
    7 Questions To Ask Yourself When You Don't Know What You Want

    enJuly 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the power of true desiresTrue desires guide us towards our authentic selves, fulfilling lives, while false desires leave us empty. Acknowledge true desires, even if it feels dangerous.

      Desire is a powerful internal navigation system guiding us towards what's available and possible for us. However, many of us have lost touch with our true desires due to limiting beliefs or the adoption of others' desires. True desire brings us closer to our authentic selves and is a journey that fulfills us, while false desires leave us empty and unfulfilled. Desire is not just an outcome we seek, but a call to action, a blueprint of what we're meant to create. We must face our fears and pursue our desires to live a meaningful life, rather than standing on the sidelines in deference to them. Desire is not a fleeting want or an endless need, but a spark within us that guides us towards a fulfilling life. We must not be afraid to acknowledge our true desires, even if it feels dangerous.

    • Fear-based mindset disconnects us from our desiresRecognize and challenge fear-based beliefs to reconnect with your true desires and live more authentically

      Many of us have developed a fear-based mindset, where we believe that good things in our lives must be balanced out by bad ones. This perception, which is often a defense mechanism against ego death, causes us to disconnect from our true desires and seek fulfillment externally. We start to assume that disappointment is inevitable and build our lives around it, unconsciously creating that reality. Eventually, we may reach a point where we feel disconnected from ourselves and unsure of what we truly want. We have severed our connection to desire and are more in tune with external expectations. To live intentionally, we must reconnect with our inner selves and learn to trust our desires and intuition. This may involve taking risks and challenging the preconceived notions and rules that have shaped our lives. By doing so, we can live more authentic, fulfilling lives.

    • Reconnect with yourself through small 'yeses'Identify a small joy, understand fear's protection, focus on micro moments, and trust yourself for a more authentic life

      Self-inquiry and reflecting on small, inconsequential "yeses" in life can help us reconnect with our internal navigation system and lead us back to ourselves. Start by identifying one small thing that brings you joy or is an absolute yes, and build from there. Fear often shields our interests, and understanding what our fear is trying to protect can help us recognize what truly matters to us. Remember, even the biggest goals are made up of small, everyday choices. By focusing on these micro moments and trusting ourselves, we can begin to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

    • Fear and desire reveal our deepest caresFear of rejection indicates a desire for connection, fear of failure signifies a need for validation, fear of change reflects a longing for consistency. Use fear as a compass to rebuild, expand comfort zones, seize opportunities, and gain self-understanding through observing others.

      Fear and desire are interconnected, and both can guide us towards what truly matters to us. When we're unsure of our desires, our fears can reveal what we deeply care about. For instance, fear of rejection may indicate a desire for connection, fear of failure may signify a need for validation, and fear of change might reflect a longing for consistency. Instead of being paralyzed by fear, we can use it as a compass to help us rebuild our lives and expand our comfort zones. Another key takeaway is to recognize the opportunities that present themselves in the present moment, as they might not be available in the future. We should consider the potential of the current moment in the context of our entire lives and seize the chances that come our way. Lastly, observing other people's lives can offer valuable insights into our own. The things we find most beautiful, inspiring, or moving about others often reflect aspects of our own selves that we may not be aware of. By acknowledging these connections, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

    • Using Others as Mirrors and Listening to Our BodiesReflecting on interactions with people and noticing physical sensations can provide insights into our desires and preferences, leading us towards a more authentic and fulfilling path in life.

      Paying attention to the people and experiences that inspire us, as well as those that annoy or repel us, can provide valuable insights into our own desires and preferences. Additionally, our bodies hold a deeper wisdom than our conscious minds, and noticing subtle physical sensations such as expansion or contraction can help us make informed decisions about what nourishes us and what drains us. By reflecting on these patterns and taking note of how we feel after interacting with people or completing activities, we can better understand what aligns with our values and what does not. In essence, using others as mirrors and listening to our bodies can lead us towards a more authentic and fulfilling path in life.

    • What brings us joy and fulfillmentFocusing on things that matter to us and bring joy can provide deep fulfillment and meaning, even if they require effort and challenge.

      The things that truly matter to us and are aligned with our desires have the power to energize and inspire us, rather than draining us. This is because the act of selflessly giving ourselves to these things, much like a parent's love for a child, can provide a deep sense of fulfillment and meaning that gives back in different ways. It's important to pay attention to what brings us joy and makes us feel connected, even if it requires effort and challenge, as these experiences can ultimately strengthen and motivate us. In the end, what most of us truly want out of life is love, connection, community, and purpose. So, consider reflecting on what brought you joy as a child and how those elements can be incorporated into your life in a more mature way to bring you deeper fulfillment and happiness.

    • Listen to quieter desires for true fulfillmentAcknowledge quieter desires for personal growth, mental peace, and physical fitness to find true fulfillment

      While it's easy to be drawn towards the louder, more aspirational desires, the quieter, simpler ones are often just as important and true to who we are. The desire for personal growth, mental peace, or physical fitness may not seem as impressive, but they can hold great significance in our lives. It's tempting to craft a dramatic vision of our lives, but the real undeniable truth lies within us, waiting for us to acknowledge it. So, next time you find yourself focusing on the loud and ambitious desires, take a moment to listen to the quieter ones, for they may hold the key to true fulfillment.

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    Read books by Brianna Wiest: ⁠https://thoughtcatalog.com/brianna-wiest/⁠

    Find Brianna Wiest journals/merchandise: ⁠https://shopcatalog.com/people/brianna-wiest/

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    Read books by Brianna Wiest: ⁠https://thoughtcatalog.com/brianna-wiest/⁠

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    Read books by Brianna Wiest: https://thoughtcatalog.com/brianna-wiest/

    Find Brianna Wiest journals/merchandise: https://shopcatalog.com/people/brianna-wiest/

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