
    How to go from 'Not Enough' to 'Worthy' with Jamie Kern Lima

    enFebruary 19, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • The Inspiring Story of Jamie Kern Lima: Overcoming Rejection and Self-Doubt to Sell Her Company for a Billion DollarsJamie Kern Lima's inspiring journey from facing discrimination and self-doubt to selling her company for a billion dollars, and the importance of believing in one's worth and finding effective skincare products.

      Key takeaway from this episode of The Resetter Podcast is the inspiring story of Jamie Kern Lima, a successful businesswoman who overcame rejection and self-doubt to sell her company for a billion dollars. Despite facing discrimination in the beauty industry due to her appearance, Jamie persevered and learned to believe in her worth. She shares her experiences in her new book, Worthy, which is set to release this week. The conversation also touches on the importance of minerals for brain and body health, and the introduction of LMNT mineral packets as a solution. Additionally, the discussion highlights the importance of finding trustworthy and effective skincare products, such as the USDA certified organic, non-GMO, paraben-free Age Defying Dream Cream from Purity Woods. Overall, this episode offers valuable insights for overcoming challenges and living a healthier, more empowered life.

    • Investing in self-worth through skincare and personal growthSkincare product Dream Cream by Purity Woods supports collagen production, benefits women during menopause, and Jamie Kern Lima shares her inspiring story of building self-worth and a billion-dollar company, emphasizing its importance for fulfillment and preventing self-sabotage.

      The Dream Cream by Purity Woods is not just a skincare product, but a therapeutic solution that supports collagen and elastin production while avoiding harmful chemicals. It's particularly beneficial for women going through menopause, as they naturally produce less collagen. Meanwhile, Jamie Kern Lima, the guest on the podcast, shares her inspiring story of building a billion-dollar company, It Cosmetics, despite feeling unworthy and not believing she was enough for most of her life. She now advocates for learning to build self-worth, as 80% of women and even 73% of men experience feelings of inadequacy. Confidence-building tools and achievements can help, but true self-worth is essential for fulfillment and preventing self-sabotage. So, whether it's through skincare or personal growth, investing in self-worth is a worthwhile endeavor. Don't miss out on the 10% discount at puritywoods.com/pels using the code Pels.

    • Societal messages and self-doubt in womenWomen can overcome societal messages and self-doubt by becoming aware, trusting intuition, and focusing on inherent worthiness.

      Women often feel they're not enough due to societal messages and well-intentioned questions from loved ones. This starts from a young age, with fairy tales and societal expectations. This leads to a lack of trust in one's own intuition and a need for consensus in decision-making. As women grow older, this can manifest as imposter syndrome and a belief that we need mentors or external validation to be successful. However, it's important to remember that we are born enough and worthy, and we should strive to unlearn these limiting beliefs. We can do this by becoming aware of these messages, filtering them through our own intuition, and focusing on our inherent worthiness. By trusting ourselves and our abilities, we can break free from the cycle of self-doubt and truly thrive.

    • Trusting yourself and listening to your inner voice for personal growthPeople-pleasing can lead to emptiness and unfulfillment, journaling, meditation, and supportive relationships can help break the cycle, trusting yourself is crucial for authentic and fulfilling life

      Trusting yourself and listening to your inner voice is crucial for personal growth and fulfillment, especially for women who have spent much of their lives pleasing others. However, it can be challenging to tap into your true self when you've spent years making everyone else happy. The speaker shares her personal experience of growing up as a people-pleaser and the recent realization that she needed to discover who she truly is. She emphasizes that ignoring your inner voice and constantly pleasing others can lead to a sense of emptiness and unfulfillment. To help break the cycle of people-pleasing, the speaker suggests some quick tools, such as journaling, meditation, and seeking out supportive relationships. Ultimately, trusting yourself and listening to your inner voice is essential for living an authentic and fulfilling life.

    • Listen to your intuition for true fulfillmentPractice stillness to hear your intuition, live authentically, and set a selfless example for others.

      True fulfillment in life comes from listening to and trusting your intuition, which is a reflection of your soul. It's easy to get lost in trying to please others and neglecting our own needs, but setting the example of self-care is a powerful gift that benefits not only ourselves but also future generations. Learning to separate our intuition from our thoughts and external influences requires stillness and discernment. By getting still and quieting the noise, we can hear our soul's guidance and live authentically. Trusting ourselves is not selfish but selfless, as it sets the example for others to do the same.

    • Reflecting on past experiences to build intuitionReflect on past decisions to understand the role of intuition, trust gut feelings, and practice observing others to strengthen intuition

      Developing intuition is a process of listening to your inner voice and building confidence in your own decisions. This can be done by reflecting on past experiences where you trusted or didn't trust your intuition and considering the outcomes. Intuition is not just a mental process, but a physical one as well, with feelings often manifesting in the gut rather than the head. A simple way to start strengthening your intuition is by observing your friends or colleagues and trusting your instincts about who they truly are. Remember, intuition is a muscle that grows with practice.

    • Trusting yourself for deeper relationshipsConnecting with your authentic self leads to deeper, more meaningful relationships. Trusting your intuition and living in alignment with your true self allows for fulfillment and closeness in relationships, giving the greatest gift to others.

      Connecting with your authentic self is the foundation for deep and meaningful relationships. By training your intuition and trusting yourself, you can live in alignment with your true self and offer a deeper connection to others. Fulfillment and closeness in relationships come from within, and by learning who you are, you can give the greatest gift to those around you. Trusting your intuition may not always lead to perfect outcomes, but it will always guide you towards the next right step or lesson. The fear of making mistakes is natural, but staying stagnant out of fear is not an option. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and trust yourself to live your highest, truest expression.

    • Trust your gut and take actionAct on gut feelings before self-doubt sets in, surround yourself with supportive people, and join the Reset Academy for guidance and community support in embracing a fasting lifestyle.

      Readiness and perfectionism are lies we tell ourselves to stay stuck and not take action. When we get a gut feeling or inkling to do something, it's important to act on it before our brains start talking us out of it. Delaying action can lead to self-doubt and the fear of what others may think. Instead, surround yourself with supportive people who understand your journey and will help you stay focused on your goals. This is why Dr. Mindy Pelz created the Reset Academy – to provide a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about fasting and health, and to offer guidance and support in achieving personal health goals. So, if you're ready to unlock your fullest potential and embrace a fasting lifestyle, join Dr. Mindy Pelz in the Reset Academy. Trust your gut, take action, and let's make this year an incredible one together. To learn more and join, visit doctormindypels.com/resetacademy.

    • Feeling like an outsider is commonIt's natural to feel different, but seeking support and embracing individuality can help build confidence and acceptance.

      It's normal to feel like you don't belong or that you're different. Many people, including the speaker, have experienced this feeling, especially when they're the first in their families or peer groups to embrace their authentic selves. This feeling can be particularly strong when pursuing unconventional dreams or ideas. It's important to remember that everyone is unique, and there's no one else in the world quite like you. Seeking support, such as therapy, can help validate your feelings and give you the confidence to be yourself, even if not everyone understands or agrees with your choices. Embrace your individuality and know that you're the first and only you in this universe.

    • Believing in one's worth leads to remarkable achievementsBelieving in your worth is essential for personal growth and success. Overcoming limiting beliefs and staying true to your values can lead to significant life changes and even generational impact.

      Self-worth plays a crucial role in achieving goals and dreams. The speaker shares her experience of being repeatedly rejected by beauty retailers due to their preference for unattainable aspirations in advertising. However, she remained determined to create a company that celebrates diversity and showcases models of all ages, shapes, sizes, and skin tones. Despite facing numerous rejections, she believed in her vision and refused to let others define her worth. The speaker emphasizes that building self-worth is essential for personal growth and success in various aspects of life. She also highlights that self-worth is a prerequisite for fearless ambition and that learning to believe in one's worth can lead to significant life changes and even generational impact. The speaker's journey serves as an inspiring reminder that overcoming limiting beliefs and staying true to one's values can lead to remarkable achievements.

    • The Pursuit of Happiness: Finding Contentment WithinBelieving external achievements bring lasting happiness can lead to a cycle of dissatisfaction. True contentment comes from within.

      No matter what achievements or milestones we reach in life, there's always a risk of feeling unfulfilled or unhappy. We often believe that once we attain a certain goal, we'll finally be content. However, this mindset can lead to a never-ending cycle of striving for more. The speaker shared her personal experience of selling her company and expecting to feel fulfilled, but instead feeling lost and unsure of her worth. She emphasized the importance of recognizing this feeling and refraining from telling ourselves negative stories. The speaker's encounter with Oprah Winfrey, a long-held dream, served as a reminder that true happiness comes from within and not from external accomplishments.

    • Setting self-worth by external achievements is a mistakeTrue self-worth comes from within and isn't dependent on external validation or accomplishments.

      Self-worth and confidence are not the same thing. The speaker shares a personal story about meeting Oprah Winfrey and feeling unworthy despite having external signs of success and high confidence. She had set her "thermostat" for self-worth based on external achievements, but in reality, her deep internal belief in her worth was lacking. This realization came after several years of not reaching out to Oprah, despite having her number. The experience taught the speaker that true self-worth comes from within and is not dependent on external validation or accomplishments.

    • Believing in our self-worth unlocks potentialBelieving in our self-worth impacts relationships, careers, and intuition, and is essential for unlocking our full potential and living a fulfilling life.

      Self-worth plays a crucial role in our ability to achieve happiness and fulfillment in life. Despite having all the external successes, if we don't believe we're worthy, we may sabotage ourselves and stay stuck. This was exemplified in a personal story shared about an opportunity to work with Oprah, which was missed due to low self-worth. The speaker emphasized that we become who we believe we're worthy of, not who we want to be. It's essential to work on raising our internal self-worth, as it can impact various aspects of our lives, including our relationships, careers, and even our intuition. The speaker also shared personal experiences of nearly doubting herself during critical moments, but trusting herself ultimately led to success. In essence, believing we're worthy is the key to unlocking our full potential and living a fulfilling life.

    • Trusting your intuition leads to success despite rejectionBelieve in yourself and trust your inner voice, even when faced with rejection. It can lead to unexpected opportunities and happiness.

      Listening to your intuition and trusting yourself can lead to success, even when faced with rejection. The speaker shares a personal story of being rejected by a potential investor due to her appearance. Instead of feeling anger or defeat, she saw it as an opportunity to trust her intuition that the investor was wrong. Six years later, when her company was bought by L'Oreal, she heard from the investor again, who admitted his mistake. The experience taught her the importance of listening to her inner voice and not letting external rejections define her worth or abilities. It's easy to get discouraged by the no's we hear in life, but trusting our knowing can lead to unexpected opportunities and happiness.

    • Rejection is an opportunity to grow and shineRejection is not a personal attack, but a chance to prove doubters wrong and showcase your authentic self.

      Rejection is not a personal attack but a reflection of the other person's thoughts and limiting beliefs. When faced with rejection, instead of feeling defeated, we can tap into our inner knowing and use it as motivation to prove them wrong and show our authentic selves to the world. By changing our relationship with rejection, we can change our lives and become successful in making a difference in the world. So, when you encounter rejection, ask yourself what your first thought is and strive to redefine it into an empowering one. Remember, rejection is not a reflection of your worth but an opportunity to grow and shine.

    • Overcoming limiting beliefs about rejectionIdentify and challenge limiting beliefs about rejection, replace them with empowering definitions to become fearless and embrace opportunities for growth.

      Our perception of rejection or failure can significantly impact our willingness to try new things and pursue our goals. Many people, when faced with rejection, unconsciously believe they are not enough or a failure. This belief can prevent us from putting ourselves out there and can limit our potential. To overcome this, it's essential to identify and challenge these limiting beliefs and replace them with new, empowering definitions. These new definitions can help us reframe rejection as a victory, a reminder to keep going, or even God's protection. By believing in these new definitions and applying them consistently, we can become fearless in the face of rejection and embrace the opportunities for growth and learning that come with it. In her book "Worthy," the speaker provides guidance on how to identify and create personal definitions of rejection that can help readers overcome their fears and pursue their dreams.

    • Rejection protects us from unworthy connectionsEmbrace rejection as a protective mechanism, shift from people-pleasing to self-worth, and improve health and self-confidence through books like 'Worthy' by Amelia McGregor.

      Rejection and no's are not signs of unworthiness or failure, but rather protection from people who are not part of our destiny. Trusting this perspective can help us shift from a people-pleasing mindset to one of empowerment and self-worth. The book "Worthy" by Amelia McGregor complements this idea by focusing on the mindset aspect of believing in one's worth and health. It's a necessary companion to Amelia's previous work, "Fast Like a Girl," and a powerful tool for anyone seeking to improve their health and self-confidence. The book is available at worthybook.com or wherever books are sold, and all proceeds go towards Amelia's mission to help women and girls recognize their worth. With statistics showing that a majority of women struggle with feelings of inadequacy and body image issues, the time for change is now. By embracing our worth, we can end unhealthy relationships, form healthy friendships, break generational cycles, launch businesses, and experience joy and fulfillment. Amelia's work is a testament to this transformative power and an inspiration for us all.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep236

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep233

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep228

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

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