
    #5 - Getting Tarot Readings w/ Jackie Uweh

    enJuly 24, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the world of tarot readings and their impact on individualsTarot readings can help individuals gain self-understanding by tapping into their subconscious thoughts and providing universal insights, leading to unexpected events and personal growth.

      Tarot readings, despite being rooted in the mystical and often met with skepticism, can provide insight and understanding for individuals by tapping into their subconscious thoughts and helping them put things into words. Amanda, a guest on the SmoshCast, shared her personal experience with tarot, having been introduced to it by her friend Dunia three years ago. She was initially hesitant due to her skeptical nature but found that tarot helped her understand herself better. Jackie, another guest, shared her own experiences with tarot, including a reading that led to the arrival of her first cat. The readings can offer universal insights and even bring about unexpected events. Both Amanda and Jackie have had positive experiences with tarot readings and believe in their ability to provide valuable insights.

    • Exploring new experiences for personal growthNew experiences, including spiritual practices like tarot readings, can provide valuable introspection and self-understanding. A trusted guide can help interpret the meaning behind these experiences for greater insight.

      Exploring new experiences, even those rooted in spirituality or the unknown, can provide valuable introspection and personal growth. The speaker shares her experience with tarot readings, which she found to be enlightening, even as a skeptic. She emphasizes that the importance of such practices lies in their ability to help individuals focus on their thoughts and feelings, and to gain a better understanding of themselves. The speaker also acknowledges that not everyone may believe in or find value in such practices, and that's okay. The key is to find what works best for each person in their unique journey towards self-discovery and enlightenment. The speaker's experience with tarot readings also highlights the importance of having a trusted and genuine guide, who can help interpret the meaning behind the cards and provide insights that resonate with the individual. Ultimately, the speaker encourages an open-minded approach to new experiences, recognizing that what works for one person may not work for another.

    • Exploring Tarot as a Tool for Connection and Self-DiscoveryTarot can provide comfort, understanding, and self-discovery through the power of connection and intuition. Beliefs and unique perspectives matter, even if they differ from tradition.

      The power of connection and intuition can bring comfort and understanding in times of uncertainty. The discussion revolved around a personal experience of using tarot cards, which was gifted and later purchased for a deeper connection. The belief that enlightenment can be found on earth, rather than in another plane, was also highlighted. The use of the Witches Wisdom Tarot deck, with its unique interpretation of suits as elements, adds a grounded and nature-focused perspective. The importance of following one's intuition and beliefs, even if they differ from tradition, was emphasized. The overall conversation showcased the potential of tarot as a tool for self-discovery and spiritual growth.

    • Understanding the Unique Practices of TarotTarot is more than just shuffling cards; it involves specific handling methods, lunar influences, various reading techniques, and personal interpretation.

      Tarot is a unique and intriguing practice with various traditions and customs. It's not just about buying a deck and shuffling the cards. There are specific ways to handle them, such as not bending them and even charging them under the moonlight. Some people believe that the moon's cycles can influence the readings. During a reading, the cards are often pulled based on specific methods, such as counting or spreading them out. The interpretation of the cards can depend on the reader's personal connection to them. Some Tarot decks feature reversals, which can represent inner thoughts or feelings, while others do not. Ultimately, Tarot is a personal and adaptable practice that can provide insight and introspection.

    • The Priestess in the Tarot readingReflect on what you truly need to know to create the future you desire, as the answer lies within yourself. Embrace your inner wisdom and intuition.

      The Tarot card reading revealed the Major Arcana card, "The Priestess," as a significant theme in the speaker's past. This card represents self-knowledge, magic, manifestation, wisdom, and spiritual leadership. The Priestess asks us to reflect on what we truly need to know to create the future we desire, reminding us that the answer lies within ourselves. This card may reflect a time when the speaker embraced her womanhood and reconnected with her inner wisdom. The Priestess's appearance in the reading could signify a return to this empowered and intuitive state. Overall, the Priestess card encourages introspection, self-discovery, and trusting the wisdom of the universe.

    • Trust the journey and let go of controlEmbrace unexpected changes and trust the process, allowing yourself to be taken to new places. Understand and embrace your emotions and heart.

      Life is full of unexpected changes, and we cannot control the river of life. Instead, we must learn to plunge in, surrender to it, and allow ourselves to be carried to new experiences. This was illustrated in the tarot reading, where the 6 of water, representing a Cormorant, symbolized the need to let go and go with the flow. The Cormorant, as the unexpected change, reminds us to trust the process and allow ourselves to be taken to new places. This can be a comforting reminder during times of uncertainty or change. Additionally, the tarot reading emphasized the importance of understanding and embracing our emotions and heart, which are represented by the water suit in tarot. Overall, the key takeaway is to trust the journey and allow ourselves to be open to the unexpected twists and turns of life.

    • Recognizing and embracing interconnectedness and magicThe 'Council of All Beings' tarot card signifies a shift towards recognizing and embracing the interconnectedness and magic in the world around us, through understanding the importance of cultivating divine love within oneself and with others.

      The tarot card "Council of All Beings," which was pulled during a discussion, represents an internal change and strengthening of connections with others. This change involves understanding the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of cultivating divine love within oneself and with others. The card's imagery includes various animals and a whale, suggesting a sense of community and maturity. The discussion also touched upon personal experiences and feelings towards cruises, as well as the idea that magic isn't something that can be forced or manipulated, but rather discovered within oneself. The card's essence includes themes of urgency, summoning, connection, community, maturity, readiness, and reverence. Overall, the card signifies a shift towards recognizing and embracing the magic and interconnectedness in the world around us.

    • Tarot cards serve as warning signs or guidanceTarot cards offer a unique perspective on life, revealing deep personal insights and serving as a source of comfort, guidance, and self-discovery.

      Tarot cards are not good or bad, but rather, they serve as warning signs or guidance. The meanings of the cards can vary greatly depending on the specific deck and the reader's interpretation. Some decks may have a lighter, nature-focused theme, while others may be darker and more ominous. The cards can reveal deep personal insights and can help individuals navigate their lives. Sharing tarot readings can be a way to connect with others and build relationships, as people may be hesitant to discuss spirituality in a professional setting. The universal nature of tarot makes it a fascinating and accessible practice, and it can provide valuable insights when approached with an open mind. Ultimately, tarot cards offer a unique perspective on life and can serve as a source of comfort, guidance, and self-discovery.

    • Mastering the past for a better futureTarot readings offer deeper self-understanding, emphasizing the importance of accepting and mastering the past to navigate the present and future effectively.

      The tarot reading session between Jackie and Shane revealed the importance of self-understanding and acceptance in the practice of magic. The cards drawn, specifically the Craftsman of Air representing the past, emphasized the significance of mastering one's mind and embracing one's past, whether it be a nerd or a philosopher, to effectively navigate the present and future. The session also highlighted the complexity and depth of tarot readings, as they go beyond simple formulas and incantations, and instead, grant the ability to understand oneself and the world with reverence, respect, and responsibility.

    • Exploring Self-Transformation through Tarot CardsTarot cards offer a unique tool for introspection, encouraging self-discovery and personal growth through the interpretation of symbols and their connection to our inner selves and the universe.

      Self-transformation is a crucial aspect of magic and personal growth. This was highlighted in the discussion around the "pass card" and the "present card," both of which emphasized the importance of introspection, adaptability, and vulnerability. The cards pulled during the tarot reading resonated deeply with the individuals involved, reflecting their unique journeys and experiences. The process of interpreting the cards encouraged deeper reflection and understanding of their own personal growth. Additionally, the idea that everything is connected, including ourselves, the universe, and the natural world, was a recurring theme. This concept of interconnectedness was emphasized through the imagery on the cards and the wisdom they conveyed. Overall, the tarot reading served as a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth, reminding us that magic and transformation begin within ourselves.

    • Embrace the present moment and trust the universeTrust the process, let go of control, and be open to vulnerability, nature, and the universe's guidance for personal growth.

      Letting go and trusting the present moment, being open to vulnerability and divine love, and accepting things as they are, are essential for personal growth. This process involves moving away from excessive thinking and control, and allowing the world's nurturing presence to guide us. The discussion also touched upon the connection between breath, nature, and the intellect, as well as the importance of communication, intuition, and magic in manifesting our future. The use of the Tarot cards, specifically the 7 of Air, was seen as a symbol of receiving signs and guidance from the universe. The overall message is to trust the process and be open to the wisdom that the universe offers.

    • Unlock the magic in your life through presence and gratitudePracticing presence and gratitude can attract positive experiences, influence the past, present, and future, and bring personal growth and fulfillment

      Being present and practicing gratitude can unlock the magic in our lives. The universe responds to our attention and gratitude, and following divine laws and natural magic can lead to positive experiences. Tarot cards can serve as guidance, and being open to their messages without overthinking can bring clarity and insight. The past, present, and future can all be influenced by our actions and mindset, and engaging with the present moment and expressing gratitude can attract positive energy. Additionally, forming a connection with nature and animals, such as a crow, can bring further enrichment to our lives. So, in essence, being fully present, expressing gratitude, and allowing ourselves to be open to the magic around us can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Navigating uncertainty with intuition and faithTrusting intuition and faith can lead to personal growth and transformation despite uncertainty and fear

      Our past experiences, represented by the tarot card "3 of Fire," can be uncertain and filled with fear, but following the guidance of intuition and faith can lead us to new and transformative experiences. The card depicts a dark and foggy swamp with flames as guides, symbolizing the need to navigate through uncertainty and fear to reach new beginnings. The essence of this card is uncertainty, intuition, faith, and guidance. It's important to remember that sometimes taking risks and following the pixie lights, even if they lead us into the unknown, can lead to growth and change. Fear is just excitement that hasn't received permission, and allowing ourselves to be guided by it can lead us to new and exciting experiences. Trusting the pixie lights, even if they lead us off the well-worn path, can lead to personal growth and transformation.

    • Embrace your fears and face the unknownGive yourself permission to confront fears, experience liberation and growth, trust the journey, and follow wild instincts

      Fear can be a powerful force in our lives, but it doesn't have to be a negative one. When we feel fear, it can be a sign that we need to push through and face something challenging. By giving ourselves permission to confront our fears, we can experience a sense of liberation and growth. This idea is represented in the tarot card "2 Wolves Moon," which symbolizes the battle between the domesticated and wild parts of ourselves. The card encourages us to follow our wild instincts and embrace the unknown, rather than clinging to the safety and familiarity of our comfort zones. In essence, the moon card reminds us to trust the journey and let ourselves be guided by the natural rhythms of life.

    • Embrace the unknown for personal growthFollowing fears and trusting messages can lead to transformation, as represented by the Three of Fire and the Messenger of Water in tarot.

      Following your fears and embracing the unknown can lead to personal growth and transformation. This idea is reflected in the tarot cards discussed, with the Three of Fire representing the permission to follow fear and return changed, and the Messenger of Water symbolizing the mermaid or selkie, a figure that moves between worlds and carries the stories of the past and future. The call to the wild encourages us to listen to our hearts, trust the messages that come to us, and embrace the magic and innocence of our own stories. This can be a daunting but ultimately rewarding journey, as the speaker discovered when they encouraged a friend to follow his wolf into the unknown and later lost him in the process. Ultimately, the wild and the unknown hold the potential for great change and growth, and we must be willing to take the plunge and embrace the adventure.

    • Exploring the depths of self through tarot readingsTarot readings can provide deep self-reflection and personal growth by revealing subconscious thoughts and emotions, encouraging trust in instincts, and embracing change and growth.

      The tarot reading experience, as shared by Shane, Jackie, and Manalie on SmoshCast, served as a meaningful and introspective journey for each of them. The visual and verbal representation of their individual tarot cards resonated deeply, highlighting subconscious thoughts and emotions, and providing a reminder to embrace change and let go of internal anxieties. Shane's "Call of the Wild" card encouraged him to trust his instincts and follow his passion. Jackie's "Get the fuck out of your head, girl" card urged her to be present and grateful for the experiences in her life. Manalie's "Change is coming" card reinforced the idea of embracing the unknown and being open to growth. The tarot reading session not only provided a unique and engaging conversation topic but also served as a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. The experience was reminiscent and a good thing to do with friends, as it allowed for a deeper understanding of oneself and the creation of shared meaning.

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    #46 - Solving Smosh's Problems

    #46 - Solving Smosh's Problems
    Amanda and Shayne are going to solve the cast and crew's problems, 100% guaranteed.  0:00-4:32 Intro 04:33-10:16 I just started to snore, how do I not inconvenience my partner? 10:17-16:35 How do I stop being dumb? 16:36-22:29 I’m afraid of confrontation! 22:30-28:40 Can you help me create a DnD baddie? 28:41-34:23 My voice sounds AI-generated 34:24-40:36 Peter is bullying me 40:37-47:06 Can you help me with my dating profile? 47:07-53:48 Help me with this baby! 53:49-59:27 My dad is dead 59:28-01:06:26 Stuck in a cycle of feeling the need to “succeed” 01:06:27-01:12:40 I’m addicted to Fortnite 01:12:41-01:19:30 How do you make friends as an adult? SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com  WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Marcus Munguia // https://www.instagram.com/marcus.munguia/ Erin Dougal // https://www.instagram.com/erindougal/ Lizzy Jones // https://www.instagram.com/soundproofliz/ Andre Gardere // https://www.instagram.com/onwithdre/ Nicole // https://www.instagram.com/nicole.normal/ Josh Fleury // https://www.instagram.com/josh.fleury/ Emily Rose Jacobson // https://www.instagram.com/frankly_emily_/ Angela Giarratana // https://www.instagram.com/angelagiovanagiarratana/ Matt Duran // https://www.instagram.com/durrrrran/ Rock Coleman // https://www.instagram.com/rockycole_pictureshow/ Trevor Evarts // https://www.instagram.com/trevorevarts/ Selina Garcia // https://www.instagram.com/maraselina/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Andre Gardere Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Assistant Director: Marcus Munguia Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Prop Assistant: Adam Mustafa Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Director: Selina Garcia Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs DIT/AE: Matt Duran CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis IT: Tim Baker Operations PA: Katie Fink Post Production Manager: Luke Baker Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh
    Smosh Mouth
    enMay 13, 2024

    #45 - Smosh The Sitcom w/ Syd & Olivia

    #45 - Smosh The Sitcom w/ Syd & Olivia
    Shayne & Amanda talk with Syd & Olivia about their comedy dynamic and writing Smosh The Sitcom Live! (https://live.smosh.com/) Go to http://auraframes.com and use code SMOSH to get $20 off their best-selling frame. 0:00-01:47 Intro 01:48-4:57 How Smosh the Sitcom came to be 4:57-22:19 Syd and Olivia’s origin story 22:20-29:15 Boundaries and approachability 29:16-30:24 Sponsors! 30:25-46:09 Smosh the Sitcom characters 46:10-55:25 Premise of the live show "episode" 55:26-01:00:27 Favorite experience of the show SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Syd & Olivia ( @SydOliviaTube ) // https://www.instagram.com/sydandolivia/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Luke Baker Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Prop Master: Luke Brau Prop Assistant: Josh Pressman, Jacqui Culler Audio Mixer: Jose Perez Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Videographer: James Hull Assistant Director: Marcus Munguia Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran Technical Director: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Editorial Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh

    #44 - We're Married

    #44 - We're Married
    Amanda, Shayne, and Courtney discuss the events of April 1, 2024. Go to http://auraframes.com and use code SMOSH to get $20 off their best-selling frame. SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Courtney Miller // https://www.instagram.com/co_mill/ Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Luke Baker and Kortney Luby Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Prop Master: Luke Brau Prop Assistant: Josh Pressman, Jacqui Culler Audio Mixer: Jose Perez Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Videographer: James Hull Assistant Director: Amanda Barnes Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran Technical Director: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh

    #43 - Explaining Our Characters' Backstories

    #43 - Explaining Our Characters' Backstories
    Sarah Christ, The Chosen, Courtney Freaking Miller, Karen...where do they come from? Amanda and Shayne discuss their character creation process and what inspires them. SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Andre Gardere Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Assistant Director: Marcus Munguia Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs DIT/AE: Matt Duran CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis IT: Tim Baker Operations PA: Katie Fink Post Production Manager: Luke Baker Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh

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    👋💬 PS: When you’re done I’d love to know what you think, so let me know in the comments or find me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth 😃

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    Improve your mental health in just 10-15 minutes a day with my Daily Reflection Tool and Self Care Planner! Just $12.50 AUD (about $9 USD), find it here: https://sowl.co/s/bsw5ZB  


    About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that teaches you how to look after your wellbeing, with simple ideas that draw on quality research and the experience of writer and host Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do to improve your mental health and take control of your wellbeing. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide!

    Let's Talk About Mental Health. Because the more we talk about it, the easier it gets.


    Read the transcript for this episode: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=11953 

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    Join my free mailing list for transcripts and my weekly newsletter: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/subscribe/

    Let’s Talk About Mental Health on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth/

    Jeremy Godwin on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsjeremygodwin 

    Find past episodes at: https://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/episodes/

    Visit my website: www.ltamh.com 



    📚 Buy my book Life Advice That Doesn't Suck!: https://jeremygodwin.com.au/latds/  

    📚 Buy my book Let’s Talk About Mental Health (Volume One): https://jeremygodwin.com.au/ltamhbook1/  


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