
    356. My Feminist Wedding & Future Self

    enAugust 22, 2024
    What societal expectations did Cara Lowenthal challenge for her wedding?
    How did the couple emphasize authenticity in their ceremony?
    What alternatives did they choose instead of traditional vows?
    How did their wedding reflect their values of community?
    What concept from Priya Parker influenced their wedding planning?

    Podcast Summary

    • Wedding traditionsQuestion societal expectations and patriarchal traditions during weddings to create desired outcomes based on personal values and future selves

      The speaker, Cara Lowenthal, shares her unique experience of making her wedding different and special by challenging societal expectations and patriarchal traditions. She encourages listeners to connect with their future feminist selves to create desired outcomes, using the example of her unconventional wedding. Society often pressures women to see their wedding day as the pinnacle of their existence, as it symbolizes their conversion to the patriarchal role of a wife. However, Cara questions this notion and invites us to reconsider the value we place on these traditions and institutions, and to envision and create the future selves we truly want to be.

    • Societal expectations and weddingsSocietal expectations can distort our perception of self-worth during significant life events like weddings. Instead, focusing on our future selves and positive relationships can help us transform our experiences.

      Societal expectations can shape our perceptions and experiences, particularly around significant life events like weddings. For some, the focus on this day as the pinnacle of self-importance can be intoxicating, especially for those who have felt marginalized or undervalued. However, it's essential to recognize that our identities and self-worth should not be defined by external validation or societal norms. By connecting with our future selves and envisioning positive relationships, we can shift our mindset and transform our experiences. The speaker's journey from fixating on dating and body image to focusing on her future feminist self demonstrates the power of this approach.

    • Feminist Perspective in Self-CoachingConsider the feminist perspective while practicing self-coaching to avoid societal programming and align thoughts and actions with true desires, not just expectations.

      When practicing self-coaching or visualizing future goals, it's crucial to consider the feminist perspective. This means being aware of and challenging societal programming that may influence our subconscious thoughts. For instance, if our goal is to be in a happy relationship, we must avoid falling into the trap of thinking that our worthiness comes from being chosen by a partner. Instead, we should imagine a future self who values herself regardless of relationship status, believing she is an amazing catch, lovable, and capable of creating healthy relationships. By connecting to this future feminist self, we can filter our thoughts and actions, ensuring they align with our true desires and not just societal expectations. So, when practicing self-coaching, always keep the feminist lens in mind to avoid perpetuating damaging patriarchal thoughts and to find the path to true self-liberation and happiness.

    • Values in decision makingIdentifying and prioritizing personal values is crucial when making decisions about participating in traditional institutions to create a meaningful experience.

      When making decisions about participating in traditional institutions, such as getting married, it's important to identify and prioritize personal values to create a meaningful experience. The speaker shares her experience of planning a wedding while staying true to her values, focusing on spending time with close friends and family. This approach can be applied to various aspects of life, including career and family, by using values to guide resource allocation. While the specifics of the wedding may not be replicable for everyone, the process of prioritizing values and creating a personalized experience within an existing institution is valuable. Remember to opt-in to receive the full episodes at onfuckyourbrain.com/hacks or text your email to the provided number with the code word "hacks."

    • Long-distance relationships, WeddingsCouples can prioritize time with loved ones over traditional wedding and honeymoon, opting for less extravagant options and group events to create meaningful experiences while minimizing financial burden and logistical challenges.

      The couple prioritized spending quality time with their long-distance friends and family over having a traditional wedding and honeymoon. They decided against a destination wedding due to financial and logistical considerations, instead opting for a less extravagant wedding in New York City and a group honeymoon. They split their wedding budget in half, covering accommodations and food for their guests, and offered assistance with travel costs. By prioritizing time with their loved ones, they were able to create meaningful experiences for themselves and their guests, while minimizing financial burden and logistical challenges. Their approach emphasized inclusivity, flexibility, and prioritizing relationships over tradition.

    • Creating a personal wedding ceremonyDefine priorities and values to create an authentic and meaningful wedding experience by customizing every aspect, including the ceremony, outfits, and selection of officiant.

      When planning a wedding or any other significant event, it's essential to define your priorities and values to create an authentic and meaningful experience. The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker emphasizes setting a purpose for gatherings, and this concept was instrumental in shaping our wedding. We didn't want to conform to traditional wedding norms but instead focused on creating an egalitarian, intimate, and personal ceremony. I, for instance, chose not to walk down the aisle with my father or wear a white dress, as these practices didn't align with my values and preferences. Instead, we entered the ceremony together, dancing down the aisle to "You Can't Hurry Love." Customizing every aspect of the ceremony, including our outfits and the selection of a rabbi who would perform an interfaith marriage and allow us to edit the ceremony, allowed us to create a unique and personal wedding experience.

    • Authentic WeddingCouple prioritized authenticity, connection, and community in their wedding by allowing loved ones to offer blessings, poems, and advice during the ceremony and encouraging new interactions during the reception.

      The couple prioritized authenticity, connection, and community in their wedding ceremony and reception. They wanted their loved ones to be an integral part of their special day, allowing them to offer blessings, poems, and advice during the ceremony. The couple also chose to forgo traditional vows, instead focusing on sharing their reasons for committing to each other. They aimed for a meaningful and personal ceremony, while also encouraging new connections and interactions during the reception. Ultimately, their wedding was a reflection of their values, emphasizing the importance of authenticity, community, and personal growth.

    • Authentic wedding experienceCreating a cocktail-style reception with no assigned seating, conversational band volume, and conversation cards encourages authentic connections and meaningful experiences for guests.

      The couple prioritized creating an authentic and meaningful wedding experience for themselves and their guests. They opted for a cocktail-style reception with no assigned seating, allowing for free-flowing conversations and connections. The band was kept at a conversational volume, and instead of a traditional first dance or cake-cutting, they had a lively hora dance. To further encourage conversation, they provided conversation cards. For the after-party, they aimed to celebrate the romantic and erotic aspects of marriage in a humorous and appropriate way, with a burlesque show and custom erotic poetry. The bride even changed into a subversive, sexy white dress for the after-party. Overall, their wedding was a unique and memorable celebration of love and connection.

    • Authentic weddingAn authentic wedding reflects the love and joy of the couple and their community, leading to personal growth and recognition of existing love and support.

      A wedding can be a deeply meaningful and joyful experience when it reflects the authenticity and love of the couple and their community. The speaker shared how their unique, intimate wedding was praised for its genuine celebration of love and joy, which stood out from the stressful and formal weddings people often attend. The speaker emphasized that getting married is not a requirement for worth or love, but if chosen, it can be an opportunity to share and receive love with loved ones, leading to personal growth and recognition of existing love and support. The Feminist Self Help Society, a community and classroom, offers individual help and resources for applying these concepts to life and connecting with like-minded individuals.

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