
    #63 Shawn Ryan - The Guardian Angel Who Guided Me to Become a Warrior for God

    en-usJune 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Sharing personal experiences and vulnerabilitiesEmbrace open-mindedness and authenticity, everyone's journey to truth is unique, and finding support in shared experiences is important.

      Katie and Sean, the video creators, shared their personal experiences and vulnerabilities to connect with their audience and emphasize that they are not alone in their feelings of uncertainty and isolation during challenging times. Sean added that his faith journey began with a psychedelic experience and led him down various rabbit holes, ultimately finding answers and community through their show and guests. They encourage open-mindedness and authenticity, emphasizing that everyone's path to truth and understanding is unique. Their message resonates with the importance of seeking knowledge, staying true to personal values, and finding support in shared experiences.

    • Interviewees share their faith experiences and the speaker reconsiders his beliefsThrough personal stories and interviews, faith can provide comfort, positivity, and a sense of community, inspiring individuals to reconsider their beliefs.

      Several interviewees on the podcast, including Justin Hughes, Kyle Morgan, and Geddy Penny, have shared their personal experiences of finding faith and how it positively impacted their lives. The speaker, who grew up Catholic but left the church, has been re-examining his spiritual beliefs after interviewing these guests and uncovering corruption in the world. He also shared an experience of praying with a platoon during his military service, but it didn't hold the same meaning as it does now. The speaker's spiritual background is Catholic, but he was drawn away from the faith during his adult life due to personal experiences and the church's issues. However, after interviewing these guests and experiencing coincidences, he is reconsidering his beliefs. The speaker's experiences and the guests' stories suggest that faith can bring comfort, positivity, and a sense of community, especially during challenging times.

    • Encountering death and loss challenges beliefsPersonal experiences with death and suffering can question beliefs and spark curiosity about life's mysteries

      Experiencing near-death situations or witnessing the suffering of others can challenge one's beliefs and make them question the existence of a higher power. The speaker shares personal experiences of encountering death and loss, which led him to question the fairness of life and wonder why some good people die while others with questionable morals survive. He also mentions the contrasting behaviors within the military, where the "normal" behavior was to womanize, drink, and fight, but there were exceptions like Adam Brown, who was a role model but unfortunately got killed. These experiences didn't lead the speaker to develop faith, but rather sparked curiosity and a desire to understand the mysteries of life, which eventually led him to explore psychedelics as a means to broaden his perspective.

    • Psychedelic experiences and spiritual beliefsA profound psychedelic experience can challenge and transform one's spiritual beliefs, but emotional turmoil and support from friends and community can also play a role in the journey.

      Psychedelic experiences can significantly impact an individual's spiritual beliefs and curiosity about the universe and higher powers. For the speaker, his first psychedelic experience led him to question his previous atheistic beliefs and sparked his interest in exploring spirituality and religion. However, the week leading up to this revelation was marked by two emotionally heavy interviews, one with a war veteran who shared his harrowing experiences and another on the prevalence of pedophilia, which threw the speaker into a dark place and heightened his feelings of disillusionment with the world. Ultimately, his conversations with a friend and the discovery of a local church helped him open up to faith once again.

    • Companies giving back to their communitiesHelix offers personalized mattresses with free shipping, financing options, and a 10-year warranty, while Hoist provides hydration products with fewer sugars and more electrolytes. Both prioritize community service and offer discounts to certain groups.

      There are companies like Helix and Hoist that prioritize providing high-quality products and services while also giving back to their communities. Helix offers personalized mattresses with free shipping, financing options, and a 10-year warranty. They are currently offering a discount and two free pillows for listeners. Hoist, on the other hand, provides hydration products with fewer sugars and more electrolytes than competitors, and they offer a discount to military and first responders. The discussion also highlighted the importance of community service and not everything having to be transactional. In a tragic turn of events, the speaker shared his experience of providing security assessment after the Covenant School shooting in Nashville and the loss of his best friend. Despite the hardships, these experiences underscored the importance of coming together as a community to support each other during difficult times.

    • Unexpected events and personal struggles led to disillusionmentPersonal struggles and societal issues can lead to feelings of hopelessness and disillusionment, causing individuals to question their beliefs and values.

      A series of unexpected events and personal struggles led the speaker to question his beliefs and values, ultimately leading him to feel disillusioned with the world around him. The death of a close friend, a transformative book, and unresolved conflicts all contributed to the speaker's emotional breakdown, during which he expressed feelings of hopelessness and frustration with societal issues such as government mandates, child protection policies, and cultural norms. The speaker's emotional outburst was a result of the accumulation of these personal and societal stressors, leading him to question his place in the world and express his deep-seated beliefs and morals.

    • Feeling isolated and misunderstoodDespite societal norms and disagreements, finding connection and validation can bring comfort and understanding.

      The speaker feels isolated and misunderstood in a world where they disagree with societal norms and values. They've reached a breaking point, feeling like they no longer belong. The encounter with a man who resembled their deceased best friend, Gabe, in Sedona provided a moment of comfort and validation, but ultimately left them feeling even more perplexed. The speaker's emotional turmoil was triggered by various issues, including political and moral disagreements, and the feeling of being forced to accept agendas against their will. Despite these challenges, the speaker found solace in opening up to their partner and experiencing a sense of connection during their trip.

    • A heightened sense of paranoia and fear led to the speaker's outburst during a vacationParanoia and fear can cause individuals to lose control and lash out at others, even during seemingly enjoyable situations.

      The speaker's behavior during a vacation with friends was influenced by his heightened sense of paranoia and fear, leading him to lose his temper and lash out at those around him. The trigger for this reaction was a conversation about potential escape plans for when America is no longer a superpower. The speaker's friends tried various methods to help him calm down, but nothing seemed to work. The incident took place at a nice restaurant, where the speaker's outburst caused a scene and left those present looking at him as if he were a crazy person. The speaker's emotional state was driven by his feeling of being alone in his opposition to certain agendas, and the incident was a low point for the vacation.

    • Transformative trip leads to discovery of God frequenciesExploring new ideas can lead to personal growth and healing, but external distractions and global tensions can disrupt focus and peace.

      The speaker had a transformative experience during a trip, which involved discovering the concept of God frequencies from a friend. This idea resonated with him, leading him to explore further and consider the potential healing powers of frequencies. However, his focus was disrupted when he encountered controversial news stories on his phone, causing him to feel overwhelmed and anxious. Despite this, he found solace in nature and the company of his friend, ultimately seeking peace and escape through hiking and potentially using a joint for temporary relief. The larger context of global tensions and economic instability also added to his feelings of unease.

    • Preparing for the Future: Protecting Money and Boosting EnergyConsider securing your financial future with precious metals and explore energy-enhancing supplements to improve focus and clarity.

      Despite the uncertainty of the future, it's important to be prepared. Sean, the podcast host, emphasizes the significance of protecting one's money with precious metals, which is why he partners with Goldco. He also shares his personal experience with using HVMN's ketones supplements to boost energy and clarity. In a more personal moment, Sean reflects on a difficult experience and the negative thoughts that came with it. He encourages listeners to reflect on their own values and find ways to deal with challenging situations. Through it all, Sean emphasizes the importance of preparation and taking action to improve one's life. To learn more about protecting your money and trying HVMN's ketones supplement, visit SeanLikesGold.com or HVMN.com/Sean.

    • Encounter with a veteran renews determinationMeetings with inspiring individuals can help us refocus and continue our mission despite adversity

      During a moment of despair and hopelessness, a chance encounter with a veteran helped the speaker refocus and find renewed determination. The speaker was feeling overwhelmed by the darkness in the world and was considering giving up on fighting against corruption and injustice. However, when they met an old veteran guard at a resort gate, the veteran's words of encouragement and recognition of the speaker's efforts helped them refocus and continue their mission. The encounter served as a reminder that even in the face of adversity and despair, it's important to keep pushing forward and not give up on what you believe in.

    • Unexpected wisdom from a veteranEmbrace life's beauty and live in the moment, rather than being consumed by external worries.

      Sometimes, people we encounter in life may surprise us with their wisdom and ability to understand us deeply. During a conversation with a veteran, the speaker was astounded when the veteran seemed to read his thoughts and offered perspective on letting go of concerns beyond personal control. The veteran encouraged enjoying life's simple pleasures, like the natural beauty of California, despite current challenges. This encounter left the speaker feeling relieved and in awe, as if he had received a message from a higher power. Despite their initial skepticism, the speaker realized the importance of embracing life's beauty and living in the moment, rather than being consumed by external worries.

    • Signs from beyond: The universe sends messages through coincidences and synchronicitiesThe universe can send us signs and messages through coincidences and synchronicities, reminding us to appreciate the love and connections we have with the people around us and to make room for spiritual connections in our lives.

      Sometimes, the universe works in mysterious ways to bring us messages and signs from the people we love and from a higher power. In this story, the speaker had multiple encounters with coincidences and signs that led her to believe that her deceased friend, Gabe, was trying to communicate with her from beyond. These signs included meeting a man who looked identical to Gabe, having a conversation about faith and God, and receiving a text from Gabe's daughter that mentioned a feeling of his presence. The speaker was initially skeptical but came to believe that these events were not coincidences, but rather messages from the universe and from Gabe himself. The experience reminded her to make room for spiritual connections in her life and to appreciate the love and connections she had with the people around her.

    • A spiritual turning point during a camping tripDuring a camping trip, the speaker experienced a UAP, which served as a catalyst for their spiritual growth and rejuvenated their faith in the unknown and the divine.

      The speaker's spiritual journey reached a turning point during a camping trip when they experienced three significant events in quick succession. Feeling drawn to return to a vortex energy spot before leaving, they woke up early to hike back and wait for the sunrise. Despite freezing and waiting for hours, nothing seemed to happen. However, just as the sun began to rise, the speaker saw an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) that defied explanation. Though unsure of its significance, the experience left the speaker feeling rejuvenated and filled with a newfound belief in the unknown and the divine. The encounter with the UAP served as a catalyst for the speaker's spiritual growth and reinforced their faith.

    • Unexpected spiritual conversations with colleaguesUnexpected discussions about spiritual topics led the speaker to explore faith and believe in guardian angels after experiencing coincidental occurrences and signs

      The speaker had a series of seemingly coincidental experiences and conversations revolving around spiritual themes, including guardian angels and faith. These experiences began with discovering a potential celestial object in a time-lapse video, which sparked curiosity and led him to explore spiritual topics with team members. The speaker was surprised to find that many of his colleagues were well-versed in the Bible and shared their own experiences and insights. The conversations continued to revolve around spiritual warfare, guardian angels, and the importance of staying on the spiritual path. The speaker also experienced several instances of the number 444, which he came to believe was a sign from his guardian angels. Overall, these experiences led the speaker to a newfound belief in angels and faith.

    • Personal spiritual journey leads to renewed sense of purpose and peaceRegular church attendance, Bible study, and seeking answers bring peace, purpose, and courage to face challenges in life. Commitment to spiritual growth despite challenges.

      A personal spiritual journey can bring about significant changes in a person's life. The speaker shares how attending church regularly and delving deeper into their faith through reading the Bible and seeking answers has given them a renewed sense of purpose, peace, and confidence. They have also learned to treat others better and have found the courage to stand firm in their beliefs. However, they acknowledge the challenges, such as forgiveness, that come with this journey. Despite these challenges, they remain committed to their spiritual growth and look forward to learning more about their faith.

    • Finding meaning through inspiring othersDespite not having a spiritual connection, one can still make a difference by sharing inspiring stories and actions.

      Even if someone doesn't personally experience a spiritual connection or see signs of a higher power, they can still make a positive impact on the world by sharing stories of inspiration and hope. The speaker, despite not believing in spirituality himself, has found meaning and purpose by bringing attention to the struggles and triumphs of others. He encourages those seeking a sign to keep going and not give up, as they may be able to make a difference in the lives of others through their own stories and actions. The speaker's experiences have shown him that even without a direct spiritual connection, he can still spread hope and positivity, and that the actions and stories of individuals can have a profound impact on those around them.

    • Impacting others makes a differenceStaying true to oneself, making a difference in others' lives, and having resilience are important values.

      Impacting others, even if it's overwhelming and uncomfortable for the speaker, is a worthwhile endeavor. The speaker, who is not accustomed to public recognition, was moved by the number of people who shared how his work had influenced them. Despite feeling awkward and unsure of the full impact, he recognized that even reaching one person makes a difference. He also emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and doing what one believes is right, even if it comes with criticism or backlash. Furthermore, having faith and spirituality can provide strength and support during challenging times. The speaker also mentioned the effectiveness of adding a P.S. to job application cover letters to increase the chances of being read. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying true to one's values, making a difference in others' lives, and having resilience in the face of adversity.

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    CBS video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBDeFi-04VM

    NBC video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKJSOHigxhI

    Tariq Khamisa Foundation website: https://www.tkf.org

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    Azim's website: https://www.azimkhamisa.com

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    Attend the May 15th SFN Dads Virtual Conference. Register for FREE at https://www.21stCenturyDads.org.

    About the Special Fathers Network -
    SFN is a dad to dad mentoring program for fathers raising children with special needs. Many of the 400+ SFN Mentor Fathers, who all are raising kids with special needs, have said: "I wish there was something like this when we first received our child's diagnosis. I felt so isolated. There was no one within my family, at work, at church or within my friend group who understood or could relate to what I was going through."

    SFN Mentor Fathers share their experiences with younger dads closer to the beginning of their journey raising a child with the same or similar special needs. The SFN Mentor Fathers do NOT offer legal advice or medical advice, that is what lawyers and doctors do. They simply share their experiences and how they have made the most of a challenging situation.

    Go to: https://www21stCenturyDads.org is you'd like to be a SFN Mentor Father.

    Please support the SFN. Click here to donate: https://21stcenturydads.org/donate/

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