
    31.01 - MU Podcast - Heavenly Wang

    enJanuary 13, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Vietnam's Unique Characteristics: Resilience and Resourcefulness Amidst ChaosBenjamin discovered the inspiring resilience and resourcefulness of the Vietnamese people despite their country's poverty, contrasting the potential apathy and fear of culture in Western societies (oikophobia). Vietnam also serves as an example of a civilization that still holds onto its culture amidst the possibility of crumbling civilizations.

      During a travel experience to Vietnam for the show, Benjamin encountered a culture that was largely unaffected by globalism, leading to a fascinating exploration of the country's unique characteristics. Despite being a poor nation, Benjamin found the people's resilience and resourcefulness inspiring, as they managed to get things done in chaotic conditions. This contrasted with his observation of Western societies, where he saw a potential apathy towards group preferences and a fear of one's own culture, a phenomenon known as oikophobia. The episode also touched upon the idea of civilizations crumbling towards the end, with Vietnam serving as an example of a place that still holds onto its culture.

    • Adapting and Surviving in WarPeople find ways to adapt and survive even in war's most challenging conditions, as seen in Vietnam with the addition of new electrical wires and the use of tunnel networks, despite the devastating effects of Agent Orange and landmines.

      Despite the destructive nature of war, people find ways to adapt and survive even in the most challenging conditions. The speaker shared his experience in Vietnam, where he observed the addition of new electrical wires instead of replacing old ones, and the existence of a vast tunnel network used by the Viet Cong during the war. He also learned about the devastating effects of Agent Orange and the lingering danger of landmines. Despite the horrors of war, the Vietnamese people have managed to rebuild and move forward, showcasing their resilience and determination.

    • Jungles and Tunnels: Hidden Dangers in VietnamThe jungles of Vietnam presented physical challenges and hidden dangers, while the ingenious Viet Cong tunnels posed unique obstacles for soldiers during the war. Long-term health effects of Agent Orange continue to impact soldiers and their families.

      The jungles of Vietnam were not only a physical challenge for soldiers during war times but also presented hidden dangers in the form of pit traps filled with venomous snakes and feces, making survival a daunting task. Additionally, the long-term effects of Agent Orange exposure on soldiers and their families continue to pose social problems in Vietnam, causing stigma and rejection in the community. The ingenious design of the Viet Cong tunnels, which included curves, false bottoms, and gas doors, allowed them to remain functional despite attempts to flood or bomb them. The tunnels were developed over decades and were ready for use during the Vietnam War. The experience of exploring these tunnels, despite their small size, provided a profound and confronting insight into the challenges faced by soldiers during the war.

    • Exploring Vietnam's Paranormal TraditionsThe speaker discovered deep-rooted paranormal beliefs and practices in Vietnam, contrasting traditional customs with modern influences, and expressed awe at the country's unique cultural experiences.

      The speaker's experience in Vietnam uncovered a deep-rooted paranormal tradition, with tales of tunnels inhabited by the dead and practices involving black magic still prevalent in the culture. The speaker was particularly intrigued by the contrast between the country's traditional beliefs and modern influences, noting that the lack of Western influence might contribute to the preservation of these phenomena. The speaker also shared an experience of visiting a war site, where they encountered an AK-47 and expressed awe at its power. Additionally, they mentioned the existence of a "can game" where kids perform incantations around an empty can, further highlighting the country's unique cultural practices. Overall, the speaker's account underscores the rich and complex nature of Vietnam's history and traditions.

    • Summoning spirits in Vietnamese cultureVietnamese culture includes beliefs in various supernatural entities and practices, such as summoning spirits through incantations and respecting tree spirits called 'Ma'.

      In Vietnamese culture, there are various beliefs and folklore surrounding supernatural entities and experiences. One such practice involves a group of kids performing an incantation while lighting incense and focusing on a can, attempting to summon a spirit. This is reminiscent of table tipping and is believed to result in the can moving or dancing. Additionally, there are rumors of tree spirits, known as "Ma," which can inhabit trees and must be respected before they are cut down. These spirits are just one example of the many supernatural entities present in Vietnamese folklore, which also includes floating heads, kids appearing as bloated corpses, and more. While some of these beliefs can be attributed to superstition, there are also modern reports of strange encounters by Vietnam veterans. Overall, the rich cultural history of Vietnam includes a deep belief in the supernatural, with various practices and entities shaping the beliefs and traditions of the people.

    • Encounters with Mysterious Beings during the Vietnam WarReports of encounters with inexplicable beings, such as Phantom Apes and Glowing Oranges, were common during the Vietnam War. Soldiers described these beings as being large, impervious to bullets, and leaving strange footprints. Despite their fear and confusion, these reports were widespread and consistent.

      During the Vietnam War, there were numerous reports of encounters with mysterious and inexplicable beings, such as the Phantom Apes and the Glowing Oranges. These beings, described as being between 5 to 10 feet tall, were often impervious to bullets and left strange footprints. Soldiers reported seeing these beings in various locations, with some even claiming to have seen them in large numbers during battles. Despite the fear and confusion, these reports were not isolated incidents, but rather, they were widespread and consistent among soldiers. These stories serve as a reminder of the unusual and often inexplicable events that can occur during times of war and the importance of maintaining an open mind to the unknown.

    • Mass hysteria and belief in paranormal eventsPeople's perception and interpretation of events can lead to mass hysteria and belief in paranormal phenomena, even when the explanations are mundane. It's important to approach such claims with a critical and rational mindset.

      People's perception and interpretation of events can lead to mass hysteria and the belief in paranormal phenomena, even when the explanations are mundane. This was exemplified in the discussion about the alleged sightings of aliens in Miami and Brazil, which turned out to be misinterpretations of ordinary occurrences. The phenomenon of mass hysteria and belief in paranormal events is not a new occurrence, as shown by the incident in Erie, Pennsylvania, in 1966. It's important to approach such claims with a critical and rational mindset to avoid being swept up in the hype and potential misinformation. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the idea of opening an "egg slot" business in Australia, inspired by a unique breakfast option in Vietnam. While it may seem like a lucrative venture, there could be initial barriers to entry. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics, from travel experiences and paranormal phenomena to potential business opportunities.

    • Unusual occurrences and rumors fueling theories and speculationRumors of unusual events, from mundane to significant, have been increasing, fueling theories and speculation about major changes, possibly related to COVID-19 or a psyop, with the UFO investigation community paying close attention.

      There are unusual occurrences and rumors circulating around the world, from seemingly mundane issues like bird poop on camera lenses to more significant events like billionaires building secretive bunkers and alleged updates to tech companies' terms of service. Some people speculate that these events could be signs of impending major changes, such as the occurrence of a "event" in 2024, possibly related to COVID-20 or a psyop. The general UFO investigation community is paying close attention to these developments, fueling theories and speculation. While it's important to note that many of these rumors are unverified, the sheer volume and diversity of these occurrences suggest that something unusual is happening in the world.

    • Self-sustainability and Contingency Planning: Personal Goals and Billionaires' MeansAmidst COVID-19, speakers emphasized the importance of self-sustainability and contingency planning, drawing parallels between personal goals and the means of billionaires. The impact of celestial events like the Maunder Minimum highlights the significance of preparedness.

      During the discussion, the speakers expressed their desire for self-sustainability and contingency planning, drawing parallels between their personal goals and the means of billionaires. They also mentioned the impact of COVID-19 on their perspective, highlighting the challenges faced in obtaining essential supplies. The speakers also touched upon the concept of cosmic forces, specifically the Maunder Minimum, which was a period of decreased solar activity causing unusual weather and celestial phenomena. This understanding adds another layer to the importance of self-sustainability and preparedness.

    • Solar activity influences human civilizationDuring periods of high solar activity, societal changes and even the end of time periods in Hindu cosmology can occur

      During periods of high solar activity, human civilization experiences significant influences. These influences can lead to wars, revolutions, and even determine lifespans. Solar activity has been linked to various societal changes throughout history. Some researchers believe that we are currently heading into a grand solar minimum, which could result in a weakened Earth magnetic field and increased cosmic radiation. This could potentially lead to both challenges and advancements for human civilization. A new book by Bhibu Dev Misra, "Yuga Shift: The End of the Kalayuga and the Impending Planetary Transformation," discusses these solar influences and the potential end of the current time period in Hindu cosmology.

    • Grand Solar Minimum and Its Impacts on Human CivilizationDuring a grand solar minimum, decreased solar activity can lead to an increase in cosmic rays, affecting human brains and technology, potentially accelerating societal decline.

      We're currently experiencing a period of decreased solar activity, known as a grand solar minimum, which could have significant impacts on human civilization. This prolonged period of reduced solar activity can lead to an increase in cosmic rays, which have effects on human brains and technology. The current decline of Western society might be happening at an accelerated rate due to the influence of technology and its connection to certain frequencies. The researcher Sasha Dobler explores this concept in his work, linking it to the Schumann resonance. This shift could be a sign of a rapid societal collapse, as seen in history with the fall of the Roman Empire. The use of technology might be amplifying this process, and the book "The Solar Winds are Coming!" delves deeper into these ideas.

    • Preparing for a technological disasterA Carrington event or EMP could cause immediate loss of life and long-term societal collapse. Preparation and alternative solutions are essential for survival.

      A significant disruption to our modern technological infrastructure, such as a Carrington event leading to an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), could have catastrophic consequences. These consequences would not only result in immediate loss of life due to the destruction of essential services, but also long-term societal collapse. Preparation and alternative solutions, such as underground shelters or community networks, are crucial for survival. The dew tunnels in New York, though often associated with conspiracy theories, may serve as an example of such preparations. However, the true motivation behind their construction remains unclear.

    • The UFO phenomenon has a spiritual and dark sideMainstream figures like Tucker Carlson are discussing UFOs, indicating their penetration into mainstream consciousness, but it's important to acknowledge the phenomenon's darker aspects and spiritual realm for valuable insights

      The UFO phenomenon, as discussed in the podcast, is not just about physical objects or technologies, but also has a spiritual and dark side. This was highlighted by Tucker Carlson's comments on Redacted News, which emphasized the disturbing nature of the phenomenon. The UFOs may manifest differently over time, but they have always been with us as some kind of intelligence or force. The fact that mainstream figures like Tucker Carlson are starting to discuss these topics openly indicates that the core of the UFO phenomenon is finally penetrating the mainstream consciousness. However, it's important to remember that the phenomenon is not all positive, and it's crucial to acknowledge its darker aspects. The spiritual realm is an integral part of our existence, and understanding the UFO phenomenon in this context can provide valuable insights.

    • Encounters with Interdimensional Entities: Unsolved Mysteries and Unexplained PhenomenaUnexplained phenomena, described as interdimensional entities, have been reported throughout history, leaving physical traces and emotionally distressing encounters. Belief in their existence raises questions about reality and our place in the universe.

      There are unexplained phenomena that have been reported throughout history, which some believe to be interdimensional entities. These entities are described as having the ability to enter our reality at will and interact with humans, often leaving physical traces. They may desire the subtle radiation produced by the human mind and have manifested as UFOs in modern times. The ability of these entities to easily enter our reality while humans struggle to do the same creates a barrier and shield, preventing us from fully understanding their nature. Many people have reported encounters with these entities, some of which involve the discovery of unexplained cities or the disappearance of people and objects. These encounters can be emotionally distressing and potentially lead to mass upheaval if widely understood. Despite the lack of concrete evidence, some people believe these entities have been abducting humans since childhood and have a plan for building an enlightened city on Earth. The belief in these entities and their intentions raises questions about the nature of reality and our place in the universe.

    • Reports of mysterious, otherworldly citiesSome people claim to have encountered advanced, seemingly otherworldly cities, often in areas with high iron and copper concentrations. These cities, not found on maps, can only be accessed by certain individuals and are described as futuristic with advanced technologies and structures.

      There are reports of people encountering strange, seemingly otherworldly cities and experiences in specific locations around the world, particularly those with high concentrations of iron and copper. Researcher Jaime Maussan shares stories of individuals being pulled into these cities, often described as futuristic, with advanced technologies and structures. These cities are not described on maps and can only be accessed by certain individuals. Some theories suggest these encounters could be due to magnetic anomalies or interdimensional travel. For example, Don Carlos claimed his truck was pulled into an uncharted city, and a fishing boat captain reported his boat being pulled ashore to a silver, ultra-modern city. These stories raise intriguing questions about the nature of reality and the possibility of parallel dimensions or alternate realities. However, the lack of concrete details and evidence makes it difficult to verify these accounts.

    • A woman receives a fridge paid for with 'ghost dong'Ancestral offerings can transcend physical costs in the spiritual realm, highlighting cultural beliefs in interdimensional travel.

      In this urban folktale, a woman receives a surprising delivery of a fridge paid for with "ghost dong" - fake money from the afterlife, as a promise kept by her deceased daughter. This story highlights the cultural belief in interdimensional travel and the significance of ancestral offerings. The cost of the fridge, which was exorbitant in the physical world, was insignificant in the spiritual realm. This tale also touches upon the concept of burning fake money as part of ancestral rituals. The exchange rate for the fridge would have been substantial in Vietnamese currency. The discussion also touched on various topics including interdimensional travel, the end of society, solar behavior, and survival during a Grand Solar minimum.

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    CreepGeeks Podcast Episode 108

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    Now You Know-

    The new year will also bring three supermoons, a blue moon, multiple meteor showers, close approach by the moon and Jupiter and several rocket launches.
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    What’s Happening-

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    • The Tulpa Experience “Entities of the Mind”


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    1. Alienators on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2DmQFhI
    2. Cultured Bigfoot:  https://amzn.to/2PvrhME

    The Hunt for the Skinwalker, original book by George Knapp:  https://amzn.to/2Qzl2oL


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    1. Get Something For Father’s Day


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    Music Credits:

    Music in this Podcast-

    Music Credit To:

    Thinking Music Kevin MacLeod ( http://www.incompetech.com  )

    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License   http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

    Voltaic Kevin MacLeod ( http://www.incompetech.com )

    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


    Lobby Time Kevin MacLeod ( http://www.incompetech.com )

    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


    "Floating Cities" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

    “Rubix Cube”

    Rubix Cube by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license


    Artist: http://www.audionautix.com/

    “Big Bird's Disease”

    Big Bird's Disease by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license https://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
    Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/

    New Music:

    Epidemic Sound


    Super Blood Wolf Moon, Found Foot, Sasquatch attacks,Paranormal, reservation,shadow humanoid,spirit monster,UFO & Alien,unexplained being,unknown spirit,paranormal,paranormal podcast, cryptids,creepgeeks, wnc,wncpodcast,Paranormal,paranormal podcast,paranormal vlog,podcast funny story,podcast funny moments,podcast funny clean,funny podcast 2019

    Season 2 Episode 8: Early Warning System

    Season 2 Episode 8: Early Warning System

    On this episode of The Residuals, Emily & Joy interview Deirdre about her many extra-sensory experiences. She explains why people have a really hard time getting away with lying to her and what it feels like when she experiences the death of someone close to her. Emily and Deirdre know one another through Deirdre's stables where Emily goes horse riding. Deirdre's premonitions have been a consistent force helping her to keep herself, her horses, and her clients safe. Giddy up, ghost babies!

    * * * * * * * * * *

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Between the present & past there are memories held in the walls & earth. Follow Emily & Joy as they explore the spaces between the living & the dead. Hauntings, extrasensory perception, & all things paranormal. Welcome to The Residuals.

    email: TheResidualsPodcast@gmail.com
    instagram: @the_residuals_podcast
    twitter: @theresidualspodcast. 
    music: purple_planet.com


    251 | TERRIFYING Lost in the Woods, Closing Shift, and Cold Winter Night Stories!

    251 | TERRIFYING Lost in the Woods, Closing Shift, and Cold Winter Night Stories!
    Send us your scary encounters with the unexplained at so we can narrate them on the show! https://www.darkstories.org/ Follow, rate and review Unexplained Encounters on your favorite podcasting app to help us grow! https://pod.link/1152248491 Listen to the other show I host as well as a ton of other FREE and SCARY podcasts like this! https://eeriecast.com/ Follow me on twitter for cringe and updates! https://twitter.com/darkprevails Music in Unexplained Encounters was or may have been created all or in part by: CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ Jinglepunks: https://jinglepunks.com/ Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ Dark Music: https://soundcloud.com/darknessprevailspodcast Soundstripe: https://app.soundstripe.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Local Ghost Stories : Does The Ghost Of Annie Matthews Haunt The Royal Arcade , Southport ,UK

    Local Ghost Stories : Does The Ghost Of Annie Matthews Haunt The Royal Arcade , Southport ,UK
    Local Ghost Stories : Does The Ghost Of Annie Matthews Haunt The Royal Arcade , Southport ,UK

    There's a local ghost story in my area , and I was surprised to find out its not well known.

    the story goes that the ghost of a homeless woman and her baby haunt the entrance of the royal arcade antiques shop in the seaside town of Southport in the UK .

    but not a lot of people are aware of this story , which set me off on a small quest to find out if Annie Matthews actually existed

    Hey guess what , Bizarre podcast now has its very own you tube channel called Bizarre tales
    ,please head over there and check it out , like , subscribe .....here is the link


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