
    Helping a Hardcore Video Game Addict

    en-usMarch 24, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing affordability of diabetes test strips and video game addictionPeople's struggles and motivations can differ greatly, from financial challenges to addictive behaviors, and it's essential to explore alternatives and consider diverse perspectives

      People's struggles and motivations can vary greatly. In the first part of the conversation, a person discussed the financial challenges of managing diabetes test strips through insurance. They introduced ContourNext test strips as a potential more affordable option. In the second part, a man named Scott shared his experience with video game addiction. He spoke about the allure of ranking up in games like World of Warcraft and League of Legends, which he described as a competition of who can put in the most time. He admitted that this addiction brought him happiness, but also acknowledged that it was a waste of time when compared to real-life experiences and achievements. This conversation highlights the complexity of people's lives and the diverse ways they seek happiness and fulfillment. It also underscores the importance of exploring alternatives and considering different perspectives.

    • The Brain's Desire for Progress and AccomplishmentOur brains seek happiness and progress, sometimes leading to addictive behaviors. Balancing joy and growth is key to a happy life.

      Our brains are wired to seek out things that make us feel happy and avoid things that make us feel bad. For some people, this can manifest as an addiction to video games or other activities that provide a sense of progress and accomplishment. This sense of progress can come from various sources, including leveling up in a game or improving one's rank compared to others. The feeling of accomplishment and progress can be particularly appealing when compared to the monotony and lack of fulfillment that comes from certain jobs or other aspects of real life. However, it's important to consider the long-term consequences of these choices and whether they are truly helping us grow and develop as individuals. Ultimately, finding a balance between activities that bring us joy and fulfillment and those that contribute to our personal and professional growth is essential for leading a happy and productive life.

    • Fear of rejection can create a cycle of avoidanceUnderstand that fear of rejection is natural, but don't let it hold you back from trying. Each rejection is an opportunity to learn and grow.

      The fear of rejection and social anxiety experienced during job interviews can lead to a vicious cycle of rejection and growing sense of rejection. This can make it difficult to keep trying and instead, one might resort to comforting habits like playing video games to avoid the emotional pain. The brain, in trying to protect us from further hurt, can actually make us less likely to apply for jobs. It's important to recognize that this is not a failure, but a learning process, and that each rejection is an opportunity to grow and improve. Instead of judging ourselves for staying comfortable, we should understand that it's a natural response to avoid emotional harm. However, it's also important to push ourselves to keep trying and not let fear hold us back from pursuing our goals.

    • Seeing gaming as a protective mechanismGaming can bring happiness, accomplishment, and a sense of wholeness, and should be seen as a protective mechanism rather than an addiction, as long as it's balanced.

      Instead of viewing gaming as an addiction, it could be seen as a protective mechanism for some individuals. The speaker in this conversation expresses how gaming brings him happiness, accomplishment, and a sense of wholeness, which are valuable experiences that can help individuals cope with the challenges of life. The speaker also points out that the brain might not understand the concept of improving oneself, but it does recognize progress, whether it's in the real world or in a virtual one. Therefore, it's essential to reframe the perspective on gaming and consider its potential benefits, rather than labeling it as an addiction. Additionally, the speaker suggests that everyone should have something that protects them from the harmful things in life, and gaming could be one of those things for some people. However, it's important to find a balance and not let it consume too much time. Overall, the conversation sheds light on the importance of understanding the role of gaming in people's lives and recognizing it as a protective mechanism rather than a negative addiction.

    • Our innate desire for self-improvement and validationUnderstanding the root causes of rejection and learning healthy coping mechanisms can help individuals navigate life's challenges and build resilience and self-worth.

      Our innate desire to improve and be proud of ourselves stems from a deeply wired part of our brain, driving us to learn new skills and strive for progress. This desire is often fueled by the fear of rejection and the need for validation from others. Games can serve as an escape from rejection and a source of temporary fulfillment, but true healing and growth require addressing the root causes of our fears and finding ways to build resilience and self-worth. The first significant experience of rejection for many people is often after high school, when the pressure to define one's identity and purpose in life can be overwhelming. Understanding this cycle and learning healthy coping mechanisms can help individuals navigate life's challenges and ultimately lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful existence.

    • Games provided temporary distraction and comfort for Scott during difficult timesScott found solace in gaming due to deeper childhood experiences of rejection and discomfort, which he has not fully shared with others.

      Scott's use of the phrase "filling the void" to describe how games helped him during a difficult time in his life may not fully capture the experience. Instead, games may have provided temporary distraction or comfort, but they did not heal the underlying issues. Scott's sense of directionlessness after high school may have been a result of deeper experiences of rejection and discomfort during his childhood in England, particularly due to his eczema and feeling like an outsider. These experiences led him to find solace in gaming. Scott moved to New Zealand when he was 11 and grew up with two older sisters, one of whom was also a gamer. His father, who passed away last year, introduced him to many of the games he loved, including RPGs like Final Fantasy and World of Warcraft. While talking about his father and his gaming past is okay for Scott, he has not shared this deeply personal information with many people due to a desire to avoid making others uncomfortable.

    • Speaker's hesitance to discuss past strugglesDespite a difficult childhood marked by her father's drinking and occasional arguments, the speaker has found happiness and contentment in her current life, and cherishes her relationships with family and her competitive spirit.

      The speaker feels hesitant to discuss her father's struggles and their past arguments with others due to the potential disruption of mood or unhappiness. She recalls her father coming home drunk frequently from the age of 14, which was uncomfortable for her, but their relationship was generally okay. She has mixed feelings about her childhood in England, with few clear memories, but fond memories of being good at soccer. After moving to New Zealand, she started celebrating Christmas shortly after arriving. The speaker's relationship with her niece and nephew is good, and they call her "Scatty" for unknown reasons. Overall, her experiences have shaped her into a competitive person who enjoys games. Despite the challenges in her past, she has found happiness and contentment in her current life.

    • Experiencing rejection or feeling outcastedBoth bullying and not getting a job can leave feelings of exclusion and rejection, impacting self-esteem. It's important to validate these feelings and remember that everyone faces challenges.

      Feeling outcasted or rejected, whether it's from being bullied in school or not getting a job, can leave a profound impact on an individual. While both experiences involve the feeling of being excluded, the intensity and emotional response can differ. Bullying can be a hateful and direct experience, leaving long-lasting feelings of isolation and low self-esteem. On the other hand, not getting a job can be a more objective experience, where the focus is on finding the best candidate for the position. However, the feeling of rejection can still sting and may require time to process and move past. It's important to recognize and validate these feelings, and to remember that everyone faces challenges and setbacks in life.

    • Childhood experiences of feeling not good enoughEarly life criticism from a parent can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt that persist into adulthood.

      Growing up, Scott felt a sense of not being good enough due to his father's judgmental comments and behavior. This feeling was particularly strong when his father would come home drunk and make critical remarks about his hobbies or actions. These comments left Scott feeling uncomfortable and unwanted, leading him to hide away from his father. This experience of feeling not good enough has carried over into Scott's adult life, specifically when applying for jobs and facing rejection. The correlation between his father's behavior and bullying or rejection is that they both evoke feelings of not being good enough. Scott's attempts to describe the feeling he's digging for, but can't quite put into words, suggests a deep-rooted emotion that stems from his childhood experiences.

    • Childhood experiences with alcoholic parents impact self-protection and emotional vulnerabilityChildhood experiences with alcoholic parents can shape an individual's emotional and psychological development by affecting their sense of order and confidence, leading to coping mechanisms and patterns of behavior.

      The root of someone's issues with self-protection and emotional vulnerability can stem from childhood experiences, specifically those involving an alcoholic parent. These experiences can shape a child's sense of order and confidence, leading them to develop coping mechanisms such as gaming or avoiding uncomfortable situations. The child may not recall a single painful rejection that caused these patterns, but rather a collective of experiences that have contributed to their current behavior. Confidence for a child often comes from a sense of order and predictability, rather than success or failure. These experiences can have long-lasting effects on an individual's emotional and psychological development.

    • Child's instability in environment affects confidence and sense of consistencyUnstable environments can negatively impact a child's confidence and sense of consistency, leading them to rely on video games for consistency, but excessive reliance can become maladaptive.

      Instability in a child's environment, such as having a parent who drinks, can negatively impact their confidence and sense of consistency. This instability can be compared to the uncertainty of not knowing which direction gravity goes, making it difficult for a child to navigate their world. Video games, on the other hand, can provide a sense of consistency and reliability, making them a solution to underlying issues such as rejection and failure. However, this reliance on video games can become maladaptive over time, leading to negative consequences. Understanding this dynamic can help us better understand the complex relationship between addiction and its underlying causes.

    • The Heart Grows When Faced with Resistance, But Too Much Can Be HarmfulGrowing from challenges is beneficial, but be mindful of the potential negative effects on overall well-being, such as heart issues or emotional insensitivity.

      Just like a muscle grows when it encounters resistance, the heart also grows when it faces high blood pressure. However, if the heart grows too big, it can lead to issues such as congestive heart failure due to the middle part of the heart not receiving enough blood and nourishment. In the context of the discussion, gaming was compared to a "tank" for the speaker, helping them cope in the short term but potentially leading to negative long-term consequences, including a lack of confidence and sensitivity to rejection. The resistance built up over time can be a coping mechanism, but it's essential to recognize its nature and potential impact on overall well-being.

    • Gaming as a coping mechanism for deeper emotional issuesGaming can protect individuals from feelings of rejection and low confidence, but addressing the root causes of these emotions is necessary for healing and growth.

      Gaming is a coping mechanism for deeper emotional issues, specifically a lack of confidence and potential rejection. This mechanism protects the individual from these feelings, but the root cause remains unidentified. The individual's lack of confidence may stem from a chaotic childhood, where a parent figure was unpredictable and confusing. Rejection shatters the individual, leading to an adaptive response of numbing oneself to the pain. The way forward involves acknowledging the protective role of gaming while also addressing the underlying emotional issues. This may involve exploring the root cause and seeking understanding and healing.

    • Processing Job Rejections: Acknowledge and HealInstead of suppressing job rejection emotions, acknowledge and process them intentionally through therapy, exposure, or identifying root causes to build resilience and make room for positive experiences.

      Dealing with job rejections and the resulting feelings of sensitivity and low self-confidence can be a challenging process. However, instead of closing yourself off to these emotions and allowing them to accumulate like "junk" in your subconscious, it's essential to acknowledge and process them intentionally. This can involve seeking professional help, such as therapy, or actively exposing yourself to negative emotions in a controlled way to build resilience. Additionally, identifying the root causes of your rejection sensitivity, such as past experiences of feeling railroaded by the system, can help in addressing and healing from the underlying issues. Remember, the subconscious mind has limited capacity, and holding onto negative emotions can prevent the space for positive experiences.

    • Feelings of excitement and disappointmentExcitement and disappointment can leave us feeling empty or shallow, especially during significant losses or rejections. It's important to acknowledge these feelings and allow them to pass, recognizing that they're a natural part of life. Be gentle with yourself during these moments and remember that everyone has the capacity to grow and improve.

      Feelings of excitement and disappointment can be deeply interconnected, often resulting in a sense of emptiness or shallowness in the chest. This feeling can be particularly profound during moments of significant loss or rejection, such as not getting a job or the passing of a loved one. It's important to acknowledge these feelings and allow them to soothe over time, recognizing that they are a natural part of the human experience. For some, this feeling may bring up thoughts of not living up to potential or letting down loved ones, particularly when it comes to matters of pride or achievement. It's essential to be gentle with oneself during these moments and understand that everyone has the capacity to grow and improve.

    • Our perception of ourselves can be influenced by different versions of significant figuresRecognize that both positive and negative labels are not entirely true, and focus on your true essence beyond them.

      Our perception of ourselves can be influenced by different versions of significant figures in our lives. These versions, much like our own personas, can create feelings of confidence and self-doubt. It's essential to recognize that both versions are not entirely true and that our real self exists beyond these labels. The feelings of success and failure are transient and often interconnected. To move past these emotions, it's crucial to acknowledge their presence and let go of the negative associations. We are not the successes or failures we experience, but rather the individuals who feel these emotions. By understanding this, we can begin to separate ourselves from these labels and focus on our true essence. Remember, the real you is not the dirty water nor the clean water, but the rag that holds it all. Embrace the process of letting go and continue on your journey towards self-discovery.

    • Depersonalize the job application processApply to multiple jobs, don't tie self-worth to each application outcome, and draw inspiration from video games for efficiency.

      Focusing solely on reducing failure and increasing success in the job application process may not lead to significant improvement in feelings of emptiness or shallowness. Instead, it's essential to depersonalize the process by applying to multiple jobs simultaneously and not tying one's self-worth to the outcome of each application. Additionally, drawing inspiration from video games, where efficiency and tackling multiple tasks at once can be beneficial, may help in the job seeking journey. By implementing these strategies, one can potentially feel more relieved and better equipped to handle the ups and downs of the job application process.

    • Effective learning ground for developing efficiency and dedication through gamingGaming, particularly World of Warcraft, can foster impressive work ethics and problem-solving skills.

      Gaming, specifically World of Warcraft, can be an effective learning ground for developing efficiency and dedication. The individuals who invest extensive time and energy into the game demonstrate impressive work ethics and problem-solving skills. Emotional expression may not be a prominent feature for some gamers, but it does not hinder their abilities to succeed in their endeavors. A surprising correlation was also discussed, revealing that approximately one-third of the gamers worked with had alcoholic parents. This discovery challenges the common perception that gaming addiction is solely an individual dopamine issue and suggests a possible genetic predisposition to addiction, which could manifest in various substances, including video games.

    • Individual experiences and psychological factors influence addictionAddiction is a complex issue arising from a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors, including deep-seated fears and desires, past experiences, and upbringing.

      While there is a biological component to addiction, individual experiences and psychological factors play a significant role in determining what people become addicted to. For instance, video game addiction may stem from a deep-seated fear of uncertainty and a desire for order, which can be rooted in past experiences or upbringing. People who struggle with uncertainty may find solace in the predictability of video games, leading them to spend excessive amounts of time playing them despite potential negative consequences. Ultimately, addiction is a complex issue that arises from a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors.

    • Desire for guarantees in gaming vs real lifePeople prefer the certainty of video games over real-life uncertainty, but embracing risks and new experiences is crucial for personal growth

      People, especially gamers, have a strong desire for guarantees in their lives instead of embracing uncertainty, which is necessary for growth and progress. Video games provide a sense of accomplishment and progress without dealing with uncertainty, leading individuals to prefer this over real-life situations. However, to move forward in life, it's essential to embrace uncertainty and take risks, even if it means facing challenges and uncertainty. Additionally, individuals often underestimate their capabilities and potential, and they should broaden their search for things they enjoy by actively engaging in new experiences rather than relying solely on their thoughts.

    • Gamers' skills valuable in real worldGamers' problem-solving and optimization skills can bring efficiency and innovation to complex systems. Apply for jobs where these skills can be utilized.

      The skills gamers develop while playing, such as optimization and problem-solving, can be highly valuable in the real world. The speaker shares an experience from Harvard Business School where he utilized the help of NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) friends from Discord to optimize patient flow through a urology clinic. The professor was impressed with the ideas presented, highlighting the potential of gamers to bring efficiency and innovation to complex systems. The speaker encourages gamers to develop their social skills and apply for jobs where they can use their unique strengths without being perceived as an anomaly. He emphasizes that while formal education is important, the ability to think in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, which is often honed through gaming, should not be underestimated.

    • Expanding job applications can lead to greater opportunitiesUnderestimating abilities and limiting job applications can hinder success. Instead, apply broadly and focus on creating value in your work.

      Underestimating your capabilities and limiting your job applications can hinder your potential success. Instead, expanding your horizons and increasing the number of applications can lead to finding a job that brings enjoyment. Additionally, once you have a job, continuing to apply for new opportunities can keep you open to new possibilities. It's important to remember that the traditional approach to finding a job may not be the most effective for everyone, and it's crucial to find ways to optimize your laziness and add value rather than just adding effort. Value is the result of adding worth or importance to something, and it's essential to focus on creating value in your work rather than just putting in long hours. By following these principles, you can increase your chances of finding a fulfilling career and avoiding the pitfalls of the "boomer" generation's outdated advice.

    • Achieving High Value in Healthcare and LifeTo achieve high value, aim for low effort in healthcare and life by optimizing workflows and increasing intentionality.

      Value is equal to yield divided by effort. High value things give you a lot of output for a small investment. In healthcare, value is defined as the amount of sickness improved divided by the cost of delivering care. To achieve high value, one can aim for low effort. The healthcare industry in the US is striving for this goal. It's not about being lazy in the conventional sense, but rather about optimizing and increasing intentionality. To apply this principle to your own life, consider front-loading your work for an optimal setup in the future. This might involve automating tasks or creating workflows. It's a challenge to find the balance between effort and reward, but it's worth the investment. The speaker emphasizes that most change in life doesn't come from hard work, but rather from an increase in intentionality.

    • Understanding the difference between half-assing and doing it well, and waste vs sacrificeGaining knowledge and proficiency is often more effective than simply working harder. Experience cannot be taught, but questioning and critical thinking can stimulate understanding.

      The difference between half-assing something and doing it good enough, and the difference between waste and sacrifice, are important concepts to understand. These distinctions can lead to significant improvements in life, as gaining knowledge and proficiency is often more effective than simply working harder. A speed runner, for instance, may not work harder than a noob, but they have a deeper understanding of the game and can complete it faster. The speaker emphasizes that experience cannot be taught, but questions and provocative statements can help stimulate thought and understanding. The goal is not to memorize answers, but to learn how to think critically and multiply concepts on your own.

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