
    Discovering Your Personalized Health Path - Fast Like a Girl Journal

    enApril 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Explore your fasting journey with the Fast Like a Girl journalThis collaborative journal offers unique insights and prompts to facilitate healing and self-discovery during fasting, enhancing the overall experience.

      The Fast Like a Girl journal is a new tool designed to help individuals customize their fasting lifestyle and deepen their understanding of their relationship with food. This collaborative project between the speaker and Alex Elle, a journaling expert, offers unique insights and prompts to facilitate healing and self-discovery during the fasting process. Whether you're working to overcome food addictions, seeking spiritual and mental clarity, or simply looking to document your fasting journey, this journal provides valuable resources and prompts to enhance your experience. Listeners who may not be able to use the journal in a fasted state can still benefit from the principles and insights shared throughout the podcast.

    • Maintaining energy during a fastConsider taking a mineral supplement and trusting in your body's natural healing processes during a fast.

      During a fast, your body may experience energy dips due to a loss of minerals. To help combat this, consider taking a mineral supplement like Bee Minerals, which can help maintain energy levels and support the body's natural processes during a fast. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of trusting in the healing power of your body and believing in its abilities, especially during a fast. The first part of her upcoming book, "The Resetter," includes a letter from the author to readers, sharing her own experiences and insights on embracing the power of the body during a fast.

    • Trust Your Body and Tap into Your Inner HealerExplore the power of fasting to heal physically, mentally, and emotionally by trusting your body's messages and engaging in self-reflection.

      You have the power to heal yourself, and your body holds valuable information that can guide you on your healing journey. The first part of the journal, "You Are Your Best Healer," emphasizes this idea and provides resources for understanding symptoms and interpreting them as messages from your body. It also offers a simplified guide to various fasting practices and their benefits. In the second part, the focus shifts to introspection and self-discovery in a fasted state. The body holds traumas and insights, and fasting can help uncover them. The journal includes prompts and questions to aid in this exploration, focusing on mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Overall, the journal encourages readers to trust their bodies and tap into their inner healer through fasting and self-reflection.

    • Explore your needs through daily journaling and fasting trackingDaily journaling and fasting tracking can help you gain clarity on mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs by revealing patterns and trends in your fasting lifestyle.

      The 60-day journal and tracking system is designed to help individuals gain clarity on their mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs by asking thought-provoking questions and tracking patterns in their fasting lifestyle. The journal includes 50 questions per category, and each morning, individuals are encouraged to choose a question to journal on in a fasted state. The tracking system includes a fasting tracking sheet that allows individuals to monitor their fasting length, symptoms, and sleep patterns to reveal emerging trends and preferences. By quieting the mind and listening to the body, individuals can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions about their health and well-being. The long-term use of this journal and tracking system can lead to a better understanding of one's needs and preferences in relation to fasting, ultimately leading to improved overall health and wellness.

    • Track your fasting journey with a journalConsistently log data like ketone levels, moods, and food choices to identify patterns and optimize your fasting lifestyle

      Effective tracking is essential for optimizing a personal fasting lifestyle. The speaker recommends keeping a journal to record data such as ketone levels, blood sugar values, moods, menstrual cycle, activity levels, sleep patterns, energy levels, and food choices when breaking a fast. By consistently logging this information, individuals can identify patterns and make adjustments to find the ideal fasting length and lifestyle that suits their unique needs and goals. This data-driven approach allows for continuous self-reflection and customization towards an improved overall well-being. For more comprehensive guidance on customizing a personal fasting lifestyle, the speaker offers a dedicated solo episode in their Reset Academy.

    • Exploring the World of Fasting with Dr. Mindy PelzDr. Mindy Pelz offers resources, tools, and a supportive community to help individuals customize a fasting lifestyle for their personal health goals through her podcast, journal, and the Reset Academy membership.

      Doctor Mindy Pelz, through her podcast episodes and journal, provides valuable resources for those seeking to customize a fasting lifestyle for their personal health goals. She is dedicated to helping her audience not just with information, but with tools to change their lives. The Reset Academy, an exclusive membership, offers access to a supportive community, expert guidance, and the latest insights to help members succeed in their health journey. Additionally, Dr. Pelz recommends Cured Nutrition's sleep products, such as their Zen supplement and CBN night oil, for those seeking better sleep. These tools, along with the fasting lifestyle and community support, can make a significant impact on one's health and wellbeing.

    • Aid for deeper sleep and improved mental well-beingCured Nutrition's sleep aid and journal promote deeper sleep and better mental well-being through consistent use. The sleep aid helps fall and stay asleep, while the journal includes calming activities and self-affirmation pages.

      Cured Nutrition's sleep aid product not only helps in falling asleep but also keeps one asleep, making it a valuable addition to a nighttime routine. The speaker highly recommends giving it a consistent try for a month to experience its benefits. Additionally, the 60-day tracker journal comes with calming coloring pages that help move the mind from the amygdala to the prefrontal cortex, promoting hope and calmness, especially during longer fasts. The journal also includes an "I matter" page to help individuals understand their worthiness and a "circle of support" page to emphasize the importance of having a strong support system during challenging times. Overall, the combination of the sleep aid and journal can contribute to a better night's rest and improved mental well-being.

    • Reflecting on Relationships and Gratitude for Better HealthReflecting on our relationships and practicing gratitude can lead to improved mental and physical health by prioritizing positive connections and focusing on personal growth.

      Our surroundings and relationships significantly impact our health and wellbeing. Dr. Karen's patient experience inspired her to create a personal development workbook with different levels of support systems and a gratitude practice. The workbook includes a circle of support with cheerleaders, mentors, friends with boundaries, and naysayers. Additionally, it has a page dedicated to listing things we're grateful for, and a health goal page with strategies to achieve our goals. By reflecting on these aspects, we can prioritize positive relationships and focus on our personal growth. Incorporating gratitude and clear goals into our daily routine can lead to improved mental and physical health.

    • Explore self-love and body appreciation through fastingDiscover personal insights and improve relationship with food and well-being through various fasting activities in this journal.

      The "Fast Like a Girl" pack page is designed to promote self-love and appreciation for the body beyond physical measurements. The journal includes activities to help individuals focus on what they love about their bodies and provides guidance on different types of fasts and their benefits. The creator is excited for users to discover personal insights and improvements in their relationship with food and overall well-being. The journal has helped people with various conditions, including eating disorders and performance enhancement, and can be a valuable tool for anyone interested in exploring the spiritual and creative aspects of fasting. The author encourages sharing reviews to help spread awareness and make fasting lifestyles accessible to more people as a potential solution to the high rates of chronic diseases.

    Recent Episodes from The Resetter Podcast with Dr. Mindy Pelz

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    Time & Light: Missing Pieces of a Healthy Lifestyle with Satchin Panda PhD

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep236

    Satchidananda (Satchin) Panda, PhD is a Professor at the Salk Institute in California, where his research focuses on the circadian regulation of behavior, physiology, and metabolism in model organisms and in humans. Dr. Panda discovered a blue-light sensing cell type in the retina entrains our master circadian clock, affects mood, and regulates the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Recently, he discovered that maintaining a daily feeding-fasting cycle – popularly known as time-restricted feeding (TRF) – can prevent and reverse metabolic diseases. Based on a feasibility study in humans, his lab is currently carrying out a smartphone-based study to assess the extent of circadian disruption among adults. Dr. Panda has received the Julie Martin Mid-Career Award in Aging Research, the Dana Foundation Award in Brain and Immune System Imaging, and was a Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences


    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

    Breaking the Burnout Cycle with Dr. Neha Sangwan MD

    Breaking the Burnout Cycle with Dr. Neha Sangwan MD

    Dr. Neha Sangwan, MD and CEO of Intuitive Intelligence delves deep into the pervasive issue of burnout, affecting many in our fast-paced world. Dr. Mindy also shares her own experiences with burnout, launching "fast like a girl" into the world, sparking a quest to understand and quantify this phenomenon. Dr. Neha introduces a nuanced perspective, emphasizing that burnout isn't solely about resting but comprises various dimensions: physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. This conversation is a must-listen for anyone feeling mentally and physically drained, seeking clarity and tools for healing.

    To help raise money for nonprofits that support, protect, and provide opportunities to women around the world, go to https://drmindypelz.com/glag/

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep235

    Neha Sangwan, MD, CEO and founder of Intuitive Intelligence, is a physician, engineer, author, speaker, and communication expert. She empowers individuals, leaders, and teams with effective communication tools that address stress, prevent burnout, inspire accountability and empower collaboration. She consults for top organizations like Google, American Express, Kaiser Permanente, and the American Heart Association. Dr. Sangwan has shared her work across three TEDx stages and authored two foundational books: TalkRx: Five Steps to Honest Conversations for Connection, Health, and Happiness; and Powered by Me: From Burned Out to Fully Charged at Work and in Life. Her work is integrated into a corporate mental and emotional wellness program titled Bridging-Me-We-World.


    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

    Dr. Mosconi holds a PhD degree in Neuroscience and Nuclear Medicine from the University of Florence, Italy. A world-renowned neuroscientist, she ranks in the top 1% of scientists of the past 20 years by official metrics. Recognized by The Times as one of the 17 most influential living female scientists and honored in ELLE 100: Women That Are Changing The World, Dr. Mosconi has been acclaimed as “the Mona Lisa of Neuroscience” by ELLE International. 

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep233

    Simone Heng is a human connection specialist and former international broadcaster for, among others, Virgin Radio Dubai, HBO Asia, and CNBC. She is one of the youngest female Certified Speaking Professionals in the world. With over fifteen years of experience as a communicator on air, on stage, and one-on-one in different countries, connection has always been her life’s work.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Discovering Your Personalized Health Path - Fast Like a Girl Journal

    Discovering Your Personalized Health Path - Fast Like a Girl Journal

    Join Dr. Mindy as she introduces the Fast Like a Girl Journal, a personalized tool for fasting experiences. Created in collaboration with therapeutic journaling expert Alex Elle., this journal empowers individuals to understand their body's healing potential during fasting. Structured into sections focusing on self-belief, introspection prompts, and a 60-day tracker, the journal also includes engaging activities like coloring sheets, gratitude prompts, and goal-setting strategies. Designed to promote holistic well-being, the Fast Like a Girl Journal aims to guide individuals on a transformative journey towards wellness and self-discovery.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep232

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Strategies for Customizing Your Fasting Lifestyle

    Strategies for Customizing Your Fasting Lifestyle

    Today's episode is a special treat—a deep dive into customizing your fasting lifestyle, straight from a recent call within the Reset Academy. Those familiar with "Fast Like a Girl," know the significance of a fasting lifestyle. But what sets it apart is its adaptability to suit your unique needs and routines. Drawing from tools like the ketobiotic and hormone feasting eating styles, along with various fasting lengths, Dr. Mindy  empowers you to tailor your approach to match your body's unique rhythm. This episode is your roadmap to crafting a fasting lifestyle that resonates with your body's needs and your lifestyle demands.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep231

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep230

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep229

    Kate Horsman is a Nature-based Holistic Therapist and Breathwork Therapist. This field merges her education and work as a Professional Counsellor, Therapeutic Breathwork Facilitator and Mindfulness leader in Vancouver, BC Canada, the sacred and ancestral lands of the Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh and Musqueam Nations. Her education is dimensional, including multiple modalities to approach healing work. Her schooling has brought her to Professional Counselling (VCCT), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Nutrition (CSNN), and Plant-based science (eCornell), melding the bridge betw

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Tend, Befriend & Thrive: Navigating Trauma with Dr. Sara Szal Gottfried MD

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep228

    Sara Szal Gottfried MD is a physician, researcher, educator, mother, and seeker. She graduated from Harvard Medical School and MIT, and completed residency at UCSF, but is more likely to prescribe a CGM and personalized nutrition plan than the latest pharmaceutical. Dr. Gottfried is a global keynote speaker and the author of four New York Times bestselling books about trauma, hormones, and health. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Sciences at Thomas Jefferson University, and Director of Precision Medicine at the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health. Her focus is on the interface of mental and physical health, N-of-1 trial design, personalized molecular profiling, use of wearables, and how to leverage these tools to improve health outcomes.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    4 Female Dysregulations & the 7 Steps to Regain Balance

    4 Female Dysregulations & the 7 Steps to Regain Balance

    Dr. Mindy Pelz discusses how women disrupt and dysregulate their biology in seven key ways, by sharing her burnout journey and her need to prioritize health. Dr. Mindy emphasizes the importance of balance and control over your well-being in this fast-paced society, addressing metabolic, hormonal, nervous system, and emotional dysregulation with 7 practical steps that you can take.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    This podcast content does not constitute an attempt to practice medicine and does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. Please consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and personal health questions.

    Prior to beginning a new diet you should undergo a health screening with your physician to confirm that a new diet is suitable for you and to out any conditions and contraindications that may pose risks or are incompatible with a new diet, including by way of example: conditions affecting the kidneys, liver or pancreas; muscular dystrophy; pregnancy; breast-feeding; being underweight; eating disorders; any health condition that requires a special diet [other conditions or contraindications]; hypoglycemia; or type 1 diabetes. A new diet may or may not be appropriate if you have type 2 diabetes, so you must consult with your physician if you have this condition. Anyone under the age of 18 should consult with their physician and their parents or legal guardian before beginning such a diet. Use of Ketogenic Girl videos are subject to the Ketogenicgirl.com Terms of Use and Medical Disclaimer. All rights reserved. If you do not agree with these terms, do not listen to, or view any Ketogenic Girl podcasts or videos.

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    Follow Vanessa on instagram to see her meals, recipes, informative posts and much more! Click here @ketogenicgirl

    Link to join the facebook group for the podcast: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2017506024952802/

    Try the Higher Protein Keto Meal Plans & Coaching: https://www.ketogenicgirl.com

    Study links from today’s episode:





    Prior to beginning a new diet you should undergo a health screening with your physician to confirm that a new diet is suitable for you and to out any conditions and contraindications that may pose risks or are incompatible with a new diet, including by way of example: conditions affecting the kidneys, liver or pancreas; muscular dystrophy; pregnancy; breast-feeding; being underweight; eating disorders; any health condition that requires a special diet [other conditions or contraindications]; hypoglycemia; or type 1 diabetes. A new diet may or may not be appropriate if you have type 2 diabetes, so you must consult with your physician if you have this condition. Anyone under the age of 18 should consult with their physician and their parents or legal guardian before beginning such a diet. Use of Ketogenic Girl videos are subject to the Ketogenicgirl.com Terms of Use and Medical Disclaimer. All rights reserved. If you do not agree with these terms, do not listen to, or view any Ketogenic Girl podcasts or videos.

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