
    339: Will A.I. Build Your House with Nick Schiffer

    enAugust 15, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Builder's 90% social media business due to online presence and advocacyDigital marketing crucial for traditional industries, skills gap calls for more tradespeople entry

      Custom home builder Nick Schiffer, despite being a builder himself, gets 90% of his business through social media due to his advocacy for the trades and his robust online presence. This speaks to the importance of digital marketing in today's economy, even for traditional industries like construction. Furthermore, Schiffer's emphasis on the skills gap and labor shortage highlights the need for more people to enter the trades, with the current replacement rate being closer to 1 for every 5 retirees. Overall, Schiffer's entrepreneurial spirit and love for his vocation serve as an inspiration for those considering a career in the trades.

    • Exploring new skills and saving moneyLearning new skills and saving money on essential services can lead to personal growth and financial savings.

      Opportunities to learn new skills and trades are abundant, as demonstrated by the experiences of individuals like Nick Schiffer. Meanwhile, saving money on essential services like phone plans is also crucial, with companies like Pure Talk offering dependable 5G networks, money-back guarantees, and no contracts. However, even in the face of challenges, such as extreme weather conditions or technological difficulties, determination and adaptability are key to success. As Mike Rowe shared, despite encountering issues during an interview, he persisted and eventually made it work. Overall, the combination of learning new skills and saving money can lead to significant personal growth and financial savings.

    • Turning a technical glitch into a positive experienceStaying calm and patient during unexpected issues can lead to unexpected opportunities and positive experiences.

      Despite the challenges and unexpected technical issues during a live event, staying calm and patient can lead to unexpected opportunities. Nick, a young and vocal entrepreneur in the building industry, faced a technical glitch during an Instagram Live event that attracted a large, unsuspecting audience. Instead of giving up, he waited it out and turned the situation into a positive experience by engaging with the audience and sharing his insights on technology and the trades. The incident reminded him of his past experience on QVC and reinforced his belief in the importance of craftsmanship and the need to address the labor shortage in the industry. The unexpected attention also led to an invitation to participate in a work ethic scholarship program, further showcasing the value of staying composed under pressure and embracing unexpected opportunities.

    • Using technology to enhance construction qualityTechnology should be used as a tool to improve efficiency and allow workers to focus on intricate aspects of construction jobs, not replace fundamental skills and knowledge.

      While focusing on efficiency and speed in construction can lead to cost savings, it's essential not to overlook the importance of quality and the role of technology in enhancing it. The speaker shares an example from his cabinet company, where they implemented CNC work to automate labor-intensive tasks, freeing up resources for craftsmanship and creativity. However, technology should not replace the fundamentals of the trade. Instead, it should be used as a tool to improve efficiency and allow workers to focus on the more intricate aspects of their jobs. The speaker also emphasizes the need to balance efficiency and effectiveness, using the example of calculators in math classes. Just as mastering the basics is crucial before using a calculator, understanding the fundamentals of construction is necessary before relying on technology. The speaker concludes by sharing an example of builders who require apprentices to learn traditional methods before using advanced tools, ensuring they appreciate the history and importance of the craft. In essence, technology should be a complement to, not a replacement for, the skills and knowledge of the workforce.

    • The Pride of Hard Work is UniversalEmbracing new tools while preserving the essence of hard work leads to a satisfying job well done.

      The connection to hard work and the pride that comes with it is not exclusive to the skilled trades. While the trades display a strong sense of camaraderie and dedication to their craft, other professions, such as writing, also require intense focus and effort. However, it's essential to consider the unintended consequences of efficiency and the potential impact on our well-being. For instance, the shift from hand saws to skill saws represents progress, but it also raises questions about the importance of holding on to tradition and the potential drawbacks of new technology. Ultimately, the satisfaction of a job well done comes from the effort put in, and it's crucial to strike a balance between embracing new tools and preserving the essence of hard work.

    • Exploring Affordable Cell Phone Plans and AI Tools for ProductivityEmbrace innovation and outsource tasks, using affordable cell phone plans and AI tools, to enhance productivity and creativity while balancing work and enjoyment.

      There are alternatives to overpriced cell phone plans and outdated ways of completing tasks, allowing individuals to focus on what they enjoy and save money in the process. The speaker highlighted Pure Talk, a cell phone service provider offering a reliable 5G network, international roaming, and plans starting at $20 a month. Additionally, they discussed the use of AI tools like Chat GPT, suggesting that while some may use it to avoid work, others can utilize it to enhance their productivity and creativity. The key message is to embrace innovation and outsource the tasks that are not personally satisfying, while still appreciating the value of hard work. However, it's important to remember that there is a balance to be struck, as the elimination of all unpleasant tasks may hinder creativity and the appreciation for the enjoyable aspects of life. The speaker acknowledged the ongoing labor shortage and the need to support both innovation and people. Ultimately, the goal is to make the most of available resources and streamline processes to optimize personal and professional growth.

    • The Impact of Automation and Technology on Craftsmanship and QualityAutomation and technology can't completely replace human expertise and craftsmanship, especially in industries like construction and food service. To maintain quality and craftsmanship, it's important for businesses to pay fair prices for skilled labor and allow tradespeople to focus on their craft.

      Automation and technology are starting to make an impact in various industries, from construction to food service, but they won't completely replace the need for human expertise and craftsmanship. For example, robots can now lay out floors in large commercial construction projects, but they may not be able to navigate the stairs of an old townhouse. Similarly, McDonald's has announced its first human-free restaurant, but it won't replace high-end dining experiences like Del Frisco's. The difference between craftsmanship and quality is not clear-cut, but craftsmanship can be seen as a direct result of quality, and the enemy of craftsmanship is the pressure to do things faster and cheaper. In the construction industry, this pressure can lead skilled tradespeople to take on too many jobs at once, sacrificing focus and quality. To overcome this, it's important for general contractors to recognize the value of paying a fair price for skilled labor and allowing tradespeople to focus on their craft. By doing so, we can ensure that the middle ground between vending machine efficiency and LEBECFIN quality is filled with high-quality, crafted work.

    • Prioritizing quality and collaboration in business relationshipsFocusing on cost and speed alone can lead to dissatisfaction and inefficiency. Prioritize quality and collaboration for better outcomes, set realistic expectations, communicate effectively, and strive for a balance between quality, schedule, and price.

      Focusing solely on cost and speed in business relationships can lead to dissatisfaction and inefficiency. Instead, prioritizing quality and collaboration can result in better outcomes for all parties involved. This is particularly important in industries where craftsmanship and expertise are crucial, such as construction. The speaker emphasizes the importance of setting realistic expectations and communicating effectively with tradespeople to ensure a high-quality end product. He also suggests that businesses should not put undue pressure on their tradespeople to work as quickly and cheaply as possible, but rather provide them with the resources and support they need to do their best work. Additionally, the speaker challenges the common belief that "you get what you pay for," arguing that customers today expect high-quality work regardless of the cost. Instead, businesses should strive for a balance between quality, schedule, and price, and be transparent with their clients about their priorities and capabilities. Ultimately, the speaker's business success can be attributed to his commitment to quality and his collaborative approach to working with tradespeople and clients. By prioritizing these values, he has been able to build strong relationships and deliver exceptional results.

    • Expecting high quality doesn't mean settling for lessPushing for better quality, even against trends, leads to successful businesses that prioritize craftsmanship, ethics, and customer satisfaction.

      Having high expectations and a commitment to quality doesn't mean settling for less or compromising on the final product. The speaker emphasizes the importance of pushing oneself and one's team to do better, even if it means going against the trend of faster and cheaper production. He also shares an experience where a client's expectations didn't align with the quality of work offered, leading to a mutual understanding that the business wasn't the right fit for them. The speaker's business started as a carpentry company but evolved into building homes, driven by a passion for craftsmanship and a goal to provide ethical, on-time, and on-budget services. Ultimately, the speaker believes that businesses that prioritize quality and integrity will have more work than they can handle.

    • Clear communication and transparency build trust in constructionEffective communication and transparency are essential for success in the construction industry, leading to trust and high-quality results. Hire great people, prioritize client communication, and have a transparent pricing model.

      Effective communication and transparency are key to building trust and delivering high-quality results in the construction industry. The speaker, who started as a small renovation business, realized the importance of hiring great people and building a team. Today, NS Builders is a team of 15, and they prioritize communication with their discerning clients, who often build their forever homes or own multiple properties. The speaker emphasizes that communication is their number one priority and that they are overly thorough to meet their clients' high expectations. They also have a fully transparent pricing model to avoid frustration and misunderstandings. The speaker is glad to be a customer of Pure Talk, a sponsor of this podcast, due to their dependable 5G network, no contracts, and affordable prices. Overall, the success of NS Builders is built on a foundation of clear communication, transparency, and trust.

    • Underbidding projects can lead to serious consequencesUnderbidding projects can lead to financial instability, compromised quality, and negative impacts on the community. Contractors should stand firm on pricing to maintain integrity and ensure successful project outcomes.

      Underbidding projects to win contracts can lead to serious consequences for all parties involved. In the story shared, a contractor was asked to perform demolition with the promise of being awarded the rest of the job if the client was satisfied. However, during the demolition process, the client suddenly required a significant price reduction for the remaining scope of work. Despite the contractor's best efforts to meet the new price, they were ultimately replaced by another contractor who underbid by a substantial margin. Two and a half years later, the contractor was invited back to the project when the original contractor went out of business due to financial difficulties. The architect offered the contractor the rights to publish the project as their own if they could complete the work. However, the contractor declined the offer and left the project, recognizing the importance of effective communication and the potential negative impacts of underbidding. This experience taught the contractor the importance of standing firm on pricing and the potential risks of taking advantage of trades and contractors. It also highlighted the importance of proper training and hiring qualified professionals to ensure the quality of construction. The story serves as a reminder that underbidding projects can lead to financial instability, compromised quality, and ultimately, negative impacts on the community.

    • Construction Challenges: Ensuring Structural Integrity and Dealing with Unexpected IssuesConstruction projects face various challenges, including uneven weight distribution, unforeseen circumstances, and the need for speed. Ensuring craftsmanship and quality work is essential, but understanding overall goals and potential risks is equally important to maintain structural integrity and address unexpected issues.

      The construction industry faces numerous challenges, including ensuring structural integrity and dealing with unexpected issues, even in large-scale projects. The Millennium Towers in San Francisco serves as a notable example, with the building leaning and causing fear among residents. These issues can stem from various factors, such as uneven weight distribution or unforeseen circumstances during construction. Even projects connected to bedrock can experience unexpected sinking. The focus on speed in commercial construction can exacerbate these challenges, making it essential to consider the entire project's planning and execution. Craftsmanship and quality work are crucial, but understanding the overall goals and potential risks is equally important. While some issues may not lead to collapse, they can still cause significant concerns and uncertainty for those involved.

    • Advocating for transparency and skilled trades in constructionPromoting good craftsmanship and quality work benefits both industry and consumers, but addressing the skills gap and advocating for tradespeople requires ongoing industry conversations.

      The construction industry, on a micro level, could benefit from more transparency and advocacy for skilled trades from industry professionals. The speaker, who runs NS Builders, shares his personal motivation for being open about his work and educating others, but also acknowledges the potential challenges of filling the skills gap and its impact on individual tradespeople. He raises the analogy of construction workers' health, suggesting that the focus on work leaves little time for self-care or promoting the trades. Ultimately, the speaker believes that advocating for good craftsmanship and quality work can benefit both the industry and consumers. However, he also recognizes the complexities of the issue and the need for ongoing conversations within the industry.

    • Balancing workforce, quality, and fair wagesAddressing skills gap and demand for repairs requires a focus on education, qualification, and fair compensation for labor, while maintaining high-quality work and industry knowledge sharing.

      Creating a balanced workforce and ensuring quality work while also addressing fair wages for labor is a delicate issue. The speaker emphasizes the importance of doing the best work possible and sharing knowledge to improve the industry, but also advocates for better education, qualification, and compensation for labor. He raises concerns about the underlying quality of the product and the public's decreasing sympathy towards the industry due to high salaries for those in power and a perception of subpar work. The speaker suggests that addressing these issues could help narrow the skills gap and reduce the constant demand for repairs. Ultimately, the goal is to create a sustainable industry where everyone is compensated fairly and produces high-quality work.

    • Miscommunication between architects, builders, and clientsEffective communication and collaboration between architects, builders, and clients are essential to prevent misunderstandings and frustrations. Education and innovation can help bridge the skills gap and technological advancements in the industry, while recognizing the value of tradespeople and ensuring they are paid appropriately.

      Communication and collaboration between architects, builders, and clients are crucial to avoiding costly misunderstandings and frustrations. The speaker shared an experience where an architect failed to communicate his design costs to the client, leading to significant discrepancies and misunderstandings. This issue, unfortunately, is not uncommon in the industry, resulting in constant frustration for builders and clients alike. However, the speaker remains optimistic about the future of the trades, believing that education and innovation can bridge the gap between the skills gap and the technological advancements in the industry. He also emphasized the importance of recognizing the value of tradespeople and ensuring they are paid appropriately. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for open communication, collaboration, and education to overcome persistent stigmas and misconceptions in the trades industry.

    • Effective communication and education crucial for tradespeopleTradespeople should be transparent about change order costs, educate clients, view themselves as businesspeople, and embrace social media to share their work.

      Effective communication and education are crucial for tradespeople in the construction industry. The discussion highlighted the issue of unexpected costs due to change orders, which often arises from a lack of clear communication between tradespeople and clients. This can lead to frustration and mistrust. To avoid this, tradespeople need to be more transparent about the costs associated with changes and educate their clients about the reasons behind these costs. Additionally, tradespeople should view themselves not just as skilled laborers, but also as businesspeople who need to understand pricing and effective communication. The speaker also emphasized the importance of encouraging the next generation to pursue their passions, whether that's in the trades or not. From a marketing perspective, the speaker encouraged contractors and tradespeople to embrace social media and share their work with the world, as there is a lack of PR in the construction industry and a lot of people don't understand the complexity and coolness of what tradespeople do.

    • The value of imparting knowledge in building and constructionSharing knowledge and expertise in building and construction can inspire new trades, save peers time and resources, and satisfy curiosity. The longevity of shows like 'This Old House' highlights the enduring human desire to learn and understand new things.

      Sharing knowledge and expertise, as demonstrated by shows like "This Old House," can have a significant impact. Whether it's inspiring new trades, saving peers time and resources, or simply satisfying curiosity, the value of imparting knowledge should not be underestimated. The longevity of shows like "This Old House" is a testament to the enduring human desire to learn and understand new things, especially when it comes to building and construction. By documenting and sharing tips and techniques, we can make a difference, both for our industry and for individuals seeking to learn new skills. The conversation also highlighted the importance of planning and efficiency in construction projects, with a typical wait time of about a year to ensure on-time and on-budget completion. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of knowledge sharing and the satisfaction that comes from quenching curiosity.

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