
    Podcast Summary

    • The Fascination and Fear of Death Rays in the 1930s: The Case of Victor PennyThe story of Victor Penny, a self-taught engineer, highlights the intrigue and potential dangers surrounding unexplained electrical phenomena in the 1930s, as well as the importance of cross-lingual communication to uncover global mysteries.

      The story of Victor Penny, a self-taught engineer from New Zealand, showcases the fascination and fear surrounding supposed death rays or electrical phenomena in the 1930s. The intrigue surrounding Penny's story escalated when he was found nearly beaten to death at his workplace, leading to intense speculation about his work and possible threats to national security. Despite the police downplaying the incident as a random mugging, Penny's sudden disappearance from the hospital after recovering added to the mystery. The discussion also touched upon the importance of translating stories from various languages to uncover the wealth of unexplained phenomena around the world.

    • Exploring Extraterrestrial Encounters and Interdimensional Experiences in ChileThe book 'Ofness' by George Anfronze shares stories of people encountering unexplained phenomena, including ultra-modern cities and entities, in Chile. Theories suggest that deep veins of pyrite in the region may be attracting these phenomena or attuning people's brains to see them, and similarities in people's experiences suggest a global phenomenon.

      The book "Ofness" by Chilean author George Anfronze explores extraterrestrial encounters and interdimensional experiences in Chile. The title refers to "objectos valadores no identification," which translates roughly to "valuable objects of no identification." The book includes stories of people encountering ultra-modern cities that appear suddenly, as well as entities that seem to know about humans but not vice versa. These entities often prevent humans from entering their dimensions and can have terrifying encounters with them. The area of Eureka in northern Chile, known for its strange phenomena and bodies of water, is particularly notable. Theories suggest that deep veins of pyrite in the region may be attracting these phenomena or attuning people's brains to see them. The similarities in people's hallucinations suggest that it's not just a matter of hallucinations, and the phenomenon is not limited to Chile but occurs worldwide.

    • Tales of Unexplained Journeys to Other RealmsThroughout history, uneducated individuals have reported extraordinary journeys to unfathomable realms, describing encounters with unique cultures and unexplainable phenomena.

      The stories shared describe various experiences of individuals traveling to other realities or dimensions, often returning with mysterious objects. These individuals, who are often uneducated and illiterate, manage to recount these extraordinary experiences in great detail. One such story is about a young boy named Euladio who, while fishing, is drawn into a cloud and transported to a beautiful city where the people are colonial-style but not Spanish. Despite their initial annoyance, a tall blonde woman intervenes and invites him into their town. However, he is treated like a museum specimen, and the people seem to understand how he arrived but are annoyed by his presence, suggesting a violation of a social contract. The table in the woman's home is unlike anything he's ever seen before. These stories highlight the incredible and seemingly impossible journeys of these individuals and the strange and mysterious worlds they encounter.

    • A boy's encounter with magical tableware and tall menUnderstand the true worth of things before making hasty decisions, or risk undervaluing their value

      The story describes a young boy's encounter with mysterious, large-sized tableware and tall blonde men, leading to a series of unexplained events. The boy, exhausted and overwhelmed, sells a golden spoon he found during his adventure for a low price, only later realizing its true value. This tale, set at Lanquihue Lake, is filled with elements of the fantastical and leaves room for interpretation, with some believing the boy simply left the area while others suspect he embarked on further adventures. The story serves as a reminder of the value of understanding the true worth of things and the consequences of hasty decisions.

    • Tall Beings and Valuables: Unexplained Encounters from the 1970sTwo intriguing stories from the 1970s describe encounters with tall beings, strange locations, and the exchange of valuable items, potentially hinting at interdimensional connections or common folklore.

      The discussed texts suggest intriguing connections between various accounts of unexplained phenomena. Both stories involve tall beings, strange locations, and the exchange of gold or valuable items. The first story revolves around Lan Kwai Hu, a supposed group of tall, blonde extraterrestrials, while the second story introduces a mysterious city and a tall being who speaks pure Spanish. Both accounts originate from the 1970s and share similarities, potentially hinting at a common thread or folklore. Additionally, the mention of children playing with big cats in the second story could be connected to reports of phantom black cats, which might be natural fauna from another interdimensional realm. Overall, these stories provide intriguing insights into the unexplained and the possibility of interdimensional encounters.

    • Encountering Elusive Beings: Carlos's Mysterious ExperiencesA man named Carlos repeatedly encounters strange beings and dimensions, which may not be typical fairy tale depictions of elves and fae folk. His symptoms persist despite medical help, and the beings' advice against surgery adds to the mystery, suggesting potential supernatural elements.

      The experiences of Carlos, a man who keeps encountering strange beings and dimensions, share similarities with stories of individuals entering other realms and encountering humanoid beings described as elves and fae folk. These beings, though human-like, are not typical fairy tale depictions. Carlos's experiences are not limited to one instance, as he encounters the same being and feeling of being trapped multiple times. Despite seeking medical help, his symptoms persist, and the being even appears in his hospital room, advising against a necessary surgery. The unexplained disappearance of the obstruction adds to the mystery, suggesting that Carlos's experiences may be more than just hallucinations.

    • Encounters with Mysterious Beings and Interdimensional RealmsStories of encounters with otherworldly beings and interdimensional realms reveal unclear interactions, often involving missing time and altered reality.

      The stories discussed involve encounters with mysterious beings and interdimensional realms, which result in various outcomes for the individuals involved. Some stories depict beings that appear to be helping or healing people, while others describe encounters that seem more ominous or even abduction-like. These experiences often involve missing time and a sense of altered reality. The reasons behind these encounters remain unclear, and it's uncertain whether they represent benevolent or malevolent interactions. Overall, these stories challenge our understanding of reality and the existence of otherworldly beings.

    • Unexplained encounters with strange beingsUnexplained encounters with strange beings suggest the possibility of multidimensional realms or alternate universes, leaving individuals traumatized and seeking answers.

      The unexplained encounters of these individuals with strange beings in different locations suggest the possibility of a multidimensional realm or alternate universes. Don's encounter with a dissolving entity near an abandoned citadel left him and his wife traumatized, leading Don to return to the site to uncover more information. The discovery of tire tracks, child's footprints, and a circular mark with petroleum-like indentations further fueled their belief in the unexplained phenomenon. Despite the terrifying experience, Don was the only one who shared his story publicly, but it was corroborated by others. These encounters challenge our understanding of reality and raise intriguing questions about the nature of existence.

    • A Late-Night Encounter with the UnknownEncounters with unexplained phenomena can leave a lasting impact and raise questions about the unknown, especially in remote locations near electrical installations.

      The story shared by George involves a truck driver named Sergio, who encounters a strange, luminous being while on a late-night drive. The being emerges from a wall of light near an electric plant and, after being hit by Sergio's car, reconstitutes itself and disappears. Despite their disbelief, Sergio and his companion report the incident to the police. The story highlights the unexplained phenomena that often occur near electrical installations and the sense of isolation and unease that comes with being in remote locations. The encounter leaves a lasting impact on Sergio and his companion, raising questions about the unknown and the unexplained.

    • Encounters with Unusual Experiences: UFOs, Spheres of Boredom, and TeleportationUnexplained experiences involving UFOs, spheres of boredom, and teleportation have been reported, with symptoms including missing time, unexplained marks, and a feeling of being pulled in. Some researchers propose these phenomena could be linked to psychic or intelligent entities.

      There are numerous unusual experiences reported by individuals, some of which involve encounters with unexplained phenomena such as UFOs, spheres of boredom, and teleportation. These experiences often involve missing time, unexplained physical marks, and a sense of being pulled into strange occurrences. Despite skepticism, some researchers believe these phenomena may be linked to psychic or intelligent entities. For instance, the term "spheres of boredom" refers to residual psychic quasi-intelligent energy believed to be transport mechanisms for shape-shifting entities. The accounts shared in the discussion include instances of people reporting their vehicles being teleported, experiencing unexplained sleepiness, and finding physical marks on their bodies. These stories raise intriguing questions about the nature of reality and the possibility of otherworldly influences.

    • Mysterious phenomena reported at a university and a Chilean lakeUnexplained tall figures disappeared at a university, while Chilean lake, the second largest, is known for UFO sightings, alien beings, and strange lights. Witnesses have reported circular burns on boats and unexplained stains on the water.

      There are intriguing and unexplained phenomena reported in various locations, including a university campus and a Chilean lake. At the university, a teacher and his students encountered mysterious tall figures that disappeared without a trace, leaving the witnesses in a state of panic. In Chile, the second largest lake covers approximately 870 square kilometers and has been the site of numerous disappearances and UFO sightings since the 1500s. The lake's name means "to plunge or to fall into," which might suggest some sort of portal or interdimensional rift. Witnesses have reported seeing UFOs, alien beings, and strange lights around the lake. One fisherman, Vargas, claimed to have seen an aluminum egg-shaped UFO emerge from the lake, leaving a sulfuric stain on the water. Another fisherman, along with his 14-year-old son, disappeared while out on the lake, leaving their boat with unexplained circular burns. The strange occurrences at these locations remain unexplained and continue to intrigue and confound those who have experienced them.

    • Unexplained disappearances and UFO sightings near a mysterious lakeNumerous unexplained disappearances, strange experiences, and UFO sightings have occurred near a lake, with no concrete evidence or remains found. The area's history of the Mary Celeste's disappearance and strange phenomena adds to the intrigue.

      The area surrounding a certain lake is associated with numerous unexplained disappearances, strange experiences, and UFO sightings. The case of Baldovino Vargas and his missing son is just one of over 20 similar incidents that have occurred in this region over the years. The lack of any concrete evidence or remains in these cases is concerning for UFO investigators. The area's name, "to dive in," and its history of strange occurrences, including the anniversary of the disappearance of the Mary Celeste, add to the intrigue. The Mary Celeste, a ship that was found abandoned with no living person on board, had strange red stains and indentations, and smelled of sulfur, similar to reports from this lake. The coincidences and unexplained phenomena suggest that there may be something more going on in this area.

    • Crocodile wrangling and unexplained phenomenaCrocodile wrangling presents unique challenges for live television, while unexplained phenomena such as UFO sightings and encounters with strange beings continue to intrigue and puzzle us.

      The discussion revolves around two distinct topics: the capture and relocation of crocodiles in Australia, and unexplained phenomena such as UFO sightings and encounters with strange beings. The speaker shares an anecdote about a crocodile wrangler, emphasizing the challenges of live television and the importance of filling airtime. He also discusses an intriguing encounter reported by a man named Casimiro, who claimed to have seen a self-illuminated, small being on the side of the road, accompanied by a disc and a glowing belt buckle. The speaker suggests that these beings might use clouds as camouflage for their transport mechanism, based on reports of mushroom clouds and UFO sightings. The conversation also touches on livestock mutilations and the disappearance of UFO researchers, further highlighting the global nature of these phenomena. Overall, the discussion raises intriguing questions about unexplained phenomena and the potential explanations behind them.

    • Unusual Llama Mutilations in the Late 1970s and 1980sReports of precise, unexplained llama mutilations with no blood or human/vehicle tracks in a specific region raised questions about military involvement or otherworldly entities.

      In a specific region, there were reports of unusual animal mutilations, particularly of llamas, in the late 1970s and 1980s. These mutilations were characterized by precise, laser-like incisions and cauterization, shaved heads, and the absence of blood or human or vehicle tracks. The military seemed to be involved and there were reports of disciplinary measures against soldiers who spoke about these incidents. Additionally, this region was also known for sightings of Bigfoot-like creatures and encounters with UFOs. The strange occurrences raised questions about the involvement of extraterrestrial or otherworldly entities. The lack of clear answers and the mysterious circumstances surrounding these events continue to intrigue researchers and enthusiasts.

    • Military Investigation of UFOs and the Disappearance of Corporal ValdezDuring military investigations of UFO activity, a soldier named Valdez disappeared and returned with strange artifacts, raising questions about possible cover-ups or unexplained phenomena.

      The story of Corporal Valdez from the 1970s in Australia involves unexplained events during military investigations of UFO activity. Valdez, a military personnel, disappeared for 15 minutes and returned with a piece of unknown metal, a frozen watch, and five days of missing time. The military was investigating UFO sightings and activity in the area, and Valdez claimed to have been pulled through a beam of light and into a space. The piece of metal he brought back was analyzed but could not be identified, and the researcher who held it disappeared. These events suggest a possible cover-up or unexplained phenomena involving the military and UFOs.

    • Death Rays and Psychic OrbsThe fascination with death rays and psychic phenomena during the early 1900s led to numerous intriguing stories, such as Victor Penny's claimed death ray in Australia and the British military's failed attempts to vaporize a sheep using a death ray.

      During the discussion, the hosts touched upon various intriguing topics, including psychic elements, Australia, and unexplained phenomena. Ben shared details about an upcoming episode focusing on the Requin and psychic orbs. They also discussed a man in Australia named Victor Penny, who claimed to have developed a death ray and was later found beaten near death, leading to a media frenzy. The hosts also mentioned the British military's competition to vaporize a sheep using a death ray in the early 1900s, and how many people attempted to claim the reward but failed. The discussion highlighted the fascination with death rays and unusual experiments during that era. Listeners can access extended content and exclusive shows by signing up for the Mysterious Universe Plus membership.

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    305 | REAL Filipino Ghost Stories, Disturbing Reddit Confessions, and Modern Dinosaur Sightings!
    Today's episode is a grab-bag of assorted terror! From ghost stories to allegedly real life dinosaur sightings, you're gonna have a very strange nightmare after this one. Get the help you deserve with BetterHelp - Go to betterhelp.com/dpp and get 10% off your first month! Check out the Freaky Folklore Episode on the Viral Modern Monster, Siren Head! https://traffic.megaphone.fm/ADV7999826773.mp3?updated=1615316440 Subscribe to Freaky Folklore on Spotify and iTunes! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0uiX155WEJnN7QVRfo3aQY iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/idhttps-podcasts-apple-com-us-podcast-freaky-folklore/id1550361184 Subscribe on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Please Review Us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Music used in the Darkness Prevails Podcast has or may have been provided/created by:  CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ Jinglepunks: https://jinglepunks.com/ Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ Dark Music: https://soundcloud.com/darknessprevailspodcast MrBlackPasta: https://twitter.com/MrBlackPasta Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    SC EP:873 I Thought I Shot A Man

    SC EP:873 I Thought I Shot A Man

    David said "In 1981 I was in North Louisiana and I came across this creature. He came from around a tree that was about 6 feet from me and we stared at each other.

    I wasn’t sure what it was but I could tell by his facial expressions he was mad and working himself up to attack me. I shot it and I know it was a lung shot. I could describe every detail about him. This has weighed on me for the last 40 years, I have only told one person about it. It bothers me that I shot but from the way it was acting I thought it was him or me.”

    10 | 6 True SHADOW Man Scary Stories

    10 | 6 True SHADOW Man Scary Stories
    Send us your scary encounters with the unexplained at so we can narrate them on the show! https://www.darkstories.org/ Follow, rate and review Unexplained Encounters on your favorite podcasting app to help us grow! https://pod.link/1152248491 Listen to the other show I host as well as a ton of other FREE and SCARY podcasts like this! https://eeriecast.com/ Follow me on twitter for cringe and updates! https://twitter.com/darkprevails Music in Unexplained Encounters was or may have been created all or in part by: CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ Jinglepunks: https://jinglepunks.com/ Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ Dark Music: https://soundcloud.com/darknessprevailspodcast Soundstripe: https://app.soundstripe.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    381 | Monsters Seen in the Deep Dark Woods and Other Disturbing Stories

    381 | Monsters Seen in the Deep Dark Woods and Other Disturbing Stories
    The deep, dark woods can be quite beautiful, but also quite terrifying. Especially when you end up lying on the ground on the side of the trail as a skinwalker chews upon your innards... Follow and Rate Tales from the Break Room please!  SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/4BGHdnQuX6frU5SfKXCi0T APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tales-from-the-break-room/id1621075170 OTHER: https://pod.link/1621075170 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! https://www.eeriecast.com/plus LINKS:  Join my DISCORD: https://discord.gg/5Wj9RqTR3w Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491   Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices