
    #53 David McCormick - Fmr CEO Bridgewater Associates - A Battle Plan for America

    en-usApril 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Can America Renew Itself?David McCormick's book offers solutions for America to overcome economic, national, and spiritual challenges and maintain its superpower status.

      America is facing various challenges economically, nationally, and spiritually, which have put its superpower status in peril. However, according to David McCormick, author of "Superpower in Peril," renewal is not inevitable, and it depends on the actions of leaders. McCormick's book outlines a plan for renewal, making it an optimistic read despite the ominous cover. McCormick, a West Point graduate and former Bush administration official, believes that America's decline is not inevitable, but it requires strong leadership to overcome the challenges. The book covers economic issues, such as debt and inflation, national security risks, and the corrosion of American institutions due to progressive ideologies. McCormick's book stands out for offering solutions instead of just complaining about the problems. If you're interested in learning how America can renew itself and maintain its superpower status, tune in to the podcast for a deeper discussion with David McCormick.

    • America's Economic and Security ChallengesThe U.S. faces significant economic declines, including debt, inflation, and a shrinking American Dream, while China surpasses it technologically and the military grapples with internal distractions and a lack of focus on warfighting. Spiritual decay, starting from education, also threatens America's global leadership.

      According to the discussion, America is experiencing significant declines in both economic and security spheres. Economically, the U.S. is losing its dynamism, with enormous debt, high inflation, and a shrinking American Dream. From a security standpoint, China is surpassing the U.S. technologically, and the military is facing challenges due to internal distractions and a lack of focus on warfighting. Additionally, there's a spiritual decay, with a progressive ideology that undermines America's exceptional history and values, starting from the education system. These issues collectively threaten America's position as a global leader.

    • The Progressive Ideology's Impact on InstitutionsThe progressive ideology is influencing institutions, including business, education, and military, through ESG measures, D&I agendas, and woke programs, potentially undermining American values. Institutional investors like BlackRock wield significant influence and are a major concern.

      The progressive ideology, driven by a lack of appreciation for America's uniqueness, has permeated various institutions, including business, education, and military, through the lens of ESG measures, D&I agendas, and woke programs. This ideology, which is magnified by entities like China, is undermining fundamental American values and could lead to significant changes in the country if left unchecked. Institutional investors like BlackRock, with their significant influence over public traded companies, are a major concern as they dictate how pension funds are invested, potentially against the wishes of individual pensioners. The extreme element of the left, which has disproportionate influence on the Biden administration and business leaders, is pushing this agenda, and it's crucial to push back against it to preserve American fundamentals.

    • ESG pushback and anti-ESG investing trendCritics argue against ESG agendas, pushing back against large investment firms and advocating for individual investor choice. Concerns about China's influence and the US dollar's position add to the complexity of the global economic landscape.

      The push for ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) agendas by large investment firms like BlackRock has faced significant backlash from individual investors and even entire states. Critics argue that this approach takes responsibility away from individuals and infringes on their right to decide where to invest their money. In response, there is a growing trend towards anti-ESG investing and a pushback against the dominance of these large investment firms. Additionally, there is a growing concern about China's global influence and the perceived weakness of US leadership, leading some countries to seek alternative partnerships. Regarding the US dollar, the unique advantage of being the reserve currency is at risk due to economic policies and geopolitical developments, which could potentially weaken the US's position and open the door for other currencies to take its place. The book "Superpower and Peril" by Michael Pillsbury highlights the need for a strong, whole-of-nation plan to deal with China and rebuild US strength and leadership at home.

    • U.S. Economy Weakening, Creating Opportunities for ChinaThe U.S. economy's current state, with low interest rates and excessive spending, has led to inflation and a weak dollar, providing opportunities for China to challenge the U.S. as the economic powerhouse. China's authoritarian model and demographic challenges present both strengths and weaknesses, requiring the U.S. to focus on economic improvement.

      The current state of the U.S. economy, marked by prolonged low interest rates and excessive spending under the Biden administration, has contributed to inflation and weakened the power of the dollar. This, in turn, has created opportunities for other countries, like China, to challenge the U.S. as the economic powerhouse. The authoritarian model and demographic challenges of China provide both strengths and weaknesses, making it essential for the U.S. to focus on improving its economic situation. Despite the precarious situation, there is still time for the U.S. to regain its economic strength. It's crucial for individuals to understand the potential risks and consider protecting their assets through options like precious metals.

    • US Leadership in a Critical MomentThe US must decisively address global tensions and support allies to maintain its position as a world leader, avoiding past mistakes and overextension.

      The current global situation, particularly the geopolitical tensions with China and Russia, presents a critical moment for America's leadership in the world. If the US does not act decisively, it risks losing its position and emboldening aggressors like China. The ongoing situation in Ukraine is a prime example of this, as Putin's aggression against Ukraine could have serious consequences for US interests if not addressed strongly and wisely. The Chinese are actively trying to fill the voids created by weak leadership, and their ambition to become the world superpower is evident in their actions. The US must prioritize its support for allies like Ukraine, while also being cautious to avoid repeating past mistakes and overextending resources. Ultimately, America's leadership and strength at home are crucial in maintaining its position on the world stage and countering the growing influence of China.

    • A whole-of-nation strategy against China involves multiple aspectsThe US economy is at risk due to excessive spending and inflation caused by current administration policies, but with strong leadership and pro-growth, pro-American policies, we can overcome challenges and continue to thrive. Innovation and renewal can be seen in the transformation of industries.

      Ensuring the United States remains strong and the superpower in the world requires a whole-of-nation strategy against China, which involves multiple aspects. Contrary to popular belief, the peace treaty between China and potential adversaries will not automatically lead to a recession. Instead, the economy is at risk due to excessive spending and inflation caused by the policies of the current administration, leading to a potential imbalance between assets and liabilities. Looking back at history, the United States has faced similar challenges before, such as during the late 70s, but pro-growth, pro-American policies led to renewal and innovation. The American tradition is to rise to the occasion, and with strong leadership, we can overcome current challenges and continue to thrive. Additionally, innovation and renewal can be seen in the transformation of industries, such as the revival of Pittsburgh from a steel city to a technology hub.

    • Renewal through effective leadership and clear visionTo boost productivity and dynamism in economic systems and personal endeavors, effective leadership and a clear vision are essential. An innovation agenda, including education, technological leadership, and data policies, can help bring back competitiveness and create opportunities for all.

      Effective leadership and a clear vision are crucial for renewal and productivity in both economic systems and personal endeavors. The renewal of Pittsburgh and Ronald Reagan's presidency shared this focus on addressing the unique challenges of their respective times. To bring back productivity and dynamism to the American economy, an innovation agenda is needed, consisting of education, technological leadership, and data policies. The importance of data as a strategic asset cannot be overstated, as it drives innovation and strategic advantage. This renewal agenda aims to address the concerns of those left behind in the last 20 years and create opportunities for all Americans. The talent pillar is crucial, as the quality of the workforce is a key factor in winning on the global stage, and our schools need improvement to maintain our competitive edge.

    • Discussing the need for education reform and alternative performance enhancersEducation reform is necessary to prioritize teachers and students, while Ketone IQ offers an alternative for performance enhancement without relying on sugar or caffeine.

      Individuals can enhance their performance, endurance, and focus without relying on sugar or caffeine through the use of Ketone IQ. Meanwhile, in the education sector, concerns have been raised about the increasing administrative costs and the need for reform to prioritize teachers and students. The discussion highlighted the 75% increase in school administrators over the past 20 years compared to a 7.7% increase in teachers. This shift in resources away from the classroom has been attributed to bureaucracy, wokeness, and a loss of focus on the core mission of educating children. The call to action is for the introduction of more choice in education, allowing parents to direct funding to the schools they believe will best serve their children.

    • The current education system fails minorities and blue-collar studentsAdvocating for school choice to increase competition and improve opportunities for all students, despite potential chaos and disruption.

      The current education system, particularly public schools, is failing to provide adequate opportunities for minorities and blue-collar students, creating a significant barrier to the American Dream. The speaker advocates for structural change through the concept of choice, allowing parents to select schools that best fit their children's needs, which could lead to increased competition and improvement among schools. However, this transition may be chaotic and painful, as schools fight for funding and resources. Despite the challenges, the speaker believes that parental involvement and competition are essential for positive change. The speaker also touches upon the decline of public schools, with many parents opting for homeschooling or private alternatives, exacerbating the divide between those who have educational opportunities and those who don't. Ultimately, the speaker argues that the consequences of staying on the current path are disastrous and that the necessary chaos and disruption are worth enduring for the potential benefits.

    • Empowering parents with education reformReforms like vouchers and funding options can improve education quality, but ensuring adequate standards and effective public funds use is necessary. Technical education and skills training outside of a college degree can create jobs and reduce reliance on importing workers.

      Education reform, including the use of vouchers and funding for various educational options, can empower parents and lead to better quality education. However, it's crucial to ensure that the standard of education remains adequate and that public funds are used effectively. Additionally, there's a need to address the mismatch between the workforce and the demands of the economy by providing more opportunities for technical education and skills training outside of a four-year college degree. This can help create middle class jobs and reduce reliance on importing workers from other states.

    • Addressing the skills gap in the oil and gas industryFocus on workforce development and retraining programs to acquire necessary skills for the new economy. Address cultural shift towards laziness and reliance on government assistance. Reinforce importance of hard work, responsibility, and civic duty.

      The oil and gas industry in Pennsylvania, and the nation as a whole, faces a significant skills gap that hinders job growth. This issue is particularly pressing as some manufacturing jobs have been outsourced and not all of them will return. To address this, there's a need to focus on workforce development and retraining programs for individuals to acquire the necessary skills for the new economy. Additionally, there's a cultural shift towards laziness and reliance on government assistance that needs to be addressed. Immigrations also plays a role in the talent issue, with the current border crisis leading to an influx of drugs like fentanyl into the country, affecting states like Pennsylvania. To overcome these challenges, it's crucial to reinforce the importance of hard work, responsibility, and civic duty to ensure America's continued greatness.

    • Immigration crisis: securing the border and maintaining a legal systemThe immigration issue requires addressing both border security and legal immigration, with a focus on securing the border against illegal immigration and drugs, while maintaining a merit-based legal system that values immigrants' contributions.

      The immigration issue in the United States is a complex crisis with two major aspects: the need to secure the border against illegal immigration and the importance of maintaining a legal immigration system. The speaker emphasizes the fentanyl crisis, which is linked to illegal immigration and the open border, and criticizes the Biden administration for its handling of the situation. At the same time, he highlights the contributions of legal immigrants and advocates for a merit-based immigration system. The speaker also mentions the role of China in supplying fentanyl and teaching cartels how to produce it, and suggests using military intervention to secure the border. Overall, the speaker calls for a balanced approach to address both aspects of the immigration issue.

    • Investing in R&D and incentivizing private sector for critical technologiesThe US should invest more in basic research and development, reduce regulations, and offer tax incentives to private sector for critical technologies like AI and 5G to minimize risk and maximize returns, leading to technological advancements that benefit the country.

      To maintain a strong economic position and ensure national security, the US needs to invest more in basic research and development, and incentivize private sector investment in critical technologies like AI and 5G. This approach, which involves reducing regulations and offering tax incentives, is different from China's industrial policy or the left's approach of picking specific companies for subsidies. The goal is to create a partnership between the government and private sector to minimize risk and maximize returns, ultimately leading to technological advancements that benefit the country.

    • Investing in key technological areas for economic competitiveness and national securityThe US needs to invest in semiconductors and AI to maintain economic competitiveness, ensure national security, and mitigate potential risks.

      The United States needs to invest in key technological areas to maintain economic competitiveness and national security, while mitigating potential risks. Semiconductors and artificial intelligence are two critical areas that require significant investment due to their economic importance and potential threats. The Chips Act is a step in the right direction, but more resources are needed. The power of artificial intelligence is both mesmerizing and scary, with potential consequences including disrupting industries and eliminating jobs. The capacity of AI to create credible yet false information could further erode public trust in information and institutions. It's crucial to find leaders who can navigate these complexities and restore trust in society.

    • U.S. Needs a Data Strategy: Privacy, Innovation, and Control of Information at RiskThe U.S. lacks a comprehensive data strategy, putting privacy, innovation, and control of information at risk. China is making strides in this area, highlighting the need for privacy protections and accountability from social media companies. Establishing a framework for data protection and promoting diverse ideas is crucial in the digital age.

      The United States lacks a comprehensive data strategy, putting us at risk in areas such as privacy and the control of information. Data is a critical driver of innovation and AI, and China, with its authoritarian control, is making significant strides in this area. The U.S. needs to address privacy concerns, which have become increasingly relevant as our digital footprints grow and social media becomes the primary source of information for many. Additionally, social media companies should be held accountable for producing a marketplace of ideas, rather than one-sided narratives. The lack of a data strategy puts us at risk in various ways, including identity theft and credit card fraud, and undermines trust in the information we receive. It's essential that we establish a framework for protecting privacy and promoting a diverse range of ideas in the digital age.

    • Decreased Cooperation Between US Industry and Government for America's SecurityThe US needs to strengthen industry-government cooperation and have a consistent data strategy with allies to compete against China's growing techno-authoritarianism and protect American interests.

      The cooperation between industry, particularly technology firms, and the US government for America's security has significantly decreased. Companies like Google no longer work with the Pentagon, and this is a problem for the US as they could benefit from the security and well-being that comes with being an American company. Additionally, the US should have a data strategy consistent with its allies, such as the five-eye countries, to compete with China. Leadership is crucial in implementing these strategies to confront China and secure America. The US needs leaders who can win elections, have ideas, and execute them. The US-China relationship has diverged, with China taking interests counter to the US, and President Xi's techno-authoritarian model making the situation worse. Policymakers have been sleepwalking on this issue, and urgent action is needed.

    • Decoupling from China, Holding Accountable, and InvestingThe US should decouple strategically from China, hold China accountable for its bad behavior, and invest in areas that don't support the Chinese military or Communist Party.

      The United States needs a more comprehensive strategy to address the growing risk of China. This strategy should include decoupling strategically from China, holding China accountable for its bad behavior, and involving investment. Decoupling means bringing critical industries home and reducing dependence on China. Accountability could involve sanctions, transparency demands, and economic tools. Investment involves ensuring no support for the Chinese military or Communist Party. The current state of economic integration with China makes a complete decoupling challenging, but strategic steps can be taken to reduce dependence and stop supporting China in areas that matter. The lack of a clear strategy and accountability from the US has made it difficult to address these issues effectively.

    • US Dependence on China for Green TechnologyThe US could become more economically, energy, and environmentally dependent on China due to current energy policies and reliance on subsidized Chinese green technology. Focus on cleaner fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and avoiding over-reliance on China is crucial for US security and economic viability.

      The current energy policies and reliance on China for green technology in the infrastructure bill and other acts could make the US more economically and energy dependent on China instead of building indigenous capabilities. This shift, as discussed, has made the US less secure, less economically viable, and less environmentally sound. The speaker advocates for a focus on cleaner fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and avoiding over-reliance on China's subsidized green technology. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of recognizing China as an existential threat and treating it as an adversary while being mindful of the potential impact on American workers.

    • Identifying China as an adversary is crucial but the US response has not been comprehensiveExperienced leaders are needed to guide the country through current challenges, as emphasized by Ray Dalio, considering running for office to contribute, and Skip Freeman suggests adding a P.S. to job application cover letters for increased chances of being read.

      Identifying China as an adversary is crucial for mitigating risks, but the US response has not been comprehensive. Ray Dalio, the CEO of Bridgewater Associates, emphasizes this point in his book and believes that experienced leaders are needed to guide the country through current challenges. Dalio, a native of Pennsylvania, considered running for office due to his concern for the direction of the country and a desire to contribute. He likens the political arena to the gladiator arena, a big and challenging endeavor for families. Dalio is still undecided about running for the Senate in 2024 but is using his book as a platform to share his thoughts and gauge resonance with the public. Additionally, Skip Freeman, author of Headhunters Hiring Secrets, suggests adding a P.S. to job application cover letters to increase the chances of being read.

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    • Accurate recession call by David Cervantes, emphasizing construction activity and employment data.
    • Limited impact of commercial real estate in the broader economy.
    • Tech job losses not supported by data; payroll and claims data refute significant losses.
    • Trend of individuals turning to DIY solutions for home repairs.
    • Dismissal of concerns about a credit contraction in the banking sector.
    • Exploration of potential energy shocks and their impact.
    • Concerns about China's lack of political and economic movement, despite slight retail sales growth.
    • Geopolitical considerations and parallels between China's situation and Japan's experience in the 1980s.
    • Challenges faced by China, including demographics, environmental issues, and water scarcity.
    • Impact of high energy costs and environmental policies on European industries.

    This is the 69th episode of The Week Ahead, where experts talk about the week that just happened and what will most likely happen in the coming week.

    Follow The Week Ahead panel on Twitter:

    Tony: https://twitter.com/TonyNashNerd
    David: https://twitter.com/pinebrookcap
    Albert: https://twitter.com/amlivemon
    Tracy: https://twitter.com/chigrl

    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/Trd9pE_GNOU

    Jacqueline Deal: The Strategist

    Jacqueline Deal: The Strategist

    Jacqueline Deal is the co-founder of the American Academy for Strategic Education (AASE) and the President of Long Term Strategy Group. 

    You can find more information about Jackie at www.aase.org

    For more information on the film Innovation Race visit www.innovationracemovie.com

    Innovation Race will be in select theaters nationwide on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.

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    Abbi Wills-Sovereign Bodies Learn Here

    Abbi Wills-Sovereign Bodies Learn Here

    Initiate change in education through embodied consciousness and freedom. Dive into a new level of self-awareness in learning environments as our amazing guest Abbi Wills, co-founder of Shanti Generation, explores what it means to teach embodiment, student power, and self-compassion in order to facilitate optimal learning and growth.

    1:53 Intro Abbi Wills
    7:08 Sovereign Bodies Learn Here
    12:00 Facilitating Optimal Learning
    15:45 How to Manage a Sovereign Bodies Classroom
    20:04 Inviting Agency vs Forcing Compliance
    25:49 Encouraging Self Exploration and Self Compassion
    31:50 What embodied awareness looks/feels like
    33:10 Fostering Self Advocacy

    Abbi's First Interview with Yoga In My School

    CONNECT with Abbi Wills

    Learn more about Shanti Generation and their work https://shantigeneration.com/

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    How to Train Kids in the Practice of Temperance

    How to Train Kids in the Practice of Temperance

    Today in our series about Prohibition, we learn more about the crusade to turn America into a dry nation. It may surprise you to learn that it wasn’t spearheaded by only white Christian women who disapproved of saloons and whiskey. Leaders in the growing civil rights movement also pushed for temperance, and one woman convinced the government that the path to prohibition was best paved through the public school system.

    Hosted by: Sharon McMahon

    Executive Producer: Heather Jackson

    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder

    Written and researched by: Heather Jackson, Valerie Hoback, Amy Watkin, and Mandy Reid

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.