
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Bun, the new JavaScript runtime and development environmentBun is a new JavaScript runtime and development environment that offers faster performance and a more streamlined development experience as a package manager and bundler. FreshBooks, a cloud accounting software, and LightStep Incident Response, an all-in-one incident response platform, are valuable tools for businesses using Bun.

      Bun is a new JavaScript runtime and development environment that's gaining popularity in the tech industry. It's sponsored by two companies in this episode: FreshBooks and LightStep Incident Response. FreshBooks is a cloud accounting software that helps businesses get paid faster and manage their finances more efficiently. LightStep Incident Response is an all-in-one incident response platform for DevOps and SRE teams, offering intelligent on-call scheduling, escalations, and alert grouping with machine learning. During the discussion, Wes and Scott expressed their excitement about Bun, which they consider the latest and greatest in the JavaScript world. Bun is not just a runtime but also a package manager and a bundler. It's designed to be faster than other popular JavaScript runtimes like Node.js, and it offers a more streamlined development experience. FreshBooks was praised for its ease of use and features, such as online payment processing, late payment reminders, and integration with various accounting tools. LightStep Incident Response was highlighted for its ability to reduce incident response time and noise, as well as its scalability and integration with various communication tools. In summary, Bun is a new and promising JavaScript development environment, and FreshBooks and LightStep Incident Response are valuable tools for businesses looking to streamline their accounting and incident response processes, respectively.

    • New JavaScript environment Bun offers improved performance and a complete toolsetBun is a new JavaScript environment that focuses on high performance and provides a complete toolset including a package manager, TypeScript transpiler, bundler, and test runner, aiming to complement Node.js and offer improved TypeScript integration, bundling, and faster package installs

      A new JavaScript environment called Bun is gaining momentum with its focus on high performance and aiming to provide a complete toolset including a package manager, TypeScript transpiler, bundler, and test runner. Bun is not intended to replace Node.js but rather complement it, especially as we move towards more serverless and edge functions. With Bun, developers will benefit from improved TypeScript integration, bundling, and faster package installs. It seems to be an all-encompassing solution, incorporating popular web APIs like Node.js and providing a more streamlined experience. It will be interesting to see how Bun compares to other solutions like PNPM and how it handles workspaces and monorepos. Overall, Bun's promise of better performance and built-in features is an exciting development for the JavaScript ecosystem.

    • BUN: A new Node.js runtime with 'batteries included' featuresBUN is a new Node.js runtime with built-in support for fetch, dotenv, TypeScript, and JSX using the fast and readable Zig programming language, allowing for efficient development and eliminating the need for additional frameworks like Express in many cases.

      BUN, a new Node.js runtime, offers "batteries included" features such as built-in support for popular tools like fetch, dotenv, TypeScript, and JSX, making development easier and more efficient. BUN is built using the Zig programming language, which is known for its speed and readability, adding to BUN's overall appeal. Another advantage is the ability to run a web server directly from BUN, eliminating the need for additional frameworks like Express in many cases. This alignment with web standards and modern development practices makes BUN an attractive alternative to traditional Node.js runtimes.

    • Introducing BUN: A new JavaScript web server engineBUN is a new, faster JavaScript web server engine that supports Node APIs and can save time and potentially improve performance with its shorter command and active community support for popular frameworks

      BUN is a new scripting engine that allows you to create and run web servers using JavaScript, and it's gaining popularity due to its simplicity and potential performance improvements. You can use it today by installing it and replacing the "node" command with "bun" in your terminal. BUN supports the Node API (nAPI) for accessing native modules, and it currently supports Node's FS and Path APIs. Although some APIs like crypto and process are not implemented yet, the community is actively working on adding support for them. By using BUN instead of Node, you can save time with the shorter command and potentially experience faster performance. The fact that there are already adapters for popular frameworks like Sveltekit and Next.js further demonstrates BUN's versatility and potential for real-world use. Overall, BUN is a promising new tool for JavaScript developers, and it's worth considering as an alternative to Node for your next project.

    • Exploring Chihuahua JS: A New Node.js RuntimeChihuahua JS is a new Node.js runtime with long-term goals to support various environments and module types, but currently lacks some features like web streams and TypeScript decorators.

      The JavaScript ecosystem is evolving, with new runtimes and server-side JavaScript becoming more common. One specific example is Chihuahua JS, which uses Node.js native API and currently doesn't support all features, but long-term goals include supporting various environments and module types like Common JS and ESM. Notable missing features include web streams via fetch API and HTML Rewriter, web socket server, and TypeScript decorators. Chihuahua JS also uses a TOML config file instead of the more common YAML. HTML Rewriter, a Cloudflare Worker feature for intercepting and rewriting requests, is not yet supported but could be a future addition. The ecosystem's growth and diversity bring new possibilities and challenges, requiring developers to stay informed and adapt.

    • Deno uses TOML for configuration files instead of updated JSONDeno, a new JavaScript runtime, offers advantages like support for comments and no need for trailing commas in TOML, and includes TypeScript, JSX, SQLite, and JavaScript runtime.

      The creators of Deno, a new JavaScript runtime, opted for using TOML for configuration files instead of an updated version of JSON, such as JSON 5. The reason for this choice might be due to TOML's advantages, like the ability to include comments and not requiring trailing commas. Additionally, Deno's roadmap is publicly available, providing transparency into the project's progress and future plans. Deno also supports SQLite, which allows for local database storage without the need for an external server. This comprehensive environment, which includes TypeScript, JSX, and JavaScript runtime, seems to be a promising alternative to existing JavaScript runtimes. Some might question the need for another JavaScript environment, given the current landscape's complexity and potential incompatibilities. However, the creators of Deno believe that the potential benefits, such as improved speed, are worth the effort. With Deno's growing popularity and the range of features it offers, it's likely that we'll be hearing more about this project in the future.

    • A new tool for streamlined JavaScript developmentBun is a new tool that offers package management, testing, and bundling for client and server-side JavaScript projects, filling in gaps and delivering impressive performance gains

      Bun is a new tool for the JavaScript ecosystem that aims to streamline the development experience for both client and server-side JavaScript projects. Created by Jared Sumner, Bun seems to address the frustration with the current platform's lack of built-in tools for package management, testing, and bundling. By providing these features, Bun allows developers to focus on their code and not worry about constantly changing tools for performance gains. The emergence of Bun is a significant vote of confidence for JavaScript on the server and for web standards, as it implements standard APIs instead of rolling out its own. Overall, Bun represents a step forward in filling in the gaps and taking control over the entire application build process, while also delivering impressive performance gains. If you're interested in trying it out, be sure to check out the links in the show notes.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
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    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
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    • 43:52 Async Local Storage API.
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    Your December podcasts are inspired by our "Human Intelligence"-themed work around the world. This episode features Heather Wright, an international facilitator 20 years into a mission to learn as much as she can about the psychology of influence over our own thinking as well as with those around us. She tells AICPA & CIMA's Samantha Louis, VP for International Advocacy, how we can use it to everyone’s advantage, to convert it to usable, teachable material that changes the lives of others. 



    As the workplace changes, we’ll find ourselves partnering with robots and artificial intelligence which will make our human skills even more valuable. In this eBook, you’ll find practical guidance from more than a dozen experts on problem-solving, leadership, emotional intelligence and workplace dynamics to start you on your development journey. Fill out the form here to receive your eBook instantly.



    Heather is Director of Advance Performance, a UK-based company she set up 20 years ago. She is an inspirational speaker and facilitator delivering speeches and workshops to public services and large multinational companies in the UK, Europe,  Central America and Australia.  A keen sportswoman, she is on a mission to help people understand and use positive behavioural change to transform what we do and how we work - for the better.



    • Starting simply with the routines we already have.
    • Ways to use those routines to achieve better outcomes.
    • Approaches to using technology more appropriately as a 'booster', to direct us rather than distract us.
    • How to exercise our 'creativity and innovation' muscles.
    • The positive power of 'what if'.
    • What teams can do to foster this as an asset inside their organisations.





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    * See the Go Beyond Disruption Homepage at https://www.aicpa-cima.com/disruption.html.

    * Find out more about Heather Wright at https://www.advance-performance.co.uk/people/heather-wright/

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