
    491. Part 1 - Andy, Mike Yoder & DJ CTI: AZ Gov. Signs Exec. Order Banning Discrimination Based On Hair Style & House Panel Grills TikTok CEO

    enMarch 24, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Open and honest conversations with guests on various topicsAndy Priscilla and DJ Cruz host a podcast with different formats, providing information, laughter, and open discussions, without running ads, relying on listeners to share.

      Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz host a podcast with various formats, including "Cruise the Internet" (CTI), an episode where they discuss and make fun of headlines, and "Q&A F," where listeners can submit questions. They also have longer, in-depth conversations with guests. The podcast aims to make listeners think, laugh, and provide information, and in return, they ask for the show to be shared. The duo values their audience's time and doesn't run ads, instead relying on the listeners to spread the word. Their latest episode features a guest, Mike Yoder, and they discuss various topics while wearing comfortable clothing and enjoying their beverages. The podcast is a platform for open and honest conversation, personal development, and entertaining discussions.

    • Traditions and InaccuraciesDespite inaccuracies or deception, some traditions and industries maintain power and influence, requiring critical questioning and fact-checking.

      People and institutions, including the weather forecast and certain industries like car companies and pharmaceuticals, can be inaccurate or even deceptive, but still maintain their power and influence over the public. The groundhog day tradition, though inaccurate, continues due to its cultural significance. Similarly, some industries, like the car industry and pharmaceuticals, can make mistakes or even lie but continue to thrive due to the perceived value of their products or services. The COVID-19 pandemic serves as a recent example of this, with conflicting information and shifting narratives leading to confusion and compliance despite concerns. The legal system, as represented by the speaker, can be a battleground for truth and accountability, but the process can be grueling and lengthy. Overall, it's important to remain critical and ask questions, even when faced with seemingly unquestionable authority or tradition.

    • The legal system in America is compromised by money and politicsThe legal system in America is biased and unfair, with powerful entities influencing decisions and making it difficult for individuals to navigate and uphold their rights

      The legal system and various institutions in America have been compromised by money and politics, leading to a biased and unfair legal landscape. This has been particularly evident in the handling of COVID-related cases and religious accommodations, where the courts have been politicized and judges have shown bias. The situation has made it difficult for individuals like Mike to navigate the system and uphold what is right, as powerful entities look out for their own interests. Despite America being the freest country compared to many others, most of our money goes to the government, and we are not as free as we think. The legal system is not functioning as intended, and it's essential to recognize and address these issues to protect our rights and freedoms.

    • Government control of money and resourcesPeople feel oppressed by government spending of taxes and resources, but accurate information is often overlooked for sensational content, leading to confusion and manipulation.

      Our perception of freedom and ownership is an illusion when it comes to the handling of money and resources by the government. The government can take our property, our taxes, and spend it on various things, often leading to frustration and feelings of being oppressed. The political landscape is not a choice but a requirement, yet some individuals exploit it for personal gain, creating more conflict and division. Instead of focusing on accurate and unbiased information, people are drawn to sensational and divisive content, perpetuating the cycle of distraction and manipulation. It's crucial to recognize this trend and strive for education and understanding, rather than being consumed by the noise and chaos created by those seeking attention and profit.

    • Arizona Governor's executive order on hair discriminationSpeakers debated the necessity of Arizona's hair discrimination law, questioning its impact and evidence, while acknowledging research on black women's hair being perceived as unprofessional.

      The discussion revolved around the Arizona Governor's executive order, the Crown Act, which aims to prohibit hair discrimination against state employees and contractors in the workplace and public schools. The speakers questioned the necessity of such a law, with one arguing that it's a meritocracy and individuals should be judged based on their abilities rather than their appearance. They also criticized the lack of concrete evidence supporting the claim that black women have been frequently sent home from work due to their hair. However, they acknowledged research suggesting that black women's hair is perceived as unprofessional more often than others. The conversation took a turn when Rachel Dolezal, a controversial figure known for identifying as black despite being born white, was mentioned as an attendee of the event. The speakers also touched on the topic of transgender issues and the authenticity of one's identity. Overall, the conversation showcased a range of perspectives on the issues of hair discrimination, identity, and the role of laws in addressing social issues.

    • Targeting younger generations with radical ideologiesConservatives must stand firm against encroachments on personal rights and draw a line in the sand, as radical ideologies target and normalize controversial behaviors and beliefs in younger generations.

      The infiltration of radical ideologies often begins at the deepest rooted levels of society, specifically targeting younger generations. This was discussed in relation to the infiltration of liberal ideologies, with a focus on the demographic between 16 to 30 years old. The example given was the proposed law in Israel that aims to imprison individuals for discussing Jesus Christ around children. This tactic is used to normalize controversial behaviors and beliefs in children, who may later defend these actions when challenged by adults. The speaker expressed concern that this trend is already present in the US and urged for a more unified and proactive response from conservatives. The speaker also emphasized the importance of drawing a line in the sand and standing firm against encroachments on personal rights, rather than bending and adapting to pressure.

    • The Pandemic and Its Consequences: A Collective ResponsibilityThe pandemic's impact was not solely due to a few individuals, but the actions of the average American population. Emphasis on individual values, morals, and self-determination is crucial in the face of societal pressures.

      The pandemic and its consequences were not solely the doing of a select few evil individuals, but rather the result of the compliant actions of the average American population. The speaker also criticized the feminist movement for shifting its focus from women's empowerment to taxation and control. Furthermore, the speaker argued that being a stay-at-home parent is a valuable and underappreciated role, and expressed concern over the erasure of women's rights in the context of transgender issues. Overall, the speaker's perspective emphasized the importance of individual values, morals, and self-determination in the face of societal pressures.

    • Focus on merit, not irrelevant characteristicsDiscrimination based on race, gender, or sexual orientation is no longer a major issue, but lack of progress and identity politics hinder true advancement. Address root causes instead.

      The focus should be on individual merit and contributions to society rather than on irrelevant characteristics such as race, gender, or sexual orientation. The speaker believes that discrimination based on these characteristics is no longer an issue and that the real problem lies in the lack of tangible progress and the pandering to certain groups by politicians. The speaker also expresses skepticism towards the existence of rampant discrimination and believes that the internet age makes it difficult for such actions to go unnoticed. Ultimately, the speaker argues that true progress can be made by addressing the root causes of issues, such as lack of education and infrastructure, rather than through empty promises and identity politics.

    • Recognizing the Complexity of Racism and DiscriminationUnderstanding the complexities of racism and discrimination requires acknowledging political agendas, economic factors, and historical biases. Focus on promoting understanding, empathy, and dialogue for a more inclusive society.

      The ongoing debate about racism and discrimination needs a more nuanced perspective. It's essential to recognize that there are complex issues at play, such as political agendas, economic factors, and historical biases. For instance, the discussion around a bill regarding hairstyles and its potential impact on black girls raises questions about the intent behind such legislation and its potential consequences. Furthermore, the argument that putting black figures on money to buy white products is a hypocritical solution to racial issues also highlights the need for a more thoughtful approach. It's crucial to acknowledge the nuances and complexities of these issues and work towards finding solutions that genuinely address the root causes of discrimination. Additionally, it's important to remember that individuals and groups with extreme views, like the one expressing the need to exterminate white people, do not represent the majority and should not be the focus of the conversation. Instead, let's focus on promoting understanding, empathy, and dialogue to create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

    • Moving beyond racial discriminationFocus on shared identity as Americans and work towards unity, ignore propaganda fueling racial division, and invest in initiatives that save lives and bring people together.

      We need to move beyond judging people based on their race or ethnicity. Yesterday, a viral video sparked racist comments from some individuals, but it's important to remember that discrimination based on skin color or geographical origin is not intelligent or productive. Furthermore, we should be aware of the propaganda that intentionally fuels racial division, as it benefits no one. Instead, we should focus on our shared identity as Americans and work towards unity. The ongoing racial tension serves no purpose other than to distract us from the real issues and create a divide. It's crucial to recognize this manipulation and refuse to engage in it. Ultimately, the solution to ending racism lies in ceasing to talk about it and instead focusing on initiatives that can save lives and bring people together.

    • Societal focus on superficial issues hinders progress towards accountabilityIndividuals must look beyond superficial differences to demand justice and unity, addressing issues like denial of organ transplants based on vaccination status and utilizing the Prep Act to sue entities for violations.

      The current societal focus on superficial issues like likes, clicks, and binary thinking is hindering progress towards holding accountable entities responsible for serious issues, such as denying organ transplants based on vaccination status. This issue, which led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people during the COVID-19 pandemic, is being exploited by global elites to maintain division and prevent accountability. To address this, it's crucial for individuals to look beyond superficial differences and come together to demand justice and unity. The Prep Act provides a means to sue entities for violations, but it's not being utilized due to societal distractions. By recognizing the manipulation of divisive issues and uniting, we can effectively challenge those in power and make a positive impact on the world.

    • Political Manipulation and Fear-MongeringBe wary of divisive narratives and fear-mongering. Focus on holding those in power accountable instead.

      We need to recognize that we are being manipulated by divisive narratives and fear-mongering, and that our true enemies are not each other based on skin color, but rather those in power who pass laws to make life difficult for everyone. In the news, the TikTok CEO, Shou Zee Tube, faced intense scrutiny in Congress over concerns about the app's ties to China, but no evidence of harm to US national security has been presented. Free speech organizations have also pushed back against potential bans on TikTok, raising concerns over censorship. It's important to critically evaluate the information we're given and not fall prey to fear and division. Instead, we should focus on holding those in power accountable for their actions.

    • Motivations behind the potential TikTok banThe proposed TikTok ban raises debates over Chinese propaganda, competition with Meta, and historical parallels, highlighting the complex and multifaceted nature of the issue.

      The ongoing debate around the potential ban of TikTok in the United States raises questions about the motivations behind such actions. Some argue that it could be due to the Chinese government's use of the app for propaganda and censorship, while others suggest it may be due to TikTok's success in competing with social media giants like Meta, which have faced criticism for their handling of user data and control over content. Additionally, some commentators have drawn parallels to historical instances where government restrictions have been imposed on things like cannabis or assault weapons, raising questions about the true reasons for the proposed ban. Ultimately, the issue is complex and multifaceted, with various perspectives and motivations at play.

    • Concerns over TikTok's impact on children and data privacyDespite concerns over TikTok's impact on children and data privacy, the motivations behind the push to ban it remain unclear, with some suggesting it's a power play by larger tech companies.

      The concern over TikTok and its potential harm to children is not unique to this platform, as similar issues have been observed on other social media sites. However, the lack of regulation on these other platforms raises questions about the motivations behind the push to ban TikTok. Some argue it's a power play by larger tech companies, who see TikTok as a threat to their dominance. The bipartisan agreement to ban TikTok is also concerning, as it's rare for both parties to agree on such matters. Ultimately, the issue goes beyond TikTok and raises larger questions about data privacy, censorship, and the role of tech companies in shaping our online experiences.

    • The balance between free speech and private company control onlineThe First Amendment protects government actions regarding free speech, but private companies, like social media platforms, can censor content at their discretion due to the Communications Decency Act, Section 230. Critics argue for new regulations to ensure free speech online as companies' control becomes more influential.

      While the Constitution's First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech for government actions, private companies, such as social media platforms, can censor content at their discretion. The internet has become the new public square for free expression, and the Communications Decency Act, Section 230, has been a contentious issue. Originally intended to protect internet service providers from liability for third-party content, it has been used as an immunity veil for companies to avoid accountability. Critics argue that new regulations are necessary to ensure free speech online, as private companies' control over the digital public square is increasingly influential. The use of the term "harmful or offensive" content to maintain immunity has been criticized for being subjective and limiting challenges to the immunity veil. Ultimately, the balance between free speech and private company control remains a complex issue.

    • The Power and Influence of Social Media Before RegulationsSocial media's rapid growth led to immense wealth and power, influencing narratives, suppressing opposing viewpoints, and potentially colluding with the government, with a lack of regulation resulting in a lack of accountability and transparency, raising concerns over censorship and privacy.

      The rapid growth and influence of social media platforms like Facebook and Google occurred before regulations were put in place, allowing these companies to amass immense wealth and power. They used this power to influence narratives, suppress opposing viewpoints, and potentially collude with the government. The lack of regulation has resulted in a lack of accountability and transparency, leading to concerns over censorship and privacy. It's crucial that common sense regulations are implemented to ensure fairness, transparency, and protection of individual rights in the digital space. Additionally, it's important to question the origins of these tech giants and consider the possibility of government involvement in their creation and growth.

    • Government's involvement in tech censorshipThe government's role in tech censorship can infringe on free speech and hold tech companies accountable, but it's important to be aware of their involvement and potential manipulative tactics.

      The government often maintains a degree of separation when interfering in technology platforms to avoid legal repercussions. For instance, the case of Twitter censoring a user at the request of the Secretary of State is going to the Supreme Court due to the government's involvement being revealed through emails. This highlights the importance of holding technology companies accountable for their actions, as they can act as agents of the government and infringe on free speech. Additionally, there are concerns about the negative impact of platforms like TikTok on youth and the potential for addiction, which can lead to increased control and power for these companies. To counteract this, reducing screen time and being aware of the manipulative tactics used by tech companies can help limit their influence and power.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the translucent Pastor of Disaster, Vaughn Kohler. They discuss the upcoming Trump and Biden debates, Julian Assange dropping $500k for a flight to a remote island to avoid setting foot on the US mainland, and a bankruptcy court trustee filing a motion to liquidate Alex Jones' Infowars.

    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the GOP calling out 51 intel officials over Hunter Biden's laptop, President Biden and Zelensky to ink a 10-year deal for U.S. military support for Ukraine, and Spokane pride's crosswalk being vandalized days after teens were charged with felonies for leaving scooter skid marks on the rainbow pavement.

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    Resources Discussed:

    Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey

    This Is Going To Hurt by Adam Kay

    The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson

    Roz Purcell's Podcast

    Sinead Hegarty's Podcast: Judgement Episode

    My Blog Post



    Never Let a Verbal Testimonial Go Unpublished

    Never Let a Verbal Testimonial Go Unpublished
    Social Media Mantra: Be proactive in getting positive reviews 

    We focus so much on what we should post on social. In this episode we want you to flip that on its head and think about how you can get your customers to post more about YOU on social. 

    As you have heard us say before people are more motivated when they are unhappy than when they are happy. We have to not only motivate them when they are happy, but as a business have a process in place to collect those reviews and make sure everyone on our team knows exactly what to do with a happy customer 
    If someone says something kind, get it published in some form or fashion!