
    637. Andy & DJ CTI: Trump Vs Haley In NH, SCOTUS Allows Agents To Cut Razor Wire & PA Reclaims Indigenous Mascot

    enJanuary 24, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on major financial misdeeds instead of minor infractionsThe speaker argues for greater accountability of politicians for significant financial misdeeds, like insider trading, instead of focusing on minor infractions such as social media posts.

      While there is ongoing debate about ethical conduct in government, there seems to be a disproportionate focus on minor infractions compared to more significant issues, such as insider trading. The speaker expresses frustration over the attention given to social media posts by representatives, while larger financial misdeeds go unchecked. He uses the example of Nancy Pelosi's seven-figure bet on Nvidia as an instance of misuse of power and potential theft of public funds. The speaker emphasizes the importance of holding politicians accountable for their actions and focusing on the most significant issues.

    • Power corrupts absolutelyPower can lead individuals to prioritize personal gain over the greater good, hindering progress and change in society

      The system is corrupt when those in power are allowed to use their positions for personal gain, whether it be through insider trading or influencing regulations for financial gain. This corruption is pervasive in both politics and media, with many individuals forgetting their original intentions and becoming driven by the desire for wealth and fame. Unfortunately, this misalignment of intent prevents meaningful progress and change in our society. The few genuine individuals in power are outnumbered, leaving the majority to play the game and prioritize themselves over the greater good. Absolute power, as history shows us, does indeed corrupt absolutely.

    • Politicians failing to serve the public interestDisillusionment with politicians growing as many prioritize personal gain over public service, creating a system dominated by the wealthy and disconnected from the struggles of ordinary people.

      The disconnect between politicians and the people they represent has grown wider, with many politicians appearing more interested in personal gain and insider deals than serving the public interest. The speaker expresses disappointment in those who enter politics with the intention of making a difference but end up becoming corrupt or ineffective. They argue that our government should be "of the people, by the people," but this ideal is not being upheld by many in power. Instead, we have a system dominated by those from wealthy backgrounds or with insider connections, who seem out of touch with the struggles and needs of ordinary people. This disillusionment is becoming increasingly apparent to the public, and many are starting to pay closer attention and demand change.

    • The culture of canceling and bullying has spread to both sidesBoth the left and right are engaging in harmful canceling and bullying behaviors, fueled by social media and a lack of empathy, hindering productive dialogue and compromise.

      The culture of canceling and bullying, once predominantly driven by progressive ideals, has now spread to the far right, creating a dangerous and divisive environment that eliminates opportunities for compromise and productive dialogue. This false sense of power held by both sides, fueled by social media manipulation and a lack of empathy, is leading to a dangerous standstill in finding common ground and moving forward as a nation. It's crucial that we recognize the importance of open-mindedness, respectful discourse, and the value of diverse perspectives in order to create a more inclusive and harmonious society.

    • Embracing diversity for effective problem-solvingRespect diverse perspectives, find common ground, and establish baseline rules while remaining open-minded to new ideas, but be cautious of ideologies that prioritize individual perspectives over factual truth.

      Effective problem-solving and progress require diverse perspectives and an open-minded approach. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding a common ground and establishing baseline rules while respecting individual ways of living. He also expresses concern over the erosion of truth and reality due to ideologies that prioritize individual perspectives over factual truth. The speaker's stance on gender ideology is given as an example of this concern. In the context of politics, the speaker discusses the ongoing battle between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley in the New Hampshire primaries and shares his skepticism regarding the reliability of election results and the legal system.

    • New Hampshire voters upset over lack of candidate engagement, face robocall impersonating BidenVoter disappointment with candidates' absence and concerns over robocalls impersonating political figures highlight the need for transparency and trust in the democratic process.

      New Hampshire voters expressed disappointment and anger towards certain presidential candidates for not engaging with them during the primary elections. A fake robocall impersonating President Joe Biden was reported, attempting to suppress voters and discourage them from participating in the primary. The use of AI technology to mimic voices and create confusion adds to the concern over transparency and manipulation in politics. The cost of such technological advancements on humanity's values and trust in the democratic process is a significant concern.

    • The rise of AI and technology could lead to widespread job loss and a potential shift towards a universal basic income society.The adoption of AI and technology in industries could result in job loss and a potential shift towards a universal basic income society, requiring a dialogue on how to navigate this transition for the benefit of all.

      The increasing use of AI and technology in various industries could lead to widespread job loss and a potential shift towards a universal basic income society. This trend, which is being driven by economic pressures on businesses to adopt technology to stay competitive, could result in a future where human capital becomes obsolete and people are left with few options and little freedom. The implications of this are significant and far-reaching, yet the conversation around it is largely absent from the public discourse. It's important to consider the potential consequences and start a dialogue about how to navigate this transition in a way that benefits everyone.

    • Disrupting industries with automation and AITesla and Amazon's technological advancements could lead to significant job losses, with a few powerful companies controlling various industries and potentially replacing human labor in significant ways. Support businesses prioritizing human employment and responsible technology use to stay competitive in the future economy.

      Companies like Tesla and Amazon, with their technological advancements, have the potential to disrupt traditional industries and put many human jobs at risk. Tesla, for instance, could create artificially intelligent robots and either sell them to other companies or use them to absorb all the business themselves. This trend towards automation and AI could lead to a few powerful companies controlling various industries, potentially replacing human labor in significant ways. It's crucial for consumers to support businesses that prioritize human employment and use technology responsibly. Ignoring this trend and relying on outdated business models could lead to being left behind in the future economy. The rise of automation and AI is a pressing issue that requires attention and conversation.

    • Using purchasing power to support real peopleChoose businesses that employ real people, even if it means inconvenience, to push back against harmful technology and support the workforce.

      Individuals have the power to make a difference by where they choose to spend their money. The speaker emphasized the importance of supporting businesses that employ real people, even if it means being inconvenienced, as a way to push back against corporations' adoption of harmful technology. The discussion also touched on the ongoing controversy surrounding the US-Mexico border and the Supreme Court's recent decision allowing federal agents to cut razor wire installed by Texas. Despite the divided vote, no justice provided an explanation for their decision. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for consumers to be aware of the impact of their actions and to use their purchasing power to bring about change.

    • Millions of Illegal Immigrants Entering US, Border CrisisGovernor Abbott takes a stand against illegal immigration, questioning Biden admin's handling and potential dangers. Divide between upholding laws and lenient policies.

      The discussion revolves around the shocking revelation of millions of illegal immigrants entering the US, with a particular focus on the Biden administration's handling of the situation. Many question the extent of government corruption and the potential danger posed by this influx of people. Texas Governor Greg Abbott is taking a stand against this issue, with ongoing efforts to secure the border and defend state rights. The situation highlights the divide between those who believe in upholding immigration laws and those who advocate for more lenient policies. The numbers involved are significant, with potentially millions of illegal immigrants entering the country, and the identities and backgrounds of these individuals remain uncertain. The debate continues, with strong opinions on both sides.

    • Immigrants of the past vs. presentHistorically, immigrants came committed to American culture and worked hard. Some current immigrants do not share this commitment and pose a national security risk.

      Immigrants who came to America in the past came with a shared understanding and commitment to join American culture and build a great nation. They left their old cultures behind and worked hard to pursue the American dream. America is unique in its ability to accommodate multiple religious and cultural backgrounds without conflict. However, some immigrants coming now do not share this commitment and are not bringing their families, but rather seeking to take advantage of American resources. These individuals pose a danger and it is essential for those who understand this to speak up, despite being labeled as bigots or racists by some. The current situation is not a "woke" issue but a matter of national security, and it is happening in Europe as well. It is crucial to acknowledge and address this reality.

    • Speaker warns of societal unrest from large-scale immigrationSpeaker urges men to prepare for potential conflicts, as he believes many Americans are underprepared and military/law enforcement may not protect them.

      The speaker is expressing serious concerns about the potential threat of large-scale immigration and the resulting societal unrest. He believes that many Americans are not taking the situation seriously enough and are not adequately preparing for potential conflicts. He emphasizes that if things get bad, those who have lived without modern comforts and have had to survive difficult conditions will be better equipped to handle the situation than soft Americans. The speaker also believes that the military and law enforcement may not be reliable in protecting American citizens in such a scenario. He urges men to take responsibility for protecting their communities and to organize and prepare for potential conflicts. Overall, the speaker is expressing a sense of urgency and warning of potential danger if Americans do not take action to prepare for the future.

    • New School Board Reverses Decision to Remove Indigenous MascotA newly elected school board in Pennsylvania overturned a decision to remove an indigenous mascot, rejecting cancel culture and reclaiming local history, despite a report claiming there was no evidence of Native Americans in the area.

      A newly elected school board in Pennsylvania has reversed a decision to remove an indigenous mascot, rejecting cancel culture and reclaiming local history. The community, which had been angered by efforts to erase Native American culture, saw five new school board members elected in November after the sudden removal of the logo in 2021. These community members, who had never before run for office, were motivated by the negative impact of COVID-19 lockdowns and school closures and the attempt to rewrite local history. However, the board's diversity committee had produced a report claiming there was no evidence of Susquehannic Indians living in the area, a finding that contradicted centuries of known local history. The school board's decision to bring back the mascot was celebrated as a victory against cancel culture and a model for other communities facing similar issues.

    • Removal of culturally significant icons seen as disrespectfulSome argue that removing culturally significant icons disregards community pride and contributes to a sense of exclusion and erasure for certain minorities

      The removal of culturally significant icons from brand images, such as Aunt Jemima or Native American mascots, is seen as an insulting and demoralizing process by some. These individuals believe that these icons represent honor and pride within their communities and should be celebrated rather than removed under the guise of being offensive. They argue that these actions are driven by "woke" white, progressive people who are pretending to care but are actually eliminating important cultural symbols and replacing them with things that do not resonate with the communities they are supposed to represent. This can contribute to a sense of exclusion and erasure, fueling the belief that America does not have a place for certain minorities.

    • Communist Operation to Remove Cultural Identities in AmericaSome people believe 'woke' individuals are orchestrating the removal of cultural identities in America, but it's actually part of a larger communist operation, leading minorities to feel unwelcome.

      The removal of cultural identities in America, which some people believe is being driven by "woke" individuals, is actually part of a larger, orchestrated communist operation. These individuals are being manipulated into removing symbols of identity, leading minorities to feel unwelcome in America. Meanwhile, a man in India made headlines for taking things a step too far in his efforts to help his girlfriend pass an exam. Andres Singh disguised himself as his girlfriend and attempted to take the exam in her place, going so far as to forge her identification documents. However, his ruse was uncovered when exam officials noticed discrepancies in his biometrics. Singh was arrested, and his girlfriend was also accused of conspiring in the deception.

    • Making memories and impacting livesEven seemingly insignificant moments can become cherished memories, emphasizing the importance of friendship, companionship, humor, and preparation.

      Even in seemingly mundane situations, we have the power to make memories and impact others' lives. The conversation between the speakers revolves around sharing stories, and while some may not seem impressive at first, they could become cherished memories in the future. For instance, they discuss a friend who might look back on a time when he failed an exam and the resulting consequences. While it may not seem significant now, it could be a funny and memorable story in the future. Moreover, the importance of friendship and companionship is emphasized. The speakers plan to attend a show together, no matter what, and their bond is strong enough to overcome any obstacles. They also acknowledge the value of humor and laughter in their friendship. Additionally, the conversation highlights the importance of studying and preparation, as failing an exam could lead to negative consequences. However, it's important to remember that mistakes and failures are a natural part of life and can provide valuable learning experiences. Overall, the conversation touches on the importance of making memories, the value of friendship, and the importance of preparation and learning from mistakes.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

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    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

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    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

    726. Andy & DJ CTI: GOP Calls Out 51 Intel Officials Over Hunter Laptop, Biden And Zelensky To Ink 10-Year Deal For U.S. Military Support & Spokane Pride Crosswalk Vandalized

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    621. Andy & DJ CTI: 8,000 Migrants Heading Towards US, Americans Back Biden Impeachment & Chicago Mayor On Crime Increase

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    Fake News

    Fake News

    This week, Sheryl and her cohosts take you into the realm of fake news.  It's a place where magic happens because if you think it, it can be true.  Never in the history of the universe, has there ever been such documented discrepancy.  And if you believe that, then you've already failed.  Fake News.  We're still debating the validity of the Bible for Christ's sake. 

    All the technological progress that has been unlocked over the past 20 years is due to one thing: the internet.  It is an evil mistress ... just like gravity, it's something that we cannot run from.  The internet has been unleashed and is here to stay.  So wake up!!  We need to cultivate common sense and critical thinking.  That is the only thing that can stop this nonsense!

    As the show comes to a close, the girl's pivot the conversation to the controversial planet of Uranus.  If you just chuckled, this is the show for you.  Because birthday butt sex is obviously where this goes.  You're welcome!

    This show is for entertainment purposes only.  All guests remain anonymous.
    If you enjoy, please rate review and subscribe!

    Have you or someone you love been canceled or caught in a web of fake news?  Sheryl wants to hear from you!

     Email: getcanceledinfo@gmail.com

    Twitter: @GetCanceledPod



    ...About Cancel Culture?

    ...About Cancel Culture?

    Transcript available here

    Should we be cancelling people? Is cancel culture toxic? Does it even really exist? In our season’s penultimate episode, we answer these questions and more. We talk alternative models of justice, tools of the powerless, and sprinkle on some communication theory for good measure. Before we get the chance to be cancelled, we're asking do the kids know about cancel culture? 


    References & Further Reading:

    Restorative Justice - https://restorativejustice.org/ 

    Vox - https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/12/30/20879720/what-is-cancel-culture-explained-history-debate   

    Canadaland - https://www.canadaland.com/podcast/267-consequence-culture/ 


    Do The Kids Know? is a series of conversations between friends, Prakash and Kristen, where we challenge our understanding of contemporary media, popular culture, and what it means to live as racialized millennials in KKKanada (That’s Canada spelled with three K’s) 

    Our goal for this series is to have frank discussions about the stories and nuances missed by sensationalist media as well as to uncover the ways in which white supremacy, capitalism, and colonialism is shaping our movements and behaviours. 

    Keep tuning in to be a part of the conversation… don’t be a kid who doesn’t know!

    Find us: @dothekidsknow
    Email us: dothekidsknow@gmail.com
    Support us: https://patreon.com/dothekidsknow
    Artwork by Daniela Silva (https://instagram.com/danielasilvatrujillo)
    Music by Steve Travale (https://stevetravale.com)

    Until next time. Stay in the know~!

    Support the show


    Do The Kids Know? is a monthly series of discussions between community workers and educators, Prakash and Kristen, that unpack race, media, popular culture, and politics in KKKanada (That’s Canada spelled with three K’s) from an anti-colonial perspective.

    Our goal is to bring nuance to sensationalist media as well as to uncover the ways in which white supremacy, capitalism, and colonialism is shaping our movements and behaviours.

    Keep tuning in to be a part of the conversation… don’t be a kid who doesn’t know!

    Find us: @dothekidsknow (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok)
    Email us: dothekidsknow@gmail.com
    Tip us: patreon.com/dothekidsknow
    Newsletter: tinyletter.com/dothekidsknow
    Artwork by Daniela Silva (instagram.com/danielasilvatrujillo)
    Music by Steve Travale (https://stevetravale.com)

    DTKK is recorded on the traditional and unceded Indigenous lands of the Kanien’kehá:ka and Algonquin Nations. We are committed to working with Indigenous communities and leaders locally and across Turtle Island to fight for Indigenous rights, resurgence, and sovereignty.

    Until next time. Stay in the know~!

    Support the show