
    Podcast Summary

    • Jedidiah Turner's Love Has No Limits Foundation Brings Together Organizations to Solve Social IssuesJedidiah Turner's foundation, Love Has No Limits, unites various organizations, volunteers, and celebrities to tackle poverty and homelessness. Backed by Charles Koch and the Stand Together Organization, it's making a difference in cities like LA, Houston, Miami, New York, and Chicago.

      Jedidiah Turner, the founder of Love Has No Limits, lives every day as a bonus day after surviving a near-death experience. He's making a significant impact by bringing together various organizations, volunteers, and celebrities to solve social issues such as poverty and homelessness. Turner's approach is reminiscent of George Bush's "1,000 points of light," and he's already made a difference in cities like LA, Houston, Miami, New York, and Chicago. Love Has No Limits is backed by Charles Koch and the Stand Together Organization. If you're looking for a digital gift that keeps on giving, consider an Aura digital picture frame, which allows you to share photos with an unlimited number of people and comes with free unlimited storage. The frames display photos as prints and can be controlled through the Oura app. For a limited time, you can save $30 on their best-selling frame by using the promo code MIKE@AURAFRAMES.COM. Overall, it's inspiring to learn about people like Jedidiah Turner who are making a difference in the world and the great digital gift options like Aura frames that make connecting with loved ones easier.

    • Understanding the capacity for change in humans and animalsBelieve in the potential for growth and provide opportunities for positive change, as both humans and animals exhibit predictable patterns of behavior but have the capacity to make a difference.

      Both humans and animals exhibit predictable patterns of behavior, and it's essential to believe in their capacity for change. Mike shared an analogy of his dog and his young son, who act impulsively without fully understanding the consequences. However, despite their mistakes, we continue to support them and hope for better decisions in the future. Mike and Jedidiah's conversation highlighted the importance of providing opportunities for growth and understanding, as we all have the potential to make a difference. Jedidiah's work, Love Has No Limits, is an excellent example of this concept in action. Through enormous events and returning favors on a grand scale, Jedidiah is inspiring and empowering communities to come together and create positive change. The success of Love Has No Limits is not due to the efforts of one individual but rather the collective agreement that love is the only solution to the world's problems. By focusing on unity and empowering others, we can all make a difference and move the needle towards a better future.

    • The real heroes are those who do the workReal heroes work hard to provide for their families and make a difference through collaboration, sacrifice, and humility.

      The true heroes are not those who talk about making a difference, but those who actually do the work day in and day out. Jedidiah and Mike shared their personal stories of humble beginnings and the desire to provide for their families. For Jedidiah, he never wanted to be poor and worked hard to provide for his wife and parents. He realized the depth of his past poverty when he was able to buy excess items during grocery shopping, something he had never been able to do growing up. The importance of collaboration, sacrifice, and humility in making a difference was emphasized, and the opportunity for listeners to be the heroes of their own stories was encouraged.

    • Living below your means and delaying gratificationBuying only what's needed each day and focusing on long-term goals can lead to meaningful contributions to others' lives.

      Living beyond your means and delaying gratification can lead to unexpected consequences, both good and bad. The speaker shares how they learned to buy only what they needed each day to avoid unnecessary spending and accumulation of material possessions. This discipline allowed them to focus on their long-term goals, such as making a difference in the world instead of just generating revenue. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of doing good in the best way possible and shares a personal experience of buying a house for their parents, which was a significant moment for them. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of living intentionally and prioritizing meaningful contributions to others' lives.

    • Challenging the belief of having just the basicsEncourage generosity and impact by having more resources, not just for personal gain, but to build a movement and make a difference in the world. Protect your investments, especially your home, with a free home inspection from Groundworks.

      The value of owning a house goes beyond just having a roof over one's head, food to eat, and clothes to wear. The speaker's upbringing instilled in him the belief that these basic necessities were all that was needed. However, he later realized that having more resources allows for greater generosity and impact on others. This shift in mindset led him to challenge his father's long-held belief and encourage him to consider the potential benefits of having additional wealth. The speaker emphasized that having more income or success should not be for personal gain but to build a movement and make a greater impact on the world. Additionally, the speaker encouraged listeners to protect their investments, particularly their homes, by getting a free, no-obligation home inspection from Groundworks to prevent and address any potential water damage.

    • Love Has No Limits: A Groundworks InitiativeGroundworks, a company prioritizing employee ownership and community involvement, launches Love Has No Limits initiative to bring people together through love and selfless actions.

      Groundworks, a company known for its employee ownership model and commitment to its people, offers a free home inspection to address water damage issues. Love Has No Limits, an initiative by Groundworks, brings together nonprofits, faith communities, businesses, volunteers, and influencers to collectively tackle community problems. The antithesis of hate, love is the only force that can bring people together and inspire selfless actions. Love Has No Limits is a declaration of this truth, emphasizing that love knows no boundaries. Groundworks, with its impressive treatment of employees and customers, exemplifies the power of love and unity in creating positive change. To learn more about Groundworks and Love Has No Limits, visit their website for a free home inspection or explore their initiatives.

    • Addressing fatherlessness in families in crisisFocusing on families in crisis and addressing the underlying issue of fatherlessness can make a significant impact on poverty, violence, and child welfare, ultimately creating a better future for children and future generations.

      The root cause of many societal issues, including poverty, violence, and child welfare, is fatherlessness. According to the data, this issue is prevalent in a large percentage of families in crisis. By focusing on families in crisis and addressing the underlying issue of fatherlessness, we can make a significant impact on these issues and ultimately create a better future for children and future generations. This may involve supporting and strengthening families, providing resources and education, and addressing the complex factors that contribute to fatherlessness. It's important to remember that this issue affects not only those who identify as male or those in traditional family structures, but also families in general and individuals who have grown up without a father figure. By acknowledging and addressing this issue, we can work towards creating a more compassionate and supportive society.

    • Effective communication and collaboration in crisisUnifying narrative during crisis can lead to eradicating debt, record-breaking foster campaign, and hope community in prisons.

      Effective communication and collaboration in times of crisis can lead to significant positive change, even in divisive environments. The Love Has No Limits campaign in Los Angeles during the COVID-19 pandemic serves as an excellent example. Instead of focusing on the problems or lecturing/preaching to people, the campaign created a unifying narrative, "Hate's Not Working, Love's Our Only Option," that resonated with diverse communities and faiths. This approach led to the eradication of $47 million in medical debt for 23,000 families, the largest foster and adoptive parent recruitment campaign in LA County history, and the launch of a hope community in all 35 prisons across California. By focusing on the common good and the power of love and unity, the campaign was able to bring together various groups and individuals, demonstrating that it's possible to work together despite differences.

    • Supporting formerly incarcerated individuals through 'hope communities'Collaborative 'hope communities' reduce recidivism by providing programs, resources, and a sense of belonging for inmates during and after prison, ultimately leading to successful societal reintegration.

      Creating supportive communities for formerly incarcerated individuals is crucial for reducing recidivism. These communities, called "hope communities," are made up of local partner organizations that provide programs and resources to inmates while they're still in prison and after their release. These communities help individuals rediscover a sense of belonging and purpose, which is essential for their successful reintegration into society. The hope communities offer various programs, such as recovery and financial peace classes, which can even reduce an inmate's sentence. The initiative has already impacted thousands of families and has engaged volunteers in large-scale events to serve the community. To create such transformative change, it's essential to adopt a holistic approach and collaborate with multiple organizations rather than competing against each other. The viral nature of doing good is contagious and should be encouraged, as it leads to more significant impact.

    • Empower local leadersEffective change comes from empowering local leaders and providing resources, rather than seeking control or credit.

      Effective change and impact often come from being the facilitator rather than the hero. Organizations like Love Has No Limits understand this concept, focusing on providing resources, support, and collaboration to community champions and influencers, rather than seeking credit or control. This approach not only empowers local leaders but also ensures that the credit and recognition go to those closest to the problem. It's a reminder that true change often comes from the ground up, and the role of external organizations is to support, not dominate. Additionally, foundations like the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation provide valuable resources to those in need, demonstrating the importance of organizations that prioritize community support and empowerment.

    • Focus on what's worth failing forDuring tough times, prioritize efforts that create transformation from the bottom up, invest in individuals doing the hard work, and shift focus from external factors to internal purpose.

      During challenging times, it's essential to focus on what's worth failing for instead of what we would do if we couldn't fill. The speaker shares an experience of navigating a COVID campaign where they asked themselves, "what must we be willing to fail for?" Instead of worrying about filling targets or the uncertainty of external factors, they shifted their focus to creating a new model for social good that could produce transformation from the bottom up. The heroes in this story are not just those who cut checks, but those who do the dirty work day in and day out. The speaker encourages investing in these individuals and their efforts, and emphasizes the importance of getting outside of our comfort zones and telling our own stories without patting ourselves on the back. This mindset shift allowed them to create a successful campaign despite the challenges they faced.

    • Maximizing Social Impact through Community NetworksFaith communities and NGOs can create a 'grid of good' by connecting and collaborating to amplify social impact. Long-term initiatives are crucial to making a real difference.

      The real impact of charitable events and initiatives lies not just in the event itself, but in the sustained efforts that follow. The speaker emphasized the importance of building a network of community champions and creating a "grid of good" by connecting faith communities and NGOs to maximize social impact. He shared his experience with organizing large-scale events and the challenge of turning them into long-term initiatives. The speaker also highlighted the potential of faith communities and NGOs as powerful agents of change, as they are already positioned to promote love and goodwill in society. By harnessing their collective energy and resources, we can create a compound multiplier of social good.

    • Collaboration among organizations, faith communities, and individuals tackles complex social issues350+ organizations joined forces to address five social issues, amplifying impact and empowering communities to create change

      Collective action and collaboration among various organizations, faith communities, and individuals is essential for tackling complex social issues and creating lasting change. The "One Day Houston" initiative serves as an example, where over 350 organizations have come together to address five specific problems, such as refugee crisis, child welfare, and next generation schools. This collaborative approach not only amplifies the impact of each organization but also empowers the communities they serve to become sources of light and change. Charles Koch's philosophy of supporting organizations that act as connective tissue, or grout, between different entities, further emphasizes the importance of this collaborative approach. By focusing on love, value, and understanding, rather than disagreements, we can build stronger communities and ultimately, get our cities and families back on track.

    • Seeing the world through a lens of love and dignityAssigning value to individuals, regardless of circumstances, inspires good actions and creates positive impact on individuals and communities.

      Seeing the world through the lens of love and assigning value to individuals, regardless of their circumstances, creates dignity. This perspective can motivate people to do good, even if their primary motivation is personal fulfillment. Organizations, including Love Has No Limits, can leverage this mindset to create significant social good, even if the focus is on brand wins. Ultimately, the goal is to inspire people to take action and make a positive impact on the world, whether through large-scale events or individual acts of kindness. By focusing on love and dignity, we can create a ripple effect of good that benefits individuals and communities alike.

    • Empowering Community ChangeSupport and learn from those making a difference, take action, and approach life with a sense of urgency for positive community transformation

      Everyone has the power to make a positive impact in their community, no matter the size or recognition. Instead of creating multiple versions of the same thing, it's essential to support and learn from those already making a difference. Additionally, there is hope for those in difficult situations, and with determination, there is the potential for significant city transformation in the coming years. The speaker encourages taking action, learning from others, and approaching life with a sense of urgency, as we never know when our time may run out.

    • Focusing on connections and positive impactEmbrace the importance of building strong connections and making a positive impact on others' lives. Give meaningful gifts like the Aura digital picture frame to keep those connections alive.

      Our time on this earth is finite, and the things that truly matter are the connections we build with others and the positive impact we have on their lives. The speaker shares a personal story of his near-death experience and how it made him realize the importance of focusing on what we can do for others, rather than for ourselves. He encourages giving meaningful gifts, like the Aura digital picture frame, to keep those connections strong. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of faith and believing that the promises made to us will come to pass, whether in this life or the next. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of living a life that focuses on love, connection, and making a positive impact on those around us.

    • Every day as a bonus dayApproaching each day with hope and appreciation can increase motivation and productivity, even during difficult times

      Having a mindset of every day being a bonus day can significantly impact our perspective and motivation. This concept, as shared in the conversation, is inspired by the story of scientist Scott Ritter and his study on rats in the 1950s. The rats that were rescued and given a break before being put back in the water swam much longer than those that weren't. The reason for this was that the rescued rats had hope for a rescuer to come again. Similarly, approaching each day as a bonus day can provide us with a renewed sense of purpose and appreciation, allowing us to live more fully and productively. This perspective can be especially valuable during challenging times like the ongoing pandemic.

    • Breaking the 4-minute mile and inspiring changeBelieve in the impossible and inspire others to do the same by taking bold steps and showing what's possible

      No matter how impossible a goal may seem, it's important to keep striving towards it and inspire others to do the same. Using the analogy of Roger Bannister breaking the 4-minute mile, the speaker emphasizes that being the first to accomplish something can inspire countless others to follow. In the context of their own work, the speaker saw their project as a "Mars shot" - an ambitious goal that could inspire and change the world, even if it seemed unattainable at first. They also shared the lesson they learned from Elon Musk's journey to space: people may believe that something is impossible, but they haven't given up hope. By taking a bold step and showing what's possible, one can inspire others to pursue the same goal and make a meaningful impact.

    • Focusing on five key cities in the USEmphasizing impact in five cities could lead to nationwide progress, especially in education. Running towards failure and staying committed to finding solutions can lead to significant impact.

      Focusing on making a difference in just five key cities in the United States could significantly impact the nation as a whole, particularly in addressing major issues like education. Additionally, the importance of running towards failure instead of sticking with a model that may not be effective was emphasized. These five cities, chosen based on their cultural significance and representation of various aspects of America, offer opportunities to learn and innovate. The goal is to bring these solutions to every part of the country without having to physically be present. The interview also highlighted the importance of humility and perseverance, as exemplified by the special forces guy's approach to working out and the need to keep pushing until one reaches their limit and then rests to try again. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying committed to finding solutions, even in the face of challenges, and the potential for significant impact when focusing on key areas.

    • Unexpected experiences can lead to meaningful connectionsEmbrace life's unpredictability and cherish moments that bring us closer to others, even if they involve chasing after a psychopathic dog in our underwear.

      Sometimes the most unexpected experiences, like chasing after a psychopathic dog in your underwear, can lead to meaningful connections and new opportunities. The admiration and love expressed during this encounter were genuine, and the untrainable, unwilling dog represented the charm and uniqueness that we all possess. This experience served as a reminder to embrace the unpredictability of life and to cherish the moments that bring us closer to others. So, whether it's a beloved pet or a new friend, let's appreciate the untrainable and unwillable aspects of life and the connections they bring.

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    Big thanks to our awesome sponsors

    ZipRecruiter.com/Rowe to try ZipRecruiter for FREE.

    Groundworks.com to schedule a FREE inspection.

    U.S. Money Reserve—Visit WorkHardSaveSmart.com to view a FREE video series on precious metals.

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    Tip o’ the hat to our excellent sponsors

    AuraFrames.com/Mike Until June 18 use code Mike to get $30 off their best-selling frame.

    BuildSubmarines.com Explore available careers!

    U.S. Money Reserve—Visit WorkHardSaveSmart.com to view a FREE video series on precious metals.

    The Jordan Harbinger Show—Visit JordanHarbinger.com/start to start listening.

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    Big thanks to our great sponsors

    ZipRecruiter.com/Rowe to try ZipRecruiter for FREE.

    FieldOfGreens.com Use code: MIKE for 15% off and FREE shipping

    Groundworks.com to schedule a free inspection.

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    Many thanks to our terrific sponsors

    NetSuite.com/Mike the number one cloud financial system.

    PureTalk.com/Rowe Save 50% off your first month!

    LifeVac.net Use code MIKE to get 20% off your full purchase

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    Heaps of gratitude for our fantastic sponsors

    ZipRecruiter.com/Rowe to try ZipRecruiter for FREE.

    PureTalk.com/Rowe Save 50% off your first month!

    Groundworks.com to schedule a FREE inspection.

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    Many thanks to our fabulous sponsors

    AuraFrames.com/Mike Use code: Mike to get $30 off their best-selling frame.

    BuildSubmarines.com Explore available careers!

    FieldOfGreens.com Use code: MIKE for 15% off and FREE shipping

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    Many thanks to our fantastic sponsors

    Groundworks.com Schedule a free inspection.

    3DayBlinds.com/ROWE Buy one get one 50% off

    LifeVac.net Use code MIKE to get 20% off your full purchase

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    #GetThrifty tips:

    1. Quality over quantity when spending your money on clothes and shoes--- and take care of your things!
    2. Hervana's Community membership

    Connect with Meredith and the Hervana community on Instagram and at hervanavancouver.com. You can also use promo code CITYGIRLTALKS for $5 off any upcoming Hervana networking event.


    Join the City Girl Talks Chatterbox Facebook group so you can let me know what you'd like to hear about! It will also be where I share any special stuff and things coming up on the podcast!

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    Follow the City Girl Talks Podcast on Instagram: https://instagram.com/citygirltalks

    Thanks for listening! See you next time for another round of girl talk.

    The Beauty and Power in Sisterhood - 010

    The Beauty and Power in Sisterhood - 010

    The Beauty and Power in Sisterhood | Yes To You Podcast #010

    Behind every empowered woman stands the strength of her tribe - in particular, other women.

    Having an email list enables you to attract your ideal clients, build a relationship with each of them over time, and maintain access to their contact information, no matter what.

    Behind every empowered woman stands the strength of her tribe - in particular, other women.

    In episode 10, we'll explore the beauty, power, and freedom in sisterhood, including:

    ► The physical, emotional, and mental health benefits of sisterhood.

    ► 3 Common barriers to sisterhood

    ► 4 Ways that you can embrace sisterhood and start creating meaningful friendships

    PLUS, a special wellness mini-segment on how to improve your approach to relationships through understanding the 5 Love Languages.


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    Episode Outline

      [2:50] Shoutout

    ►   [3:50] Weekly Wellness Tip: Interpersonal Communication & Love Languages

      [5:20] Love Language #1: Words of Affirmation

      [5:55] Love Language #2: Quality Time

      [6:47] Love Language #3: Receiving Gifts

      [7:38] Love Language #4: Acts of Service

      [8:41] Love Language #5: Physical Touch

      [9:22] Where to find Dr. Chapman’s Book & FREE quiz

      [10:05] Dominique’s story of personal growth & overcoming adversity through sisterhood

    ►   [13:45] The Benefits of Sisterhood

      [15:45] What researchers say about the physical effects of sisterhood

      [11:58] Reason #2: Intentional Interaction

      [12:24] Reason #3: Precision

      [12:53] Reason #4: Security

      [13:55] Reason #5: Know, Like & Trust Factor

    ►   [15:02] 3 Barriers To Sisterhood

      [15:13] Barrier #1: Lack of time

      [15:42] The danger of pathological loneliness

      [16:40] Barrier #2: Mindset

      [17:55] Barrier #3: Communication

    ►   [20:22] 4 Ways to Embrace Sisterhood

      [20:42] Make it a priority

      [22:38] Be proactive

      [22:55] Connect organically

      [24:02] Find your tribe of like-minded women

      [24:56] How to find an accountability partner

      [26:16] Words of wisdom for women by Valorie Burton

      [27:40] Sneak Peek of Episode 11

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode

    Book: The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman

    FREE Online Quiz: Discover Your Love Language

    Ep. 48: Aligning with Your Human Design in Business with Rachael Ami

    Ep. 48: Aligning with Your Human Design in Business with Rachael Ami

    Are you building your business in a sustainable way that feels good? Or do you feel like you’re constantly pushing for more just as you did in your corporate career? In today’s episode I chat to Rachael Ami, alignment coach and resident Human Design expert at The Courage Blueprint, about creating an intuitive business. We discuss how “busy-ness” is not creating success and that you get to redefine what working looks like for you!


    In this episode we chat about:

    That Human Design isn’t just a phase!

    Why you may intuitively resist your Human Design

    How feeling good helps you feel powerful

    Injecting more goodness into your days

    Shifting your focus to impact and quality.

    Human development and the addiction to being busy

    Where to start using your Human Design without the overwhelm for Generators, Projectors, Manifestors and Reflectors.

    Trusting your natural talents


    And so much more!


    Listen to the Human Design for Beginners podcast where Rachael dives into Paula’s chart and shares the must knows to get started with Human Design.


    Connect with Rachael!



    If you’re interested in working with Paula, send her an email paula@thecourageblueprint.com


    Continue the conversation by joining my private Facebook group “I am Becoming…” here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/befearlesswithpaula


    Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/be__fearless_with_paula/

    Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/befearlesswithpaula/


    Don’t forget to rate and review The Confidence Sessions and please subscribe if you like what you heard! https://www.thecourageblueprint.com/podcast


    (01:50) Why Human Design isn’t just a phase and why it feels so good. 

    (04:05) Why you may intuitively resist Human Design. 

    (04:30) Why feeling good helps you feel powerful and how to inject more goodness into your days.

    (07:45) The Human Design invitation to be present, right now.

    (10:16) Why “busy-ness” does not create success and shifting your focus to impact and quality.

    (12:45) How corporate mentality may be damaging your business and how Human Design can help.

    (13:47) Human development from as little as needed to an addiction to being busy and proving you’re good enough - the heart center conditioning.

    (15:30) How the online space creates unnecessary rules and damaging comparisons.

    (17:48) Where to start with Human Design without the overwhelm for Generators, Projectors, Manifestors and Reflectors.

    (19:30) Showing up powerfully, rather than consistently. 

    (22:00) Trusting what comes naturally to you is what you should be sharing.

    (24:00) Paula shares how the more she trusts her energy to feel more fulfilled in business.

    (26:20) Human Design is a deep trust in your body and yourself in  this moment. 

    (28:00) Being aware of how we are conditioned and conditioning others  by noticing the phrases, words and stories we share with others.  

    (29:44) Trust is the most powerful thing you can hold and allowing yourself to be supported.  

    (31:50) Using Human Design to start 2022 strong, aligned and without burn out. 


    Ep. 71: Taking the Effort Out of Coaching - Why you Need ICF Credentialing & Training with Dez Stephens

    Ep. 71: Taking the Effort Out of Coaching - Why you Need ICF Credentialing & Training with Dez Stephens

    Please note this episode was repurposed from a Facebook Live video.


    Why is it important to train as a coach with an accredited school? Does getting an ICF credential even matter to you and your business? Dez Stephens, founder of Radiant Coaches Academy shares a big resounding “YES”! Regulation for the coaching industry is coming! Becoming credentialled covers you legally and ethically, it also makes you more attractive to clients. Opening up the possibility of working as an internal coach for corporations, businesses and even the military! Dez shares how many coach schools are not ICF accredited and are therefore regulated, allowing them to offer hidden fees and inaccessible pricing structures. Radiant Coaches’ vision has always been to make high quality, accredited holistic coach training affordable and accessible to all. Dez offers interest free payments, spread over 2 years, and currently Paula’s program Communicate to Elevate is included in your tuition!

    In this episode we chat about:

    What holistic coaching means.

    Why you should pick an ICF accredited school.

    The importance of regulation in the coaching industry. 

    Diversity and inclusion in coach training.

    Working with Dez & Paula together.


    And so much more!


    Connect with Dez: 



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    Check out Paula’s recommended resources HERE!


    If you’re interested in working with Paula, send her an email paula@thecourageblueprint.com


    Continue the conversation by joining my private Facebook group “I am Becoming…” here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/befearlesswithpaula


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    Don’t forget to rate and review The Confidence Sessions and please subscribe if you like what you heard! https://www.thecourageblueprint.com/podcast


    (01:40) Dez introduces herself as a humanitarian, film producer & coach trainer.

    (02:32) What is a holistic coach?

    (04:10) Why you should invest in a coaching certification.

    (08:40) Why continued education as a certified coach is important.

    (10:55) Should coaching be regulated? Or does it make it inaccessible?

    (15:35) Clients are looking for certified coaches.

    (19:00) How to get a salaried internal coaching job.

    (20:15) How the journey from signing up to getting ICF credentialed works with Radiant.

    (22:20) Why students keep returning to Radiant education hours.

    (26:00) How being trained and credentialled protects you as a coach.

    (30:50) Schools that do not hold an accreditation only offer short term fixes for their clients.

    (32:00) How to begin working with Radiant and how Dez offers interest free payment plans over 2 years. 

    (34:30) How to access coach training & how to develop your business as a coach.

    (38:05) Coaching certification programs are for those who have been in a coach for a while. 

    (42:00) Working with Radiant & Paula.

    (50:00) Why training takes the effort out of coaching. 

    Ep. 91: Introducing “Blind Fear” - How Exploration & Curiosity Unlocks Your Productivity with John David Mann

    Ep. 91: Introducing “Blind Fear” - How Exploration & Curiosity Unlocks Your Productivity with John David Mann

    What does it take to be successful? Today’s guest, John David Mann, shares his journey from writing parables to now his third co-authored crime novel. We talk about framing success and how we often have an incorrect perception of the successes of others. John shares how exploration and curiosity are the keys to productivity and success in business, life and all creative endeavours. John shares his 1 year writing program for writers to “get good” at all levels. He leaves us with a final reminder that the “world needs the fruits of your passion!”

    John David Mann is coauthor of more than thirty books, including four New York Times bestsellers and five national bestsellers. His writing has won multiple awards, including the Living Now Book Awards Evergreen Medal for its “contributions to positive global change.” His first thriller, Steel Fear, has been nominated for a Barry Award. This year’s sequel, Cold Fear, was hailed by Jeffrey Deaver as “one of the best crime novels of the year.”


    Connect with John David Mann!





    If you’re interested in working with Paula, send her an email paula@thecourageblueprint.com


    Don’t forget to rate and review The Confidence Sessions and please subscribe if you like what you heard! https://www.thecourageblueprint.com/podcast