
    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering Hidden Civilizations and Delicious Meals at KrogerKroger provides a vast selection of meal options and savings opportunities, while historical discoveries hint at possible advanced civilizations before officially recorded history, requiring open-minded and critical evaluation.

      Kroger offers an extensive selection of over 30,000 delicious options for every mealtime, ensuring mealtime inspiration, while also providing everyday low prices and various ways to save, such as digital coupons and fuel points. Meanwhile, in the world of history, there are intriguing discoveries suggesting that civilizations and advanced structures might have existed before officially recorded history. For instance, research suggests that San Francisco might have had a civilization with advanced technology before its official discovery. Similarly, there might be older settlements in Sydney that have been covered up. These findings challenge the mainstream narrative and invite us to question the depth of our historical knowledge. It's important to approach such discoveries with an open mind and a critical perspective, considering the potential implications and the credibility of the sources.

    • Unexplained events in the 6th century and UFO phenomena connectionsThe mid 6th century saw unexplained events, such as the collapse of Teotihuacan. UFO phenomena may be connected to spirit possession and demonic activity, as explored by Pope Head in his articles.

      History, as we know it, may not be as concrete as we believe. The mid 6th century saw a series of unexplained events, such as the collapse of Teotihuacan, which remain a mystery from a historical perspective. A recent article by Pope Head, titled "Better the UFO You Know," explores the connections between UFO phenomena, abductions, spirit possession, and demonic activity. Pope Head, with his background in Catholicism, offers a unique perspective, recognizing the nature of the phenomenon while remaining open-minded to answers beyond a dogmatic framework. His latest article, "Aerial Alchemy," delves into Jack Parsons, Aleister Crowley, NASA, numerology, and the NFL, offering a fun yet serious exploration of these threads. The UFO phenomenon, as acknowledged by former Pentagon official Louie Elizondo, may have a demonic side, adding another layer to the historical and cultural mysteries we continue to unravel.

    • Is the NFL biased?The NFL's fairness is questioned due to financial stakes, but no concrete evidence was presented to support bias or hiring of ex-agents for underhanded purposes.

      There exists a belief, both jokingly and seriously, that professional sports, particularly in the NFL, may not be entirely fair and unbiased due to the immense financial stakes involved. This idea, as presented in the discussion, draws parallels to conspiracy theories surrounding other topics like the moon landing. While it's important to note that no concrete evidence was presented to support this claim, it does raise intriguing questions about the potential influence of money and power in sports. Additionally, the mention of NFL teams hiring ex-CIA and ex-FBI agents for "subterfuge" adds an extra layer of intrigue. However, it's essential to approach such topics with a critical mindset and not jump to conclusions without solid evidence.

    • The Late Antique Little Ice Age: A Catastrophic Event from 535 ADThis 1500-year-old event caused extreme cold, darkness, and widespread famine, potentially signaling a warning for modern civilization's vulnerability to similar catastrophes

      The book "Catastrophe" by David Keys challenges scientific consensus and describes a catastrophic event from over 1500 years ago that could potentially happen again. The event, which took place in 535 AD, is linked to various scientific data such as tree rings, ice cores, and lake sediment samples. This event, known as the "Late Antique Little Ice Age," was a period of extreme cold and darkness that led to widespread famine and the end of the ancient world. The book highlights the vulnerability of modern civilization to such events and warns that we may be overdue for another catastrophic event. Despite the controversy surrounding climate change, this potential catastrophe could overshadow it and have devastating consequences for humanity. The documentary "Catastrophe: Supervolcanoes and the End of Civilization" further explores this topic and warns that we could be 10 years overdue for another catastrophic event.

    • The collapse of ancient civilizations Teotihuacan and Constantinople may have been influenced by drought, poor health, and astronomical events.Droughts, poor maternal health, and astronomical events may have contributed to the collapse of ancient civilizations like Teotihuacan and Constantinople, challenging conventional thinking and offering new insights into societal structures and climate's impact.

      The collapse of the ancient city of Teotihuacan in Mexico around the mid 6th century was likely due to a combination of factors, including a severe drought and widespread bacterial infections caused by poor maternal health. The drought led to famine and starvation, which in turn caused the population to rebel against the ruling class and burn down their temples, believing the priests could not control the rain. The ensuing chaos led to a "mini dark age" that lasted for around 300 years. Meanwhile, in Europe, the bustling city of Constantinople, known as "New Rome," was also experiencing a strange event where the sun went dark for 18 months, which historians believe may have contributed to the instability and collapse of societies during that time. The discoveries from Rebecca's research have challenged conventional thinking about the causes of these collapses and shed new light on the complex interplay between climate, health, and societal structures.

    • Identifying historical climate events through tree ringsTree ring analysis, particularly by Mike Bailey, led to the discovery of the 'Late Antique Little Ice Age' around 535 AD, providing insights into past climate conditions and their impact on history

      The analysis of tree rings, specifically the work of Mike Bailey and his ring dating system, has provided crucial insights into historical events, including the identification of an unusual climate event around the mid 6th century. This period, known as the "Late Antique Little Ice Age," is marked by thin tree rings across various regions and tree species worldwide. Bailey's extensive research on Irish Oaks, as well as the collaborative efforts of other labs around the world, allowed scientists to link these anomalous rings to the year 535 AD. The causes of this climate event remain unclear, but the discovery of these patterns in tree rings has significantly expanded our understanding of past climate conditions and their potential impact on history.

    • Late Antique Little Ice Age: A Decade of Extreme Cold and Crop FailuresA series of volcanic eruptions caused a decade-long extreme cold period around 536-545 AD, leading to crop failures, subsistence lifestyles, and defensive structures construction.

      Around 536-545 AD, a period of extreme cold and reduced sunlight caused widespread crop failures, leading to a collapse of agricultural societies and forcing people to adopt subsistence lifestyles. This event, known as the "Late Antique Little Ice Age," affected both the northern and southern hemispheres and lasted for approximately a decade. Despite theories suggesting an asteroid or comet impact, no definitive evidence has been found to support these claims. Instead, the most likely explanation is a series of volcanic eruptions that caused significant airborne ash and sulfur dioxide, blocking sunlight and leading to the observed climate anomaly. These events led to the construction of defensive structures, such as the Crannog forts in Scotland, to protect resources and populations.

    • Ancient Global Disaster: 535 ADAround 535 AD, there was a global disaster causing environmental damage and social disruption, possibly due to a massive volcanic eruption, likely Krakatoa's, leaving uncertainty about the exact cause and scale due to the age of reports.

      Around 535 AD, there was a global disaster that caused widespread environmental damage and social disruption. The evidence includes tree ring data showing growth anomalies, historical accounts of frost in summer, and reports of unusual weather phenomena such as darkened skies and blood-red rain. The leading theory is that this disaster was caused by a massive volcanic eruption, possibly of Krakatoa in Indonesia, which was larger than the well-documented 1883 eruption. The evidence for this includes reports of a massive explosion and subsequent earthquake, as well as the creation of a new island, Sumatra, from the ruptured Java island. However, the age of these reports makes it difficult to verify their accuracy completely, leaving some uncertainty about the exact cause and scale of this ancient disaster.

    • Significant volcanic eruption around 5,35 BP detected in ice core samplesIce core samples from the North and South Poles reveal a massive volcanic eruption around 5,35 BP, which is supported by volcanic research on Krakatoa and historical references.

      The ice core samples taken from the North Pole at the date of 5,35 have a significant peak of sulfides or sulfates, which is consistent with a massive volcanic eruption. This finding was validated by less precise samples from the South Pole. Volcanologist Sigurdsson's research on Krakatoa revealed a hidden, gigantic ancient caldera, suggesting that there was once a large landmass there that exploded. The volcano essentially blew itself up, leaving behind small islands such as the Sun of Krakatoa. Despite the challenges in finding suitable charcoal samples due to the volcanically active and barren locations, researchers were able to find some and determined that a major disaster occurred around 1200, with the previous one approximately 5000 years prior. This scientific data supports the possibility that there may be historical references to these events.

    • Volcanic Eruption in 535 AD Led to Global Climate Shift and Catastrophic ConsequencesA massive volcanic eruption around 535 AD caused a global climate shift, resulting in several years of reduced sunlight, less rainfall, more frequent droughts and floods, and widespread famine and disease outbreaks, including the Plague of Justinian.

      A massive volcanic eruption that occurred around 535 AD, likely in the region of Indonesia, led to a global climate shift and a series of catastrophic consequences. The eruption, estimated to be the size of 2,000,000,000 Hiroshima-sized nuclear bombs, ejected a vast amount of ash and debris into the atmosphere, blocking sunlight for several years and causing a "nuclear winter." This event led to a significant drop in temperatures, less rainfall, and more frequent droughts and floods, which in turn led to widespread famine and disease outbreaks. One of the most infamous pandemics in history, the Plague of Justinian, emerged during this period and is believed to have been exacerbated by the climate crisis. The ash from the eruption also had long-term effects, taking over 1500 years to begin settling back to the earth. This event had a profound impact on ancient civilizations, leading to widespread devastation and the collapse of many societies.

    • The Black Death spread through fleas with a bacterial blockageThe Black Death, caused by Yersinia pestis, thrived in fleas, causing a blockage and making them more likely to spread the disease, contributing to its devastating impact on civilizations.

      The Black Death, caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis, spread through a unique mechanism involving fleas. The bacteria thrives in the guts of fleas, causing a blockage when consumed with blood, making the fleas ravenously hungry and more likely to bite and spread the disease to new hosts. This biological adaptation allowed the bacteria to spread widely and contributed to the devastating impact of the plague on civilizations, particularly during periods of cooler temperatures when the bacterial blockage in fleas was more likely to occur. The timing and spread of the Black Death from Central Africa to Constantinople are believed to have been influenced by these climate-related factors. This historical event serves as a reminder of the complex interplay between climate, disease, and human civilization.

    • The Ivory Trade and the Spread of the Black DeathThe ivory trade facilitated the spread of the Black Death from Africa to Europe, leading to the collapse of Constantinople and the Roman Empire, while the Mongolian Avars' military power exacerbated the geopolitical instability caused by the plague.

      The collapse of the Roman Empire was influenced by a combination of factors, including the Black Death, which was likely brought about by the ivory trade, and the military power of the Mongolian Avars and their superior horsemen. The ivory trade brought the Black Death from Africa into Europe, leading to mass deaths and the collapse of Constantinople, Europe's largest city. The Mongolian Avars, with their advanced horsemen and military technology, controlled a large area and were feared by their enemies. However, their impact on the Roman Empire was not directly due to their horses, but rather due to the broader geopolitical changes brought about by the Black Death and the weakening of the Roman Empire. The ivory trade, driven by European and Mediterranean greed, played a significant role in the spread of the Black Death, ultimately leading to the collapse of the Roman Empire.

    • The role of horses and cows in Mongolian Avars' migration and Roman Empire's fallThe Mongolian Avars' migration west was facilitated by their horses and knowledge from the east, while the survival of cows during a vegetation die-off allowed them to thrive and contribute to the collapse of the Roman Empire. Additionally, the frequent collapse of a dam in Yemen may have contributed to the rise of Islam.

      The digestive systems of horses and cows played a significant role in the migration of the Mongolian Avars and their impact on the fall of the Roman Empire. Horses and cows have different digestive systems, with horses having a less efficient one that leaves fibrous dung, while cows have multiple stomachs and a more efficient system that produces sloppy dung. During a catastrophic event where vegetation died off, cows were able to survive and thrive, while horses could not. This allowed the Mongolian Avars, who had horses and knowledge from the east, to move west and contribute to the collapse of the Roman Empire. Additionally, the frequent collapse of a dam in Yemen due to the aftermath of the same disaster may have contributed to the rise of Islam. The Mongolian Avars, who were unaffected by the plague that was decimating the Roman Empire, were able to push farther west and conquer new lands, ultimately impacting world history in profound ways.

    • Ancient civilizations and natural disasters shaping human historyAncient civilizations' collapse and natural disasters led to population vacuums, new societies, and civilizations, shaping human history. Current decrease in sun's activity and volcanic eruption warning may cause another major historical shift.

      The collapse of ancient civilizations, such as Teotihuacan and the Roman Empire, and natural disasters like volcanic eruptions, have significantly shaped the course of human history. These events led to population vacuums that were filled by new groups, leading to the rise of new societies and civilizations. For instance, the collapse of Teotihuacan led to the spread of Islam, while the fall of the Roman Empire and the subsequent plague in Britain paved the way for the emergence of England. These historical events, though tragic, set the stage for the world as we know it today. Furthermore, the current decrease in the sun's activity and the long-overdue volcanic eruption warning indicate that we may be on the brink of another major historical shift. The consequences of such an event would be catastrophic given the current global population size.

    • Volcanic eruptions: A threat to global stabilityA major volcanic eruption could cause massive destruction and disruption, particularly in densely populated areas, with implications for agriculture, disease, and global stability. Our civilization's reliance on interconnected networks makes us vulnerable to such a disaster.

      The world is home to numerous volatile volcanic regions, some of which are currently showing signs of activity, such as the calderas in Wyoming, California, and Naples, Italy. These volcanoes have the potential to cause massive destruction and disruption, particularly in densely populated areas like Naples, where thousands of people live. The consequences of a major volcanic eruption would extend beyond the affected region, with implications for agriculture, disease, and global stability. Furthermore, the current global civilization, which heavily relies on interconnected networks and globalization, would be particularly vulnerable to such a disaster. As historian Mike Bailey notes, the population size and agricultural methods of today make it unlikely that humanity would be able to bounce back from a catastrophic event like a major volcanic eruption. The documentary's discussion of the potential consequences of a volcanic eruption in Italy echoes Peter Zeihan's work on the collapse of globalization, which argues that our civilization's reliance on interconnected networks leaves us vulnerable to economic and geopolitical shocks.

    • Global civilization's interconnectedness in the past and potential collapse todayThe changing global order could lead to a slow and insidious collapse, indicated by longer wait times, decreased quality, and increased incompetence, primarily due to population decline caused by cultural, economic, and environmental factors.

      The current global order is changing, and countries heavily reliant on global importation networks could face catastrophic consequences when these networks fail. This concept was illustrated by the discovery of bronze age shipwrecks filled with goods from around the world, suggesting a highly connected global civilization. However, unlike the potential explosive events of the past, this collapse may be slow and insidious, with signs of it already present in longer wait times, decreased quality, and increased incompetence. A fundamental reason for this collapse is population decline, which is influenced by cultural, economic, and environmental factors. It's crucial to acknowledge the real dangers, such as population collapse, rather than being distracted by sensationalized issues pushed by the media.

    • Become an MU Max member for exclusive contentSign up for MU Max at mysteriousuniverse.org/forward/plus to access over 16 years of podcast content and support the show

      By signing up for MU Max at mysterious universe.org/forward/plus, listeners gain access to the extensive back catalog of podcasts, totaling over 16 years of content. This is a great opportunity for supporters of the show to enjoy all the past episodes and help keep their favorite podcast running. So, if you're interested in diving deeper into the mysteries of the universe, consider becoming an MU Max member today. Your subscription not only grants you access to exclusive content but also supports the continued production of the show. Thanks for tuning in!

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    Supervolcanoes: Is Yellowstone Gonna Blow?

    Supervolcanoes: Is Yellowstone Gonna Blow?
    We keep hearing that a Yellowstone supervolcano could blow at any moment — and possibly wipe us all out. So is Yellowstone overdue for the BIG ONE, and if it happens, how bad could it be? To find out, we talk to paleoecologist Dr. Gill Plunkett, Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Scientist-in-Charge Dr. Mike Poland and Washington resident Christian Jacobsen.  Here’s a link to our transcript: https://bit.ly/3kliFV6 Check out Yellowstone Volcano Observatory’s weekly blog the “Caldera Chronicles”: https://www.usgs.gov/volcanoes/yellowstone/caldera-chronicles This episode was produced by Michelle Dang and Nicholas DelRose, with help from Wendy Zukerman, Rose Rimler and Hannah Harris Green. We’re edited by Blythe Terrell. Fact checking by Barbra Rodriguez. Mix and sound design by Sam Bair. Music written by Peter Leonard, Marcus Bagala, Emma Munger and Bobby Lord. A huge thanks to all the researchers we got in touch with for this episode, including Brian Wilcox, Dr. Mike Rampino, Dr. Jazmin Scarlett, Dr. Joe McConnell, Dr. Rosaly Lopes and Dr. Thor Thordarson. And special thanks to the Zukerman family and Joseph Lavelle Wilson. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Wealth, Gratitude, Letting Go & Divine Time

    Wealth, Gratitude, Letting Go & Divine Time

    EP:9 S1 - Part 3

    Guest: Dr. Tallessyn Zawn Grenfell-Lee

    Tallessyn Zawn Grenfell-Lee, MDiv, PhD, is a climate ethicist. Formerly a molecular biologist, she offers training and consulting for sustainability leaders who want to boost your impact with the unshakeable leadership needed in our time.

    Learn more… https://climateresilienceleadership.c...


    visit: lightupwithshua.com Who is the founder & Owner of LightupwithShua Podcast and LUWS ACADEMY LLC ?

    I am a student of knowledge of multiple disciplines, a mentor, and an intercultural & Interfaith practitioner, who wants to help heal and solve problems by bringing awareness for conscious living and conscious parenting to people with flexible mindset.

    Currently hosting a weekly podcast on LightupwithShua podcast on conscious living and parenting. Additionally, actively conducting Self - Healing & Transformation Training Workshops in Pakistan and in the USA. For more information please inquire through email or phone. You can connect with me here: Shua@lightupwithshua.com

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    Shua - شعا ع 


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