
    Let The Heart Tell You What, And The Mind Tell You How

    enJune 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Listen to your heart for deeper truthsFollowing your heart and intuition can lead to growth and transformation, even when your mind doubts it. Pay attention to your body as a whole for expanded perception and personal growth.

      Following your heart and intuition can lead to significant growth and transformation in life, even when your mind doubts the possibility. The heart holds deeper truths and wisdom that the mind may not yet understand. Paying attention to these sensations and giving them importance can help bring dreams to life and shift our dominant reality. This holistic approach involves listening to the body as a whole, including the gut and instinct, and expanding our perception of what is possible. Through people, experiences, dreams, losses, and failures, we can encounter expanders that challenge and correct our limiting beliefs, leading to personal growth and expansion.

    • Listen to your heart's callingEmbrace unique callings for love, friendship, creativity, move out of comfort zones, and seek deeper peace, fulfillment, meaning, beauty, and joy.

      Our lives are calling us to forge new paths, often intimately and personally, rather than seeking validation through external success or social conditioning. We each have unique callings that may involve learning love, friendship, or creativity, and these callings may require us to move out of our comfort zones and challenge our current beliefs. It's essential to listen to our hearts and simple instructions, rather than trying to aggrandize or overcomplicate our goals. Our true callings should bring us deeper peace, fulfillment, meaning, beauty, and joy. By focusing on ourselves and exerting control where we can, we can better understand and embrace our true callings and live our lives more fully and beautifully.

    • Embrace the unknown and focus on what we truly wantLet go of limiting beliefs, embrace desires without judgment, and trust ourselves to figure out the how as we clarify our what.

      The journey into the unknown, whether it's in writing or in life, is where personal growth and strength are built. We often get stuck focusing on the how instead of the what we truly want. This is similar to writer's block, where we don't know what to say or how to say it authentically. However, just like in writing, we need to get clear on what we're asking for or desiring in our lives. This requires letting go of limiting beliefs and embracing our desires without judgment. The how will become clear as we truly understand what we're asking for. Even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges, holding onto that tiny spark of hope and trusting ourselves can lead to great rewards.

    • Questions to guide decision makingConsider who you'll become, have a resounding yes feeling, recognize serendipitous moments, and embrace fear to make decisions that align with purpose and bring meaningful growth.

      Making the right decision involves considering who you will become, having a resounding yes feeling that grows with time, recognizing serendipitous moments, and embracing the fear that comes with stepping into the unknown. These questions can help guide you towards decisions that align with your purpose and bring meaningful growth into your life. By asking yourself these questions, you can ensure that the decisions you make are not only beneficial in the moment but also contribute to your personal development and long-term happiness. Remember, fear is not a sign of disinterest, but rather a protective mechanism that can confirm you're on the path to something meaningful. Embrace the fear and trust that it is guiding you towards the right decision.

    • Trusting your heart and seeking guidanceSeek advice from trusted sources while trusting your instincts to turn dreams into reality

      It's essential to seek the opinions and guidance of those who truly care about your well-being and understand you deeply, even as you trust your own instincts. The speaker shares her personal experience of following her dream to move to California and live as a writer, which involved overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles. She emphasizes the importance of asking "how" instead of "if," and being surrounded by supportive people who believe in your goals. This pattern of trusting one's heart while also seeking practical advice from trusted sources has led her to achieve her dreams, and it can do the same for us. By valuing the opinions of those who know us best and staying determined in the face of challenges, we can turn our dreams into reality.

    • Uncovering our deepest desiresExploring our heart's deepest desires leads to a fulfilling life, worth fighting for, and can positively impact those around us.

      Our deepest desires are not random or fleeting, but rather a roadmap to the best version of ourselves. They are an attempt to bring forth something that wants to be created through us. It may not be easy to follow this calling, as there may be external obstacles and internal doubts. But it's important to remember that the universe responds to truth, not what is passing or temporary. The courage to ask for what we want often leads to the willingness to receive it. By exploring the depths of our heart and not resting until we've shared our unique gifts with the world, we can build a life worth living, one that is worth fighting for and ultimately, one we're proud of. Our desires have an impact not just on ourselves, but on those around us, and can lead to peace, growth, and evolution.

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    Let The Heart Tell You What, And The Mind Tell You How

    Let The Heart Tell You What, And The Mind Tell You How

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    Read books by Brianna Wiest: ⁠https://thoughtcatalog.com/brianna-wiest/⁠

    Find Brianna Wiest journals/merchandise: ⁠https://shopcatalog.com/people/brianna-wiest/

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    Read books by Brianna Wiest: ⁠https://thoughtcatalog.com/brianna-wiest/⁠

    Find Brianna Wiest journals/merchandise: ⁠https://shopcatalog.com/people/brianna-wiest/⁠

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    Read books by Brianna Wiest: https://thoughtcatalog.com/brianna-wiest/

    Find Brianna Wiest journals/merchandise: https://shopcatalog.com/people/brianna-wiest/

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    Key takeaways to listen for:

    • What holds entrepreneurs back from success and fulfillment

    • The secrets to lasting transformation and happiness 

    • Universal impact of beliefs on personal growth and freedom

    • 3 steps to holistic growth and development

    • Why it’s essential to address your core fears




    About Jake Kauffman

    Jake Kauffman is an International Transformation Coach and spiritual mentor to purpose-driven, visionary men & entrepreneurs who are seeking to grow in their lives and leadership.


    Connect with Jake


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