
    7 Ways You’re "Upper Limiting" Your Own Life

    enApril 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Expanding our capacity for joyRecognize and challenge your upper limits to fully embrace and appreciate positive changes and growth in life

      We all have an "upper limit" for the amount of positivity and joy we allow ourselves to experience in life, often unconsciously sabotaging our own happiness. This concept, introduced by Gay Hendricks, refers to our comfort zone with feeling good. When we hit our upper limit, we may unknowingly downplay positive experiences or even create familiar, uncomfortable situations as a way to maintain this comfort zone. To expand our capacity for joy, it's essential to recognize and challenge our upper limits, allowing ourselves to fully embrace and appreciate the positive changes and growth in our lives.

    • Expanding our comfort zoneTo appreciate life's positives, we must reorient and rebuild our comfort zone around valued experiences, practice the pause to respond instead of react, and learn to deal with discomfort to expand our limits.

      Our comfort zone can limit our experiences and prevent us from fully appreciating the positive things in life. This is counterintuitive, as we may want to expand our horizons while simultaneously feeling the urge to retreat. To overcome this, we must reorient and rebuild our comfort zone around the things we truly value. High reactivity, or our tendency to react strongly to discomfort, is another way we extinguish our joy and stay beneath our upper limit. Practicing the pause, or widening the gap between feeling an emotion and reacting to it, can help us respond instead of react and expand our comfort zone. By allowing ourselves to sit with discomfort and familiarize ourselves with it, we can learn to deal with our base instincts and problem-solve effectively. In essence, reactivity keeps us running away from life, while responsiveness allows us to alchemize it.

    • Listen to your intuition and trust your gut reactionsIgnoring your body's signals and letting your mind overthink can lead to unhappiness and regret. Trust your intuition and honor your authentic self to increase the chances of living a fulfilling life.

      We often try to convince ourselves to feel something our hearts don't truly desire, leading us away from our authentic path in life. Our bodies often communicate this through subtle or not-so-subtle sensations. When we ignore these signals and let our minds overthink, we may end up feeling lost, unhappy, and full of regret. To avoid this, listen to your intuition and trust your gut reactions. When something feels like a no, it's likely a no. And when something feels like a yes, even if your mind is resisting, it's important to remember that protecting our hearts from our true desires can ultimately leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled. By honoring our authentic selves, we increase the chances of living a life we're proud of at the end.

    • Hardest choices are those we don't truly wantRecognize and embrace potential for growth in personal choices, rather than comparing ourselves to others and focusing on their success or happiness.

      The hardest choices we make are those for things we don't truly want, as the lack of passion makes dealing with challenges more difficult. Comparing ourselves to others and believing their success or happiness indicates our own lack is a common pitfall. However, our ability to recognize these qualities in others means they exist within us as well. Our perspectives shift based on our relationship to ourselves, and we must become different to see things from new perspectives. Life is not a limited resource, but rather an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Instead of focusing on what others have, embrace the potential for personal growth and the inherent worth of our own experiences.

    • Cherish and celebrate your own joys and accomplishmentsEmbrace your unique experiences and emotions, let go of guilt, and celebrate your own achievements to live a more fulfilling life

      Life is a unique and ever-changing experience for each individual, and it's important to cherish and celebrate our own joys and accomplishments, rather than comparing ourselves to others or feeling guilty for what isn't our burden to bear. We all face challenges and pain, but allowing ourselves to feel happiness and gratitude when we can will not diminish the experiences of others, and will instead help us live more fulfilling lives. Let go of guilt and embrace the power and impact you can have on the world with your own unique experiences and emotions.

    • Trust the present moment for changeTrust your heart's desires, take action, and be open to subtle shifts for a fulfilling life

      Your power to create change in your life lies in the present moment, not in the future. The doorway to what you desire is always right in front of you, but if you keep placing your power into the future, you'll miss it. Instead, trust your heart's consistent desires and take action towards them, no matter how small the steps may seem. Breakthrough moments often come in subtle ways and can be as simple as making a search or setting a goal. Remember, the lives we dream of may seem challenging, but so did the lives we have at one point in time. Trust your heart's guidance, and be open to the microshifts that can lead to a life bigger and more beautiful than you could ever imagine.

    • Embrace new realities and respond creativelyOur response to circumstances, not the circumstances themselves, determine our stability and success. Practicing somatic experiencing and focusing on the present moment can help us adapt to unfamiliar situations and bring our dreams into reality.

      Our circumstances do not determine our stability and success, but rather our response to them and our creativity in finding solutions. The practice of somatic experiencing, or familiarizing ourselves with new realities, can help us make unfamiliar situations feel comfortable and empowering over time. The power to start choosing and anchoring our desires into the present moment is always available to us, and the more we expand ourselves in the now, the more we bring our dreams into reality. Additionally, engaging with what we don't want only empowers and energizes it, so disengaging is an essential step towards letting go and moving forward. The key is to focus on the present moment and take small steps towards our goals, rather than waiting for the perfect circumstances or feeling overwhelmed by the unfamiliar.

    • Shift focus from problem to solution energyRecognize problems, engage in solution energy, ask what opposite is, let go of old, build new, trust heart and brain, give minds a job, overcome fear of unknown, unlock full potential.

      To find solutions to problems, we must shift our focus from the problem itself to the energy of the solution. This means recognizing and validating the problem, but not getting stuck in it. Instead, we should engage fully in the energy of the solution and ask ourselves what the opposite of the problem is. By doing so, we can naturally let go of the old and build the new. Our hearts tell us what we want, and our brains give us the how. It's important to remember that our minds need a job, and focusing on the solutions and the way forward will reveal the power and possibility we never knew we had. Our brains are wired to keep us safe and in the known, but by choosing to engage in how thinking, we can overcome the fear of the unknown and unlock our full potential.

    • Expanding our comfort zone for personal growthTo achieve our desires, we must expand our comfort zone by braving uncertainty and facing fear until it becomes our new normal. Stay aware of upper limits and avoid unconscious sabotage to make growth and comfort coexist.

      Expanding our comfort zone is essential for personal growth and achieving our desires. We build a comfort zone around what we desire little by little, and this process involves braving uncertainty and sitting with fear until we reregulate to our new normal. It's important to stay aware of our upper limit and avoid unconscious sabotage that keeps us in our old comfort zone. The ultimate goal is to make what we truly desire feel like the most comfortable and natural thing for us. Remember, growth and comfort may not always go hand in hand, but with consistent effort, we can expand our container and make our deepest desires a reality.

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    Read books by Brianna Wiest: https://thoughtcatalog.com/brianna-wiest/

    Find Brianna Wiest journals/merchandise: https://shopcatalog.com/people/brianna-wiest/

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    ✅ Follow The Power Move with John Gafford on social media:

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    Listen On Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-power-move-with-john-gafford/id1582927283

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