
    308: Can You Handle the Truth with Vivek Ramaswamy

    enMarch 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A biotech entrepreneur turned presidential candidate, Vivek Ramaswami, is known for his stance against 'wokeness' and commitment to transparency.Ramaswami's unconventional campaign style includes no teleprompters, regular updates through podcasts, blogs, and videos, and a platform focusing on repealing affirmative action, shrinking the federal bureaucracy, waging an economic war against China, and declaring a war against Mexican drug cartels.

      Vivek Ramaswami, a biotech entrepreneur turned presidential candidate, is making a name for himself as a champion against "wokeness" and a proponent of transparency. He has pledged to run his campaign without the use of teleprompters or prepared speeches, instead opting for extemporaneous communication and regular updates through podcasts, blogs, and videos. Ramaswami's platform includes repealing affirmative action, shrinking the federal bureaucracy, waging an economic war against China, and declaring a war against Mexican drug cartels. His commitment to transparency and open communication is a refreshing departure from traditional political campaigns and has resonated with many. Whether his candidacy will ultimately be successful remains to be seen, but his approach to campaigning is already making waves.

    • Vivek's Transparent CampaignPresidential candidate Vivek uses podcasts, live blogs, and transparency to build trust, change the country, and provide authenticity despite the corrupt campaign process.

      Vivek, a presidential candidate, is embracing transparency in his campaign by sharing every step of the process through podcasts and live blogs. This open approach aims to build trust with the public, despite the corrupt nature of the campaign process and the potential for significant profits. Vivek's decision to be transparent is influenced by the success of unconventional campaigns, such as Donald Trump's in 2016, and the public's desire for authenticity in politics. By providing a behind-the-scenes look at the campaign, Vivek hopes to change the country, even if he doesn't win the White House. The use of podcasts, policy briefing recordings, and embedded videographers allows the public to see the realities of the campaign, rather than the artifices often presented.

    • Personal journeys and industry insightsBe open to change and follow your passions, even if it means transitioning careers or industries. The biotech industry, with its regulatory monopolies, can present unique challenges, but also opportunities for innovation and success.

      People, including the speaker, are capable of changing their minds and pursuing new paths in life. The speaker shared his personal experience of transitioning from a career in science to investing in biotech, and then to law school, and even trying stand-up comedy. He also highlighted the unique characteristics of the biotech industry as a regulated monopoly, which can lead to inefficiencies. Despite the challenges, the speaker encourages taking risks and pursuing passions, as good things can happen. The speaker's journey demonstrates the importance of being true to oneself and following one's interests, even if it means making significant changes.

    • Fear of failure and preservation of the status quo in complex industriesIdentifying opportunities in neglected areas can lead to innovation, but fear and inefficiencies within industries can hinder progress. Former biotech CEO advocates for change from his platform as a citizen.

      Fear of failure and preservation of the status quo can significantly delay progress, particularly in complex and risky industries like pharmaceuticals. The speaker, a former biotech CEO, shared his experience of identifying opportunities in neglected areas by offering scientists a share of the profits if their projects succeeded. However, he also highlighted the inefficiencies and groupthink within the industry that can hinder innovation. Despite his success in developing several FDA-approved drugs, he felt restricted in expressing his views as a CEO and eventually chose to use his platform as a citizen to advocate for change. This past experience, filled with challenges and achievements, provides valuable insights into the complexities of driving progress in both business and politics.

    • Fear of failure and risk aversion in industriesIndividuals and organizations must balance risk mitigation and calculated risks to drive innovation and growth, despite the fear of failure and potential negative consequences.

      The willingness to take calculated risks is crucial for both individual and organizational success. However, the fear of failure and the desire to avoid negative consequences have led to a risk-averse culture in many industries, including TV and agriculture. This risk aversion results in groupthink and a lack of innovation. Individuals in these industries often face asymmetric downsides when taking risks, which can deter them from trying new things. On the other hand, success is shared when risks are taken collectively, which can limit the potential rewards. The fear of failure and the desire for self-preservation can hinder progress and prevent individuals and organizations from reaching their full potential. It's essential to strike a balance between mitigating unnecessary risk and being willing to take calculated risks to drive innovation and growth. Additionally, there are opportunities for individuals in industries like the submarine industry, which requires a large workforce to manufacture submarines, offering stable careers with strong pay and opportunities for advancement.

    • Leading with honesty and integrityCEOs must stay true to their values, even if it means facing backlash, to lead authentically and maintain integrity

      Honesty and integrity are crucial, especially for leaders. The speaker, a multibillion-dollar company CEO, shared his experience of being pressured to support an organization but refused due to its values contradicting his upbringing and beliefs. He also stood up for free speech when private companies were censoring it at the government's behest. These actions led to backlash, including advisors resigning, but the CEO believed it was the right thing to do, even if it meant stepping down as CEO. Ultimately, being true to one's values, even if it's unpopular or difficult, is essential for maintaining integrity and leading authentically.

    • Working together on common goals, learning from different perspectives, and offering solutionsSuccessful entrepreneur emphasizes the importance of collaboration, hiring smart people, learning from diverse perspectives, introspection through writing, and offering solutions to problems through his investment company, Strive.

      Despite having different political beliefs, it's essential to work together and focus on common goals, especially when it comes to delivering life-saving solutions. The speaker, a successful entrepreneur, emphasized the importance of hiring people smarter than oneself and learning from different perspectives. He also shared the value of writing as a tool for introspection and defining one's thoughts. However, he felt the need to not only identify problems but also offer solutions. Thus, he founded Strive, an investment company that empowers everyday citizens to influence companies' management and focus on delivering products and services without being swayed by political agendas. Strive aims to replicate the same business model as the largest asset managers but with a different approach, encouraging companies to focus on making a profit while meeting the needs of the people.

    • ESG movement's origins traced back to financial crisis and Occupy Wall StreetThe financial crisis and Occupy Wall Street's emphasis on social issues led to the widespread adoption of ESG practices, focusing on diversity and inclusion in corporate leadership.

      The Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) movement in business gained significant momentum after the 2008 financial crisis, fueled in part by the Occupy Wall Street movement's critique of crony capitalism. The movement led to a focus on diversity and inclusion in corporate leadership, with companies facing pressure to have diverse boards or risk losing opportunities to go public. The speaker, who was caught off-guard by the ESG focus of an event he was speaking at, traced the history of the movement back to the financial crisis and the government bailouts of banks. He noted that the Occupy Wall Street movement's emphasis on intersectionality created an opportunity for businesses to address social issues and diversify their leadership, leading to the widespread adoption of ESG practices.

    • Private sector's response to US govt's Paris Climate Accords withdrawalLarge investment firms pushed companies to adopt ESG practices post-2018, using shareholder power to enforce Paris Climate Accord goals and diversity, equity, and inclusion policies.

      The private sector's response to the US government's withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords in 2018 significantly accelerated the adoption of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices. Large investment firms like BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard, influenced by CalPERS and other large allocators, began demanding that companies sign up to the goals of the Paris Climate Accords and adopt net zero standards and diversity, equity, and inclusion policies as a condition for receiving their funds. This led to the largest shareholders of corporate America using the money of everyday citizens to force companies to adopt these agendas, making ESG a critical velocity in the post-2018 period. It's a powerful example of private sector activism in the face of government inaction.

    • ESG and DEI: Impacting Businesses and EducationESG and DEI are shaping investment choices, but DEI should not determine opportunities based on race, gender, or orientation. Transparency is crucial, and understanding the implications of these acronyms is important for societal impact.

      The acronyms ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) and DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) are shaping investment choices and impacting various sectors, including businesses and education. DEI, a part of ESG, is often misunderstood and can lead to quota systems based on race, gender, and sexual orientation. The speaker argues that these factors should not determine opportunities, and financial resources should not be used to enforce these quotas. Transparency is key to understanding where money is being spent and how it's being used. Additionally, there are numerous three-letter acronyms in the corporate world, and while some prioritize ESG and DEI, others, like the Chinese Communist Party, do not. Companies like BlackRock apply ESG standards to Western firms but not to those in China. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding these acronyms and their implications, as they can significantly impact various aspects of society.

    • ESG Investing and the Hypocrisy of American Companies in ChinaAmerican companies are prioritizing Chinese investments over oil production projects despite ESG concerns, raising questions about the effectiveness of current ESG efforts and the need for greater independence from China.

      The complex relationships between global corporations, governments, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing have led to a situation where American companies are dropping oil production projects in favor of Chinese companies, with major American investment firms like BlackRock holding significant stakes in these Chinese companies. This hypocritical dynamic, driven by the Chinese government's demands and the desire to access the Chinese market, raises questions about the effectiveness of current ESG efforts and the need for greater independence from China. The speaker argues that decoupling from China, which could involve other allies and non-enemy partners taking on more roles in supply chains, might be a necessary step. This is not an easy solution, but it could be more feasible than one might initially think, especially given China's current economic vulnerabilities.

    • Navigating complex relationships requires courage and sacrificeTo effectively address geopolitical challenges like the U.S.-China relationship, we must take action, make difficult sacrifices, and prioritize our values over short-term gains.

      Addressing complex geopolitical issues like the U.S.-China relationship requires courage, sacrifice, and a long-term perspective. The speakers emphasized that the U.S. is in a challenging situation with China, akin to a codependent and potentially abusive relationship. They argued that the sooner the U.S. takes action, the better, but it will require making difficult sacrifices. This can be seen in personal and national contexts, such as Ennis's decision to prioritize his values over business success. The NBA, as an example, has been heavily influenced by China, and if it can't stand up to that pressure, it's unclear how the U.S. can effectively challenge China's influence. The speakers suggested looking to individuals like Ennis for inspiration and emphasized the importance of delayed gratification and making sacrifices for something greater. They also noted that the decisions we make in our personal lives and as a nation are not that different. Ultimately, they encouraged taking action, even if it's hard, for the sake of our values and future.

    • US-China standoff: A game of chickenThe US and China are in a tense standoff, each threatening the other with harm, but it's uncertain who will back down first. Americans must face the truth about their dependencies on China and make sacrifices for long-term credibility, even if it means short-term pain.

      The dynamic between the United States and China can be compared to the scene in "The Dark Knight" where two people are each given the detonator to blow up the other, but neither ultimately does. China has been calling the bluff on America's addiction to cheap goods, debt, and instant gratification, betting that the US cannot declare independence from these dependencies. The speaker argues that America can and must make sacrifices to do so, but it remains to be seen if the country has the fortitude to make these changes. This situation is a form of mutually assured destruction, where both sides threaten each other with harm, but ultimately, it's unclear who will back down first. The speaker calls for Americans to handle the truth about the China relationship and make the necessary sacrifices for long-term credibility, even if it means short-term pain. The conversation also touched on the role of fear in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investing and the constant state of emergency people live in regarding various crises.

    • Fear and the Climate CultInstead of letting fear of the climate dictate our actions and policies, focus on faith, family, and hard work. Be wary of those profiting from climate fear and make a positive impact through actions and values.

      We live in a time where fear, particularly regarding the climate, has become an addiction. People are lost and seeking a new sense of purpose and identity. The climate cult has filled this void, providing a new belief system for many. However, this fear is often unfounded, and we should not let it dictate our policies or behaviors. Instead, we should focus on what truly matters, such as our faith, family, and hard work. The metaphor of being blind bats in a cave, unable to locate ourselves, is an apt description of our current state. We must find a way to regain our sense of direction and not be swayed by the fear-mongering of the climate cult. Additionally, it's important to be wary of those who stand to profit from this fear, such as certain organizations and individuals. Instead, let us focus on making a positive impact on the world through our actions and values.

    • Bats as a metaphor for human collaboration and meritocracyBats illustrate the importance of collaboration and meritocracy, reminding us of the need for individual excellence and teamwork in society, while warning against sacrificing merit for diversity's sake.

      Bats, despite their seemingly chaotic behavior in large numbers, operate in a synchronized way, much like humans can and should in society. However, the speaker argues that we are not living up to this potential, instead sacrificing meritocracy and work ethic in various aspects of life, from education to safety-critical industries. The speaker uses the example of bats flocking to illustrate the importance of collaboration and the dangers of disregarding merit in favor of diversity for its own sake. This metaphor is further reinforced by references to the Batman and baseball, highlighting the need for individual excellence and teamwork. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of meritocracy and the self-interest it serves, as well as its role in the American dream of equal opportunity based on character and contributions.

    • The Power of Meritocracy in the American DreamThe belief in meritocracy, where the best person gets the job, promotion, or opportunity, is essential for creating unity and commonality among diverse individuals. Eliminating affirmative action can restore America's strength by focusing on individual achievement and merit.

      Meritocracy is a fundamental aspect of the American dream, and it's essential for creating a shared identity and commonality among diverse individuals. The speaker, a successful entrepreneur, emphasizes that hardship doesn't equate to victimhood and that achievement is the key to overcoming adversity. He believes that affirmative action, which he plans to eliminate, hinders meritocracy and creates division. The speaker argues that America's strength lies in its people's native instincts to believe in the best person getting the job, promotion, or opportunity, regardless of their background. He calls for an open discussion of meritocracy to bridge the gap between private and public opinions and restore America to its working order.

    • Understanding Merit's ComplexityPromote unapologetic merit, focusing on individual abilities and potential, while acknowledging various paths to respect and dignity.

      Merit, as a concept, requires patience and a nuanced understanding. Merit cannot be summed up by attributes people cannot control, such as race, gender, or ethnicity. The language surrounding merit matters, and some words, like "drive" and "ambition," have become problematic. However, the speaker's goal is to promote unapologetic merit, meaning the best person gets the job or opportunity, regardless of background. It's essential to remember that there are many paths to merit and earning respect and dignity in the country. The speaker encourages avoiding broad brushstrokes and platitudes, as they may not resonate with everyone. Instead, focusing on the complexity and plurality of merit may help the message reach a broader audience. Additionally, the speaker suggests that the notion that a 4-year degree is the best path for the most people is a misconception, and Americans may be looking for candidates who acknowledge this complexity.

    • Preserving Core Values: Faith, Family, National Identity, and Hard WorkMaintaining foundational pillars of faith, family, national identity, and hard work strengthens society and allows for a diverse and heterodox fringe to exist. Open communication and unapologetic truth are essential for preserving these values.

      Preserving the core values of faith, family, national identity, and hard work is essential for individuals and society as a whole. The speaker believes that these foundational pillars provide purpose and meaning, and when they are weakened or lost, the "fringe" or diverse perspectives become meaningless and disconnected. He emphasizes the importance of open and honest communication, even if it means speaking truth unapologetically, and argues against the idea of accepting the fringe as the core. He believes that conserving these core values will create a stable foundation for a diverse and heterodox fringe to exist around it. The speaker's goal is to restore a strong national identity as a means of contributing to society as a whole.

    • Lost in a Moral DesertOur society's rejection of objective truth and grounding has left us feeling lost and uncertain, leading to a culture ruled by various 'isms' that stifle progress. We need strong leadership and introspection to find a clear direction and better future.

      Our society is in a state of moral relativism and nihilism, which has led to a rejection of objective truth and grounding for our identities. This rejection has left us feeling lost and uncertain, much like the Israelites in the desert during their exodus from Egypt. The sun, which represents the center and source of truth and grounding, has been questioned and rejected, leaving us as arbitrary bodies of mass floating in space. This has resulted in a culture that is ruled by various "isms," such as covidism, climatism, and safetyism, which stifle innovation and progress. To find our way out of this desert, we need strong leadership to guide us to a promised land where we can see a clear direction and understanding of our future. It's essential that we look inward and ask ourselves what it is that makes us want to cling to the past or external forces, rather than taking responsibility for our own lostness and working towards a better future.

    • Quality materials and smart business decisionsUsing high-quality materials and making smart business decisions, like using Stamps.com, are crucial for creating authentic accessories and running a successful business. Getting kids vaccinated is also essential for public health and parents' peace of mind.

      The use of high-quality materials, like buckskin, is essential for creating an authentic and meaningful fringe look. Without it, the accessory would be just a random collection of strings. This discussion also touched upon the importance of making smart business decisions, such as using Stamps.com for mailing needs, and the significance of childhood vaccinations for parents' peace of mind. Furthermore, the conversation hinted at the potential impact of low childhood vaccination rates on public health. By getting kids vaccinated, parents can help prevent outbreaks of diseases like measles and whooping cough. Additionally, the speakers shared their appreciation for each other and their experiences, expressing their anticipation for future encounters. They also encouraged listeners to visit Columbus, Ohio, and subscribe to their channel. In essence, this conversation highlighted the importance of quality, smart business decisions, and health and safety.

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    I think that "hustle" is something that you're born with. Let me explain.

    Work ethic is definitely a trait people are born with but ultimately I think that the hustle meter is fundamentally affected by who the work you're doing is for. Sure, if you work for yourself, it's really easy to give yourself that high grade hustle. However, if you work for someone else, I think your attitude and effort are solely based on how inspired you are and how protected you are by that leader. I truly believe that because I instill trust and protection (as well as some high standards) for those that work for me, they're able to go all-in and deliver and work as hard as they do due to the culture and the context that comes from within the workplace. 

    At the ground level, everyone is motivated by their own selfishness and there's nothing wrong with that. But then there's a side of it where if the leader presents a workplace based on meritocracy they're going to do whatever they can to not let that leader down but they'll also work hard enough to take advantage of the opportunity to grow and rise through the ranks. It's super fascinating to me see the levels of motivation that are on display among those that work for me as opposed to those that work for themselves. 

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