
    The Things You Struggle With Most Are The Ones You Are Here To Master

    enOctober 24, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace uncomfortable experiences for personal growthUncomfortable experiences offer opportunities for learning and growth. Regulate your nervous system, be honest with yourself, and write down thoughts to gain insights.

      Our personal growth and alignment with our true selves often come from uncomfortable and challenging experiences, rather than our dreams or imagined futures. These catalyst moments serve as windows into areas where we are out of alignment and offer opportunities for learning and growth. It's essential to regulate and neutralize our nervous systems during these times to gather information and gain insights. By being honest with ourselves and writing down our thoughts and feelings, we can make sense of the chaos and find the breakthroughs we seek. Remember, the struggles we face are the very things we are meant to master.

    • Viewing impediments as opportunities for growthRecognize impediments as stepping stones for self-discovery and personal growth, rather than obstacles to be overcome

      Not having emotional intelligence naturally doesn't have to be a disadvantage. In fact, it can provide opportunities for growth and self-realization. When we encounter impediments to the natural flow of life, they can be seen as our greatest opportunities for learning and transformation. However, it can be tricky as these impediments can be compelling and seem permanent. When we're stuck in a highly triggered state, it's important to recognize that we're not meant to be pinned down by hopelessness. Instead, we should view these moments as opportunities for wisdom and self-discovery. The impediments may seem insurmountable, but with conscious effort, we can learn to let go and embrace the constant flow of ideas, inspiration, solutions, and opportunities that life offers. The key is to recognize the journey of deconstructing these impediments as our path to growth and self-realization, leading to peace, joy, and fulfillment.

    • Fear masks new opportunities for growthRecognize fear is not conscious and requires our engagement, shift focus to finding solutions, and let go of coping mechanisms to make progress towards a new, improved state

      Impediments in our lives, no matter how insurmountable they may seem, often mask new opportunities for growth. These impediments are often rooted in fear, which we unknowingly feed by giving it our attention and energy. By recognizing that fear is not conscious and requires our engagement to survive, we can begin to weaken its hold on us. Instead of focusing on the problem, we should shift our focus to finding solutions. The blocks we can't let go of are coping mechanisms we developed in response to challenges or stressors, but deep down, we know there is another way. When we choose not to engage with fear and instead focus on the solution, we can begin to move forward and make progress towards a new, improved state.

    • Our fear keeps us stuck in sufferingRemember that challenges pass and growth opportunities are always available, don't let fear hold you back

      Our fear and disengagement from life are the real sources of suffering, not the challenges and grief we encounter. The river of life is not inherently painful, but our reluctance to face it and learn from our experiences keeps us stuck. We often stay in fear-based realities, forgetting that we've faced and moved past many challenges before. The key is to remember that doors to new opportunities and growth are always opening, and we have the power to choose which ones to walk through. By focusing on the fear, we risk missing out on the potential for growth and happiness. Instead, we should remind ourselves that every challenge we've faced before has eventually passed, and we've been able to move on. So, when we're most afraid, we should remember that nothing is holding us back unless we allow it, and that the only reality we've known is not the only one available to us.

    • Turning challenges into opportunitiesDespite difficult experiences, we have the power to grow and change by taking small actions and establishing routines, ultimately creating momentum and craving the feeling of living fully.

      No matter how difficult or painful our experiences may be, we have the power to turn them into opportunities for growth and change. This process often starts with small actions and the establishment of routines that help us re-engage with the flow of life. By lifting the impediments to action, we can create momentum and begin to crave the feeling of living fully. Remember, the challenges we face are also the ones we are most meant to overcome. So, start re-engaging with the flow state, see the people, things, and opportunities around you as possibilities, and trust that you have the strength to move on.

    • Find a new way around obstaclesInstead of forcing through challenges, pioneer new paths for personal growth and leave guidance for others

      When faced with challenges or struggles, instead of trying to force your way through, consider pioneering a new path. The obstacles we encounter are often the very things we're meant to master. The desires we have and the mountains we're called to climb will leave a trail for others to follow in their own journey towards self-actualization and healing. Pain can ultimately lead to purpose, as the guidance we leave behind for others can help them navigate their own struggles. Remember, your job is not to push through the wall, but to find a new way around it.

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    Read books by Brianna Wiest: ⁠https://thoughtcatalog.com/brianna-wiest/⁠

    Find Brianna Wiest journals/merchandise: ⁠https://shopcatalog.com/people/brianna-wiest/

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    Read books by Brianna Wiest: ⁠https://thoughtcatalog.com/brianna-wiest/⁠

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    Read books by Brianna Wiest: https://thoughtcatalog.com/brianna-wiest/

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