
    360. Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer and You | Dr. Peter Attia

    enMay 25, 2023
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    Podcast Summary

    • Healthspan for a Better Quality of LifePrioritizing healthspan over lifespan is key to a better quality of life. Regular exercise, such as cardiovascular fitness and weightlifting, and interventions like writing about past traumas and future plans can improve cognitive, physical, and emotional health. Dr. Peter Adia's book, Outlive, stresses the importance of exercise for longevity.

      Healthspan is a key component of longevity that focuses on quality of life rather than just length of life. It includes cognitive, physical, and emotional health, and is maintained through exercise and interventions that help people get their story straight. Maintaining cardiovascular fitness and weightlifting are effective methods to preserve cognitive function. Writing about past traumas and future plans can help reduce stress and improve emotional health. Dr. Peter Adia's book, Outlive, explores the Science and Art of Longevity and emphasizes the immense benefits gained from exercise in just three hours a week for a better quality of life.

    • The Importance of Exercise for Cognitive Health and Preventing DementiaExercise can improve various aspects of health, including cognitive health, and even small changes like a 10-minute daily walk can have significant benefits. Non-exercisers should consider adding exercise to their routine to enhance overall health.

      Exercise is the most important tool to improve cognitive health and prevent dementia. It acts on different levels like metabolic parameters, reduction of inflammation, vascular health improvements and production of neurotropic growth factors, making it a potent tool for neurons. Going from no exercise to three hours a week approximately reduces all cause mortality by 50%. For non-exercisers, this is a powerful piece of information they might not know. To implement an exercise routine, the simplest possible change that produces maximal benefit could be 10 minutes of daily walk in the morning. Doing 90 minutes of low intensity cardio for about six times a week could be the most effective way to improve overall health.

    • Tips to Improve Fitness and LifespanStart with small changes such as 4 minutes of walking every morning and gradually increase. Aim for 90 minutes of moderate exercise weekly. Focus on building muscle mass and peak cardio respiratory fitness to positively impact lifespan. Small changes maintained over time can make a significant difference in overall health.

      To improve your fitness level, aim for 90 minutes a week of exercise where you are out of breath enough that you can barely carry out a conversation. Start with small changes such as walking around the block for 4 minutes every morning and gradually increasing time. The behavior change will help in the long run. Also, muscle mass and peak cardio respiratory fitness are two integral functions that can positively impact your lifespan. VO2 max, a measure of peak cardio respiratory fitness, is the most highly correlated metric to one’s length of life. Small changes that are maintained can make a significant difference in one’s overall health.

    • The Importance of Strength and Muscle Mass for LongevityBuilding and maintaining strength and muscle mass is crucial for living a longer life. Adding weightlifting exercises and rucking can help delay muscle loss and stress the body more effectively than just walking.

      Strength and muscle mass are essential for a longer life as they are potent predictors of longevity. They are far more potent than negative predictors like smoking, type two diabetes, hypertension, and even cancer. As we age, sarcopenia or muscle mass loss starts to occur, resulting in a decline of overall strength. Delaying this loss is crucial for living a longer life. Cardiovascular exercise is also important, but brisk walking may not be sufficient to produce enough stress. Rucking or carrying a military-type backpack with weight plates helps stress the cardiorespiratory system without adding pressure on knees. Adding weightlifting exercises can help in building strength and muscle mass.

    • Benefits of Starting Weightlifting with Dumbbells and Step UpsStarting with body weight box step ups at a 12-inch height can improve eccentric strength, preventing falls in old age and improving mobility. Adding weights or height as strength increases and carrying dumbbells improves grip and upper body strength. Standardized diabetes testing is crucial for accurate prevalence rates.

      Starting weightlifting with just a couple of dumbbells and step ups can improve eccentric strength, preventing falls in old age and improving mobility. Box step ups with a height such that the front leg is parallel to the ground are recommended, starting with body weight at 12 inches. Adding weights or increasing the height can be done as strength increases. Carrying dumbbells improves grip strength and upper body strength. Diabetes testing should not be age-adjusted as it masks the true prevalence of the disease, which is already devastatingly high. Holding everyone to the same standard is important.

    • Insulin Resistance and Aging: Maintaining Glucose and Insulin Levels.As we age, insulin sensitivity declines making it important to regulate glucose and insulin levels to avoid age-related diseases. Physical activity and testosterone help promote insulin sensitivity to maintain metabolic health.

      Insulin resistance is a common phenomenon associated with aging. As we age, there is a decline in insulin sensitivity, making it important for us to maintain our glucose and insulin levels to avoid age-related degenerative diseases. Women are given a little more latitude during an oral glucose tolerance test as they have less muscle mass than men. Testosterone, a pro-metabolic hormone, promotes insulin sensitivity and lipolysis, and its decline with aging also plays a role in insulin resistance. Being physically active plays a crucial role in preserving insulin sensitivity. Excess glucose needs to be regulated carefully, and a healthy person has only a teaspoon of glucose circulating in their body at any given time.

    • The Cascade of Metabolic Disease and the Dangers of Excess Fat and Insulin ResistanceExcess fat leads to insulin resistance and high blood sugar, causing damage to blood vessels and increasing the risk of serious conditions like kidney disease and heart disease. Chronically elevated insulin levels also increase the risk of obesity and cancer, while exceeding the body's capacity for subcutaneous fat storage can lead to metabolic issues.

      Insulin resistance and type two diabetes come from a cascade of metabolic disease that starts with excess fat spilling into areas it shouldn't, like the muscle, liver, and pancreas. High blood sugar due to this excess fat and insulin resistance is bad for small blood vessels and can lead to end stage kidney disease, coronary artery issues, and erectile dysfunction. Chronically elevated insulin levels can damage large and medium blood vessels and is a pro-growth factor that can lead to obesity and cancer. To store energy, our bodies have a depot of subcutaneous fat, but exceeding its capacity leads to the propagation of fat tissue and other metabolic issues.

    • The Impact of Excess Fat and Carbohydrates on Our Health and Organs.Excessive fat storage in the wrong places and consuming excess carbohydrates can lead to obesity, insulin resistance, and other health issues. It's essential to focus on the quality and quantity of food to maintain a healthy energy balance.

      Excess fat storage in the wrong places can have detrimental effects on our organs and health. The liver plays a crucial role in turning glucose into fat and protein into glucose, which can lead to obesity and insulin resistance. The food pyramid, which encouraged a carbohydrate-heavy diet, may have contributed to the obesity epidemic. However, consuming excess carbohydrates is not necessary for everyone and can lead to health issues. It's important to pay attention to the quality and quantity of the food we eat to maintain a healthy balance of energy.

    • The Consequences of the Standard American DietThe standard American diet was created to be cheap and tasty, but with no attention to the health implications. This has resulted in the obesity and diabetes epidemic. The food industry also hides the effects of junk food on our appetite.

      The standard American diet, created to solve a business problem, is responsible for the obesity and diabetes epidemic. The diet was designed to be non-perishable, portable, cheap, and palatable, with no attention paid to its health implications. The food pyramid was a product of this design, and while it solved the problem of under-nutrition, it also led to overeating and ill health. The food industry is not honest about the impact of junk food on appetite, and while some people can manage it in small amounts, most struggle with overeating and addiction to hyper palatable foods.

    • The Disconnect between Modern Diets and True Nutritional NeedsOur bodies are hardwired to seek out certain nutrients and when we don't get enough, we tend to overeat. The modern diet high in calorie-dense foods leads to health problems, but elimination diets and testing for food triggers can help improve symptoms.

      Our modern diet, which is high in calorie-dense foods, disconnects us from our true driver of appetite and nutritional needs. Researchers hypothesize that we are hardwired to get a certain amount of nutrient value, protein, and other nutrients, and when we do not get them, we tend to overeat. However, being opportunistic omnivores worked for our ancestors who were wildly active, but it does not work for us anymore, leading to overeating and health problems. For some people, carnivore diets, which consist of beef, have shown remarkable effects on weight loss and reducing disease symptoms. Elimination diets and testing for immunological reactions to food can help identify specific triggers and improve symptoms.

    • Jordan Peterson's High-Fat Meat Diet for Maintaining Youthful BodyPeterson's beef-based diet helped him maintain his physique and improve muscle tone. However, it's important to consult with a nutritionist before experimenting with such diets.

      Jordan Peterson experimented with a diet which helped him maintain the same essential body morphology he had when he was 23 even at 60. He eats a lot of high-fat meat and doesn't crave carbohydrates as long as he's not hungry. He hypothesizes that beef works because it's a very purified form of nutritional food processed through multiple stomachs. People who've lost significant weight on this diet have been rejuvenated and have experienced a significant change in muscle tone. However, it's suggested to not experiment with this diet without proper consultation and knowledge.

    • Comparison of Ketogenic and Carnivore DietsA ketogenic diet can improve type two diabetes and promote weight loss, while a carnivore diet allows for unlimited eating and has cognitive benefits. However, individual results may vary, and both diets can cause weight gain if energy intake exceeds needs.

      A ketogenic diet helps in ameliorating type two diabetes and produces significant weight loss, but its efficacy may vary from person to person. The carnivore diet allows eating as much as one wants and does not require deprivation or cause a yo-yo effect. It also distinguishes itself from diets that rely on mere calorie restriction. However, some people on a ketogenic or carnivore diet may gain weight by eating past their energy point. Both diets have shown positive results in biomarkers and intense exercise, and ketogenic diet has an easy compliance. Additionally, the carnivore diet has cognitive benefits, reversing the deterioration of concentration in older age and increasing reading efficiency.

    • Jordan Peterson's Experience on the Carnivore Diet and CancerJordan Peterson experienced various health improvements on the carnivore diet, but the potential health benefits and risks of the diet are not yet fully understood. Cancer is caused by a genetic mutation that leads to oncogenic cells that are recognized by the immune system as not self.

      On a carnivore diet, Jordan Peterson noticed improved mood stability, stress tolerance, concentration, stamina and strength; however, there is a lack of research on the diet's potential health benefits and associated risks. Cancer, a leading disease of aging, has seen little improvement in overall survival rates despite incremental advancements. The critical step for cancer to occur is a genetic mutation, leading to oncogenic cells that look different from normal cells and are recognized by the immune system as not self.

    • The Importance of Early Detection and Aggressive Screening in the Fight Against CancerEarly detection can significantly impact survival rates, making regular screening important. Maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding smoking can help reduce the risk of cancer, but aggressive screening is also necessary as non-smokers and metabolically healthy people can still get cancer.

      Early detection is crucial in the fight against cancer; a fundamental difference can be seen in treating somebody when they have a billion cancer cells versus a hundred billion or a trillion cells. Screening is very important as it allows for the detection of cancer in its early stages, which can ultimately influence survival rates. Obesity and smoking are two main environmental triggers for cancer, making it important to maintain a healthy weight and avoid smoking. However, despite these preventative measures, another important tool is aggressive screening, as many who are non-smokers and metabolically healthy still get cancer

    • Importance of Prevention and Early Screening for Colon CancerStarting colon cancer screening at 40 instead of 45 can prevent advanced cancer treatment. Investing in prevention is crucial in combating metabolic disease, obesity, Alzheimer's, and environmental toxins but is challenging due to difficulty in monetizing it.

      Colon cancer screening should begin at 40 years of age instead of 45, to prevent advanced cancer treatment. Prevention is difficult to fund and market as it isn't dramatic. Investment in prevention could have been a better choice on the government side to combat diseases like metabolic disease, obesity, and Alzheimer's disease. Environmental toxins are also responsible for a significant fraction of cancer cases. Prevention of diseases like Alzheimer's disease is essential as treatments have almost no efficacy. Monetizing prevention is difficult which makes it challenging to invest in it.

    • Investing in Exercise Programs for Long-Term Health Benefits.By promoting physical activity through enjoyable habits starting from youth, we can improve our emotional health, reduce healthcare costs and thus enhance our longevity.

      Monetizing prevention is challenging but investing in physical activity through interwoven exercise programs can improve the quality of life and lower healthcare costs. Incentivizing and making exercise habits enjoyable is key. Starting from youth to habitually promote physical activity, such as walking, biking or even replacing chairs with standing desks in schools. Emotional health ties into longevity through lifestyle modifications that promote exercise and diet.

    • The Impact of Emotional Health on Longevity and Deaths of DespairTaking care of our emotional health is crucial for a longer and fulfilling life. Seeking professional help and addressing unresolved childhood trauma can be vital steps towards emotional growth and healthier living. A focus on living a fulfilling life is key to longevity.

      Emotional health has a significant impact on longevity, and deaths of despair (suicide, overdose, and alcohol-related death) have been increasing at an alarming rate in the United States in recent years. However, the impact on lifespan and quality of life can also come from failing to take care of oneself, negative self-talk preventing self-care, and living without purpose or happiness. While there is no clear-cut solution, exploring unresolved childhood trauma and seeking professional help can be a vital step towards emotional growth and healthier living. A focus on how to live a fulfilling life, rather than just how to avoid death, may be the key to longevity.

    • The Importance of Self-Development and Relationships for Mental HealthTaking time to reflect on your life, clearing baggage, evaluating virtues and faults, and developing a vision for the future can provide a reason to live, leading to better mental health. Maintaining functional relationships is also essential.

      Developing a comprehensive account and vision for your life is necessary for psychological and physiological health. The self authoring suite can help you with this by clearing up excess baggage, analyzing your faults and virtues, and developing a vision for the next five years. This leads to a reason to live, which is necessary for mental health. Having a network of functional relationships is also crucial to psychological well-being. The marginal decade exercise is another helpful tool where you write down your age and tick off at 10-year increments to ensure you are on track with your goals.

    • The Importance of Long-Term Planning for Your Health and Relationships.Creating a multi-decade plan for your health and relationships can motivate positive behavior changes, increase resilience and improve the quality of life for you and future generations.

      Having a long-term vision for yourself and your loved ones can help motivate positive behavior changes, such as exercise and nutrition. It's important to consider the actuarial expectation of your life and imagine how you want to function during each decade. Having a reason to make sacrifices, like quitting alcohol or eating healthier, is essential to successfully following through with prevention strategies. Taking responsibility for others and improving relationships can also increase resilience and positive emotion. Developing a multi-decade plan can be instrumental in achieving long-term goals and being present for future generations.

    Recent Episodes from The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

    477. Stopping the Socialist Trainwreck in British Columbia | John Rustad

    477. Stopping the Socialist Trainwreck in British Columbia | John Rustad

    Foundations of the West is out now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3ABnIgR


    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with the leader of the Conservative party of British Columbia, John Rustad. They discuss the natural resources of the province, the necessity of cheap energy to ensure prosperity, the biggest threats facing both Canada and the U.S. at large, and what it takes to be a politician who inspires confidence and earns trust.


    John Rustad is the Conservative MLA for Nechako Lakes - a riding he has held since 2005. John was born and raised in Prince George, married Kim in 1995, and has spent his entire life living in northern British Columbia. In the early 2000s, John was faced with a difficult task. Frustrated with the direction the province was headed, John had to decide between leaving for greener pastures or sticking around. Thankfully, he decided to stick around and, in so doing, decided to fight for BC. For more than 20 years, John has fought for the people of British Columbia. First being elected as a school board trustee to SD-57 and then as an MLA in 2005 to the riding of Prince George–Omineca. Later being re-elected in the riding of Nechako Lakes, after riding redistribution and has served there ever since. John has been a champion of resource development and economic reconciliation, as well as the champion of the common man his entire time in office.


    This episode was recorded on August 15th, 2024


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    - Links -


    For John Rustad:


    Conservative Party of BC website www.conservativebc.ca


    John Rustad on X https://twitter.com/JohnRustad4BC


    Conservative Party of BC Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ConservativeBC


    John Rustad on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/johnrustadbc


    Conservative Party of BC on Instagram


    The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    476. Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson

    476. Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with British journalist and activist Tommy Robinson. They discuss how peaceful demonstrations have been relentlessly tarred as extremist events, how the captured media and U.K. government have colluded to oppress and silence the majority population, how multiculturalism has not failed but activist communities have, the slew of controversies levied against Tommy — and why he keeps fighting for the truth.


    Tommy Robinson is a British journalist and activist who first became an establishment target after reporting on the grooming gangs in Luton. From then on, he and his family have been smeared and punished for attempting to out those who are enabling Islamic extremism.


    This episode was recorded on August 16th, 2024



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    For Tommy Robinson:


    On X https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor 

    475. Threat From South America | Axel Kaiser

    475. Threat From South America | Axel Kaiser

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    Axel Kaiser Barents von Hohenhagen is a Chilean-German lawyer, Master in Investments, Commerce, and Arbitration, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Heidelberg (Germany). He is the co-founder and president of the Foundation for Progress in Chile, one of the most influential free-market think tanks in Latin America. He is an international lecturer and a best-selling author of several works that include his Tolkienian fantasy novel “The Book of Asgalard” (available only in Spanish). His book "The Street Economist" became the most sold economics book in the Spanish-speaking world in the last 20 years, playing an important role in Argentina’s current free-market movement.


    This episode was recorded on August 12th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Axel Kaiser:


    On X https://x.com/AXELKAISER?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    “The Street Economist: 15 Economic Lessons Everyone Should Know” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Street-Economist-Economics-Lessons-Everyone/dp/1645720810

    “The Book of Asgalard” (Book)(Spanish only) https://www.amazon.com/El-libro-Asgalard-Axel-Kaiser/dp/8445016393 

    474. Why “Anti-Racism” is the Worst Form of Racism | Coleman Hughes

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    Coleman Hughes is an author, podcaster, and opinion columnist who specializes in issues related to race, public policy, and applied ethics. Coleman’s writing has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, National Review, Quillette, City Journal, the Spectator, and the Washington Examiner. He appeared on Forbes 30 Under 30 list in 2021. In 2019, Hughes testified before the U.S. House Judiciary subcommittee at a hearing on reparations for slavery. In 2024, Hughes released his first book, “The End of Race Politics: Arguments for a Colorblind America.” He has appeared on prominent TV shows and podcasts including “The View,” “Real Time with Bill Maher,” “The Joe Rogan Experience,” and “Making Sense with Sam Harris.” Hughes is a columnist at the Free Press and a contributor at CNN.


    This episode was recorded on August 8th, 2024



    - Links -


    Foundations of the West, out now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3ABnIgR


    For Coleman Hughes:


    Buy tickets to see Coleman Hughes in conversation with Josh Szeps on August 25th in Sydney and August 28th in Melbourne.


    Sydney link: https://festivalofdangerousideas.com/program/a-colourblind-society-uncomfortable-conversations/#tickets


    Melbourne link: https://www.ticketmaster.com.au/uncomfortable-conversations-live-with-coleman-hughes-and-josh-szeps-melbourne-28-08-2024/event/130060E1D02C314C


    On X https://x.com/coldxman?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    On youtube https://www.youtube.com/@ColemanHughesOfficial 

    473. The War on Children & the Language of Deception | Logan Lancing

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    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with author, speaker, and founder of ItsNotinSchools.com, Logan Lancing. They discuss the deceptive terminology of the postmodern Left and how the linguistic game hides a severe lack of substance, the true heart of Marxism as a theology, the indoctrination of our children at the institutional level, and the sacrifices it will take to truly right the ship.


    Logan Lancing is an author, speaker, and the founder of ItsNotinSchools dot com. He is best known for his public lectures on critical race theory, culturally relevant pedagogy, and queer theory. Lancing’s website explains what these “woke” theories are, identifies where they come from, and exposes how they show up in children’s classrooms nationwide.


    This episode was recorded on July 30th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Logan Lancing:


    On X https://x.com/LoganLancing/highlights


    On YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@loganlancing


    Know what you children are being taught https://www.itsnotinschools.com/


    “The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Queering-American-Child-Religious-Poisons/dp/B0CSP4L1T9/ref=pd_lpo_sccl_1/138-3764402-1287437?pd_rd_w=J1eG0&content-id=amzn1.sym.4c8c52db-06f8-4e42-8e56-912796f2ea6c&pf_rd_p=4c8c52db-06f8-4e42-8e56-912796f2ea6c&pf_rd_r=FF9ME2FMJZ7DHXP3T72Z&pd_rd_wg=7dgdC&pd_rd_r=592af638-8ca4-4007-9820-2d0249e0e34c&pd_rd_i=B0CSP4L1T9&psc=1


    “THE WOKE WARPATH: How Marxists Use Race and Gender to Break America” (Book)


    472. A Call for the Sane - Beauty, Truth, & Purpose | Douglas Murray

    472. A Call for the Sane - Beauty, Truth, & Purpose | Douglas Murray

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    Douglas Murray is a journalist and bestselling author of seven books. His latest publication is the international bestseller, “The War On The West.” His previous book, “The Madness of Crowds,” was a bestseller and “book of the year” for The Times and The Sunday Times. “The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam,” published in 2017, spent almost 20 weeks on The Sunday Times bestseller list and was a number 1 bestseller in non-fiction. Mr. Murray has been a contributor to The Spectator since 2000 and has been associate editor at the magazine since 2012. He is a columnist for The New York Post, The Free Press, The Sun, The Telegraph, and contributes regularly to National Review and numerous other outlets.


    This episode was recorded on August 7th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Douglas Murray:


    Purchase tickets for Douglas Murray’s speaking tour through Live Nation



    Douglas’s latest book, “The War on the West”



    “The Strange Death of Europe” https://www.amazon.com/Strange-Death-Europe-Immigration-Identity/dp/1472958055


    On X https://x.com/DouglasKMurray?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/douglaskmurray/?hl=en


    On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DouglasKMurrayOfficial/


    On YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@douglasmurray

    Exposing Satanism: Fear, Manipulation, & Suffering | Zeena Schreck

    Exposing Satanism: Fear, Manipulation, & Suffering | Zeena Schreck

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with ex-high priestess of the Church of Satan and daughter of Anton LaVey, Zeena Schreck. They discuss her upbringing in the church, the pathology of her mother and father, how and why she severed ties, and the spirituality she has come to know today.


    Zeena Schreck is a Berlin-based interdisciplinary artist, musician, and writer. Prior to her solo music career, she was musical co-director and graphic art designer for the experimental musical project Radio Werewolf during its most prolific European phase. She is also an ordained Tibetan Buddhist yogini and leading Western teacher of Buddhist meditation, spiritual awakening, and the nature of mind. She brings to her creative work a lifetime's experience and expertise in both ancient magical traditions as well as still-living, unbroken Tibetan Buddhist traditions. She expatriated from the U.S. in 1990, living first in Vienna, Austria, and since 1999 in Berlin, Germany.



    - Links -


    For Zeena Schreck:


    Website and blog https://www.zeenaschreck.com/blog


    FAQ https://www.zeenaschreck.com/general-info.html


    Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeena_Schreck


    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/zeenaschreck_art/


    Bandcamp https://zeenaschreck.bandcamp.com/


    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/ZeenaSchreckOfficial


    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ZEENA.Official.ZeenaSchreck


    Etsy https://www.etsy.com/de/shop/KCHforZeenaSchreck

    Prophecy, Revelation, & the Spiritual Battle | John Rich

    Prophecy, Revelation, & the Spiritual Battle | John Rich

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with country music artist John Rich. They discuss his new independent song release “Revelation,” the balance of artistic and commercial merit, recognizing constraints that detract from your proper orientation, discerning the spirits from the shadows, and what terrifies Jordan about the biblical Christ.


    John Rich is a multi-platinum hit generator and music industry leader whose creative talents are matched only by his business savvy. He is also a proud father of two sons and recently celebrated his 13th wedding anniversary. Whether through a raucous party anthem or a sober reflection on hard times in the heartland, Rich’s ability to capture the American zeitgeist in song has made him one of the most successful and prolific entertainers in the music business today. In 2011, Rich impressed Donald Trump and American TV audiences with his business acumen and leadership skills, becoming the winner of Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice and raising $1.5 million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Now, Rich is applying his talents to his latest venture, a lifestyle brand called Redneck Riviera that launched in 2014 with an apparel line geared to what he dubs the “work hard play hard” crowd.


    This episode was recorded on July 26th, 2024



    - Links -


    For John Rich:


    On X https://x.com/johnrich?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    On Insta https://www.instagram.com/johnrichofficial/?hl=en


    “Revelation” on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/2d4WSrynmAtScmsuVvzffn


    “Revelation” on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk6YPFCUaqA 

    469. Finding Signal Against the Noise | Piers Morgan

    469. Finding Signal Against the Noise | Piers Morgan

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with journalist and broadcaster Piers Morgan. They discuss the rapid success of “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” the utility in the mindset of a true journalist, false versus substantive activism, why proper and open debate resonates so strongly today, Donald Trump, and the pressing need for everyone to speak their minds.


    Piers Morgan is an English broadcaster, journalist, writer, and television personality who has become one of the most preeminent and influential figures in global media. His meteoric ascendency in the industry began at The Sun newspaper, and he later became the youngest ever editor of The News of The World before taking over as Editor of the Daily Mirror. After leaving the Daily Mirror, Piers pivoted into a career in television gaining prominence as a judge on the reality television show, “Britain's Got Talent,” and its American counterpart, “America's Got Talent.” Piers now hosts “Piers Morgan Uncensored” on YouTube, amassing over 3 million subscribers in two and a half years, making it the fastest growing YouTube channel in broadcasting.


    This episode was recorded on July 9th, 2024


    - Links -


    For Piers Morgan:


    On X https://x.com/piersmorgan


    Piers Morgan Uncensored on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@PiersMorganUncensored


    Wake Up (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Wake-Up-World-Gone-Nuts/dp/0008392609  

    468. Canada Can’t Defend Itself | J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, Barbara Maisonneuve, and Mark Norman

    468. Canada Can’t Defend Itself | J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, Barbara Maisonneuve, and Mark Norman

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, Barbara Anne Maisonneuve, and Mark Norman. They discuss the implementation of DEI policy in the Canadian Armed Forces, the move away from meritocracy, the overreaction to sexual misconduct — while acknowledging the existing problems — and the country's loss of credibility on the world stage.


    Lieutenant-General J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, CMM, MSC, CD is a former Canadian Army officer who has served as the Assistant Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff of Canada and Chief of Staff of NATO's Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk. He is also the 30th recipient of the Vimy Award.


    Barbara joined the Canadian Armed Forces at 18, first as a Military Policeman, then graduated from the Royal Military College with a Bachelor’s degree into the Logistics branch. She proudly served 21 years sporting the light blue Royal Canadian Air Force uniform. After her service, Barbara chaired the Première Gala that raised funds and celebrated the reopening of the historic Westdale Theatre in Hamilton, and she has helped raise millions for our veterans and serving soldiers.


    Mark Norman retired from the Royal Canadian Navy in the rank of Vice-Admiral in August of 2019 after over 39 years of service. Since retirement, Norman has applied his energy to a variety of pursuits including as Champion for the Royal Canadian Benevolent Fund, Senior Defense Strategist at Samuel Associates, Director at Genoa Designs, he also contributes frequently to the important debate about security and defense issues in Canada as both a fellow with the Global Affairs Institute and as a member of the Conference of Defence Associations Board.


    This episode was recorded on July 8th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Michel Maisonneuve:


    In Defense of Canada: Reflections of a Patriot (book) https://www.amazon.com/Defence-Canada-Reflections-Patriot/dp/1990823955


    RMC and RMC Saint-Jean programs and explanations:


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    Got a question about running or endurance training in general? Send us a message on Instagram or send us an email at info@40fit.com!


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