
    Self-Confidence Is Not Found, It’s Built

    enMay 24, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Generate confidence and worthiness through actionTaking action despite feelings of doubt or uncertainty is key to building confidence and worthiness. Creating opportunities and loving/giving brings us closer to our goals and true selves.

      Confidence and worthiness are not things we find, but rather things we generate through action. Alex Hormozi's quote, "you don't become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are," highlights the importance of taking action despite feelings of doubt or uncertainty. We often wait for inspiration or perfect circumstances before starting a project or pursuing our goals, but these moments don't just appear – we have to create them. Similarly, we may believe that we must be worthy of love or companionship before we can experience it, but it's actually through the act of loving and giving that we become worthy. And when it comes to writing, or any other pursuit outside of our comfort zone, we must carve out time and sit with the discomfort until it becomes normal. The journey of love, companionship, and personal growth is transformational and meant to bring us closer to who we truly are. So instead of waiting until we're complete to begin, we should start and continue, knowing that the act of doing so will bring us closer to finding a sense of completion.

    • Embracing discomfort for long-term happinessCommitment to a dream requires initial discomfort, but consistent action builds confidence and leads to fulfillment.

      Having a clear vision and commitment to a dream, even if it's uncomfortable or requires sacrifice at the beginning, is essential for long-term happiness and fulfillment. The motivation to pursue that dream may not always be present, but it can be cultivated through consistent action. The fear of wasting time and the potential suffering of not pursuing our dreams can be greater than the discomfort of taking the first steps. It's important to remember that the initial push is the hardest, but with time and momentum, the act of doing becomes rewarding. During the transitional period between old and new phases of life, it's crucial to deeply marry ourselves to the knowing that confidence and certainty will not suddenly appear, but must be built through consistent action, even when we're afraid or uncertain.

    • Waiting to become the person you want to be before taking action is ineffectiveFocus on consistent effort towards desired outcomes to develop identity and success, rather than relying on self-deception or false beliefs.

      Waiting to convince yourself that you are the person you want to be before taking action is an ineffective strategy for achieving your goals. Instead, focus on consistently putting in effort towards your desired outcomes, understanding that the inevitable result will be the development of the identity and success you seek. By acting in alignment with your ideal self, you will begin to solidify a sense of certainty and determination within yourself, rather than relying on self-deception or false beliefs. Remember that you have the power to choose who you show up as each day, and that anything worth doing will require effort and challenge. Don't let yourself get stuck in the belief that getting there is just a matter of deeper self-convincing – take action and let your identity evolve through your efforts over time.

    • Embrace challenges and vulnerabilities for growthConfidence and growth come from facing challenges, acknowledging faults, recognizing strengths, and continuously learning and adapting.

      True confidence and growth come from embracing challenges and vulnerabilities, rather than seeking unwavering self-certainty. We can only gain new experiences and knowledge by letting go of old ways and being open to change. Confidence is earned through proving ourselves to ourselves, and growth is a continuous process of learning, refining, and adapting. It's important to acknowledge our faults and areas for improvement, but also to recognize our strengths and be proud of them. Ultimately, we become stronger and more resilient when we adopt an attitude of openness, humility, and willingness to keep trying and learning.

    • Find inner strength through self-improvementConfidence comes from within by actively seeking self-improvement, appreciating others, and enduring challenges with courage.

      True confidence comes from within, and it's not something that can be taken away by external circumstances or other people's actions. We generate and regenerate our strength by actively working on becoming the best version of ourselves, even when faced with challenges. Affirmations and external validation can support this process, but they are not the foundation. We become most beautiful, lovable, successful, and confident when we seek and appreciate the beauty and love in others and in the world, and when we are consistent in our actions. Remember, we cannot short circuit our way around being human, and we cannot bypass what's challenging, but we can choose what is worth hurting for and endure it with courage and bravery. Confidence is not about believing in ourselves without evidence, but about generating the belief through our actions. And the most important thing is to remember that we are capable of healing and growing into the people we most want to be.

    • Focus on inner desires and beliefs for personal growthTake action despite discomfort and uncertainty to transform into the best version of yourself, fueled by an unwavering faith in your abilities and inner desires.

      Personal growth and development require consistent action that aligns with our inner desires and beliefs. It's not about waiting for the perfect moment or external circumstances to change, but rather, it's about having the courage to move through discomfort and uncertainty to become the person we truly want to be. This process involves developing an unwavering faith in ourselves and our abilities, even when it feels challenging or uncomfortable. By taking action and staying committed to our goals, we can overcome obstacles and transform into the best version of ourselves. So instead of waiting for the world to change, focus on the power of your own desire for a more meaningful life and take the first step towards growth today.

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    Read books by Brianna Wiest: ⁠https://thoughtcatalog.com/brianna-wiest/⁠

    Find Brianna Wiest journals/merchandise: ⁠https://shopcatalog.com/people/brianna-wiest/

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    Read books by Brianna Wiest: ⁠https://thoughtcatalog.com/brianna-wiest/⁠

    Find Brianna Wiest journals/merchandise: ⁠https://shopcatalog.com/people/brianna-wiest/⁠

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    Read books by Brianna Wiest: https://thoughtcatalog.com/brianna-wiest/

    Find Brianna Wiest journals/merchandise: https://shopcatalog.com/people/brianna-wiest/

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    Let me know you’re listening to this episode by sharing it on your Instagram stories, tag me @blackbeltbeauty and @roxylook Thank you for the love and support!


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    The Steps to Empowerment with Monique Grover

    The Steps to Empowerment with Monique Grover

    Beginning –

    The family unit and societal conditioning that we’ve all been exposed to, whether helpful or unhelpful. Shedding the unhelpful layers to leave only the thoughts, habits, beliefs, etc that serve us well.Social conditioning generally leaves us in 1 of 2 boxes:
    • The person who falls in line, never questions and may “wake up” later in life realizing they never lived and don’t know who they are.
    • The rebel non conformist who gets looked at in a negative light.
    The view points on these 2 types are shifting to a more understanding model. We now know that the “troublemaker kid” probably isn’t trying to give everyone a hard time as much as they’re having a hard time and need some care, love and understanding.

    We’re all children parading around as adults with whatever belief systems were given to us as children. When you can see the separation between what was given to you versus what actually resonates with you, growth occurs and you can begin to “parent” yourself. Most often this means giving yourself that which you needed as a child but didn’t receive. This allows you to begin forming yourself into the happiest, highest version of yourself.

    12:40 –

    Dissecting what’s considered “trauma”. People understandably get a little touchy on this subject but the energetic point of view is that trauma is anything that goes against your original energy signature and causes harm to that field. If you walk away from the incident, no matter how minor, with a distorted energy field that takes you away from your true self, we’re considering it trauma.

    Obviously, varying degrees of trauma are possible. What is traumatic for one may not be for another and the time and work it takes to restore that energy field distortion depends on the level of impact it had on the particular person in question.The first step in healing any of it is awareness.

    Emotions become stuck in our body because when the situations that cause them occur, we don’t know how to experience that, process it and allow it to be released. Therefore it becomes stored for later. Emotions like anger or resentment are easier to feel than the pain behind them which leads us to hide behind them.

    16:16 –

    Nothing happened “to you”, it’s just what happened. Again, it’s normal to feel the more aggressive emotions and you HAVE to feel them in order to get to the other side of them and release them. It’s up to us to find healthy ways to release them so that we’re not hurting others along the way because that just perpetuates the cycles of pain.You have to get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable since problems occur when we suppress our emotions instead of allowing them to safely and productively play out.

    Some people can sit with something once, allow it to be felt and released and be done. Most of us have to hack at it little by little for a while because these things can get DEEPLY imbedded into who we are and touch every facet of our lives. Unraveling it layer by layer is something Monique equated to a spider web. A beautiful and fitting analogy for what we’re discussing.

    You have to systemize what works for you so that you know exactly what to do when you’re met with these emotionally charged situations and circumstances or else you’re always going to feel as though you’re drowning. These systems are your tools and can be as structured or as laid back as you like and as what works for you.

    34:27 –

    You want to avoid “toxic self care”. An example of this would be crawling into bed for a nap that lasts 3 days. You have to be self aware of these traps so that you can pull yourself out of them.

    Avoiding all stuck-ness because energy needs to MOVE. There’s a lot of ways you can get the energy moving, from food to taking a walk.

    Shadow work helps with empowerment a lot. We all have yin and yang energy. “Good” and “bad” are a human construct which can make us uncomfortable with the aspects of ourselves that may be labeled as “bad”. Coming to terms with these aspects can help us find empowerment through acceptance and love for even those parts of ourselves that others would have opinions about.

    41:02 –

    Empowerment is about finding what resonates with YOU despite the cultural taboos. What’s best for you and what works best for you and standing by that despite other’s opinions.Authenticity is ever evolving. You really only have yourself. Stay hyper aware. That’s the work. We’ll get there.

    Our guest:

    Hi, my name is Monique, and I am an Intuitive Empowerment Coach! I help people overcome limiting beliefs using my Self Mastery Method which empowers them to build confidence, trust themselves, develop a greater mind-body connection, and cultivate their dream life! My passion is helping people make deep connections from within, unraveling the patterns that have been holding them back, and creating the space for them to step into their power! I wholeheartedly believe that each one of us possesses the innate capability to embrace our unique authenticity, all it takes is that first step to look within!
    Our host:

    S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water

    Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.

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