
    Podcast Summary

    • CVS Health's Comprehensive Health Services and Tom Rath's Positive Psychology PerspectiveCVS Health offers various health services including in-person care, virtual appointments, mental health support, in-home evaluations, and partnerships. Tom Rath, an author and researcher, emphasizes the importance of recognizing and utilizing personal strengths for growth.

      CVS Health is committed to providing comprehensive health services for their customers, with offerings that range from in-person care at select locations to virtual appointments, mental health support, in-home evaluations, and partnerships with organizations like Oak Street Health and Aetna. Tom Rath, a renowned author and researcher, joined the Psychology Podcast to discuss his unique perspective on positive psychology, having grown up with his grandfather, Donald Clifton, who is considered the father of strength-based psychology. They worked together to bring strengths assessments online, and Don also played a role in the emergence of positive psychology. Tom's own work includes best-selling books on well-being, strengths, and productivity. He emphasized the importance of understanding and utilizing one's strengths for personal and professional growth.

    • Bringing Positive Psychology into the Mainstream through StrengthsFinderDonald Clifton's collaboration with Martin Seligman led to the creation of StrengthsFinder, inspiring generations to focus on nurturing strengths for greater growth and potential, especially in education.

      Donald Clifton's work in positive psychology, particularly his emphasis on identifying and developing people's strengths, was instrumental in bringing positive psychology into the mainstream. This collaboration led to the creation of StrengthsFinder, which has reached millions of people. Clifton and Seligman worked on their first book, "How Full Is Your Bucket," during Clifton's cancer treatment, and Seligman later joined the first applied positive psychology degree program at Penn. Clifton's ideas have inspired generations to focus not only on addressing weaknesses but also on nurturing strengths, which can lead to greater growth and potential. This perspective is especially relevant in education, where the one-size-fits-all approach may not fully address the unique needs and abilities of each learner.

    • Assessing personality and values for individualized educationIncorporating assessments like StrengthsFinder and Character Strength Survey can reduce disengagement, increase self-efficacy, and provide insights into natural tendencies and talents for personalized education.

      There is a need to individualize education beyond general intelligence levels and emotional intelligence, and tap into the broader range of human personality. This can be achieved by incorporating assessments like the StrengthsFinder and Character Strength Survey, which identify character strengths and themes of talent. Such assessments can lead to significant reductions in disengagement and increase self-efficacy in students. The conversation also touched upon the potential of using tools like the World Well-being Project to assess creativity, imagination, and other themes of talent in young children. The ultimate goal is to help children build on their early victories and provide parents and teachers with valuable insights into their natural tendencies and talents. The process of assessing young children's personality and values involves a combination of self-reports, observations by outsiders, and reliable self-assessments at appropriate ages. The integration of these assessments into educational systems can lead to a more holistic approach to education and unlock the untapped potential of students.

    • Measuring Talents vs Personality TraitsStrengthsFinder measures talents, which can be developed, used to inform career decisions, and linked to the Big Five personality traits, while personality traits are broader and less malleable.

      The concepts of strengths, talents, and personality traits are related but distinct. According to the speaker, StrengthsFinder measures talents, which are relatively stable and can be developed with knowledge, practice, and skill. Personality traits, on the other hand, are broader and less malleable. The speaker also mentions that the origins of the VIA Character Strengths assessment were based on universal values, and that having a strong presence of character strengths is an asset for positive outcomes. The speaker has mapped strengths to the Big Five personality framework and has studied the connection between natural talents and career decisions. However, they believe that more research is needed to help individuals make informed decisions about their careers based on their talents. The speaker also emphasizes that the nature and nurture debate is important but that there are bigger questions to answer, such as how to help people make better decisions about their work and careers based on their natural talents.

    • Exploring natural abilities and inspirations through role models and projectsRole models and project-based learning can reveal hidden abilities and inspirations, enhancing personal growth and well-being.

      Self-awareness about one's natural abilities and inspirations is crucial for personal growth and excellence. Traditional methods of assessing these traits through lengthy questionnaires have their merits, but they may not be accessible or practical for everyone. Instead, inspiring role models and project-based learning can provide valuable insights and inspire individuals to transform their whole being. Historically, the field of Industrial-Organizational (IO) psychology has focused more on job performance predictors like general mental ability and personality traits, dismissing interests and passions. However, recent research shows that aligning personal interests with work can significantly enhance individual well-being. By expanding our exposure to various potential identities and meaningful projects, we can tap into our innate abilities and inspirations, leading to personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Exploring new career possibilitiesTo expand people's horizons and help them discover optimal careers, new approaches are needed. Self-determination is essential, but support from others is also crucial. Daniel Pink's books offer insights, but addressing accessibility issues is necessary.

      Expanding people's horizons and helping them discover optimal careers requires new approaches in today's world. Many individuals remain in the same job or career as their parents, indicating a need for more ways to explore new possibilities. Self-determination is essential, but support from managers, teachers, and others is also crucial. Daniel Pink's books offer valuable insights for both individuals and those in leadership positions. However, it's essential to address the criticism that positive psychology may not be accessible to everyone, particularly those in low socioeconomic areas. Maslow's hierarchy of needs suggests that people must first focus on their basic needs before self-actualization. Therefore, efforts should be made to create structures and opportunities that enable people to see greater possibilities, regardless of their socioeconomic status or background. It's important to remember that the stigma surrounding the word "psychology" can make it challenging for some to understand the true scope of the field and its relevance to all individuals.

    • Focusing on all five areas of well-being: career, social, financial, physical, and communityA holistic approach to well-being involves giving equal attention to career, social, financial, physical, and community dimensions to ensure overall growth and happiness.

      While identifying and developing talents in children is important for their overall growth and confidence, it is not the only factor in ensuring their well-being in life. According to positive psychology research, there are five key areas of well-being: career, social, financial, physical, and community. However, people often misplace their focus, assigning disproportionate weight to physical health and financial stability over social connections and purpose. This misalignment can actually lead to lower overall well-being. For instance, those who prioritize financial well-being the most tend to have the least well-being overall. The KIPP Schools, which use concepts from positive psychology in their programs, have shown great success in improving students' well-being by focusing on all five areas. Therefore, it is crucial to adopt a holistic approach to well-being, ensuring equal attention to each dimension.

    • Focusing on community and personal growth leads to greater overall well-beingIndividual differences in values impact overall well-being, daily experiences matter for long-term satisfaction, and personalized approaches to creating meaning and well-being are crucial.

      Focusing on community well-being and personal growth can lead to greater overall well-being compared to solely accumulating wealth. Individual differences in values and priorities play a significant role in this, with some people placing more emphasis on achievement and others on empathy. The application of positive psychology to individuals like Donald Trump, who prioritize wealth, is a topic of debate. However, there is a need for more personalized approaches to creating meaning and well-being, especially in the workplace. The single biggest threat to our well-being is often ourselves, and our daily experiences and well-being are crucial in achieving long-term life satisfaction. Daily practices and experiences that contribute to both a sense of well-being and a sense of progress towards personal goals can lead to better outcomes. The importance of daily well-being and the need for personalized approaches to creating meaning and well-being are often overlooked, especially in the workplace.

    • Well-being and productivity influenced by daily experiences, social relationships, and personal energyRecognizing small victories and meaningful interactions, ensuring adequate physical energy, and focusing on meaning, interactions, and energy can significantly improve daily experiences and productivity.

      Well-being and productivity go beyond material wealth and can be significantly influenced by daily experiences, social relationships, and personal energy. Countries with high community support and positive daily experiences, despite lower economic standings, offer a different perspective on overall well-being. Research shows that recognizing small victories and meaningful interactions throughout the day contribute to positive experiences. Additionally, ensuring adequate physical energy is crucial for optimal performance. The three key factors for achieving this in the workplace and daily life, as outlined in Tom Rath's latest book "Fully Charged," are meaning, interactions, and energy. These elements have been embraced by many due to their relevance in addressing the widespread issue of underutilized potential in workplaces and beyond. Rath identified these factors through research and surveys, focusing on days when individuals reported high daily experience and engagement. By addressing these areas, individuals can improve their daily experiences and overall productivity.

    • Small changes, big impact: Daily routines and well-beingMaking small changes to our daily routine, like having healthy food visible and convenient or structuring our day for positive interactions, can lead to significant improvements in our physical energy, mental well-being, and meaningful work.

      Small, intentional changes in our daily routine can lead to significant improvements in our physical energy, positive interactions, and meaningful work. This was highlighted in the documentary "Fully Charged," which features research by Brian Wansink on how our environment influences our choices. For example, having healthy food visible and convenient can lead to better eating habits. Similarly, structuring our day to include more positive interactions and meaningful work can lead to a cumulative advantage, where each good interaction amplifies the next. This can be achieved by making small changes, such as having a photo of the person you're serving in your contact file instead of an anonymous name, or keeping healthy snacks within reach. These small moments add up and contribute to our overall well-being. Building a cumulative advantage in interactions means that each positive interaction not only benefits us individually, but also extends to our social dynamic, amplifying the positive effects.

    • Focusing on positive choices for better healthMaking healthy choices can significantly impact overall health and potentially slow down cancer cell growth. There's no miracle cure, but the choices we make can make a difference.

      Making positive choices in life, such as eating healthy foods and engaging in regular exercise, can significantly impact our overall health and potentially slow down the growth of cancer cells. This was emphasized by the speaker, who shared his personal experience of living with a rare genetic disorder that causes cancer cells to appear in various parts of his body since he was 16 years old. He has been experimenting with ways to slow down the growth of tumors and stay ahead of the situation through a combination of lifestyle choices and traditional medical treatments. When he was diagnosed at 16, he did not go through existential angst or fear death, but instead chose to focus on what he could do to improve his odds. The speaker emphasized that there is no miracle cure for cancer or any other ailments, but the choices we make can make a difference in the margin.

    • The power of a positive mindset and community supportFocusing on solutions and the present moment, rather than worries, can lead to a fulfilling life. A positive mindset and community support act as buffers against anxiety and stress.

      A positive mindset and the support of loved ones can help individuals overcome challenges and maintain well-being, even during difficult times. The speaker's personal experience of growing up with positive psychology practices and facing a serious health issue showed that focusing on solutions and the present moment, rather than dwelling on worries, can lead to a fulfilling life. The speaker also suggests that well-being may act as a buffer against anxiety and stress, as shown in studies on the benefits of giving and focusing on others. Overall, the importance of a positive mindset and the power of community support in maintaining well-being and resilience is a valuable lesson.

    • Living a life that makes a positive impactFocusing on meaningful interactions and understanding the impact of one's work can lead to a fulfilling life that continues to grow and make a difference beyond one's presence.

      Focusing on making a meaningful impact on others, even in small ways, can help prioritize daily tasks and provide a sense of contribution beyond one's presence. Tom shared his personal experience of being inspired by Anne Morrow Lindbergh's writings on existential anxiety and the importance of living a life that continues to grow and make a difference after one's time. He emphasized the importance of intensive relationships and quick, fleeting interactions that can impact people's lives. Additionally, Tom highlighted the importance of understanding the impact of one's work, as seen in the influence of his own contributions to StrengthsFinder. Overall, Tom's perspective encourages living a life that focuses on making a positive impact on others and finding meaning in both intensive and fleeting interactions.

    • Exploring California's Experiences and Investing in QualityCalifornia offers diverse experiences, from relaxation to adrenaline rushes. Granger supports businesses with professional supplies, while Leesa and West Elm provide eco-friendly sleep solutions.

      California is the ultimate playground for all types of experiences, from relaxing in a Redwood forest to getting an adrenaline rush at the wine country or ski slopes. Granger is there to support businesses in ensuring their teams can deliver their best, with professional-grade supplies and a dedicated team. Meanwhile, Leesa and West Elm's new natural hybrid mattress offer a restful sleep solution that is not only good for individuals but also contributes to a greener tomorrow. Overall, these offerings represent the perfect balance of work and play, and the importance of investing in both.

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    Reclaim Yourself w/ Emma Seppala

    Reclaim Yourself w/ Emma Seppala
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    View the complete transcript for this webcast, along with audio and video, at

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    Learn more or purchase the new CliftonStrengths® for Leaders report: www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/403427/cliftonstrengths-for-leaders.aspx

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    E27 Rekindling the Spark: What to Do When You’re Burnt Out ⚡️🥵

    E27 Rekindling the Spark: What to Do When You’re Burnt Out ⚡️🥵

    Maybe you worked too hard on your last project. Or, you exerted too much energy on a work task that ended up not working out. Whatever the case may be, burnout is a real thing that all of us experience. As its name goes, burnout drains you of your energy and motivation. It doesn't only affect how you show up in your business, but also in other aspects of life. How then do you rekindle the spark if you find yourself stuck in the burnout cycle?

    In this episode of The Pollen Podcast, Diana talks about the secret to navigating burnout. Burnout happens when you don’t create healthy boundaries for yourself. Remember: you can’t pour from an empty cup. If you think you can, then you’re setting yourself up for a lot of exhaustion and unfulfillment. Recognize when you need to take a step back and put yourself first. Only in this way can you best serve your highest purpose. 😌

    Listen to this episode to learn how to recover from burnout and avoid it happening again!

    Create your own creative entrepreneurship story of clarity, professional confidence, and profit. Join Diana’s 90-day group course Camp Clarity and learn everything you wish you already knew, like how to land dream clients, harness the power of social media, and make the money you deserve. Learn more here

    🔥Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

    1. Understand how burnout can impact your work and personal life.
    2. Identify the symptoms of burnout and how they can build over time.
    3. Learn tools to heal from burnout and get back to a place of balance in your business and life.


    🎧Episode Highlights

    [01:49] Camp Clarity Early Bird Extension

    • Camp Clarity is currently in motion for its seventh round.
    • SPECIAL DEAL: Listen to this episode, and DM Diana on Instagram to get an early bird extension ($500 OFF 🤑) for Camp Clarity!
    • Camp Clarity is a 90-day program for creative entrepreneurs in need of community and the three pillars—confidence, cash, and clients.
    • Tune in to the full episode to learn more about the program and Diana’s special offer for Pollen listeners!

    [04:50] Sharing from the Wound

    • Diana recorded a 30-minute episode that was due to her podcast production team. At the end of the session, she realized it didn’t record.
    • She then decided to record an episode about the burnout she experienced from this incident.
    • People oftentimes share the gushing wound of a traumatic experience versus the scar.
    • Diana recorded this episode from the wound of being burnt out.

    [06:44] Working in a Paradise

    • Diana has had a hard time during her stay in Costa Rica despite the place being a paradise.
    • If you’re only spending a week in a new place, you have to make it an integration week for yourself.
    • It’s the hardest to work in a paradise because you don’t get to block off any time and create boundaries for yourself.

    [08:13] Experiencing Burnout

    • One of the first posts Diana has ever made as an NYC photographer was about being burnt out.
    • Diana has experienced burnout many times since then.
    • One of her “whys” in coaching is helping creative entrepreneurs try to avoid and learn how to recover from burnout.
    • Boundaries, time management, and outsourcing are some tools for navigating burnout.

    [09:58] Pine Cone vs. Rice Analogy

    • Imagine you have a jar and you put rice in it first. If you try to force a pine cone in it after, you’ll never get the pine cone in there.
    • But, if you put the pine cone in the jar first and put the rice in after, everything will fit.
    • This analogy is to say: the things that fill your cup must come first in order for you to best serve your clients.
    • Diana had to put a lunch block on her calendar. She previously had booked calls even over her lunch hour.

    [12:55] Riverbed Analogy

    • You have to have the riverbeds to have a river. Otherwise, you’re a lake.
    • The riverbeds are your masculine energy. It includes things like calendar blocking, support systems, client workflows, etc.
    • This masculine energy allows you to flow powerfully and intentionally with your feminine energy. 
    • Your riverbeds give you space in a container to flow and feel like you’re supported.
    • We underestimate the things we can get done in a day.

    [13:56] Diana Davis: “We, a lot of times, think we have to get these 20 things in a day, and actually, it's not possible. But we're beating ourselves up for something that's actually not humanly possible. So boundaries are huge; burnout is real.” 

    [16:18] Putting Yourself First

    [17:25] Diana Davis: “I think it's a big deal to remember that we're going through a lot. We're going through a lot—every single one of us is going through a lot.” 

    • With everything happening in your life, it’s important to put yourself first and put your boundaries in place.
    • You have to fill your cup first before giving to others.
    • It’s up to you to make the boundary, regulate yourself, and recognize when you’re burnt out.
    • Reschedule the meeting if you don’t feel like it. Everything is just a blip.

    [19:13] Diana Davis: “Don't focus so much on every little detail. Focus on the bigger picture. Make moves for yourself as the CEO that you want to be. Fill those shoes yourself before you think you're ready and before the evidence is there—and that means taking time for yourself, making boundaries, and just filling your cup.” 

    • Your business needs to work around your life, not the other way around. Listen to the full episode to hear about Diana and Caitie’s trip to Costa Rica!

    Enjoyed this Podcast on Navigating Burnout?

    Burnout happens through a series of stages, but it all begins with compromising your boundaries. When you don’t know your limitations, you’re bound to end up giving and giving without knowing how to stop—until you crash. The thing is, it’s impossible to pour from an empty cup. So start putting yourself first, and see the magic it will create in your life.

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    Current Workforce Challenges: Burnout -- S10E33

    Current Workforce Challenges: Burnout -- S10E33
    Learn from Dr. Jaclynn Robinson how burnout is affecting the workplace, and what you can do to address it as a coach, as a manager, or in your own life.

    View the complete transcript for this webcast, along with audio and video, at

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