
    Podcast Summary

    • Russia Today: A Paradoxical Platform for JournalistsWorking for a Russian-sponsored news network in the US presents unique challenges, as it offers a platform to report on real issues but raises questions about credibility due to geopolitical tensions between Russia and the US.

      Working for a Russian-sponsored news network in the United States, as Abby Martin experienced, presents unique challenges and complexities. Despite Putin being considered a dictator, Russia Today provided Martin with a platform to report on real issues, creating a paradoxical situation for those trying to decipher the credibility of the network. Martin's experience highlights the intricacies of geopolitics and the ongoing tensions between Russia and the United States, which continue to shape international relations. The Cold War-era mentality persists, but the nature of the conflict has evolved, leaving many questioning the motivations behind the ongoing narrative.

    • Putin's image vs realityBe cautious of Putin's wealth and involvement in assassinations, as facts are uncertain and global politics require nuanced understanding

      The image of Russian President Vladimir Putin as a wealthy and powerful leader may be influenced by propaganda and misinformation. The true extent of Putin's wealth and involvement in political assassinations is uncertain and should be viewed with skepticism. The complexity of global affairs, particularly in countries like Russia, requires a nuanced understanding and a reluctance to pass judgment without sufficient knowledge. The ongoing tensions between the US and Russia, as seen in proxy wars in Ukraine and Syria, highlight the importance of understanding different political dynamics and avoiding simplistic narratives.

    • Russia's Role in US Conflicts: A Look into RT's Coverage of Occupy Wall StreetRT offers a platform for diverse perspectives, but recognizing biases is crucial for accurate information

      The US and Russia are engaging in conflicts through different mediums, with the US supporting opposition in Syria and Russia backing Assad. A speaker in this discussion shared their experience of working for Russia Today (RT), a Russian news organization, during the Occupy Wall Street movement. They described how they became the liaison between RT and the Occupy movement in the US, and how they were offered a show on RT due to the viral success of their videos. The speaker acknowledged RT's bias but saw value in having an international platform to share their perspective and expose the truth about the US government and corporations. They emphasized the importance of recognizing biases and navigating around them, rather than being misinformed by the potentially more insidious biases in corporate media.

    • Media figures and their biasesSkepticism surrounds certain media figures due to perceived biases and lack of transparency, with examples given of Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, and allegations regarding Scarborough's past.

      The discussion revolves around the perceived lack of nuance and objectivity in certain political commentators and media figures, using the examples of Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski. The conversation also touches upon allegations regarding Scarborough's past, including an intern's death in his office and potential connections to powerful political figures. The speakers express skepticism and raise questions about the circumstances surrounding the intern's death, which remains a topic of controversy. The conversation also touches upon the influence of powerful political figures and their connections within the media landscape. Additionally, the discussion highlights the perceived lack of transparency and the potential for biased reporting in corporate media.

    • Instances of official reports raising doubts and suspicionsThorough investigations are crucial to avoid jumping to conclusions and potential consequences of false accusations

      There have been instances where the official reports of deaths, such as those of Lori and Vince Foster, have raised suspicions and doubts due to inconsistencies and missing evidence. These cases, including the anthrax attacks, have led to lengthy investigations and even false accusations. The anthrax attacks, which occurred shortly after 9/11, resulted in widespread fear and hysteria, leading to quick accusations of Islamic terrorism and Saddam Hussein's involvement. However, it was later discovered that the anthrax came from a US bio-weapons lab, and the initial suspect, Stephen Hatfield, was later cleared of any involvement. These cases highlight the importance of thorough investigations and the potential consequences of jumping to conclusions based on incomplete information.

    • The FBI's botched investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacksDespite a lack of solid evidence, the FBI focused on an innocent man named Bruce Ivins, who ultimately took his own life, leaving the case unsolved with lingering suspicions of government involvement or negligence.

      The investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks, which left five people dead and many more sick, was botched from the beginning. The FBI focused on a man named Bruce Ivins, who was a toxicologist and worked with anthrax, despite a lack of solid evidence against him. Ivins ultimately took his own life in a bizarre and painful way, fueling suspicions that he was innocent. Years later, the FBI agent in charge of the case is suing the government for hiding evidence that could have cleared Ivins' name. The case remains unsolved, and some believe the government may be complicit in the attacks or at least negligent in their investigation. The questions surrounding the case, including why the Bush administration was stockpiling an anthrax antibiotic before the attacks and why the letters were sent to those opposing the Patriot Act, remain unanswered.

    • Criticism of a speaker's inappropriate behavior at a live eventThe speaker's mentally ill and socially awkward behavior, filled with offensive jokes and inappropriate language, received harsh criticism during a live event. Journalists' role in honoring politicians was also discussed, with some expressing discomfort over their cozy relationship. Perceptions of a black guest's presence on stage also sparked debate.

      The conversation revolves around the criticism of a speaker's behavior during a live event. The speaker, who is described as mentally ill and socially awkward, delivered a poorly received performance filled with inappropriate jokes and offensive language. The conversation also touches upon the topic of journalists and their role in honoring politicians, with some expressing their discomfort with the cozy relationship between the two. Additionally, there are comments about a black guest appearing on stage and the perception that he was brought up only for diversity reasons. The overall tone of the conversation is critical and judgmental.

    • Power and fame can enable harmful behaviorPower and fame can create an environment where inappropriate actions go unchecked, as seen in cases of Bill Cosby, Jimmy Savile, and Jian Ghomeshi

      Power and fame can create an environment where inappropriate and harmful behavior goes unchecked. The speaker shared an anecdote about Bill Cosby's strange demands and alleged creepy behavior towards employees. Cosby reportedly wanted people to watch him eat and tuck him into bed at night. The speaker also mentioned the allegations of sexual assault against Cosby and how he allegedly sent a rotten apple to a journalist as a response to an interview. The speaker pondered about the enabling culture that existed during Cosby's fame in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, and how things might have been different in today's climate of social media scrutiny. The speaker also brought up other cases of famous individuals, such as Jimmy Savile and Jian Ghomeshi, who were accused of sexual misconduct and were treated with reverence despite their behavior. The speaker's fascination with these cases highlights the importance of addressing and holding individuals accountable for their actions, regardless of their power or fame.

    • Culture of silence around powerful figuresPower and fame can silence those who witness heinous acts, leading to devastating consequences for victims and allowing perpetrators to continue their crimes.

      Power and fame can create a culture of suppression, allowing individuals to commit heinous acts, such as rape and child exploitation, with impunity. This was evident in the cases of Jimmy Savile, Joe Paterno, and Bill Cosby, among others. Despite widespread knowledge of these men's alleged wrongdoings, many people chose to remain silent, allowing the perpetrators to continue their crimes. The reasons for this silence ranged from fear of losing one's job to a sense of awe and reverence for the powerful figures involved. The consequences of this culture of silence can be devastating, both for the victims and for those who failed to act. It's crucial that we speak out against such abuses of power and create an environment where victims feel safe and supported.

    • Politics and Finances Drive the War on MarijuanaDespite marijuana being less harmful than other drugs, political and financial interests fuel the opposition to its legalization.

      The war on drugs, specifically marijuana, is being driven by political and financial interests rather than health concerns. Chris Christie's stance against marijuana legalization is rooted in his belief that it's addictive and harmful, but the discussion revealed that heroin and other illegal drugs are also addictive and potentially harmful. However, these drugs remain illegal while marijuana, which causes no direct fatalities, is becoming legal in many states. The resistance to marijuana legalization comes from pressure groups such as prison guard unions, privatized prisons, and pharmaceutical companies, which benefit financially from keeping people in jail or selling prescription drugs. These groups lobby for policies that keep the status quo, prioritizing profit over individual freedom and health.

    • Capitalism and Ethics: A Complex RelationshipCapitalism drives profit but disregards sustainability and ethics. Ethical capitalism is possible, and consumers hold power to demand it through advocacy and transparency. Identifying ethical companies can be challenging, but it's crucial for individuals to demand change and for companies to prioritize ethical practices.

      While capitalism encourages competition, it doesn't necessarily prioritize sustainability or ethical business practices. The drive for profit can lead to planned obsolescence and disregard for the environment and people. However, ethical capitalism is possible and consumers have the power to demand it by supporting only ethical companies with their dollars. Consumer advocacy and transparency are crucial in making informed decisions. However, with the saturation of information and monopolization of industries, it can be challenging to identify ethical companies. Ultimately, it's important for individuals to demand change and for companies to prioritize ethical business practices.

    • The internet is disrupting traditional monopoliesCorporations and political figures who cling to old ways and unethical practices risk losing relevance as the internet becomes the new portal for information

      The internet is disrupting traditional monopolies in various industries, including cable and news, and people's tolerance for outdated formats and information delivery methods is decreasing. The age of information and transparency is upon us, and corporations and political figures who cling to old ways and unethical practices may find themselves losing relevance. The internet is the new portal for information, and those who fail to adapt risk being left behind. The speaker's personal experience with Rand Paul and the Capitol Media Center illustrates the lengths some establishments will go to maintain their control and access, but ultimately, transparency and accountability will prevail.

    • Manipulation and Control in US PoliticsThe political system in the US is heavily influenced by corporations and the wealthy, with access restricted to those who follow the rules. The two-party system fails to deliver meaningful change, and the presidential election process requires substantial resources, leaving the average citizen with little influence.

      The political system in the United States can be manipulated and controlled by those in power, with access to the political process being restricted to those who play by the rules. Abby Martin, a journalist, experienced this firsthand when she was barred from asking uncomfortable questions during a meeting with political figures, leading to her being charged with undefined offenses. This incident highlights the artificial nature of the political process, which is often more about symbolism and representation than genuine representation of the people's interests. The system is heavily influenced by corporations and the wealthy, and the two-party system has failed to deliver meaningful change for the American people. The presidential election process is a multi-billion dollar spectacle, with substantial financial resources required to even get on the ballot and participate in debates. This leaves the average citizen with little influence over the political process.

    • The influence of money and power in American politicsThe Supreme Court holds significant power, third-party candidates struggle to gain a foothold, and politicians may be influenced by foreign entities and controversial sources

      The political landscape in the United States is heavily influenced by money and power, with the Supreme Court holding significant power and candidates often reliant on the support of major corporations, banks, and even foreign entities. A key example given was the inability of third-party candidates to gain a foothold in presidential debates and the influence of war crimes and imperialistic foreign policies in political decision-making. The speaker expressed concern over the actions of Hillary Clinton, labeling her a war criminal due to her voting record on conflicts in Iraq and Libya, among other factors. The speaker also criticized the Clinton Foundation for accepting funding from controversial sources, including Saudi Arabia, and raised questions about the motivations of politicians like Clinton. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complex and often problematic nature of American politics and the challenges of navigating it while staying true to one's moral compass.

    • US involvement in Yemen's complex geopolitical situationThe US supports Saudi Arabia's bombing of Yemen despite concerns over its questionable record and hypocrisy, raising issues of political bribery and the influence of money in foreign policy.

      The complex geopolitical situation in Yemen involves various players, including Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the involvement of the US. The speaker expresses confusion over why the US is supporting the bombing of Yemen, given that both Saudi Arabia and Iran have questionable records when it comes to funding and supporting rebel groups. The speaker also criticizes the hypocrisy of the US in supporting Saudi Arabia, which is known for its oppressive version of Islam and human rights abuses, while condemning other countries for similar actions. The speaker raises concerns about political bribery and the influence of money in US foreign policy. The conversation also touches on the historical context of the US relationship with Saudi Arabia, particularly in the aftermath of 9/11. Overall, the discussion highlights the complex and nuanced nature of international relations and the need for critical thinking and transparency in US foreign policy.

    • Speaker's frustration with US Cuba policy and criticism of Chris ChristieThe speaker criticizes US policy towards Cuba and expresses disdain for Chris Christie due to his weight and perceived lack of leadership qualities, citing the bridge closure scandal and self-control demands of law enforcement as reasons.

      The speaker expresses frustration with the United States' classification of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism, while North Korea is not. He also shares his disdain for several presidential candidates, particularly Chris Christie, due to his weight and perceived lack of leadership qualities. The speaker also criticizes Christie for blocking the bridge in New Jersey and engaging in scandals. Additionally, the speaker argues that being morbidly obese disqualifies someone from being a presidential candidate, as it shows a lack of respect for one's own health and body. The speaker also expresses skepticism about the qualifications of law enforcement officers to hold their positions due to the demands of self-control required in the job.

    • Policing's Psychological Consequences and Controversial TacticsPolicing can have serious psychological consequences due to extreme situations and power, with some arguing certain traits are sought after. Controversial tactics like no-knock raids and civil asset forfeiture raise concerns about power balance and potential abuse.

      Being a police officer involves dealing with extreme situations and carrying immense power, which can have significant psychological consequences. Some argue that the human body may not be designed for this role, and that certain personality traits, such as sociopathy or a lack of empathy, are purposely sought after for the job. The use of lethal force, even in seemingly justifiable situations, can have serious ramifications. Countries like Iceland and Norway, which have high rates of gun ownership but do not arm their police, offer alternative models for law enforcement. The issue is not limited to traditional police officers, but also extends to agencies like the DEA and their tactics, such as no-knock raids and civil asset forfeiture. These practices have led to incidents of unjustified force and seizure of assets, raising concerns about the balance of power and the potential for abuse.

    • Law enforcement taking cash without justification and incidents of police brutality raise concerns about accountability and transparencyReports of unjustified cash seizures and police brutality have sparked public outrage, highlighting the need for law enforcement reform and transparency.

      There have been numerous reports of law enforcement taking people's cash without justification, leaving individuals to spend thousands on legal fees to get their money back. This issue is particularly prevalgent in the case of people who prefer to keep large sums of cash instead of having a bank account. Meanwhile, incidents of police brutality and excessive force have been caught on camera and sparked public outrage. For instance, a player in the NBA was beaten and arrested by the police hours after being stabbed, and there are conflicting reports about the reason for his arrest. The lack of accountability and transparency in such incidents raises concerns about the role of law enforcement in society and the need for reform. Additionally, a recent Supreme Court ruling in Tennessee has made it mandatory for the state to present cash to individuals before taking it through civil forfeiture, which is a step towards ensuring individual rights and preventing unjust seizure of property.

    • Political Extremes and DiplomacyPolitical extremes and defense industry funding can hinder diplomatic efforts, potentially leading to harmful military interventions.

      The political landscape is influenced by extremes on both sides, with individuals and organizations pushing for agendas that may not align with the greater good or diplomatic efforts. The discussion touched upon the example of Tom Cotton, a politician who gained attention for opposing diplomatic negotiations with Iran and is funded by defense companies. The concern is that such individuals, driven by extreme ideologies, can wield significant power and potentially lead to harmful military interventions. The military-industrial complex also plays a role, as evidenced by their concern over diplomacy potentially impacting weapons sales. It's crucial to be aware of these dynamics and the potential consequences they may have on global affairs.

    • Moral dilemmas and unintended consequences of war and politicsPolitics and war can lead to moral dilemmas, harm innocent people, and result in long-term damage. Even those with noble intentions may contribute to tragedy and disillusionment. The military suicide rate is a sobering statistic, particularly for veterans over 60.

      The complexities of politics and war can lead to moral dilemmas and unintended consequences. The discussion highlighted the actions of various political figures, including Obama, and the use of military force in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It was pointed out that even those who seem noble may end up playing a role in actions that harm innocent people and cause long-term damage. The military suicide rate was also mentioned as a sobering statistic, particularly for veterans over 60. The conversation underscored the idea that war and politics can be a far cry from the heroic ideals many soldiers hold, and can instead result in a sense of disillusionment and tragedy. The speaker expressed a desire to hear more from political figures about their decision-making processes and the true costs of war.

    • The Impact of War on Individuals: Suicide Rates and Controversial PortrayalsWar's complexities and consequences include high suicide rates among military personnel, particularly veterans, and the need for accurate representation and support systems for those affected.

      The discussion revolved around the complexities of war and the impact it has on individuals, specifically the suicide rates among military personnel, particularly veterans. The conversation also touched upon the movie "American Sniper" and the controversy surrounding its portrayal of events and the morality of sniping as a heroic act. The speaker expressed conflicting opinions about Chris Kyle, a real-life sniper and the subject of the movie, and questioned the accuracy of certain aspects presented in the film. The conversation also highlighted the financial struggles veterans face upon retirement and the need for better support systems for them. Overall, the discussion underscored the complexities and consequences of war and the importance of accurate representation and care for those who serve.

    • Military spending leaves veterans neglectedThe military-industrial complex prioritizes profit over people, neglecting veterans and perpetuating a culture of militarism and disregard for their well-being

      The military-industrial complex leaves veterans in dire straits despite the immense funding for military operations. Veterans, many of whom suffer from PTSD and injuries, are often left without adequate support. The staggering amount of money spent on defense and military operations pales in comparison to the resources allocated for veterans' care. This creates a culture of militarism and entitlement, where violence and aggression are normalized, and the well-being of soldiers is overlooked. The systemic issue of empire and exceptionalism contributes to a sense of entitlement and disregard for the faults of those on "our team," perpetuating conflict and war. The business of war thrives on this mentality, with corporations like Halliburton profiting from war and political connections. Ultimately, the military-industrial complex prioritizes profit over people, leaving veterans and the rest of society to bear the consequences.

    • The Business of War: Profit, Power, and PoliticsObama continued business as usual in war despite campaign promises for peace. Interconnected military conflicts and resource extraction fuel the military industrial complex, prioritizing weapons over education and investment in people.

      The business of war is a complex profit machine that is difficult to untangle, and ideals for peace and withdrawal often get overshadowed by the need to secure resources and maintain control. The speaker discusses how Obama, despite campaigning on promises to close Guantanamo Bay and withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, ended up continuing business as usual. The military industrial complex is interconnected with various global conflicts and resource extraction, as seen in the case of cobalt in the Congo. The use of drones and covert warfare in Africa is another example of this intricate web. The machine of war seems to thrive on its own, with a focus on weapons and bombing rather than education and investment in people. The speaker suggests that a more peaceful and stable world could be achieved by prioritizing education and infrastructure over continuous bombing.

    • Understanding Complex Global ConflictsComplex global conflicts have various causes and cannot be attributed to one religion or group. Open dialogue and understanding are essential for finding solutions.

      The complex issues of global conflict and terrorism cannot be simplistically attributed to any one religion or group, and that a more nuanced understanding of the root causes is necessary. The speaker criticizes the reinforcement of divisive identities and nationalistic tendencies through media and the need to promote global consciousness and empathy. They also discuss the importance of examining the core principles of ideologies and the potential dangers of extremist thinking. Despite disagreements and criticisms, open dialogue and understanding are crucial for finding solutions.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Radicalization within IslamLabeling certain practices as 'radical Islam' oversimplifies the issue and overlooks external influences. Dialogue and understanding are crucial for bridging gaps between perspectives. Military intervention in the Middle East can perpetuate hate and suffering, and a more compassionate approach is needed to support self-determination.

      The complex issue of radicalization within Islam and the role of Western intervention in shaping it is a topic that requires thoughtful and nuanced conversation. The speaker argues that labeling certain practices as "radical Islam" may not accurately represent the evolution of religious beliefs and the impact of external forces. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of dialogue and understanding between different perspectives, rather than quick judgments and simplistic labeling. Additionally, the speaker highlights the devastating consequences of military intervention in the Middle East and the long-term effects on the region, including the perpetuation of hate and suffering. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for a more compassionate and non-interventionist approach to supporting the sovereignty and self-determination of Middle Eastern peoples.

    • Freedom and Liberty Come from WithinTrue freedom cannot be granted; it must be achieved internally. Criticizes violence and military intervention, advocates for sustainable economics, and calls for collective effort to address societal challenges

      True freedom and liberty cannot be given or granted by external forces, but must be achieved internally. The speaker criticizes the use of violence and military intervention as a solution to complex issues, likening it to a vicious cycle that leads to state-sanctioned genocide. They also express their disillusionment with unfettered capitalism and its negative consequences, advocating for a shift towards a more sustainable and equitable economic system. The speaker believes we have the intelligence and resources to create innovative solutions to our problems and urges a collective effort to address the challenges facing our society and planet.

    • Exploring a cooperative governance modelEuropean countries' success with cooperative governance models in healthcare and education could inspire improvements in the US, despite challenges and issues.

      A more cooperative and democratic approach to governance, incorporating elements of both capitalism and socialism, could potentially lead to better societal outcomes, particularly in areas like healthcare and education. The speaker argues that European countries have successfully implemented such systems, and that the vilification of socialism is unwarranted. They criticize the current state of healthcare in the US, where people are expected to buy insurance rather than it being a universal right, and point to countries like Cuba as examples of alternative approaches. The speaker also acknowledges the challenges and issues with these systems, but believes that exploring different models and learning from other countries can help us find solutions to the problems we face today.

    • Discussing global arms trade and the Trans-Pacific PartnershipStay informed and engaged in local and global issues, and resist letting divisive labels dictate our actions or values.

      The United States is the largest exporter of arms in the world. This conversation also touched on the importance of open discussions and critical thinking, the need to focus on local issues and change, and the potential dangers of corporate influence in government through trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This deal could give corporations the power to sue governments over laws that impact their profits, effectively bypassing public input and oversight. It's crucial to stay informed and engaged in local and global issues, and not let divisive labels dictate our values or actions.

    • TPP: A Pivotal Moment in Trade HistoryThe TPP, a secretly negotiated trade deal, could lead to job loss, higher healthcare costs, and exportation of American jobs. Despite potential negatives, staying informed and engaged is crucial to effect change.

      The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a controversial trade agreement with far-reaching implications, particularly in the area of intellectual property rights. Critics argue that it could lead to job loss, higher healthcare costs, and the exportation of American jobs. The text of the agreement has been negotiated in secret, fueling concerns about transparency and public input. Supporters, including Hollywood industries, are pushing for its passage. Despite the potential negative impacts, there is a growing consciousness and desire for change. People are encouraged to find like-minded individuals, express their creativity, and engage locally to effect change. The TPP is a reminder of the importance of staying informed and engaged in the political process. It's a call to action for those who feel disempowered by the current system. Ultimately, the TPP represents a pivotal moment in history, with the potential to shape the global economic landscape for generations to come.

    • The Pursuit of a Better Life: Immigration and TransformationPeople seek better opportunities and new beginnings through immigration, driven by desires for happiness and freedom. True happiness comes from deeper sources than material wealth, and peace and understanding between nations is crucial.

      Throughout history, people have sought better opportunities and new beginnings by immigrating to different lands. The desire for a better life, freedom, and happiness has driven people to leave their homelands and establish new communities. The speaker reflects on the radical change America underwent during its founding, and wonders if it's possible for such a transformation to occur again. He believes that true happiness comes from deeper sources than material wealth and that people in poverty can be happier than the rich. The speaker also discusses the potential for another major conflict, this time between the US and Russia, fueled by political agendas and the military-industrial complex. Ultimately, he advocates for peace and understanding between nations.

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    Ep. 863 It’s About to Hit the Fan

    Ep. 863 It’s About to Hit the Fan
    Summary:In this episode I address the scandalous connections between the players in the Uranium One scandal and the recent actions by the Mueller witch-hunt team. This show ties it all together. Don’t miss it. News Picks: Is the DOJ finally closing in on the Clinton Foundation network?   This Jeff Carlson piece is more evidence that something big is going down.   This older piece from John Solomon sums up the Uranium One scandal.   Why isn’t the DOJ focusing on Clinton collusion?    Geraldo and I had a fiery debate over immigration where I asked this one simple question.   Here’s another accomplishment Barack Obama is disingenuously taking credit for.    Why was Rod Rosenstein informed of the Michael Cohen plea deal before the acting attorney general?   John Solomon’s piece points out the odd circumstances surrounding the entire probe into the Trump team.    Is our government spending problem going to become your problem soon?   Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices