
    Therapeutic Breathwork: Unleash Your Power to Heal Yourself with Kate Horsman

    enApril 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Power of Trauma-Focused Breath WorkTrauma-focused breath work, practiced by inhaling and exhaling through the mouth, can help release traumas and improve overall health. Listen to your body, release what no longer serves you, and maintain mineral levels during fasting for optimal results.

      Breath work, specifically the trauma-focused style practiced by Kate Horstman, can be a powerful tool for healing unresolved traumas and improving overall health. During this deep conversation, Kate shares her unique approach to therapeutic breath work, where inhaling and exhaling are done through the mouth. This process allows the body to release traumas, which can manifest as memories or feelings. Whether dealing with past traumas, weight loss, vibrancy, or autoimmune conditions, this episode offers valuable insights and practical steps for listeners to embark on their healing journey. Kate, a professional listener and soul steward, emphasizes the importance of listening to your body and releasing what no longer serves you, leading to a more authentic and beautiful version of yourself. Additionally, the discussion touches on the importance of maintaining mineral levels during fasting to prevent energy crashes.

    • Transforming lives from pain to purpose with Dr. Mindy PelzDr. Mindy Pelz's full spectrum mineral supplement and supportive community in her Reset Academy help alleviate hunger, fatigue, and provide a path for health transformation.

      Dr. Mindy Pelz offers a full spectrum mineral supplement in liquid form, ideal for fasting, which can help alleviate hunger and fatigue. Additionally, she invites listeners to join her Reset Academy, a supportive community for those interested in fasting and improving their health. Dr. Pelz's journey includes a childhood aspiration to become a doctor, a detour into dance, and a return to her original calling, fueled by her own health struggles and the desire to help others. She emphasizes the importance of community and support in achieving health goals. The mineral supplement and the academy are two ways she's helping people transform their lives, from pain to purpose.

    • Dance as a Lifesaver and HealerDuring tough times, expressing oneself through dance can provide relief and a sense of embodiment, but it's crucial to also seek deep relational support and humanity in healing spaces.

      Dance served as a lifesaver for the speaker during a difficult time in her life when she was dealing with internal pain and trauma. Although dance caused harm and led to the development of an eating disorder, it also provided a way for her to express herself and be in her body, creating a distance from her pain. However, during this time, she felt a lack of deep relational support and humanity in the helping spaces she encountered. Despite pulling herself out of the health crisis and finding a way to be a part of the world, she realized that she still needed to face and heal from her pain. This realization led her to pause her traditional counseling training and continue her own journey of healing and growth.

    • Healing through Relationships and UniquenessHealing from chronic situations requires a holistic approach, connecting with others who understand, and embracing personal complexity.

      Healing from chronic situations often requires a holistic approach that goes beyond a linear diagnosis and treatment plan. Instead, it may involve finding and learning from someone who has experienced similar challenges and created a solution. The power of relationship and being seen and heard cannot be overstated in the healing process. The healthcare system is shifting towards relational healthcare, where practitioners truly see and connect with the person in front of them, rather than just following a system or process. The speaker's own journey from feeling unseen to becoming a helper and witness for others is a testament to this. Additionally, embracing one's own uniqueness and complexity, like a "mutt" with various influences, can be a powerful part of the healing journey.

    • Healing Traumas Through Breath WorkBreath work can help us reconnect with our bodies, process traumas, and improve overall health by increasing lung capacity and fostering a deeper connection with our bodies and past experiences.

      Our thoughts and traumas can affect our cells and body in profound ways, and traditional talk therapy might not be enough to address these deep-rooted issues. The body holds onto traumas and remembering, and sometimes we need to bypass the brain and go straight to the body to heal. Breath work is a powerful tool that can help us reconnect with our bodies and process traumas in different ways. There are various types of breath work, from therapeutic breath work to more experiential and intensive practices like Wim Hof or psychedelics. Both have their value, and it's essential to understand the differences between them. Incorporating breath work into our lives can lead to improved health, increased lung capacity, and a deeper connection with our bodies and the traumas they hold.

    • Exploring deeper emotional and spiritual experiences through breath workBreath work is a challenging yet rewarding practice that helps individuals connect with their emotions, discover new insights, and reintegrate these discoveries into their daily lives, similar to the process of fasting.

      Breath work is a unique and authentic therapeutic practice that involves actively stressing the body to access deeper emotional and spiritual experiences. This process can be challenging at first, as the body and mind may resist the unfamiliar sensations. However, with time and consistent practice, individuals can surrender to the experience, connect with their emotions, explore new insights, and reintegrate these discoveries into their daily lives. This process can be likened to fasting, as both practices involve entering a state of absence to uncover deeper truths about oneself.

    • Embracing the unknown for personal growthEmbracing uncertainty can lead to personal growth and discovery, but it's a messy and transformative process, not a linear one.

      Letting go of control and embracing the unknown, even if it feels scary, can lead to significant personal growth and discovery. This process is not linear or binary, but more akin to the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly, which involves a complete dissolution of what was before. This can be a difficult and messy process, but it's important to remember that these moments of uncertainty and pain can also be initiatory and hold valuable lessons for our healing and self-discovery. It's not about fixing ourselves, but rather about remembering who we truly are.

    • Exploring personal growth through facing emotionsFacing traumas and difficult emotions with breathwork and support leads to personal growth and the dissolution of negative impact.

      Facing traumas and difficult emotions, rather than avoiding them, can lead to personal growth and the dissolution of their negative impact. This concept was discovered through the practice of breathwork, which can help access and release emotions that have been held in the body. The body holds onto emotions through various physiological means, including hormonal changes and nervous system responses. Trauma can significantly impact sleep and relaxation, but finding the right tools and support can help process and release these emotions. The speaker highly recommends the use of breathwork and the support of trusted individuals in this journey. Additionally, the use of products like Cured Nutrition's sleep aids and PMF mats can help create a supportive environment for emotional processing and relaxation.

    • Improve sleep quality with CBN oil and CBD nightcapsAddressing trauma through holistic practices like breathwork can lead to healing and emotional release, improving sleep quality and overall well-being

      Taking care of our nervous system and body can significantly improve our sleep quality and overall well-being. The use of CBN night oil and CBD nightcaps from Cured Nutrition has been effective in helping the speaker sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed. Trauma can manifest in various ways, including insomnia, anxiety, and chronic pain, and addressing these symptoms through holistic practices like breathwork can lead to healing and emotional release. The body holds the score of our experiences, and allowing the completion of unfinished emotional impulses can lead to a reset and restoration of the body's ability to regulate itself. Ultimately, the power to heal lies within us, and practices like breathwork can help us reconnect with that inner healing capacity.

    • Exploring Inner Healing through Fasting and BreathworkFasting and breathwork tap into our bodies' intrinsic healing powers, revealing insights and emotional detoxification through safe, guided sessions.

      Our bodies hold intrinsic healing powers, particularly through practices like fasting and breath work. These practices allow us to tap into our inner wisdom and medicine, revealing valuable insights and emotional detoxification. Breathing, the first and last act of life, is a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery. During a breathwork session, a loving and non-judgmental guide facilitates the process, creating a safe container for emotions to surface and be acknowledged. The session begins with heartfelt conversation and intention-setting, providing a foundation of trust and focus. Ultimately, these practices empower us to begin again, releasing emotional baggage and moving towards inner peace and coherence.

    • Exploring intentional breathing exercisesEngaging in 2-phase breath technique promotes self-connection and healing through deep belly and chest breathing, followed by mouth breathing, creating a safe and comfortable space, and processing emotions with evocative music and guided dialogue.

      Engaging in intentional breathing exercises, such as the 2-phase breath technique, can be a meaningful and transformative experience. This practice involves creating a comfortable and safe space, grounding oneself, and then focusing on deep belly and chest breathing, followed by mouth breathing. This process can be uncomfortable at first, as the mind and body may resist, but with attuned awareness and support, one can navigate through any discomfort. The use of evocative music and guided dialogue can also facilitate emotional processing and heart opening. These sessions can unearth hidden memories and past experiences, providing valuable insights into the present and helping to understand the root causes of current behaviors. Overall, this practice is an essential tool for self-connection and healing.

    • Exploring the depths of the subconscious with breathworkBreathwork allows individuals to navigate their emotional landscape at their own pace, accessing stored memories and promoting personal growth and self-discovery.

      Breathwork is a unique tool for exploring the depths of the subconscious, offering both freedom and vulnerability. It allows individuals to navigate their emotional landscape at their own pace, with the ability to slow down or speed up the process through breath control. The experience can be intensely personal and may bring up challenging memories, but the choice to verbalize or keep them private remains with the individual. While group sessions can also be effective, the healing response may vary between individuals and settings. Overall, breathwork provides a safe and effective means to access the body's stored memories and emotions, promoting personal growth and self-discovery.

    • Experience transformative healing in group settingsHealing work can reveal new perspectives, leading to a happier, healthier, more vibrant state. Unique experiences, no need for specific reason to start.

      Healing work, especially in group settings, can be deeply transformative and magical as emotions come up and are held by others. This is different from traditional talk therapy, where thoughts and problems are redefined. Both approaches have their benefits, and people may come to healing work for various reasons, including dealing with deep traumas or seeking a deeper connection with themselves. The process can be abstract and reveal clarity and new perspectives, leading to a happier, healthier, more vibrant state. It's important to remember that everyone's experience is unique, and there's no need for a specific reason to start this journey towards healing and self-discovery.

    • Exploring emotions during perimenopauseBreathwork and mindfulness practices help connect with bodies and emotions, releasing old traumas and embracing true selves. Acknowledging causes and working towards healing is key to a holistic approach.

      Exploring self-connection and understanding our emotions is a valuable journey, especially during times of change like perimenopause. The natural shift in hormones and neurotransmitters can bring up unresolved traumas, making it essential to have tools and guidance to navigate this process. Breathwork and other mindfulness practices can help us connect with our bodies and emotions, allowing us to release what no longer serves us and embrace our true selves. The traditional healthcare system often focuses on treating symptoms with medication, but a more holistic approach involves acknowledging the underlying causes and working towards healing and growth. By embracing the opportunity to explore our emotions and traumas, we can emerge as the best version of ourselves in our later years.

    • Embrace emotions through curiosity and breath workDuring perimenopause and menopause, embrace emotions with curiosity and use breath work as a tool for healing and self-discovery, complementing medical treatments.

      During the stages of perimenopause and menopause, it's essential to acknowledge and befriend our emotions rather than suppressing them with medication alone. Breath work can serve as a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery, complementing medical treatments. The curiosity we cultivate towards our emotional experiences and the changes in our bodies can lead us to a healthier and more authentic version of ourselves. To connect with Kate Horseman for breath work guidance, visit her website katehorseman.com or follow her on Instagram @katehorsemanhealth. Embracing emotions through curiosity and breath work can lead to a more profound transformation during these life stages.

    • Connection and authenticity in healthStrive for deep self-connection and authenticity for long-term health, rather than specific goals. Embrace existence and live in the present moment.

      Health is about being in deepest connection to oneself and others, and striving for peace and authenticity. This connection encompasses trust, flexibility, emotions, and being in the present moment. The speaker's health goal is to stay on this path and deepen this connection, rather than having a specific, tangible goal. This definition of health is a long-term commitment, and it brings a sense of peace and contentment. The speaker also expressed a desire to stay in their skin and fully embrace their existence. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of self-connection, authenticity, and peace in the journey towards health.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To help raise money for nonprofits that support, protect, and provide opportunities to women around the world, go to https://drmindypelz.com/glag/

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep229

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    SmartBody SmartMind™


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    Isla recommended the books:

    The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk, and Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good by Adrienne Maree Brown


    We love hearing your episode takeaways. Screenshot this episode, and tag @lynda.stretton and @isla.mclachlan on Instagram.

    If you love this episode, please leave a rating and review so we can reach and support more women worldwide. If you do, make sure you send an email to podcast@lyndastretton.com so I can send you your FREE Embrace Your Feminine Essence guide.


    Let's connect:

    Visit my website to find out more about working with me

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    About Isla

    Isla is a Holistic Healing Facilitator, Breath-work Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and Sexuality + Love Coach. She holds space for women to cultivate deep inner-peace and self-love through somatic healing modalities and holistic coaching, so that they can heal on a deep subconscious level and feel wildly at home in themselves, their sexuality, body and relationships.

    Isla loves guiding women like you to feel free to be and express all of who they are, so that they can have all of the deep human connection, love, intimacy, fulfilment and happiness that they desire in their lives.

    Isla hosts weekly mini breath-work sessions to support women like you to connect to you, your breath, your body and your power over on Instagram. You can also join her Facebook community Soulful Self-love, where she shares insights on holistic well-being, self-love, confidence, sexuality, sensuality and relationships and hosts healing meditations to support you to reconnect to you.


    Connect with Isla via her website, Instagram or private Facebook Group

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