists, including the speaker, who was deeply influenced by Hawking and Bekenstein's work on the issue. The uniformity and thermal nature of the cosmic microwave background further complicate matters, as they suggest high entropy, while the clumping of matter into stars and black holes represents an increase in entropy. Despite these complexities, it remains a mystery why the second law seems to be violated in the early universe, and why more attention hasn't been given to this issue.

    • The early universe might have had a lower entropy state than expectedDespite the cosmic microwave background's randomized appearance, large-scale structures may have contributed to a lower entropy state in the early universe. Theories like inflation attempt to explain this, but the initial conditions and specific form of the low entropy remain unclear.

      The early universe, despite appearing maximally randomized and high entropy in the cosmic microwave background, may have actually had a low entropy state due to the presence of large-scale structures like galaxies and stars. This low entropy is explained by the second law of thermodynamics, which states that entropy tends to increase over time. The sun, for example, is a hot spot in a cold background sky, allowing us to extract energy and sustain life. However, understanding why the early universe had this low entropy state remains a challenge for cosmologists. Some propose the theory of inflation, which suggests a period of super-fast expansion and energy density that could explain the universe's uniformity. While this theory has gained widespread acceptance, it does not fully address the initial conditions or the specific form of the low entropy. Thus, the search for alternative models continues.

    • The Future of the Universe: A Vast, Empty ExpansesThe universe's future, as described by current models, is an expanding, seemingly empty expanse ripe for exploration and discovery, contrasting the rich history of the past 13.8 billion years.

      The universe's future, as described by current models, is vast and largely unexplored. The expansion of the universe, which has been observed for decades, is expected to continue indefinitely, leading to a very remote future that is largely empty and seemingly devoid of exciting events. This future, which lasts forever, is a stark contrast to the rich history of the past 13.8 billion years that we have observed. Einstein's introduction of the cosmological constant, or "dark energy," was a significant step in understanding this future expansion. However, it was a reluctant addition, as Einstein initially hoped for a static universe. It wasn't until Hubble's observations of the expanding universe that the significance of this term became clear. Despite its importance, the concept of an expanding, empty universe is often overlooked due to the familiarity of the past. However, it raises intriguing questions about the nature of the universe and the possibility of new discoveries in the far reaches of time. It's important to remember that this is a simplified explanation, and the actual scientific theories involve more complex concepts. But in essence, the future of the universe, as described by our current understanding, is a vast, seemingly empty expanse that is ripe for exploration and discovery.

    • Understanding Infinity: Special Relativity and Conformal RepresentationsSpecial relativity and conformal representations enable us to comprehend infinitely far-away phenomena by stretching or squashing time and space equally, affecting only massive entities, and have been explored through mathematics and art.

      Despite the vastness and infinity of the universe, certain concepts and theories, such as special relativity and conformal representations, allow us to understand and visualize infinitely far-away phenomena in a finite context. This is achieved by stretching or squashing time and space equally, which does not affect massless entities, such as photons or electromagnetic fields, moving at the speed of light. This concept was explored by mathematicians like Penrose and Coxeter, and artists like MC Escher, who created visual representations of these ideas through their works. These theories help us grasp the concept of infinity in a more relatable way, allowing us to explore the mysteries of the universe without being overwhelmed by its scale.

    • Infinite cycles in the universe according to Conformal Cyclic CosmologyConformal Cyclic Cosmology suggests an infinite number of cycles in the universe, with our big bang being the conformal infinity of a previous eon. Testable through black hole collisions and gravitational radiation.

      According to the discussion, the concept of a conformal cyclic cosmology suggests that our universe may have an infinite number of cycles, with our big bang being the conformal infinity of a previous eon. This theory, which can be physically reasonable due to the massless nature of particles around the Big Bang, might be observationally testable through phenomena like black hole collisions and the resulting gravitational radiation. The discussion also emphasizes that most standard cosmologies have a nice, smooth big bang that can be stretched out, while alternative models may not. The ability to do this trick of stretching or squashing the universe at both ends is consistent with what we observe.

    • Discovery of Circular Features in Cosmic Microwave Background RadiationA theory suggests that rings in galaxy clusters are caused by disturbances during the creation of dark matter. Polish researchers claimed to have found these rings but faced skepticism. New analysis revealed a strong signal for small ring-like structures, leading to the consideration of Hawking points as potential explanations.

      During the crossover between eons, an explosion occurs which involves the conversion of gravitational degrees of freedom into disturbances in newly created dark matter. This theory, which explains dark matter, suggests that these disturbances would produce circular or concentric features, possibly observed as rings in galaxy clusters. The Polish team claimed to have found such rings in cosmic microwave background radiation with a high confidence level, but faced skepticism from the scientific community. However, recent more sophisticated analysis by the same team revealed a particularly strong signal for small ring-like structures. This discovery led to the consideration of what happens to supermassive black holes in clusters, which gradually decay and eventually disappear via Hawking evaporation. According to the theory, this process would result in the release of enormous energy at a specific point, forming what is referred to as a Hawking point. These Hawking points would have spread out over the universe since the Big Bang, potentially explaining the observed circular features. Despite the intriguing findings, further research and data analysis are necessary to validate these claims.

    • Evidence for Cosmic Inflation with 99.98% ConfidenceDespite challenges, strong evidence supports cosmic inflation through the cosmic microwave background's specific temperature pattern. Further analysis may reveal more insights.

      There is strong evidence, with a 99.98% confidence level, for the existence of cosmic inflation based on observations of the cosmic microwave background. This evidence includes the discovery of a specific temperature pattern in the universe, which is consistent with the predictions of the inflationary model. However, there are challenges to this theory, such as explaining the "graceful exit" or how inflation ended, and addressing odd points where large amounts of energy are being released. Despite these challenges, the data is open for anyone to examine, and further analysis may provide more insights into the nature of the universe's expansion. Additionally, the speaker has written a book, "Cycles of Time," where he discusses the implications of the inflationary model and other topics in physics. He believes that quantum mechanics, which has its own puzzles, such as the measurement problem, is not yet a complete description of reality.

    • Einstein's concerns with quantum mechanicsEinstein questioned the compatibility of quantum mechanics and general relativity due to concerns over measurement and superposition, but no definitive answer has been found.

      Albert Einstein, despite his groundbreaking work on the theory of relativity, saw quantum mechanics as a provisional theory. He had concerns, particularly about the measurement issue and the principle of superposition, which suggests that a particle can be in multiple places at once. This contradicts the principle of equivalence in general relativity, which states that a gravitational field is equivalent to an acceleration. These two principles seem incompatible, and Einstein's arguments were better, but he lost the public relations battle to Niels Bohr. The difference between how these principles apply to small and large objects, such as neutrons versus cricket balls, remains a mystery. The two approaches, quantum mechanics and general relativity, have different vacuums, and when you consider a superposition in the Einsteinian point of view, a little bug near the superposed lump would experience different vacuums, making it impossible to form these superpositions. This raises questions about which approach is more accurate and how to reconcile these seemingly contradictory theories.

    • Reconciling Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity: A Perspective ProblemThe inconsistency between quantum mechanics and general relativity arises when a quantum system exists in multiple locations, leading to different gravitational fields and quantum field theories. This issue is compared to an unstable particle's energy uncertainty and lifetime, requiring a new theory and potentially a revolution in physics.

      The reconciliation of quantum mechanics and general relativity, two fundamental pillars of modern physics, remains an open question. According to the speaker, when a quantum system exists in multiple locations, its gravitational field varies depending on the perspective, leading to different quantum field theories for each location. This inconsistency creates a problem, and the uncertainty or error can be estimated and compared to the uncertainty relationship in quantum mechanics. The speaker proposes that this issue is akin to an unstable particle's energy uncertainty and lifetime. Although there have been similar models before, this modification or completion of conventional quantum mechanics requires a new theory and potentially a revolution in our understanding of physics. The speaker emphasizes the importance of considering the role of gravity in quantum mechanics, as everything has a gravitational field, and even the smallest interactions with the environment can lead to decoherence and the collapse of the wave function. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that understanding the relationship between quantum mechanics and general relativity is crucial for defining what a world is in quantum mechanics and for making meaningful distinctions between different quantum states.

    • Exploring the connection between quantum mechanics and gravityOngoing experiments suggest that gravity may influence quantum mechanics, challenging the notion that our understanding of the world is solely a computational process.

      There are ongoing experiments, such as those using Bose Einstein condensates, which could provide evidence for the connection between quantum mechanics and gravity, a concept referred to as "gravitized quantum mechanics." This idea, which has been explored in collaboration between the speaker and Stuart Hammeroff, suggests that gravity may have an effect on quantum mechanics rather than the other way around. The speaker's interest in this area was sparked by his academic background and encounters with concepts like Turing machines, computational limits, and Godel's theorem, which led him to question the idea that our understanding of the world can be fully captured through computation. Despite the fact that some truths cannot be proven through computation, the speaker argues that we can still trust the results of our logical systems, as long as we understand their limitations. Ultimately, this work challenges the notion that our ability to understand the world is solely a computational process.

    • The gap in our understanding of quantum mechanics and consciousnessQuantum mechanics has non-computable aspects related to consciousness, possibly due to the collapse of the wave function, which might not be caused by consciousness but rather arise from it, and microtubules in the brain might provide a clue to understanding this connection.

      Our current understanding of the physical world, as described by theories such as Newtonian mechanics, special relativity, Maxwell's equations, and general relativity, can be computationally modeled and simulated. However, when it comes to quantum mechanics, there is a gap in our understanding, specifically in the measurement process or the collapse of the wave function, which appears to be non-algorithmic and non-computable. The speaker argues that this non-computable aspect of quantum mechanics might be related to the conscious process in the human brain. He suggests that the collapse of the wave function might not be caused by consciousness but rather that consciousness arises from it. The speaker also mentions the discovery of nanoscale tubes called microtubules, which might be relevant to understanding the connection between quantum mechanics and consciousness. In summary, while our current physical theories can be computationally modeled, there is a gap in our understanding of quantum mechanics that might be related to the conscious process in the human brain. The collapse of the wave function might not be caused by consciousness but rather that consciousness arises from it, and the discovery of microtubules might provide a clue to understanding this connection.

    • Penrose and Hameroff's Theory of Quantum ConsciousnessPenrose Institute explores offbeat ideas, like quantum consciousness through Bose Einstein condensates, to challenge mainstream views and potentially yield significant insights

      Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff propose a theory that every time quantum wave function collapses in the brain, it results in a moment of proto-consciousness, which is the building block of consciousness. This theory, which is not the mainstream view, suggests that these moments of proto-consciousness are not purposeful and do not relate to anything else. Penrose, who is starting a new institute, the Penrose Institute, in San Diego, believes that exploring such offbeat ideas, which are experimentally testable, has the potential to yield significant insights into the nature of consciousness. The institute's mission is to explore ideas that are not mainstream but have the potential to be immediately testable and within the range of current techniques. Penrose is particularly interested in exploring the collapse of the wave function using Bose Einstein condensates, which are the most quantum mechanical things and can be practically isolated from external disturbances. The major project at the institute will be to investigate the role of Bose Einstein condensates in the collapse of the wave function.

    • Exploring the measurable nature of wave function collapse with Bose Einstein condensatesRoger Penrose's team in Nottingham investigates wave function collapse in Bose Einstein condensates, emphasizing the importance of objective truth and inspiring deeper scientific exploration.

      World-renowned physicist Roger Penrose continues to inspire and provoke scientific exploration through his groundbreaking theories. Specifically, his team in Nottingham, England, is currently investigating the measurable nature of wave function collapse in Bose Einstein condensates. Penrose emphasized the importance of objective truth in science, but also acknowledged the value of inspiring others to delve deeper into intriguing ideas. His legacy includes numerous accolades and discoveries, and his work remains a significant influence in the scientific community. Overall, Penrose's commitment to truth and curiosity continues to drive scientific progress.

    Recent Episodes from Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas

    276 | Gavin Schmidt on Measuring, Predicting, and Protecting Our Climate

    276 | Gavin Schmidt on Measuring, Predicting, and Protecting Our Climate

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/05/20/276-gavin-schmidt-on-measuring-predicting-and-protecting-our-climate/

    Gavin Schmidt received his Ph.D. in applied mathematics from University College London. He is currently Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and an affiliate of the Center for Climate Systems Research at Columbia University. His research involves both measuring and modeling climate variability. Among his awards are the inaugural Climate Communications Prize of the American Geophysical Union. He is a cofounder of the RealClimate blog.

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    275 | Solo: Quantum Fields, Particles, Forces, and Symmetries

    275 | Solo: Quantum Fields, Particles, Forces, and Symmetries

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/05/13/275-solo-quantum-fields-particles-forces-and-symmetries/

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    AMA | May 2024

    AMA | May 2024

    Welcome to the May 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with questions and transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/05/06/ama-may-2024/

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    Here is the memorial to Dan Dennett at Ars Technica.

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    274 | Gizem Gumuskaya on Building Robots from Human Cells

    274 | Gizem Gumuskaya on Building Robots from Human Cells

    Modern biology is advancing by leaps and bounds, not only in understanding how organisms work, but in learning how to modify them in interesting ways. One exciting frontier is the study of tiny "robots" created from living molecules and cells, rather than metal and plastic. Gizem Gumuskaya, who works with previous guest Michael Levin, has created anthrobots, a new kind of structure made from living human cells. We talk about how that works, what they can do, and what future developments might bring.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/04/29/274-gizem-gumuskaya-on-building-robots-from-human-cells/

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    Gimez Gumuskaya received her Ph.D. from Tufts University and the Harvard Wyss Institute for Biologically-Inspired Engineering. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Tufts University. She previously received a dual master's degree in Architecture and Synthetic Biology from MIT.

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    273 | Stefanos Geroulanos on the Invention of Prehistory

    273 | Stefanos Geroulanos on the Invention of Prehistory

    Humanity itself might be the hardest thing for scientists to study fairly and accurately. Not only do we come to the subject with certain inevitable preconceptions, but it's hard to resist the temptation to find scientific justifications for the stories we'd like to tell about ourselves. In his new book, The Invention of Prehistory, Stefanos Geroulanos looks at the ways that we have used -- and continue to use -- supposedly-scientific tales of prehistoric humanity to bolster whatever cultural, social, and political purposes we have at the moment.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/04/22/273-stefanos-geroulanos-on-the-invention-of-prehistory/

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    Stefanos Geroulanos received his Ph.D. in humanities from Johns Hopkins. He is currently director of the Remarque Institute and a professor of history at New York University. He is the author and editor of a number of books on European intellectual history. He serves as a Co-Executive Editor of the Journal of the History of Ideas.

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    272 | Leslie Valiant on Learning and Educability in Computers and People

    272 | Leslie Valiant on Learning and Educability in Computers and People

    Science is enabled by the fact that the natural world exhibits predictability and regularity, at least to some extent. Scientists collect data about what happens in the world, then try to suggest "laws" that capture many phenomena in simple rules. A small irony is that, while we are looking for nice compact rules, there aren't really nice compact rules about how to go about doing that. Today's guest, Leslie Valiant, has been a pioneer in understanding how computers can and do learn things about the world. And in his new book, The Importance of Being Educable, he pinpoints this ability to learn new things as the crucial feature that distinguishes us as human beings. We talk about where that capability came from and what its role is as artificial intelligence becomes ever more prevalent.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/04/15/272-leslie-valiant-on-learning-and-educability-in-computers-and-people/

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    Leslie Valiant received his Ph.D. in computer science from Warwick University. He is currently the T. Jefferson Coolidge Professor of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at Harvard University. He has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Knuth Prize, and the Turing Award, and he is a member of the National Academy of Sciences as well as a Fellow of the Royal Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is the pioneer of "Probably Approximately Correct" learning, which he wrote about in a book of the same name.

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    AMA | April 2024

    AMA | April 2024

    Welcome to the April 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with questions and transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/04/08/ama-april-2024/

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    271 | Claudia de Rham on Modifying General Relativity

    271 | Claudia de Rham on Modifying General Relativity

    Einstein's theory of general relativity has been our best understanding of gravity for over a century, withstanding a variety of experimental challenges of ever-increasing precision. But we have to be open to the possibility that general relativity -- even at the classical level, aside from any questions of quantum gravity -- isn't the right theory of gravity. Such speculation is motivated by cosmology, where we have a good model of the universe but one with a number of loose ends. Claudia de Rham has been a leader in exploring how gravity could be modified in cosmologically interesting ways, and we discuss the current state of the art as well as future prospects.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/04/01/271-claudia-de-rham-on-modifying-general-relativity/

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    Claudia de Rham received her Ph.D. in physics from the University of Cambridge. She is currently a professor of physics and deputy department head at Imperial College, London. She is a Simons Foundation Investigator, winner of the Blavatnik Award, and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Her new book is The Beauty of Falling: A Life in Pursuit of Gravity.

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    270 | Solo: The Coming Transition in How Humanity Lives

    270 | Solo: The Coming Transition in How Humanity Lives

    Technology is changing the world, in good and bad ways. Artificial intelligence, internet connectivity, biological engineering, and climate change are dramatically altering the parameters of human life. What can we say about how this will extend into the future? Will the pace of change level off, or smoothly continue, or hit a singularity in a finite time? In this informal solo episode, I think through what I believe will be some of the major forces shaping how human life will change over the decades to come, exploring the very real possibility that we will experience a dramatic phase transition into a new kind of equilibrium.

    Blog post with transcript and links to additional resources: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/03/25/270-solo-the-coming-transition-in-how-humanity-lives/

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    269 | Sahar Heydari Fard on Complexity, Justice, and Social Dynamics

    269 | Sahar Heydari Fard on Complexity, Justice, and Social Dynamics

    When it comes to social change, two questions immediately present themselves: What kind of change do we want to see happen? And, how do we bring it about? These questions are distinct but related; there's not much point in spending all of our time wanting change that won't possibly happen, or working for change that wouldn't actually be good. Addressing such issues lies at the intersection of philosophy, political science, and social dynamics. Sahar Heydari Fard looks at all of these issues through the lens of complex systems theory, to better understand how the world works and how it might be improved.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/03/18/269-sahar-heydari-fard-on-complexity-justice-and-social-dynamics/

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    Sahar Heydari Fard received a Masters in applied economics and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Cincinnati. She is currently an assistant professor in philosophy at the Ohio State University. Her research lies at the intersection of social and behavioral sciences, social and political philosophy, and ethics, using tools from complex systems theory.

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    27 | Janna Levin on Black Holes, Chaos, and the Narrative of Science
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    36 | David Albert on Quantum Measurement and the Problems with Many-Worlds

    36 | David Albert on Quantum Measurement and the Problems with Many-Worlds
    Quantum mechanics is our best theory of how reality works at a fundamental level, yet physicists still can’t agree on what the theory actually says. At the heart of the puzzle is the “measurement problem”: what actually happens when we observe a quantum system, and why do we apparently need separate rules when it happens? David Albert is one of the leading figures in the foundations of quantum mechanics today, and we discuss the measurement problem and why it’s so puzzling. Then we dive into the Many-Worlds version of quantum mechanics, which is my favorite (as I explain in my forthcoming book Something Deeply Hidden). It is not David’s favorite, so he presents the case as to why you should be skeptical of Many-Worlds. (The philosophically respectable case, that is, not a vague unease at all those other universes.) Support Mindscape on Patreon or Paypal. David Albert received his Ph.D. in physics from Rockefeller University. He is currently the Frederick E. Woodbridge Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University. His research involves a number of topics within the foundations of physics, including the arrow of time (coining the phrase “Past Hypothesis” for the low-entropy state of the early universe) and quantum mechanics. He is the author of a number of books, including Time and Chance, Quantum Mechanics and Experience, and After Physics. Columbia web page Publications at PhilPapers Wikipedia page Videos at Closer to Truth BigThink interview See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    25 | David Chalmers on Consciousness, the Hard Problem, and Living in a Simulation

    25 | David Chalmers on Consciousness, the Hard Problem, and Living in a Simulation
    The "Easy Problems" of consciousness have to do with how the brain takes in information, thinks about it, and turns it into action. The "Hard Problem," on the other hand, is the task of explaining our individual, subjective, first-person experiences of the world. What is it like to be me, rather than someone else? Everyone agrees that the Easy Problems are hard; some people think the Hard Problem is almost impossible, while others think it's pretty easy. Today's guest, David Chalmers, is arguably the leading philosopher of consciousness working today, and the one who coined the phrase "the Hard Problem," as well as proposing the philosophical zombie thought experiment. Recently he has been taking seriously the notion of panpsychism. We talk about these knotty issues (about which we deeply disagree), but also spend some time on the possibility that we live in a computer simulation. Would simulated lives be "real"? (There we agree -- yes they would.) David Chalmers got his Ph.D. from Indiana University working under Douglas Hoftstadter. He is currently University Professor of Philosophy and Neural Science at New York University and co-director of the Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness. He is a fellow of the Australian Academy of Humanities, the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Among his books are The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory, The Character of Consciousness, and Constructing the World. He and David Bourget founded the PhilPapers project. Web site NYU Faculty page Wikipedia page PhilPapers page Amazon author page NYU Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness TED talk: How do you explain consciousness? See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    18 | Clifford Johnson on What's So Great About Superstring Theory

    18 | Clifford Johnson on What's So Great About Superstring Theory
    String theory is a speculative and highly technical proposal for uniting the known forces of nature, including gravity, under a single quantum-mechanical framework. This doesn't seem like a recipe for creating a lightning rod of controversy, but somehow string theory has become just that. To get to the bottom of why anyone (indeed, a substantial majority of experts in the field) would think that replacing particles with little loops of string was a promising way forward for theoretical physics, I spoke with expert string theorist Clifford Johnson. We talk about the road string theory has taken from a tentative proposal dealing with the strong interactions, through a number of revolutions, to the point it's at today. Also, where all those extra dimensions might have gone. At the end we touch on Clifford's latest project, a graphic novel that he wrote and illustrated about how science is done. Clifford Johnson is a Professor of Physics at the University of Southern California. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics and physics from the University of Southampton. His research area is theoretical physics, focusing on string theory and quantum field theory. He was awarded the Maxwell Medal from the Institute of Physics. Johnson is the author of the technical monograph D-Branes, as well as the graphic novel The Dialogues. Home page Wikipedia page Publications A talk on The Dialogues Asymptotia blog Twitter See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    45 | Leonard Susskind on Quantum Information, Quantum Gravity, and Holography

    45 | Leonard Susskind on Quantum Information, Quantum Gravity, and Holography
    For decades now physicists have been struggling to reconcile two great ideas from a century ago: general relativity and quantum mechanics. We don’t yet know the final answer, but the journey has taken us to some amazing places. A leader in this quest has been Leonard Susskind, who has helped illuminate some of the most mind-blowing ideas in quantum gravity: the holographic principle, the string theory landscape, black-hole complementarity, and others. He has also become celebrated as a writer, speaker, and expositor of mind-blowing ideas. We talk about black holes, quantum mechanics, and the most exciting new directions in quantum gravity. Support Mindscape on Patreon or Paypal. Leonard Susskind received his Ph.D. in physics from Cornell University. He is currently the Felix Bloch Professor of Physics at Stanford University. He has made important contributions to numerous ideas in theoretical physics, including string theory, lattice gauge theory, dynamical symmetry breaking, the holographic principle, black hole complementarity, matrix theory, the cosmological multiverse, and quantum information. He is the author of several books, including a series of pedagogical physics texts called The Theoretical Minimum. Among his numerous awards are the J.J. Sakurai Prize and the Oskar Klein Medal. Web page Theoretical Minimum page Susskind Lectures on YouTube TED Talk about Richard Feynman Publications at Inspire Amazon author page Wikipedia See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.