
    Podcast Summary

    • Transitioning from CJS to ESM in Node.js ecosystemESM offers better performance and easier maintenance on the server, but transitioning can be complex. Use tools like Sentry to help identify and resolve any issues that may arise.

      Transitioning from CommonJS (CJS) to ECMAScript Modules (ESM) in Node.js ecosystem is a significant shift that's becoming necessary due to breaking changes. Scott recently made this transition in his entire platform and experienced a minor issue that was easily identified and fixed using Sentry, an error and exception tracking platform. Sentry helped him quickly identify and resolve the issue, making it easier to maintain and keep track of the resolved issues. ESM has been the default import style for Wes's media platform for a long time due to his use of Meteor, which used ESM import syntax despite compiling it to CJS behind the scenes. When Wes moved his site to a Vite server with React, he went from CJS to ESM directly. For his API, he wrote it using esbuild with ESM from the start, giving him control over his environment and the ability to choose when to make the transition. ESM on the server is the preferred choice for both Scott and Wes, as it offers better performance and easier maintenance. However, the transition can be complex, and it's essential to make the change at the right time, either when making significant changes or at a later point. If you're considering making the transition, it's important to be aware of the potential challenges and have the right tools, like Sentry, to help you identify and resolve any issues that may arise.

    • Implementing ECMAScript modules for code sharingImplementing ESM can simplify code sharing between front end and back end but requires addressing differences in file extensions, settings, and potential use of TypeScript.

      The speaker implemented ECMAScript modules (ESM) in their project to eliminate common JS and experience some benefits, despite the complexity involved. ESM is a specification that allows for sharing code between the front end and back end with minimal issues. It was created by Mozilla engineer Kevin Dangor in 2009, and Node.js, which was also released around the same time, initially supported it. Although there are advantages to using ESM, such as a standardized specification, the transition can be complicated due to differences in file extensions, settings, and potential use of TypeScript. The speaker also noted that TypeScript, while adding complexity due to the need to write types, also simplifies the process in other ways. Ultimately, the decision to use ESM comes down to balancing the benefits of a standardized specification with the effort required to implement it.

    • ESM offers better performance through static analysisESM's static analysis enables improved tree shaking and easier identification of unnecessary code, leading to better performance and simpler handling of asynchronous tasks with top-level await

      ES Module (ESM) system, which is a browser specification for importing and using JavaScript modules, offers several advantages over CommonJS, including better performance through static analysis. Statically analyzed code allows the entire dependency tree to be analyzed in a single pass, leading to improved tree shaking and easier identification of unnecessary code. ESM also enables top-level await, allowing developers to use 'await' inside modules without wrapping the code in an asynchronous function. This simplifies programming and makes it easier to handle asynchronous tasks, such as importing data or initializing libraries. Additionally, the ability to use import syntax directly in an HTML script tag, without any compilation, adds a level of convenience and magic to JavaScript development. Overall, ESM's advantages, including static analysis and top-level await, make it a powerful and modern module system worth considering for JavaScript projects.

    • Error handling and logging strategiesImplementing error handling and logging strategies can improve app reliability and debugging. Consider using a queue for retries and logging for tracking issues. Use ECMAScript Modules for modern development benefits, but be aware of potential challenges.

      Implementing error handling and logging strategies can significantly improve the reliability and debugging capabilities of your applications. The speaker mentioned considering using a queue for error handling to ensure retries and prevent potential issues, such as failed credit card charges without a database connection. He also mentioned the importance of logging, suggesting a potential show on the topic, including what to log, how to log, and where to log it. Additionally, the speaker discussed the benefits of using ECMAScript Modules (ESM) in development, such as the ability to import from URLs and the support for import assertions, which allows for the importation of different file types with a specified assertion. The speaker also mentioned the challenges they faced when implementing ESM too early and the benefits of waiting for the community to catch up. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of implementing robust error handling and logging strategies and the benefits of using modern development tools like ESM.

    • Vite's raw imports make it easier to import non-JavaScript filesVite's raw imports feature simplifies handling of non-JavaScript files in ESM projects, enabling text-based imports and interoperability with CommonJS files

      Vite's raw imports feature allows developers to import files as text instead of JavaScript, making it easier to parse certain files without the need for additional Node APIs or ESLint plugins. This can be particularly useful when working with non-JavaScript files or when requiring JSON files in an ESM project. To enable this functionality, simply add "type: module" to your package.json file. Additionally, Vite supports both ESM and CommonJS files using the .mjs and .cjs extensions, respectively. This interoperability simplifies the transition to ESM and allows developers to use a mix of both in their projects.

    • Converting CJS to ESM: Challenges and SolutionsTo convert a CJS codebase to ESM, developers can use a code mod to transform require and export statements, simplifying the process. However, differences between CJS and ESM syntax may require additional adjustments.

      The shift from CommonJS (CJS) to EcmaScript Module (ESM) systems in JavaScript development comes with its challenges. One of these challenges is the inability of CJS to import ESM packages synchronously. To overcome this, developers are converting their entire codebase to ESM. This transformation can be done using a code mod that converts every require and export statement to the closest equivalent in ESM. The benefit of this approach is that it eliminates the need to change import statements and keeps the codebase simple. However, there are differences between CJS and ESM syntax, which may require additional adjustments. During the conversion process, developers might encounter unexpected issues, such as finding long strings of semicolons in chunk files or source maps. These semicolons are part of the import map, which is a mechanism for resolving module references in ESM. The import map uses pointers and references to lines of code, and the number of semicolons does not affect the file size significantly due to compression techniques like gzip. ESM is becoming increasingly popular, with many popular libraries and frameworks, such as Sindre's stuff and the MDX ecosystem, adopting ESM only. This trend is forcing developers to make the switch to ESM, even if it means converting their entire codebase. The process can be simplified by using a code mod and understanding the differences between CJS and ESM syntax.

    • Understanding the difference between Common JS and ESM imports in Vite and TypeScriptBe explicit with file imports in Vite and TypeScript, even if it means adding unnecessary file extensions for smooth development experience.

      In Common JS, the resolver looks for specific file structures when importing modules, while ESM (ES Module) is more explicit and only looks for the import name. The speaker was initially confused about the difference, especially with Vite, and found that they had to be explicit with file extensions when importing in both Vite and TypeScript. This was a change from their previous experience with ES Build where they didn't need to use file extensions. The speaker also discussed using Node.js with Vite and the need to give it all inputs to compile all files, while Vite typically requires a single input. The speaker had to add a dotjs extension to their imports when using TypeScript, which they found frustrating since they were working with TypeScript files, not JavaScript files. To resolve this issue, there is a flag called "ES module specifier resolution equals node" that can be used with Node.js to make it behave like Common JS with ESM. The speaker also pondered the idea of sharing code between the front end and back end and how we often love standards until they become inconvenient. Overall, the speaker's main takeaway was the importance of being explicit in file imports, even if it means adding unnecessary file extensions.

    • Differences between CommonJS and ESM imports and exportsCommonJS uses both default and named exports, while ESM primarily uses named imports. Importing an object with multiple properties from a CommonJS module in ESM requires destructuring the entire object.

      When working with imports and exports in JavaScript, there are differences between CommonJS and EcmaScript Module (ESM) systems that can lead to confusion. CommonJS uses both default and named exports, while ESM primarily uses named imports. However, importing an object with multiple properties from a CommonJS module can be problematic when using ESM, as only the entire object can be imported, not individual properties. To work around this, the entire object must be imported and then destructured. Additionally, in ESM, there is no automatic access to the directory name or file name like in CommonJS, so these must be imported separately. While these differences can be frustrating, tools like TypeScript can help simplify the process with features like "allow synthetic default imports" and "Node.js interop." Overall, understanding these differences and how to navigate them is crucial for working effectively with JavaScript modules.

    • Transitioning from CommonJS to ES Modules with TypeScriptEnsure tsconfig.json includes 'moduleResolution': {'nodeNext': true} for ESM code generation. Understand syntax differences and potential refactoring needs. Utilize tools like Node.ts, SWC, ES Build, or simplified build scripts with Node Vite for a smoother transition.

      Transitioning from CommonJS to ES Module (ESM) syntax in JavaScript projects, especially when using TypeScript, requires careful consideration and potential refactoring. While ESM offers benefits like top-level await and importing modules directly, converting existing projects can be complex. To simplify the process, ensure your TypeScript configuration (tsconfig.json) includes the "moduleResolution": { "nodeNext": true } setting to generate ESM code. Also, understand that some features, like exporting objects with properties, may require different syntaxes, such as the "export =" syntax for CommonJS modules. TypeScript's ability to interoperate with both CommonJS and ESM makes it a valuable tool in these transitions. However, it may uncover bugs and require refactoring for simpler, more efficient solutions. When building and transpiling your projects, you have several options, including Node.js with TypeScript (Node.ts), SWC, and ES Build. Newer tools like Node Vite offer simplified build scripts and configurations, making the process more streamlined. In summary, transitioning from CommonJS to ESM with TypeScript involves careful planning, understanding of syntax differences, and potential refactoring. Utilizing the right tools and configurations can make the process more manageable and efficient.

    • Simplified testing and development experiences with Vite, vTest, and ViteNoteVite and related projects offer streamlined testing and development for modern JavaScript projects with features like test-driven development, ESM and TypeScript support, and simplified publishing with unique exports.

      Vite and its related projects, such as vTest and ViteNote, offer simplified testing and development experiences for modern JavaScript projects. The speaker shared their experience of using vTest for test-driven development, which allowed them to write tests easily without having to deal with complex setup or configuration issues. They also mentioned ViteNote, which offers out-of-the-box ESM and TypeScript support, pipeline plugins, and access to native Node modules. The speaker also discussed the benefits of using TypeScript with Vite, which can be used as a replacement for Node.js by using tsx files. They noted that importing common JS dependencies into ESM is straightforward, even for older modules that haven't been updated to ESM. Another interesting topic was publishing with ESM, which allows for specifying different exports with unique paths in the package.json file. This simplifies the process of exporting multiple modules from a single file and can make managing dependencies easier. Overall, the discussion highlighted the ease of use and flexibility that Vite and its related projects offer for modern JavaScript development.

    • Using ESM for Flexible Import and Export ConfigurationsESM allows for multiple exports with different targets, simplifying import and export configurations, and Vite makes it easier to ship code with good documentation and tools.

      With ECMAScript Modules (ESM) in JavaScript, you can have multiple exports from a single package that point to different things, allowing for more flexibility in coding and mapping imports. This means you can have node code and browser code exported separately without having to compile them into one main export. Additionally, you can import specific files using an import property within an object value of the same export. This feature makes it easier to have more complex import and export configurations. Vite, a platform that supports ESM, simplifies the process of shipping code and provides good documentation on how to do it. By shipping both a CommonJS and a MJS version, developers can ensure a good experience for users, regardless of their setup. SvelteKit, a framework built on Vite, even includes a package command that generates exports for you, making it easier to learn the syntax. Remember, when publishing a package with types, the types need to be the first thing in your exports to ensure TypeScript can find them properly.

    • Managing JavaScript modules: CommonJS vs ES ModuleUnderstand the implications and transition fully to ES Module for smoother development. Import ESM into CommonJS with 'import' statement or destructuring, and be aware of top-level await limitations in CommonJS.

      When working with different JavaScript modules systems like CommonJS and ES Module (ESM), the order and structure matter, especially for types. This was discussed in relation to importing ESM modules into CommonJS files and encountering the need to access default exports using 'default' or destructuring. The speaker also emphasized the challenges of trying to use both structures simultaneously and recommended fully transitioning to ESM for smoother development. Another point raised was the importance of understanding the implications of using different JavaScript features, such as top-level await, which may not be supported in CommonJS. The conversation also touched on the current high cost of eggs in various places, leading to the introduction of an egg dispenser as a "sick pick." However, the main emphasis was on the importance of correctly managing JavaScript modules and their structures to avoid potential issues.

    • Egg Dispenser: A Space-Saving Solution for the FridgeThe egg dispenser optimizes refrigerator space with its multiple levels and roll-out feature, making it easy to access and store eggs while also creating extra room for other items. Film enthusiasts can discover obscure films and learn about film history and theory from industry professionals through the Pure Cinema podcast.

      The egg dispenser is a game-changer for optimizing space in the refrigerator. The user shares their frustration with the standard egg storage compartment and the inconvenience of having to move items around every time they need an egg. The egg dispenser, with its multiple levels and roll-out feature, allows users to store and easily access eggs while also providing extra space for other items. The user also expresses their excitement about the Pure Cinema podcast, which they find to be an excellent resource for discovering obscure films and learning about film history and theory from industry professionals. The podcast caters to film enthusiasts and provides a unique perspective for those interested in exploring lesser-known films and directors.

    • Sharing Knowledge and Discovering New ThingsEmbrace lifelong learning, discover new trends and obscure gems in your areas of interest, and share your knowledge and experiences with others.

      Even if someone has extensive knowledge about a particular topic, like film or coding, they can still feel intimidated or uncertain when encountering new information or discussions related to it. The speaker in this conversation expresses her fear of not keeping up with the latest trends in Halloween movies and JavaScript technologies, despite her deep interest and expertise in these areas. She also shares her tradition of watching 1980s Halloween movies every year with her partner, highlighting the joy and excitement of discovering new, obscure films that fit the theme. Furthermore, the speaker promotes various courses and resources for learning JavaScript and TypeScript, emphasizing the importance of having type-safe applications and the benefits of using these technologies. She encourages listeners to check out her website, Westboss.com, and Level Up Tube for more information and discounts on courses. Overall, this conversation showcases the importance of lifelong learning, the value of sharing knowledge and experiences, and the excitement of discovering new things, even in areas where one already has a strong foundation of knowledge.

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    "Creative accounting might be frowned upon but creative thinking - innovation - is not. Creativity is a muscle in the brain and requires exercise".

    Your December podcasts are inspired by our "Human Intelligence"-themed work around the world. This episode features Heather Wright, an international facilitator 20 years into a mission to learn as much as she can about the psychology of influence over our own thinking as well as with those around us. She tells AICPA & CIMA's Samantha Louis, VP for International Advocacy, how we can use it to everyone’s advantage, to convert it to usable, teachable material that changes the lives of others. 



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    Heather is Director of Advance Performance, a UK-based company she set up 20 years ago. She is an inspirational speaker and facilitator delivering speeches and workshops to public services and large multinational companies in the UK, Europe,  Central America and Australia.  A keen sportswoman, she is on a mission to help people understand and use positive behavioural change to transform what we do and how we work - for the better.



    • Starting simply with the routines we already have.
    • Ways to use those routines to achieve better outcomes.
    • Approaches to using technology more appropriately as a 'booster', to direct us rather than distract us.
    • How to exercise our 'creativity and innovation' muscles.
    • The positive power of 'what if'.
    • What teams can do to foster this as an asset inside their organisations.





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    * See the Go Beyond Disruption Homepage at https://www.aicpa-cima.com/disruption.html.

    * Find out more about Heather Wright at https://www.advance-performance.co.uk/people/heather-wright/

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