
    31: How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk (Especially After a Breakup)

    enJune 17, 2020
    What are strategies to overcome negative self-talk?
    How can vulnerability improve relationships after a breakup?
    Who joined the discussion on overcoming negative thinking?
    What actions can turn negative triggers into positives?
    How might small actions contribute to personal growth?

    Podcast Summary

    • Overcoming Negative Self-Talk After a BreakupLearn strategies to overcome negative self-talk, build confidence, and move past the uncertainty and anxiety following a breakup. Join a live discussion with Jeanie Mai and other members.

      Engaging in negative self-talk after a breakup is a common struggle, but it's important to remember that these thoughts are often self-inflicted. During a special session with my love life members, we discussed ways to overcome negative thinking, drawing inspiration from a woman who was dealing with the aftermath of an ex's criticism. Whether you're dealing with internal struggles or recovering from a relationship, this session offered valuable insights on how to show vulnerability in a relationship, stick up for yourself, and build confidence. Jeanie Mai, a charismatic and razor-sharp friend, joined us for an energetic and live discussion on these topics. If you're looking for ways to overcome negative self-talk and move past the uncertainty and anxiety that often follow a breakup, this session is a must-watch. So check it out, and if you enjoy it, you'll have the opportunity to see the full interview. And for those of you who are interested, I'll also be sharing the top questions from this session, including how to avoid negative self-talk after a breakup.

    • Breakups can lead to personal growthBreakups can inspire new goals and opportunities, even for introverted or anxious individuals. Every experience shapes our future.

      Going through a toxic relationship can be a catalyst for personal growth and success. As shared by an Emmy award-winning television personality, her breakup led her to move on and discover her skills and passions. To heal and move forward, she made a list of goals in various areas of her life, from personal to professional, and committed to small steps towards achieving them. Even if you're introverted or have anxiety, making small efforts to socialize and connect with others can lead to meaningful relationships and new opportunities. Remember, every experience, good or bad, can be a stepping stone towards a better future.

    • Turning negatives into positivesTransforming painful reminders into productive actions can lead to personal growth and career success.

      Turning negative triggers into positive actions can lead to personal growth and career success. When the speaker was reminded of a painful past experience, instead of dwelling on the negative emotions, she created a list of tasks to focus on instead. This list kept her busy and productive, allowing her to build her career. The idea is that when we encounter reminders of past pain or negative experiences, we can use them as triggers to do something positive for ourselves, whether it be brainstorming new career opportunities, starting a new workout regimen, or learning a new recipe. By transforming negative triggers into proactive actions, we can turn pain into gain and continue to move forward in a positive direction.

    • Checking in on friends and showing interest in their livesFocusing on personal growth and productivity after a difficult situation can improve self-esteem and strengthen relationships

      Being a good friend and genuinely checking in on others can improve not only your relationships but also your self-perception. I used to be the person who only reached out when I needed something, but I realized the importance of simply asking "how are you?" and showing genuine interest in others' lives. After a breakup or difficult situation, it's natural to feel down on yourself and question past decisions. However, instead of dwelling on the past and comparing yourself to others, focus on personal growth and productivity. Creating a list of things to work on or accomplish can help you feel more confident and shiner every day. Remember, reaching out to friends and showing interest in their lives can not only strengthen your relationships but also improve your own self-esteem.

    • Focus on productive activities to move past negative experiencesProductive activities, even if not always enjoyable, can lead to a richer, more meaningful life by diminishing the significance of past negativity

      Focusing on productive activities and building a fulfilling life can help diminish the significance of past negative experiences or people. However, it's important to remember that not all productive activities are pleasurable in the moment, but their long-term benefits should be the focus. Every little bit of effort counts towards creating a richer and more meaningful life for tomorrow. Even when progress may not seem significant in the moment, it all adds up over time. So, keep pushing forward, focus on your goals, and the past will gradually fade into insignificance.

    • Small actions contribute to growth and developmentEven when progress feels slow, small actions move us forward and contribute to growth and development.

      Even when we feel stuck or like we're not making progress, the small actions we take still move us forward. Jeannie Cannon, a source of great advice, emphasized this during a recent interview. Although it may not feel like it in the moment, these actions contribute to our growth and development. If you were inspired by the brief clip you saw, imagine the value of the full 90-minute interview. To experience it for yourself, visit askmh.com and sign up for a 14-day trial. Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn and grow further. Regardless, join me next week for another insightful video.

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    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com

    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    Michael McCastle website
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    Want More?
    Sign up for a free believe & take action daily guide to feeling good!  Discover how you can build or level up your confidence and maximize your potential. This guide can be found at:

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    Click here to get the book on amazon: getbook.at/BrilliantBizBook4

    Melinda and Ryan's Confidence Building Podcast Episodes:
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