
    621. Andy & DJ CTI: 8,000 Migrants Heading Towards US, Americans Back Biden Impeachment & Chicago Mayor On Crime Increase

    enDecember 29, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Mental Toughness and the 75 Hard Program on Cruise the Internet PodcastJoin Andy and DJ Cruz on their podcast to learn about mental toughness and start the 75 Hard program for personal growth. Preorder their book 'The Book on Mental Toughness' for valuable insights.

      Andy and DJ Cruz host a podcast called "Cruise the Internet" (CTI) where they discuss various topics, answer questions, and have real conversations. They also promote their book "The Book on Mental Toughness," which includes the 75 Hard program and focuses on mental toughness and its importance in life. The podcast offers different segments such as Q and AF, Real Talk, and Full Length interviews. They encourage listeners to join them in starting the 75 Hard program on January 1st, and the book is available for preorder on AndyForSeller.com. The book is a valuable tool for sharpening mental toughness skills throughout life.

    • Identifying Annoying People: Randy Winegarten Tops the ListRandy Winegarten from Fox News was identified as the most annoying person due to her ego, ruining education, and controversial statements, while Stephen Colbert was labeled as a 'faggot' with ambiguous intent.

      During a conversation about creating a list of the most annoying people in the world, Randy Winegarten from Fox News was identified as number one. The reasons given were her ego, her ruining education for a generation, and her controversial statements towards certain groups. The conversation also touched upon other individuals being paid mouthpieces and surface level people, with Stephen Colbert being labeled as a "faggot," although it's unclear if this was intended as a homophobic slur or not. Overall, the conversation revealed strong opinions and language towards the individuals mentioned.

    • Insults and Annoyances in Modern CultureThe use of derogatory terms like 'faggot' has evolved, and cancel culture and political correctness are dividing us, instead of focusing on unity and bringing people together.

      The term "faggot" has evolved in meaning and is often used as an insult to describe someone who acts like an asshole, regardless of their sexual orientation. Late night show hosts, politicians, and public figures are among those frequently labeled as such. Other annoyances on the list include Megan Markle and Prince Harry, Bill Gates, and NFL referees. The speaker argues that cancel culture and political correctness have taken away the unity that sports once provided, and that we should focus on bringing people together rather than labeling and canceling them. Ultimately, the speaker believes that Bud Light's recent marketing efforts are a step in the right direction towards canceling cancel culture.

    • Considering the Impact of Canceling Companies and IndividualsInstead of canceling, make informed decisions based on a company's history and actions. Focus on productive dialogue and solutions rather than canceling annoying individuals or groups.

      While it's important to hold companies accountable for their actions, it's equally important to consider the consequences of canceling them, particularly the impact on employees. Instead of boycotting, consumers should make informed decisions based on a company's history and current actions. Additionally, there are certain individuals, such as KJP and Jen Psaki, and groups, like wine moms, who are often perceived as annoying or problematic, but the solution isn't to cancel them, but rather to focus on productive dialogue and solutions. Ultimately, we should strive to be intelligent consumers and engage in thoughtful, respectful discourse.

    • Speaker's Critique of Pretentious WomenSpeaker criticizes certain women for their perceived pretentiousness, social consciousness without substance, and adoption of trans children as status symbols, revealing biases and negative perceptions.

      The speaker expresses frustration and annoyance towards a specific group of women, whom they perceive as pretentious, socially conscious but not genuinely upper class, and opinionated with little substance. They criticize their behavior, fashion choices, and alleged adoption of trans children as a status symbol. The speaker also expresses skepticism towards the authenticity of these women's social consciousness and their husbands' lack of assertiveness. This monologue reveals the speaker's biases and negative perceptions towards this particular demographic.

    • Discussions on southern border immigration concernsConcerns about large numbers of illegal immigrants entering the US, perceived cultural changes, lack of political action, and strain on cities. Urgent call for transparency and action from leaders to address root causes and consequences.

      There are concerns about the large numbers of people entering the country illegally through the southern border, with some estimating up to 1.5 million in the last year alone. These concerns extend beyond just the numbers, as some believe this is a deliberate attempt to change American culture and influence elections. The discussions also touched on the lack of action from political leaders to address the issue and the impact on cities like New York, which are struggling to accommodate the influx of migrants. The urgency of the situation was emphasized, with some expressing frustration that this has been an ongoing issue for several years. Overall, there is a call for more transparency and action from political leaders to address the root causes and consequences of irregular migration.

    • Impact of Migration on National Identities and CulturesConcerns over migration's effect on national identities and cultures, allegations of orchestrated migration, and calls for stricter immigration policies to preserve national distinctiveness.

      There are concerns about migration and its potential impact on national identities and cultures, as well as allegations of orchestrated mass migration towards creating a homogeneous global population. These concerns extend to the perceived double standards in migration policies, particularly regarding Israel and Europe. The underlying belief is that this is part of a larger conspiracy towards establishing a one-world government with two distinct classes. The discussion touches upon the need to protect national cultures and identities, and the fear of dilution and loss of pride. While the speaker acknowledges no personal ill-will towards individuals, they advocate for stricter immigration policies and a focus on preserving national identities.

    • Global economic policies and organizations frustrate speakerSpeaker criticizes World Economic Forum for imposing policies without consent, expresses concern for national sovereignty and cultural identity, advocates for transparency, accountability, and democratic decision-making in global economic policies.

      The speaker expresses strong frustration towards certain global economic policies and organizations, specifically the World Economic Forum, which they believe are being imposed on people without their consent. They argue that these decisions are being made by a small elite group who don't care about the opinions of the general population. The speaker also expresses concern about the erosion of national sovereignty and cultural identity through diversity initiatives. They believe that these issues are critical for human beings and that there needs to be a balance between diversity and preserving cultural traditions. They question the benefits of diversity initiatives and express frustration that questioning these policies leads to being labeled with derogatory names. Overall, the speaker is advocating for more transparency, accountability, and democratic decision-making in global economic policies.

    • Frustration with Immigrants and Impact on Inner CitiesSpeaker expresses concern over overburdened resources and crime caused by immigrants not following proper entry processes, negatively impacting both immigrants and native-born Americans, particularly inner city black communities. He denies it's about race, but rather maintaining country for Americans.

      The speaker expresses frustration with the large number of immigrants in cities who haven't followed proper processes to enter the country and contribute to society. He believes this is leading to overburdened resources and crime, negatively impacting both immigrants and native-born Americans, particularly inner city black communities. The speaker also acknowledges that his views could be perceived as racist, but insists it's not about race, but rather about maintaining the country for Americans. The conversation then shifts to discussing a comment left on the video, which is misidentified as being from someone in the room. The speaker dismisses it as a harmless compliment. Another topic discussed is a poll showing a majority of Americans support an impeachment probe into President Biden and believe his son Hunter was involved in shady deals. The speaker expresses confidence in the Daily Mail polls, but acknowledges the issue of confirmation bias.

    • Unity in America: The Importance of Voting and Open DialogueThe speaker encourages Americans to vote for their chosen candidate and engage in open dialogue, emphasizing the importance of unity in addressing the challenges facing the country.

      The speaker believes that unity in America is crucial and that the polls and media reports should not be trusted blindly. He emphasizes the importance of voting for the chosen candidate, as the outcome of the election could significantly impact the future of the country. The speaker also mentions that there is a growing awakening among people who previously held progressive views, who now recognize the potential dangers of certain political ideologies. He encourages open dialogue and understanding among individuals with differing political perspectives, emphasizing that the division within the traditional Republican side could be a major obstacle to unity. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for a unified effort to select the right leader to address the challenges facing the country.

    • Shifting Perspective in the Online Black CommunityThe online black community is recognizing the importance of addressing anti-white racism, the potential consequences of mass immigration, and preserving a representative government. The distinction between a republic and a democracy was emphasized, with concerns about mob rule and societal collapse in a democratic society.

      There's a shift in the online black community's perspective towards recognizing and addressing anti-white racism, as well as the potential consequences of mass immigration and the importance of preserving a representative government. The speaker also emphasized the distinction between a republic and a democracy, arguing that the latter leads to mob rule and eventual societal collapse. The ongoing debate around the meaning of "democracy" and the implications of different political structures was also discussed. Ultimately, the importance of acknowledging and addressing complex issues, rather than oversimplifying them, was highlighted.

    • Proposed solutions for a fairer democracyThe speaker suggests stricter voting laws, basing eligibility on tax payments and employment, limiting welfare benefits, ending lobbying, and holding politicians accountable to ensure a more fair and representative democracy

      To address the perceived issues with American democracy, the speaker suggests implementing stricter voting laws, basing eligibility on tax payments and employment, and limiting the length of time for welfare benefits, among other things. They argue that these measures would ensure that only those contributing to society have a say in its governance. Additionally, they criticize politicians for not being subjected to the same rules and call for an end to lobbying. The speaker believes that implementing these changes would lead to a more fair and representative democracy. However, they also acknowledge that there are other issues that need addressing and encourage further discussion on the topic.

    • Chicago Mayor Commits to Reducing Crime through Various InvestmentsMayor Johnson pledged funds for homelessness, violence prevention, youth employment, mental health clinics, and reparations, but lacks transparency on implementation details

      Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, during a CNN interview, emphasized his commitment to reducing crime in Chicago by investing in various areas such as homelessness, violence prevention, youth employment, mental health clinics, and reparations. He mentioned specific amounts of money allocated towards these initiatives, but did not provide sufficient detail on how the funds would be spent. Despite this, Johnson expressed his personal connection to the issue and his determination to make Chicago safer. However, the lack of transparency regarding the allocation and implementation of these funds raises questions about the effectiveness of these investments.

    • Politicians exploiting inner city communitiesPoliticians misusing funds and failing to deliver on promises contribute to high crime rates and lack of investment in inner city areas, rather than white people or Republicans.

      The blame for high crime rates and lack of investment in inner city communities should not be placed on white people or Republicans, but rather on the politicians and public officials who advocate for defunding the police and soft on crime stances, only to misuse the funds intended for improvement. These individuals exploit the situation to enrich themselves while failing to deliver on their promises. It's essential for people in these communities to recognize this and stop voting for those who exploit their racial identity and instead focus on the character and actions of candidates. Additionally, it's crucial to stop identifying people's quality of character based on their racial pigments and instead evaluate them based on their actions and intentions.

    • The Role of Organized Crime in Maintaining OrderThe speaker argues that organized crime groups once kept order in society and that there's a need for similar organization in the black community to address chaos, while emphasizing the importance of truth and unity between races.

      The speaker believes that there was once an order in society that came from organized crime groups, specifically Italian and Irish, and that this order kept things under control. They argue that there's a lack of order and vigilance in the black community and that there's a need for some form of organization to address the chaos in the world. The speaker also touches on the importance of speaking the truth, even if it's uncomfortable, and the dangers of censorship and suppression of discussions. They believe that black and white people get along well when not intentionally provoked and that true unity between the two communities would be detrimental to those trying to sow discord. The speaker expresses concern that those in power will do drastic things to prevent unity and that we may be on the brink of another major crisis. Overall, the speaker's perspective is complex and nuanced, touching on themes of order, truth, unity, and power.

    • Lack of accountability leads to serious consequencesFailure to hold individuals accountable for harmful actions can lead to more serious problems in the future, and it's important for individuals to take a stand and defend their country.

      Accountability is crucial to prevent the continuation of harmful actions and potential destruction of society. The speaker expresses deep concern about the lack of accountability for individuals involved in certain operations and believes that failure to hold them accountable will lead to more serious consequences in the future. They express disappointment in the military, police force, and political leaders for not standing up against these actions and call for individuals to take a stand and defend their country. The speaker believes that those in power are dangerous and will go to great lengths to avoid accountability, and that people need to be prepared for potential chaos and destruction if they continue to ignore the situation.

    • The responsibility of those in power and the challenges faced by marginalized groupsThose in power must prioritize citizen wellbeing and hold lawbreakers accountable, while marginalized groups may face unique challenges.

      Those in positions of power and authority, such as government agencies and law enforcement, have a responsibility to uphold the law and protect citizens, but unfortunately, some have failed to do so, allowing for corruption and harmful events to occur. This was expressed in the conversation regarding the lack of accountability for those involved in orchestrating potentially harmful events. Contrastingly, the Sisters of the Valley, a group of Mexican women dressed as nuns, have found success in the US selling CBD products derived from marijuana, but face challenges in Mexico due to the country's drug war and societal norms. The takeaway here is that those in power must prioritize the wellbeing of citizens and hold those who break the law accountable, while those who are marginalized or challenging the status quo may face unique challenges.

    • The Threat to Our Freedom and SovereigntyWe must examine our motivations and take action to reclaim our freedom and sovereignty, despite the challenges posed by individuals exploiting technology and our reliance on consumer culture.

      We are currently facing a significant threat to our freedom and sovereignty as a society, with some individuals disregarding rules and exploiting technology to their advantage, potentially leading to our downfall. This attitude goes against the very foundation of our country, as outlined in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, which calls for citizens to stand up against such behavior. However, it seems that many people have become complacent or demoralized, with some even unwilling or unable to take action. This is evident in the increasing reliance on technology and consumer culture, which can make us feel powerless. The lack of able-bodied men taking action in public spaces further highlights this issue. It's crucial for each of us to examine our motivations for joining this conversation and consider what we can do to make a difference and reclaim our freedom.

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

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    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

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    Adam Carolla on Hunter Biden Playing the Victim, "Sociopath" Gavin Newsom, and Crazy Plane Lady's New Excuse | Ep. 662

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    More from Carolla: https://adamcarolla.com


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    Eugénie Bastié: «On n'intègrera pas les banlieues avec des rues Josephine Baker»

    Eugénie Bastié: «On n'intègrera pas les banlieues avec des rues Josephine Baker»

    Eugénie Bastié, journaliste à la rubrique Vox du Figaro est l’auteur d’une analyse qui est très commentée et très lue sur le site du Figaro. Il s’agit de la proposition d’Emmanuel Macron annoncée lors de son interview sur le média BRUT qui est de créer un comité scientifique pour baptiser certaines rues ou édifier des statues en hommage à des personnalités d’origine africaine ou maghrébine.

    Elle répond aux commentaires et questions des internautes au micro de Vincent Roux.

    Pour lire son analyse : https://www.lefigaro.fr/vox/societe/eugenie-bastie-noms-de-rue-et-diversite-la-perilleuse-concession-de-macron-20201207