
    #56 Ryan Montgomery - #1 Ethical Hacker Who Hunts Child Predators Catches One Live On Podcast

    en-usMay 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exposing Online Predators: A Battle Between Good and EvilTop ethical hacker Ryan Montgomery is dedicated to catching child predators online, exposing their identities to protect kids and educate parents about internet risks

      Ryan Montgomery, the world's top-ranked ethical hacker, is dedicating his life to exposing online predators who prey on children. With thousands of names already uncovered, this initiative aims to educate parents and children about the prevalence of such threats on the internet and instill fear in predators. Montgomery's efforts, through his organization Pentester.com, are focused on catching child predators one at a time. Despite facing censorship and opposition from powerful individuals, Montgomery's mission is to save kids and make the world a safer place. Parents and kids alike are encouraged to become aware of online risks and predators, while predators themselves should fear the consequences of their actions. This is a battle between good and evil, and Montgomery's work is a crucial step in turning the tide towards protecting children online.

    • Importance of vigilance in cybersecurity and ethical hacking through bug bountiesSelf-taught hacker with 19 years of experience shares his passion for cybersecurity, experiences with major tech companies through bug bounties, and the importance of staying vigilant against vulnerabilities.

      The interviewee, a self-taught hacker with 19 years of experience, emphasizes the importance of vigilance in the cybersecurity world. He has worked with major tech companies like Amazon, Facebook, and PayPal through their bug bounty programs, helping them protect against vulnerabilities. Bug bounties are rewards offered by companies for discovering bugs or vulnerabilities in their systems. The size of the reward depends on the severity of the vulnerability, with some reaching up to $128,000 in credit. The interviewee's passion for hacking began in his childhood, and he now mentors others in the field. Despite his accomplishments, he experiences imposter syndrome. The interviewee shared some personal quirks, such as his daily routine of eating Ritz-Bitz cheese crackers and Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup, and his dedication to walking long distances for these items. Overall, the interview highlights the importance of cybersecurity, the existence of legal avenues for ethical hacking, and the dedication and quirks of those in the field.

    • From Bug Bounty to Entrepreneurship: A Hacker's JourneyA successful hacker transitions from unstable bug bounty income to founding his own cybersecurity company, overcoming childhood addiction and dropping out of high school.

      The speaker, a successful cybersecurity entrepreneur, transitioned from a career in bug bounty hunting to founding his own company due to the unpredictable nature and instability of bug bounty income. He grew up in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, and got into hacking at a young age after discovering his grandparents' computer and exploring AOL trials. However, his childhood was marked by experimentation with drugs, which led to addiction. Despite his struggles, he maintains a close relationship with his supportive mother and has moved past his addiction. He dropped out of high school but went on to become a renowned ethical hacker.

    • Discovering the world of hacking through early experiencesEarly experiences with technology can ignite a lifelong curiosity and lead to unexpected paths, like hacking. Friendships and mentors can play a significant role in shaping one's journey towards a career.

      The early experiences of using technology, such as discovering the magic of AOL and instant messaging, can spark a lifelong obsession and curiosity, leading to unexpected paths like hacking. The speaker's encounter with a hacker named Rob at a young age motivated him to learn about hacking, as resources like Try Hack Me, GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Google did not exist back then. The conversation started with the speaker expressing interest in learning hacking and recognizing Rob's capabilities. The speaker's motivation was to make money and shutting people's internet connections off was his initial focus. However, their friendship went beyond that, and Rob played a significant role in the speaker's journey towards his current career. The story serves as a reminder of the impact of early experiences and the power of curiosity and determination.

    • Child Hacker's Journey into Crypto MiningLearned valuable lessons from illegal crypto mining activities as a child, despite moral concerns and risk of getting caught.

      The speaker started making significant money as a child hacker, around 11 or 12 years old, through various means including exploiting affiliate marketing and hacking into computers for crypto mining. He used a remote access Trojan to infect tens of thousands of computers, mining Bitcoin and Litecoin when they were first emerging. However, he eventually stopped due to moral concerns and the risk of getting caught. Despite the illegal activities and the subsequent regret, he learned valuable lessons and grew up quickly. The speaker also mentions that he's past the statute of limitations and didn't hurt anyone beyond a slight increase in power bills. It's important to note that hacking is illegal and unethical, and this account should not be emulated.

    • A hacking incident led to a career in ethical hacking and businessesA hacking incident inspired a career shift towards ethical hacking, leading to ventures in cryptocurrency and rehab marketing, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity and optimism for Bitcoin's future.

      A hacking incident played a significant role in shaping the speaker's career path towards becoming an ethical hacker and eventually venturing into businesses, including cryptocurrency and rehab marketing. Ethical hackers, unlike black hats, use their skills to help identify vulnerabilities and inform the affected parties. The speaker emphasizes the importance of cybersecurity in today's digital world and expresses optimism about the future of cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin. The speaker also shares a personal story about starting a marketing company that led him to South Florida, where he later co-founded a rehab center.

    • A young man's personal loss fuels his passion for helping others overcome addictionAt 22, driven by loss and passion, this individual started a rehab to help those struggling with addiction, becoming an influential figure in the treatment world

      At the age of 22, this individual, driven by a deep desire to help those suffering from addiction, started a drug and alcohol rehab facility after personally experiencing the devastating effects of addiction within his own family and among his friends. Tragically, he had lost several friends to overdoses, including his best friend who he had tried to save using Narcan. His friend's untimely death came as a shock, as the friend was not using drugs at the time and was even working at the rehab. This experience further fueled the individual's passion to help those struggling with addiction. His dedication to helping others, combined with personal loss, led him to become a young and influential figure in the treatment world.

    • Starting a scholarship program for addiction rehabPersonal experiences led to creating a scholarship program to help those financially struggling access addiction rehab, emphasizing quick admission and private facilities for best results.

      Helping others who are struggling with addiction is crucial, especially when they lack the financial means to access necessary rehab services. The speaker shared his personal experience of losing friends to addiction and starting a scholarship program to help people get into drug rehab. He emphasized the importance of having access to private rehab facilities and quick admission, as addicts can't wait for long waiting lists. The speaker's efforts resulted in helping over a hundred people, and they expanded their programs to address various aspects of addiction and mental health. The speaker's mission continues, and he is still making an impact in the field. The use of an electronic medical records system in rehab facilities is also noteworthy for efficient and effective patient care.

    • The impact of environment on personal growth and business opportunitiesSurround yourself with the right people and environment, prepare for future uncertainties through investments and cybersecurity, and seize opportunities to grow personally and professionally.

      Being surrounded by the right people and environment can significantly influence your decisions and future endeavors. The speaker's involvement with a software company started as a simple setup in their office, but eventually led him to fully commit and build a business together. This experience underscores the importance of being in the right environment, especially during uncertain economic times. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the significance of preparing for the future, whether it's through investing in precious metals or utilizing tools like pen tester.com for cybersecurity protection. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding potential vulnerabilities, as demonstrated by the example of a website collecting email addresses. Lastly, the speaker shared his passion for ketone supplements and their benefits, such as improved workouts and mental clarity. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being prepared, being surrounded by the right people, and making the most of opportunities.

    • Website or email security breaches can expose sensitive informationUse strong, unique passwords, employ a password manager, regularly update software and plugins, and check for exposed data to mitigate risks of security breaches.

      The security of a website or email account can be compromised through various means, such as botnet traffic, leaked data, or weak plugins. A single breach can expose sensitive information, putting not only the individual but also their business at risk. For instance, an attacker can use stolen credentials to gain unauthorized access to a Shopify site, customer data, or even social media platforms. The dark web is a significant concern, as leaked information is often sold and traded there. Small and medium-sized businesses may be more vulnerable targets due to a lack of awareness or outdated technology. To mitigate these risks, it's crucial to use strong, unique passwords, employ a password manager, and regularly update software and plugins. Regularly checking for exposed data related to your domain and employees' emails is also essential. Remember, even a seemingly insignificant breach can have serious consequences.

    • Affordable Pen Testing Service with Extensive Reach and DepthFor $50 a month, businesses can access a pen testing service with a vast database and manual confirmation for potential vulnerabilities, offering extensive reach and depth in cybersecurity protection

      For just $50 a month, a pen testing service offers not only software solutions but also manual confirmation for potential vulnerabilities, making it an affordable investment for businesses seeking cybersecurity. The service boasts a vast database, able to identify more records than competitors, and can even perform facial recognition to find images of individuals on the internet, regardless of whether they're tagged or not. This demonstrates the extensive reach and depth of the service. It's important to note that the dark web is not a marketplace in itself, but rather a network requiring specific tools and knowledge to access illicit sites. These sites often have unique URLs, which can only be accessed through the Tor network.

    • Exploring the Dark Web: Protecting Your AnonymityUse Tor and a VPN for anonymous browsing on the dark web, be cautious of phishing emails and unsecured networks, and secure your devices with strong passwords and updates to prevent hacking attacks.

      The dark web, hidden from the regular internet, hosts various illegal activities and websites, including marketplaces for horrible things like child exploitation, murder for hire, counterfeit money, and fake IDs. To protect your anonymity while accessing the dark web, it's recommended to use a combination of Tor and a VPN. The Onion Router (Tor) is a free, open-source project that anonymizes your internet traffic, but it doesn't make you completely anonymous or foolproof against hackers. Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities in your daily routine, such as email phishing, unsecured Wi-Fi networks, and unprotected devices like smartphones, cars, and garage door openers. To prevent these attacks, be cautious of phishing emails, secure your devices with strong passwords and updates, and use encryption for sensitive data. While the dark web can be a valuable tool for investigations, it's important to remember that it's not a foolproof way to stay anonymous or completely safe.

    • Hackers can control various devices and networks through small gadgetsBe cautious when using public Wi-Fi, protect devices and information, and use wired connections or segmented networks.

      The world around us, filled with connected devices, is more vulnerable than we might think. A single device, as small as a palm-sized gadget, can hack Wi-Fi networks, control wireless mice and keyboards, and even interfere with RFID, NFC, and Bluetooth connections. The example given was a Flipper Zero with custom modifications, but similar devices are available for purchase. Hackers can create fake Wi-Fi networks, execute man-in-the-middle attacks, and take control of your computer or steal your information. They can even tap your phone and give you their Instagram or business card through NFC. The risks are real, and it's essential to be aware of these threats and take precautions, such as using wired connections, segmenting networks, and being cautious when connecting to unfamiliar networks. In public places like airports and Starbucks, the risk is higher due to the large number of potential targets. Always be vigilant and protect your devices and information.

    • Exploring the Flipper device's capabilities beyond radio hackingThe Flipper device offers various functions beyond radio hacking, including two-factor authentication and controlling devices, but it's crucial to use it ethically and be aware of potential risks and vulnerabilities in everyday electronics.

      The Flipper device, while capable of various functions including radio hacking, also offers uses beyond that scope such as two-factor authentication and controlling devices like jukeboxes or cars with pre-programmed codes. However, it's important to note that not all functions are legal or ethical, and some, like hacking airplanes through ADS-B, are strictly illegal. Additionally, many everyday electronics, particularly those with Wi-Fi capabilities, may have vulnerabilities that could potentially be exploited, and it's crucial to be aware of the potential risks associated with these devices. The speaker emphasized that the Flipper device is powerful and dangerous in the wrong hands, but also emphasized that he uses it ethically and for educational purposes. The vulnerability of electronics, particularly those manufactured in China, was also discussed, with the example given of a vacuum and mop that connects to a Chinese server, potentially opening up an attack vector.

    • Protecting Your Digital Life: Five Simple StepsUse a password manager, install antivirus software, consult with cybersecurity experts, use RFID blocking wallets or key fobs, and be cautious with websites to secure your digital life. Stay informed and vigilant against zero-click exploits and spam messages.

      In today's digital age, our connected devices and online activities are valuable targets for hackers. They can use this information to target us with ads or even gain unauthorized access to our systems. The discussion highlighted the use of a smart mop as an example, but the concern applies to many other devices. Five simple steps to protect oneself include using a password manager, installing antivirus software, consulting with cybersecurity experts, using RFID blocking wallets or key fobs, and being cautious with websites. However, some advanced attacks, like zero-click exploits, can bypass user interaction and gain access without any warning. It's important to be aware of these risks and take proactive measures to secure our digital lives. The conversation also touched upon the prevalence of spam calls, texts, and emails, and the potential danger of opening seemingly harmless messages. Hackers can use these channels to install malware or steal sensitive information. Unfortunately, there is no foolproof defense against zero-click exploits, making it crucial to stay informed and vigilant. Lastly, the discussion emphasized the importance of good sleep for overall health and well-being. The speaker shared their positive experience with Helix Sleep, a company that offers customized mattresses and a user-friendly buying process. They encouraged listeners to take the sleep quiz on their website and use the code "Helix partner 20" for a 20% discount and two free pillows.

    • Hoist IV level hydration: Military-authorized, less sugar, more electrolytesHear a personal story of military connection to Hoist hydration and learn about a cybersecurity expert's efforts to combat child exploitation online, resulting in the removal of a harmful website.

      Hoist IV level hydration is a top-tier hydration solution, made in the USA with less sugar and more electrolytes than many competitors, and authorized by the military. The speaker shared his personal connection to the brand, having wished for it during his military career, and appreciated the discount offered to military and first responders. On a different note, a captivating story was shared about a cybersecurity expert who was motivated to fight against child exploitation online after discovering disturbing content on a website. The content included solicitations and graphic descriptions, some involving children as young as six. The speaker's actions led to the exfiltration of the website's data, and the subsequent removal of the site. The story serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting children from online threats and the impact one person can make in making the internet a safer place.

    • Hacker uncovers illegal activities on a disturbing websiteA hacker discovered an illegal website with 7,000 members, reported the activities to authorities, and raised awareness about the existence of such sites

      A hacker discovered a website with approximately 7,000 members, some of whom were underage, engaging in disturbing activities. To join this site, applicants had to answer explicit and horrific questions. The hacker, who remained anonymous, was able to infiltrate the site and exported the chat logs, revealing the extent of the illegal activities. He then reported the information to the exploited children tip line and contacted various news outlets, hoping to bring attention to the issue and potentially bring the perpetrators to justice. Despite the gravity of the situation, some news outlets did not respond to his attempts to share the information. The website is now down, but the impact of the hacker's actions raises awareness about the existence of such sites and the importance of reporting such crimes.

    • Ignored warnings about child exploitation websiteDespite reporting a child exploitation website to authorities and media, the speaker faced indifference due to the political affiliation of the website owner. The owner was later arrested for kidnapping, but earlier efforts to stop the illegal activity went unanswered.

      Despite uncovering illegally obtained material from a website promoting child exploitation, no media outlets or law enforcement agencies wanted to get involved due to the political affiliation of the website owner. The speaker tried to alert authorities and media about the existence of the website, but was ignored. The website owner, a Democratic politician named Nathan Larson, was later arrested for kidnapping a 12-year-old girl, but the speaker's initial efforts to report the illegal activity went unheeded. The speaker also mentioned that there were other individuals in the database who had been arrested for similar crimes after the speaker submitted the information. The disturbing reality is that not only were people talking about child exploitation online, but they were also acting on their dark intentions. The speaker's attempts to bring attention to this issue were met with indifference, highlighting the urgent need for increased awareness and action against child exploitation.

    • Hacker and MMA Fighter Join Forces to Expose Online PredatorsA hacker and an MMA fighter formed a group to catch online predators by using decoy accounts and handing them over to law enforcement, resulting in several arrests.

      The internet can be a dangerous place for children, with predators lurking in various online platforms. This was a harsh reality that a hacker named "Anonymous" and his MMA fighter friend, Scrappy, discovered when they embarked on a mission to expose these predators. Their journey began after Anonymous hacked a website called RAPY, revealing the identities and personal information of thousands of individuals involved in child exploitation. Following Anonymous' lead, Scrappy was shocked by the number of predators he encountered in a simple Google search of a teen chat room. Together, they formed 561 Predator Catchers, using decoy accounts to lure predators and hand them over to local law enforcement. Their efforts have resulted in the arrest of 14 individuals in a short period. This collaboration between a hacker and an MMA fighter serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting children online and the potential impact of community-driven initiatives.

    • Encountering Online Predators: Personal Experiences and Legal ChallengesParents must closely monitor their children's online activities and report suspicious behavior to authorities, as online platforms can be dangerous for kids, and predators can easily approach them. Clearer guidelines are needed for securing convictions against predators.

      Online platforms can be dangerous for children, and predators can easily approach them through various social media sites, chat rooms, and gaming platforms. The speakers in this discussion shared their personal experiences of encountering sexual predators online, leading to arrests. However, they also faced challenges in securing convictions due to technicalities in the legal system. They emphasized the importance of vigilance and reporting suspicious activities to the authorities, but also noted the need for clearer guidelines for securing convictions. The speakers demonstrated how quickly predators can show up in chat rooms, highlighting the urgency of the issue. They mentioned various platforms where children are at risk, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Kick, WhatsApp, Roblox, Minecraft, Xbox, and PlayStation. Parents are encouraged to closely monitor their children's online activities and ensure they are using age-appropriate platforms.

    • Protecting Children from Online PredatorsParents should be vigilant and proactive in safeguarding children from online predators. Organizations like Project Veritas are working to expose and apprehend these individuals using open-source intelligence.

      Parents should be vigilant and protective, even if it means being labeled as helicopter parents. This is crucial to safeguard children from potential predators who can easily make contact through online platforms. A chilling example was shared about a father whose daughter was blackmailed after just a few seconds of interaction on the internet. Predators are prevalent and can be extremely quick in their approaches. While it may cause temporary frustration for kids, the potential consequences of not intervening could lead to lifelong trauma. Project Veritas, an investigative journalism organization, has taken up the cause to expose these predators and bring them to justice. Their collaboration with individuals who uncover such information has led to significant progress in identifying and apprehending these individuals. The process involves using open-source intelligence (OSINT) to trace the users and organize teams to meet them in person. While the exact number of individuals put in prison cannot be disclosed yet, the partnership is making a significant impact in bringing these predators to justice.

    • Growing debate on normalizing child exploitationDespite some attempts to normalize child exploitation, it's crucial to remember it's a harmful and criminal act, not a sexual orientation. Stricter laws and societal condemnation are needed.

      There is a growing debate about the normalization of child exploitation as a sexual orientation, with some states pushing for legislation to protect offenders. A recent case involving a man's admission to soliciting child pornography and his participation in telegram groups trading and soliciting jobs, highlights the disturbing reality of this issue. Despite his claims of living near a school and never physically acting on his urges, his admission to having a sexual interest in young children raises serious concerns. The man's case is still ongoing, but it underscores the need for stricter laws and societal condemnation of child exploitation. Unfortunately, some states are moving in the opposite direction, trying to make it a sexual orientation, which is a deeply troubling development. It's essential to remember that child exploitation is not a sexual orientation, but a harmful and criminal act that can ruin lives forever.

    • Discussing Online Safety for Children40% of kids under 12 have experienced online harm. Use monitoring apps, have conversations, and support organizations to keep kids safe online.

      In today's digital age, it's crucial for parents to educate themselves and their children about online safety. A disturbing statistic was mentioned during the conversation, that 40% of children under the age of 12 have experienced some form of sexual assault. To prevent such incidents, parents can make use of monitoring apps to keep track of their children's online activities. These apps allow parents to control their child's phone usage, read text messages, and even lock down certain parts of the phone. However, it's important to note that these apps are not foolproof, and children may find ways to bypass them. Therefore, it's essential to have ongoing conversations with children about online safety and the potential risks they may encounter. Additionally, supporting organizations that help victims of sexual assault is another way to make a difference. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of taking online safety seriously and taking proactive measures to protect children.

    • California vs Florida: Different Approaches to Sex with MinorsCalifornia may not label someone a sex offender for consensual sex with a 14+ year old, while Florida is considering making sexual battery of a child under 12 a death penalty offense.

      There are significant differences in laws regarding sexual relationships with minors between California and Florida. In California, a law signed in 2020 allows judges to decide whether or not to label someone a sex offender for having consensual sex with a minor aged 14 or older. Florida, on the other hand, is considering making sexual battery of a child under the age of 12 a death penalty offense, and juries may impose the death sentence even if all 12 jurors do not agree. These contrasting approaches to similar issues sparked strong opinions during our discussion. Additionally, we touched upon personal experiences, including an encounter with a teacher who was caught soliciting sex from a decoy and a letter from a pedophile's attorney.

    • Using personal info and undercover work by predator catchers leads to apprehension of evasive offendersPredator catchers' use of personal info and undercover work can result in the identification and capture of previously evasive offenders, even when they attempt to hide behind legal threats.

      The use of personal information and undercover work by predator catchers can lead to the apprehension of individuals who have previously evaded capture. In this specific case, a man who was identified as a teacher and had previously fled from authorities in Florida was later caught in Pennsylvania by another predator catching group. The use of his name, workplace information, and chat logs were instrumental in his identification and capture. Another instance involved a man who was confronted at his job and provided detailed information during a transparent interaction with the predator catchers. Despite the potential legal threats from the individuals' lawyers, the predator catchers stood their ground and provided evidence to law enforcement. These cases illustrate the importance of persistence and transparency in the pursuit of justice and the potential impact of technology and personal information in apprehending offenders.

    • Discussing privacy laws, consent, and a public database for preventing online predation and human traffickingPrivacy is crucial when dealing with sensitive information, but a public database could help prevent and expose cases of human trafficking and online predation. Collaboration, respect for privacy, and consent are key in the fight against these issues.

      Privacy laws and consent are crucial when dealing with sensitive information, especially when it comes to exposing individuals' identities, particularly those of potential predators. The discussion also highlighted the importance of a public database to help prevent and expose cases of human trafficking and online predation. The statistics shared in the conversation underscored the severity and prevalence of these issues. Despite the challenges faced, the potential for creating a database to store information on individuals associated with predator sites and making it publicly accessible was proposed as a promising solution. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the need for vigilance, collaboration, and respect for privacy and consent in the fight against online predation and human trafficking.

    • Exposing Child Predators: The Role of Individuals and OrganizationsIndividuals and organizations play a vital role in combating child predators when legal systems fail. They expose cases, inform the public, and provide resources for victims. Together, we can make a difference and save children from harm.

      Individuals and organizations, like Project Veritas and Operation Light Shine, play a crucial role in exposing and combating child predators when legal systems fail to do so. The public should be informed about such cases to make their decisions based on evidence. Attorneys representing predators should be shamed. The collaborative effort between citizens and organizations is essential in getting rid of these individuals and educating the public on child safety. Shows like Ryan Montgomery's and podcasts like Concrete contribute significantly to this cause by raising awareness and providing a platform for victims and experts. If you've been a victim or know someone who has, speak up and reach out for help. Resources like Zero Day, Project Veritas, and the mentioned podcasts are available to support you. Together, we can make a difference and save children from harm.

    • Discussing strategies to combat difficult situations and connect with resourcesNetworking, speaking up, and seeking out knowledge and resources are key to tackling challenges and making a positive impact.

      When dealing with complex or difficult situations, it's important to connect with the right people who can provide guidance and lead you to solutions. This was emphasized in a conversation between two individuals discussing their efforts to combat predators and help those in need. One person, Ryan, was praised for his work in addiction recovery and his ability to connect people to resources. Another individual shared advice from Skip Freeman, author of "Headhunters Hiring Secrets," suggesting adding a P.S. to job application cover letters to increase their chances of being read. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of networking, speaking up, and seeking out knowledge and resources to tackle challenges and make a positive impact.

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    #115 Tucker Carlson - Revolution, World War 3, WTC Building 7 and Supernatural Phenomenon

    #115 Tucker Carlson - Revolution, World War 3, WTC Building 7 and Supernatural Phenomenon
    Tucker Carlson is an American journalist, commentator and host of the Tucker Carlson Network. He is most widely known for his 2016 - 2023 stint as host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, an extremely popular political Fox News show. Carlson's long career in media is marked by both critical acclaim and criticism. His expression of alternative view points shook the industry and mesmerized viewers. Carlson continues to carry on his mission with the Tucker Carlson Network, which aims to "build an alternative to legacy media...that empowers us to do our job without fear." Tucker and his team pull no punches in stating "It’s time they stopped hiding the truth from you. We’ll expose them together." Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs https://hillsdale.edu/srs https://betterhelp.com/shawn https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Tucker Carlson Links: Network - https://tuckercarlson.com X - https://x.com/TuckerCarlson IG - https://www.instagram.com/tuckercarlson FB - https://www.facebook.com/tuckercarlsonTCN Store - https://store.tuckercarlson.com Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usJune 03, 2024

    #114 Tim Parlatore - The Weaponization of 3 Letter Agencies

    #114 Tim Parlatore - The Weaponization of 3 Letter Agencies
    Tim Parlatore is a former Naval Officer and founder of Parlatore Law Group. He has represented Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher and President Donald Trump, among many other high profile cases. In this episode, Shawn and Tim discuss the falling recruitment rates of the U.S. Military and the current outlook for the armed forces as a whole. They also discuss the weaponization of the FBI and DOJ and how the country will look post the 2024 election. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://meetfabric.com/shawn https://expressvpn.com/shawn Tim Parlatore Links: Website - https://parlatorelawgroup.com Twitter/X - https://twitter.com/timparlatore IG - https://www.instagram.com/parlatorelawgroup Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 30, 2024

    #113 Admiral Tim Gallaudet - Underwater Alien Base, UFO Psyops and Weather Weapons

    #113 Admiral Tim Gallaudet - Underwater Alien Base, UFO Psyops and Weather Weapons
    Tim Gallaudet is a retired Navy Admiral and Oceanographer. Gallaudet's afloat tours included Oceanographic Unit 5 aboard USNS Harkness, USS Peleliu, and USS Kitty Hawk. During these tours, Gallaudet served in Operations Southern Watch, Provide Promise, Sharp Guard, Deny Flight, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. He also led management of the nation’s fisheries, coastal resources and waterways, weather satellites, weather services, and environmental research as Deputy Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Today, he is the CEO of Ocean STL Consulting, a firm that is enabling public and private entities to explore USOs (unidentified submerged objects) and the ocean at large. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://shopify.com/shawn https://meetfabric.com/shawn https://ziprecruiter.com/srs https://bubsnaturals.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner Tim Gallaudet Links: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/rear-admiral-tim-gallaudet-phd-us-navy-ret-b18185149 Ocean STL Consulting - https://www.oceanstl.com X - https://x.com/gallaudettim IG - https://www.instagram.com/gallaudettim Podcast - https://www.coastalnewstoday.com/curator/adm-tim-gallaudet Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 28, 2024

    Shawn Ryan - A Memorial Day Message | SRS Special Release

    Shawn Ryan - A Memorial Day Message | SRS Special Release
    This is a special Memorial Day weekend message from Host Shawn Ryan. God Bless our fallen heroes and God Bless the United States of America. Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 24, 2024

    #112 Vivek Ramaswamy - The Truth Behind the Campaign Trail & Government Lies

    #112 Vivek Ramaswamy - The Truth Behind the Campaign Trail & Government Lies
    Vivek Ramaswamy is a former Presidential Candidate and American entrepreneur. As a Harvard graduate, he founded Roivant Sciences, a wildly successful biotech company. He also co-founded Strive Asset Management, an investment firm that positions itself in opposition to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). Vivek fought a fierce battle on the campaign trail in 2024 and has returned to the Shawn Ryan Show to share his experience and what he believes is next for America. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://shopify.com/shawn https://zippixtoothpicks.com - USE CODE "SRS" Vivek Ramaswamy Links: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vivekgramaswamy Twitter - https://twitter.com/VivekGRamaswamy Campaign - https://www.vivek2024.com Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 23, 2024

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?
    John Burke is the New York Times Bestselling author of No Perfect People Allowed, Imagine Heaven and Imagine the God of Heaven. He founded and pastored Gateway Church in Austin, Texas. He's also the president of Gateway Leadership Initiative (GLI), a nonprofit organization. As an international speaker, Burke has addressed thousands of people across more than a dozen countries. He has spent the last several years investigating and documenting the near death experiences of people from all walks of life. Burke has worked tirelessly to analyze these experiences and share the truth behind these extraordinary stories with the world. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs https://mypatriotsupply.com https://trueclassictees.com/srs https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner John Burke Links: Books - https://imagineheaven.net Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/johnburkeofficial | https://www.facebook.com/imagineheavenbook IG - https://www.instagram.com/johnburkeofficial Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 20, 2024

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