
    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Positivity and FocusStay focused on goals despite distractions and fear, draw inspiration from others, and fully engage in experiences with a positive attitude.

      Stephen Brody, a new Comedy Central star, emphasizes the importance of staying focused on one's goals despite distractions and the fear of others. He shares an anecdote about a worker at McDonald's and Wendy's who inspired him with her positive attitude and the phrase "enjoy it." This phrase became a mantra for him, encouraging him to fully engage in experiences and not let fear or distractions hold him back. Brody also mentions his newfound freedom to express himself before and after his Comedy Central show, using social media as an outlet. Overall, his story highlights the power of positivity, focus, and authenticity in overcoming challenges and achieving success.

    • Using Language and Humor to Boost Team Spirit in Baseball and MMAThe speaker used catchphrases and humor to build camaraderie and taunt opponents in baseball, while admiring Joe Rogan's use of water tactics for traction in MMA, and sharing stories of athletes using various methods to gain an edge in their sports.

      Language and humor played a significant role in building camaraderie and enhancing team spirit during baseball games for the speaker. He developed catchphrases like "Enjoy it," "Simple," and "numbers" to support his teammates and taunt opponents. The use of numbers was a fun and creative way to engage with the game. The speaker also learned to adapt and improve his phrase game over time. In the world of mixed martial arts, water is thrown on the ground to provide better traction for fighters, which is a legal tactic. The speaker admired Joe Rogan's clever use of this tactic to gain an advantage in his comedy career. The speaker also shared stories of athletes using various methods, such as mineral baths and oil, to gain an edge in their respective sports, which can be seen as a gray area between legal and illegal tactics.

    • Using unconventional methods in MMAMMA athletes once used Vaseline for an edge, but this practice is no longer allowed. The sport's raw appeal and camaraderie continue to shape its fans and athletes.

      In the world of MMA, athletes have used unconventional methods to gain an edge, such as rubbing Vaseline on their bodies to make them more slippery during fights. This practice, while not explicitly against the rules, is no longer allowed in the sport. MMA is known for its primal and raw appeal, and its fans enjoy the intensity and excitement that comes with it. The camaraderie and teamwork experienced in sports like baseball and MMA can lead to a sense of humor and shared experiences that shape individuals. Despite some rules and evolving regulations, MMA is expected to maintain its primal and exciting nature.

    • Collaborating with peers and learning from seniors helped speaker improve as a baseball pitcherSuccessful pitchers have good mechanics and technique, sought after traits by scouts, and some unique techniques like sidearm throwing or opt for Tommy John surgery for improved performance.

      Collaboration and learning from peers played a significant role in the speaker's development as a baseball pitcher. He didn't receive the same level of instruction as top recruits, so he sought help from senior pitchers. The difference between successful pitchers and those who aren't scouted lies in their mechanics and technique. Size, long arms, and a good attitude are factors scouts look for. Some pitchers have unique techniques, like sidearm throwing, which can give them an edge. Tommy John surgery, an elective procedure, has become more commonplace in baseball to improve pitching performance. However, it's important to note that not all athletes undergo the surgery due to injury. Instead, some opt for it to gain an edge with more power. In high school and college sports, focus shifts from muscle building to speed and pitching velocity. Tommy John surgery is a topic of interest for many young athletes looking for a boost in their pitching abilities.

    • Is elective Tommy John surgery effective?While Tommy John surgery can help athletes recover from elbow injuries, its effectiveness for elective procedures is debated, with some arguing the rehab process contributes to perceived performance boosts, but no consensus on surgery itself making the arm stronger or increasing velocity.

      While Tommy John surgery can help athletes recover from elbow injuries and potentially improve their performance, electively undergoing the surgery without an injury is a controversial topic. Some believe that the rigorous rehabilitation process and focus on strengthening the elbow during recovery contribute to the perceived performance boost, but others argue that the surgery itself doesn't necessarily make the arm stronger or allow for increased throwing velocity. There is ongoing debate about the effectiveness and risks of elective Tommy John surgery, and it's generally recommended that athletes only consider the procedure when dealing with chronic injuries or tears.

    • Athletes Prone to Repeated Injuries and Long Recovery TimesAdvancements in regenerative medicine offer promising solutions for athletes' injuries, utilizing the body's own anti-inflammatory response for faster healing and potential injury prevention.

      Athletes, particularly those in contact sports, are prone to repeated injuries, especially to the knees, and may require multiple surgeries to recover. For instance, Dominic Cruz, a mixed martial arts champion, underwent two ACL reconstructions and was out of competition for nearly two years. Even high-profile athletes like Derrick Rose in basketball have experienced similar setbacks. However, advancements in regenerative medicine offer promising solutions, such as Regina/Ortho Keen treatments, which utilize the body's own anti-inflammatory response to aid in healing. These innovations could significantly impact the way athletes recover from injuries and potentially even prevent future ones.

    • HGH and Testosterone in Sports: Ethical and Regulatory ConsiderationsHGH and Testosterone have performance-enhancing effects but are controversial due to ethical and regulatory considerations. HGH stimulates natural production, but prescriptions and side effects are concerns. Testosterone supplements come in various forms, improving recovery and performance, but legality and ethical implications are debated.

      Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and testosterone, while having performance-enhancing effects, are controversial in sports due to ethical and regulatory considerations. HGH stimulates natural production using amino acids and minerals, but it's often prescribed and can have side effects. Testosterone supplements are available in various forms, including natural and synthetic, and they can help recovery and improve performance, but their legality and ethical implications in sports are debated. The line between what's allowed and what's not can be blurred, leading to questions about where to draw the line and the potential for widespread use of performance-enhancing substances in the future.

    • Professional Sports and Steroid UseWhile some may use steroids for enhanced performance, the speaker values a modest fitness level and avoids supplements that could negatively impact behavior.

      In certain professional sports, particularly bodybuilding, the use of steroids is prevalent due to the demands of the industry. The speaker acknowledges that some individuals may have used steroids in the past but have since stopped, but the significant size and physique achieved through synthetic means is not naturally attainable. The speaker expresses a preference for a more modest fitness level and avoids supplements that could potentially increase aggression or instability. The concept of a "72-hour window" for self-promotion and expressing gratitude to fans after a significant achievement was also discussed. Overall, the conversation touched on the role of performance-enhancing substances in professional sports and the individual's personal approach to fitness and self-promotion.

    • Expressing Relief and Understanding Different PerspectivesEmpathy and acceptance are crucial in understanding different perspectives, even if they're not fully agreed upon. People have the right to express their experiences and emotions, and it's important to protect the rights of all individuals, regardless of their background.

      Everyone's experiences and perspectives are unique, and people have the right to express themselves, even if it may not be understood or agreed upon by others. During a conversation, one person shared their relief and ability to "gloat" after achieving success, while another person discussed their past experiences with being misunderstood and feeling the need to explain themselves. The discussion also touched on the topic of gender discrimination and the importance of understanding and protecting the rights of all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, or class. The conversation highlighted the importance of empathy, acceptance, and the unique challenges that come with different life paths.

    • Problematic Workplace Culture at Archie ComicsOne executive's reportedly intimidating behavior, inappropriate comments, and inviting Hell's Angels into the office is damaging Archie Comics' reputation and raises concerns about workplace environment. Addressing such issues promptly is crucial for maintaining a respectful and professional workplace.

      The workplace culture at Archie Comics, as described in the discussion, seems problematic due to the alleged behavior of one of its executives. The executive in question is reportedly intimidating employees, making inappropriate comments, and even inviting Hell's Angels into the office. The situation is damaging to the company's reputation and raises concerns about the workplace environment. The employee's erratic behavior and the ensuing lawsuits suggest a lack of professionalism and emotional stability. Despite some defenders arguing that she might have a sense of humor or that the situation could be exaggerated, the overall picture painted in the discussion is concerning. Employees' inability to stand up to her and the need for a go-between to facilitate communication further highlights the issue. Ultimately, the situation underscores the importance of maintaining a respectful and professional workplace environment and addressing any issues promptly.

    • Encouragement from others fuels confidence and motivationReceiving validation and support from others during uncertain times can significantly boost confidence and motivation, leading to personal growth and fulfillment.

      Receiving encouragement and validation from others, especially during the early stages of pursuing a dream, can significantly boost confidence and motivation. The speaker shared personal experiences of being encouraged by Mark Maron and a friend, which helped him believe in his comedic abilities and ultimately led him to a successful career in stand-up comedy. He emphasized that those uncertain, exciting moments in life when we're not sure if our efforts will pay off are some of the most rewarding and valuable experiences. Finding opportunities to challenge ourselves and take risks, even without knowing the outcome, can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

    • From comedy clubs to digital platformsComedians can now build a following online and reach larger audiences through digital platforms, decreasing the importance of physical comedy clubs for exposure.

      The comedy scene has evolved significantly since the pre-internet era. Back then, performing at a comedy club was crucial for exposure and development, but now, comedians can build a following online through cell phone videos and social media. The importance of physical comedy clubs for exposure has decreased, and comedians can reach larger audiences through digital platforms. Additionally, comedians used to need to find their voice in smaller markets before moving to bigger cities, but now, they can develop their style and gain recognition from anywhere. The Seattle comedy scene, for instance, taught comedians about the importance of various roles in a comedy show and the value of hard work. However, the landscape of comedy has changed, and comedians today have more opportunities to showcase their talents and build their careers, regardless of their location.

    • The Comedy Store's decline in open mic nights may limit new comedians' opportunitiesWhile the Comedy Store's reduction in open mic nights makes it harder for new comedians to break through, there are still opportunities in LA and other cities. Success may depend on individual circumstances and preferences, such as starting in smaller rooms and building a buzz or taking advantage of diverse crowds in larger cities.

      While the Comedy Store in LA was once a hub for developing comedic talent, the recent reduction in open mic nights may make it more challenging for new comedians to break through. However, there are still opportunities in LA and other cities, and the best approach may depend on individual circumstances and preferences. Some comedians find success by starting in smaller, self-promoting rooms and building a buzz, while others may benefit from the diversity of rooms and crowds in larger cities like LA. Ultimately, the path to becoming a successful stand-up comedian is not easy, and it may involve a combination of hard work, persistence, and adaptability.

    • Discussing the Complexity of Relationships and Familial BondsWhile some believe personal choice drives intimate relationships, others find incest taboo and inappropriate. Risks to health exist, but understanding varies.

      Societal norms and laws surrounding relationships and familial bonds can be complex and nuanced. The discussion touched upon the taboo nature of incest and the legality of sexual relationships between certain relatives. While some argued that it is a personal choice and the heart desires what it wants, others considered it sickening and inappropriate. It was also mentioned that there are health risks associated with having children from such relationships, but the degree of risk depends on the specific relationship. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the complexity of human relationships and the need for a nuanced understanding of the societal and moral implications of various forms of intimacy.

    • The Amish Rumspringa: A Time for Self-DiscoveryThe Amish Rumspringa is a coming-of-age tradition where adolescents are allowed to temporarily leave their community and explore the outside world before deciding whether to return.

      The Amish community, a sub-sect of the Anabaptist Christian movement, has a unique coming-of-age tradition called Rumspringa. During this period, adolescents are allowed to temporarily leave the community and explore the outside world before deciding whether to return. This tradition stems from the Anabaptist philosophy that emerged during the 1500s when Martin Luther translated the Bible into a phonetic form, enabling people to read it for themselves. The Amish shun modern technology, including electricity, and rely on farming and community support. The misconception that they're "messed up" likely comes from the fascination with their Rumspringa period and the media portrayals of their culture. The documentary "Devil's Playground" provides insight into this unique tradition and the Amish way of life.

    • Brody Stevens' unconventional comedy experiencesEmbrace unconventional methods to engage audiences and adapt to various situations in stand-up comedy.

      Brody Stevens shared stories from his past experiences in the comedy world, including a memorable late-night set at the Comedy Store where he used unconventional methods to engage the audience and turn the energy around. Another topic discussed was his openness about his sexuality, which he described as being "10% gay." The conversation also touched on various cultural misunderstandings and misconceptions, such as assumptions about Amish and Asian communities. Despite some confusing moments, the overall theme was the importance of having fun and adapting to different situations in the world of stand-up comedy.

    • A Complex Journey of Self-Discovery in BangkokUnexpected encounters and societal pressures led the speaker to question his identity, highlighting the complexity of human experiences.

      The speaker shares an intriguing experience from his trip to Bangkok, involving unexpected encounters and self-reflection. He describes the unique atmosphere of certain areas, where Westerners socialize with locals, and the existence of ladyboy bars. The speaker admits to being touched and feeling aroused, leading him to question his sexuality due to past bullying experiences. However, he clarifies that these incidents did not make him homosexual and that his reaction was more a result of the suggestive environment and his own thoughts. The speaker also mentions the influence of comedy history on his travels and the confusion that ensued from his storytelling. Overall, this anecdote highlights the complexity and nuance of human experiences and the impact of societal pressures and personal reflections on one's identity.

    • Respecting Unique Massage PreferencesCatering to individual massage preferences, including environment and provider personality, enhances the experience for clients.

      People have unique preferences when it comes to receiving massages, and the environment and personality of the massage provider can greatly impact the experience. For some, a firm massage from a male chiropractor in a public setting without music or scented candles is preferred. Meanwhile, others might prefer a female masseuse in a private setting with soothing music and candles. The Hollywood Jesus, a homeless man known for giving free massages at the Comedy Store, is an example of someone who has found success by catering to the specific needs and preferences of his clients. His story could even inspire a comic book character with special powers. Ultimately, it's important to respect and accommodate individual differences in massage preferences, whether that means providing a quiet and firm massage or a relaxing and soothing one.

    • Understanding Transgender Experiences and ChallengesEmpathy, respecting choices, and acknowledging individual's agency are crucial in understanding complex experiences and challenges surrounding transgender identity and sex work.

      People's experiences and desires can be complex and nuanced, especially when it comes to sexuality and gender identity. The speaker shares an experience of encountering a transgender individual and reflects on the societal perceptions and assumptions surrounding transsexuals and sex work. He suggests that there may be less stigma attached to having a sexual experience with a transgender person compared to a cisgender woman, particularly a sex worker. The speaker also acknowledges the individual's agency and authenticity in their gender identity and transition. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of empathy, understanding, and respecting people's choices and experiences, regardless of societal norms or expectations.

    • Respecting Transgender IdentityRecognize and respect each individual's self-identification as transgender, understanding the complexities and variations of human identity, and avoid making harmful and dismissive comments about transgender people's experiences.

      While we may not be able to definitively determine someone's gender identity based on their physical appearance or biological sex, it's important to respect each individual's self-identification and recognize the complexities and variations of human identity. The speaker in this conversation expressed his opinion on transgender people, using humor but also displaying a lack of understanding and sensitivity towards their experiences. He suggested that people who identify as transgender and undergo gender affirming procedures are "disgusting" and "angry," and that they are better off dead or transformed into women. These views are harmful and dismissive of the real struggles and valid identities of transgender people. The speaker also expressed concerns about receiving backlash for discussing transgender issues on his podcast, but ultimately, it's crucial for individuals and media platforms to have open and respectful conversations about these topics to promote understanding and acceptance.

    • A cabaret experience in Thailand with transgender performersThe speaker shares a personal experience of acceptance and fascination towards transgender individuals in Thai culture, highlighting the use of a light box and potential genetic and cultural factors contributing to their prevalence.

      The speaker shared an experience of visiting a cabaret in Thailand where transgender women performed. The speaker described various aspects of the experience, including the use of a light box to indicate when performers were aroused, and the acceptance of transgender individuals in Thai culture. The speaker also discussed his own reaction to the experience, acknowledging that it may have influenced his perspective on sexuality and gender identity. The conversation also touched on the potential genetic and cultural factors contributing to the prevalence of transgender individuals in certain populations. Overall, the conversation offered insights into the speaker's personal experience and reflections on gender identity and sexuality, as well as cultural differences in attitudes towards transgender individuals.

    • A group discusses their interpretations of 'Brokeback Mountain's' gay themes and one man's skepticism towards a character's sexualityDuring a conversation about the film 'Brokeback Mountain', a man questioned the authenticity of a character's homosexuality and shared his personal beliefs on bisexuality and his own sexual preferences.

      During a conversation about the movie "Brokeback Mountain," a group of people discussed their interpretations of the film's gay themes and the perceived arousal of one of the characters. The speaker expressed his skepticism towards the idea that the character was truly gay and instead believed he was manipulated into the relationship. The conversation also touched on the speaker's personal beliefs regarding bisexuality and his own experiences. The conversation became increasingly explicit as they discussed the details of the movie and their own hypothetical encounters, but it's important to note that no actual acts were performed or described by the speaker. The conversation ended with the speaker expressing his lack of interest in engaging in sexual activities with men.

    • Checking door knobs in dreamsLucid dreaming involves recognizing physical inconsistencies and respecting individual identities

      Lucid dreaming can be practiced by checking the consistency of physical objects in your environment, such as door knobs. If your hand passes through a door knob in a dream, it's a sign that you're dreaming. The conversation also touched upon the topic of gender identity and the concept of queer identity, which is a part of the LGBTQ+ community and refers to individuals who identify with a fluid sexuality or gender identity. It's important to respect people's choices and identities, and to be open-minded and understanding of the complexities of human identity. Additionally, the conversation contained some humor and playful banter, reflecting the importance of maintaining a light-hearted and open-minded perspective on life.

    • Exploring Complexities of Perceived Sexuality: Self-Expression, Acceptance, and UnderstandingEmbrace self-expression and acceptance, recognize societal impact, and promote openness and understanding for unique sexual identities and experiences.

      During a discussion about perceived sexuality, the participants expressed their beliefs and opinions, acknowledging the complexity and discomfort surrounding the topic. They emphasized the importance of self-expression and acceptance, regardless of sexual orientation, and emphasized the importance of honesty and authenticity in their relationships. They also recognized the impact of societal expectations and public perception on their personal feelings and anxiety. Ultimately, they encouraged openness and understanding, recognizing that everyone's experiences and identities are unique.

    • Transcending labels and finding loveEmbrace everyone's awesomeness and value open-mindedness, regardless of beliefs or orientation.

      Love and acceptance should transcend labels and prejudices. The speaker believes that everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or beliefs, deserves to be seen as awesome and deserving of love. He also expresses his skepticism towards the existence of a higher power, finding the complexity and mystery of the universe itself more fascinating than any divine explanation. He values open-mindedness and broad-mindedness, and while he personally doesn't believe in God, he leaves the possibility open for others. Ultimately, he sees the world as a crazy and beautiful place, full of wonders and impossibilities.

    • Exploring the Complexities of Belief Systems and the UniverseThe speaker acknowledges the importance of understanding historical contexts of belief systems, expresses skepticism towards a personal God but leaves open the possibility of a greater force, and ponders the idea of the universe as a simulation. Personal experiences and humor add a lighthearted tone to the conversation.

      While the speaker expresses uncertainty about various belief systems such as religion and quantum physics, they acknowledge the importance of understanding their historical contexts and the role of human interpretation. The speaker also expresses skepticism towards the idea of a personal God but leaves open the possibility of some greater, unexplainable force at work in the universe. The discussion touches on the Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical pattern found in nature, and the idea that the universe might be a simulation. The speaker also shares their personal experiences and jokes, adding a lighthearted tone to the conversation. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complexities and uncertainties of understanding the mysteries of existence.

    • Honest Conversations About Intimate Experiences and PreferencesIndividuals shared crude conversations about their experiences, emphasizing personal satisfaction and acceptance of quirks, without malicious intent or harm towards others.

      Both individuals were engaging in conversations about their experiences, with one expressing regret over their intoxication level during a sexual encounter, while the other shared their impressions of bodily functions and hygiene. Despite the seemingly crude and off-topic conversations, they both emphasized their personal satisfaction and pleasure in their experiences. The conversation also revealed their ability to joke about sensitive topics and their acceptance of their own quirks and preferences. The conversation did not indicate any malicious intent or harm towards others, and they both expressed confidence in handling any potential negative reactions on social media.

    • A Cautionary Tale of Addiction and Its Impact on Comedian Sam KinisonAddiction can negatively impact one's health and art, emphasizing the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and prioritizing one's craft.

      Sam Kinison was a groundbreaking comedian whose life and career serve as a cautionary tale about the consequences of addiction. His early work, such as "Louder than Hell," is considered a comedy classic. However, his later work suffered due to his heavy use of drugs and alcohol, which negatively impacted his health and his performances. The discussion also touched upon how head injuries can lead to unexpected talents or personality changes in individuals. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and prioritizing one's craft to maintain artistic success.

    • Comedians' performances can vary, from consistent improvement to unexpected incidentsSome comedians consistently improve, while others may have unexpected incidents affecting their performance. The audience's energy and vibe can also impact the show's success, with musical acts often setting the tone.

      Some comedians, like Louis CK and David Tell, consistently maintain and even improve their performances, while others, such as Dave Chappelle, have had unexpected incidents that led to negative audience reactions. The Hartford show mentioned in the discussion was an example of this, where Chappelle had a meltdown on stage due to a lackluster audience response, which caused chaos and negative publicity. Despite this, opening acts like Flight of the Conchords received positive feedback and kept the audience engaged. The order of acts, with musical acts preceding comedians, can also impact the energy and vibe of the show.

    • The Importance of Dedication in Comedy and Combat SportsDedication and consistent practice are key to excelling in comedy and combat sports. Observing the best performers and empathizing with their challenges enhances appreciation for their skills and the sense of connection to the community.

      Both comedy and combat sports require dedication and consistent practice to excel. The speaker shares his personal experiences with both stand-up comedy and MMA commentary, noting that taking time away from these pursuits can make it difficult to get back into shape. He also discusses how observing the best performers in these fields can be motivational and inspirational. The speaker finds that empathizing with these athletes, whether through personal experience or by closely watching their performances, enhances his appreciation for their skills and challenges. Ultimately, the speaker values the energy and sense of connection that comes from engaging with these art forms and the communities surrounding them.

    • Discussing the Need for Improvements in MMA: Scoring, Referees, and GlovesMMA requires addressing issues like scoring system, refereeing, and glove design for safety and fairness. Potential solution: padded fingertip gloves to prevent eye pokes.

      There are several issues in MMA that need to be addressed, including the scoring system, refereeing, and the design of the gloves. The UFC has made some progress by introducing gloves, but more needs to be done to prevent eye injuries caused by pokes. A potential solution is to design gloves with padded fingertips, allowing fighters to grapple effectively without worrying about accidental pokes. The conversation also touched on the history of MMA and the evolution of gloves in the sport. Ultimately, the goal is to make MMA safer and more fair for all participants.

    • Comedy Central's new show with Brody Stevens: A 'drama' with comedic elementsSpeakers discuss the upcoming Comedy Central show featuring Brody Stevens, finding it amusing that it's being marketed as a drama despite its comedic elements. They look forward to potential guest appearances and upcoming comedy events.

      The discussion revolves around the upcoming Comedy Central show featuring Brody Stevens, which is being marketed as a "drama" despite its documentary-style approach and comedic elements. The speakers find it amusing that Comedy Central is avoiding labeling it as a reality show, and they express their excitement for the upcoming episodes and potential guest appearances. Another topic touched upon is the use of various codes and passwords for ticket presales. Additionally, there are mentions of various upcoming shows and appearances by Brody Stevens and other comedians. Overall, the conversation reflects the anticipation and enthusiasm of the speakers for the upcoming comedy events and the unique marketing strategy of Comedy Central's new show.

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    Lucid Dreaming on The Dream World Podcast

    Lucid Dreaming on The Dream World Podcast

    The Dream Team chats with Amina from The Dream World Podcast about Lucid Dreaming. Victor, Olivia, and Zach take a crack at interpreting Amina's dream, and learn some tips and tricks for learning how to start their own lucid dreaming practices.

    Check out The Dream World Podcast: https://thedreamworldpodcast.com/

    About Dream Bible:

    Dream Bible is a free online A to Z dream dictionary dedicated to helping people understand the meaning of their dreams. Unlike other dream interpretation websites or books we extensively research dream symbols by interviewing people about the events occurring in their lives at the time of their dreams.  Inspired by the work of Gillian Holloway Ph.D, we are using a database of over 350,000 dream reports to create the world's most practical dream dictionary based on the waking life experiences of regular people.



    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thejungandtherestlesspod/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thejungandtherestlesspod

    Check out our website for episode transcripts: https://thejungandtherestlesspodcast.com/

    Submit your dreams for interpretation to thejungandtherestlesspod@gmail.com