
    450: Pronounced Dead. Still More to Do. CRACK ON. With Royal Marine, Mark Ormrod.

    enAugust 07, 2024
    What injuries did Mark Ormrod sustain in Afghanistan?
    How did Mark Ormrod overcome bullying in his childhood?
    What inspired Mark during his recovery from amputation?
    How did Mark's team contribute to his survival?
    What roles did Mark Ormrod take on after his injuries?

    Podcast Summary

    • Mark Ormrod's ResilienceDespite losing multiple limbs in Afghanistan, Mark Ormrod overcame bullying in his past and continued to excel in sports, speaking, writing, and business ownership through resilience and determination.

      Resilience and determination of Mark Ormrod, a Royal Marine who lost both legs and an arm in Afghanistan but continued to compete in sports, become a speaker, author, and business owner. The account of his firefight experience showcases the intensity and teamwork required in such situations, with each Marine contributing to the effort to repel the Taliban. Ormrod's background, growing up in Plymouth with an average-sized family, included an experience of being bullied, which he overcame through perseverance. Despite the challenges, he maintained a positive attitude and continued to thrive in various aspects of life.

    • BullyingEven a hurtful comment from a bully can be transformed into motivation for personal growth and self-improvement through hobbies and passions.

      A negative comment from a bully at a young age led a boy to discover bodybuilding and kickboxing, transforming his self-perception and fostering a lifelong passion for fitness. Despite the hurtful remark, he found motivation in it and used it as an opportunity to improve himself. With limited resources and knowledge back then, he relied on bodybuilding magazines and his natural flexibility to guide him. This experience instilled in him a valuable lesson on taking advice from those we don't respect and using it as an opportunity for growth. His love for action heroes and martial arts further fueled his dedication to these newfound hobbies.

    • Martial arts transformationDiscovering martial arts as a teenager in England led the speaker to a transformative experience, instilling a lifelong love for learning, self-improvement, and pushing limits, despite hating the competitive aspect.

      The speaker's introduction to martial arts as a teenager in England was a transformative experience that led him to discover his love for learning, self-improvement, and pushing his limits. He started with Mu Thai, which was more intimidating without protective gear, but he was drawn to it and enjoyed the training despite hating the competitive aspect. The education system in England at the time was more focused and guided compared to the US, and the speaker's experience of studying a boring business course in college led him to drop out and join the Royal Marines instead. The recruiting process was exciting and adventurous, and he passed the potential recruitment course and waited for the invitation to start training. This experience shaped his life and instilled in him a desire for personal growth and challenging himself.

    • Military training resilienceMilitary training like Royal Marine Commando pushes recruits to their limits, building resilience through grueling challenges and harsh conditions, fostering camaraderie with unique language and customs.

      Military training, such as Royal Marine Commando training, pushes recruits to their limits and beyond. The experience can be terrifying, overwhelming, and grueling, with long hours, physical and mental challenges, and harsh conditions. But those who persevere and refuse to quit, even when faced with misery and adversity, can emerge stronger and more resilient. The use of unique language and customs, like nicknames and slang, helps build camaraderie and unity among recruits. And while some may choose to quit, often doing so on the spot or seeking medical attention, those who push through are rewarded with the pride and accomplishment of earning their place as a Royal Marine Commando.

    • Military training resilienceMilitary training pushes trainees to their limits, developing resilience and endurance through grueling experiences, preparing for real-life challenges.

      Military training, such as Dig X or the Green Beret course, pushes trainees to their physical and mental limits. These experiences can be grueling, with long hours, harsh conditions, and high expectations. Some individuals may choose to quit, but those who persevere develop resilience and learn to endure despite discomfort. The training is designed to test one's commitment and fortitude, preparing individuals for real-life challenges, such as combat situations. The attrition rate is high, but those who make it through emerge stronger and more determined.

    • Military assignmentsMilitary assignments can be unexpected, but everyone's experience is unique and valuable, with opportunities to gain new skills and serve the country.

      The military experience can be unexpected and challenging, with initial training and job assignments not always aligning with expectations. This was the case for the speaker, who went through basic seal training and expected a glamorous or powerful role upon graduation, only to be assigned as a driver. Similarly, in the US Marines, recruits were told they were all Marines first, regardless of their job assignment. However, the military has since given recruits more influence over their job assignments, allowing them to express their preferences and reducing the feeling of disappointment and disillusionment. The speaker emphasized that everyone's military experience is unique, and there are valuable opportunities to be found in every role, whether it be cooking, driving, or infantry. The military is a place where individuals can gain new skills and serve their country, regardless of their initial expectations.

    • Military adaptabilityMilitary service requires adaptability to unexpected situations and balancing responsibilities, leading to valuable experiences and future successes.

      The author's experience in the military involved a lot of waiting and preparation, but he didn't see combat until his last deployment. He had to make a decision to leave the military and start a new career as a bodyguard, which was not as glamorous as he had imagined. Throughout his military service, he had to adapt to unexpected situations, such as digging a massive trench in a short amount of time, and had to balance his responsibilities as a soldier with his role as a father. Despite the challenges, he was able to make the most of his experiences and eventually find success in a new career.

    • Military camaraderieThe importance of camaraderie and a sense of purpose in the military can lead individuals to feel a strong sense of belonging, which can be difficult to find as a civilian.

      The speaker's experience of leaving the military and struggling as a civilian led him to miss the camaraderie and sense of purpose he had experienced during his military training. This realization ultimately led him to rejoin the Marines and find a sense of belonging once again. Another key moment during his time in Afghanistan was an encounter with Prince Harry, where they shared a common experience and understanding as fellow soldiers. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of finding a sense of belonging and purpose in one's life, and the impact that military service can have on shaping an individual's identity.

    • Effective leadership in warzoneEffective leadership, calm demeanor, and proper training can make a significant difference in maintaining morale and ensuring survival during dangerous situations in a warzone.

      Effective leadership in challenging situations, such as a warzone, can make all the difference. Sean, a respected military leader, demonstrated this through his ability to make his team feel safe and confident, even during dangerous situations. His calm demeanor and sound judgment were crucial in keeping morale high and ensuring the team's survival. Despite the fear and helplessness that came with being under attack, the team's sturdy shelter provided a sense of security. The experience of being bombed was a harsh reality check, but it also served as a reminder of the bravery and resilience of soldiers in past wars. The importance of proper training and experienced leadership cannot be overstated, as it can significantly impact the outcome of dangerous situations. The leadership of Captain Jessen and CSM Toomey, both with decades of experience, was a crucial factor in maintaining order and morale at the FOB.

    • Sangers and IEDsSpending long hours in fortified positions called sangers, the author and team faced constant threat of IEDs, which were difficult to detect in urban environments. Vigilance, teamwork, and adaptability were crucial for their successful defensive efforts.

      The author's experience in Afghanistan involved spending long hours in fortified positions called "sangers," which were built with Haskell barriers and covered in barbed wire. These positions were used for observation and defense against attacks. Internally, they contained maps, radios, and local phrase sheets. The author and his team had to follow strict rules of engagement and face the constant threat of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), which were often hidden in urban environments and difficult to detect. The competition among team members to engage in combat was high, but the fear of IEDs was the biggest concern. The author shares stories of the challenges they faced in identifying IEDs due to their clever disguises in urban environments. Despite the dangers, the author and his team were successful in their defensive efforts, as shown by their high success rate in repelling attacks. The author also reflects on the importance of understanding military tactics and strategies, which he lacked at the time, and how it could have influenced his decisions. Overall, the author's experience highlights the importance of vigilance, teamwork, and adaptability in the face of constant danger.

    • Military patrols and presenceSoldiers maintained momentum and dominance through patrols, used force when necessary, and disrupted enemy locations despite limitations and danger

      During the military operation, the soldiers not only defended their base but also conducted presence patrols in the local populace to maintain momentum and dominance on the ground. They faced attacks and responded with force, using various weapons like rifles, mortars, and even air support. The soldiers' professionalism and determination were crucial in protecting the villagers and repelling the enemy. Despite manpower shortages and limitations, they continued to go out on patrols and disrupted enemy locations or weapons caches whenever possible. The use of technology like mortar pits and battlefield radios played a significant role in their success. However, the danger was always present, as shown by the unexpected IED explosion that claimed the life of one soldier. Overall, the soldiers' resilience and commitment to their mission were essential in securing the area and ensuring the safety of the local population.

    • Human spiritEven in the face of adversity, the human spirit can find a way to endure and persevere, and friendship can provide the necessary support to help us through the toughest times.

      Even in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity, the human spirit can find a way to endure and persevere. The man in this story, despite his regret and despair over his injuries, found the strength to accept his situation and ask for help from a trusted friend. He was able to find peace in the knowledge that his loved ones would be better off without him as a disabled person. However, his friends refused to let him give up and instead worked tirelessly to save his life. This story highlights the importance of resilience, the power of friendship, and the strength of the human spirit.

    • Soldier's survivalQuick actions of team and medical personnel saved soldier's life during IED explosion, despite challenging circumstances and improvised medical treatments

      The soldier's survival during a devastating IED explosion was due to the quick actions of his team and the medical personnel, who went above and beyond to save his life despite challenging circumstances. He remained conscious throughout the ordeal, believing in the strength of his team and trusting that they would keep him alive. The medics, faced with the challenge of administering fluids without intravenous access, improvised by drilling into his hip, a method they had never used before. His recovery involved amputations above the knee for both legs and above the elbow for his right arm. The soldier expressed immense gratitude towards his team and the medical personnel for their heroic efforts that saved his life.

    • Love and DeterminationThe power of love and determination can help individuals overcome great adversity, as demonstrated by Mark's recovery from losing limbs in war with the support of his girlfriend Becky and their strong communication.

      Even in the face of great adversity, the power of love and determination can help individuals overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. Mark's story illustrates this as he recounts the shock of losing limbs in war, the support of his loved ones, and the proposal to his girlfriend Becky during his hospital stay. Despite the initial disbelief and difficulty adjusting, Mark's love for Becky and her unwavering support played a crucial role in his recovery. The experience also highlights the importance of communication and understanding between partners, even during trying times.

    • Overcoming adversityAcceptance, learning from others, and determination are key to overcoming adversity. Meeting inspiring individuals and seeking knowledge can provide hope and valuable support.

      Overcoming adversity requires resilience, acceptance, and the willingness to learn from others. Mark, a triple amputee after a landmine explosion, shares his experience of coping with his loss and finding inspiration in unexpected places. Initially, he struggled with acceptance and contemplated suicide, but a visit from a leading medical professional and a meeting with a double amputee who was living an active life gave him hope. Mark's determination led him to research and connect with other amputees, including a triple amputee, who provided him with valuable advice and support. By staying positive, seeking knowledge, and surrounding himself with the right people, Mark was able to overcome the challenges and make the best of his situation. His story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of finding inspiration in unexpected places.

    • Adversity and growthAdversity can lead to personal growth and resilience, demonstrated by the speaker's military experience and Jim Searlesley's story. Pushing forward and refusing to give in to despair, along with support from loved ones and professionals, are essential for overcoming challenges.

      Adversity and hardship can be turned into opportunities for growth and resilience. The story of the speaker's experience in the military, as well as the example of Jim Searlesley, demonstrates the importance of having a strong attitude and refusing to give in to despair or self-pity. Despite facing significant challenges, both individuals chose to push forward and make the most of their situations. The speaker's determination to walk onto the parade ground and receive his operational service medal, despite his injuries, is a powerful illustration of this principle. Additionally, the support and encouragement of mentors, professionals, and loved ones played a crucial role in their recoveries and successes.

    • Mindset shift, goal settingA positive mindset and clear goals can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve success, even during difficult times. Focusing on these goals can provide motivation and help individuals persevere through adversity.

      Setting clear goals and maintaining a positive mindset can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve success, even in the face of adversity. The speaker, a former Marine commando, shares his experience of being injured in Afghanistan and the emotional ceremony where he received his Operational Service Medal. Despite the difficulties he faced during rehabilitation, including physical pain and the pressure to return to duty, he focused on his goal of standing tall and receiving the medal among his comrades. This mindset shift and the setting of smaller goals along the way helped him recover and continue to thrive in various areas of his life. The experience inspired him to write a book, sharing his story and the lessons he learned.

    • Unexpected opportunities from challengesReflecting on past experiences and misconceptions can lead to discovering unexpected opportunities for personal growth and positive impact on others.

      Life's experiences, even the most challenging ones, can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth. The speaker, a triple amputee veteran, shares how he initially dismissed the Invictus Games due to past experiences and misconceptions. However, after reflecting on his 10-year anniversary of being injured, he applied and was accepted into the games. Through the experience, he discovered the value of adaptive sports and the positive impact it had on the athletes' confidence and reintegration into society. This experience inspired him to write a book and create a version for children, emphasizing the importance of setting goals, overcoming adversity, and teaching positive lessons.

    • Mindset and AttitudeHaving the right mindset and attitude are essential for achieving goals, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. Discovering Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu after injury and changing mindset led to personal growth and success.

      Having the right mindset and attitude are crucial in achieving goals, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. The speaker shares his experience of training for the Invictus Games with a wrong attitude, failing to win all the gold medals, and then reapplying with a different mindset, leading to success. Similarly, he discovered Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu when injured and felt elated after training, realizing that it required hard work and focus, which he found beneficial for personal growth. The speaker encourages people with physical injuries to try Jiu-Jitsu as it requires being present in the moment and offers opportunities for personal growth.

    • Jiu Jitsu impactJiu Jitsu transformed speaker's life physically and mentally, led to co-founding charity Reorg, and offers free access to fitness programs for injured individuals

      Jiu Jitsu has been a transformative force in the speaker's life, both physically and mentally. He found it addictive, with its constant challenge and room for improvement. It brought positive changes to his daily life and even led him to adapt to his body's limitations. The speaker's passion for Jiu Jitsu eventually led him to co-found Reorg, a charity that uses Jiu Jitsu and other fitness programs as a form of rehabilitation for military personnel, first responders, and civilians dealing with physical or psychological injuries. The charity has grown based on demand and now offers various programs, including the Reorg 60 and 365, which are funded by the charity and provide free access to Jiu Jitsu training and other fitness programs. The speaker is excited about the potential scientific studies that can prove the positive effects of Jiu Jitsu on people's lives and encourages everyone to check out the charity's website and start their journey.

    • Physiological impact of actionsTaking a step back, deep breathing, and engaging in activities like Jiu-Jitsu can positively impact our physiological system and improve our lives. Staying true to our passions and helping others can lead to personal growth and validation.

      Our actions can influence our physiological system and have a positive impact on our lives. For instance, taking a step back from a problem, taking a breath to calm down, or engaging in activities like Jiu-Jitsu can have scientifically proven benefits. Sam, who received the MBE for his work in the veteran community, shared his experience of being awarded this honor despite feeling underprepared and out of his depth in certain situations. He emphasized that receiving the award didn't change his approach to life, but rather validated his passion for helping others. The discussion also touched on the importance of seminars and fundraising events in continuing the work of supporting men and women through various challenges. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of staying true to one's passions and making a difference in the lives of others.

    • Breaking down challengesBreaking down challenges into manageable parts can help overcome obstacles, as emphasized by motivational speaker Mark Ormrod, who applied this mindset during military training and continues to use it in life. Ormrod, a former Royal Marine, attends UFC events and supports injured service members and veterans through his charity, Reorg.

      No matter the challenge, whether it's training for a UFC event or recovering from an injury, breaking down the process into manageable parts can help overcome obstacles. Mark Ormrod, a former Royal Marine and motivational speaker, emphasizes this mindset, which he applied during his grueling military training and continues to use in his personal and professional life. He's attended numerous UFC events, including in the UK, and shares his experiences and connections in the martial arts community. Upcoming events include the Craig Jones Invitational and ADCC, both in Vegas, as well as the Reorg Open Jiu Jitsu tournament in London. Ormrod's charity, Reorg, focuses on helping injured service members and veterans, and people can learn more about it on their website and social media platforms.

    • Perseverance, Personal GrowthMark Ormrod's inspiring story highlights the power of determination and hard work to overcome obstacles, while Jocko Willink encourages prioritizing health, hygiene, and self-improvement through various resources and training opportunities.

      No matter the obstacles we face, we can overcome them with determination and hard work. Mark Ormrod, a retired Navy Explosive Ordinance Disposal Technician, shared his inspiring story of perseverance despite losing both legs in an IED explosion. He emphasized the importance of staying focused and getting after it in all aspects of life. Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL and co-founder of Echo Charity, encouraged listeners to prioritize their health and hygiene, and offered Jocko Fuel as a healthy option available at Walmart and other retailers. Additionally, OriginUSA.com offers American-made clothing, and JockoStore.com provides discipline equals freedom gear. The OG2 camp offers training for law enforcement, first responders, and military personnel. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying committed to personal growth and self-improvement.

    • Military Service AttractionThe attraction to military service, particularly combat roles, stems from a combination of biological predispositions and external influences, including societal expectations, marketing tactics, and access to advanced equipment.

      The allure of military service, specifically combat roles, can be attributed to both nature and nurture. For some young men, there is an inherent desire for combat and the camaraderie that comes with it. Recruitment videos and marketing tactics can capitalize on this urge, making military service seem exciting and desirable. The availability of advanced equipment and the elitism of being part of a special team further adds to the appeal. However, the cultural influence of media and societal expectations also plays a role in shaping this desire. It's a complex interplay of biological predispositions and external influences that draws young men towards military service. Additionally, the speakers mentioned various products and resources, including JockoStore.com for discipline-focused gear, ColoradoCraftBeef.com and PrimalBeef.com for high-quality steaks, and podcasts and YouTube channels for inspirational content. These recommendations were made in the context of the conversation, but they can also be valuable resources for those seeking to improve themselves and their lives.

    • Leadership skills improvementLeadership and life skills aren't innate, can be learned through resources like Extremownership.com, and taking action when faced with challenges is crucial.

      Leadership and life skills are not innate abilities, but rather learned ones. Just as one wouldn't expect to excel in activities like playing guitar or basketball without proper instruction, the same applies to leadership and living. Extremownership.com offers resources to help individuals improve their leadership skills, much like jujitsu provides an advantage in a physical fight. Additionally, there are various charities, such as America's MightyWarriors.org, HeroesAndHorses.org, and BeyondTheBrotherhood.org, that support veterans and their families, which can be beneficial for those seeking to make a difference. Ultimately, when faced with challenges, it's essential to accept the situation and then take action to move forward.

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    450: Pronounced Dead. Still More to Do. CRACK ON. With Royal Marine, Mark Ormrod.

    450: Pronounced Dead. Still More to Do. CRACK ON. With Royal Marine, Mark Ormrod.

    Mark Ormrod, award-winning author, coach, mentor, motivational speaker and sought-after ambassador, was born and raised in Plymouth, Devon and in 2001 realised his lifelong ambition of joining the Royal Marines.

    On Christmas Eve 2007, whilst serving on operations in Afghanistan with 40 Commando Royal Marines, he was blown up by an Improvised Explosive Device, resulting in the traumatic amputation of both legs and his right arm and was twice pronounced dead.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/jocko-podcast/exclusive-content
    Jocko Podcast
    enAugust 07, 2024