
    #690 - Ronda Rousey & Edmond Tarverdyan

    en-usAugust 31, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Different backgrounds, unique connectionPeople from diverse backgrounds can learn from each other and form meaningful relationships.

      The unusual relationship between Edmond and Rhonda, who have very different backgrounds, has evolved over time. At first, Rhonda felt intimidated by Edmond and the Armenian culture, but she came to appreciate their unapologetic masculinity and accessorizing. Edmond, in turn, encouraged Rhonda to take better care of herself and present herself in a more polished way. Their dynamic shows that people from different backgrounds can learn from each other and form meaningful connections. Additionally, Rhonda's experience of growing up speaking Armenian in school and then learning English later highlights the importance of preserving one's cultural identity while also adapting to new environments.

    • Societal Pressure to Conform to Unnatural Beauty StandardsSocietal pressure to conform to unnatural beauty standards can lead to extreme measures like eye surgeries, but focusing on inner beauty can lead to greater happiness and self-acceptance.

      There is a societal pressure, particularly for women, to conform to unnatural beauty standards through cosmetic procedures. This pressure is so pervasive that it can lead to extreme measures, such as eye surgeries that alter one's appearance significantly. This pressure is not limited to women, as men also undergo cosmetic procedures. However, it's important to note that everyone has the right to make decisions about their bodies, but it's crucial to consider the potential consequences, especially on future generations. The pressure to conform to these standards can lead to a distorted perception of beauty and self-worth. Ultimately, embracing one's natural features and focusing on inner beauty can lead to greater happiness and self-acceptance.

    • Focusing solely on appearance doesn't lead to a fulfilling lifeSetting and achieving goals, contributing to society, and prioritizing others' well-being leads to a more meaningful and lasting happiness

      Focusing solely on appearance and being a "do-nothing bitch" may bring temporary happiness, but it doesn't contribute to a fulfilling life or leave a positive impact on society or future generations. Instead, setting and achieving goals, contributing to society, and prioritizing the well-being of others and future generations can lead to a more meaningful and lasting happiness. It's important to remember that happiness is not the sole purpose of life, and it's essential to strive for a balance between personal growth and the betterment of the world around us.

    • Parental influence and high expectationsOur upbringing and parents' high expectations shape us, preparing us for life's challenges and allowing us to excel.

      Our upbringing and the influence of our parents shape us significantly. The speaker shares how his intense mother set high standards for him, making him feel like he was the "black sheep" in the family. However, these high expectations prepared him for high-pressure situations in life, allowing him to excel. The experience of calling fights in Brazil further highlighted the impact of cultural differences and the power of family dynamics. Despite facing challenges, the speaker learned valuable lessons and grew from these experiences. Ultimately, our backgrounds and relationships, particularly with our parents, play a crucial role in shaping who we become.

    • A fighter's emotional victory momentFighters can display unique emotions and control during victory moments, showcasing determination and restraint.

      The moment after a victory in combat sports can be deeply emotional and meaningful for both the fighter and the audience. The speaker recounted an intense experience where a fighter named Edmund responded to his opponent's provocation with restraint before quickly confronting her brother. The speaker was struck by Edmund's control and determination, and the way he took a moment to soak in the victory before moving on. This moment stood out to the speaker as unique, as Edmund's actions and demeanor were unlike anything they had seen before in a combat sports setting. The emotional charge of the moment was heightened by the personal significance of the fighters' history and the recognition of the larger cultural implications of the event.

    • Honesty vs. Dishonesty in SportsStaying true to oneself is crucial in sports, even when faced with adversity. Authenticity builds credibility and strong relationships, while dishonesty damages reputations and harms connections.

      Honesty and professionalism are crucial in any competitive field, including sports. The discussion highlights the contrasting behaviors of two athletes, one who maintains respect and integrity, and another who engages in underhanded tactics. The latter's actions, such as falsely accusing opponents and interfering with their careers, ultimately undermine her credibility and harm relationships. Meanwhile, the former athlete, though perceived as an antagonist, values authenticity and encourages strong reactions from the audience. The speaker acknowledges that the line between love and hate can be blurred, but ultimately, they strive for genuine engagement and impact. The importance of staying true to oneself, even in the face of adversity, is a valuable lesson for all.

    • Recognizing Manipulative BehaviorsRecognize manipulative behaviors, prioritize honesty and integrity, and stand firm despite criticism or negative consequences.

      Sometimes people may try to sabotage or manipulate situations to their advantage, even if it means disrespecting others. This was evident in the story where Misha allegedly tried to interfere with a fight to benefit himself. The speaker felt trapped in the situation and deeply responsible for the kids involved, leading to a great sense of responsibility and disrespect. Despite the challenges, the speaker chose to prioritize honesty and integrity, even if it meant facing criticism or negative consequences. It's important to recognize these manipulative behaviors and stand firm in doing what is right, even if it's not the popular choice.

    • Reality TV's Impact on Human InteractionsReality TV can distort intentions and lead to misunderstandings through selective editing and context manipulation, causing unnecessary conflict and highlighting the complexities of human emotions and interactions.

      Reality TV can be problematic due to selective editing and context manipulation, leading to misunderstandings and unnecessary conflict. The speaker in this conversation expressed frustration over how his words were portrayed on a reality show, feeling that his intentions were misrepresented and his manners questioned. He also discussed the intensity of competition and the reactions of crowds, noting that some people have a hard time being gracious winners. The speaker shared stories of his own family's competitive experiences, highlighting the different ways individuals handle competition and the emotions that come with it. Overall, this conversation underscores the complexities of human emotions and interactions, especially when they are being recorded and broadcast for public consumption.

    • The Pressures of Fame and High-Level CompetitionRonda Rousey's success in handling fame and competition comes from her unwavering belief in her trainer and dedication to executing his instructions, despite challenges.

      The unique pressures and attention that come with fame and high-level competition can be overwhelming for some individuals. Ronda Rousey, for instance, has shown an exceptional ability to handle this lifestyle, but not all athletes are cut out for it. Many aspiring fighters may desire the respect and accolades that come with winning, but they may not be prepared for the constant media obligations, scrutiny, and relentless training required to reach the top. Rousey's success can be attributed to her unwavering belief in her trainer and her dedication to executing his instructions, even when they're presented incorrectly. The earned title of "champ" signifies the respect and recognition that comes with such dedication and perseverance.

    • Communication and preparation between fighter and coachEffective communication and accurate prediction from coaches leads to trust, belief, and improved performance in fighters.

      Effective communication and preparation between a fighter and their coach are crucial for success in the ring. The coach's ability to accurately predict opponents' moves and prepare the fighter accordingly builds trust and belief in their abilities. This was exemplified in the relationship between the speaker and Ronda Rousey, where the coach's insights from hiring top sparring partners during training camp led to Rousey's dominant performances. The unique bond between the two was further strengthened by their shared passion for fighting and long hours spent training together. The coach's impact on Rousey's development was evident in her rapid improvement in striking abilities, setting her apart from other fighters.

    • Rousey's struggle with judo training and her fresh start in MMARousey's success in MMA came from overcoming emotional distress in judo and finding a supportive environment in MMA. Her intense motivation stems from her upbringing and unfulfilled Olympic dream in swimming.

      Ronda Rousey's success in MMA came after overcoming a difficult experience in judo. She was unhappy with the old-school training methods and constant misery, which led to her crying every practice and feeling embarrassed. Her transition to MMA provided a fresh start and an environment where her emotions were accepted, allowing her to thrive and ultimately become a champion. Additionally, Rousey's intense motivation and fire come from her upbringing and the disappointment of not achieving her Olympic dream in swimming. Her unique background and experiences have shaped her into the successful athlete she is today.

    • Growing up as a 'prodigy kid' in JudoEarly intense training and pressure can lead to feelings of being trapped and longing for independence, but these experiences can also fuel determination and resilience.

      Intense training and pressure from a young age can lead to feelings of being out of control and a desire for independence. The interviewee shares her experience of growing up as a "prodigy kid" in Judo, with structured training starting very early on. She felt trapped and longed for autonomy, leading her to run away from home at 18. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, she persisted and eventually gained respect through her wins in international competitions. The experience of being on her own and training without a coach fueled her determination and resilience. However, it's important to note that her decision to leave home and her experiences of being kicked out of gyms were complex and not solely due to her training environment.

    • The unintended consequences of strict rules in athletic trainingStrict rules and control in athletic training can hinder personal growth and autonomy, potentially leading to negative reactions and departure from the sport. Balancing athletic development with personal growth is crucial for young athletes.

      Strict rules and control in athletic training can have unintended consequences, particularly when it comes to the personal lives of young athletes. In the story shared, a Judo athlete recounted her experiences of being forbidden to see a older teammate, leading to a volatile reaction from her coach and eventual departure from the sport. Despite the challenges, the athlete found the determination to rebuild her life and continue pursuing her passion for Judo on her own terms. The incident highlights the importance of balancing athletic development with personal growth and autonomy, especially for young athletes. It also sheds light on the potential risks of overly protective or controlling coaching styles and the need for open communication and mutual respect.

    • The Cost of Old-School Martial Arts TrainingOld-school martial arts training can build mental toughness but may harm athletes' physical and emotional health. Balancing resilience with well-being is crucial, and addressing issues like body image and eating disorders is essential for a holistic approach to training.

      The intense training methods used in old-school martial arts, such as judo and wrestling, can produce mental toughness but also come with negative consequences, particularly when it comes to physical and emotional health. The speaker shared their personal experience of being overtrained and the toll it took on their relationships and self-image. They emphasized the importance of striking a balance between pushing athletes to develop resilience and ensuring their well-being, especially at a professional level. The speaker also highlighted the importance of addressing issues like body image and eating disorders, which can arise from the pressure to perform and conform to certain weight classes. Overall, the discussion underscored the need for a more holistic approach to training that prioritizes both physical and mental health.

    • Motivation and Insecurity Drive Athletes to Use Performance-Enhancing DrugsAthletes may feel pressure to use PEDs due to insecurity and a desire to maintain an edge, despite health risks and potential consequences.

      Motivation and a sense of unfinished business drive athletes, even after achieving great success and wealth. The use of performance-enhancing drugs can stem from an insecurity and desire to maintain an edge, despite the risks and consequences. The increased scrutiny and stricter testing in sports are necessary to ensure fair competition and protect the health of athletes. The athlete's experience of testing, from a young age to the professional level, highlights the evolution of testing procedures and the importance of maintaining integrity in sports.

    • Effects of Performance-Enhancing Drugs on Combat Sports AthletesPerformance-enhancing drugs can lead to drastic physical and mental changes, with women experiencing more pronounced effects due to lower natural testosterone levels. Doping can also result in dependence and a sense of loss upon cessation. Masking doping through IV infusions poses dangers, and rigorous testing is essential for fair competition.

      The use of performance-enhancing drugs in combat sports can lead to significant physical and mental changes. The speakers in the discussion shared their observations of the radical transformation in the appearance and abilities of athletes before and after they stopped using these substances. They noted that women, in particular, experience more pronounced changes due to the small amount of testosterone naturally produced in their bodies. The speakers also emphasized the mental impact of doping, as athletes can develop a dependence on the drugs and experience a sense of loss when they stop using them. The discussion also touched on the dangers of masking doping through methods like IV infusions, and the importance of implementing rigorous testing to ensure fair competition. Overall, the speakers agreed that the use of performance-enhancing drugs undermines the integrity of the sport and puts athletes at risk.

    • Blood doping and IV use in combat sportsNevada State Athletic Commission started testing for EPO recently, blood doping and IV use for weight cutting raise concerns about fairness and athlete health, focus on natural training and weight management for fair competition and athlete safety.

      The use of performance-enhancing drugs like EPO in combat sports, such as MMA and cycling, has been a long-standing issue. The Nevada State Athletic Commission did not start testing for EPO until recently, despite its critical role in endurance sports. Blood doping, which involves removing and then reinjecting a person's blood to enhance performance, was even used for weight cutting in the past. IVs, which can lead to dehydration and other side effects, were also used for rehydration and quick weight gain. However, the use of IVs for weight cutting raises concerns about fairness and athlete health. Boxers, who typically do not cut weight extensively, do not use IVs. The key difference is that MMA involves grappling and potential head impacts, while boxing is primarily a striking sport. The best approach is to focus on natural training and weight management to ensure fair competition and athlete safety.

    • Debates over weight classes and IVs in combat sportsCritics question the extreme weight jumps and IV use for rehydration in combat sports, arguing natural abilities and mental toughness are more important than weight manipulation.

      There are debates around the weight classes in combat sports like boxing, with concerns about significant weight jumps and the use of IVs for rehydration. Critics argue that the differences in weight classes are too extreme and that IVs can hinder performance rather than help. The body's ability to absorb and expel water is a natural process, and the use of IVs might not provide the desired benefits in the short term. Additionally, the focus should be on improving techniques and mental toughness to handle opponents of different sizes rather than relying solely on weight manipulation.

    • Focus on fight-specific training instead of traditional weightliftingFighters prioritize skill work, speed, and conditioning over heavy weightlifting for optimal performance in the ring

      While injury prevention through strength conditioning is important, it's essential for fighters to focus on fight-specific training rather than traditional weightlifting. Fighters like Rhonda Rousey have prioritized skill work, speed, and conditioning to become the fastest and strongest in their weight class. However, it's crucial to remember that fighting is a physical and tactical sport, and knowing the right time and method for conditioning is essential. While some fighters, like Jose Aldo, have undergone extensive strength and conditioning programs, others, like Muhammad Ali, did not engage in heavy weightlifting. Ultimately, a fighter's success depends on their unique approach to training and their ability to adapt to the demands of their sport.

    • The process of weight cutting is essential for peak performance in MMAEffective weight cutting requires discipline, dedication, patience, timing, and a mental focus for optimal performance on fight night.

      The process of weight cutting is a crucial part of a fighter's preparation, providing them with a sense of peak performance and mental focus on fight night. The speaker expresses a desire for fighters to be able to compete at their natural weight, but acknowledges the discipline and dedication required to make weight. During training, patience and timing are essential for effective coaching, allowing the coach to assess a student's potential and provide guidance when the time is right. The speaker's own experience of feeling like a "ninja" in their fight night body underscores the significance of this transformation. Additionally, the mental aspect of competition is highlighted, with hunger and adversity fueling a fighter's determination.

    • Overlooking someone's potentialJudging someone based on their background or perceived abilities can limit your opportunities to discover their true talents and potential.

      Sometimes, underestimating someone based on their background or perceived abilities can lead to missing out on their true potential. The speaker was initially indifferent about meeting an Olympic medalist fighter, but was impressed by her attitude, speed, power, and explosiveness during her amateur fight. He later discovered her judo matches and was amazed by her skills and determination. Despite her success in Judo, he believed she could excel even more in boxing due to its popularity in the US. The speaker also shared his frustration with his ex-boyfriend who neglected him, drawing a parallel between his own experience of overlooking someone's value and the importance of recognizing and investing in people's talents and potential.

    • Mentor's disrespectful behavior disrupts relationshipEffective communication and respect are essential for successful mentor-mentee relationships.

      Disrespectful treatment from a mentor or trainer can lead to a breakdown in the mentor-mentee relationship. In this case, the speaker's trainer refused to hold pads for her during her training, giving various excuses each time. The speaker's persistence and eventual frustration led to a heated exchange, and the speaker felt unwelcome at the gym. Despite the challenges, the speaker eventually returned to the gym to retrieve her gloves and have a conversation with her trainer. The experience served as a reminder that communication and respect are crucial in any mentor-mentee relationship. Additionally, the speaker's financial struggles and the presence of her dog added to the challenges she faced during her training journey.

    • A coach's dedication and trust in an unconventional studentA coach's unwavering support and belief in a student's potential, even in unconventional circumstances, can lead to great success.

      Being a coach requires dedication and trust. The speaker shared a story about a student who was obsessed with the smell of her sweaty clothes and how she made sacrifices to help her student succeed, even when it was unconventional. The student, who was a woman in a male-dominated sport, made mistakes but learned from them. The coach, despite having reservations, believed in her and helped her grow into a great fighter. The relationship between the coach and student was multifaceted, with the coach providing guidance in various aspects of training. The speaker emphasized the importance of having a quality student and the impact of sacrifices and dedication on the coach's reputation and the student's success.

    • Understanding a fighter's unique abilitiesEffective MMA coaching requires personalized training based on a fighter's strengths, weaknesses, and experiences. Identifying unnecessary techniques and focusing on honing essential skills leads to success.

      Effective coaching in MMA requires a deep understanding of an individual fighter's abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. This understanding comes from experience and personal connection with the fighter. For example, Rhonda Rousey's coach discovered her unique boxing style and effectiveness through their shared experiences and progression in fights. He was able to identify what techniques were unnecessary for her to focus on during training camp and instead honed her jab and clinch game. Additionally, having experience in various martial arts and falling in love with boxing allowed him to bring all of his knowledge together to create a successful fighting strategy for Rousey. Overall, personalized coaching and a deep understanding of a fighter's personality and style are crucial for success in MMA.

    • The evolving nature of leg locks in martial artsFocus on your strengths and applicable concepts for effective use in various situations, rather than learning new moves that may not be connected to your dominant areas.

      Grappling, specifically leg locks, is constantly evolving in the world of martial arts. Top-level competitors train with a focus on their strengths and specific skills, but it's essential to understand the risks and timing involved. Leg locks, for instance, can leave a fighter in a disadvantageous position if they don't work out. A successful fighter like Hannah, for example, doesn't spend training camp learning new moves that aren't connected to her dominant areas. Instead, she focuses on concepts that can be applied to various situations. It's crucial to remember that in MMA, there are numerous skills and styles, so it's essential to figure out where to focus and when to use each one effectively to secure a win.

    • Mastering fighting skills: positioning, movement, and techniqueFocus on foundational skills, learn from masters like Floyd Mayweather, read opponents' signs, and plan for long-term goals.

      Mastering various aspects of fighting, such as positioning, movement, and technique, is crucial for success in the ring. It's essential to focus on the foundational skills and learn how they connect before attempting advanced moves. Floyd Mayweather is an excellent example of a fighter who excels at positioning and using the ring to his advantage. Additionally, understanding your opponent's mindset and being aware of subtle signs, such as breathing patterns, can help you execute effective throws and submissions. Lastly, considering your long-term goals and planning for the future is essential, as the intensity and demands of competitive fighting cannot be sustained indefinitely.

    • A fighter's flexible mindsetDespite sacrifices, a fighter stays focused on long-term goals and adapts to circumstances, prioritizing health and wellbeing.

      The speaker in this conversation is a fighter who approaches her career and training with a flexible and organic mindset. She follows her intuition and adapts to circumstances as they come, whether that's in the ring or in her personal life. However, she also recognizes the importance of preparation and training, even if that means making sacrifices in other areas of her life. The speaker's career and personal life intertwine, with each influencing the other. She's currently balancing filming movies with training for fights, but past experiences have taught her the importance of prioritizing her health and wellbeing. Despite the challenges, she remains focused on her long-term goals of retiring undefeated and continuing to develop her skills. The speaker's approach to her career is a testament to her resilience and determination, as she navigates the ups and downs of both her personal and professional life.

    • MMA Fighter Sean O'Malley's Journey with InjuriesMMA fighter Sean O'Malley continued to fight despite injuries, including a recurring ganglion cyst and a damaged knee. He opted to face Alexis Davis instead of Gina Corona, landing a powerful punch that freed his cysted knuckle but broke his thumb.

      MMA fighter, Sean O'Malley, shared his experience of pushing through injuries and fighting despite physical limitations. He described having a ganglion cyst on his knuckle that kept falling off and healing, only to rip off again. Despite this, he continued to fight, even with a damaged knee. When presented with the opportunity to fight Gina Corona, he chose to stay active and take on Alexis Davis instead. During the Davis fight, he landed a powerful overhand right that exploded his knuckle, finally freeing it from the cyst. Unfortunately, he ended up breaking his thumb in the process. Despite having fragile hands, O'Malley prefers this over a weak chin. His determination and resilience show that even with injuries, fighters can still perform at a high level.

    • A fighter's life goes beyond training and fightingFighters face injuries and unexpected setbacks, requiring resilience and adaptability to perform and meet commitments.

      The life of a professional fighter is not just about training and fighting. It involves dealing with various injuries, both major and minor, which can impact their performance and daily life. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience of getting hurt during a commercial shoot before a fight, causing him to be late for other commitments. Despite the challenges, he maintained a positive attitude and appreciated the opportunity to be part of the event. This anecdote highlights the multifaceted nature of a fighter's career and the importance of resilience and adaptability in handling the demands of the profession.

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    Enjoy listening!

    Key Learning Points:

    Becoming a professional footballer and then sustaining a career are completely different things

    For me it wasn't just football, football, football, I always wanted to focus and apply myself correctly in other ways

    I looked to generally challenge management, though not in a negative way.  I was never afraid to ask questions.

    You have to deal with doing everything right, training well, sleeping well, eating properly and then sometimes not feeling right in a game and playing poorly, that’s football.

    On retiring from professional football, you need to put forward your transferable skills and how they're going to translate into the organisation that your hoping to move into.


    Connect with Danny Thomas

    Back Of The Net And Beyond Podcast



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    Key Learning Points:

    • Technical ability, physicality or skill doesn’t define a leisure or performance athlete, it is their attitude and daily behaviours.
    • Whether they are supervised or unsupervised, a performance athlete is somebody that will do what they need to do to be the best they can be.
    • The performance athlete will ask themselves important questions daily such as; “What’s my plan for the week ahead?” “How much sleep do I need?” “What am I going to eat tomorrow?” “What do I need to do?“
    • High performance coaches, continually look at the everyday behaviours of their athletes and don’t overly concern themselves of the athlete’s technical ability. 
    • Coaches will seek to understand the athlete as a person, their personality, preferred environment and habits, to understand where their mindset currently is and what their commitment is to their goals and objectives.

    Connect with Mark Bennett MBE

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