
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Mysterious Universe: Encounters with Dogman-like Creatures and Controversial TopicsThis season delves into unexplained phenomena, including encounters with dogman-like creatures and controversial topics, featuring experts and authors like Aaron Wright and Douglas Preston.

      The mysterious universe, as explored in the 30th season of the show, encompasses various unexplained phenomena, including encounters with dogman-like creatures. Aaron Wright, a part-time leading Dogmanologist, shares his expertise on these entities, which are distinct from werewolves and primarily reported in Pennsylvania. He draws attention to older and newer documentaries, including one produced by Barton Nunnally, who based his stories on his family's experiences. Upcoming, Douglas Preston, the author of "The Lost City of the Monkey God," will share his collection of articles on various controversial topics, including a personal story about his childhood friendship with a boy named Petey and their unsuccessful attempt to create a time capsule. This anecdote sets the stage for potentially darker elements to be discussed on the show.

    • The Power of Time to Change and RevealTime can bring unexpected changes and reveal hidden truths, but it can also bring loss and tragedy.

      Time can change the world around us, making it difficult to revisit past experiences or find what we've lost. Douglas, who had a childhood plan to dig up a buried compass with his friend Petey, discovered that time had taken Petey away and transformed the landscape. Years later, he tried to locate Petey to dig up the treasure together, but instead, he found out that his friend had been brutally murdered. The story serves as a reminder of how time can bring unexpected and sometimes unsettling changes. In the second story, a forest ranger in the Himalayas discovered a lake filled with skeletons, highlighting the power of time in preserving and revealing the past in unexpected ways.

    • Mysterious Human Skeletons at Rubikand Lake, IndiaAncient human skeletons with inscriptions and tattoos, possibly from a cult or invasion, are preserved in Rubikand Lake in India due to its unique environmental conditions. Carbon dating places them between 5000 and 10,000 years old.

      Rubikand Lake in the Himalayas, India, is a site of historical mystery with hundreds or even thousands of human skeletons scattered around its shores. The bones, some with inscriptions or tattoos, have been discovered for a long time and have been studied by anthropologists since the 1950s. Theories about their origin include mass suicide by cult members or the remains of an invasion force from China that went wrong. Carbon dating suggests the bones are between 5000 and 10,000 years old. The lake's unique environmental conditions, including its funnel-like shape, may contribute to the preservation of the bones. Despite its eerie appearance and history, the site is still visited by tourists and locals.

    • The Lake and the Goddess: A Dangerous Pilgrimage and Ancient LegendsAn ancient spear discovery in an Indian lake sparks theories about an invading force or traders, but lacks substantial evidence. Locals believe in a dangerous pilgrimage to a goddess's mountain home, testing the worthy. The goddess, Princess Nanda, is believed to have fled her kingdom due to a prince's challenge, bringing disaster and plague.

      The discovery of a spear in a lake in India has led to various theories about its origin, including an invading force or a group of traders. However, the lack of substantial evidence has kept these theories speculative. The locals believe that the lake is part of a dangerous pilgrimage route to a mountain, where the goddess is said to live with her husband. According to legends, people making this pilgrimage would be tested by the goddess, and if favored, would be allowed to survive. The goddess, Princess Nanda, is believed to be a goddess from a previous time period who had to flee her kingdom due to a prince's challenge and was treated poorly in a foreign kingdom, resulting in bringing drought, disaster, and plague to the land. The stories passed down in the local villages have helped scientists trace the origin of the legends, suggesting a connection between the goddess and the lake.

    • The Angry Goddess of Lake NandaA legend of an angry goddess causing natural disasters to warn against disrespect led to the discovery of hundreds of pilgrim skeletons in the 1970s, continuing to draw pilgrims to the lake in the Himalayas.

      The legend of Lake Nanda in the Himalayas tells the story of a queen who merged with a mountain goddess and was offended by the extravagant pilgrimage of a king. As a result, the goddess caused a series of natural disasters, including hailstorms, whirlwinds, and sinkholes, which froze and killed the pilgrims as a warning against disrespect. The legend has been passed down for centuries, and in the 1970s, an anthropologist named William Sachs discovered the remains of these pilgrims while researching the area. The discovery led to further investigations and the unearthing of hundreds of skeletons. Despite skepticism about the existence of an angry goddess, the legend continues to draw pilgrims to the lake, creating a unique and intriguing cultural phenomenon.

    • Discovering ancient human remains in a Himalayan lakeAncient pilgrims to a Himalayan mountain were likely killed by giant hailstones during intense storms, challenging previous theories about their cause of death.

      During a pilgrimage to a mountain in the Himalayas dedicated to the goddess Nanda Devi, researchers discovered a lake filled with human bones, skulls, and pieces of flesh. The bones showed no signs of disease, murder, or battle, leading researchers to believe that the pilgrims had been killed by an unexpected natural disaster. The team concluded that the victims had been pummeled to death by giant hailstones during an intense storm, as the area is known for hailstorms with hail as big as a person's fist and lacks shelter. The discovery was made in the 9th century, and the pilgrims were likely wearing typical devotee attire, including leather slippers, parasols, and bangles. The team's findings challenged previous theories about the cause of the human remains, including an army, traders, or ritual suicide. The discovery sheds light on the unexpected dangers of ancient pilgrimages and the power of natural disasters.

    • Ancient Greeks' Unexplored Pilgrimage to IndiaNew DNA analysis reveals ancient Greeks traveled to India for religious reasons, potentially becoming victims of a goddess's revenge in the form of a natural hailstorm.

      The Roopkund Lake in India, known for its mysterious skeletons, may have uncovered an ancient event where a goddess took revenge on intruders in the form of a natural hailstorm. The DNA analysis of the skeletons revealed three distinct groups, including one that did not match any known Asian or Indian populations, but instead had the closest match to Greeks from Crete. This suggests that ancient Greeks may have traveled to the mountain for religious pilgrimage and were possibly the victims of the goddess's wrath. This discovery challenges historical beliefs and highlights the importance of continued DNA research in understanding human history.

    • Disputed Greek Skeletons in the HimalayasNew carbon dating results challenge the 326 BC origin of ancient Greek skeletons found in the Himalayas, leaving researchers puzzled about their true age and origin

      The discovery of ancient Greek skeletons in the Himalayas, which were previously carbon-dated to around 326 BC, has been called into question. New carbon dating results suggest that these skeletons may have actually died between the 16th and 19th centuries. This theory is puzzling, as there is no historical evidence to support the existence of Greek explorers or settlers in the region during that time. Researchers have considered various possibilities, such as contamination of the samples or the existence of a previously unknown Indian tribe with Greek ancestry. However, the most likely explanation remains a mystery. Another intriguing possibility is that the skeletons could belong to a previously undiscovered population in India that has never been sampled for DNA analysis. The case remains open, leaving researchers and the scientific community intrigued and puzzled.

    • Mysterious Travelers to the HimalayasScientists discovered human remains at Roopkund Lake with unique diets and no local genetic markers, suggesting they were not from the region. Theories suggest a group of Greek Theosophists may have been responsible for their journey, despite lack of historical records.

      The discovery of human remains at Roopkund Lake in the Himalayas revealed an intriguing mystery. The skeletons showed no signs of local origin, as indicated by their unique diet and lack of genetic markers for isolation or interbreeding. Scientists were able to determine their diet through analysis of bone collagen, revealing they consumed a Mediterranean diet unlike the typical rice-based diet of the region. Despite no historical records of large groups of Mediterranean people traveling to the Himalayas during that time, some theories suggest that a sect of Greek Theosophy may have been the reason for their journey. The absence of records does not necessarily mean the event didn't occur, and the search for answers continues as we ponder the question: who were these travelers and what brought them to the Himalayas?

    • Mystery of the Skeletons with Unusual Skull InjuriesThe discovery of skeletons with unusual skull injuries in Greece during Ottoman rule has sparked various theories, including a secret society or messages from Ascended Masters, but lack of concrete evidence makes it difficult to determine the truth.

      There are various theories surrounding the discovery of a group of skeletons in the Mediterranean with unusual skull injuries, which some believe could be linked to a secret society or even messages from the Ascended Masters. The skeletons, some dating back to the 4th century BC, were found in Greece during a time when it was under Ottoman rule. Some speculate that this could have been a small group of individuals who had inherited a secret sect from the region and periodically returned for pilgrimage. However, the lack of concrete evidence and conflicting theories make it difficult to definitively determine the truth behind this intriguing discovery. Additionally, there have been reports of hailstorms in the region capable of penetrating human skulls, which could be a plausible explanation for the injuries. The legend of the 7 adepts, as written by Gerdyeff, also adds an occult dimension to the theory, suggesting that these individuals may have been messengers for the Ascended Masters. Despite the numerous theories, no definitive answer has been reached, leaving the mystery of the skeletons with an air of intrigue and uncertainty.

    • Mysteries and Legends of Anasazi Civilization and Monkey God in Sri LankaThe allure of historical mysteries and legends continues to captivate us, from the vanished Anasazi civilization's advanced structures to the monkey god's legend in Sri Lanka. It's crucial to respect historical sites and accurate portrayals of ancient cultures.

      Throughout history, there are mysteries and legends surrounding various cultures and civilizations that continue to intrigue and captivate us. Two such examples discussed are the disappearance of the Anasazi civilization in New Mexico and the legend of the monkey god in Sri Lanka. The Anasazi civilization, known for their advanced engineering, art, and architecture, suddenly vanished around 1150 AD, leaving behind a mystery as to why they abandoned their impressive structures and lived in caves instead. Some believe their society was utopian, with no rulers or social classes, and violence was unknown. However, this idealized image has led to misuse of their sites by new age followers, causing authorities to close them. Meanwhile, the legend of the monkey god in Sri Lanka tells of a man who took a statue from the goddess' mountain, causing her wrath and the disappearance of the statue from the region. These stories serve as reminders of the allure and intrigue of the unknown, as well as the importance of respecting historical sites and accurate portrayals of ancient cultures.

    • An archaeologist's shocking discovery of evidence of cannibalism among the AnasaziA discovery of ancient Anasazi remains revealed evidence of violent cannibalism, challenging the perception of their peaceful civilization, despite initial criticism.

      The archaeologist named Turner made a shocking discovery at the Museum of Northern Arizona in the late 1960s. He found a coffin-shaped box containing thousands of human bone shards. Upon examining them, he concluded that the remains showed evidence of violent cannibalism, with heads crushed open to remove brains and bodies dismembered and roasted. This discovery challenged the common perception of the Anasazi people as peaceful and advanced. Despite his findings, Turner faced criticism and accusations of racism. He continued to research the archaeological record and found that there were previous reports of cannibalism among the Anasazi, but they had been ignored. This discovery shed new light on the complexities and potential darker aspects of ancient civilizations.

    • Ancient civilizations practiced cannibalismCannibalism was a historical practice found in various ancient civilizations, driven by resource scarcity and cultural beliefs.

      Cannibalism was a widespread practice among various ancient civilizations, including the Anasazi, and it's important to note that this is a historical fact, not a reflection of modern-day cultural practices or morals. Archaeological evidence shows that cannibalism was prevalent during the Paleolithic era and continued into more recent history, such as among the Anasazi people in the American Southwest. Despite the discomfort and sensitivity surrounding this topic, it's essential to acknowledge and learn from historical findings. The reasons for the prevalence of cannibalism in certain societies remain a topic of ongoing research and debate among archaeologists and anthropologists. However, it's clear that this practice was not limited to any one culture and was likely driven by various factors, including resource scarcity and cultural beliefs.

    • Ancient People in Colorado: Evidence of Cannibalism?Archaeological findings suggest ancient people in Colorado practiced cannibalism, with evidence including chopped, boiled, burned human bones, and a fossilized human feces containing human protein.

      During an archaeological dig in Colorado in the 1990s, evidence was found suggesting ancient people may have engaged in cannibalistic practices. The team discovered human bones that had been chopped up, boiled, and burned, with some remains appearing to have been roasted inside structures. A fossilized human turd was also found in the center of one structure, and scientists later identified human protein in it. However, the tribe requested that the results be kept confidential until the paper could be published, and there were rumors that it had tested positive for human protein. While some may deny these findings or attribute such practices to extreme circumstances, the evidence raises questions about ancient cultures and human behavior in unfathomable conditions.

    • Anasazi Elites Practiced Cannibalism as Social Control During Severe DroughtDuring periods of scarcity, powerful Anasazi elites consumed human flesh to instill fear and assert dominance, a practice influenced by the Toltecs.

      During ancient times in the Anasazi civilization, cannibalism was practiced by the elite as a form of social control. This was a period of severe drought, and the scarcity of resources led the powerful to consume human flesh as a means to instill fear and assert dominance. The elites inhabited large stone structures, known as great houses, and the practice began around 900 AD and peaked during the civilization's collapse around 1150 AD. Turner, a researcher, proposed this theory based on the discovery of human remains and the matching of cannibalism sites with the locations of ancient great houses. The Toltecs in central Mexico, who also practiced human sacrifice and cannibalism during the same time period, are believed to have influenced this Anasazi cultural phenomenon.

    • Anasazi Influenced by Savage Cannibals around AD 900The Anasazi civilization in Chaco Canyon was influenced and eventually taken over by a group of savage cannibals around AD 900, leading to their downfall due to unchecked evil actions.

      The ancient civilization of the Anasazi in Chaco Canyon was influenced and eventually taken over by a group of savage cannibals around AD 900. This group, possibly suffering from Prion disease, terrorized the Anasazi population, controlling them and replicating their civilization. The similarities between the Anasazi and Toltec cultures suggest this influence. However, the Navajo, who were enemies of the Chaco civilization, believed it to be a place of hideous evil, with the people practicing witchcraft, cannibalism, and creating a dreaded substance called corpse powder. The Navajo believed their evil actions threw the world out of balance, leading to the civilization's destruction in a great earthquake and fire. This story serves as a reminder that the wrath of the gods can manifest in both punishment for neglect and for committing unquestionable evil. The possible influence of demonic entities on ancient cultures, as suggested by Graham Hancock's books, could also contribute to the descent into savagery and cannibalism.

    • Mysterious unexplained phenomena discussedThe Dyatlov Pass incident linked to a deity, upcoming documentaries on werewolves and dogmen, exclusive interview for Plus members

      During this episode of Mysterious Universe, the topic of various unexplained phenomena was explored, including the Dyatlov Pass incident and the existence of werewolves and dogmen. Regarding the Dyatlov Pass, there was a theory suggested that a pissed off, hungry deity was responsible for the mysterious deaths. For werewolves and dogmen, upcoming documentaries were announced, including "Hunt for the Dogmen" and "Werewolves Unearthed." The show's host also mentioned the availability of an exclusive interview with the world's foremost Dogmanologist for Plus members. The episode concluded with an invitation to sign up for the Plus extension for access to additional content, including an ad-free version and higher quality MP3 files, as well as a 17-year archive of past episodes. The cost is $9 a month.

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    31.16 - MU Podcast - The Great Crop Circle Hoax
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    31.15 - MU Podcast - Gengha King of Dogs

    31.15 - MU Podcast - Gengha King of Dogs
    Strange things are said to lurk in the seaside mist of England's Cornwall—strange creatures, occult groups, and otherworldly entities are said to have covered the land for centuries. We discuss an obscured report of an odd video tape, mentioned in an old forum post, purported to show an occult group performing a strange ritual. Those who view the tape are reportedly supernaturally affected by it. Is this just a legend influenced by the horror film "The Ring," or is there some truth to the story? A truth so terrifying that the group behind it will try to stop anyone who tries to reveal their hidden place in the forest? For our Plus+ members, we explore haunted castles said to keep demons at bay, supernatural creatures lurking in the battlefields of wars, and a new perspective on encounters with the mysterious rolling rock apes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    One Eyed Joe

    One Eyed Joe
    Not only was John Frankford a famous horse thief, he was also a notoriously good escape artist. People thought no jail was strong enough to keep him, but then in 1895 he was sentenced to Philadelphia's Eastern State Penitentiary. At Eastern State, Frankford became the victim of a strange practice: the prison doctor, Dr. John Bacon, dissected his body and removed his brain. The Frankford case would just be one of many others in the region and would illuminate an underground cadaver network supplying medical schools across the state of Pennsylvania.  Reporter Elana Gordon from WHYY's The Pulse has today's story. Say hello on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Sign up for our occasional newsletter, The Accomplice. Follow the show and review us on Apple Podcasts: iTunes.com/CriminalShow. We also make This is Love and Phoebe Reads a Mystery. Artwork by Julienne Alexander. Check out our online shop.  Episode transcripts are posted on our website. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    WWAR October
    Show Notes
    On today's episode, we selected mysteries that were set in Colonial America.
    Misty reported on “A Shaker Murder” by Eleanor Kuhns. It is #6 in her Will Rees mystery series.
    Fresh from facing allegations of witchcraft and murder, travelling weaver Will Rees, his heavily pregnant wife
    Lydia and six adopted children take refuge in Zion, a Shaker community in rural Maine. Shortly after their
    arrival, screams in the night reveal a drowned body ... but is it murder or an unfortunate accident? The Shaker
    Elders argue it was just an accident, but Rees believes otherwise.
    As Will investigates further, more deaths follow and a young girl vanishes from the community. Haunted by
    nightmares for his family’s safety, Rees must rush to uncover the truth before the dreams can become reality
    and more lives are lost. Yet can the Shaker Elders be trusted, or is an outsider involved? Misty highly
    recommends this series.
    Ann reported on “Brutalized” by J. R. Thompson. 17th-century Dublin, Ireland, preteen Callum McCarthy
    is shipped to the English Colonies, where he will endure horrors of the Irish slave trade. Intense and powerful,
    JR Thompson’s Brutalized explores ideas of greed, loneliness and despair, determination, and faith.
    Growing up in an area where poor Irish families are as welcome as malaria, Callum, the son of a drunkard
    father and neglectful mother, already has the odds stacked against him. But when the boy is kidnapped from
    his own home, he’s plunged into a living nightmare.
    Upon arrival in America, a cruel man by the name of Josiah Gillcrest makes Callum his ill-treated workhorse.
    Bone-chilling secrets Callum uncovers on the tobacco plantation force him to make difficult decisions. Should
    he make a run for it? Kill the wicked overseer, who happens to be his master’s son? Lead a slave uprising?
    The possibilities are endless.
    Mystery, brutality, and deep, dirty secrets saturate Brutalized as Thompson shares truths of white slavery from
    Ireland and Germany to Colonial America. Callum’s detective skills could prove useful in bringing crucial
    changes to the plantation if they don’t kill him first.
    Finalkly Tracey reported on the book. Bone Rattler by Eliot Pattison. Unfairly convicted and force into
    indentured servitude, young Highland Scot Duncan McCallum finds himself aboard a prisoner ship bound for
    the New World. A series of mysterious deaths plagues the passengers and claims the life of Duncan’s dear
    friend Adam Munroe. Enlisted by his captors to investigate, a strange trail of clues leads Duncan into the New
    World and eventually thrusts him into the bloody maw of the French and Indian War.
    Duncan is indentured to the British Lord Ramsey, whose estate in the uncharted New York woodlands is a
    Heart of Darkness where multiple warring factions―the British, rogue Scots, the French, the Huron, and the
    Iroquois―are engaged in battle. Exploring a frontier world shrouded in danger, Duncan, the exiled chief of his
    near-extinct Scottish clan, finds that sometimes justice cannot be reached unless the cultures and spirits of
    those involved are resolved.

    Vanessa Riley Interview

    Vanessa Riley Interview
    Today we visited wi6h Vanessa Riley about her bnook Murder at Drury Lane. Portraying the true diversity of the Regency-era and the hidden intrigue of England’s abolitionist movement, this vibrant, inclusive new historical mystery from acclaimed author Vanessa Riley features an engaging heroine with an independent streak, a notorious past, and a decided talent for sleuthing…

    Pressed into a union of convenience, Lady Abigail Worthing knew better than to expect love. Her marriage to an absent lord does at least provide some comforts, including a box at the Drury Lane theater, owned by the playwright Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Abigail has always found respite at the theater, away from the ton’s judgmental stares and the risks of her own secret work to help the cause of abolition—and her fears that someone from her past wants her permanently silenced. But on one particular June evening everything collides, and the performance takes an unwelcome turn . . .

    Onstage, a woman emits a scream of genuine terror. A man has been found dead in the prop room, stabbed through the heart. Abigail’s neighbor, Stapleton Henderson, is also in attendance, and the two rush backstage. The magistrate, keen to avoid bringing more attention to the case and making Lady Worthing more of a target, asks Abigail not to investigate. But she cannot resist, especially when the usually curmudgeonly Henderson offers his assistance.

    Abigail soon discovers a tangled drama that rivals anything brought to the stage, involving gambling debts, a beautiful actress with a parade of suitors, and the very future of the Drury Lane theatre. For Abigail the case is complicated still further, for one suspect is a leading advocate for the cause dearest to her heart—the abolition of slavery within the British empire. Uncovering the truth always comes at a price. But this time, it may be far higher than she wishes to pay.