
    Podcast Summary

    • Urban food deserts are intentionalOne person can make a difference by growing food in empty urban spaces, disrupting the system and leading to positive change.

      According to Ron Finley, the lack of access to fresh food in urban neighborhoods is not a coincidence but a deliberate design to keep communities impoverished and reliant on unhealthy options. He believes that the food system is a form of control, and the prevalence of fast food restaurants and poor quality school food is not coincidental but a way to exploit these communities for profit. Finley's message is that one person with a vision can make a difference, and the simple act of growing food in empty spaces can disrupt the system and lead to positive change. Despite facing legal challenges and opposition, Finley's determination and passion for gardening have taken him from South Central to international stages, inspiring others to do the same.

    • From Penalty to Progress: Turning Adversity into OpportunityAdversity can inspire positive change, like turning urban vacant lots into community gardens, but big corporations and industries can pose challenges. Embrace adversity and use haters' energy to fuel progress.

      Adversity can lead to positive change. The speaker shares his experience of being penalized for gardening in a vacant lot, which eventually led to the creation of a law allowing community gardening. This incident brought attention to the issue of urban vacant lots and the potential for food production, inspiring the development of community gardens and reducing the need for frequent supermarket visits. However, the speaker acknowledges the influence of big corporations and industries on food production and distribution. Despite the challenges, the speaker encourages embracing haters and using their energy to fuel positive change.

    • Water Waste in Los Angeles: A Long-Standing IssueDespite droughts and water scarcity, Los Angeles continues to waste water on golf courses and bottled water, while neglecting rainwater collection and wastewater treatment. Corporate interests hinder sustainable solutions.

      The water crisis in Los Angeles and the excessive use of water, particularly for golf courses, is a long-standing issue that could have been addressed decades ago. The amount of water wasted while people go without is concerning, especially during droughts. Instead of collecting rainwater and treating wastewater, the focus has been on golf courses and bottled water, which is expensive and often comes from far away. The speaker also raises concerns about the addition of fluoride to the water supply, citing potential health risks. The systemic issues at play, including corporations benefiting from the status quo, make it difficult for sustainable solutions to be prioritized.

    • War on drugs driven by money and power, not scienceThe war on drugs is fueled by financial interests and political power, not concern for public safety or scientific evidence.

      The war on drugs, particularly marijuana, is driven by money and power, not science or public safety. The speaker shares anecdotes about growing bananas in areas where it's supposedly impossible, the difficulty of growing cocaine in the United States, and the irony of prescription drugs being legal while marijuana remains illegal. He also discusses the lack of education on nutrition among doctors and the importance of proper nutrition for overall health. The speaker argues that the current system is designed to keep people reliant on pharmaceutical drugs and corporations, rather than promoting natural methods of healing and self-sufficiency.

    • Understanding the Impact of Food, Soil, and Air on HealthNeglecting the quality of food and air can lead to health issues including cancer. Prioritize good nutrition, clean air, and a connection to nature for a healthier life.

      The quality of the food we consume and the air we breathe significantly impacts our health. Poor nutrition and compromised air can lead to various health issues, including cancer. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the connection between food, soil, and air, and how they all contribute to our overall wellbeing. He also highlights the often overlooked importance of air in our lives and the consequences of neglecting it. The speaker's anecdotes about polluted cities and the use of gas masks illustrate the potential health hazards of poor air quality. Ultimately, the speaker encourages us to appreciate and prioritize the fundamental elements of our existence - food, air, and the connection to nature - for a healthier and more fulfilling life.

    • Contrast between Mexico's pollution and LA's lack of fresh foodSpeaker was shocked by unnatural food additives and lack of transparency, advocating for whole, natural foods and label reading.

      The speaker was struck by the contrast between the pollution and gridlock in Mexico, which seemed normal to the locals, and the lack of access to fresh, healthy food in his own neighborhood in South Central LA. This experience led him to start growing his own food and advocating for healthier options. The speaker was particularly shocked by the use of preservatives like shellac on tomatoes, which he had never encountered before. He believes that these unnatural additives and the lack of transparency around their use are harmful and wants to raise awareness about the importance of reading food labels and eating whole, natural foods.

    • Impacts of Corn Production on Food System and HealthCorn subsidies, genetically modification, and widespread use in animal feed, biofuels, and processed foods negatively impact our health and the environment, highlighting the importance of consuming whole, natural foods.

      The production and consumption of corn, which is subsidized by the government and often genetically modified, has significant impacts on our food system and health. Corn is used not only for human consumption but also for animal feed and biofuels, leading to unhealthy livestock and unnecessary added fats in our diets. Additionally, the focus on corn production has led to the degradation of soil health and the loss of natural grazing lands for animals. The speaker emphasizes the importance of eating real, whole foods, such as wild game, and avoiding processed foods that contain corn and other unhealthy additives.

    • Experiences of Hunting Geese and Mule DeerHunting requires careful planning, ethical kills, and respect for nature. It provides meat and upholds cultural traditions, but raises ethical questions.

      Hunting involves careful planning, adherence to regulations, and respect for the natural world. The speaker shared experiences of hunting geese in Canada and mule deer in Montana, emphasizing the importance of stalking the animals, ensuring ethical kills, and dealing with the logistics of transporting the meat back home. He also discussed the challenges of hunting larger animals like bears, requiring accuracy, practice, and safety considerations. Throughout the conversation, the speaker highlighted the significance of the hunt for the meat and the cultural traditions associated with it. However, he acknowledged that hunting is not for everyone and that it raises ethical questions about fairness and the treatment of animals.

    • Connecting to Nature through HuntingHunting wild game is a natural, healthy, and sustainable way to obtain food, providing a connection to nature and appreciation for the ecosystem and its essential creatures.

      Hunting and consuming wild game, such as moose and bears, is a natural and healthy way to obtain food. These animals are a significant part of nature and are essential for the ecosystem. Hunting them is a long-standing tradition that has been practiced for thousands of years. The meat from these animals is not only delicious but also healthier than store-bought meat. Hunters take pride in the process of butchering the animals and using every part of them. The idea of letting the meat go to waste is not a consideration, as animals in the wild will consume the remains. The speaker encourages a connection to the source of food and the appreciation for the natural world.

    • Living in Harmony with Nature's CycleRespect the natural order, utilize every part of animals, and live sustainably by consuming meat from animals that live close to their natural state.

      The natural cycle of life, from predator to prey and back again, is an enormous and continuous process. The speaker advocates for making the most of this cycle by utilizing every part of the animal and living as sustainably as possible. He shares his experiences hunting wild animals, like buffalo and wild Mexican buffalo, and keeping chickens in his backyard. The importance of respecting the natural order and the health benefits of consuming meat from animals that live as close to their natural state as possible are key themes in the conversation. However, the speaker acknowledges the challenges of accessing truly wild game in a world with a large human population, and the need for regulations to ensure the sustainability of wildlife populations. The speaker's personal experiences and passion for living in harmony with nature highlight the importance of appreciating the natural world and the role we play in it.

    • The Role of Testosterone in Desire for Power and ControlTestosterone influences our desire for power and control, leading to structures and weapons. Ethical concerns arise in factory farming and mass food production, prompting a call for self-sufficiency and awareness of corporate influence.

      Testosterone plays a significant role in the desire for power and control, leading to the construction of tall buildings, strong fences, and powerful weapons. The speaker shares an anecdote about a rooster and a concrete rooster, illustrating the concept of dominance and submission. However, the conversation shifts to the ethical concerns of factory farming and the mass production of food. The speaker expresses a desire for self-sufficiency and growing one's own food, but acknowledges the challenges faced by those living in apartments or urban areas. The conversation touches on the influence of special interest groups, lobbyists, and corporations in shaping food production and regulations. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the complexities and ethical dilemmas surrounding power, control, and food production.

    • Discussing societal trends and their potential backlashSocietal trends, like large car rims and celebrity endorsements, can lead to backlash. Women's potential for effective presidency and Cajun food's unique appeal were also discussed.

      Societal trends, such as the popularity of large rims on cars and the endorsement of questionable products by celebrities, can go too far and eventually be met with backlash. Dr. Oz's musings about desiring a simple Mercedes and the subsequent discussion about the excesses of the past touched on this theme. The conversation also explored the idea that women could make effective presidents due to their tendency towards peace, with references to Sarah Palin and Tina Fey. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the allure of Cajun food and the unique flavors found in Louisiana.

    • Jet Engine Clouds vs. Chemtrail Conspiracy TheoriesJet engine clouds are a natural phenomenon, debunking chemtrail conspiracy theories. The government has conducted experiments with releasing substances into the atmosphere, but these are distinct from chemtrail claims.

      The phenomena often referred to as "chemtrails" are not a result of government conspiracy but rather natural clouds formed by jet engines interacting with condensation in the atmosphere. The speaker emphasizes that this is a scientifically documented fact and encourages skepticism towards unproven theories. However, the speaker also acknowledges that the government has indeed conducted experiments with releasing substances into the atmosphere, such as during the Cold War, but these instances are distinct from the chemtrail conspiracy theories. The speaker expresses frustration with how such theories undermine public trust and dismiss legitimate scientific evidence.

    • Criticizing Modern Urban Living ConditionsThe speaker raises concerns about the presence of harmful substances like aluminum in natural dirt, the negative health effects of jet fuel burning at high altitudes, brake dust, living near freeways, and urban construction projects' disregard for natural resources.

      Our modern urban living conditions may not be as healthy as we think. The speaker in this conversation discussed the presence of "sludge" in a test, which turned out to be natural dirt containing aluminum. He then went on to criticize the burning of jet fuel at high altitudes and the harmful effects of brake dust. The speaker argued that these are real "chem trails" that people should be concerned about, rather than focusing on conspiracy theories. He also pointed out the negative health effects of living in close proximity to freeways and the lack of consideration for natural resources in urban construction projects. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of prioritizing health and well-being in the design of our living environments.

    • Connecting with nature in urban environmentsUrban gardens bring air filtration, community interaction, and unexpected wildlife encounters, fostering a deeper appreciation for nature.

      Creating a meaningful connection with nature, whether it's through growing plants or observing wildlife, can bring unexpected joys and benefits. The speaker shares how his urban garden not only filters the air but also fosters interactions with diverse people and creatures. He finds delight in the simple pleasures of observing hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees, as well as the unexpected encounters with raccoons and even a possum. These experiences bring him a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural world, even in an urban environment. The speaker also acknowledges the appeal of both urban and rural living, recognizing the unique advantages of each. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of nurturing a relationship with nature, no matter where one lives.

    • Learning from Nature's ProcessesEmulate natural processes like composting and decomposition to reduce waste and minimize environmental impact, while preserving and respecting the interconnectedness of all natural elements.

      Human beings have been causing significant damage to the natural world for only a short period of time, yet the impact has been immense. From overfishing and plastic pollution to deforestation and waste, we have been wasting resources and disrupting natural cycles. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning from nature and emulating its processes, such as composting and the natural decomposition of leaves, which create nutrient-rich soil. The speaker also highlights the interconnectedness of all elements in nature and the importance of preserving and respecting it. The circular nature of natural processes, where nothing truly dies but instead transforms, is a powerful reminder of the importance of sustainable practices. By learning from and emulating nature, we can reduce waste, minimize our impact on the environment, and create a more sustainable future.

    • Growing food in closed systems like aquaponics and hydroponics can be self-reliant, sustainable, and gangster.Setting up a closed food system in your home using methods like aquaponics and hydroponics can provide self-sufficiency, sustainability, and a way to take control of your life, even in urban areas.

      Growing your own food through methods like aquaponics and hydroponics in a closed system can be self-reliant, sustainable, and even gangster. My friend Jason's experience of setting up such a system in his basement and growing plants using fish waste as nutrients is a testament to this. Although the flavor might not be exactly the same as soil-grown produce, it's a viable solution that's better than relying on supermarkets. Ron Finley, a TED speaker, advocates for this approach as a way to help people escape from the cycle of violence and poverty often glorified in rap music. He believes that growing your own food is a powerful way to take control of your life and step away from societal systems. The idea of urban gardening may not be new, but Ron's public advocacy for it has inspired many, especially during times of economic hardship. The story of how Ron came to TED's attention is an interesting one, with a chance encounter leading to a life-changing opportunity.

    • Unexpected opportunities from authenticityAuthenticity and perseverance can lead to unexpected opportunities. Stay true to yourself, even when nervous or underprepared.

      Perseverance and authenticity can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker, Ryan, was discovered through a random video and was invited to speak at TED after being encouraged by a friend. Despite feeling nervous and underprepared, he went on to deliver a successful speech and receive a standing ovation. This experience changed his life and reinforced the importance of staying true to oneself, even in the face of adversity. The speaker's unique perspective and authentic delivery resonated with the audience, reminding us that being true to ourselves is essential for making an impact in the world.

    • Embrace authenticity and real ideasRon Finley's raw approach to speaking resonated with audiences, emphasizing the importance of being valued and compensated fairly for expertise.

      Being authentic and true to oneself resonates deeply with people. Ron Finley's raw and refreshing approach to speaking at conferences left a lasting impact on audiences, as he encouraged them to let go of pretentiousness and embrace real, actionable ideas. His experiences highlight the importance of being valued and compensated fairly for one's time and expertise. Despite encountering instances where he was expected to work for free or with minimal compensation, Ron continued to stand firm on his worth and value. His authenticity and relatable message struck a chord with many, leading to standing ovations and meaningful connections.

    • Speakers deserve fair compensationArtists and speakers should be paid for their time and expertise at events, not just offered passes as compensation.

      Artists and speakers should be fairly compensated for their time and expertise at events, especially large, profitable festivals like South by Southwest. Ron Finley, a speaker at the event, shared his experience of being offered a gold pass worth $1,200 in lieu of a speaking fee. Finley humorously expressed his disappointment and highlighted the hypocrisy of expecting recognition and talent for free while the event itself generates significant revenue. He encouraged event organizers to provide fair compensation, both financial and in exposure, to those who contribute to the success of the event. Finley's message serves as a reminder that artists and speakers deserve respect and compensation for their valuable contributions.

    • Artists and Speakers Deserve Fair CompensationArtists and speakers should be fairly compensated for their work, regardless of whether the event is for-profit or non-profit. Undervaluing their time and expertise can lead to frustration and a lack of motivation to share valuable insights.

      Artists and speakers should be fairly compensated for their work, especially when organizations charge money for attendance. The speaker in this conversation expressed frustration with being undervalued and not being paid for their time and expertise at certain events. They compared the situation to being a famous figure whose value is not recognized by others, even when they have something important to share. The speaker also criticized the idea that non-profit work should not be compensated, and highlighted instances where organizations were making profits while paying their workers very little. They emphasized the importance of recognizing and valuing the work of individuals, especially when it is being shared with a large audience.

    • The power of ideas to inspire changeIdeas shared through platforms like TED have the power to inspire individuals to take action and make a difference in their communities, leading to significant change.

      The impact of ideas, particularly those shared through platforms like TED, can be profound and far-reaching. Ron Finley's talk about urban gardening, for example, has inspired individuals around the world to take action and make a difference in their own communities. The ripple effect of these ideas can lead to significant change, even in unexpected places. Additionally, the accessibility of information and the ability to connect with others, regardless of physical location, has the power to foster a sense of community and shared purpose. The importance of taking action and being engaged in one's own life, rather than being passive consumers, is a recurring theme. The idea that we all have the power to make a difference, no matter how small, is a powerful one. It's a reminder that each of us has the potential to make a positive impact on the world, and that the actions we take, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can have a ripple effect that touches many lives.

    • The Self-Sufficiency and Healthy Living MovementPeople are prioritizing self-sufficiency and healthy living through exercises, food choices, and community building, fueled by the internet and podcasts.

      There's a growing movement towards self-sufficiency and healthy living, as people come to the realization that the ways of their parents may not be the most beneficial for their health and wellbeing. This movement is seen in the popularity of exercises like deadlifts and squats, the preference for grass-fed beef and organic vegetables, and the trend towards growing one's own food. The internet and podcasts like this one play a role in spreading this information, allowing for community building and partnerships without the need for monetary exchange. The simplicity and importance of community and caring for one another are emphasized, as a means to create safety and counteract the alienation of modern, densely populated areas.

    • Discovering joy and connection through community gardeningCommunity gardening offers personal growth and improved food quality through the joy of nurturing plants and discovering new flavors, contrasting the loss of flavor and nutrition in mass-produced food due to industrialization.

      Focusing on community gardening can lead to deeper connections and a greater sense of fulfillment beyond just growing food. The speaker emphasizes the value of being involved in the growing process and the lessons that come from it, such as the joy of nurturing plants and the discovery of new flavors. However, if people are not exposed to this experience, they may miss out on these benefits and end up consuming processed, flavorless food. The industrialization of agriculture, aimed at maximizing profits, contributes to the loss of flavor and nutrition in mass-produced food. The speaker encourages a shift towards community gardening and reconnecting with the natural growing process for personal growth and improved food quality.

    • Embracing self-sufficiency and sustainable livingPeople can find a sense of connection to the earth and personal growth through self-sufficiency and sustainable living, but it's important to maintain perspective and not let negative comments hinder progress.

      People's apathy towards regulations and the accessibility of growing one's own food can lead to a sense of self-sufficiency and connection to the earth. The speaker's charismatic approach to this topic has resonated with many, leading to a widespread interest in sustainable living. However, the ease of online communication can also lead to unnecessary criticism and misunderstandings, making it essential to maintain perspective and not let negative comments affect one's goals. Ultimately, the power to create positive change lies within each individual, and embracing this mindset can lead to personal growth and a deeper connection to the world around us.

    • Navigating activism's challengesMaintain self-sovereignty, focus on personal progress amidst bureaucracy and overwhelming opinions online.

      Navigating the world of activism and social change can be a challenging and complex process. The speaker expresses frustration with the bureaucracy and red tape that can hinder progress, as well as the overwhelming number of voices and opinions that can be difficult to sift through online. However, they also emphasize the importance of personal sovereignty and maintaining a strong sense of self in the face of criticism and negativity. Ultimately, the speaker encourages focusing on one's own actions and progress, rather than getting bogged down in the criticisms and negativity of others.

    • Understanding individuality and personal choicesIt's crucial to respect individuals' freedom to express themselves and make choices, recognizing that everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses, and avoiding limiting judgments and labels to promote progress and inclusivity.

      People have a natural inclination to categorize and label, but it's essential to remember that individuals have the freedom to express themselves and make choices that may not align with societal norms or expectations. The discussion touched upon the complexities of body image, sexism, and exploitation, highlighting that it's crucial to consider the intentions and consent of those involved. Moreover, people's judgments and labels can limit growth and progress, as everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses. Progressiveness is not about being stuck in the past or adhering to specific labels but rather moving towards a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable future.

    • Addressing police misconduct and illegal activitiesAccountability and transparency are vital for addressing police misconduct and illegal activities. Violating trust by disarming body cameras is a clear violation of the law. The illegalization of certain substances can lead to more harm than good. Personal choices should be a matter of individual freedom, not government control.

      Accountability and transparency are crucial in addressing issues of police misconduct and illegal activities. The disarming of body cameras by officers to hide their actions is a clear violation of trust and the law. The illegalization of certain substances, such as drugs, can lead to more harm than good, including increased violence and criminal activity. Personal choices, whether it's consuming coffee or using drugs, should be a matter of individual freedom, as long as they don't harm others. Ultimately, it's essential to have open discussions and challenge the status quo to create a more just and equitable society.

    • Appreciating the Origin and Authenticity of ProductsQuestion labels, value direct relationships between farmers and roasters, and understand the complex backgrounds of products and people.

      The origin and authenticity of products, such as coffee, matter to the speaker. He appreciates the direct relationship between farmers and roasters, as seen in his friend's single source coffee company. He also believes that labels like "native" should be questioned and that the provenance of things is not always as clear-cut as it seems. The speaker also touches upon the complexities of borders and migration, noting the nuances and misconceptions that can exist regarding them. Overall, the importance of understanding the backgrounds of things, whether it be coffee or people, is a recurring theme in the conversation.

    • Perceptions of safety and danger change over time and placeNature always adapts and transforms abandoned structures, but humans must be mindful of their impact on the planet, as perceptions of safety and danger can shift.

      Perceptions of safety and danger can change over time and place. What once seemed safe and inviting, like Mexico in 2004, can later be perceived as dangerous, while places with high crime rates, like Chicago, can be overlooked. Nature's ability to reclaim and adapt was also a theme, with examples from Detroit and Chernobyl showing how it can transform abandoned structures into new habitats. The speaker emphasized that nature always wins and that humans need to be mindful of the impact they have on the planet. The speaker's anecdotes about the mushrooms growing in ants and the potential danger of eating them served as a reminder of the unpredictability and power of nature.

    • Ants: Small but Mighty Creatures with Complex Social StructuresAnts are intelligent, social creatures with advanced communication skills, intricate social structures, and symbiotic relationships. They impact their environment significantly despite their small size.

      Ants are incredibly intelligent and complex creatures with intricate social structures and behaviors. They exhibit advanced communication skills, working together to take down large prey and build elaborate colonies with ventilation systems. Ants even have symbiotic relationships with other species, such as aphids, which they protect and milk for nutrients. Their biomass is significant, equaling roughly the same weight as humans on Earth. Despite their small size, ants have the ability to impact their environment in profound ways, demonstrating that even the smallest organisms can have a significant impact on the world around them.

    • Nature's Communication and Problem-Solving AbilitiesDespite unexpected encounters and potential danger, nature finds ways to communicate and resolve conflicts. Unpredictable experiences on Fear Factor were scarier than staged stunts.

      Even in the most unexpected situations, nature finds a way to communicate and resolve conflicts. During a filming of Fear Factor, beekeepers encountered a local bee colony, leading to a "bee gang fight." Despite the swarming bees and potential danger to the people involved, no one was harmed. The bees eventually communicated and resolved their territorial dispute. This incident showcases the intricate communication and problem-solving abilities of nature. Another significant takeaway is the adrenaline-pumping experiences the show's participants faced, such as riding bulls, which were far scarier than any staged stunts. The unpredictability and inherent danger of these activities made them truly terrifying. Lastly, Ron Finley's mission to revitalize urban communities through gardening and education is a powerful reminder of the importance of nurturing both the natural world and our communities. You can support his efforts by visiting RonFinley.com, where you can make donations, purchase merchandise, and learn more about his projects.

    • Ron Finley expresses gratitude and invites future interactionsRon Finley emphasizes community engagement and the power of individual contributions towards positive change. Follow him on Twitter and offer support to be a part of the solution.

      Ron Finley, the guest speaker, expressed his gratitude for being part of the event and encouraged everyone to engage with his organization, Ron Finley HQ, through following him on Twitter and offering support. He emphasized his enjoyment of the conversation and expressed a desire for future interactions. Additionally, he acknowledged the importance of addressing broken experiences and invited everyone to be a part of the solution. Overall, Ron Finley's message conveyed the importance of community engagement and the power of individual contributions towards positive change.

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    Interview with Frances


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    Follow Frances and her fam on social media/the web:


    Wokefoods: www.wokefoods.coop

    @wokefoods (Instagram)

    FarmSchoolNYC: www.farmschoolnyc.org

    @farmschoolnyc (Instagram)

    La Finca del Sur: https://www.facebook.com/lafincadelsur

    Frances: www.about.me/franso

    @freedomfransorants (Instagram) 


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