
    521 The "Healthy" Foods That Are Killing You with Dr. Steven Gundry

    enAugust 09, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Non-Human Cells in Our BodiesUnderstanding the role of bacteria in our bodies and the impact of our diets on them can significantly improve our health and potentially extend our lifespan.

      That our bodies are not just made up of human cells, but rather, 90% of them are non-human cells, primarily bacteria. These bacteria play a crucial role in our health and can even influence our behavior. Dr. Steven Gundry, a renowned cardiac surgeon, medical innovator, and author, emphasized the importance of understanding the role of these bacteria and the impact of our diets on them. He discussed how eating out-of-season fruits and certain foods with a defense system can harm us, and why it's essential to avoid peanuts and other seemingly healthy foods that can actually be detrimental to our health. Our relationship with these bacteria can significantly impact our health and potentially extend our lifespan.

    • Gut bacteria's impact on body and behaviorStudies reveal gut bacteria can influence weight gain, cravings, and mood changes in individuals, challenging the belief that genes solely determine health and behavior.

      Our gut bacteria play a significant role in shaping our bodies and behaviors. Studies have shown that bacteria from an obese individual can make a skinny rat gain weight, and a marathon runner gained 32 pounds after receiving a fecal transplant from an overweight relative. These bacteria manipulate the brain to crave certain foods and can even be responsible for mood changes, similar to the blood-sucking plant in "Little Shop of Horrors." The bacteria thrive on simple sugars and saturated fats, and their presence can lead to addictive eating behaviors. In the 1930s, it was discovered that depressed mice became happier after receiving fecal transplants from happy mice. These findings challenge the notion that our genes are the sole determinants of our health and behavior, and suggest that the bacteria in our gut may hold the key to understanding and treating various conditions.

    • Transferring bacteria from young to old animals can extend lifespan by 30%New research suggests that by transferring bacteria from young animals to old ones, we can potentially increase lifespan by 30% through mitochondrial regeneration. Maintaining a healthy ecosystem of gut bacteria through proper nutrition is crucial for overall well-being and longevity.

      Our bodies are home to trillions of bacteria, and these microorganisms play a significant role in our health and aging process. Research shows that we can transfer bacteria from young animals to old ones, and these bacteria instruct our mitochondria to regenerate themselves, leading to a potential 30% increase in lifespan. This discovery opens up new possibilities for anti-aging research. Essentially, we are not just our bodies, but rather a habitat for these bacteria, and by providing them with the right nutrients, we can create an environment that promotes health and longevity. This concept, known as the plant paradox, highlights the importance of consuming the right types of plants and avoiding those that do not want to be eaten by humans. Our bacteria communicate with our cells, sending messages that can impact our overall well-being. By understanding this symbiotic relationship, we can make lifestyle choices that benefit both ourselves and our microbial partners.

    • Plants manipulate animals to spread seedsPlants use appealing colors and ripeness signals to attract animals for seed dispersal, but modern agriculture and year-round fruits can lead to overconsumption and health issues

      Plants and animals share a common drive to survive and thrive. Plants use their incredible chemical abilities to defend themselves and even manipulate animals to help spread their seeds. For instance, fruits are designed to be appealing to animals, with colors like reds, oranges, and yellows signaling ripeness and high sugar content. This trade-off between plants and animals has been in place for thousands of years, but with modern agriculture and easy access to year-round fruits, our bodies are no longer in sync with the seasons. This misalignment can lead to overconsumption and unnecessary storage of fat, contributing to health issues. So, next time you're in the grocery store, be mindful of the colors and signals that fruits give you, and try to eat them in season when your body is best prepared to process them.

    • The introduction of grains and beans led to new dietary toxicityProperly cooking grains and beans reduces their toxicity, but humans were not prepared for the rapid introduction of new plants and their lectins, leading to potential health issues

      Our diets have significantly changed over the past 12,000 years with the introduction of grains and beans, which were not part of our ancestors' diets due to their toxicity. These foods contain lectins, which are plant defense systems designed to protect the plant and can be harmful to humans if not properly cooked. For instance, raw kidney beans can be lethal. Grains, specifically gluten, are also lectins that can damage the lining of our gut and cause various health issues such as eczema, acne, and brain fog. Humans were not exposed to new plants, including American ones, until 500 years ago, and the rapid introduction of new plants through trade was not enough time for our bodies to evolve defenses against them. Therefore, it's important to properly cook these foods and be mindful of their potential toxicity.

    • Some foods contain harmful lectins, like tomatoes and peppers, which can lead to health issues like heart disease and cancer.Avoid consuming raw tomatoes and peppers or their seeds and peels to minimize exposure to harmful lectins linked to health issues.

      Certain foods, such as tomatoes and peppers, should be peeled and seeded for safety reasons due to the presence of lectins. These lectins can cause issues like heart disease and even cancer. Tomatoes and peppers from certain cultures, like Italian and Southwestern American Indian, are processed without peels and seeds. Additionally, beans like peanuts contain lectins and should be avoided, as they can lead to health issues like heart disease and cancer. Peanut butter is not a safe alternative, and almond butter is a better choice. These foods contain lectins that can negatively impact human health, and removing the peels and seeds or choosing different foods can help avoid these risks.

    • A man's dedication to health leads to remarkable heart improvementA man's commitment to diet and supplements led to significant heart improvement, inspiring doctors and patients to adopt healthier lifestyles.

      A man's determination and commitment to a healthy lifestyle led to a remarkable improvement in his heart condition, despite initial skepticism from doctors. The man had lost 45 pounds through diet and supplements, and his angiogram showed a significant reduction in heart blockages within six months. This was an extraordinary result, as even with the best statin drugs, doctors would be thrilled if a patient's plaque burden decreased by half a percent in five years. Inspired by the man's success and his own past research on human evolution and diet, the doctor also adopted a healthier lifestyle and helped his patients do the same, leading to impressive health improvements and a career shift away from surgery.

    • Impact of Food on Immune System and HealthDr. Gundry's research shows that eliminating lectins and fostering friendly gut bugs can help manipulate the immune system through food, improving overall health and potentially alleviating symptoms of autoimmune diseases.

      The foods we eat can significantly impact our immune system and overall health. Dr. Gundry shares his experience with performing multiple surgeries on patients whose blood vessels kept clogging up, leading him to establish an institute where he monitored patients' blood every three months and recommended dietary changes. He later discovered that he could help people with autoimmune diseases by manipulating their immune systems through food, specifically by eliminating lectins and fostering friendly gut bugs. The immune system functions like a neighborhood, with good bugs signaling peace and love, but when unhealthy foods (gang members) take over, the immune system becomes hyperactive and reacts aggressively. A young woman with chronic pain syndrome was able to alleviate her symptoms by following Dr. Gundry's dietary recommendations and experiencing the relief of no longer being in constant pain.

    • Identifying Obstacles to HealingMindfully identifying and removing obstacles like certain foods, specifically lectins, can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being.

      Our bodies have the natural ability to heal themselves, but sometimes obstacles like certain foods, specifically lectins, can prevent this. The speaker, a restorative medicine practitioner, shared a personal story of attending an office party where she unknowingly consumed tomatoes in the guacamole, leading to an unpleasant reaction. She emphasized that identifying and removing these obstacles is crucial for achieving optimal health. The speaker also highlighted the importance of understanding that not all foods are created equal, and some, like whole grains, may contain harmful lectins that can negatively impact our health. Additionally, she mentioned the importance of considering the impact of certain foods on the bacteria in our gut and how they can affect our ability to digest and process those foods. Overall, the key takeaway is that being mindful of what we put in our bodies and identifying potential obstacles to our health can lead to significant improvements in our overall well-being.

    • The Role of Olive Oil in Good Health and Disease PreventionOlive oil is essential for maintaining good health and preventing diseases like memory loss, breast cancer, and heart disease. The Mediterranean diet, which includes a liter of olive oil weekly, enhances memory and reduces breast cancer and heart disease risks.

      Olive oil plays a significant role in maintaining good health and preventing diseases such as memory loss, breast cancer, and heart disease. The Mediterranean diet, which includes the consumption of a liter of olive oil per week, has been shown to improve memory and reduce the risk of breast cancer and heart disease in studies. Dr. Steven Gundry, the author of "The Plant Paradox," advocates for the importance of getting olive oil into your diet and emphasizes its benefits. Dr. Gundry's definition of greatness is the ability to give something to someone else and have them express gratitude. He has dedicated his life to helping others, whether it be through surgery or sharing knowledge about health and wellness. To learn more about the Plant Paradox and its principles, check out Dr. Gundry's book and follow him on social media. Remember, small changes can lead to significant improvements in various aspects of your life.

    • Shine your light and inspire othersFocus on improving experiences, spread positivity, and inspire others to do the same to create a ripple effect of good in the world

      We have the power to create a positive impact on the world around us by shining our light brightly and inspiring others to do the same. By focusing on improving our own experiences and spreading positivity, we can create a ripple effect that continues to brighten the lives of those around us. It's important to remember that we are all capable of making a difference, no matter how small it may seem. So, go out there and do something great. Shine your light and inspire others to do the same. The world needs more light in it, and you have the power to be a source of it. Love and positivity are contagious, so let's spread them far and wide. Remember, every little bit helps, and together, we can make a big difference. So, let's turn up our lights and shine bright!

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    This was a mind blowing podcast. I hope you enjoy it!

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    Big Love, Corey & Dr. Pran


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    ► Website: https://centreforgastrointestinalhealth.com.au/team/dr-pran-yoganathan/


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    How to Optimize Your Gut Health for High Performance | Dr. Colleen Cutcliffe

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    • why your body’s own ability “to resist, heal, and recover from viruses is vastly superior” to pharmaceuticals.
    • what to do before taking antibiotics to protect your gut, as well as what you can do to rehab your microbiome after antibiotic use.

    “Being on the winning team when battling viruses isn’t because of good luck, or coincidence, or variations in viral virulence,” Dr. Chutkan explains in her newest book, “The Anti-Viral Gut: Tackling Pathogens from the Inside Out.” "It’s due to differences in us, the hosts, and our defenses, and those differences are what determine your outcome. Put another way: it’s less about the potency of the pathogen and more about the health of the host.”

    Dr. Chutkan is a Yale- and Columbia-educated integrative gastroenterologist who’s been advancing knowledge and education about gut health for decades. Nearly 20 years ago she founded the Digestive Center for Wellness to help people get to the root issue of their digestive issues and improve their gut health. 

    Watch this episode on YouTube!


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    57. Optimizing Longevity with Dr. Anil Bajnath

    57. Optimizing Longevity with Dr. Anil Bajnath

    Join Functional Medicine Practitioner Katie Morra MS, RD, LDN, IFMCP and special guest, Dr. Anil Bajnath as they dive into the world of longevity, gut health and immunosenescence. Dr. Bajnath is a Board-Certified Family Physician, an Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner (IFMCP) and is Board Certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM), Adjunct Faculty at George Washington University School of Medicine and the founder of the Institute for Human Optimization Precision Medicine Research Group located in Annapolis, Maryland.

    LECTINS: Good guys or bad? A Top 10 Episode with Dr. Steven Gundry

    LECTINS: Good guys or bad? A Top 10 Episode with Dr. Steven Gundry

    Welcome to Your Upgraded Summer!

    This new series revisits the Top 10 Bulletproof Radio episodes of all time. The topics cover essentials like nutrition, energy, hormones, sleep and autophagy, as well as gut, brain, autoimmune and women's health.

    You'll get the main points in a shortened version so you can get the good stuff and get on with your summer plans. And if you want to listen to more, tune in to the original episode.

     Dr. Steven Gundry takes the No. 2 spot with: How Nutrition Can Reverse Disease and the Impact of Lectins – Dr. Steven Gundry – #417.

    More than two decades ago, cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Gundry decided to help people prevent health issues. He retired as a cardiologist to teach patients how to eat, guiding them on how to get ahead of the problem, not fixing it after the fact. He shifted toward a more proactive approach to health through food and diet changes and has since become a pioneer in nutrition.

    As a medical researcher and author, he’s spent the last 16 years studying the microbiome and now helps patients use diet and nutrition as a key form of treatment. You may know of his New York Times best-selling books, “The Plant Paradox,” “The Longevity Paradox” and “The Energy Paradox.”

    Simply, paradox mean confusing information. What sounds reasonable isn’t or what sounds absurd turns out to be true. There’s no better example than plants. Plants can help your body or try to kill you.

    By now you know that “healthy foods” in your diet may not be as good for you as you think. Many seemingly healthy foods contain a protein called lectin which seeks out sugar molecules to bind to, rapidly increasing our likelihood of inflammation. Inflammation leaves your body not only less energetic, but less prepared to fight disease. 

     Here’s what Dr. Gundry says:

    • “[Plants are] chemists of incredible ability. So what they do is they use chemical warfare, and one of their favorite attack mechanisms is the protein lectin, and lectins are so beautifully diabolically designed to wreak havoc on an animal predator.”


    • “Our ancient ancestors interacted with 250 different plant species on a rotating basis. All of those plants have polyphenols, flavonoids that not only turn on our individual genes, but more importantly, they alter the gene expression of our microbiome, [which is capable of] rapid alteration in gene expression.”


    In this episode you’ll learn about the foods that may be negatively affecting you, why humans ever started eating them in the first place (ahem, corn?), and the power of a healthy diet.

    Enjoy! And get more resources at Dave.Asprey/podcasts.

    Got a comment, idea or question for the podcast? Submit via this form.







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