
    608. Andy & DJ CTI: U.S. Out Of Money, Navy Warship Attacked & Conor McGregor

    enDecember 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the 75 Hard program and listener engagementJoin Andy Fresola in exploring the 75 Hard program, share insights, and support the podcast by spreading the word instead of relying on ads.

      Andy Fresola, the host of CTI (Cruise the Internet) podcast, invites listeners to join him in discussing and speculating about real-life topics, answering questions, and sharing personal experiences, particularly about the 75 Hard program. He asks for listeners' support in sharing the show and not taking ads to maintain creative freedom. The 75 Hard program, a mental recalibration initiative, is available for free on episode 208, and a new book is launching on January 1st. The podcast aims to tackle controversial topics and provide valuable insights, and the listeners' engagement and sharing of the show are the requested "fee" for this service.

    • Appreciating Unique Experiences and PeopleEmbrace new experiences and people, just like trying new flavors, for the unique and valuable lessons they bring.

      The speaker expresses his appreciation for unique experiences and people, using the metaphor of different flavors to describe them. He shares his personal experiences with various tastes, from the "screaming freedom" of a new discovery to his dislike for "tropic whiteness." He also plays a game with the listeners, asking them to give one-word reactions to names of famous people. Despite some controversial names, the speaker expresses respect for Ronnie Coleman, sharing a positive personal experience with him. Throughout the conversation, the speaker emphasizes the importance of experiencing new things and appreciating the diversity of people and flavors.

    • Hillary Clinton's Role in Division and Funding Crisis for UkraineCritics blame Hillary Clinton for creating division and damage to the country through her actions, while the US faces a funding crisis for military and economic assistance to Ukraine, with the administration urgently seeking an additional $106 billion to prevent Kyiv's war effort from grinding to a halt.

      Hillary Clinton is strongly criticized for her role in creating division and damage to the country, particularly regarding the steel dossier and identity politics. The speaker believes she should be held accountable for her actions and the consequences they've had. Meanwhile, the US is facing a funding crisis for military and economic assistance to Ukraine, with the administration urgently warning Congress that Kyiv's war effort may grind to a halt without additional funding. To date, $111 billion has been allocated for Ukraine, and the administration is seeking an additional $106 billion. However, there are concerns about how the funds have been used in the past.

    • Allegations of Financial Wrongdoing Involving President Biden and Son HunterEvidence suggests Hunter Biden's business made payments to President Biden starting in 2018, totaling over $4,000 from a questionable account. Hunter is under investigation, but media coverage is limited and some attempts have been made to prevent investigation.

      There are allegations of financial wrongdoing involving President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, with evidence suggesting Hunter's business made recurring payments to Joe Biden starting in 2018. These payments, totaling over $4,000, were reportedly made from an account that received funds from China and other questionable sources. The House Oversight Committee has released subpoenaed bank records to support these claims, and Hunter is currently under investigation for tax evasion and other potential crimes. Despite this, mainstream media outlets are not extensively covering the story, and some efforts have been made to prevent investigators from asking questions about Joe Biden's involvement. The White House has denied any wrongdoing, but the evidence raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest and ethical issues.

    • The high cost of living and questionable decisions by those in powerPeople feel their money isn't going as far due to high living costs and intentional decisions by those in power, leading to frustration and concern about the future

      The high cost of living and questionable decisions being made by those in power are causing many people to feel that their money is not going as far as it used to. This sentiment was exemplified by a friend's shock at the high cost of snacks for his kids. The speaker believes that these decisions, which include actions at the border, military spending, and economic policies, are intentional and being made for economic gain, even if the individuals making them appear senile or incompetent. The speaker also touched on the idea that many people feel they are being exploited through taxes, which take a larger percentage of their wealth than they realize due to various taxes on goods and services. The overall sentiment expressed is one of frustration and concern about the direction of the country and the apparent lack of transparency and accountability from those in power.

    • The Government Functions as a Business Partnership with Citizens as Minority ShareholdersIf taxes were reduced, individuals could accumulate more wealth and change the country's landscape, but the current system keeps wealth distribution balanced and limits excessive influence.

      The United States government functions more like a business partnership where citizens are the minority shareholders, and the government takes a significant portion of citizens' wealth through taxes, even after death. The speaker argues that if taxes were reduced, such as to 10%, individuals could accumulate more wealth and the country would look drastically different. However, the current system keeps people from becoming too wealthy, as it makes it difficult for them to have significant influence or control. The speaker believes that the idea of a free America has been replaced with the reality that citizens exist to fund the government, and this misconception is used to justify high taxes on the rich. The speaker suggests that if only those who paid taxes could vote, the country would have a much different look, with more wealth and fewer people in power seeking to get rich through government service.

    • Taxes as a barrier to financial success and business growthThe complexities and penalties of the current US tax code hinder individuals and businesses from turning a profit and reinvesting, while lack of transparency and accountability in spending perpetuates the problem.

      The current tax code in the United States is a significant barrier to individual financial success and business growth. The speaker argues that the tax penalties and complexities make it difficult for individuals and businesses to turn a profit and reinvest in themselves. Furthermore, the speaker criticizes the lack of transparency and accountability in how tax dollars are spent, and the potential for extortion through the threat of imprisonment for non-payment. The speaker also mentions the historical context of increasing taxes over time and the lack of corresponding improvements in public services or infrastructure. The speaker calls for a reduction in taxes and government size, and a shift towards more transparency and accountability in how tax dollars are used.

    • Frustration with the Financial System and a Proposed SolutionSpeaker suggests institutions absorb debt, encouraging a fresh start, while criticizing corruption in power and urging listeners to demand change.

      The speaker expresses frustration with the current financial system and suggests an alternative solution to wipe out national debt by having institutions take the hit instead of continuously printing money. The speaker argues that this would put people in a better position to start over and believes that those in power are corrupt and keep the status quo. The speaker also encourages listeners to demand change and expresses hope that a total restructuring could correct the current situation. A comment from a listener shares how the speaker's content positively impacted their life.

    • Consistently stacking daily wins leads to a life of successUnderstanding that it's the cumulative days of winning that produce results is crucial. Play the game exactly as it's supposed to be played, every single day, to achieve a life of winning.

      Winning in life is not about magic or luck, but rather about consistently stacking daily wins. This concept was emphasized in episodes 16, 58, and 64 of the Real AF feed. The game of life is played one day at a time, and the ability to wake up, execute on the actions of a winner, and score 100 every day is the key to success. It doesn't matter where you come from or what your background is, but understanding that it's the cumulative days of winning that produce results is crucial. Most people defer accountability for their decisions and pretend there's magic to it, but the reality is that you are your own worst enemy if you don't understand how the game truly works. By playing the game exactly as it's supposed to be played, every single day, you can produce a life of winning despite any perceived limitations. So, learn the game, play the game, and there will be no limits to what you can achieve. Listen to episodes 16, 58, and 64 on the Real AF feed for a more in-depth understanding.

    • Tensions in the Red Sea and Gulf of Oman: Attacks on Military and Commercial VesselsMultiple reports of attacks on military and commercial vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Oman, involving US, UK, and Chinese navies. Escalation possible without clear communication. US and UK accuse Iranian-backed groups, China denies wrongdoing.

      There have been multiple reports of attacks on military and commercial vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Oman, involving the US Navy, British Navy, and Chinese Navy. The latest incident involved the USS Corny, a US Navy destroyer, which came under attack in the Red Sea, and Australian naval divers who were injured by the Chinese Navy's use of sonar. These incidents could escalate if not properly managed, especially since there is no direct communication between the navies of the involved countries. The US and UK have accused Iranian-backed groups of being behind the attacks in the Red Sea, while China has denied any wrongdoing in the incident with the Australian Navy. These incidents highlight the complex geopolitical situation in the Middle East and the importance of maintaining open lines of communication between military forces to prevent misunderstandings and potential escalations.

    • Skepticism towards media reports and government statementsVerify evidence before drawing conclusions, question potential motivations, and be wary of underestimating powerful actors in geopolitics

      Trust in information and sources is crucial in understanding geopolitical events. The speaker expresses skepticism towards media reports and government statements, emphasizing the importance of verifying evidence before drawing conclusions. Additionally, the speaker advises against underestimating individuals or entities with significant resources, as they can cause harm without being detected. The speaker also questions the severity and authenticity of reported attacks, suggesting that potential escalations could be motivated by political agendas. Ultimately, the speaker encourages critical thinking and fact-checking to navigate the complexities of global events.

    • Understanding International Conflicts: Facts MatterAccurate information is crucial for making informed decisions in international conflicts. Hidden agendas and complex geopolitical situations can make it challenging to determine the motivations behind attacks or who to go to war with. A strong response is necessary to deter potential threats and maintain respect.

      The complex geopolitical situation in certain areas of the world makes it challenging to determine who to go to war with or even understand the motivations behind attacks on the United States. The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing the facts before making decisions that could put lives at risk. He also believes that a strong response is necessary to deter potential threats and maintain respect. Regarding the situation between Australia and China, the speaker questions the reliability of information and suggests that there may be hidden agendas at play. In a surprising turn, the discussion shifts to Conor McGregor's recent political ambitions, with fans encouraging him to run for office due to his bold views on the Irish government. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity of international relations and the need for accurate information and careful analysis.

    • Conor McGregor's Political Aspirations and Bold Approach to LifeMMA fighter Conor McGregor aspires to lead in Ireland, expresses thoughts freely, values respect and masculinity through dressing well, and remains confident despite criticism and deleting posts.

      Conor McGregor, the Irish mixed martial artist, has expressed his political aspirations and desire to become a leader in Ireland. He has been vocal about his stance on various issues and has even responded to critics. McGregor believes in expressing his thoughts freely but also understands the importance of time management given his personal and professional commitments. He values dressing well and believes it's a sign of respect and masculinity. Despite deleting some of his posts due to personal reasons and criticism, McGregor remains confident and continues to engage with his audience. The public seems to support his boldness and swag. Overall, McGregor's actions and words show his determination to make a difference in Ireland and his unapologetic approach to life.

    • The Price of Authenticity for Public FiguresAuthenticity and responsibility come with a price for public figures, but staying true to oneself and speaking the truth can lead to success and impact.

      Responsibility and authenticity come with a price, especially for public figures. This individual, who has a significant following, acknowledges the pressure and potential consequences of sharing his thoughts publicly. He believes that true depth and authenticity cannot be faked, even if one can manipulate followers and traffic. The individual also emphasizes the importance of speaking the truth and not being silenced by fear or bullying. He uses the examples of successful figures like Elon Musk and Dana White to illustrate the power of authenticity and resilience in the face of criticism. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying true to oneself and using one's platform to make a difference, despite the potential challenges and backlash.

    • It's time for the next generation to leadIndividuals aged 30-50 are urged to assert power, build leverage, and demand strong leadership; change can be instigated through collective action and refusal to comply with the status quo

      It's the time for individuals between the ages of 30 and 50 to step up and lead, as the current older generation has been in power for too long. The speaker urges men in particular to assert their power and build leverage, as they have the physical capability to make a difference. The speaker also encourages women to demand more from their male partners and refuse to settle for less than a strong, assertive leader. The speaker believes that change can be instigated through collective action and refusal to comply with the status quo. The speaker's message is one of empowerment and the call to action is for individuals to take control of their lives and their communities.

    • Understanding Men and Women's RolesAuthenticity and respect for each other's roles are crucial for healthy relationships and a functional society. Men should be true to themselves and strive to be strong providers, while women should embrace their femininity and seek masculine partners.

      Men and women have distinct roles in relationships and society, and misunderstanding or neglecting these roles can lead to confusion and dissatisfaction. Men are encouraged to be assertive, stand up for their beliefs, and provide for their families, while women are valued for their femininity and nurturing qualities. However, societal pressures and misinformation can lead men to try to be overly feminine and women to reject masculinity. Ultimately, authenticity and respect for each other's roles are essential for healthy relationships and a functional society. Men should be true to themselves and strive to be strong, capable providers, while women should embrace their femininity and look for partners who embody traditional masculine qualities.

    • Man gored by bison after trying to pet itApproach wild animals with caution and respect their space to avoid injuries and ensure safety

      Approaching wild animals, especially large ones like bison, can have severe consequences. A Utah man named Halen Carbajal learned this the hard way when he tried to pet a bison and was gored, leaving him with injuries including a broken rib, lacerated liver, and eight inch gash. Despite his naivety and wanting to be friendly, the bison saw him as a threat and attacked. This incident serves as a reminder to respect wildlife and maintain a safe distance. Additionally, the conversation touched on the admiration for American bison and their symbolic representation of the country's resilience and strength.

    • Strive for personal excellenceFrustrated by mediocrity, aim for greatness, learn from failures, and set a good example. Embrace the strength and determination of a bison ranch.

      Personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion against a culture that often celebrates mediocrity and apathy. The speaker expresses frustration with people who don't try and instead consume mindless content, and encourages listeners to strive for greatness and set a good example. The bison represents this idea of strength and determination, and the speaker dreams of having a bison ranch as a symbol of personal excellence. He believes that most people are good, but negative portrayals in media can make us doubt that. The speaker also acknowledges his own past mistakes and the embarrassment that comes with failure, but encourages pushing through and learning from experiences. Overall, the message is to aim high, work hard, and be a positive influence on those around us.

    • Clear, respectful, and considerate communication is importantCommunicate clearly, respectfully, and considerately to build positive relationships and effective group dynamics.

      Communication, especially in group settings, should be clear, respectful, and considerate. The phrase "guys 80 that's all i got all right guys go pay the fee don't be a hoe" is not clear and disrespectful. It's important to remember that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, even in casual conversations. Additionally, it's crucial to ensure that communication is effective and understood by all parties involved. In this case, the phrase may have caused confusion or offense, and could have been expressed more clearly and respectfully. Overall, the way we communicate with others is a reflection of our character and can have a significant impact on relationships and group dynamics. Let's strive for clear, respectful, and considerate communication in all our interactions.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the translucent Pastor of Disaster, Vaughn Kohler. They discuss the upcoming Trump and Biden debates, Julian Assange dropping $500k for a flight to a remote island to avoid setting foot on the US mainland, and a bankruptcy court trustee filing a motion to liquidate Alex Jones' Infowars.

    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the GOP calling out 51 intel officials over Hunter Biden's laptop, President Biden and Zelensky to ink a 10-year deal for U.S. military support for Ukraine, and Spokane pride's crosswalk being vandalized days after teens were charged with felonies for leaving scooter skid marks on the rainbow pavement.

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