
    451: Jiu Jitsu on the Mats and In Life. With Miha Perhavec

    enAugust 14, 2024
    What are the fundamental concepts of jujitsu?
    How does Miha Padhab emphasize perseverance in training?
    What is the importance of artistic expression in jujitsu?
    How can decentralized command apply in jiu jitsu competition?
    What advancements have occurred in leg lock techniques recently?

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the science of jujitsuTo master jujitsu, one must first understand its fundamental concepts, positions, and progressions before innovating and creating unexpected techniques.

      War, as well as the martial art of jujitsu, require a deep understanding of both the scientific principles and the artistic elements to be truly proficient. The science provides the foundation, the rules that must be mastered before one can break them with creativity and innovation. For war, this means understanding enemy tactics and anticipating their moves to create unexpected attacks. In jujitsu, it means grasping the fundamental concepts, positions, and progressions before unleashing innovative techniques. Miha Padhab's book, "Modern Submission Grappling: A No-Gi Jujitsu Manual," serves as an essential guide to understanding the science of jujitsu and developing the freedom to express its art. Miha's journey from Slovenia to training with Jocko Willink highlights the importance of perseverance and the shared human experiences that transcend borders.

    • Slovenian War causes and resolutionThe Slovenian War, caused by the dissolution of Yugoslavia after Tito's death, ended quickly with minimal casualties due to the small scale of the conflict and the parties' willingness to negotiate.

      Slovenia's journey towards independence in the early 1990s was marked by a surprisingly brief war, which ended in just a couple of weeks with minimal casualties compared to other long-lasting conflicts. Tito, the former leader of Yugoslavia, had kept the country together despite his diverse background, but after his death, different groups declared independence, leading to the Slovenian War. This war resulted in the death of 19 Slovenians and 44 members of the Yugoslav People's Army, with 182 Slovenians and 146 soldiers wounded. The quick resolution of the conflict can be attributed to various factors, including the small scale of the conflict and the willingness of the parties to negotiate. On a personal note, the interviewee was born in Slovenia after the war, and their parents had ordinary jobs. They were introduced to Judo at a young age through a family friend and started training at a local judo club. Judo, compared to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, focuses more on throws and less on groundwork, with limited submissions allowed due to the emphasis on self-defense against multiple opponents. The interviewee started training at the age of 10 and progressed through the belts, eventually learning submissions and starting to compete. Despite the limited submission training, they found Judo addictive and enjoyed the challenge of learning new techniques.

    • Childhood Training CampsIntense training camps during childhood, despite physical and mental challenges, can leave a lasting impact and foster a lifelong passion for personal growth and resilience.

      The speaker's happiest childhood memories were made during intense training camps for Judo and Jiu Jitsu. These camps, which often involved long hours, physical pain, and mental toughness, left a lasting impact on the speaker. Despite not achieving Olympic-level success, the speaker cherished the experiences and the opportunity to train with future champions. Later in life, the speaker transitioned to Jiu Jitsu after feeling unfulfilled with Judo and discovered a new passion. The speaker's experiences highlight the importance of perseverance, dedication, and the formative power of challenging experiences.

    • MMA vs AcademicsExcelling in both MMA and academics requires dedication and resilience, but potential risks may lead one to choose academics over a professional fighting career.

      The speaker, despite focusing on both Jiu Jitsu and MMA training, managed to excel in both sports while maintaining academic commitments. However, the risks associated with MMA, such as potential brain trauma, led him to eventually choose academics over a professional fighting career. The speaker's experiences of competing in unfamiliar environments and against formidable opponents showcased his resilience and determination. Despite the challenges, he remained dedicated to his training and academic pursuits, ultimately leading him to a unique and unconventional path.

    • Jiu Jitsu Brain InjuriesJiu Jitsu offers mental toughness training and a lower risk of brain injuries compared to other combat sports, as shared by a speaker with a history of sparring in various martial arts.

      Jiu jitsu has become increasingly popular due to its reduced risk of brain injuries compared to other combat sports. The speaker, who has a history of sparring in various martial arts, shares his experiences of taking blows to the head and the eventual shift towards jiu jitsu. He emphasizes that jiu jitsu not only offers mental toughness training but also poses a lower risk of brain injuries. The speaker's personal journey involved traveling to Poland to train with top European jiu jitsu athletes, where he experienced intense training and learned valuable techniques, including an unfortunate incident involving a broken ankle. Despite the injury, the speaker persevered and continued his training upon returning home, ultimately gaining significant strength and mental fortitude.

    • Stepping out of comfort zonesSeeking new experiences and pushing past comfort zones can lead to personal growth, new passions, and eventual success despite initial challenges

      Personal growth and improvement often require stepping out of comfort zones and seeking new experiences. The speaker's journey involved moving from Poland to Norway to pursue jiu-jitsu training and an opportunity to work and make money. During this time, he discovered a passion for cooking and helped build a yoga business for jiu-jitsu practitioners. He also pursued a master's degree in international security and conflict resolution, although he found some aspects less engaging. Despite the challenges, such as living in a less desirable neighborhood and long commutes, the speaker remained dedicated to his goals and eventually found success. He emphasized the importance of putting in the effort and grinding through difficult times, as well as the value of seeking out knowledge and experiences that align with one's interests. The speaker's story illustrates the power of perseverance, adaptability, and a willingness to try new things in order to grow and improve.

    • Impact of Educational Content on PerspectiveConsuming large amounts of educational content, such as podcasts, can broaden one's perspective and influence decision-making in life. Respect, hard work, and consistency are essential when joining a new community or academy.

      Consuming large amounts of educational content, such as podcasts, can significantly impact one's perspective and decision-making process in life. This listener, who has consumed around 350 episodes of a specific podcast, shares how it helped him understand the value of time, discipline, and humility. After completing his master's degree, he embarked on a two-year journey around the world, visiting various jiu-jitsu schools and meeting influential figures like Keenan Cornelius. Their business relationship eventually evolved into a deep friendship. The listener's experiences emphasize the importance of respect, hard work, and consistency when joining a new community or academy. While there are no significant mistakes mentioned, the key is to show up with an open mind, respect the hierarchy, train hard, and avoid injuring others.

    • Building relationshipsRespecting cultural differences and taking time to understand the dynamics before getting involved are crucial for building positive relationships and creating a productive experience in any training environment or new situation.

      Respect and building relationships are crucial in any training environment or new situation. Crashing in and trying to dominate or impose your ways can lead to unnecessary conflicts. Instead, take the time to build trust and understand the culture and dynamics before getting involved. This applies to various aspects of life, including jiu-jitsu academies, businesses, and personal interactions. Cultural differences and business models can vary significantly, and it's essential to adapt and respect these differences to create a positive and productive experience for all involved. Ultimately, being cool, respectful, and building relationships are the keys to success and growth in any situation.

    • Jiu-Jitsu academy selectionSelecting the right Jiu-Jitsu academy based on personal preferences and learning style is crucial for an enjoyable and effective training experience. Well-planned and executed training programs can significantly enhance the learning experience.

      Finding the right Jiu-Jitsu academy that fits your preferences and learning style is crucial for an enjoyable and effective training experience. The academy landscape offers a range of options, from relaxed to rigorous, and both can produce champions. The interviewee shared his experience of opening Legion Jiu-Jitsu in 2019 and the challenges they faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. They learned the importance of being cautious and considering all perspectives before making decisions, especially in uncertain situations. After reopening, they implemented a five-week beginner course to ensure new students have a solid foundation and streamline the learning process. The approach is inspired by the Roman Legion's effective training methods and structures. Overall, the key takeaway is that a well-planned and executed training program can significantly enhance the learning experience for Jiu-Jitsu practitioners.

    • Jiu-Jitsu fundamentalsA solid foundation in Jiu-Jitsu is crucial, even for experienced practitioners, and the beginner course is essential for building it. The book 'No Gi Jiu-Jitsu' offers a comprehensive guide to the sport, focusing on essential techniques and concepts.

      Jiu-Jitsu is a complex and expansive martial art with an infinite number of possible moves due to the three-dimensional nature of the human body and the unique abilities and proportions of each individual. Even experienced practitioners can continue to learn and explore new techniques. The beginner course is essential for building a solid foundation, and while some may be eager to advance quickly, it's important to understand the basics first. The book "No Gi Jiu-Jitsu" was written to provide a comprehensive guide to the sport, with a focus on what not to include to avoid making the book an encyclopedia. The author's approach was influenced by the concept of resistance, doing what seems hard despite not wanting to, and conducting thorough research to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of each technique. The result is an entertaining and informative manual for both beginners and experienced practitioners.

    • Jiu Jitsu and chess: finite vs infinite gamesUnderstanding the concepts of finite and infinite games in Jiu Jitsu and chess can help beginners build a foundation for continuous improvement and advanced practitioners identify knowledge gaps.

      The concepts of finite and infinite games, as applied to chess and Jiu Jitsu, can help beginners understand the fundamentals of each practice and set the foundation for continuous improvement. The structure of a Jiu Jitsu manual, modeled after a match or sparring round, is an effective way for beginners to build a mental map of common positions, techniques, and patterns. For more advanced practitioners, such a guide can help organize existing knowledge and identify gaps that need to be filled. The importance of understanding these concepts extends beyond martial arts, as they can be applied to various aspects of life. Additionally, the potential for ego death in Jiu Jitsu, where individuals may be humbled by their inexperience or defeated by more skilled practitioners, can lead to either a deep obsession with the practice or a reluctance to engage in it at all. Understanding this dynamic and embracing the learning process is crucial for those looking to delve into the world of Jiu Jitsu.

    • Jiu Jitsu guardThe guard position in Jiu Jitsu, where one is on their back, is not a defeat but a defensive and offensive strategy with the potential for sweeps and submissions.

      In the world of martial arts, being on the ground is not always a defeat. In Jiu Jitsu, the guard position, which involves being on your back, is not only allowed but also encouraged due to its defensive and offensive capabilities. The guard can be used to present a barrier, stall, or launch attacks for sweeps or submissions. Its importance is highlighted by the rapid advancement of techniques and the fact that everyone ends up on their back during a fight. Understanding and mastering the guard is crucial for self-defense and winning fights, even if your goal is just to stand up. The guard is a significant technological advancement in martial arts and continues to evolve. Despite debates over naming conventions, it is essential to have a unified understanding of this crucial aspect of Jiu Jitsu. The book discussed in the conversation provides valuable insights and humor to help readers learn and retain this information.

    • BJJ guard passingTaking your time during guard passing and applying consistent pressure increases success, while hurrying can result in missed opportunities and false victories. Proper guard retention and strong frames are crucial for defending against dominant positions.

      In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, taking your time during guard passing and applying consistent pressure can lead to greater success, even against skilled opponents. Hurrying through the process can result in missed opportunities and a false sense of victory. Additionally, front headlocks, especially those applied by a partner like Sloan or "Caveman," can be particularly challenging and require careful defense to avoid injury. The importance of proper guard retention and strong frames cannot be overstated when facing an opponent in side control or other dominant positions.

    • Control and Preparation in Jiu JitsuControl and preparation are vital in Jiu Jitsu as demonstrated when the speaker's training partner manipulated him, emphasizing the importance of mental and physical readiness and finding advantages.

      Control and preparation are crucial elements in the world of Jiu Jitsu, as demonstrated by the speaker's experience with his training partner, Dean. The speaker discusses how Dean has the ability to control him during training, specifically by manipulating sweat drops to target his ear, leaving him feeling humiliated and frustrated. This experience highlights the importance of being mentally and physically prepared, as well as the value of finding ways to gain the upper hand when possible. The speaker also touches on the evolution of Jiu Jitsu and the constant learning that comes with it, whether through mastering new techniques or incorporating elements from other martial arts like judo. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the dedication and perseverance required to excel in Jiu Jitsu and the importance of adapting and growing as a practitioner.

    • Gi vs No-Gi Jiu JitsuTraining in both Gi and No-Gi Jiu Jitsu offers unique benefits, with Gi providing more opportunities for defense and control, and No-Gi allowing for easier escapes and submissions. Being versatile and adaptable is crucial for effective grappling.

      Mastering both Gi and No-Gi Jiu Jitsu provides unique benefits for defense and offense. The speaker shares his experience training with a Judo and wrestling expert who demonstrates exceptional skills in both styles. He explains that while Gi provides more opportunities for defense and control, No-Gi allows for easier escapes and submissions. The speaker also shares an anecdote about the importance of being prepared for unexpected attacks, even in everyday situations like wearing street clothes. He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing moves effectively to avoid getting submitted from the back, a common challenge in grappling. Overall, the discussion highlights the value of versatility and adaptability in Jiu Jitsu training.

    • Decentralized command in Jiu JitsuThrough rigorous training, Jiu Jitsu practitioners aim to reach a state of autonomous body operation for quick and effective reactions, emphasizing trust and respect between partners, and focusing on securing submissions, particularly leg locks.

      The principles of decentralized command from military combat apply to Jiu Jitsu. This means that through rigorous training, a Jiu Jitsu practitioner aims to reach a state where their body operates autonomously, allowing them to react quickly and effectively without having to consciously command each movement. This concept is crucial in competition, where the ability to react instinctively can be the difference between success and defeat. Additionally, the importance of trust and respect between training partners is emphasized, ensuring a safe and effective training environment. The ultimate goal in Jiu Jitsu is to secure a submission, and the development of leg lock techniques has seen significant advancements in recent years, with the devastating and feared set of submissions, heel hooks, becoming a mainstay in submission grappling.

    • Heel Hooks and Leg Locks Revolution in BJJThe Donnerher Death Squad revolutionized BJJ with their successful use of unconventional leg locks, leading to a wave of intense study and adoption around the world. Focusing on training defenses and mastering counters is crucial for beginners to effectively deal with these techniques.

      The Donnerher Death Squad, led by John Danaher, revolutionized the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with their successful use of heel hooks. This technique caused a wave of intense study and adoption around the world. Even in the early 1990s, grapplers like Ken Shamrock displayed impressive defense against these formidable leg locks. Danaher's approach to leg locks, which was once considered unconventional, involved relentless attacks on opponents' legs. His students, including Eddie Cummings, Gary Tonon, and Gordon Ryan, went on to achieve great success with this technique. The development of leg locks and their defenses progressed rapidly, and as more people learned them, the focus shifted towards mastering counters to become even more effective. For beginners, focusing intently on training and reversing techniques to learn defenses is crucial for growth in Jiu-Jitsu. Despite the vast number of moves and permutations, it's impossible to anticipate every problem, and unique situations will arise.

    • Jiu Jitsu mechanics and artMastering Jiu Jitsu involves both understanding the mechanical aspects and developing artistic expression. Practicing the basics and understanding key components can lead to success, while personal expression and creativity contribute to innovation.

      Mastering Jiu Jitsu involves both understanding the mechanical aspects and developing artistic expression. The mechanical aspects require discipline and technique, while the artistic expression allows for creativity and innovation. A triangle hold in Jiu Jitsu can be a challenge to escape, but understanding the key components and practicing can lead to success. The number of components required to execute a move effectively varies, with some moves having fewer requirements and others being more complex. Jiu Jitsu can be seen as an intersection of engineering and art, requiring both problem-solving skills and personal expression. The journey to mastery involves both learning the fundamentals and discovering one's unique style. As an example, the guitarist Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin started as a studio musician following instructions, but once given the freedom to express himself, he became known for his innovative and artistic playing style. Similarly, in Jiu Jitsu, individuals may have varying levels of artistic expression, but all must first master the basics to reach their full potential.

    • Creativity and continuous learningCreativity and continuous learning are crucial for mastering jiu-jitsu, allowing for quicker learning of new moves and a well-rounded skillset. Even feared techniques like heel hooks can be valuable additions with proper safety measures.

      Creativity and continuous learning are essential in mastering jiu-jitsu. Even if someone doesn't use a particular move often, they might possess deep knowledge about it. As students progress, they can learn new moves more quickly by building a solid framework and context. Leg locks, especially heel hooks, are often feared due to their reputation for danger, but they can be valuable additions to one's skillset if approached with proper safety measures and training. It's essential to understand that heel hooks are not inherently painful, and practitioners must be cautious when applying them. Additionally, heel hooks should not be viewed as a silver bullet but rather as part of the overall grappling strategy. Continuous learning, whether through classes, books, or self-practice, is crucial to becoming a well-rounded and effective jiu-jitsu practitioner.

    • BJJ skill setFocus on all aspects of BJJ, including passing, leg locks, and submissions, for a well-rounded skill set. Find a good academy and prioritize consistent training to progress in the sport.

      Developing a well-rounded skill set in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is crucial for success in the sport. This means focusing on all aspects of the game, including passing, leg locks, and submissions, rather than relying on one specific technique or strategy. A good coach and academy can help guide this process, but ultimately, you must put in the time and effort to practice consistently. When choosing an academy, consider both proximity and quality. While it may be tempting to choose an academy that is conveniently located, prioritizing exceptional training can lead to better long-term progress. It's essential to find an academy that aligns with your goals and learning style. Remember, you're not obligated to pledge allegiance to any one instructor or academy. Instead, approach your training with an open mind and be willing to try different methods and techniques. The ecological approach to training, which emphasizes constraint-based games and situational training, can be an effective supplement to traditional drilling and technique repetition. However, it's essential to keep in mind that no single approach is perfect, and a combination of both methods may be the most optimal way to progress in Jiu-Jitsu. Ultimately, remember that you can only fight the way you practice. So find a good academy, prioritize consistent training, and stay committed to your goals.

    • Intentional trainingConsistent practice is important, but approaching training with intent and problem-solving can lead to faster progress and mastery in Jiu Jitsu. Over-reliance on drilling without proper application and understanding can hinder progress.

      While consistent practice and drilling are essential in Jiu Jitsu, it's also important to approach training with intent and problem-solving. Over-reliance on drilling without proper application and understanding can hinder progress. Top-level Jiu Jitsu practitioners are constantly learning and improving, and there's no finish line to mastery. The best purple belts of today could compete at a high level against black belts from previous decades due to advancements in techniques and training methods. While some individuals may be naturally gifted, dedication and intent are key to progress. It's also worth noting that experienced practitioners can learn from each other, regardless of rank or age.

    • Jiu Jitsu mental benefitsJiu Jitsu offers mental benefits beyond physical movements, including deep understanding, connection, focus, and a sense of community, providing a reprieve from modern distractions.

      Jiu Jitsu goes beyond physical movements to teach valuable concepts and provide mental benefits. Through training, practitioners develop an aura of understanding and connection to the game, making them unfazed in the face of opponents. This deep understanding is not limited to high-level practitioners; it's a progression that anyone can achieve by using all their limbs and being fully present in the moment. Jiu Jitsu also offers a reprieve from the distractions of modern life, providing a sense of community and primal engagement that can't be found in technology. For those interested in exploring these concepts further, there's potential to write about the various concepts and strategies that can be applied to different positions and situations in Jiu Jitsu.

    • Principles and TechniquesLearning and applying principles and techniques in various aspects of life, such as jiu-jitsu, business, and personal wellness, can lead to significant improvements.

      Dean and AJJ emphasize the importance of principles and techniques in various aspects of life, whether it's jiu-jitsu, business, or personal wellness. Dean, a jiu-jitsu instructor, often shared his Four Corners principle and other concepts with AJJ. People can find more information about these principles and access videos on LegionSanDiego.com and through the Nogeemanual.com book. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of caffeine and hydration. Dean is a fan of Jockofuel, an energy drink, and the group consumes a significant amount of hydrate powder for training and wellness. The conversation also highlighted the importance of community and connection, as those who purchase the Nogeemanual will have the option to ask questions and get extra insights. Overall, the discussion underscores the value of learning and applying principles and techniques to improve various areas of life.

    • Jocko's retail expansionJocko and his team are expanding the availability and accessibility of Jocko Fuel products and OriginUSA clothing to a wider audience through partnerships with major retailers, gyms, and online stores, emphasizing the importance of providing healthy options and high-quality American-made goods.

      Jocko and his team are expanding the availability and accessibility of Jocko Fuel products and OriginUSA clothing to a wider audience by partnering with major retailers and gyms. This includes Walmart, various gyms such as CrossFit and jujitsu gyms, and online stores like JockoStore.com and OriginUSA.com. Jocko emphasizes the importance of providing healthy options and high-quality American-made goods to consumers. He also shares his personal experiences and preferences for Jocko Fuel products and OriginUSA clothing, highlighting their durability and comfort. Additionally, Jocko mentions upcoming events, including a law enforcement first responder training camp and the availability of new merchandise through subscription services. Overall, Jocko and his team are committed to delivering top-notch products and experiences to their customers while promoting discipline and freedom.

    • Jiu-Jitsu and Leadership ExpertiseExperts Echo Charles and Mihaw emphasize continuous learning and improvement in jiu-jitsu, leadership, and video production. They offer resources and solutions to leadership problems through their websites and organizations, and support charities for veterans and military families.

      The individuals on the podcast, Echo Charles and Mihaw, are experts in various fields including jiu-jitsu, leadership, and video production. They have written books, run a leadership consultancy, and are active on social media platforms like Instagram. Mihaw is particularly known for his expertise in Judo trips in jiu-jitsu, and they have a strong focus on continuous learning and improvement. They also highlighted the importance of leadership skills in all areas of life and encouraged listeners to check out their websites and organizations for resources and solutions to leadership problems. Additionally, they mentioned their support for various charities helping veterans and military families.

    • Judo techniques surpriseUnexpected Judo techniques can lead to effective outcomes, but assuming competence and practicing regularly are essential for mastery and application in life.

      Judo techniques, such as foot sweeps and takedown throws like Ochigari, Kochigari, and Oseutto Gari, can surprise both the practitioner and their opponent, leading to effective and surprising outcomes. The speaker also shared a personal experience of skiing with someone who appeared to be a skilled skier but was actually struggling, highlighting the importance of assuming competence and being aware of one's own limitations. Additionally, the importance of finding a good Jiu Jitsu academy, practicing regularly, and applying Jiu Jitsu principles to life were emphasized. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being aware of unexpected challenges and finding effective solutions through the practice of judo.

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