
    428 Millionaire Success Habits with Dean Graziosi

    enJanuary 04, 2017
    What exercise does Dean Graziosi use to find life's purpose?
    How did Graziosi's childhood influence his career choices?
    What are the key elements of sales and marketing he mentions?
    What realization did Graziosi have about success and intelligence?
    How did Graziosi overcome his feelings of failure in high school?

    • From trailer park to millionaire: Dean Graziosi's morning habits and life missionDean Graziosi's morning habits, understanding life's mission through 'seven levels deep' exercise, and simple keys to sales, marketing, and persuasion lead to financial success and fulfillment.

      Dean Graziosi, a successful entrepreneur and New York Times best-selling author, shares his morning habits and the philosophy that has helped him achieve financial success and fulfillment in life. He discusses his journey from growing up in a trailer park to becoming financially free, and the importance of understanding the purpose of your life's mission through an exercise called the seven levels deep. Graziosi also reveals the simple keys to sales, marketing, and persuasion that have served him and his audience for over 20 years. His book "Millionaire Success Habits" serves as a gateway to wealth and prosperity, and is a must-read for anyone seeking to improve their life.

    • Overcoming personal obstacles and essential habits for successIdentify and overcome personal limitations, adopt essential habits, and believe in the possibility of a better life for success in real estate or any endeavor.

      Success in real estate or in life isn't necessarily about acquiring new skills or strategies, but rather overcoming personal obstacles and adopting the right habits. The speaker, who came from humble beginnings and faced numerous challenges, found that people often struggled to implement the strategies they learned, despite their potential effectiveness. He realized that limiting beliefs, external influences, and other mental obstacles were often the real barriers to success. Through his experiences and interactions with successful people, he identified a handful of essential habits that could help anyone shift their mindset and achieve their goals. His mentor, Tony Robbins, played a significant role in this journey by inspiring him to believe in the possibility of a better life.

    • From failure to success: the power of action and learningSuccess is not about intelligence or wealth, but taking consistent action and learning from failures. Keep going despite setbacks and don't let others discourage you.

      Success is not determined by intelligence or wealth, but by taking consistent action and learning from failures. The speaker shares his personal journey from feeling like a failure in high school to building a successful real estate business by the age of 26. He realized that the people in his town who seemed happier and more successful did things differently than him and his family. He was naive enough to believe he could do the same, and he started taking action, even without a college education or great reading skills. The speaker emphasizes that the space between failures is crucial, as it determines how quickly one can learn and move forward. He encourages listeners to keep going despite setbacks and not let others discourage them from pursuing their goals.

    • Persisting through challenges leads to success17-year TV streak, taking a risk, doing what you do best, clear vision, persistence, strong work ethic, overcoming challenges, reaching new heights

      Persistence and determination can lead to great success, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. The speaker shares his personal experience of going 17 years straight without missing a day on TV, and how he took a risk to inspire others with his story through infomercials, despite his initial naivety about the process. He emphasizes the importance of doing what you do best and keeping a clear vision of your goals, even when juggling multiple roles or feeling tired. The speaker's story is a reminder that with persistence and a strong work ethic, one can overcome challenges and reach new heights.

    • Find joy and mastery in the present momentEmbrace the process, fall in love with the journey, and trust that each step brings you closer to your dreams. Authentic enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and improve are powerful tools for persuasion and achieving goals.

      No matter what stage you're at in life or what job you're doing, it's essential to find joy and mastery in the present moment. This mindset can serve as the foundation for future success. Authentic enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and improve are powerful tools for persuasion and achieving your goals, even if you don't have all the traditional qualifications or resources. As the speaker shared from his experience with infomercials, even when he lacked formal education and training, his genuine passion and eagerness to help others shone through and resonated with audiences. So, embrace the process, fall in love with the journey, and trust that each step brings you closer to your dreams.

    • Connecting with people through understandingFocus on understanding audience struggles and feelings for effective persuasion and marketing.

      Authenticity and understanding are key elements in persuasion and marketing. While sharing credentials and expertise is important, truly connecting with people by understanding their struggles and feelings can lead to greater success. When engaging with an audience or trying to close a deal, focus on making them feel understood and entering their conversation rather than dominating the discussion with your own perspective. Remembering past struggles and experiences can help you connect with others and serve them effectively, even as you evolve and your own conversations change.

    • Understanding and aligning with audience's thoughtsMillionaires evolve and question themselves, establish a morning routine, and practice gratitude to effectively connect with their audience and persistently work towards success.

      To effectively connect with an audience and persuade them, it's essential to understand their thoughts and enter their conversations, rather than imposing your own. Millionaires have the habit of constantly evolving and questioning themselves to ensure they align with their values and are not compromising who they are in the pursuit of success. Another crucial habit is establishing a morning routine to set the day up for success and minimize suffering, which allows more energy and focus to work on improving one's life. Gratitude is also vital in achieving success, happiness, and joy, making it challenging to feel grateful and negative emotions simultaneously. By focusing on these habits, one can effectively connect with their audience and persistently evolve towards success.

    • Starting your day with gratitude and disconnecting from technologyPracticing gratitude and disconnecting from technology in the morning can help set a positive tone for the day, reduce distractions and stress, and improve focus on goals.

      Starting your day with gratitude and disconnecting from technology can help set the tone for a successful day. The speaker shares that they put their phone on airplane mode at night and do not check emails or texts in the morning. Instead, they focus on feeding their soul through simple practices like reading or expressing gratitude for the small things in life. This helps them avoid the distractions and stresses that technology can bring and allows them to approach the day with a positive mindset. By lowering the bar for gratitude and finding joy in the everyday, the speaker has found this routine to be essential for pushing through negative times and staying focused on their goals.

    • Changing perspective from 'have to do' to 'get to do'Shifting perspective can lead to appreciation and meaning in daily tasks, and identifying purpose and motivations can inspire engagement and positive impact.

      Shifting one's perspective can have a profound impact on daily life. The speaker shares how changing the way he thinks about his tasks from "have to do" to "get to do" transformed his mindset and made him feel less like a victim. This simple shift in language led him to appreciate his routine more and find meaning in his work. Another significant experience was going through the Seven Levels Deep exercise, which helped him identify his purpose and motivations, leading him to want to engage more students and leave a positive legacy. These small changes in perspective have had a big impact on his life and continue to shape his actions and goals.

    • The power of introspective questionsAsking deep questions can lead to profound realizations and help uncover deeper motivations and understand the root causes of our actions.

      Asking deep, introspective questions can lead to profound realizations. The speaker shares an experience where he was asked the same question seven times, each time delving deeper into his thoughts and emotions. He recalls his past experiences of instability and a lack of control in his life, which fueled his desire to be in control and provide stability for his own family. The process of questioning led him to understand his "why" and the root cause of his work ethic and determination. This experience highlights the importance of introspection and asking thoughtful questions to uncover deeper motivations and understand the underlying causes of our actions.

    • Finding your deep-rooted reasonUnderstanding your why can help you stay motivated and focused during challenges, even when things get tough. Everyone has a unique reason for doing what they do.

      Understanding your "why" - the deep-rooted reason behind your actions and goals - can be a powerful motivator to push through challenges and keep going, even when things get tough. The speaker shared a personal story about encountering a man who had found his "why" and was able to overcome significant obstacles as a result. He emphasized that everyone has their unique reasons for doing what they do, and reconnecting with that why can help us stay focused and committed, especially during difficult times. The speaker also mentioned that there are different types of entrepreneurs, some of whom may be content working under someone else's umbrella, while others are driven to build their own businesses and take risks. Regardless of where we fall on the spectrum, recognizing our why can help us stay motivated and focused on our goals.

    • Finding Meaning and Making a Positive ImpactSuccess is more than personal accomplishments or wealth. It's about having a purpose, making a difference, and delivering value to others.

      Success is not just about money or personal accomplishments, but also about having a meaningful purpose and making a positive impact on others. The speaker emphasized the importance of having a team and being a present father, and shared how some entrepreneurs measure success differently, such as lifestyle entrepreneurs who value freedom and artists with a trust fund. He also highlighted the importance of delivering valuable strategies to help others achieve their goals. However, people may misunderstand him due to his past work in infomercials, leading them to believe he is an introvert or a huckster.

    • Judging People Based on First Impressions Can Be MisleadingStay focused on goals, networking is powerful, and don't let fear or negative judgments hold you back.

      First impressions can be misleading, and it's important not to judge people based on preconceived notions. The speaker shared how he was initially judged negatively due to his association with infomercials, but later formed a close relationship with Tony Robbins, who had initially judged him based on this same bias. Another key takeaway is the power of networking and the importance of putting oneself out there to make connections, even if it's outside of one's comfort zone. The speaker shared how meeting Larry King led to a major breakthrough in his career, and how he had been inspired by Larry's interview of Joel Osteen years prior. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of staying focused on one's goals and not letting fear or negative judgments hold one back.

    • Lessons from successful peopleInstead of focusing on how successful people achieved their goals, ask about their motivations, obstacles, and perseverance. Recommended book: 'The Untethered Soul' by Eckhart Tolle.

      Successful people, like Larry King and Richard Branson, can inspire us by sharing their stories and the lessons they've learned along the way. Instead of asking how they became successful, it's more enlightening to ask about their motivations, obstacles they overcame, and how they persevered. Larry shared a hilarious prank story from his past, but also emphasized the importance of handling setbacks and moving forward. He also recommended the book "The Untethered Soul" by Eckhart Tolle, which focuses on mindfulness and personal growth. Overall, the key takeaway is to focus on the stories and lessons behind success, rather than just the end result.

    • Observing thoughts during family breakfast led to valuable insightBeing aware of thoughts can help make better decisions and improve personal growth. Challenge negative thoughts and acknowledge unique gifts and talents.

      Being aware and observing our thoughts can help us make better decisions and improve our personal growth. The speaker shares a personal story about how observing her thoughts during a family breakfast led her to understand the importance of acknowledging and valuing each child's unique gifts and talents. She emphasizes the need to challenge negative thoughts and not let them linger, as they can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. By practicing observation and self-awareness, we can become better observers of our own emotions and reactions, and learn to respond in a more positive and productive way.

    • Acknowledging emotions deepens relationshipsCherish experiences, live authentically, and embrace enthusiasm to build strong connections and achieve success.

      Acknowledging and validating emotions is crucial in building strong relationships and achieving success. Dean shared a personal story about a mistake he made with his daughter and how recognizing her feelings led to a deeper connection and cherished moment. He emphasized that it's not just about being right or achieving material possessions, but rather experiencing moments and living authentically. When reflecting on his last day on earth, Dean identified three truths: cherishing experiences over material things, living true to oneself, and embracing enthusiasm and commitment rather than over-preparation. Dean's generosity and enthusiasm for impacting others, despite his own struggles, serve as an inspiration to us all.

    • Embrace the power of consistent effortSuccess comes from giving it your all and not holding back, despite fear or self-doubt. Consistent effort and a positive attitude can help you achieve your dreams.

      Greatness comes from giving it your all and not holding back. Dean, a successful entrepreneur, emphasizes the importance of putting in the effort and not looking back with regret. He encourages listeners to keep pushing and to not let fear or self-doubt hold them back. Dean can be found online on Facebook and Instagram, and his book "Millionaire Success Habits" can be purchased through MSHBook.com. The interview can be watched in full at LewisHouse.com/fourtoeight. Dean's story is a reminder that no matter where you come from or what challenges you face, with consistent effort and a positive attitude, you can achieve your dreams.

    • Spread Positivity and Create AbundanceBring energy, passion, and empathy towards others to create a ripple effect of good vibes, especially during challenging times.

      Positivity and understanding are contagious and can lead to greater abundance in life. By bringing energy, passion, and empathy towards others, we can create a ripple effect of good vibes that can benefit ourselves and those around us. This concept is especially important to remember during challenging times. So, if you found this message valuable, take action and spread positivity in your own way. Visit Lewis House dot com slash four, two, eight for more resources and inspiration. Remember, it's always time to go out there and do something great.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    • The importance of having a clear purpose and vision in today's world
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    For more information go to https://www.lewishowes.com/1668

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    LAST CHACE FOR SUMMIT OF GREATNESS! Have you saved your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    In this powerful episode of the School of Greatness, I dive deep into the world of influence, personal growth, and making a meaningful impact. We explore insights from various thought leaders and successful entrepreneurs on topics ranging from finding your purpose to building a thriving business. You'll learn about the importance of developing a clear message, understanding your market, and honing your methods as an influencer. We discuss the power of vulnerability, the need for continuous skill development, and the balance between ambition and personal relationships. Whether you're an aspiring influencer, an entrepreneur, or someone looking to live a more purposeful life, this episode offers a wealth of actionable advice and inspiring ideas to help you reach your full potential and make a positive difference in the world.

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    • Ways to balance drive and ambition with personal relationships and self-care
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    • How to build a strong team culture based on accountability and shared values
    • The power of meditation and mindfulness in staying grounded and focused

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1667

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS 2 DAYS AWAY! Have you saved your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1666

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS DAYS AWAY! Have you saved your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1665

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS 7 DAYS AWAY! Have you saved your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    Get ready for an exclusive excerpt from my New York Times Bestselling book, The Greatness Mindset! In this powerful episode, I dive deep into the critical topic of healing your past trauma to unlock your true potential. We explore how unresolved pain from childhood experiences can hold us back in life and relationships if left unaddressed. I share vulnerable stories from my own healing journey, including how I overcame limiting beliefs stemming from bullying and sexual abuse. You'll learn practical exercises to identify your triggers, reframe negative self-talk, and craft a new empowering identity aligned with your highest self. Whether you're dealing with abandonment issues, toxic relationship patterns, or simply feeling stuck, this episode offers a roadmap for transforming pain into wisdom and stepping into greatness. Get ready for an inspiring and actionable conversation on becoming the hero of your own story!

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    • Tips for reframing negative self-talk into empowering beliefs
    • A step-by-step process for crafting a new identity aligned with your purpose
    • How to write a "Meaningful Mission Manifesto" to guide your growth
    • Meditation techniques to visualize and embody your highest self
    • The importance of self-celebration in building confidence
    • How to create powerful mantras to overcome obstacles

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1664

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

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    The School of Greatness
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    Rachel Platten: “I Didn’t Sleep for 3 Days” Fighting Anxiety, Depression, and Hitting Rock Bottom

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS DAYS AWAY! Have you gotten your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    I'm thrilled to welcome back my friend and neighbor, the incredible Rachel Platten, for her third appearance on The School of Greatness! Rachel opens up about her intense journey over the past few years - from hitting rock bottom with postpartum depression and chronic pain to finding a profound spiritual connection that transformed her life and music. We dive deep into her creative process, discuss the challenges of balancing motherhood with a music career, and explore how she's learned to love herself through it all. Rachel's vulnerability and wisdom shine through as she shares powerful insights on healing, spirituality, and making art from pain. This conversation is a must-listen for anyone seeking inspiration to overcome struggles and reconnect with their purpose.

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    • How to balance motherhood with a demanding creative career
    • The importance of self-love and acceptance in achieving true success
    • Rachel's approach to connecting directly with God/universal love for guidance

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1663

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Eckhart Tolle – https://link.chtbl.com/1463-pod

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    The School of Greatness
    enSeptember 04, 2024

    Marlon Wayans Opens Up on Battling Depression (“I Broke Down & Cried On Stage”)

    Marlon Wayans Opens Up on Battling Depression (“I Broke Down & Cried On Stage”)

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS UNDER 2 WEEKS AWAY! Have you gotten your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets

    Get ready for an inspiring and heartfelt conversation with the multi-talented Marlon Wayans! In this episode, we dive deep into Marlon's journey as a comedian, actor, and producer, exploring how he's evolved both personally and professionally over his 30-year career. Marlon opens up about his spiritual growth, the impact of losing his parents, and his mission to bring healing through laughter. From his ambitious goals in stand-up to his thoughts on success and failure, Marlon's insights will leave you motivated to embrace your own path to greatness. Don't miss this powerful episode that combines humor, wisdom, and raw emotion!

    In this episode you will learn

    • How Marlon is incorporating spiritual growth and healing into his comedy specials
    • The importance of continual learning and growth in pursuing your goals
    • Why Marlon believes in doing a new stand-up special every year, contrary to industry norms
    • How losing his parents has shaped Marlon's perspective on life and his art
    • The value of building the right team and treating yourself as a business
    • Marlon's approach to overcoming fear and embracing new challenges
    • The power of trusting in your journey and viewing greatness as a ongoing process

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1662

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Eckhart Tolle – https://link.chtbl.com/1463-pod

    Rhonda Byrne – https://link.chtbl.com/1525-pod

    John Maxwell – https://link.chtbl.com/1501-pod

    The School of Greatness
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    Esther Perel: The #1 MYTH That Leads to BREAK-UPS - THIS Is The Secret to Making Your Relationship LAST

    Esther Perel: The #1 MYTH That Leads to BREAK-UPS - THIS Is The Secret to Making Your Relationship LAST

    Esther's event, "An Evening With Esther Perel" has LIMITED seats available! Get yours right here before they sell out: lewishowes.com/esther

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS 2 WEEKS AWAY! Have you gotten your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    I'm thrilled to welcome back the brilliant Esther Perel to the School of Greatness! With nearly four decades of experience as a therapist, Esther shares her profound insights on relationships in our ever-changing world. We dive deep into how the pandemic has affected partnerships, debunk common myths about love, and explore the delicate balance between togetherness and independence. Esther's wisdom on jealousy, desire, and the evolution of marriage is truly eye-opening. Whether you're single, dating, or in a long-term commitment, this conversation offers invaluable perspectives on creating and maintaining healthy relationships. Get ready for a masterclass in understanding the complexities of modern love and connection!

    In this episode you will learn

    • How disasters like the pandemic act as relationship accelerators
    • The myths of "the one and only" and unconditional love in relationships
    • The importance of balancing togetherness and separateness in partnerships
    • How to set yourself up for healthier relationships from the start
    • The role of jealousy in relationships and when it can be positive
    • The four main ways people feel most drawn to their partners
    • How economic independence changed the landscape of marriage and divorce
    • The value of involving your social circle when dating someone new

    Get Esther's new course, "Rekindling Desire", for 15% OFF between 9/17/24 and 12/13/24 with the promo code "HOWES15": https://lewishowes.com/esther-course

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1661

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Eckhart Tolle – https://link.chtbl.com/1463-pod

    Rhonda Byrne – https://link.chtbl.com/1525-pod

    John Maxwell – 


    The School of Greatness
    enAugust 30, 2024

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    YAPSnacks: Rewire Your Brain for Success

    YAPSnacks: Rewire Your Brain for Success
    The RAS is a bundle of nerves at our brainstem that filters out unnecessary information from our subconscious so that only the important stuff gets through to our conscious minds. It keeps our conscious minds from being overwhelmed with too much information by acting as a doorway between our conscious mind and our subconscious mind.  Our RAS determines what’s important to us by examining our past experiences. If your past is filled with pain, trauma, and limiting beliefs, then that’s what your RAS will seek out. This is why people get stuck in patterns of self-destruction; their brains are operating on autopilot, and their past programming holds them back from success.  On today’s YAP Snack, we talk about how to reprogram your RAS by sharing some of my best tips from the experts. Utilizing these tips will create long-lasting change in the way you perceive yourself and the world.  Topics include: -What is your RAS?  -How our RAS filters out information  -The Law of Attraction  -Controlling our subconscious mind  -Building a powerful morning routine  -Challenging your internal dialogue  -And other topics… Sponsored By: Black Pearl Mail - Turn your sign offs into sign ups with blackpearlmail.com  Podbean - Sabio - Go to sabio.la/yap and save $125 on your total bootcamp cost! Bambee - Visit bambee.com/profiting Faherty - Head to fahertybrand.com/yap and use code YAP at checkout to get 20% OFF! Social Media: Follow YAP on IG: www.instagram.com/youngandprofiting Reach out to Hala directly at Hala@YoungandProfiting.com Follow Hala on Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Follow Hala on Instagram: www.instagram.com/yapwithhala Follow Hala on Clubhouse: @halataha Check out our website to meet the team, view show notes and transcripts: www.youngandprofiting.com



    On today’s “Motivation / Manifestation Monday,” Tara and Stephanie talk about the significant role that energy plays in determining our feelings, beliefs, and actions. Your hosts discuss the different experiences they both had while attending Tony Robbins seminars and the powerful practice of shifting your energy through a combination of meditation, movement, and music. It might seem a little woo-woo, but establishing a daily practice that incorporates these 3 energy powerhouse moves is truly the basis of changing your life. 

    Read the blog and connect with Stephanie and Tara on TikTok, IG, and Facebook. 


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    On today's "Motivation / Manifestation Monday," Tara and Stephanie talk about showing up for yourself the same way you show up for others. Your hosts discuss the importance of being as reliable and committed to yourself as you are when it comes to the things you do for other people. 

    Read the blog and connect with Stephanie and Tara on TikTok, IG, Facebook, Twitter, Truth Social, and Rumble. 

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    Ed Mylett & Steve Siebold - Morning Ritual

    Ed Mylett & Steve Siebold -  Morning Ritual
    Ed's morning routine and a one-on-one interview with Steve Siebold. Steve Siebold is a former professional athlete and national coach. He’s spent the past twenty-six years studying the thought processes, habits, and philosophies of world-class performers. He's a writer, speaker, and consultant on the topic of mental toughness. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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