
    452: Ramadi Declassified with Col. Tony Deane

    enAugust 21, 2024
    What challenges did US forces face in Ramadi?
    How did Colonel Anthony E. Dean contribute to the mission?
    What was the significance of entry control point three?
    What role did emotions play during the Ramadi mission?
    How did the hospital affect military operations in Ramadi?

    Podcast Summary

    • Battle of RamadiDespite being outgunned and with limited resources, the US forces turned a 'no-win scenario' into a victory through heroic efforts and actions during the Battle of Ramadi.

      During the Battle of Ramadi in Iraq, when the battalion commander was personally engaging in combat, it indicated that the situation was dire. The city of Ramadi, particularly entry control point three, was under intense attack with machine guns and AK-47s, mortars, and even a suicide bomber. The US forces were outgunned and caught in the crossfire, with limited communication and resources. However, despite the challenges, the task force commander and his troops showed heroic efforts and actions to turn the situation around, making it a "no-win scenario" that they managed to win against all odds. Colonel Anthony E. Dean, who led the first battalion, 35th armor in Ramadi, shares his experiences and lessons learned from this mission. Born in 1963 in Omaha, Nebraska, Dean grew up playing various sports and later joined the military after his father's retirement from the Navy.

    • Overcoming ChallengesDespite facing numerous challenges, the individual persisted through determination and a willingness to adapt, ultimately finding success and validation in the military.

      Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, including academic struggles and financial hardships, the individual persisted and eventually found success through determination and a willingness to adapt. This was evident when he joined the Army Reserves to pay for college, became a mediocre cadet in ROTC, and ultimately graduated and served on active duty during the height of the Cold War. Throughout his journey, he showed resilience and a strong work ethic, ultimately leading to validation and a sense of direction. Despite initial doubts and obstacles, he proved himself to be a valuable asset to the military.

    • Military life during Cold WarMilitary life during the Cold War era was unpredictable and brought challenges such as long-distance relationships, financial struggles, and harsh living conditions, but also led to personal growth and unexpected joys.

      During the Cold War, a soldier's experiences ranged from training in Germany with tank camping excursions to unexpected deployments, such as the one to Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War. These experiences brought challenges, including long-distance relationships and financial struggles, but also led to personal growth and unexpected joys, like meeting a future spouse in Spain. The soldier's attitude towards his military career was to make the most of each tour, even if it meant extending his stay beyond plans, eventually leading him to become a company commander. The deployment to Saudi Arabia brought harsh living conditions and uncertainty, but ultimately, the arrival of supplies and the arrival of more units eased the situation. Overall, these experiences showcased the unpredictability and challenges of military life during the Cold War era.

    • Friendly fire incident consequencesInadequate training before combat can result in devastating consequences, including loss of life and injury, and can negatively impact unit morale.

      The lack of proper training before entering combat can have devastating consequences for a unit. This was a lesson learned the hard way during the Gulf War when a friendly fire incident resulted in the death of two soldiers and injuries to nine others. The commander of the unit, who was present during the incident, felt deeply responsible and vowed to ensure that his future battalion would train extensively before deployment. The experience also highlighted the difference between the mindset of Vietnam veterans, who placed great emphasis on training, and the post-Vietnam generation, who were more focused on avoiding equipment failures and maintaining appearance. The incident served as a reminder that the cost of inadequate preparation is high and can have lasting effects on individuals and the morale of the unit.

    • Military career transitionsMilitary transitions present challenges and opportunities, resilience and adaptability are crucial, and learning from diverse experiences is valuable.

      Military service, especially during times of transition and change, can present both challenges and opportunities. The speaker shares his experiences of returning from Desert Storm and being selected for various assignments, some of which did not turn out as expected. However, he emphasizes the importance of staying dedicated and learning from each experience. For instance, his time as a National Guard advisor in New Jersey taught him great respect for the Guard members' dedication and work ethic. Similarly, although he didn't make the list for the Command General Staff College the first time, he eventually got there and learned valuable lessons. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of resilience, adaptability, and the value of learning from various experiences in one's military career.

    • Military ExperiencesValuable knowledge gained through diverse military experiences, importance of staying adaptable, and learning from colleagues and international partners

      The speaker's military career was marked by diverse experiences, from being a regimental three planning attacks to a tank commander, to working at NATO, and eventually commanding a battalion during wartime. Along the way, he gained valuable knowledge and learned the importance of being prepared for the unexpected. The speaker also highlighted the significance of building on experiences and learning from colleagues, whether it was from working closely with generals or collaborating with international partners. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, the speaker emphasized the importance of staying adaptable and making the most of each assignment. Additionally, he shared insights on the evolving nature of military operations and the importance of being ready for prolonged conflicts.

    • Iraq War experiencesDespite intense training, soldiers faced inevitable casualties and had to adapt in the face of loss, while interactions with local leaders played a crucial role in military success.

      The book provides an in-depth exploration of the Iraq War through the experiences of soldiers and Marines, offering historical and cultural context. The author highlights the training and preparation of soldiers, such as Operations Officer Major Chuck Bergman and Team Dealer Commander Captain Lou Lacan, and their dedication to ensuring their men were ready for combat. However, despite the intense training, casualties were inevitable, as seen with the loss of Specialist Brett Tribble, who had volunteered to man a machine gun and expose himself to enemy fire. The war continued, and soldiers had to keep working and adapting, even in the face of loss. The author's interactions with local leaders, like the Bizia Abu Risha family, also played a significant role in the success of military operations. Overall, the book provides a detailed and personal look into the Iraq War, showcasing the sacrifices and resilience of those involved.

    • Military operation challengesMilitary operations face unexpected challenges and require quick adaptation, composure, and resilience from leaders despite initial setbacks.

      During a military operation to take back Ramadi from insurgents, the team faced unexpected challenges and heavy casualties despite clear instructions not to make it like the infamous Battle of Fallujah. Colonel McFarland led the team with composure and determination, even during mortar attacks. The team had to adapt quickly to the situation, facing both physical and emotional challenges. Despite initial setbacks, they continued to push forward, focusing on training and strategy to minimize civilian casualties and protect their own. The experience taught them the importance of preparation, adaptability, and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • Leadership in complex environmentsBuilding simple solutions for everyday challenges can significantly improve morale and performance in complex environments. Trust and empowerment are essential for effective military leadership.

      Leading troops in a complex and dangerous environment like Ramadi during the Iraq War required innovative solutions to everyday challenges. One such challenge was the lack of basic facilities, including toilets. The troops were living in substandard conditions, which affected their morale and performance. Lieutenant Colonel Tony Bellamy, who was leading the task force, recognized this issue and took action by building makeshift latrines for the Iraqi soldiers. This simple act of showing them respect and care improved their living conditions and boosted their morale, ultimately contributing to better performance on the battlefield. Another key takeaway is the importance of trust and empowerment in leadership. Colonel McFarland, who arrived on the scene after a tragic incident, displayed exceptional combat leadership by trusting Bellamy and his team to handle the situation. His unwavering trust and hands-off approach allowed Bellamy to focus on leading his troops effectively, demonstrating that trust and empowerment are essential for successful military leadership.

    • Moral courage in leadershipMoral courage is essential for effective leadership as it allows for open communication, admitting mistakes, and inspiring troops to adapt and overcome challenges despite fewer resources.

      Moral courage, not just physical, is crucial in leadership. This was exemplified by Colonel McFarland, who encouraged open communication and admitted mistakes, leading to a more effective response to the challenges faced in Ramadi. Despite having fewer resources, the soldiers had to adapt and go on the offensive, ultimately making a difference in the fight against Al-Qaeda. However, the true extent of the terror campaign against the local population was not fully understood until after the coalition forces had left. Al-Qaeda's brutal tactics, such as beheadings and intimidation, not only caused widespread fear but also fueled the anger of the locals, enabling the eventual success of the shake hands initiative.

    • Presence of strong force for maintaining orderA strong law enforcement or military force is essential for maintaining order and security, and its absence can lead to chaos and intimidation, as shown in the Battle for Ramadi during the Iraq War.

      The presence of a strong law enforcement or military force is crucial for maintaining order and safety in a community. Without it, even a small group of intimidators can control an area. The Battle for Ramadi in the Iraq War serves as an example, where the ready first assumed responsibility for taking back the city from anti-Iraqi forces. The offensive was a success with aggressive attacks and the establishment of outposts, but it came at a cost with casualties. The operations were carried out at an incredible pace, with refitting and reloading happening every few days. The logistical support behind these constant attacks was impressive, but it required a massive effort. The absence of the American presence in Iraq before the war and the misconceptions spread by insurgents further complicated the situation. In summary, the presence of a strong force is essential for maintaining order and security, and the absence of it can lead to chaos and intimidation.

    • Rules of engagement in IraqEffective communication and moral considerations from leaders were crucial for soldiers to maintain discipline and minimize civilian casualties during military operations in Iraq

      During military operations in Iraq, maintaining order, discipline, and limiting civilian casualties was a significant challenge for soldiers on the ground. Captain Lou Lanzon and First Sergeant David Shaw played crucial roles in ensuring their troops understood the rules of engagement and made split-second decisions in dangerous situations. The troops' discipline was remarkable, considering the constant threat of enemy attack and the potential for civilian casualties, which would be widely publicized and impossible to cover up. The soldiers' dedication to minimizing civilian harm was miraculous, given the dangerous environment and the pressure to act quickly. The leadership's emphasis on moral considerations and clear communication was essential to the troops' success in this challenging mission.

    • Building trust, Iraq WarDisciplined behavior and time led to earning Iraqi families' trust during the Iraq War, while involving local forces in the fight also played a significant role.

      Building trust and relationships with local communities and forces is crucial for successful military operations. This was evident during the Iraq War when Iraqi families initially distrusted and avoided interaction with American soldiers. However, through disciplined behavior and time, soldiers were able to earn their trust and engage in meaningful conversations. The addition of Iraqi tanks and army units, and getting them actively involved in the fight, also played a significant role in gaining the support of the population. Despite the danger and uncertainty, the importance of building relationships and trust was a critical factor in the overall success of the mission.

    • Military teamworkDuring military operations, the cooperation and heroism of special ops teams and other agencies are crucial, providing intelligence, resources, and teamwork that lasts beyond the mission.

      During a military operation, the cooperation and heroism of special operations teams, such as the SEALs, and other government agencies were instrumental in accomplishing the mission. Despite long hours and challenging situations, they provided crucial intelligence and resources to conventional forces. Their selflessness and dedication to the mission created a deep sense of teamwork and camaraderie that lasted long after the operation. Even in the face of unexpected obstacles, they found ways to adapt and overcome, demonstrating their exceptional skills and commitment. The impact of their contributions was significant, and their teamwork set an enduring example of unity and collaboration among different military branches.

    • Military unity during Iraq WarDuring the Iraq War, military units formed strong bonds and relied on each other to survive daily threats. Cooperation between different branches and Iraqi forces was crucial for success and showed the importance of unity and teamwork in challenging circumstances.

      During the Iraq War, various military units formed strong bonds and relied heavily on each other to survive in the face of daily IED attacks and other threats. The cooperation between different branches of the military and Iraqi forces was crucial for their survival and success in the mission. Despite the challenges, they showed resilience and adaptability, with some individuals stepping up to fill crucial roles when needed. The sense of camaraderie and mutual support was essential, and it allowed them to persevere and continue their mission, even when faced with heavy casualties. The experience demonstrated the importance of unity and teamwork in the most challenging circumstances.

    • Police recruitment and trainingStreamlining recruitment and training processes is crucial for effective community policing and reducing intimidation, as observed in the U.S. military's efforts to establish Iraqi security forces in Ramadi.

      Immediate processing and training of police recruits is crucial for effective community policing and reducing intimidation. This was observed during the U.S. military's efforts to establish Iraqi security forces in Ramadi. The delay in recruitment often resulted in potential officers being dissuaded from joining, leading to a lack of manpower. The solution was to streamline the recruitment process and train the recruits immediately. Jim Lechner, a U.S. military officer with experience in developing Iraqi security forces, played a key role in implementing this strategy. Despite initial resistance, they were able to reduce the recruitment process to one day and saw an increase in recruit numbers. This highlights the importance of addressing local dynamics and adapting processes to fit the specific context for successful community policing.

    • Military operations in complex situationsProper planning, execution, and communication are essential for successful military operations in complex situations, but unexpected events can still lead to tragic consequences, emphasizing the importance of thorough after-action reviews

      During the Iraq War, the military faced a complex situation in Ramadi, where a hospital was used as a command and control node for the enemy. The military conducted a clearing operation at the hospital, but unfortunately, an IED explosion killed and injured several soldiers. This tragedy underscores the importance of proper planning, execution, and communication in military operations, as well as the risks involved in such missions. Despite the best efforts to mitigate risks, unexpected events can lead to devastating consequences. The military's after-action reviews serve as a crucial tool for learning from these experiences and improving future operations.

    • War's unpredictabilityWar is unpredictable and focusing on high-value targets is futile as the enemy is always ready to strike, resulting in significant human cost.

      War is unpredictable and the enemy always has the ability to strike, regardless of the precautions taken. The speaker, a military veteran, shares his experiences in Iraq and how they encountered unexpected attacks despite their best efforts to protect their soldiers. He also mentions the futility of focusing on capturing high-value targets, as there is always someone else ready to take their place. The speaker also reflects on the human cost of war, reminding us that behind every statistic is a person with a life and a story. Despite the challenges, the soldiers continued to fight, driven by a sense of duty and a desire to protect their country.

    • Military IntelligenceTrusting intelligence and collaboration between military and intelligence agencies is crucial in preventing potential threats and maintaining security.

      During a military operation in Ramadi, Iraq, a detained imam sparked a large protest from the local population, causing tension and a dilemma for the commanding officer. The imam was suspected of having ties to al-Qaeda, but higher command had previously denied permission to arrest him. The crowd demanded his release, and the commander, feeling pressured, considered letting him go. However, a junior intelligence officer in the back of the room expressed concern, leading the commander to reconsider. Ultimately, an RPG attack from the imam's mosque confirmed the intelligence officer's suspicions, and the imam was arrested. This incident highlights the importance of trusting intelligence and the collective efforts of various military and intelligence agencies in gathering and acting on critical information.

    • Building a police station in RamadiBureaucratic challenges delayed building a police station, but a smart solution led to the construction of a police substation, highlighting the importance of adaptability in achieving goals.

      During the battle for Ramadi, every small action taken by coalition forces and local police played a significant role in saving American lives and ultimately contributing to the victory. However, the coalition couldn't have done it alone. The local police were the key to victory, but building a police station faced bureaucratic challenges. The coalition's military uniforms contrasted with the local police's civilian attire, but their determination and bravery were commendable. Despite the daily grind of protecting the combat outpost and conducting patrols, the enemy seemed to be everywhere and nowhere, resulting in constant casualties. The mission was a daily grind, with soldiers protecting the outpost and conducting patrols while facing the threat of enemy attacks. The coalition forces and local police worked together, with the police recruiting going so well that by late September, the 500th policeman would return from the police academy. However, building a police station faced bureaucratic challenges, but a smart solution led to the construction of a police substation instead. The local police's determination and the coalition's support were essential in securing Ramadi.

    • Bomb making factory discovery, moraleDiscovering a bomb making factory led to the death of a soldier, but didn't dampen team morale until a larger attack occurred a few days later. Trust was gained with tribal leaders through shared background.

      The war in Ramadi was a constant battle between coalition forces and Al-Qaeda, with both sides experiencing successes and losses. One particular incident involved the discovery of a bomb making factory, resulting in the death of Staff Sergeant Christopher Swanson. Despite this setback, the morale of the team was high until a larger attack occurred a few days later, resulting in multiple casualties. The author also shared an anecdote about a meeting with tribal leaders, where he used the analogy of being from the same place to gain their trust. Operation Toga, a planned operation to secure a university, also faced unexpected challenges when a larger crowd than anticipated turned up. The Naval Special Warfare Intel team's ability to identify terrorists in the crowd using body language and demeanor proved crucial during these operations. Overall, the war was a complex and unpredictable situation, with both victories and losses for both sides.

    • Military Operation in Ramadi, IraqCollaboration between US and Iraqi forces led to the successful seizure of a terrorist safe haven at a university, but the operation resulted in tragic casualties

      During a military operation in Ramadi, Iraq, a successful mission to take over a university as a terrorist safe haven without firing a shot was carried out, but was followed by a series of tragic events including the deaths of several service members. The operation, named Operation Toga, involved the collaboration of US and Iraqi forces, and the identification of key terrorist targets such as RPG launchers, PKM machine guns, and Dragon off sniper rifles. However, the day after the operation, there were multiple casualties, including the death of a Marine in a vehicle hit by a landmine. Despite these challenges, the military continued to carry out operations, showing moral courage and determination in the face of adversity. The operation was a success in denying the use of the university as a terrorist safe haven, but the human cost was significant.

    • Military disciplineLeadership plays a crucial role in maintaining discipline and preventing unacceptable actions within a military unit. Honesty and accountability are essential, even during chaotic combat situations.

      Leadership matters greatly in maintaining discipline and preventing unacceptable actions within a military unit. The incident in Ramadi involving the shooting up of a fire station serves as a reminder of this. Despite the chaos and combat situation, small transgressions can still be noticed and investigated. In this case, the platoon leader and platoon sergeant failed to report their actions, leading to a formal investigation and the eventual exposure of their lies. The importance of honesty and accountability, even in the face of pressure, cannot be overstated. Additionally, the challenge of being a platoon leader, who must live with and lead their men, was emphasized as a difficult and critical role in the army.

    • Leadership restEffective leaders prioritize rest for soldiers during deployment to boost morale and productivity, but must balance the risks of taking leave with the importance of setting an example and maintaining unit well-being.

      Effective leadership involves prioritizing rest and relaxation for soldiers during deployment, as it boosts morale and productivity, while also setting an example for the rest of the unit. However, the unexpected challenges and dangers of the battlefield can make it difficult for leaders to fully disconnect, as evidenced by the frequent attacks and casualties during the speaker's absence. Despite the risks, taking leave is crucial for maintaining the well-being and effectiveness of both the leader and the unit. Additionally, the resilience and determination of the Iraqi people in the face of adversity serves as a reminder of the importance of perseverance and unity in the face of danger.

    • Leadership and collaboration with local tribesEffective leadership and collaboration with local tribes played a crucial role in turning the tide against Al-Qaeda in Ramadi during the Iraq War. Trust and understanding were built between military leaders and local tribal leaders, leading to the rejection of Al-Qaeda and the formation of the Awakening Council.

      Effective leadership and collaboration with local tribes played a crucial role in turning the tide against Al-Qaeda in Ramadi during the Iraq War. Shake Sitar, a local leader, was deeply affected by the brutal murder of his ally, Shake Khaled, at the hands of the Abu-Athea tribe. This event galvanized other tribes to reject Al-Qaeda, leading to the Awakening Council's pledge of allegiance to the coalition. The military, led by Colonel McFarland, worked closely with the tribes, building trust and taking out terrorists. However, this came at a cost, with the loss of lives of American soldiers. The involvement of the Awakening Council and the military's collaboration with them was a significant shift in strategy and was seen as a risk by some in the chain of command. Effective communication and understanding between the military and local leaders, as demonstrated by officers like Major Megan McClung and Captain Travis Patrickrin, were essential in making this partnership successful.

    • Military relationshipsStrong relationships between military personnel and allies, as well as determination and perseverance, were crucial to the success of the military operation in Ramadi, Iraq.

      Relationships played a crucial role in the success of the military operation in Ramadi, Iraq. Travis Patrickon, a captain who was known for building strong relationships, could challenge authority figures in high-ranking meetings, demonstrating the importance of trust and rapport. Megan McClellan, an information operation leader, also made a significant impact with her passion and determination. Despite inaccurate media reports and high casualties, the soldiers' morale was kept up through the relationships they built with each other and the Iraqis they were helping. Colonel McFarland's courageous leadership and commitment to the offensive were also essential to the mission's success. Overall, the operation's success hinged on the strong relationships between military personnel and their allies, as well as the determination and perseverance of the soldiers.

    • Military operation in Ramadi, IraqA military squad led by Sergeant Carlin showed moral courage during a military operation in Ramadi, Iraq, and the inclusion of female search team, the Lionesses, proved valuable in turning the tide against al-Qaeda.

      During a military operation in Ramadi, Iraq, a squad led by Sergeant Carlin showed moral courage by refusing to back down despite heavy casualties and the presence of a female search team, the Lionesses. The Lionesses proved to be valuable members of the team, capable of holding their own in tactical situations and contributing professionally under harsh conditions. When the unit took over the university, they formed their own mid team and built combat outposts, turning the tide against al-Qaeda. However, a suicide bombing at the Al-Haria police station resulted in devastating losses, but the team remained resilient and continued their mission. Despite challenges and setbacks, the team's determination and unity were essential to their success.

    • Selfless actions saving livesQuick thinking and selfless actions saved lives in dangerous situations, even when communication was limited and the situation seemed dire. Adhering to the rule of law and exceptional leadership were also crucial in maintaining order and ensuring safety.

      Selfless actions and quick thinking saved lives in the face of danger, even when communication was limited and the situation seemed dire. The interpreter, Dragon, risked his own life to save a policeman, and two E4s made the decision to stop a suicide bomber, potentially saving numerous lives. The importance of adhering to the rule of law, even in difficult circumstances, was also emphasized to maintain moral high ground and prevent further chaos. Exceptional leadership was crucial in maintaining the morale and focus of soldiers in a challenging environment. The teamwork and collaboration between various military personnel and Iraqis were essential in managing crises and ensuring the safety of the community.

    • Military CombatThe success of military missions in harsh conditions depends on various factors including local leadership, availability of local forces, and effective communication between coalition and locals, despite the constant threat of danger and tragic losses.

      Serving in the military during combat involves long hours in harsh conditions, the possibility of extended tours, and the constant threat of danger. Despite these challenges, soldiers remain dedicated to their mission and to each other. The success of the mission in Ramadi hinged on various factors, including the emergence of a charismatic local leader, the availability of Iraqi policemen, and the development of communication between the coalition and the Sunnis. Tragic losses, such as that of Staff Sergeant Lenzarin, were a stark reminder of the cost of war. Despite the hardships and losses, the soldiers continued their mission with determination and resilience.

    • Military resilienceDespite challenges and losses, military personnel remained dedicated to their mission and showed remarkable resilience and determination during the Ramadi mission.

      Despite the challenges and hardships faced during the Ramadi mission, including culmination, the loss of comrades, and the arrival of new replacements, the soldiers, Marines, and airmen remained dedicated to their mission and continued to persevere. The emotional toll of war was evident in moments such as memorial services and the arrival of replacements, but the resilience and determination of these individuals allowed them to keep going and ultimately contribute to the success of the mission. The experience of Lieutenant Colonel Makado Bear Johnson and his team showcases the incredible bravery and commitment of those serving in the military.

    • Iraqi security forces capacity buildingDespite losses and challenges, coalition forces made significant progress in building Iraqi security forces' capacity and gaining local leaders' support.

      Despite the challenges and losses faced during the mission in Ramadi, the coalition forces were able to make significant progress in building the capacity of the Iraqi security forces and gaining the support of local leaders. Colonel McFarland's promise of additional forces led to the deployment of a tank platoon and combat engineers, which helped secure key areas and build a police station. However, the mission was not without casualties, including the death of PFC Shane Austin and the wounding of others. The coalition forces also faced the complex task of transitioning responsibility for the growing Iraqi security forces and building relationships with local leaders, such as Sheikh Sattar and the Ambar Awakening Council. The eventual validation of the Iraqi army battalion marked a major milestone in the mission, but challenges remained in getting the Iraqi forces familiar with the political and social situation in the area and ensuring their safety during operations. Despite these challenges, the progress made was remarkable, as evidenced by the growing number of Iraqi security personnel and the increasing willingness of local leaders to engage with the coalition forces.

    • Military communication and collaborationEffective communication and collaboration between military units and local leaders is crucial in complex conflicts, as unpredictable terrorist attacks can have devastating consequences and progress can easily be undone if military presence is withdrawn.

      Despite our best efforts to understand complex conflicts and situations, there is often a vast amount of background activity that goes unnoticed. The author's experience in Ramadi highlights the importance of effective communication and collaboration between different military units and local leaders, as well as the unpredictability and devastating consequences of terrorist attacks. The deployment ended with a sense of relief and joy upon returning home, but the situation in Ramadi continued to deteriorate, leading to the rise of ISIS and the loss of many lives. The author expresses frustration that the progress made could have been sustained if the military presence had continued. Overall, the book serves as a reminder of the complexities and uncertainties of military conflicts and the importance of perseverance and effective collaboration.

    • Impact of Iraq War on veteransVeterans face challenges in sharing their stories of the Iraq War, but it's important to persevere in telling the truth about the war and the role of the military in bringing change

      The Iraq War, which began in 2003 and lasted for nearly a decade, had a profound impact on those who served, even long after their military service ended. One veteran shared his experience of writing a book about his time in Iraq, explaining how he felt compelled to tell the story of the good that was done, despite the challenges and hardships. He faced numerous obstacles in getting the book published, but persevered because he believed it was important to share the truth about the war and the role the military played in bringing about change. The process took several years, but the veteran was determined to get it right and ensure that the story was told accurately. The experience served as a reminder that the complexities of war are not always easily understood, and that it's important to look beyond the headlines and hear the stories of those who were there.

    • Iraq War collaborationLocal police and Shia militia collaboration was crucial in turning the tide of the Battle of Central Ramadi during the Iraq War, leading to the Awakening.

      The Iraq War was a complex conflict with numerous unsung heroes and intricate dynamics. Tony Dean, a former military officer, shared his experiences in the Battle of Central Ramadi, highlighting the crucial role of local police and the Shia militia in turning the tide of the battle. This collaboration led to the Awakening, a significant moment in the war. Dean also emphasized the importance of leadership and the immense sacrifices made by soldiers, which are often overlooked. His book, "Conqueror Guy," offers a unique perspective on the war and pays tribute to the brave individuals who served and sacrificed. It's a reminder of the importance of understanding the intricacies of military history and the human stories behind the headlines.

    • Impact of war on individuals, coping mechanismsThe constant toll of war on individuals necessitates self-care and finding ways to cope and honor those affected. Ways to decompress include physical activity, Jiu Jitsu, and Jocko Fuel. Supporting charities that help service members and their families is also important.

      The impact of war on individuals and the importance of finding ways to cope and honor those affected. The book "Ramadi Unclassified" by Colonel Anthony Dean served as a reminder of the high toll of casualties, with each mention of lost lives hitting like a drop of water in Chinese water torture. The rhythm of constant death and injury was a harsh reality for those on the battlefield, leading to a need for self-care and reflection. The speakers emphasized the importance of living a good life in honor of those who served and gave their lives. They suggested various ways to decompress, such as physical activity, Jiu Jitsu, and fueling up with Jocko Fuel. The book was also a reminder of the importance of jobs and bringing manufacturing back to America through Origin USA. The speakers also highlighted various places where Jocko Fuel and other related products could be purchased, such as Walmart, Wawa, and various gyms. They also encouraged support for charities that help service members and their families, such as America's Mighty Warriors, Heroes and Horses, and Beyond the Brotherhood.

    • Freedom sacrificesSoldiers, first responders, and other service members have made immense sacrifices allowing us to enjoy freedom; their bravery and selflessness should never be forgotten.

      The sacrifices made by soldiers, first responders, and other service members have allowed us to enjoy the freedom we have today. During the discussion, Colonel Tony Dean shared his experiences from the Battle of Ramadi and the bravery of the soldiers he served with. This is just one example of the countless battles where individuals have put their lives on the line for our country. It's essential to remember and cherish the sacrifices made by these heroes and not take our freedom for granted. We should also extend our gratitude to first responders who protect us at home. Let us honor their memory and continue to appreciate the gift of life and freedom they have given us.

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