
    44: Gut & Metabolic Health with Dr. Pran Yoganathan

    enMay 04, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of a holistic approach to healthA holistic approach to health incorporates medical treatments, nutrition, lifestyle, and even animal behaviorism for optimal well-being.

      Learning from this conversation between Doctor Tina Moore and Doctor Pran Yoganathan is the importance of a holistic approach to health, incorporating not only medical treatments but also nutrition, lifestyle, and even animal behaviorism. Doctor Yoganathan, a gastroenterologist and hepatologist, shares his passion for this interconnectedness and how he's gravitated towards this mode of practicing medicine. He believes that humans and animals are symbiotically related and that our separation from nature could be detrimental to our species. Their shared interests in nutrition, strength training, and animal behaviorism make them like-minded individuals. Doctor Yoganathan's background in Africa, where he was closely connected to nature, further solidified his beliefs. Overall, this conversation emphasizes the importance of considering various aspects of health and our connection to nature for optimal well-being.

    • Understanding Our Connection to the Natural WorldRecognizing our connection to nature and avoiding an overly egocentric worldview is crucial for understanding the world and our place in it.

      Our understanding of the world, particularly in relation to our health and the natural world, can be limited by an egocentric perspective. The speaker shares their personal experiences, from an early fascination with science and evolution, to witnessing the harsh realities of disease and mortality in different parts of the world. They emphasize that as humans, we tend to believe the universe revolves around us, but this is not the case. The speaker also reflects on the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic and expresses concern about the fear conditioning and potential manipulation of information. They acknowledge the reality of the disease and its impact, but also question the initial response and the forces at play. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing our connection to nature and avoiding an overly egocentric worldview.

    • Human Nature and the Pandemic: Uncomfortable TruthsThe pandemic has exposed the irrational behavior of intelligent people and the profit-driven intentions of some entities. Metabolic health is crucial during this time, but the medical community's response has been disappointing, with many healthcare professionals being metabolically unhealthy themselves.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed uncomfortable truths about human nature and the intentions of some entities during times of crisis. The speaker expresses concern over the irrational behavior of intelligent people and the war profiteering from pharmaceutical companies during the pandemic. They believe humans often don't want to acknowledge the potential evil or sinister intentions of others. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of metabolic health during the pandemic, expressing disappointment in the response from the medical community, particularly the functional medicine community. They suggest that many healthcare professionals are metabolically unhealthy themselves, making it difficult for them to effectively promote metabolic health to their patients.

    • Metabolic health and fatty liver disease are interconnectedUnderstanding the connection between metabolic health and fatty liver disease is crucial for prevention and management. Treating the whole body is essential, not just specific organs.

      Metabolic health and fatty liver disease are closely connected. Metabolic syndrome, which includes conditions like obesity, high blood pressure, and insulin resistance, is now considered the primary cause of fatty liver disease. This is a shift in thinking, as the term "non-alcoholic fatty liver disease" is no longer an accurate description. The liver, which processes nutrients from the gut, cannot be separated from metabolic health. Both conditions are interconnected, and the liver is often affected first, serving as an early indicator of metabolic syndrome. Unfortunately, the medical system often treats conditions in isolation, with specialists focusing on specific organs. However, it's essential to understand that the entire body works together to maintain health or disease. Therefore, addressing metabolic health as a whole is crucial for managing and preventing fatty liver disease.

    • Understanding Metabolic Health: The Role of TriglyceridesMetabolic health is not the norm and often overlooked. Triglycerides, a key indicator, are linked to fatty liver disease and ignored in medical world. Lower triglycerides through lifestyle changes like building muscle and avoiding excess energy intake.

      Metabolic health is not the norm and often goes overlooked in the medical community. A key indicator of metabolic health is the level of triglycerides in the body. Elevated triglycerides, or hypertriglyceridemia, are associated with fatty liver disease and are typically a result of caloric excess and poor calorie burning. Doctors often focus on LDL cholesterol, but triglycerides are also crucial in determining one's propensity to atherogenic deposition. Unfortunately, triglycerides are often ignored in the medical world, despite being one of the defining factors of metabolic health alongside insulin resistance, visceral adiposity, hypertension, vascular dysfunction, HDL, and LDL. Building muscle and avoiding excess energy intake, especially from sources like ethanol and commercially produced fructose, are the most effective ways to lower triglycerides. However, there is currently no safe and effective pharmaceutical solution for lowering triglycerides, making it essential to focus on lifestyle changes.

    • The Evolution of Alcohol Use and Its Impact on SocietyAlcohol, initially used for energy storage, led to problematic drinking cultures. Effective solutions for fatty liver include reducing refined carbs, quitting alcohol, and weightlifting, but getting patients to comply can be tough due to human nature.

      The use of alcohol, which was once an evolutionary tool for early humans, has led to problematic drinking cultures in modern society. Alcohol was initially used for its fermented form to store energy as triglycerides during periods of fasting and exercise. However, humans later learned to control fermentation and created commercially available alcohol, leading to a drinking culture where social norms dictate heavy consumption, particularly for men in Australia and possibly the United States. On a health note, decreasing refined carbohydrates, quitting alcohol, and starting a weightlifting routine are effective solutions for addressing fatty liver issues. However, getting patients to comply with these recommendations can be challenging due to the ease and appeal of a quick fix or a pill. Humans, as a species, are designed to conserve energy and can be lazy, making it difficult to motivate some individuals to adopt a more active lifestyle.

    • The Importance of a Coach for Effective Weight TrainingA good coach is crucial for beginners in weight training, promoting muscle development essential for overall health and healing. Access guidance through group training, online programs, or personal trainers.

      Having a good coach or guidance is crucial for starting and effectively engaging in weight training, especially for beginners. The speaker shares her personal experience of the importance of a coach, even when facing financial struggles. She emphasizes that muscle development is essential for overall health and healing, and encourages everyone to find a way to learn how to strength train safely. Access to coaching or guidance can come in various forms, such as group training or online programs. The speaker also highlights the inspiring examples of elderly individuals who continue to lift weights despite physical challenges. Overall, the benefits of muscle development and the importance of guidance in achieving it cannot be overstated.

    • The importance of strength training for overall healthStrength training is essential for building resistance and improving overall health. Prioritize it alongside daily habits like walking.

      Strength training is a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle, even for those following restrictive diets. It can help build resistance and improve overall health. However, getting people to prioritize strength training can be challenging, as many view exercise as something less intense like walking. The speaker emphasizes the importance of both strength training and walking, with the former being the core focus and the latter being an essential daily habit. Pain and vanity were once common motivators for people to prioritize fitness, but the speaker notes that these motivators may be less effective today due to the prevalence of the health at every size movement. Ultimately, it's important to recognize that while carrying excess weight may be manageable for some, it can lead to more harmful visceral fat over time. Therefore, prioritizing strength training and maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be a nonnegotiable goal for optimal health.

    • Balancing Body Positivity and Health RisksHealthcare professionals must promote body positivity while addressing potential health risks objectively to prioritize patients' overall well-being.

      While promoting body positivity is important, as healthcare professionals, it's equally crucial to address potential health risks objectively. As people age, they may experience health declines such as muscle loss and metabolic syndrome, which can lead to various health issues like heart disease, strokes, and diabetes. Ignoring these risks and encouraging unhealthy habits under the guise of body positivity can be harmful. Doctors and clinicians must communicate these facts with sensitivity and empathy but remain factual. Despite the potential backlash, it's essential to prioritize patients' health and well-being. Additionally, healthcare professionals have the freedom to practice medicine based on best practices, not just the standard of care, as in the case of naturopathic physicians.

    • Speaking the truth as a doctor can lead to challenges but also rewardsStaying true to ethical principles and attracting like-minded patients can lead to a fulfilling practice, while misinformation about conditions like fatty liver can result in harmful dietary choices and worsening health outcomes.

      Speaking the truth as a doctor, especially when it goes against the standard narrative, can lead to scrutiny, investigations, and even loss of patients. However, staying true to one's ethos and attracting like-minded patients through social media and other means can lead to a more fulfilling practice. Additionally, misinformation about conditions like fatty liver can lead to harmful dietary choices, resulting in muscle loss and a worsening of the condition. It's essential to understand the real causes and effects of fatty liver to provide accurate information and effective treatment to patients.

    • Fatty liver disease: Reversing the vicious cycle of inflammation and damageExcess body fat and inflammation lead to fatty liver disease, which can cause severe liver damage. Reversing it through weight loss is possible in weeks.

      Fatty liver disease, caused by excessive body fat and inflammation, can lead to severe liver damage and cirrhosis if left untreated. This vicious cycle is fueled by the fact that fat is an inflammatory substance that produces interleukin 6, which in turn increases CRP levels. The consequences of this condition can be dire, including liver transplantation for those affected in their twenties and thirties. However, the solution is simple: losing weight through exercise and diet can reverse fatty liver disease in a matter of weeks. Despite this, there is a significant cognitive dissonance within the medical community regarding the importance of addressing the root cause of the problem, with many focusing on new drugs rather than lifestyle changes. It's crucial for the medical system to prioritize preventative measures and promote healthy habits from an early age. The consequences of ignoring this issue can be devastating, so it's essential to take fatty liver disease seriously and make necessary lifestyle changes.

    • The importance of muscle health for overall healthEating animal source protein and lifting weights can help maintain muscle health, preventing inflammation and contributing to better overall health.

      The solution to many health issues, including metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and even cancer, is simpler than we make it out to be. Eating more meat and lifting weights can make a significant difference. However, there are numerous barriers to this message reaching the public, such as conflicting health advice and misinformation. The muscle, in particular, plays a crucial role in health. When muscle fibers shrink and are replaced with fat, it can lead to a loss of muscle density and an increase in inflammation, which can contribute to conditions like osteoporosis and metabolic syndrome. To maintain muscle health and prevent the ravages of time, it's essential to consume a bioavailable source of protein, such as animal source protein, and engage in weightlifting to keep muscles active. The importance of muscle health in overall health cannot be overstated, and addressing the root cause of health issues through simple lifestyle changes could lead to significant improvements.

    • Addressing the root cause of metabolic syndrome and diabetesIncorporating aspects of our primate nature can help improve muscle health and address the interconnected issues of muscle degeneration, inflammation, and insulin resistance in metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

      The interconnected issues of muscle degeneration, inflammation, and insulin resistance create a vicious cycle that makes it difficult for people with metabolic syndrome or diabetes to improve their health. Addressing the root cause, which involves addressing the fatty infiltrate in muscles and promoting muscle growth, is crucial but often overlooked in traditional allopathic medicine. We can learn from our evolutionary past as primates and incorporate aspects of our ancestors' lifestyles to improve our health. Dr. Pran Yoganathan, a doctor based in Sydney, Australia, emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with our primate nature and offers personalized consultations to help individuals make positive changes in their lives. To find him, follow him on Instagram @doctor_pran_yoganathan, or visit his website at doctortina.com. Remember, this podcast is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.

    • Don't Delay Medical AdviceSeeking early medical advice for health concerns can prevent complications and improve treatment outcomes.

      It's crucial for individuals not to disregard or delay seeking medical advice for any health condition they may have. Your health is valuable, and ignoring potential issues can lead to more serious complications down the line. It's essential to prioritize your wellbeing and trust the expertise of healthcare professionals to help diagnose and treat any medical concerns. Don't hesitate to reach out to your doctor, nurse practitioner, or other healthcare provider if you notice any symptoms or changes in your health. Remember, early detection and intervention can make a significant difference in managing and treating various health conditions. So, don't delay – take charge of your health and seek the medical advice you need.

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    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 24, 2024

    EP. 151: Combating GroupThink + Echo Chambers | Will Reusch

    EP. 151: Combating GroupThink + Echo Chambers | Will Reusch
    On this episode of The Dr Tyna Show, I'm sitting down with Civics teacher, Will Reusch. He's not just any high school civics teacher and mentor; he's on a mission to shake up the way we think. We talk about the importance of viewpoint diversity and combating groupthink to foster independent thought. From navigating the challenges of “the anxious generation” to dissecting the impact of social media on our minds, this episode explores a range of topics including health, media literacy, and the power of diverse perspectives.   Ozempic Uncovered FREE 4 Part Video Series On This Episode We Cover: 07:26 - Fighting against groupthink 09:57 - Intellectual laziness  12:28 - Working towards autonomy  18:17 - The Anxious Generation 23:37 - Being a young person right now  27:01 - Find the grind that you love  31:12 - Health is freedom  35:22 - Toxic compassion  41:08 - Social media + dopamine hits  45:01 - Health during the pandemic + big pharma lobbying 51:22 - Kids have great BS detectors  57:02 - Media literacy  01:05:53 - Viewpoint diversity  Sponsored By:  Momentous Go to livemomentous.com and use code DRTYNA to get 15% off all my favorite products Alitura Use Code DRTYNA for 20% off alituranaturals.com Eight Sleep Go to Eightsleep.com and use code DRTYNA to save Timeline Nutrition Go to timelinenutrition.com/DRTYNA and use code DRTYNA for 10% off Show Links: The Anxious Generation By Jonathan Haidt Man's Search for Meaning By Viktor E. Frankl The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt Check Out Will Reusch:  Website Instagram  Youtube Podcast Patterdox Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 22, 2024

    EP. 150: Eating For Health | Niklas Gustafson

    EP. 150: Eating For Health | Niklas Gustafson
    On this week’s Dr. Tyna Show we’re welcoming Niklas Gustafson, the brilliant mind behind the Hungry For Change podcast and book. From Niklas's captivating backstory to his insightful journey through nutrition and natural foods, we explore tips for staying young, embracing sunlight, and kicking screen addiction to the curb. With Niklas's expertise, we tackle the importance of ditching soda, experimenting with organ meats, and crafting wholesome meals for children. From reducing glyphosate exposure to navigating the complexities of wine and pesticides, our discussion spans the gamut of wellness topics, including peer pressure and the art of incorporating vegetables into your diet.  Ozempic Uncovered FREE 4 Part Video Series On This Episode We Cover: 03:05 - Niklas’s backstory  07:05 - Learning about nutrition, natural food,  10:15 - Tips for staying young  13:05 - The importance of sunlight & outdoor activities  15:41- Screen addiction  17:35 - Avoiding soda  19:01 - Eating organs & culinary experimentation  24:57 - Cooking for children  32:36 - Grassfed beef recipes  34:17 - Sauna + Cold Plunge  42:04 - Gluten Intolerance 49:50 - Keeping glyphosate low  52:54 - Wine & pesticides  58:36 - Peer Pressure 59:24 - Woking vegetables into your diet  1:03:47 -  Differences between Paleo, Keto, & Carnivore diets  1:08:09 - Pros and cons of eating seafood   Check Out Niklas Gustafson  Podcast Instagram  Hungry For Change by Niklas Gustafson Sponsored By:  PaleoValley For 15% off go to http://paleovalley.com/drtyna Cured Nutrition Go to www.curednutrition.com/drtyna with DRTYNA Lumen Go to lumen.me and use DRYTYNA to get $100 off Alitura Use Code DRTYNA for 20% off alituranaturals.com Further Listening:  Dr. Tyna on Hungry For Change Podcast EP: 125 Anti-Aging + Immune Centric Approach To Health | Joel Greene Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 15, 2024

    EP. 149: You Need To Take The Stairs | Quick + Dirty

    EP. 149: You Need To Take The Stairs | Quick + Dirty
    Today’s episode is all about why you need to take the stairs EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Beyond just physical fitness, we explore how this simple choice can transform your well-being, elevate your mood, mitigate the risk of diabetes, and so much more. I’m going over all the data, discussing proper form, and addressing how stair climbing can aid in injury recovery so you can take charge of your health, one stair at a time. Ozempic Uncovered FREE 4 Part Video Series On This Episode We Cover:  1:55 - Stairs, your mood + my family 3:15 - Data overview  4:18 - Focus on your form 8:49 - 2023 Tulane University study  10:01 - 2024 American Journal of Preventive Medicine study 11:08 - 2024 presentation at the European Society of Cardiology Sponsored By:  LMNT Get 8 FREE packs with any order at drinkLMNT.com/drtyna Timeline Nutrition Go to timelinenutrition.com/DRTYNA and use code DRTYNA for 10% off Show Links:  Tulane University Study 2024 American Journal of Preventive Medicine study 2024 presentation at the European Society of Cardiology Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.
    The Dr. Tyna Show
    enMay 10, 2024

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    How to Hack Your Metabolism and Power Your Energy – Michal Mor, Ph.D. : 962

    How to Hack Your Metabolism and Power Your Energy – Michal Mor, Ph.D. : 962


    …you’ll learn about the critical role metabolism plays in your body’s energy and performance. Important new science findings about human metabolic health shows how you can change your metabolism. To help you make these changes, this episode gives you practical tips and tools for measuring your metabolism and ways to manage it effectively.

    Guest Michal Mor, Ph.D., co-founded Lumen with her twin sister, Merav Mor, Ph.D., and three long-time entrepreneur friends nearly a decade ago. As Chief of Metabolic Health & Science, Michal’s background includes degree studies in Medical Laboratory Sciences and Physiology with an emphasis on cardiac arrhythmia. 

    The Lumen founders set out to close the gap of what existed in the science and something people could actually use to manage their metabolic health.

    Both Michal and her twin, Merav, were multiple-year Ironman participants. Athletic performance—and how to improve it—influenced their work with metabolism. Four years of research and development plus more years of validation studies and beta test users went into developing Lumen.  

    Lumen is a hand-held device that accurately measures your metabolism through the breath. It uses a CO2 sensor and flow meter to measure the CO2 concentration in your breath, indicating if your body is in carb or fat burn.

    “So, this ability to shift between them, it's not only good for athletic performance it's also improving our quality of life,” Michal says. “It enables us to enjoy life to our fullest potential. It's about longevity. It's about being able to achieve our goals, not having those mood swings. This is so much more than improving athletic performance.”

    Lumen has accumulated a metabolic measurement database with over 20m measurements. These insights have shown how lifestyle habits affect metabolism and the body more than previously thought possible. Listen on to learn how with just one breath in the morning, you can set your metabolism course for the day and then monitor it throughout the day.

    SPECIAL OFFER FOR THE HUMAN UPGRADE LISTENERS: https://lumen.me, use code Asprey50 to get $50 off a Lumen device


    Experience the High Life with Infrared Therapy: https://higherdose.com and use code HUMAN10 for 10% off your entire purchase.

    Capture Life Force Energyhttps://leelaq.com, use discount code DAVE10 to get 10% off sitewide

    Business Growth With SEO: https://www.stephanspencer.com, get a FREE consultation

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Rachel's Biological Age REVEALED! A Full Look Inside Viome's Health Intelligence Test (With Dr. Grant Antoine and Hilary Keiser of Viome)

    Rachel's Biological Age REVEALED! A Full Look Inside Viome's Health Intelligence Test (With Dr. Grant Antoine and Hilary Keiser of Viome)

    In this episode, we sit down with the team at Viome to discuss the future of personalized health and nutrition as we walk you through our own Health Intelligence Scores (including Rachel's shocking biological age!)


    • What the Viome at-home Test is like
    • How does Viome categorize food groups?
    • What is a Stress Response score?
    • Practical ways to implement Viome's results into your routine
    • How often to retest?
    • What your Protein Fermentation Score says about your digestive health and diet
    • What we can expect to see from Viome in 2022!
    • and more!


    • Viome (use code B&B at checkout for special savings)


    When it comes to getting the right food and supplements, don’t guess. Test! Viome analyzes your blood and stool to generate personalized food recommendations and over 30 health insights based on your unique biology and gut microbiome. Their Gut Intelligence Test analyzes your microbial gene expression and includes over 20 subscores related to inflammation, microbial activity, richness & diversity, gut lining health, and more. The nutrition recommendations included with this test target the underlying cause of inflammation in your gut microbiome and represent the first step in improving your gut health!

    The Health Intelligence Test is their most comprehensive test available, providing an in-depth analysis of your microbial, human, and mitochondrial gene expressions. This test reveals how your gut microbiome health is impacting other areas in your body and includes over 30 subscores related to gut microbiome health, biological aging (how you’re aging internally) cellular function health, immune health, energy levels, and stress response.


    Dr. Grant Antoine is a naturopathic doctor who is passionate about patient empowerment and patient education. In clinical practice he utilizes the unique blend of applied science and medical art found only in modern naturopathic medicine. His areas of interest include preventive medicine, cardiovascular health, endocrine and metabolic disorders, environmental medicine, and neurocognitive health.

    Dr Antoine has brought this same passion to Viome where he is involved in clinical trial design and the development of nutritional and supplement interventions for Viome’s user recommendations and efficacy studies.

    At Viome he feels the marriage of technology, systems biology, and the human microbiome provides individuals with an unprecedented resource of practical and actionable health insights. The accessibility of the Viome platform also provides the means to impact the health of many more individuals than could ever be possible through traditional, in-clinic services.

    Dr Antoine received his Bachelor of Science in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Texas at Dallas and later attended Bastyr University of California where he earned his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree. After medical school he attended residency in Integrative Primary Care at the Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute at the University of California Irvine School of Medicine.

    Dr Antoine is near completion of the Institute of Functional Medicine’s Practitioner Certification and is an active member of multiple medical associations including the American Association of Naturopathic Doctors, The Institute for Functional Medicine, and the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine.



    Hilary Keiser is a biochemist turned biohacker. Her passion for wellness extends beyond hacking her own health to using artificial intelligence to improve the health of thousands. As a Clinical Nutritionist at Viome, she has worked to train the AI platform to make precision nutrition recommendations. She believes that Viome’s precision nutrition program can truly slow the progression of disease and may someday make illness obsolete. Hilary holds a Bachelor’s in Chemistry and Biology from the University of Hartford and a Masters in Biochemistry from San Diego State University. She is an avid yoga practitioner, snowboarder, food lover, and at-home fermentation enthusiast.


    Learn more about Viome:

    • For specific food guidance for your body's needs, check out the Viome Health Intelligence Test Kit and use code B&B for special savings and order your kit here.

    If you want to learn more about some of our go-to products for recovery and performance, check out our B&B Favorites Page: https://beautyandthebiohacker.com/favourites



    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast and interview is not to be taken as medical advice, and always consult with your Physician before making any lifestyle changes. The material shared by guests in this podcast is not the opinion of Rachel Varga or Katie Moore, and disclaims any responsibility of inaccurate credentials of guests or information used that may cause harm. Always consult with your licensed Physician before any lifestyle modifications.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    What Glucose Data Says About Your Health with Kara Collier, NutriSense

    What Glucose Data Says About Your Health with Kara Collier, NutriSense

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    Kara is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Nutrition Support Clinician with a special focus in glucose control and metabolism. She’s the Director of Nutrition at NutriSense - a company that specializes in blood glucose monitoring and provides coaching support to help user’s understand their unique response to the food and lifestyle changes.

    LEARN MORE ABOUT NUTRISENSE: https://www.nutrisense.io




    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast and interview is not to be taken as medical advice, and always consult with your Physician before making any lifestyle changes. The material shared by guests in this podcast is not the opinion of Rachel Varga or Katie Moore, and disclaims any responsibility of inaccurate credentials of guests or information used that may cause harm. Always consult with your licensed Physician before any lifestyle modifications.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Why Your Doctor is Not Your Mommy – Own Your Self with Kelly Brogan, M.D. : 635

    Why Your Doctor is Not Your Mommy – Own Your Self with Kelly Brogan, M.D. : 635

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    She’s board certified in psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine, and integrative holistic medicine and specializes in a root-cause resolution approach to psychiatric syndromes and symptoms. 

    Her new book—"Own Your Self: The Surprising Path Beyond Depression, Anxiety, and Fatigue to Reclaiming Your Authenticity, Vitality, and Freedom”— presents a radical alternative to psychotropic meds.

    She explodes the mistaken belief that symptoms—from mood changes to irritability to fogginess and fatigue—are evidence that people are sick or broken. “I became interested in the role of belief,” Dr. Brogan says. “And how what's really happening when we're talking about the engagement of health practices is the exercising of a belief system. So, I started to study the anatomy of that—the placebo, nocebo effect, expectancy—and really what it is to inhabit a belief system.”

    Dr. Brogan says our experiences aren’t problems or pathologies; they reflect what we need to accept, acknowledge and transform in order to truly become who we are. “Authenticity has become the most powerful form of social currency.”

    Enjoy the show!

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.