
    314 - White Marble with Paul Virzi

    en-usSeptember 04, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Reflecting on the Past and the Complexities of Balancing Fun and ResponsibilitiesThe speaker shares his personal struggles with finding balance between enjoying life and fulfilling responsibilities, and reflects on how the past might have made this easier. He also discusses the unique experience of performing comedy during the pandemic.

      The speaker expresses a longing for simpler times when having fun and enjoying life without the constant awareness of health risks was the norm. He shares his personal struggles with maintaining a balance between having fun and fulfilling responsibilities, which he believes might have been easier in the past. The speaker also reflects on the unique experience of performing stand-up comedy during the COVID-19 pandemic and wonders if it was an unparalleled era for comedians. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of striking a balance between enjoying life and fulfilling obligations, as well as the unique challenges and opportunities that come with living through significant historical events.

    • Navigating Unprecedented Circumstances in ComedyComedians adapted to COVID-19 by taking precautions, but later realized some measures were unnecessary. They also performed during uncertain times, making their experiences unique.

      The comedians discussed in this conversation had to adapt to unprecedented circumstances during their comedy careers, specifically during the COVID-19 pandemic. They took precautions like wearing masks and sanitizing to ensure safety, even if it meant doing meet and greets or performing outside. However, they later realized that some of these measures, like wearing masks and sanitizing packages, were unnecessary for preventing the spread of the virus. The comedians also had to navigate the uncertainty of the pandemic and the election, performing during a time when both were dominating the news. Despite the challenges, they continued to do comedy, making their experiences during this period unique and memorable.

    • Navigating the Decision to Perform During the PandemicComedians faced tough choices between performing live and staying safe during the pandemic. Some prioritized the importance and financial necessity of live comedy, while others opted for virtual shows or took a break. Ultimately, the decision was personal, allowing comedians to connect more deeply with their audience and hone their craft in a live setting.

      During the pandemic, comedians had to make difficult decisions about performing live versus staying safe at home. Some chose to go back to work despite the risks, believing in the importance of live comedy and the financial necessity. Others opted for virtual shows or took a break from performing altogether. The uncertainty and fear were present, with some comedians acknowledging the potential risks and even fatalities associated with their work. However, many believed that being in the room, experiencing the live energy, was essential to the art form. Ultimately, the decision was a personal one, shaped by individual circumstances and beliefs. For those who chose to perform, the experience allowed them to connect more deeply with their audience and hone their craft in a way that virtual shows couldn't replicate.

    • Raising Tech-Savvy Kids: A Father's PerspectiveParenting in the digital age involves creativity, patience, and a solid plan to tackle challenges like bullying, inappropriate content, and excessive screen time. Incentives like rewards can motivate kids, but open communication is key.

      Modern-day parents are facing unique challenges in raising tech-savvy kids. From dealing with bullying to monitoring inappropriate content, it's a constant battle. One father shares his experience, discussing his daughter's desire for TikTok and his son's excessive screen time. He admits to bribing his kids with rewards to motivate them, but wonders if he'll eventually give in as they grow older. The Italian in him uses cash as an incentive. He also shares an anecdote about promising his daughter an iPhone if she scored a goal in soccer, which worked wonders. The father acknowledges the distractions technology brings but is determined to fight it. He encourages parents to communicate with their kids and coaches if they're not satisfied with the situation. In essence, parenting in the digital age requires creativity, patience, and a solid plan.

    • Intense emotions in children's sports lead to extreme parental behaviorParents should focus on their children's experiences and development in sports, not their own desires or regrets.

      The world of children's sports can bring out intense emotions in parents, leading to extreme behaviors. Some parents view sports as a mere babysitter, while others become overly invested, sometimes to the point of violence. An extreme example is the case of two Long Island parents who attacked a baseball coach after their son was benched. This incident, which occurred in 2007, highlights the intense emotions that can arise from children's sports and the impact it can have on parents. The pressure to win and relive past glories can sometimes lead to irrational behavior. It's important for parents to remember that children's sports should be about the kids' experiences and development, not the parents' desires or regrets.

    • Impact of words and actions in heated momentsBe mindful of how we communicate with loved ones, especially in front of children, as actions and words can leave lasting impacts on the community.

      People's actions and words, especially in heated moments, can have lasting impacts on those around them. The speaker shared an experience of a competitive husband being publicly criticized by his wife during a soccer game, which left a negative impression on the community. This incident highlights the importance of considering the potential consequences of our actions and being mindful of how we communicate with our loved ones, especially in front of our children. Additionally, the speaker expressed a desire for safety and stability for their family, leading them to prefer living in affluent areas where they feel their children will be secure.

    • Friends bond over shared appreciation for luxury experiencesTwo friends, a speaker and a comedian, discuss their shared love for luxury experiences in air travel and material possessions, despite their financial limitations.

      Both the speaker and the interlocutor share a common appreciation for luxury experiences, specifically in the context of air travel and material possessions. The speaker aspires to fly privately and enjoys being around those who can afford it, even if he can't always afford it himself. He finds value in these experiences, even if others consider them a waste of money. The interlocutor, who is a friend and a renowned comedian, shares similar tastes and experiences, such as flying first class and desiring luxury items like white marble and exotic animals. They both acknowledge the desirability of these experiences and possessions, even if they can't always afford them. The conversation also touches on the comedic potential of the contrast between first class and coach travel, and the speaker's admiration for other comedians like Brian Regan and Bill Burr. Overall, the conversation highlights the shared appreciation for luxury experiences and possessions among friends in the comedy world.

    • Experience of financial mismanagement leading to relationship tensionEffective communication and financial responsibility are essential in relationships. Mindful spending, especially when providing for children, and open communication can prevent potential financial and relational issues.

      Effective communication and financial responsibility are crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship. The speaker shared an experience where his spending habits led to tension with his wife, resulting in her request to manage their finances. This situation could have potentially led to bigger problems, including divorce. The speaker emphasized the importance of being mindful of expenses, especially when there are children to provide for. Additionally, he highlighted the significance of open communication and transparency in addressing financial matters. Furthermore, the speaker mentioned how certain experiences, like access to better airport lounges, can significantly enhance the travel experience. However, he acknowledged that not all American lounges compare to international ones in terms of food quality. Overall, the speaker's story underscores the importance of balancing personal indulgences with financial responsibility and open communication in relationships.

    • The Speaker's Appreciation for LuxuryThe speaker cherishes comfort and luxury in travel and dining, viewing first class as a reward for their hard work and fine dining as an addictive experience

      The speaker values comfort and luxury, particularly when it comes to travel and dining experiences. They have a history of flying first class due to their career, but have also experienced coach class and prefer to avoid being near sick individuals in that setting. The speaker sees first class as a challenge to obtain and a reward for their hard work. They also enjoy fine dining and view it as an addictive experience, comparing it to their past drug use. The speaker expresses gratitude for their current lifestyle, which includes being treated to expensive meals and travel.

    • Separating Art from Artist's ActionsIt's a complex issue to separate an artist's work from their personal actions, but when it comes to children's welfare, there's no room for ambiguity.

      The line between art and artist's personal actions can be blurred, making it difficult to separate and consume their work. During a conversation, the speakers expressed their conflicting feelings about Michael Jackson, his music, and the allegations against him. While some found it impossible to listen to his music due to the disturbing allegations, others believed in separating the art from the artist. However, they agreed that when it comes to children, the line is drawn much stronger, and exploitation of their suffering is unacceptable. The speakers also touched upon the topic of true crime podcasts and documentaries, expressing their discomfort with the monetization of tragic events, especially when children are involved.

    • The Role and Perception of DJs and Comedians in SocietyDJs and comedians contribute to our culture by providing entertainment, connection, and sometimes, necessary social commentary. The entertainment industry plays a crucial role in supporting and defending these artists, who face challenges in navigating changing social norms and audience preferences.

      The role and perception of DJs and comedians in society can be complex and nuanced. While some may be seen as playing it safe or focusing on "woke" topics, others prioritize authenticity and pushing boundaries with their art. The entertainment industry, including streaming platforms, plays a crucial role in supporting and defending these artists. For DJs, there are various levels of success and the experience of interacting with them can vary greatly. Similarly, comedians face the challenge of navigating changing social norms and audience preferences. In the end, it's essential to remember that these artists contribute to our culture by providing entertainment, connection, and sometimes, necessary social commentary. To stay updated on live performances from one of the best comedians, check out Andrew Schulz's website, pulvirzi.com.

    • A comedian's excitement for traveling to London and exploring new placesA comedian plans to travel to London for a Giants game, then visit Paris or Italy with family, and is passionate about creating new stand-up material through personal experiences.

      Comedian and podcast host, who is a New York Giants fan, is planning to travel to London for the Giants game against the Packers and then visit Paris or Italy with his family. He shared his excitement about exploring new places and performing stand-up comedy in smaller venues. He mentioned his past experiences in Dublin, Ireland, and Scotland, and how London holds a special place in his heart. He also discussed his plans to create new stand-up material, moving away from topical jokes, and focusing on personal experiences. He expressed the challenge and reward of refining his craft and emulated the great comedians who came before him. Overall, the conversation highlighted the comedian's passion for performing, traveling, and creating new content.

    • Finding success in comedy through perseverance, creativity, and adaptabilityComedians who grew up in challenging environments and faced numerous obstacles, persisted and honed their craft by finding humor in their personal experiences and the world around them. They trust themselves to create engaging content, plan their work, and stay open to new opportunities.

      Success in comedy, or any creative field, often requires dedication, hard work, and the ability to adapt to new experiences. Comedians like the person being interviewed grew up in various challenging environments and faced numerous obstacles, but they persisted and honed their craft. They learned to find humor in their personal experiences and the world around them, and they trusted themselves to create engaging content. The next step for them is to plan their work, whether it's going out on stage raw or developing ideas more deliberately. They also recognize the importance of staying attuned to the world and being open to new opportunities, as seen in Louis CK's groundbreaking direct-to-consumer release of his comedy special. Overall, these comedians' success stories demonstrate the value of perseverance, creativity, and adaptability in the face of adversity.

    • Embracing new opportunities in content creationWith technology, creatives can produce high-quality content independently, but it's crucial to remember the value of effort and experience.

      With the advancement of technology and the availability of information, creatives now have the power to produce high-quality content with minimal resources, leading to full autonomy in creation and distribution. This is evident in the increasing number of movies shot on phones and streamed on major platforms. However, there is a downside to this instant gratification culture, as children growing up today may have unrealistic expectations and lack a proper understanding of the value and effort required for certain experiences. It's essential to strike a balance between embracing new opportunities and maintaining a connection to reality.

    • Boomer Parenting: A Humorous CritiqueThe speaker's upbringing during the boomer generation led to a lack of parental involvement and a focus on self, resulting in unique food choices and dieting habits that the speaker critiques in their upcoming book

      The speaker's upbringing during the boomer generation resulted in a lack of involvement from their parents, which is the focus of their upcoming book. The speaker's mother was a swim coach who worked long hours, and their parents went through a brutal divorce when they were young. The boomers, being a generation that experienced less struggle compared to previous generations, were able to focus more on themselves, leading to a selfishness and narcissism in their parenting. The speaker's book aims to humorously critique this aspect of boomer parenting, specifically their food choices and dieting habits. The speaker acknowledges that not all boomers raised their kids this way, but it's a common theme in their personal experience. The book is not meant to be resentful, but rather a funny and critical look at the past.

    • Boomers' Era Marketing and Lifestyle ImpactThe power of marketing influenced boomers' eating habits and lifestyle choices, prioritizing material possessions over education.

      The way people were marketed to and consumed during the boomers' era significantly influenced their eating habits and lifestyle choices. The power of commercials was immense, and people would readily try new products, regardless of their size or health. Education was seen as a necessity but not always a priority, with families focusing on making ends meet and raising children. The contrast between the simple, resourceful lives of the older generation and the materialistic, consumer-driven culture of the boomers created a unique upbringing for the speaker, ultimately shaping his sense of humor and adaptability.

    • A chaotic and spiteful upbringing in the boomer eraGrowing up in a chaotic and spiteful environment, marked by parents' material obsession and bitter divorce, can lead to humorous yet relatable experiences

      Growing up in a chaotic and spiteful environment, where parents were more concerned about material possessions than their child's well-being, can be a funny yet bitter experience. The speaker shares stories of their parents' divorce, which lasted for two years and left them bouncing between households. Despite the lack of resources, they fought over seemingly insignificant items, showcasing their unpreparedness for parenthood and their own bitterness. This boomer era upbringing, filled with pot-smoking and car-dodging, is a common experience for many, making it relatable and potentially humorous. The speaker hopes to share this story in a way that brings laughter and understanding to others.

    • Childhood Stories: Past vs PresentThe speaker shared stories of their imaginative childhood, contrasting it with the more transactional and technology-driven nature of modern childhood.

      Growing up in the past was a simpler and more imaginative time compared to the present. The speaker shared stories of their youth, which involved getting high, throwing rocks at cars, and hiding in prickers from Italian kids. They contrasted these experiences with the more transactional and immediate nature of modern life, where children are monitored closely and have access to technology that can lead them down dangerous paths. The speaker also mentioned how shows like Stranger Things capture the essence of a time when kids had to use their imaginations to entertain themselves. Overall, the speaker's stories highlight the contrast between the past and present and the impact technology and societal changes have had on childhood experiences.

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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usJune 22, 2024

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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usJune 08, 2024

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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usJune 01, 2024

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    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usMay 25, 2024

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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

    The Tim Dillon Show
    en-usMay 16, 2024

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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.

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    American Royalty Tour
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    For every $400,000 we gross in revenue, we are donating five dollars to end homelessness in Los Angeles. We are challenging other creators to do the same.


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    Resources mentioned in this episode

    About Garrett Gunderson 

    Garrett Gunderson, the Founder of an Inc. 500 firm, author of the NY Times hit, Killing Sacred Cows, and multiple WSJ bestselling books. Garrett Gunderson is called a "financial genius" in entrepreneurial circles, but he wasn't born with a silver spoon. In fact, Garrett's blue-collar roots are what makes him so passionate about helping people live a life they love, on their own terms.

    Garrett comes from a 4th generation coal-mining family, raised in rural Utah, and his desire to help people is firmly rooted in this history because more often than not there is nothing more distressing for most people than money.

    So, after spending 20 years in the industry, his approach has shifted. He now takes what he knows best (Money) and has combined it with what he loves most (Comedy) into his new methodology, Win, Then Play.

    Connect with Garrett 

    Website: Garrett | The American Ream


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